The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The 8-ball

Chapter 13

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My mother is an attractive woman.

Can we leave it at that? There’s nothing wrong with a basic breakdown, and more often then not, simplicity is best served in written form.

What the fuck am I on about now? Well, that right there is a simple question, and for that, I will supply you with my simple answer... I don’t fucking know! Genuinely, the latent ability to formulate thoughts has left the station. My mind has turned to the physical representation of mush the moment my eyes laid on the beauty that is my mother.

Disgusting as that might be, my lower half begs to differ.

And is it really my fault? Yes, I barged into my parent’s bedroom without knocking. So, honestly, it is one hundred percent my fault. But I’d like to argue that in fact, while ignoring the entire setup to this current situation, it is my mother’s fault!

Let me explain.

As a teenager, my needs are quite dull in the grand scheme of things. I’m a simple man with simple urges. And those said urges pull me towards any attractive contenders that happen to catch my eye. Mother or not, it would be an absurdly horrendous fabrication to claim that she’s not attractive. Well, maybe it could be a falsehood since that word would be severely understating things; she’s not just attractive, she’s fucking HOT.

But it ain’t my fault fate fated her in such a pleasing way.

It ain’t my fault; she kept such excellent care of herself by exercising consistently and eating healthy.

It ain’t my fault she left the door unlocked.

And it ain’t my fault the 8-ball landed into my life.

None of this shit is my fucking fault, and I want any readers out there to realize that. I’m not the bad guy here! I’m just your average go who’s being forced in conflicting directions due to the events that are transpiring around me.

And I also have a hot model of a mother.

She’s not an actual model mind you, but FUCK. Looking at her now... She could definitely be one without much considerable effort.

Mom’s creamy skin is practically flawless throughout every inch of her body, my perving eyes couldn’t land on an inch of aging skin. Her legs are toned and smooth, which gets wider as my eyes trail upward towards her bare, childbearing hips. The hourglass figure proves to be potent on her, with her wide hips moving to a slim waist, topped off by her hefty chest that comes with being a mother.

Jesus Christ, her whole form reflects an air of strength that can only come from a confident woman with power such as herself. Not a mother who is blissfully unaware of the changing status quo in her own household.

She must have been changing into different attire since she was bedridden most of the day. And my sudden entry was simply well-timed fate. Ironic, since fate usually works in her favor rather than mine. I can’t begin to count the number of times Mom decided to bust into my room while I was in the middle of an impromptu fap. Hell, it happened not so long ago; but it was even worse then cause she caught me holding her own fucking panties!

This is the start of my good fortune, I can feel it in my shaft. Or that could be the blood of arousal creating a tent in my pants, you can decide the answer to that question for yourself. The curtains in Mom’s bedroom were parted ever so slightly, allowing the glow of the setting sun to cast a single ray of light into her room; it bounced off of her heavenly figure, making her look like an angel on Earth. An angel I wouldn’t mind to touch; I could just wrap my arms around her slim waist and press my erection between her bubbly bottom. It would be delightfully simple for me to squeeze...

“Ryan!” My mother’s voice brought me back to the current situation. Though, one could say that I never left seeing that I was enthralled by Mom’s utter beauty. “Yo... You little creep! What the hell do you think you’re doing young man!”

“Uh, I...”


I had to instinctively duck my head to narrowly avoid a book soring directly towards my noggin. It crashed against a picture frame behind me, causing the picture to stagger and fall from its position on the wall.

Mom clutched her discarded clothes to her chest in an effort to block out her private parts from my perving gaze, as if I haven’t already gotten my eyeful. Her attempts only served to display just how large her breasts are, as those massive tatas seem to dwarf her crumpled up clothing; Mom’s nipples were the only part of her tits that she was successfully able to conceal. And I won’t even begin to describe how hot it was watching her wide toned thighs tightly clench some material to block off my view of her pussy.

“Get out!”

“I’m sorry, I...”

“GET OUT!” She seethed with anger dripping from her voice like venom.

“Okay! I’m sorry! You don’t have to tell me twice!” My mouth blabbered as I stumbled out from her room. Oh wait, she did tell me twice, shit. Now that statement makes me look like a retard! I thought to myself while I closed the door behind me.

But she probably sees me as more of a pervert than a retard. Which, in this situation, is most definitely worse. Shit! I fucked up, god I fucked up BAD! I became way too high with the power I have over my mother, that I completely ignored all the power that I don’t have over her. Goddammit. I can’t walk around like I own the place, or like I own her; as of yet I can’t control her every action, all I can do is manipulate a quarter of the shit she does. And now I’ve built myself a void through which I’m not sure I can get out!

I mean, it’s not like I can just have her forget the last thirty seconds of her...


Shit! Has it been thirty seconds yet? I’m not sure. My internal monologue felt as though I was dissecting her every curve for hours, but in reality, she must have reacted reasonably fast to her son busting into her room while she was naked.

I need to try!

Turning back around, I went for the door handle, hoping beyond hope Mom didn’t lock it during my short hesitation.

Click Click

Well, dam. She locked it during my short hesitation. Who would’ve thunk? Mom must’ve dashed to that door the moment I closed it behind me.

“Mom! I’m sorry! It was an accident I just wanted to talk!”

“You better be in your room,” Mom’s cold voice responded from beyond the door. “Then we can ‘talk.’”

Goddam, that’s foreboding as hell. “Mom?” I called out to no response. And remember that the time is ticking, I brought my hands together and clapped three times, trying my best to make each clap as audible as possible.

And still, no response...

She must’ve left for the bathroom or some other place in her room...

Well, shit, I’m fucked.


“I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand.” A rather large hand rose to scratch a chin. “The queen is more powerful than the king?”

“Yes.” The feminine voice responded.

“Not possible.”

“Well... That’s how it works.”

“Oh, please. In what multiverse?!”

“This multiverse!”

The King’s eyes rolled, being unable to believe what he heard. “Alright then, we’re relocating to another reality. Because this isn’t adding up in any sense of the word!”

“Hmf,” The Queen teethed, “Move wherever you want, the rules of chess are unchanging; a persisting constant that squeezes through both time and space.”

“Nonsense!” His fist slammed on the floating table projected between them. “This game is rubbish beyond definition.” He paused his fumings as a thought passed by him. “Oswald! Napoleon! Here, now!”

“Yes, sir?” Both servants sprang out from nowhere in particular and responded with record swiftness.

“I want you two to branch out to every planet under our command and remove this game... Chess! From the residents’ memories.”

“Will do, sir!”

“God... It makes me feel sick saying it! Chess... Chessss! Chheess... Try it.”

“Chess.” The two servants responded.

“Exactly, a disgusting word! As a matter of fact... You don’t need to know about that game. Remove it from your memories as well!

“Remove what?” One of the servants responded.

“That is precisely what I want to hear! No one should bear the burden of being conscious of this ridiculous excuse for a game.” The King leaned back in his thrown with both arms crossed. “I’m doing them all a favor, anyone who goes through the effort of learning how to play this ballock would be only wasting their time.”

The Queen sighed to herself. “You know, the game is quite fun and is a great time waster.”

“It’s sexist. That’s what it is! In what universe is the queen more powerful than the King!?”

“If anyone is the sexist one in this situation, it would be you.” The Queen stated, “Besides, we don’t even have genders, what is the dilemma?”

“The game sucks, conversation over!” The King switched his attention back over to the two servents he beckoned. “And you men, I expect no one to be able to recall that this game ever existed by the next sunrise!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Yes sir, yes sir, whatever you say...” The Queen waved a wary hand behind her and sent the buoyant table on a path out from between them. “Lawrence! Please, I could do for minted tea at the moment.”

“Sir!” I tiny being materialized from the matter in the air.

The King’s brow raised at his wife’s call. “Lawrence? Tea? That man can create anything but tea.”

“He’s our head chef for a reason.”

“He’s our head chief because his skills in the kitchen are second to none. But you and I both know that when it comes to tea, he can single-handedly annihilate an entire continent due to how unrealistically horrible he is at serving up that specific beverage.”

“Yes, well, he’s not going to gain any practice if you never allow him to try.”

“Nonsense, I am perfectly content with the kid practicing...” He draped his hand over the side of the throne and plucked a grape from its vine, growing between the floor’s tile. “As long as I am not the being whose life is in danger.” He said before plopping the grape into his mouth.

“Well, I’m the one asking for a drink, not you. Besides, his tea couldn’t possibly make me feel worse than I do sitting next to you right now.” She shifted forward. “Anyhow, chop-chop on the tea, please.”

“Yes, my queen!” A small voice piped up.

“Holy stars!” The King exclaimed. “Where did you come from?!”

“She called me,” Lawrence answered.

“I did summon him.” The Queen nodded, causing her pure white hair bounce in place.

“Yes, I was there for that!” He huffed and gestured to the lone chef standing below him. “But how long was he idling there!?”

“A good while, he did overhear our entire conversation regarding his awful tea preparing abilities.”

“Wow... he must’ve been so unbelievably inadequate, that my eyes couldn’t fathom his feeble existence.”

“Or you just weren’t paying attention.”

“Or that.”


“I did overhear your concerns,” Lawrence said once his two leaders finished conversing. “And many thanks for providing me with another chance, I will not let you down. I swear on my name that I will perfect the art of creating the perfect tea!”

“I’m betting fourteen planetoids that he’ll screw it up again.” The King mumbled.


“For the love of all things holy!” The Queen turned to her husband in a look of utter annoyance. “Are you going to answer him!?”

The King, on his part, stared towards his wife with an incredulous look plastered onto his expression before he eventually broke and began to release a drawn-out sigh. “Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Fine!” He turned towards the source of the voice. “What do you want!!”

“Me?” Lawrence asked, “I want to make you the perfect tea, my lord.”

“No, shut up! Not you! Her!” He pointed to the far side of the expansive throne room.

“Me?” The person in question questioned.


“Her?” Lawrence asked again. “But you were looking at me?”

“Yes, because I was...”

“So, you were talking to me?”

“Well, yes, I was, but...

“But I thought you were talking to me?

“I am!”

“You were?”

“Not her?”

“Not me?”





“Where the hell did you hear yes fro- Look, I am going to banish everyone in this room to the pit if ya’ll don’t shut the fuck up!” The King broke the confusion with a cold voice, riddled with anger. “Okay, you in the back.” He gestured to the voice that was requesting his attention. “What’s your name, and what do you want?”

“My name’s Karma, sir.” A feminine voice replied.

“Not ringing any bells.”

“Well, you sent me to communication duty, remember?”

“Um... Sure? Whatever...” He clenched his brow, trying to remember when he exactly did that, only for him to give up and just agree to what his servent was claiming. “What about it?”

Karma sighed and looked down at a sheet of paper in her hands. “I’ve been receiving multiple incoming transmissions from planet Earth.”

“Pffff... Which Earth?” He said through an annoyed sigh. “We own like.... four thousand of them or whatever...”

“We actually only own twenty-seven Earths,” The Queen interjected.

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Well, this transmission is actually reporting from a sector that’s not under your jurisdiction,” Karma added.

“Oh?” The Queen tilted her smooth head. “That is very interesting, dear.”

“Is it?” The King questioned.

“One of our units must’ve apprehended another point for us to secure. Send in the transmission.” She said.

“Parden the interjection, my queen,” Karma spoke up. “But the caller in question is in branch eight.”

“Oh, goddammit!” The Queen’s excited demeanor transitioned instantaneously to that of disappointment upon hearing what her subject said.

“Piss off with that!” The King spat, “Division eight was a mistake! Anyone of our subjects with that disgusting number plastered onto them deserves to starve in a hole!”

“I agree with my husband.” The Queen nodded, “Divison eight has caused much more harm than anything else; I’m quite sure not a single one of them has ever managed to secure a comet, let alone an entire planetoid.”

“Yes, well, this one claims that he’s on track to deliver the earth to you, my king.”

“DOUBT!” The King clenched his fists. “Besides, it’s just an Earth, I already own more than enough of those; most Earth’s are plain as mud. Humans are pathetic; they’re actually useless.”

“Well, too be fair, humans did serve their purpose four thousand years ago. And some Earth’s happen to be more advanced than others, what sector is it?

“I couldn’t ring up the sector, but it’s Earth zero ninety-three if that ring’s any bells.”

The King grunted, “That number means nothing to me...”

“Well,” The Queen shrugged, “It is one of the original hundreds.”

“So what? Earth is Earth, they’re all equally useless. Even more so if I can’t recognize the number. What about Earth 52!? Has anyone made progress on that planet?”

“No, sir...”

“Of course not! Because with all of those superpowered people flying around, it would actually require effort! And I assume the Earth that was infected by demons is also out of our grasp, right?”


“Thought so.” The King stated bluntly, “Tell this division eight guy that if he wan—”

“Wait a minute.” The Queen said. “Didn’t we kill off all the eights? I’m sure we at least sent them into space so we wouldn’t have to deal with their garbage.”

Karma gulped, not enjoying being the person to deliver this news to her superiors. “Apparently, one of them found a planet and is attempting to deliver it to you.”

“Yeah?” The King said with sarcasm oozing out of his voice. “Well, he found a planet that we couldn’t care less about. Block his number, end of the story.”

“I did try that,” Karma said, a bit annoyed herself. “But he kept changing the universal ID. He’s becoming remarkably bothersome...”

“Kill him.” The Queen said halfheartedly.

“What?” The King asked?

“Well, no one here likes anyone from branch eight, right?”

The King shrugged, “Sure.”

“So just... Kill him.”

“I love your enthusiasm for murder, honey,” The King sighed, “But we’d be wasting our troops sending someone out to purge him. And besides, no one would want to—”

“I’ll do it!” Karma half-shouted, then awkwardly lowered her voice. “I mean, I’ll gladly go out to that Earth, he’s been annoying me more than anyone! Have you seen the amount of mail he sent us!” She snapped her fingers, causing a miniature avalanche of neatly folded envelops to collapse onto Lawrence.

“Ah, sorry.” Karma apologized, “I forgot you were even here.”

“Everyone always forgets Lawrence.” The Queen said.

“Who’s Lawrence?” The King asked. While picking up a discarded envelope that floated over to his feet.

Dear Father:

‘’I understand that you may not be too inclined to speak with me, well, I’d wager that you don’t even remember my existence. If you receive this message, however, please reply. Since you are remarkably busy, you probably don’t know; but I’m stationed in dimension 83x at the moment, and I have information that might please you. Moreover, as always, all I ever want is your satisfaction.’’


Incubus #1681.

“Did this guy just call me his fucking father!? Who does this guy think he is!?”

“He thinks he’s...” The Queen stifled a chuckle while looking over her husband’s shoulder. “Incubus #1681.”

“Alright,” The King decided. “Go to Earth whatever and kill this fucker, anyone with an emo-ass name like that deserved to die.”

“Yes, sir!” Karma grinned, finding herself ecstatic that she finally has something to do other than sit in one place and answer calls while sorting through the ridiculous amount of galaxy-wide mail. “Consider him dead.”

“So, Ball... What do you do when yah fuck up?” I’m lying on my back in the emptiness of my bedroom, holding the 8-ball tightly between my palm.


“Nothing? Yeah, haha, I guess that’s what I’m gonna have to do, huh?” Tossing the ball in the air, I catch it inches away from my face. “Unless! There’s some secret trigger I don’t know about?”


“Look man! We’re supposed to be a team! You help me out, and I... Eh... Um... Duhhhh, I totally forgot how you benefit from all this.” Sitting up, I clench the ball to my face and look directly at the imprinted ‘8.’ “Is that it? Are you upset that you’re not receiving any compensation here? Cause we could work something out, you just gotta talk to me!”


“You’re not gonna tell me to... Achem” I paused for a moment to catch my breath. “Shut the fuck up?”

’Oh, shut the fuck up.’’The sound of my own voice protruding from the 8-ball startled me enough to release it onto the floor.

I audibly gasped to a ridiculous effect. “So you can communicate!”

‘Oh, so you can communicate!’ The 8-ball mocked. ‘Talk like an average fucking human for once in your fucking life.’

“Okay, okay, you’re clearly upset. I can tell because you said fuck twice in the same sentence.”

‘Is it obvious!? Your pansy-ass personality is rubbing off on me, and it’s pissing me off.’

“Wow,” I place the ball down after beginning to feel a slight heat boil up from its center. “Clearly, neither of us are in high spirits at the moment. Maybe we could both relate to the fact we...”

‘Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you?’ The sound of my own voice insulting me shot a shiver through my spine. ‘You’re in no position to be upset! Everything is rolling straight for you. Both of your parents work their asses off to keep a roof on the house! Your mother loves you and only pushes you because she wants what best for her kids. Even deep down, your little sister genuinely cares about you in her own sibling way. I would’ve even needed to be mentally linked to them to figure that shit out; if you never bumped into me, your life would have been perfectly fine in the grand scheme of things.’


‘But even with everything, I gave you! You still find some way to whine and complain! Maybe! Just maybe it’s you that’s the problem! You ever thought of knocking!? You could have knocked on the fucking door instead of barging in like you own the place!’

“You done ranting?”

‘And you’re such a fucking idiot!’ It continued, ‘It never occurred to you that...’

“Ohh! I know exactly what you’re going to say!” I stated, interrupting its rant. “And I did try that mindwipe trigger, it didn’t work!”

‘You are actually retarded, it did work you fucking fool! Why wouldn’t it?’


‘Come on, it’s been fifteen minutes! If it didn’t work for some fucking reason, your mother would have confronted you by now!’

“Holy shit, you’re right!” I glanced up towards my desk to spot-check the time, realizing that it has been a fair bit since my confrontation with Mom. She usually would have already assigned me my punishment that I would be stuck with for the next coming weeks. Especially something as big as breaking into her room and spotting her ass naked! There would be no end in sight for me. “So you’re saying... It did make her forget, and she became quiet because... In her mind, that whole situation never even happened!”

‘The fact I needed to explain that to you is what disappoints me.’ The 8-ball responded blankly.

“Yeah yeah!” I jumped up to my feet with newfound energy restoring me to my fully perverted form. “Thanks for the help! Ima go back to my original plan, bye!” I called out behind me as I dashed out towards my parents’ bedroom.

‘Yeah, shut the fuck up...’ The 8-ball mumbled to itself. ’I’m trying my hardest, and this is the shit I have to work with...’ The low hum of a phone could be heard resonating from the ball’s interior shell.


Knock Knock Knock

I called out with hesitance as my fist collided with the hardwood door.

“Yes?” Responded the voice of my mother. “You can come in.”

I opened the door to spot Mom in her signature reading chair in the back corner of the room, her hair was tied up in a bun, and she had on a cute pair of reading glasses even though she definitely didn’t need them. The dark sweater she was wearing contrasted nicely with her blond hair and creamlike skin. I guess even with the hot weather out, she can have on a shirt in the air-conditioned house.

“What’s the matter, dear? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I... Um... I was just curious about...” About what? Shit, I forgot! My memory’s more unreliable than my boner is during a family outing to the beach, how am I supposed to enjoy myself with everyone splashing around half-naked in the flaring sun!

“About what?” Mom tilted her glasses down ever so slightly to gaze directly at me, she looked extremely professional with that combined with her bunned up hair and dark sweater. Are we going to some parent-teacher meetings that I was not made aware of?

“What we’re having for dinner!” I blurted out after my brain finally caught up with the situation.

“Oh,” She glanced up to the clock situated above the doorframe. “Is it that time? Well, you can rummage something out of the pantry. I’m in no mood to cook today.”

“Okay, sure. So can we order something?”

“Not happening, you’ve been overeating junk food way too much. Just warm up some soup or something.”

“Or... We could,” Fuck it, why dance around the bush? “Mom, can you order some donuts and ice cream? Cause I’m tired from cutting all that grass, and I just want to relax with some treats.”

Mom’s plush red lips parted to no doubt chastise me for asking her to fuel my ridiculous craving. But she halted right before any words could be let out, and she repeatedly blinked for a few seconds. “Sure, sweety, I guess you do deserve a reward for your hard work out there. But can you be more specific on what type of ice cream you want?”

I left my parents’ room with a smile, sure I had a short stumble, but I ended up on top in the end. Now with my champion’s meal on the way, I’m going to relax in front of the Tv and wait for...

“Mia! what the shit!” I almost choked on my tongue as I passed the kitchen on my journey to the family room.

“You’re ready!? Let’s go let’s go let’s go!” Mia bounced with proverbial glee as she continued to sway her ass in my general direction, forcing my eyes to lustfully stare at her pink panties clutched between her ass cheeks.

Shit, I genuinely forgot about that whole thing with Mia, and what a fucking mistake that would have been. She looks so cute, innocent, and fucking hot! Basically, the complete opposite of her usual self! Well, no, that’s false; even in her usual bitchy self, she’s still jaw-dropping hot. But it’s the way she’s so cheerfully oblivious. It’s so cock-stirringly hot!

I was too aroused to realize that I could have severely screwed up if Mom decided to go out to the kitchen while I was waiting in my room for a punishment that wasn’t going to come.

Looking at Mia right now, my priorities are a bit obvious. She’s so vulnerable, so easy to touch. Her ass swaying left and right, in the air, granting me a free view of her shape and form. She knows I’m staring, or maybe she doesn’t, maybe she genuinely thinks I’m here to help here; well, right now, I’m here to help myself.

I walked closer to Mia, staring at her ass the whole time. Left-right left-right. She jutted her stuff in my direction as she leaned forward. I got down to one knee and stared directly at her butt, letting it envelop my entire vision. I studied the shape and texture of her bright pink panties, studying the way its seams clutch the beautiful rump beneath it. Moving ever so slightly closer, I could smell Mia’s scent, her arousal? Or was that mine? I could see the sparse imperfections in her skin, and feel the light contact of tiny hairs against my nose. Moving even closer, I brushed and breathed in Mia’s warm scent as she gyrated her hips in a set motion.

My lust must have gotten the best of me since I found myself etched a bit too close since her swaying ass collided abruptly against my face.

“Shit, my bad.” I stumbled back, “Got a little too close there...”

“W... What the hell were you doing!? Eww, Eww, Ewww!”

“Wait, what?”

“Ommigod ommigod!” Mia shrieked redfaced, any trace of her previously cheerful personality completely ridden.

Shit, I got too fucking close! She’s prone to snap out of that trance if I touch her in any manner that she wouldn’t allow in her usual state, and I guess brushing my face against her ass is something she wouldn’t ordinarily want me to do.

“I... Eh... Uh...” I was quick to my feet as my mind raced for an appropriate response... “What were you doing!?”

Her eyes narrowed in spiteful suspicion. “I don’t know... But you were too close! Way too fucking close, you gross pervert!”

“You were showing me your ass!”

Mia’s already red face turned a tone darker, showing a flash of embarrassment. “N.. No, I wasn’t! God, you wish, don’t you?”

“Yes, you were! I was just walking by, minding my own business, and I look over and see my sister showing off her buttocks.”

“Then why were you face-first in... How did you get so fucking close!”

“Well,” I started. “Life is full of mysteries.”


“Oh, no, no, no! Come on, Mia, don’t do me like that!”

Mom came to the kitchen with relative quickness to tell me off in a way I have grown quite accustomed too.

“What’s the matter Mia?”

She did me dirty, oh ho ho, Mia did me dirty. What’s that the 8-ball said? Mia cares about me, in the deep down void she has for a heart? That’s a big doubt! I call bullshit! She threw me under the bus with the first opportunity fate handed her. Sure, I did 100% deserve it, but that doesn’t change the fact that she fucked me, she fucked me knowing good well that I’d be fucked. And this isn’t the spicy type of fuck btw.

“Ryan,” Mom entered my room and closed the bedroom door behind her. “What you did to your sister was...”

“I know, I know... Unacceptable and...”

“Let me finish!” Her voice oozed with cold authority. “Both of you are adults, you’re eight-teen. But that doesn’t give you permission to do whatever you want, especially since you’re living in my house!”

“Yes, I...”

“Interrupt me again, and you will be in even more trouble, young man.”


“I want to be able to treat you like an adult, but clearly, I can’t. If you are unable to follow the rules your father and I have in place, then I’m going to have to put my foot down.”

I lowered my head as Mom continued to chide me.

“Son, I love you, but you’ve done something entirely distasteful. And all actions, good or bad, have consequences. What you did to your sister was inappropriate, and I will not have that happening in this house again, do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good, now here’s what’s going to happen. I don’t want to see you on the computer, so I will be confiscating your monitor. If you need to get online for school, you can use my laptop, alright?” She cocked her head and placed a hand on her hip as if daring me to refuse her assertions.

“Yes, Mom,” I mumbled.

“Adding to that, no more television, entertainment, or phonecalls. And don’t you dare ask to use the car or for money. From this moment on, I want you focusing on your studies and finding a job. This might not be fun for you, but it will help you in the long run. I want what’s best for you, Ryan; hopefully, this punishment can end up being a good thing.”

Holy shit! All this because I accidentally bumped my face into Mia’s butt!? For fuck’s sake! What if Mia was lying? Mom just blindly believed her! Sure, Mia wasn’t lying, and I did basically sexually assault her. But still, Mom, take a fucking chill pill! And maybe try to find more evidence before throwing one of your kids down the shit hole.

“Did you hear me?” Mom’s voice snapped me out of my internal rage.

“Yes, Mom,” I responded with my face low. “I really am sorry...”

“Well,” Her voice softened. “That’s a good thing, and I believe you are. But, you deserve to punished for what you’ve done. So every day, after school, you’re going to come straight home and go right into your room.”

“Understood. I deserved to be punished, and I know what’s best, so... I mean, you know what’s best!” I stuttered, my words fumbling around in my nervous head. “I’ll just be quiet now...” I looked out the window, hoping to find anything interesting to distract me from my current predicament.

“You’re... Y... .... You’re right.”

“Huh?” Mom’s response dragged my attention away from the window.

“You did something, terrible young man! I will not let that slide.” She moved closer to me and stood over my sitting position on the bed. “Now tell me, right now, how should I punish you?”


Mom brought both hands to her hips as she towered over my lowered position, the light from the window cast a shadow over her form, causing her to look that much more intimidating.

“I’m not going to ask you again,” She leaned forward to eye me face to face, revealing a profound amount of cleavage in the process. “What would get it through your thick skull and make you stop being such a bad boy?”

“Um, Mom?” I struggled to avoid looking away from her eyes, even though the dark void between her massive tits are tempting me like a magnetic lure. “What are you on about, you already gave me my punishment.”

“Oh, you would want that, wouldn’t you? Being grounded wouldn’t be enough to have you learn.” She tilted her head. “And if you don’t want to tell me what you hate, I’ll have to treat you like a bad baby until you finally learn.”


“Stand up and lock the door.” Mom backed away, removing my window down her blouse but still showing a tasty amount of cleavage.

I obeyed like a zombie, my brain not understanding what’s going on. This is a whole one-eighty, is the 8-ball responsible!? Is it so mad at me that it changed my Mom’s mind mid punishment!? What is she going to do to me that justifies locking the door? She’s actively against us locking doors in this house.

After I locked the door, I turned around to spot Mom sitting on my bed, fumbling with the buttons on her blouse, revealing more of her gigantic breasts. After undoing the buttons, she pulled the top over her head and tossed it aside. Reaching back, she expertly undid her bra in seconds, revealing to me in all their glory her massive tits that I’d only ever fantasized of seeing. Her melons bounced in what could only be described as heavily freedom as they were released from Mom’s large bra.

My mouth dropped, and I could’ve sworn drool began to pour from my mouth.

“Sit.” She instructed in her authoritative voice that was ultimately undermined by her exposed body.

Like hell, I’d refuse! I sat on the bed next to Mom and was almost instantly forced forward. She placed a hand on the back of my head and dragged me to her chest, and I had no resistance in myself as my face was smothered by tit.

The warm feeling of her breasts on either side of me was the perfect blend of relaxing and arousing, my now erect member is pressing hard into her as she keeps me close.

“You’ve been a bad boy!” She chides, “A naughty boy!” She pulls my face out, allowing me a breath of air. “Now taste this until you learn your lesson.” Leading my head to her left breast, I opened my mouth hungrily to engulf her nipple. Without being told, I sucked and sucked like a baby who’s latching onto its mother for the first time in forever. My tongue danced out and rubbed around her erect nipple, flicking her nub and circling around it, as I gathered the taste of her breast. My arousal blinded me from the moment, and I reached for her other tit, gripping some of her tit-flesh in my palm while the rest was overwhelmed by the sheer mass breast.

“Oahh Ahh!” Mom breathed out in arousal, “Don’t be bad! Or I will punish you more. Ahh!” She squeaked as I pinched her nipple with force.

She doesn’t care? She doesn’t care! Hell yeah! I jumped on her with my mouth never unlatching from her massive breast. Pushing her down onto the bed, I raped her tits with my mouth, sucking on her nipple with force; I pulled my face back, causing a loud plop. But before giving Mom a chance to moan, I launched to her other breast and gripped her squishy tit with both hands, dragging my tongue all around her tit, letting the flavor of her breast sink into my breast. I licked her boob, dragging my tongue along the top of her chest, then sinking my tongue on the underside of her gigantic mound; pulling back for a split second, I pecked her erect nipple, letting the nub slide right into my mouth. Then I kissed her nippled hard, multiple times, each kiss with varying force.

Oh god, this is a trigger, this is a fucking trigger! I was about to move from her tit to Mom’s lush have and moaning mouth when a thought hit the back of my head. I need to stop, I can’t risk breaking the trigger like I did to Mia before!

With the force of a thousand suns, I pulled away from Mom, a long string of saliva connecting us for a few moments before gravity took over and dropped the spit onto her chest.

“You... You.. Learned?” Mom asked through aroused pants, slowly leaning up from the bed and eyeing me with curiosity.

“Yes.. Yes, I did.”

“Good.” She nodded, then immediately froze in place. “Sub-Trigger, whenever Ryan deserves to be punished, and he claims that he knows what the best punishment would be, I will demand that he tells me what the best punishment for him is. I will then do whatever he claims will teach him a lesson; if he refuses to tell me what punishment he deserves, I will force him into doing a random sexual act with me and treat him like a child for being bad. Afterward, I will retract any punishment he previously had and forgive him for what he did.”

Oh shit! I knew it! I found a random trigger without ever coming across the card for it! I didn’t even know that was possible! Wait, and she said she’d retract any punishment, so that would mean...

“Okay honey,” Mom slowly rose to her feet, her massive breasts bounced against her chest and reflected in the dim light right the window through my saliva coating her chest. “I think that was enough of a punishment for you. Hopefully, you learned your lesson, so you’re no longer grounded in any way. But if you do something bad again, we’re going to have to redo this session, so don’t get cocky young man.” I think that statement doesnt hold as much weight to it as she believes it does.

“Yes, Mom, thank you, I learned my lesson.” I lied through my teeth.

Mom smiled and kissed me on the cheek, “No worries, sweety, I love you, and I did this because I don’t want you to mess up again.”

“I love you too, Mom.” Which wasn’t a lie, who couldn’t love a woman with tits like hers!?

“Hey, Mia?”

“What?” Mia responded from the couch with an annoying flair.

“Can I use the Tv for a bit?” I asked. “There’s a new superhero series airing, and I really wanna see the premier.”

“What’s it called,” She picked up the remote. “I’ll record it for you.”

“What? No, no, no, I want to watch it live with some of my mates.”

“Yeah, like you actually have friends.”

“Come on, Mia, I thought we were like... Getting closer or whatever...” I pleaded.

“Close, you were way too fucking close a few hours ago!” She leaned up a turned towards me; her loose T-shirt slipped slightly down her side, revealing her bra strap. “I’ve been doing homework for the past three hours, I deserve a forty-minute break. But I’ll record whatever it is you want to watch... Or you could ask Mom and Dad to use their Tv, oh wait! They’re using it right now! Oh, well.”

“Well, I didn’t want to pull the mom card, but you left me no choice...”

“Please... You just got in trouble, she’d probably just ground you some more.” She rolled her eyes, “Go ahead, call her! She told me I can watch cause I had a feeling you’d pull a stunt like this. Actually, no, I’ll call her. Mooooooom!”

“What is it?” Came Mom’s response after a few moments of her walking through the halls. “Your father and I are in the middle of a movie.”

“Ryan’s trying to steal the television even though you said I could watch.”

“Ryan.” Mom sighed, “I did tell your sister she could watch. She has spent most of the day studying, so she gets to have this. What about you? Have you finished your homework? You must have a lot, especially since you skipped so many days.”

“No, but Mom I—”

“Then go to your room, and don’t talk back, I’m not in the mood for your lip right now.” She turned to leave. “When you are finished with your homework, then you can watch the telly.”

“But Mommmyy! I want to use the Tv noww!” I annoyingly groan. I planned to heat her to the point where she would punish me again so I could try out that trigger; I want to see the extent of what she will or will not due while under its effects. But her response wasn’t what I expected.

“Oh,” Mom froze, her stride stopped in place right before she was about to leave the family room. “Well... Okay, dear.” She turned to address Mia. “Mia, let your brother use the television. You can have your turn when he’s done.”

“OmmiGawd WHAT!?” Mia practically shouted. “You’re joking, right, Mom? Isn’t he in trouble or something? He shouldn’t be allowed to use the Tv at all! Remember what he did!?”

“Do I look like I’m joking?” Mom cocked her head and placed both arms on her hips. “And I did punch him, which I believe I don’t have to describe the specifics to you? I get the final say on who can and cannot use the Tv, and I’m telling you to get off young lady.

“Mom... You.. you just said I could use the Tv!? Mom, I’ve been working all day!”

“Yes, and now I’m telling you to give the remote to your brother. Besides, you’ve been working for three hours, that’s not ‘all day,’ I work longer than that!”

“M... Mom... You keep agreeing with him, it’s like he’s controlling you or something... Do you hear yourself?” Mia let out a last desperate attempt to grasp at any form of reason.

“Don’t be ridiculous! No one’s controlling me. All of my actions are my own.” Mom flicked away a strand of hair from her vision and looked at her daughter with exasperation. “Do you hear yourself?! Don’t talk back to me, young lady! Now go to your room now!”

“Yes, mommy,” Mia responded in an oddly deadpan voice as she stood up off the couch and began walking out from the room.

Um... Okay, what? Eh... What just happened?

“Passive-Trigger,” Mom said, her entire body limp in a hypnotic trance. “Whenever Ryan and Mia are in an argument, I will always side with Ryan the moment I hear him refer to me as ‘mommy.’ Additionally, I will be more prone to call Mia ‘young lady’ whenever my children are arguing.”

“OAAHHH! That’s why! I only did that as a joke!”

“Passive-Trigger,” Mia’s voice spoke up in the same zombie-like voice, which caused me to jump. “Whenever Mom calls me ‘young lady,’ I will immediately do whatever she says without question or resistance because mommy is always looking out for me and would never tell me to do anything that wasn’t in my best interests.

I’m standing in the middle of the family room, with the Tv blabbing on in the background with whatever show Mia was watching. Two very attractive women are standing in zombie-like traces, staring off into the blissful nothingness of space. This... is hot...

And here I just wanted to watch Tv!

In an instant, they both snap out of their trances simultaneously and continue on as if nothing was amiss. I’m still in partial shock while I sit down on the couch and rethink what just transpired.

Mom, on her part, watched Mia walk up to her room with both hands on her hips in an authoritative stance. Once she heard Mia’s bedroom door shut, she nodded to herself and began walking out herself. “Enjoy your show, dear.” She called out behind her as she walked out.

My eyes were glued to her hips as she swayed, and as I stared at her ass, I realized that I can’t make out the outline of any underwear below of her tight tights. I wonder if she’s still braless.

“Hey, Mom!”

“Yes?” She paused and craned her head back.

“Thanks, I love you.”

“Oh sweety,” She smiled and walked towards me. Oh! And yes, she is still very much braless. Her free breasts bounce wildly with each froward step as her form gets closer and closer to me. “I love you too!” she said before planting a wet kiss on my cheek, ignoring my massive erection straining against my pants.

God, I love the feeling of her plush lips against my skin.

That one passive trigger gives me so much more power... All I need to do is start an argument with Mia... Call Mom over, and she will defend me to her grave no matter the argument! I could legitimately get anything from Mom as long as Mia and I are fighting. That sucks cause I wanted to get on Mia’s good side, but I can deal with that another time.

And Mia will do whatever Mom says if she gets called young lady!? I just gained a massive amount of control Mom... And Mom just gained a massive amount of control over Mia, like she even needed it...


This is getting good!

Who knew watching Tv would be so rewarding?