The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Earth Girls Aren’t So Easy

Chapter Eleven: A Desperate Plan, Part Two!

Night came much earlier than either of them had expected, or wanted. They both refused to turn on the lights, reasoning that doing so meant acknowledging that their last day on Earth had officially come to a quiet end. Instead, they huddled in the gathering darkness, their heads buried in each other’s necks, breathing softly, not moving. Neither dared to look at the clock, or at the iridescent bracelet wrapped around Nicole’s wrist.

“I want to stay right here forever,” Nicole finally said, breaking a silence that stretched back an uncomfortable length of time. “I wish we could.”

“There’s still time to back out,” Paul offered.

“I know, and I know you don’t mean that. And to be honest, I don’t mean it either.”

“Hmm?” He lifted his head, only for her to pull it down again. Her skin was soft and warm. She was shaking, if only a little.

“I don’t really want to stay here forever. Hiding in the dark. I want Jenny to show up so we can get this show on the fucking road.” She shifted her posture, then adjusted until she was back to nestling against Paul’s body. “Sorry, I get antsy. You’re gonna have to get used to that.”

He chuckled, squeezing her between his arms. She squirmed again, then sighed as she sank into him. A minute passed, then two, then more. It was nearly dark out now, the last bits of twilight casting the faintest of shadows above Nicole’s dresser.

“I love you,” he said.

“You need to say that more often. It makes me all melty inside.”

“I love you.” This time, he got a kiss for his efforts. “Jesus, I just thought of something.” Paul bit his lip, knowing that what he was about to say wasn’t going to help matters any. No use making Nicole even more nervous than- “I just… we don’t know everything about them, right? What if there’s more than two aliens? They could have an entire army inside their UFO.”

To his surprise, she appeared unfazed. “Swiss cheese memory or not, I’m pretty sure I’d remember seeing more than two of those little creeps. And it’s so tiny in there. Inside the spaceship, I mean. There’s, like, one little room inside. Oh! And, they wouldn’t be sending us out to do their dirty work if they had alien backup, right? If that were the case, then right now there’d be ugly little shits with rayguns all over town hypnotizing every hot girl in sight.“

“True… I wish I shared your confidence.”

“I’m lucky. I have a Paul that’s gonna look after me and keep me safe. I can afford to be confident.” She smiled. Weakly, earnestly, until he returned the gesture. “He’s gonna keep you safe, too. And this is going to work, because we really do know all about them and they absolutely don’t know anything about us. Also, Paul?”


“Do you think it’s too late for us to transfer to URI? Providence College, maybe? Someplace with a shoreline and fewer mind-controlling aliens? Trust me, they’d never come within fifty miles of Pawtuck—”

Her planning of their mutual futures was interrupted by the dreaded knock on the door. One, two, three, then silence, a rhythm Paul was by now painfully familiar with. It was as if the aliens had brainwashed all of their slaves to be extremely polite.

Nicole rose on unsteady legs. “Hide. She can’t see you here. She might tell them about you.”

“I love you, Nicole.” Paul hunkered down behind the bed. “I mean it. I won’t let them take you, I swear.”

“I know. I love you, too. So fucking much.”

Then she was at the door, trying her best to sound normal. “Hey, Jenny! What’s up! Long time, no see!”

“You will serve and obey the Kzzrk Empire.” Jenny, lost in her programming, had no concept of small talk. “You will do as I command.”

Nicole’s bracelet began to glow that familiar, eerily alien color. “Jen, l-listen to me, y-you’re under mind… under mind, um…”

“You will do as I command. We will serve and obey the Kzzrk Empire.”

The room began to spin, except for Jenny, who remained fixed in place in front of her. “Our brace… our bray… have to take… off… Jen, you’re hypno… tized…”

“Serve and obey, Nicole. We will serve and obey.”

“N… uhnnn…”

Her head, which had begun to wobble from side to side, now collapsed to her chest. It remained there for only a moment before it snapped back up. She gasped. Her eyes, formerly pleading, were cold and empty. Her lips pulled back as she spoke.

“Yes. I serve and obey the Kzzrk Empire.”

“You will follow me to the old farm gate.”

“Yes. I will follow you to the old farm gate.”

“We must obey.”

“We will obey.”

Paul, trying and failing to stay calm, shut his eyes and counted to one hundred.

* * *

From her second-floor window, Simone admired the thin crescent moon and the few stars bright enough to be seen over the streetlights. Little red ones, orange ones, white ones, and the moon itself. She found herself wishing that she’d bothered to pay attention in science class. Maybe even braved the nerds in the Astronomy Club, just to go to one of their night sky classes, so she could actually point out the stars to people and not sound like a total dumbass about it. The astronomy nerds weren’t all monsters.

I mean, there’s Khan. Khan was passably cute when he didn’t bother to take care of himself, which was most of the time. Dressed-to-kill Khan was a hot piece of ass, to the point where Simone had more than once taken a detour across campus to ‘accidentally’ bump into him outside of Polaris Hall. If he had a little more confidence, sure… but what girl couldn’t inspire that in her man? Next night sky class, I’m going. Chat him up, a little charm, a little rizz… fuck it, I can ask him out, it’s the 21st century and-

Her eyes caught movement below. A figure, dressed in a dark hoodie and dark jeans, was cutting through the yard. They were much closer to the house than any normal person should be at this time of night. She palmed her phone, but hesitated to use it. Sometimes, the interlopers were just in a hurry and had no sense of personal space, or common sense. They cut a corner or two and then they kept going. The rest of the time…

She squinted. Khan and his binoculars would have been very, very welcome in Gamma House on this night. Below, the dark figure pivoted and began to approach the house directly.

Her heart skipped a beat. So it’s another fucking creeper. The third one of the semester? Fourth? Why anyone would think they could get away with peeking through windows of a sorority house like it was the fucking 1980s was anyone’s guess, but the Kenneyville PD was always more than happy to help them to see the error of their ways. This creeper was holding something in his hands, probably a camera, which made the whole thing more gross. She dialed 911 as the figure ducked around a corner and disappeared from her sight.

“Well, Dickless McGee, you’re about to get your ass expelled from school. Hope it was fucking worth it.”

From the floor below came a shout, then another. More shouting followed.

“Hello 911, can I get your name please?”

“Simone Roberts.” The shouting below grew louder. Someone nearby was saying the same thing over and over, but each time the girl said it, someone else would talk over her, obscuring the word so that Simone couldn’t quite make it out. Heavy footsteps filled the hallway. More shouted words followed.

“Your emergency, please?”

Fire! There’s a fucking fire, out! Get out! Come on! All y’all, there’s a fire!.

“Your emergency, please.”

“Yeah, um, I’m calling from the Gamma Tau sorority house? You need to send the fire department and the fucking police here, right now! Some asshole just tried to burn our house down!”

The operator asked her if she was safe at the exact same moment that the fire sprinklers burst to life.

* * *

Nicole and Jenny obeyed.

They marched in lockstep, staring straight ahead. Their minds were empty. They were instruments. They were foot soldiers of the Kzzrk Empire. Each girl cradled an X77 in her soft, manicured hands. Hear, and obey. Serve, and obey.

“Smoke.” Jenny slowed, but did not stop. She raised her X77 to chest level. “Nicole. Tell me if you smell smoke.”

“Yes, Jenny.” As Nicole spoke, a grayish-black plume blew in with the wind, enveloping them. But the programming that caged her mind did not allow her to recognize the obviousness of their situation.

“I smell smoke,” she reported. She coughed out the last word.

Jenny, also coughing now, did not respond.

* * *

Paul wasn’t the type of person to describe himself as sedentary. Nonetheless, he found himself very winded after a marathon sprint away from Gamma House. He pushed himself to run faster between intersections, slowing only to scan each crossroad for Nicole and Jenny. Only when he picked up their trail at 4th and Sherman did he allow himself to slow to a brisk walk, huffing and holding a hand over his stomach. Whatever diner food was left inside of him threatened to come back up, and he hunched over as he walked, head popping up every few seconds to keep his bearings. The smoke, which had chased him the entire way, now brushed past and filled the entire street.

“I gotta,” he groaned, “I gotta… fuck I gotta start… jogging ag… again… whew! Smoke really fucking helps, thanks.” He kept his distance from the girls, following a good half block behind them, thankful that the smoke really was helping to screen him at least. The queasiness in his stomach subsided, allowing him to walk upright, and he found himself constantly searching for the next useful doorway or alley entrance he could dive into, should Jenny and Nicole suddenly decide to reverse their course. And they were bound to reverse course sooner than later; the sirens in the near distance, growing louder by the minute, would see to that.

Paul’s very first weekend at Southern Wisconsin lived on in campus lore as the weekend of the BBQ Blaze, a spectacular fire that chased the Tau Taus from their ruined frat house and which quickly led to a mandatory overhaul of every Greek house on campus. Nicole’s afternoon recon run proved that Gamma House sported the same porch-mounted fire sprinklers and smoke alarms as the others, and it was that very same porch that Paul targeted with his miniature Molotov cocktail.

It burned itself out immediately, of course. That was the entire plan—no point in killing the girls they were trying to save—but not before it had melted a hole into the rubber skid mat on the Gamma’s front porch and sent up thick plumes of oily black smoke. The alarms and sprinklers did their thing, and as Paul ran like hell, he could hear the shouts of “fire” behind him. By now, he knew, they would all be standing outside on the front lawn, surrounded by every emergency department in town. There would be no way for Nicole and Jenny to approach without having their cover blown, and their programming almost certainly didn’t allow them to go charging in with rayguns firing.

No, they’d have to return to the field empty-handed. With innocents out of the way, Paul could start on phase two. Committing arson was the hard part. Now? It was just a matter of discreetly following Nicole and Jenny until they were nearly back to the UFO.

He was so focused on phase two and victory that he didn’t notice the group of Gamma girls behind him. By the time he thought to cast a backwards glance, they had already crossed Sherman and had begun making their way east, placing themselves directly between the aliens and the two mindless drones they controlled.

* * *

“Nicole. You will wait here. Obey.”

Even when fully awake and fully in control of her own actions, Jenny Scislowski could be commanding. She had the power to demand immediate and total attention from nearly anyone, without raising her voice. It had served her well as a babysitter, and tonight, it immediately brought the pretty brunette in front of her to a complete and abrupt stop.

“Yes, Jenny. I hear and obey.”

“We cannot complete our orders. I must report. You will await further instructions from the Kzzrk Empire.”

“I await further instructions from the Kzzrk Empire.” Nicole stood motionless, her hair blowing aimlessly in the light breeze.

“We cannot complete our orders. I await your next commands. I hear, and obey.” Red lights from the Kzzrk communicator unit danced around Jenny’s ear. “No, there was a fire at Gamma House. We cannot capture them. Yes. Yes, I hear and obey. No, we were ordered to avoid detection. We obeyed our commands. There were cops and firefighters everywhere. We could not find a way around them. No, they’re not going to go away. No. Not until morning.”

Nicole waited patiently for Jenny to finish. She let the sirens and the flashing lights fade away, until she no longer noticed them. They were unimportant now. All that mattered now was the beautiful blonde in front of her. She focused on the dancing red lights around Jenny’s ear. They weren’t as pretty as the pretty, spinning, pretty pink swirls, but they were hypnotic in their own way, and she let herself fall under their spell. Flash, twinkle, flash.

“Yes, they will see us,” said Jenny. The communicator erupted with a series of loud screeches, causing Jenny to wince in spite of her trance. Even Nicole, lost in the dancing red lights, took notice.

The screeches subsided after a minute. “Yes,” said Jenny, her face smoothing back into pure blankness. “Yes, they are humanoid males. Most of them, I think. Yes. Yes, I hear and obey. I do NOT think. Yes. I hear, and obey.”

The red lights went dark. Without moving, Jenny spoke again, as commanding as ever. “Nicole. You will hear and obey. You will follow me. We will return to the ship. We will then proceed immediately to the brain-smoother.”

Nicole nodded. It was the most sensible, logical sentence she’d ever heard. They would return to the ship and proceed directly to the brain-smoother. Nothing could be simpler. Nothing could be better.

“Yes Jenny.” She made a stiff about-face, the heels of her boots clicking together with military precision. “I hear, and obey.”

* * *

“B’nak, where are you going?”

“Stupid.” B’nak stomped his way through their spaceship. Bolts and screws vibrated themselves over the edge of the science table and onto the floor as he thundered past. “They’re so stupid! Stupid stupid stupid! Why? WHY?”

“B’nak, we need to prepare the ship for the humanoid females! They’ll be here soon enough, and… B’nak, will you listen to me? B’nak!”

The smaller alien paused at the entrance ladder. “Grzg brgarg, Q’nan,” he growled. “Do you know what just happened? Those stupid humanoid females managed to screw everything up. Again! Again! I cannot even… they can’t carry out even the most simple of plans! The most simple of simple things! These… who even wants these things as slaves? They’re so, so so STUPID!”

“Where on Kzzrk are you going, then? You can’t go down there to collect them, have you lost your mind?”

“I’m going to, if this keeps up!”

“B’nak, use that big brain of yours for a second! You have no weapon. You have two slaves and a single control unit. You don’t know—”

“I don’t care!”

“—know where they are, or where you are, on a hostile planet, in the dark? And they’re both idiots. Let’s just take our two mind-slaves and get out of here with our jzrdkzks intact.”

But B’nak chose instead to stomp down the ladder, teetering wildly as he did so. From the bottom, he called up. “No. No, Q’nan! I’d rather spend the rest of my life in a human zoo than let these brumtarts make a fool out of me! I swear to all the gods, I am going to go down there and drag some slaves back here myself, on my own back if I have to! And then we’re going to wipe those two idiots until their brains are smoother than this hull. Brgargk! Why does this always happen to me?”

Q’nan hurried over to the hatch door, but his companion was out of sight. He wrapped his fingers around his antennae and pouted. He looked at the two naked women seated at the holo-table. “Of course, you’re no help. Thanks a lot.”

They stared through him, and said nothing.

* * *

Jenny obeyed.

In spite of the growing commotion at Gamma House, most of the rest of downtown Kenneyville was still dead to the world. Jenny navigated her way through it, Nicole following behind her like a caboose. By now they had both forgotten all about the milling crowd of sorority girls, their boyfriends, the police and firefighters on scene, and the clouds of acrid smoke that drifted through town on the stiff breeze. Nothing mattered but their new orders, which were crystal clear.

I am a stupid brumtart. I must return to the field. I will bring the other humanoid female to the field with me. We will return to the ship. I hear, and obey.

I must obey Jenny. We must return to the field. We must return to the ship. We will then proceed immediately to the brain-smoother. I hear, and obey.

They were about five blocks from the edge of town when Jenny began to hear voices other than the alien one droning through her empty mind. It was the voice of a humanoid female. It wasn’t coming from Nicole—not that Nicole was capable of free speech at this point—but from someone else. Someone young, and excited, and getting closer to their position. She slowed her pace to a stroll, Nicole auto-correcting her own stride to match, as the voice was joined by others. They continued to grow louder and more distinct. Finally, from just beyond the orange-yellow glare of the streetlights, a clear voice reached out to them.

“Hey Jen,” it said. “Jen! Jenny! Hey! Wait up!”

Jenny obeyed. She came to a halt. Her fingers curled around her X77.

* * *

“Jenny! Hey, it’s Ashley! Hey!” The blonde waved and smiled. “Oh my God, some asshole tried to burn our house down, can you fucking believe it? They’re telling us we can’t go back in so fuck it, we’re gonna go to the bar!”

“All of the sprinklers went off,” added a second girl, one that Jenny would not have recognized even if she still had her free will. “My laptop is trashed. Everyone’s shit got soaked. You guys wanna come to Yancy’s with us?”

“Tony’s working the bar,” Ashley added. “The white guy with the afro? He never ever cards anyone. You in? Better than standing around in the fucking cold, right?”

Jenny raised her X77. Behind her, Nicole did the same.

Ashley giggled. “Hey, is this early Halloween? Why are you two dressed up like sssspaaace…”

A soft pink light washed over her face.

* * *

Calm. Stay calm! Stay… no, no no we’re fucked. We’re completely fucked!

Paul tried to stay calm. It was a losing battle.

Ahead of him, his brainwashed girlfriend and her equally brainwashed friend led five beautiful, mindless sorority girls down 2nd Street. They were eerily quiet, like sleepwalkers, their steps careful and purposeful. Even with a full day to put a plan together, neither Paul nor Nicole ever considered the possibility that the Gamma girls might wander off after the pseudo-fire to get ambushed and hypnotized.

But now they were. And that guaranteed that the aliens would claim them all and call it a done deal, taking all seven of their captives—plus the two girls inside the ship—straight back to Pluto. Unless Paul could stop them.

Nicole and Jenny turned a corner, and the sorority girls trailed behind them as if tied by a rope. One, two, three, four, five… okay, now it’s safe to look, Paul. Calm down. Take it slow. The last thing you want is for them to see you and make things worse. He peered around the corner of the old brick warehouse and cursed. Up ahead, just before Grant Street turned into the old farm road, a short and stout figure stumbled and bounded towards them. Even from this distance, Paul could hear its angry clicks and clacks. Somehow the aliens knew what had happened at the sorority house, and one of them was coming to take charge of things. In a minute, girls and alien converged. More angry clicking and gesturing followed.

This thing is piiiiissssed.

“Okay, fine. It’s fine,” he muttered. “Take a breath, Paul. This is not… this isn’t anything you didn’t plan for, right?”

I have a Paul that’s gonna look after me and keep me safe. He’s gonna keep you safe, too.

“I planned for this. Not this, but… this. Everything just needs to go perfectly from now on! Yay!” He crept closer. The angry alien was still angry. It was now pacing back and forth in front of Jenny and Nicole, looking away from Paul’s position. He couldn’t have asked for better timing.

“Let’s do a little role-playing of our own.” Pressing his body against the brick wall of the warehouse, he sucked in a breath and continued forward.

* * *

“Humanoid female, report. Explain yourself. You said there were no slaves. These look like slaves to me!”

“I hear, and obey. We have successfully enslaved these humanoid females. They will obey. We hear, and obey.”

“Hear, and obey,” Nicole droned.

“You have done… a terrible job, actually. Terrible! You have failed me, humanoid females! You had one simple, clear, obvious mission to complete, and you couldn’t even do that! You were supposed to bring me twenty slaves. Twenty! Five is not twenty!”

“We serve and obey the Kzzrk Empire.”

“Shut up. Bring these slaves to the ship and hope that I don’t powder you both when we get there.”

“Yes,” said Jenny.

“I hear, and obey,” said Nicole.

B’nak was about to turn and follow them back up the hill when something in the nearby underbrush began to thrash about. He turned and watched incredulously as a humanoid male awkwardly pushed his way through the thick vegetation. “Freeze, alien scum! Ow!” it said, working free of the bushes and stumbling into the street. “Ahem! Freeze, alien scum! Paul Sorelli, Earth Defense Force. We have you surrounded. Give up and surrender peacefully!”

The alien stared at him, dumbstruck. Paul stared back, uncertain of how to proceed. The women behind them stared vacantly into space. After a few awkward moments, the alien began to curl and uncurl its bare toes against the pavement. It glared at Paul, its antennae waving furiously.

“Of all the stupid… are you understanding my words, humanoid?”

“I… yes?”

“I hate your planet, humanoid male. I hate it! Hate hate hate it! How on Kzzrk you even manage to get through a single solar cycle without killing yourselves is beyond me. You’re loud and annoying and filthy, and so is your planet!”

“So leave!” Paul let his emotions get the better of him. “You hate it so much, go fly back to where you came from. We don’t want you here anyway!”

“Back to where I… humanoid male, no one tells a Kzzrk where he may go!” B’nak glared at the pathetic creature. It was even smaller than the last humanoid male, but it was twice as annoying. Worse yet, it pretended to be unafraid of him.

“We can, and we will. Like I said, we have you surrounded,” it said. “Let the girls go and surrender. My team is closing in on my location as we speak.”

B’nak reconsidered. Was the humanoid male telling the truth? There were no signs of approaching land-crafts. No sound or smell of approaching humanoid males or other dangers. This foolish humanoid was too far away from the lights and sirens of its fellow Earth Force members to be noticed by them. It was alone. It was unarmed. It was arrogant and annoying.

In other words, it was dead.

You don’t have me surrounded, humanoid male. You are all alone, unarmed, no battle armor, not even a single plxxgrth!”

The humanoid continued to ignore him. It held up some sort of black rectangle—a communications device of some sort—and began tapping it.

“Stop that! Stop that right now, humanoid male! Humanoid females, you set your X77s to ‘Incinerate.’ Do it now!”

“Yes,” Jenny droned. She slid the appropriate lever and waited for further orders.

“I hear and obey,” Nicole said. She locked eyes with Paul, hers empty of emotion, his wide with fear.

“You are even more stupid than the humanoid females,” B’nak continued, “and that is saying something! Do you know how… humanoid male, are you even listening to me? I told you to stop all communications now! I mean it!”

“I’m calling off my team,” Agent Paul lied. “You’re right. I’m no match for you. I’m surrendering.”

“You can surrender to me right now, then,” B’nak sneered. “Shorter humanoid female! Prepare to attack this brumtart!”

Nicole, her eyes still locked on Paul’s, now locked her aim on him as well. “I hear, and obey.”

“I just need…” Paul desperately struggled to recall Erik’s demonstration. “Hang on, I’m trying to get a signal. Do you aliens know what cell phone signals are? Here on Earth we have to have a good connection before we can talk.”

Look, you take the opposite path. Here. Do it again. Start in the same place. Tap. Okay, see the two choices? Tap. Other way. Tap again. Follow the line.

“I was right. You are more stupid than the humanoid females. Go ahead! Call them off! Or I will have your humanoid females kill them as quickly as they kill you! Shorter humanoid female, do you have this brumtart targeted?”

“Yes. I await my orders.”

Jesus fuck! Being shot by Nicole, of all people, was not part of Paul’s plan. “This is Agent Paul, Agent Paul,” he shouted at the alien control device. Nicole has been right about the phone case. It fit the alien device perfectly, and in the darkness, the alien had mistaken its own technology for one of Earth’s.

“Stand down. Repeat, stand down. The alien has taken hostages. Do not attack! I’m sending you updated coordinates now.”

Tap, tap, one last tap and that should do it.

“Are you finished?” B’nak moved closer to Paul as he spoke, growing more confident with each half-step. “You will surrender immediately. Drop your communicator. Now!”

Paul did as ordered, making a big show of it. He placed his hands on his hips. The look of disgust on his face, however, was very real. “So what happens now? You’re in charge.”

“I am always in charge! And luckily for you, I can put an end to your pathetic existence.” He laughed. “And at the hands of your own fellow humanoids! I may take some of your remains home with me for my amusement. Prepare to—”

B’nak felt the unmistakable tip of an X77 being pressed into his back.

“Actually,” a humanoid voice from behind him said, “the only really pathetic thing here is you.”

* * *

Like most streets in this tiny town, Grant Street had seen more than its share of college kids and their wild antics. Drunks. Bonfires. Drag-races. Even the occasional streaker. But nothing could ever compare to the surreal scene that unfolded before Paul at this very moment: a half-dozen beautiful women standing like mannequins in the middle of the street, an angry little green alien, and an even-angrier brunette toting a futuristic raygun and gloating.

“Humanoid female! You will lower the X77 and obey,” said B’nak, now trying to hide his own rising panic. “You will hear and obey.”

Nicole held up her bare wrist. “Oh, I’m sorry, your toy broke. Guess your Kzzrk technology isn’t what was cracked up to be, short stuff.” She jabbed at the alien with the X77. “Did I say it correctly that time? I want to serve and obey like a good little robot, you little shit.”

Paul watched with amusement, wishing that this moment could go on for hours. Nicole deserved every last second of this moment of triumph, and she was clearly enjoying her revenge after spending a week as a mind-fucked traitor to her own species. But there were still other things to do. He spoke, trying to maintain the forceful false-confidence of Earth Defense Force Agent Paul. “Here are our demands. You will free all of these girls, and give us Becky and Laura. Then you can go. Otherwise, we will kill you and your friend.”

Nicole jabbed the alien again. Her finger hovered over the X77’s trigger. “You heard the man. Now hear and obey, buttercup, and give me my fucking friends back.”

B’nak fumed. To a Kzzrk, being humiliated was worse than death. The only appropriate response—certainly the only honorable one—was to tear the two humanoids to pieces with his bare hands. At least, that was how most Kzzrks imagined how they would handle themselves. The truth was that centuries of dominance had made them more than a little soft. B’nak had spent much of his adult life behind a desk. The very act of walking from his ship to the outskirts of town had taken much of the wind from his sails. Even so, the humanoid male before him was no muscular prize, either. In personal battle, each had an equal chance of victory.

And unlike the humanoid male, B’nak had other options.

“The humanoid females on my ship belong to me,” he growled. “Their existence has been destroyed and remade by the brain smoother. They are nothing more than helpless mind-slaves now. Just as you will be, when I am done with you.”

“I think that we’ll be the judge of what belongs to you and what doesn’t. Those girls certainly don’t. I don’t even know why I’m willing to cut you a deal after the hell you put Nicole through. Maybe it’s all of those years of watching Star Trek, maybe I’m just an idiot. But you’d better decide soon before the cops get here. Then you’ll really see what pissed-off humans look like.”

B’nak sensed that the humanoid male was letting his guard down. It assumed that the Kzzrks were a peaceful race. It was about to be proven wrong. It was about to learn about the ancient Kzzrk art of D’nta D’zzrdk.

“Hey!” B’nak shouted, pointing his stubby arm at a point just to the right and behind Paul. “Humanoid male! Look over there!”

The humanoid male did not turn to look behind him. Instead, it rolled its eyes. “Did you really think that was going to work?”

“Oh my God, he totally thought that was going to work,” added the shorter humanoid female. “And they think we’re the dumb ones?”

“But… but D’nta… fah! You are much more clever than I expected, humanoid male! But did you expect… THIS!”

As he spoke, B’nak fell to the ground, raising his knees to his chest and falling backwards. Kzzrks were nearly spherical in profile when they curled up like this, and the alien rolled past a startled Nicole before she could intercept him.

“Hey!” she cried, spinning around. But the alien was already back on his feet, holding up the control unit.

“Taller humanoid female,” B’nak shouted. “You will kill these two for me! You will not hesitate to kill them! You must obey! You must kill them!”

Jenny raised her X77. “Yes,” she said flatly. “I hear, and obey.” She pointed the weapon at Paul.

“Ohhhhhh SHIT!” Paul yelled. Thinking quickly, he threw himself to the ground as a laser beam passed overhead. Behind him, the bushes erupted into flames. He scurried to his feet and rushed to Nicole as Jenny turned to follow him.

“I hear, and obey,” Jenny droned. She took aim at her best friend.

B’nak laughed as he led the entranced sorority girls back to the spaceship.

To be continued in Chapter Twelve: The Battle of Kenneyville!