The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Dorvak Reckoning 17, Finale and Epilogues

Petey was terrified.

His first sight of the emancipated, half burned husk floating in the glass tube was bad enough. Then, he began to sense an oppressive will emanating from the corpse like body.

Even worse, as the Oriental woman droned on and on in the strange language, things began to change in the lab. First there were odd sounds, then banging on the ceiling and floor, then undecipherable whispering, and then strange shadows playing on the walls and ceilings.

Somehow, a swirling wind was blowing in the underground chamber. Soon papers were blown off tables, and twirling midair.

The temperature in the lab seemed to drop twenty degrees. Somehow, the candles remained lit.

Petey panicked then began thrashing on the altar, desperate to escape. But then he caught sight of Trevor. His cousin had always acted as his big brother, and that was what he was now. A mute due to Norma’s surgery, Trevor was mouthing a word. Then, Trevor made a huffing sound.


Peter calmed a bit, focusing on figuring out what the hell Trevor was trying to tell him. “Had”?

Peter was struck by how much Trev looked like his dad.

Then he realized what Trevor was trying to say to him.


Petey then remembered what Johnny Dupuis had always taught him and Trevor:

“Fear is automatic. Courage is a choice you make.”

Petey chose.

Now heartened, he looked around to find some option. First, he looked at his mother. Grayson Spender had repeatedly tried to trigger her, Norma, and Aunt Briar, but somehow the Count had maintained his iron grasp over their minds. It broke his heart to see his strong, loving mom standing like a horror movie zombie with not a trace of intelligence or feeling in her dead eyes.

Peter then looked at his adopted aunt. Briar looked as far gone as his mother.

Peter then remembered the earlier conversation with Spender...about how the Count had erred in choosing Armand Dupuis as his memory avatar to control her. He realized this was his only play. But how could he reach her?

In desperation, he began yelling Briar’s name.

* * *

Angela stood in the bliss of absolute obedience. She thought of nothing and she felt nothing. That is until, on the outer periphery of her consciousness, she sensed a familiar cry.

She ignored it, like a good slave.

* * *

Lorna 3947’s eyes rolled down and she looked down at her bare feet. Instead of the stone floor under foot, she saw swirling mist. She looked at the cylinder.

“He is coming, Master.”

The Count had already sensed the approach and was trying to fight down the panic he always felt on such visitations. What he had seen in the London hotel suite so very long ago had scarred his psyche.

His great will faltered.

* * *

Norma rapidly blinked. She didn’t wake ........but Bad Norma was always there, just under the surface.

Bad Norma always looked out for herself. She knew she needed insurance, just in case her Master failed whatever he was up to.

She looked over to Cassie and said something to the young woman.

* * *

Briar blinked and looked down at Trevor. He was supposed to be the first sacrifice, then Peter, then her own son Grayson.

A young voice was hysterically screaming something.

Suddenly, she realized he was saying her name.

* * *

Angela blinked and shook her head. With the Count’s will temporarily withdrawn, she found it harder to ignore the familiar, young voice.

Suddenly her late husband stood by her, his gravelly voice also interfering with her hypnotic tranquility.

”Angie......ANGIE......Don’t you see? HE’S GOING TO KILL OUR BOYS!”

Part of her desperately wanted to listen to Johnny. The other part wanted to obey her Master’s earlier command not to interfere. The strain became intolerable.

Her hands went to her head, and she began to scream.

Lorna 3947 yelled a command and Janet grabbed Angie by the arms.

Cassie ignored the command and continued to listen to her Goddess, as she whispered.

* * *


Lorna 3947 was pounding on the cylinder with her free hand and was yelling..

The Count’s panic attack subsided and realized he was on the precipice of losing everything. First, with a powerful thought command, he silenced the Dupuis woman, who immediately reverted to her zombie state. Then he saw that Norma was now talking to Janet.

What was Norma up to?

* * *

Petey felt his voice faltering. But, then he saw Briar slightly turn her head towards him. He gathered his last strength, and did his best to be heard over the roar of the wind.


His words were lost in the wind.

The nagging teenage voice gone, Briar looked back to her first victim. It was then she noticed for the first time the purple surgical scar on Trevor’s throat. She’d seen a scar like that on someone else.....someone she loved.

Someone who was more a father to her than the drunk gambler who’d sired her.

Someone she had murdered under the Count’s hypnotic command.

Someone who now miraculously stood next to her.

Manhomat Singh Kawali benevolently smiled at her. Instead of the Western wear he’d worn on their adventures with Armand, he wore the golden clothes of a Sikh prince, topped with a jewel encrusted turban. The large jagged scar from the Thuggee assassin was visible, much larger than Trevor’s.

”Hello, Little Dove.”

” can speak.....” Briar realized she had never heard his voice. But then, crushing guilt swept over her.

“I....I am so very, very sorry....”

“Shhhhhhh, Little Dove.....there’s no time for that. I know what was done to me was the will of this monster...not you. Besides....what is done is done and cannot be changed. But what he bids you to do now...that you can still change.”

“How can I fight him....I am his slave?”

”He is not the true enemy, Little Dove. Look to the floor.”

She looked down and gasped. The concrete floor had seemingly dissolved into a mist. A horrible tentacled face was rising through the fog beneath her feet.

Singh whispered into her ear.

”See the true Master all of its ugliness. It is greed personified. Pure, selfish hunger....hunger that must be satisfied regardless of who it destroys.”

” can I fight against that, Singh.”

“Think, Little Dove......It wants innocent blood, for which it will reward the Count. Greed rewarding greed. Think.....what kind of sacrifice would stick in such a being’s crawl?”

After a moment, Briar smiled.

”I know what do Singh.”

* * *

Lorna 3947 looked at Briar.

”Master....Briar......she’s talking to someone....someone named Singh...”

The Count felt panic rising once more.

He mustn’t disappoint the Sponsor.......

* * *

Briar felt the oppressive weight of the Count’s will, and began slipping back into trance.


Briar hand slowly lifted the dagger.

But then, she saw Singh had been joined by a young man. He was dressed in the uniform of a lieutenant in the Australian Army.

It was her late husband.


”Do what you have to do, Luv......for our boy....for Grayson.”

Briar blinked and smiled.

”OBEY OUR MASTER, BRIAR!” Unlike Singh and Reggie, Lorna 3947 had to yell to be heard over the raging winds swirling as the demon rose.

Briar ignored the Asian girl, and looked directly at the Count, floating in his tube.

“So you and that thing want a sacrifice. Fine. But I don’t do this for you, or him. What I do, I do for my family......and the family of Armand Dupuis.”

Briar plunged the dagger into her own chest, and crumpled to the floor.

Grayson’s mouth formed a scream, but it was drowned out by an anguished moan from below.

Later, they would all agree the demon didn’t sound angry as much as disappointed.

The sight of the thing faded, and the concrete floor reappeared.

But that horrible moan continued to sound through the lab. The floor shuddered, and suddenly, the glass tube shattered. Count Spenzini, the Dark Count, flopped nude onto the cold floor. He thrashed a bit, then died.

Lorna 3947 grabbed her head, then fell to the floor in a kind of seizure.

Angie shook her head, and woke. She broke free of Janet and ran over to Peter and began to untie him.

”Daisy...Shit.....I mean Cassie.....go free Trevor and Grayson.”

After hugging her son, she went over to Briar and confirmed she was dead. She saw that Cassie hadn’t moved except to draw her pistol.

”What the Hell.....Cassie..?”

Both Cassie and Janet were now pointing their pistols at her.

Norma smiled her Mona Lisa smile and reached out as Janet handed her the pistol.

”Sorry, Waitress.....she and her scrumptious CIA pal listen to me now. I’m their Goddess, you know. And if you or anyone else tries to sing any Sinatra, Cassie will start shooting. And if anyone tries singing the Commie Anthem, I’ll blow your fucking head off. Now, Janet, please gag the Waitress, Petey, and Spender.” She smirked at Angie, and sauntered over to Trevor. “Don’t worry about this hunk......Cat’s got his tongue.” She stroked his cheek.

Just as Janet finished gagging Spender, Trevor rasped out a garbled sound.

Angie cried out. “For God sake, Norma.....he’s choking.

Norma,looked slightly concerned, as she gazed down.

”That choking on something, Baby?”

Trevor gathered all of his strength. It was now or never.

”Hi...haid.....Harefoot....Horma.....huss.....histen.” Between each word, he gasped.

Norma looked confused, then it dawned on her. Her smile faded.

Angie looked over at Cassie, who stood still. Maybe she still didn’t realize what Trevor was saying. Hell, Angie barely understood it, and she was closer to him.

Trevor locked eyes with Norma.


Norma understood him.

”How nice a dame I can be.”

Cassie understood Norma perfectly well. She swung the pistol towards Trevor.

Angie screamed.

Peter ran between Cassie and Trevor.

Cassie kept closing the distance, the gun now pointed at the boy.

”Get out of my way, Mikey.” Her voice was emotionless, but she was rapidly blinking. Peter, noting she used her brother’s name, stood his ground, desperately trying to remember how the “International” went.

Trevor desperately rasped again, desperately hoping Norma would understand.

Cassie was now aiming at Petey’s head. Her hands were shaking, but she seemed about to shoot.

Norma, her voice incongruously calm, spoke.

“Stop, Cassie. Give the gun to the Waitress. Janet, untie Dr. Spender.

Cassie and Janet answered in unison.


* * *

Angie put her hand on Grayson Spender’s shoulder, as he sobbed on the floor, Briar’s body in his arms.

”Grayson.....I’m so very sorry. Your Mother was the best person I ever met. She saved us all. But she’s gone.....and we need you.”

As if to accent her words, the lab shuttered again, and more dust filled the air.

Grayson kissed his mother a last time and stood. He wiped his face on his shirt sleeve.

”I’m sure Mother wants me can I help?

”We got to get the hell outta here......but it’s a real maze out there. We gotta get the Chinese girl to show us the way out.”

They looked over at Lorna 3947, who sat with her back to the corner, shaking and hugging her knees.

Cassie, now awake, stood next to her. Trevor knelt next to the girl gently holding her hand. He’d put a blanket onto her shoulders.

”She keeps saying she needs to get back to the Chinese delegation at some medical conference in Zurich. She thinks it’s 1963.”

Spender looked around the lab, and spotted something on a work bench.

” a sport and bring me that music box over there.

Peter immediately understood. He sprinted to the table, but then nearly fell as another, stronger shudder hit the room.

Soon the Chinese woman was once again Lorna 3947.

Spender tried to keep his voice calm.

”Now......Lorna...can you get us to the outside?”

”Yes, Master. The train depot would be best.”

He noticed her English was far better when in trance.

She led them to the depot. The quakes were worsening.

Spender pointed at the large steel doors that rose to the ceiling.

” them before the power fails.”

She obeyed, and gusting freezing wind filled the depot.

Angie, shivering, walked up to Spender.

”How we going to make it out there, Grayson......most of us don’t even got shoes.”

Petey joined them. “Mom......what about the train?”

Spender laughed. “What about it, Lorna......can you operate it?”

“Yes,’s mostly automated. I’ll just have to switch the tracks at the juncture.”

About twenty minutes later, at the juncture, Trevor boosted Lorna 3947 back onto the train. If the icy ground had bothered her bare feet at all, she didn’t show it. As he began to climb aboard, there was a loud crack, then a long rumble. He turned to look back, and saw the beginnings of the avalanche that was to bury the Count and the remains of his ruined palace forever.

Trevor jumped aboard as the train began moving.

* * *

Epilogue 1

The committee chair rapped his gavel, and the congressional hearing room grew silent. He stared long and hard at the beautiful black woman sitting with her counsel.

”That’s quite an accusation, Miss. I...we...were all understanding that it was this Norma Breckinridge’s doing.”

Cassie took a deep breath, trying to quell her rising panic. Janet’s dad, acting as her legal counsel, squeezed her hand. She turned around and saw her mom and her now grown brother Michael. They were the only observers allowed in the closed session. The sight of them gave her heart.

Her dad had passed away a year ago.

She took another deep breath.

”Nevertheless,’s the truth. I was brainwashed just like your niece, Talia......but not by Norma Breckinridge. Me.....and many other women were violated by members of the Central Intelligence Agency in something they call ‘Operation Bluebird.’ It’s run by a man named Daniel Flanagan. He turned me into an operative named Comrade Daisy. At his command, she....I mean, I have done terrible things. I am so ashamed of what I have done........but Bluebird must end.”

The chairman had to use his gavel again.

* * *

Later that day, the Big Man, Daniel Flanagan, was at a CIA safe house in Arlington. He watched the evening news. So far, there were no stories about the closed congressional committee hearing. He wasn’t worried. All of this would blow over, and the Agency knew his value. He would lay low, and the Company would just set him up again, probably somewhere offshore.

His phone rang, and he picked up the receiver. It was his aide, Arthur.

“Givens...what the fuck......I’ve been waiting to hear from you....”

”Boss....there’s no time. You have to listen to me. The safe house is about to be raided by the FBI and the US Marshal’s Office. They have an arrest warrant and a congressional subpoena for you. But the Director has your back. Just look for a familiar face.” The phone went dead.

There was a loud pounding on the front door. Flanagan hung up, and put on his suit coat.

Minutes later, he was in the safe house’s foyer being read his Miranda Rights by a Supervising Special Agent. He was cuffed, and led outside to an awaiting van.

A black Ford sedan pulled up to the curb. The supervising agent left Flanagan in the care of a U.S. Marshal. The driver, a female agent, opened her window. The FBI man muttered a curse, and strode over to the new arrival.

The Big Man tried not to stare at the woman in the Ford. She was indeed a familiar face. She was Tracey Monaghan, the former undercover police officer who had tried to infiltrate Pace’s fake Commie cell. Her path had differed from the other two ladies Pace had recruited. Cassie and Aisha had been transformed into Daisy and Rukiya, deadly covert operatives. Tracey was allowed to keep her identity and career in law enforcement, all under Flanagan’s control. She was now a useful asset deeply imbedded in the FBI.

The FBI man returned, a disgusted look on his face. He spoke to the deputy marshal.

”Change of plans. Flanagan is to be remanded to Special Agent Monaghan.”

”Bullshit.....I’m supposed to bring him straight to the the hearing chamber.”

The FBI man handed a paper to the other Fed.

”It’s signed by both Director Hoover and the Attorney General.”

Soon, the Big Man sat in the back of the Ford. Once they were out of the sight of the other Feds, Tracey tossed back the handcuff key. Soon they were on a secluded, forrest road.

Rubbing his wrists, Flanagan grinned.

”Thank you, Darling. I could just kiss you. Where the fuck are we headed.?

She answered by pulling off the road onto a hard packed dirt track. After a minute, she parked next to a parked semi-trailer. She exited the Ford and made way to the back door and opened it.

Flanagan got out and looked down.

”I hope that Bull Queer Hoover doesn’t find out his agent goes about her duties barefoot, Darling.”

Monaghan ignored the jape.

”Sir.....the plan is for you to use your trucker identity and drive to the Arkansas facility.” She handed him the car keys. “Your change of clothes and papers are in the trunk.” She headed back to front.

”What’s the hurry, about you giving me a little head first......I’ve had a hard day, you know.”

She ignored him. Frustrated, he thought about triggering her and making her compliant. But in the end, he realized he did need to get going. He took the keys and went to the back of the Ford.

The trunk opened, and Flanagan saw no clothes. It was lined with plastic.

The Big Man, realizing the threat, tried to sing the “International” when Agent Monaghan’s sidearm blew out the back of his head.

The Ford sagged under his weight. Tracy removed her ear plugs, and strode over to the rear of the trailer. She banged on the aluminum door. Men dressed all in black emerged. She watched without emotion as the Ford was driven into the trailer.

* * *

Epilogue 2

It was a beautiful, moonlit night. Angie took a moment to look at the shimmering Pacific. She and Good Norma stood at the top of the long wooden staircase that led down to the beach.

It had taken some doing to get Norma out of jail. In the end, she had to trigger Patricia and order her to bond her stepmother out of jail.

She was back under control, Bad Norma again pushed down into the depths of her remarkable mind. But for how long? She’d broken free once and caused incalculable harm. Worse of all this woman had killed her brother and nearly done the same to her boys.

There was no forgiveness for that.

Angie didn’t trust anything, not prison nor hypnosis, to protect her family from Bad Norma.

Angie took a deep breath. Despite her iron will, her voice shook a little.

”Now, Norma......You always said the highlight of your life was when Frank Sinatra took you on his sailboat to Catalina.”

”Oh yes, Mrs. was so very lovely.” Norma looked and sounded like the Angel that had seduced so many.

Angie pointed.

”Well, if you look out by the buoy over there, you can see his boat. You see that, don’t you?”

”Oh my......I see it.....I see it, Mrs. Dupuis.” There was real joy in her eyes, and excitement in her voice.

“He’s come back for you, Norma. All you have to do is swim out to his yacht. You will swim until you reach him. Go ahead.....Frank’s waiting for you.”

Without a word, Norma went down the stairs, her bare feet thudding on the wooden steps.

Angie, her face blank, bent down and put the suicide note into Norma’s discarded shoe. That accomplished, she peeled off her gloves, placing them into the pockets of her capris pants. She then turned and headed to her car.

There was the flare of a cigarette being lit in the shadows by the front passenger door.

Angie was annoyed.

”Look Johnny.......I don’t want any of your know we can’t trust her. At least I gave her a happy little illusion on her way out. It’s more than she deserves.

Her Dream Johnny emerged from the shadows.

“Sure, sure, Babe. I just got one question for you. What are you going to tell Petey?”

She just stared at him. Dream Johnny continued.

”He’s a real smart kid......he’ll figure it out. Trevor, too. So, what are you going to say to them, that you became a murderer on your hypnotism needed...and you did it for them? Just answer my question, and I’ll be on my way.”

Angie began to shake as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

”Angie, Baby.....this ain’t who we are....who you are.”

Angie turned and ran down the steps.

She caught up with Norma as the low tide surf swirled around their ankles.

” can stop now.....let’s get back to the car.”

Norma turned and looked at her with her Mona Lisa smile.

Angie knew that smile, and began to panic.

”Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness....”. Norma barely spoke above the sound of the waves. She approached closer as the now hypnotized Angie completed her portion of her trigger. Once she had done so, Norma began speaking again.

”I’m so sorry Mrs. Dupuis. I really am. I know I’m last person you want in your head. And I do appreciate you running all the way down here to save me, and all. You are a good woman. But, I’ve been talking to Bad Norma.....and we both agree....we like your idea of going on a cruise. Sure beats going to prison. Now...I don’t want you to feel bad about this...Bad Norma has done so many horrible things to you and your family....But I never wanted that....and I want you to be happy.” will have no memory of your plan for me to kill myself.....or even that you were here with me tonight. were not here this evening.”

”I was not here.”

”And you had nothing to do with my suicide.”

”Nothing, Goddess.”

Norma giggled. “Oh, Silly....just call me Norma. Well....we better get this show on the road. To tell you the truth it’s getting harder not to command you to do something horrible....Bad Norma is still in here, you know. Go to your car, now, Angie, go home and go straight to bed. Go.”

”Yes, Norma.”

Norma watched until the Waitress had disappeared into the darkness. She then turned her attention back to the sea.

She walked into the gentle surf, not noticing the slight chill of the water. Soon, the water was up to her neck. She shimmied out of her dress and began swimming, keeping her head above water.

The yacht was much clearer now. She saw Sammie on the stern working a martini shaker. Dean was next to him holding a plush robe ready for her. Old Blue Eyes himself was at the railing stretching out a hand.

Somewhere, “The Summer Wind” was playing on the radio.

Miss Va Va Voom just kept swimming.

* * *

Epilogue 3

Grayson Spender sat in the rental car, staring at the photo of his parents. After a moment, he put it back into his wallet, grabbed the gift, and headed to the apartment door.

Kimmy Sue opened the door, wearing a cut offs and the jersey of Tampa’s new football team, the Buccaneers.

Both stared at each other. Kim spoke first.

”Doc.......what the hell are you doing here?”

”I.....I....I went to the club.....they said you quit dancing.”

”Yeah.......that last night at the club was so weird.....I think roommate, drugged me, or something. When my head cleared, you were gone.”

”I....I’m sorry, Kim.....I truly am.”

”It’s ok, the end, it was for the best. I was never cut out for that life.....not really.” She looked at the flowers he was holding. “Those for me, Doc?”

He nodded yes.

“Then we better get them in some water.” She opened the door and he followed her into the small but neat apartment. She took the roses, and went into the kitchenette. “Have a want a beer maybe?”

”That’d be grand, Kimmy.”

When she returned with two beers, she caught him holding a psychology textbook.

”Yeah.......I’m taking night classes at HCCC......I’m hoping to maybe transfer to USF next year....maybe become a counselor or something. I like helping people. But the science is kinda hard....I never was much of a student.

They sat on the small couch.

” know.....I could help you with your studies.......I’d be glad to....”

She stretched her leg and playfully rubbed her bare toes on his calf.

”Sure Doc.......that’d be great. Maybe you could hypnotize me into being a better student.”

He suddenly stood. “Kim...I assure you my offer was entirely honorable and I only want to help your studies by tutoring.”

She took his hand and gently tugged. He sat back down. She snuggled next to him.

”I never doubted your honor, Doc, but I have been missing our sessions. Haven’t you?”

Grayson was at a loss for words, so Kimmy Sue just started kissing him.

* * *

Cassie sat across from Nancy and Dori in their living room, a cup of tea in her hands. She’d been careful to remind the gals to put their cups down before she triggered them.

After the return from Switzerland, things got real precarious for Patty and the Dupuis Family. Even with Norma taking the brunt of the blame, there were repercussions. Lawsuits and criminal investigations were the order of the day. The Board of Directors of Breckinridge Industries staged a coup, and Patricia was forced to sell her shares. She was given a generous amount of money, and she remained generous in aiding all the women victimized by the Protocol.

In particular, she endowed the Briar Initiative.

The Initiative sounded grander than its reality. Mostly, it was just Trevor and her, monitoring and checking on Dorvak women. When they found a woman was having troubles coping, they’d call in Grayson Spender and his wife, a newly minted clinical psychologist.

Mostly though, it was just routine work done by just Trev and her. They would randomly visit the women, use their triggers, and would make sure no one else had messed with them.

That was why she was visiting these two old friends. Dori still looked fairly unchanged, but the older Nancy was finally showing some signs of her much delayed middle age.

“Nancy, Dori, you know you must obey me. You must answer my questions truthfully. My use of your triggers overrides any prior commands by anyone else. Right?”

”Yes, Cassie”, said Nancy. Dory simply nodded.

”Nancy, has anyone used your trigger since Trevor visited around Christmas?”

”No Cassie.”

”How about you, Dori?

”Oh, yes........lots.”

Cassie was shocked.

”Tell me....who triggers you, Dori....and for what purpose?”

Dori, despite her deep trance, sighed and smiled.

”Mmmmmm, Nancy does.....when we play.....”

Cassie knew she was blushing furiously. Dori, not hearing anything from Cassie, continued.

“She knows how much I love how she dominates me.....make me her good girl with my tongue.....”

”Ok......That’s enough Dori.”

”Are you sure.....Cassie? Trevor told us you’d want all of the details.”

* * *

Cassie strode through the nearly empty former home of the Dupuis Agency. She was planning her revenge on Trev, who’d always enjoyed his practical jokes. But all of these thoughts were vanquished when she heard a familiar voice in Trev’s office. She dropped her sandals and her bag and sprinted in without knocking.

Peter had grown into a tall, slim man, and wore an impeccably tailored grey suit. Trevor, dressed in his standard jeans and polo shirt, sat at his desk.

Cassie took in the scene, and detected tension between the two, but didn’t care. She took Petey into a warm hug. At first, his body stiffened, as if not processing her affection.

“Squirt!” It had become her permanent nickname for both her brother and Peter Dupuis.

“As I always seem to have to point out to you, Cassandra, I am now a good foot taller than you, and an adult.”

But despite his words, his body relaxed and he embraced her back.

There was an awkward moment as they held onto each other. Finally, Trevor cleared his throat.

”Glad you’re here, Cassie. You can help me talk sense to him.” Multiple surgeries and therapy had done much to improve Trevor’s speech. He could now speak, though it still sounded like a loud and hoarse whisper.

”What’s going on Petey?” Cassie asked as she broke the hug. Trevor answered for him.

“He wants to join the Initiative and throw away a promising career at the D.A. Office. You could be a judge someday....or partner at some big firm. It’s Mom’s big dream for you

”But not my dream, Trevor. I told you....and Mother......that I would give the Law two years. I have done so....and now want to begin doing what I believe I was meant to do.”

”Oh...I get it. You want to be a fucking super sleuth, like Great Uncle Armand.”

Cassie finally spoke. “Well, you got to admit, Trev.....he does look like Armand. And we do need the help. Monitoring all the ladies is taking all of our time.....and you know there’s a lot things we should be investigating, but we don’t have the time or resources.”

Trevor glared at her. “Thanks a lot, Benedict Arnold. You know, Petey, I don’t even think we could pay you.”

”Trevor, you know I have been playing the markets with some success. I wouldn’t need to be paid, and I think I could handsomely augment Aunt Patricia’s endowment. But none of that matters. Our family has been committed to righting one of the greatest wrongs of all time. Every second I stand a part from that war, I feel like a coward. I cannot continue in this manner. Either you let me join, or I will join the fight on my own.”

Cassie saw Trev’s shoulders sag, and she knew Peter had won. He got up from his desk and walked out muttering.

”Fuck it. But you have to tell Mom.....that’s not going to be on me. You better be prepared to trigger her.”

He left.

Cassie sardonically smiled. “So welcome to the Briar Initiative. As the Head of Personnel...let me show you around. First, these are the files on the Dorvak Ladies.....the ones we know about. Before she quit, Janet and I were working hard on tracing the other girls Pace and the Big Man processed.”

”I still don’t understand why she left the Initiative.”

”Think about it, Squirt. Janet had done horrible things as Flanagan’s pet assassin......the worst of all of us. It’s been real hard with her. The Spenders help her a lot, but she needed space from all of this, and we all need to respect that.”

Peter picked a framed picture from Trevor’s desk. It was the recent Christmas portrait with Trev, Janet, and their two small kids.

”Well, at least Jane and Benjamin are safe. Nothing like having a former CIA super-assassin for a mom.”

She laughed and he put the frame back down.

”But tell me Cassie...tell me about the investigations you mentioned.”

She padded over to a second file cabinet.

“Continuing your tour, this is where we file our pending investigations. Mostly boring stuff. Lot’s of cults and gurus and such. Usually just standard coercion mixed with superficial hypnotic tropes.” She pulled out a file. “This one needs to be moved to ‘Closed Investigations’. It began with an article about a barefoot woman robbing an Atlanta bank.”

”The Dorvak Method involved?” Peter sounded both concerned and excited.

”Nope....just good old fashioned schizophrenia. Trevor really let me have it for wasting Initiative money on that airline ticket. I though he was going to make me hitchhike back here. Check this one out, probably nothing...but.....”

She pulled out another file from Pending and handed it to him. He began to read, trying to ignore how close she stood to him. She was still extraordinarily beautiful. After a moment, he said:

”The Cabal di Satyri. Now, that truly sounds like something Aunt Briar would have come up with for one of her Mysteries.”

Cassie giggled. “That’s exactly what Trev said, Squirt......I mean Peter. After you’re all grown up now.”

They looked into each other eyes for a long moment, but then Peter moved away.

“I’ll make this my first project.”

Cassie, her voice sardonic again, said

”Welcome to the Initiative, Mr. Dupuis.

* * *

Epilogue 4

Bernard spat in disgust. He’d just walked though yet another attic cobweb. His dad had offered him and Lewis, his best friend, money to clean out the cottage attic. But as the job wore on, he began to wonder if he was getting paid enough.

Part of the problem was Lewis. He was an odd fellow, in a lot ways, and not really good at manual labor. But they’d been thick as thieves forever. Lewis helped Bernard with his school work, and Bernard kept the bullies off Lewis.

Now, however, he just wanted to finish the job, maybe go to Tim Ho Ho’s for a Beaver Tail. For example, Bernard was trying to lift a small trunk and drag it to the stairs. Lewis was oblivious, and just kept chattering. He’d been visiting cousins in Detroit where he managed to record an episode of an old American show on their VCR.

” then Julie.....Julie Rogers.........”

”That’s the Angel played by Farrah, right?”

Lewis looked comically annoyed.

”No.....Tanya Roberts.....anyway, she goes to investigate this Reardon. But he’s on to her...and....”. He dramatically paused, “And then.....he hypnotises her. Then there’s an even better scene, he puts her in a glass tube to brainwash her!”

”So what? What’s so spectacular about that, Lewis?” Bernard was being purposefully obtuse. He knew his friend’s odd obsession with hypnotism, but liked to egg him on,

Lewis looked disappointed at Bernard’s question. Then he thought of something.

”The thing is, Bernard......she’s wearing a bikini in the tube.”

Bernard laughed. “Okay, Lewis you convinced me. We’ll watch it this evening, that is if we ever get out of here.”

Having reached the stairs, Bernard dropped the trunk. To his surprise, the old latch lock came open. As Lewis kept chattering about “Charlie’s Angels”, he opened the lid, and was assaulted by a stink.The trunk was filled with books. A thick office folder filled with papers sat on the top. He was about to slam the lid when he saw a word on the cover. Holding his breath, he began looking at the papers.

Most of the pages were carbon copies of typed documents. The title page read “Project Blue Bird: Reconstruction of Dvorkian Method of Hypnotic Induction and Conditioning of Female Assets.” Ominously, the paper was stamped “TOP SECRET”, with a warning that unauthorized readers faced twenty years of U.S. Federal Prison. But he kept looking.

The typed carbons gave way to a second document, this one handwritten. It seemed more like voodoo, with lot’s of odd drawings.

”Hey, Lewis......I’m sure that’s a great show and all.......but what if I told you this trunk is filled with stuff about hypnotizing the ladies?”

”Aw....stop your chirping, Bernard. Just cause I really like the show....”

“I’m not chirping.......see for yourself.”

Lewis came over and made a face at the smell. He started looking at the pages.

An hour later, he was still sitting cross legged and reading. He particularly focused on the carbon pages with pictures. The copy quality was awful, but he could discern in many young women who appeared under hypnosis. Some were even nude.

Finally, he looked up. There was a desperate hope in his eyes.

”Do you think I can keep this, Bernard?......I’re just going to dustbin it all.”

”Oh......Lewis....I don’t know.....I mean you saw that Top Secret stamp......maybe I should give it to Dad........maybe even the RCMP.”

Lewis looked so crestfallen, Bernard stopped his act.

”C’mon Lewis......Now, I am chirping. You know I wouldn’t deprive you......we’ll call it an early Christmas gift.”

Lewis was so excited he spilled the folder as he stood to thank his friend. He kneeled, and saw a small card had fallen out. He picked it up.

”I think the stink is coming mostly from the card.”

Bernard kneeled down next to him, the top of his shirt covering his nose and mouth.

The card read:

”Dearest New Friend,

Please accept these gifts. Follow their instructions faithfully, and your every desire will be gratified.

Just never disappoint me.

Your Sponsor.”

Bernard was still fixated on the odor.

”What the Hell is that smell?”

Lewis was the better Chemistry student.

”I think it’s sulfur, Bernard.”