The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Daddy’s Spiral Girl

By: SleepyShamrock

Emily sat down at her computer, glass of whiskey in her hand, and a mind filled with frustration and doubt. The lockdown which had forced everyone into the country into a forced, pandemic-inspired seclusion had ended just over a month prior after nearly two years. Now, in the wake of a new strain of the virus that sentenced everyone to a medical solitary confinement, there was talk of a reinstatement due to a new, rogue strain of the virus.

Facing the possibility of another year of her life in online chat groups, working from home, and becoming even more intimately involved with her vibrator, Emily was determined to meet a man—a real man—a real, flesh and blood Alpha male, if only for a few dates before lockdown began again. At this point, she wasn’t looking for “Mr. Right”; she would settle for “Mr. Right Now.”

Tall, with hair that looked like spun-honey and alabaster skin, meeting men had never been an issue for Emily in all of her thirty-plus years. Much to the contrary, her eyes that sparkled even in the dimmest of light, head-turning large, shapely breasts, and apple-bottom ass brought many a man to his knees—figuratively and literally. However, Emily was cursed with both high intelligence and high standards. Most of the men she’d met, be they classically handsome, man-pretty, rugged or metro-sexual, were as hard on her psyche as they were easy on her eyes. It would typically take two dates for Emily to lose interest, and the second was more often than not a “mercy date” to give the poor bastard a second chance. To date, sadly, not a one of them had changed her mind.

The post-pandemic world, Emily found, was a changed landscape when it came to interpersonal behavior. If people ventured out of doors, they wore facemasks, some wore gloves, and everyone stood at least six feet apart when speaking, meeting, or conducting business. It wasn’t the ideal environment for finding love, or even appeasing lust, and the usual army of men blinded by her smile, or struck dumb by the sexiness that simply emanated from her body, were either too scared to approach another human being, or too accustomed to living alone in the dark with an internet connection and a industrial-sized bottle of hand lotion.

One day while lamenting her situation to her cousin Olivia, a dark-haired stunner, not quite as attractive as Emily, but obviously from the same stunning gene-pool, the subject of online dating sites came up.

“Don’t you find those sites just a little desperate?” Emily asked. Olivia could almost hear her cousin rolling her eyes over the phone. “I mean, it’s like a virtual meat-market of swipe left or right.”

“It’s a new age,” Olivia said. “And, this pandemic has motivated a lot of people like yourself who would never have thought of putting themselves online into the mix. There are more decent, eligible men available online than there have ever been.”

“Well, at least this virus was good for something,” Emily chuckled. “Silver linings and all that.”

“Now, that’s not to say that all sites are created equal,” Olivia said with a warning tone. “There are still some real creeps out there, as well as services that insist on an up-front subscription fee before you can join.”

“Ugh, this is too much,” Emily said, her eyes rolling once again. “Who needs a man that bad?”

“That depends on how many batteries you have in your cupboard, I suppose,” Olivia said, and both women shared a laugh.

“Okay, well since you’re so experienced,” Emily said. “What site do you suggest I try first?”

“Well, I’ve actually had tremendous luck on a site called VenusNyx,” Olivia said, her answer sounding as if she were prepared and waiting for the question. “I’ve been to almost a dozen of them, and haven’t been satisfied with any of them except VenusNyx.”

“That’s a weird name,” Emily said. “Why do I know that name?”

“Oh, it probably just sounds like something else,” Olivia said dismissively. “Best not to think about it. Just ignore it and move on.”

“Okay,” Emily said, slowly, thinking that was a weird response. But she did want to hear more about the site and why her cousin was so enraptured with it, so she tabled the thought until later. “What makes this VenusNyx so much better than the others?”

“There is no dating service better than VenusNyx. VenusNyx is the only site you should ever use,” Olivia said, her voice somehow different; flat and even. “I haven’t ever been happier than I’ve been since using VenusNyx. All women should use VenusNyx.”

“Are you alright, Olivia?” Emily asked. “You sound odd. Are you coming down with something?”

“Oh, no,” Olivia said, clearing her throat, sounding almost surprised. “I just really think you’d be happier if you gave the site a try. It’s where I met Master Tony, and he’s the best.”

“What?” Emily asked, shocked at what she just heard. “When you met who?”

“Mister Tony,” Olivia said, without missing a beat. “He’s a teacher, so I call him that as a pet name.”

“I could have sworn you said ‘Master’ Tony.”

“Master Tony,” Olivia repeated, once again in that flat, almost robotic tone. In a split second, however, she continued, bright as ever, “That’s just silly. I can’t wait to tell him that.”

“I don’t know. I’ll think about it,” Emily said, already dismissing the idea.

“Oh, don’t do that,” Olivia quickly replied.

“Do what?”

“Think,” Olivia said. “I mean, don’t think about it too much, of course. Have you heard their commercial?”

“Um, no,” Emily said, growing tired of the conversation. “I haven’t even heard of the site before today.”

“Hold on, let me play you their jingle,” Olivia said. Emily could hear her fumbling around on the other end of the line.

“Listen, cuz, there’s really no need, I don’t think…”

At that moment, a melody of tiny bells and chimes played into Emily’s ears. It was soft, but it suddenly encompassed her entire world.

“That’s right,” Olivia’s voice, now soft and silky, said. “You don’t think. You don’t want to think. You want to log onto VenusNyx. You are excited about logging onto VenusNyx. You WILL log on to VenusNyx, Emily.”

“Yes,” Emily said, in a half whisper. The pretty bells chiming in her mind, suspending all thought except for what her cousin was telling her. “I’m excited about VenusNyx. I will log onto VenusNyx.”

“Very good, cuz,” Olivia purred. “I’m going to hang up the phone now. When I do, you will awaken, and you will have no memory of the last few minutes of our call. You will simply remember being thankful for me for telling you about VenusNyx. You are excited about logging on to VenusNyx.”

“I am excited about logging onto VenusNyx,” Emily repeated.

“Have fun, Emily. Bye, bye.” When Olivia hung up, Emily suddenly shook, as if waking from a quick doze. She blinked hard and tried to clear her head.

“Hmmm,” she said, out loud. “Guess Olivia’s right. I should try VenusNyx. I’m actually kind of excited about it.”

Several minutes later, Emily sat at her laptop, whiskey in hand, creating her personal profile. She was impressed with the flow and intuitive controls on the site. She didn’t understand the spiral gif VenusNyx used as a logo, but the animated swirl was easy to watch, and she found her eyes drawn to it several times during the process.

“Let’s see…name…age…no problem,” she said, filling out the form with information she’d filled out hundreds of forms with over her years. “Address…hmmm…I don’t know,” she said, concerned about safety. Why would they need her address to start? Just then, her eyes were drawn back to the spiral logo. She sighed as she watched the lazy spin, and her fingers automatically began filling in the requested information. By the time she looked away, she had entered in her address and phone number, but had no memory of doing so.

“Sexual preference,” she said as she scrolled down the page. She attempted to check the ‘CIS female’ button several times. Each time she tried, though, the ‘Bisexual’ box would illuminate. “What the hell? No,” she said clicking furiously. Exasperated, she subconsciously caught the spin of the spiral logo again, and a sleepy, content smile crept upon her face. Slowly she clicked the ‘Bisexual’ tab and scrolled on.

The remainder of the form went much the same way. Emily would get to a question she thought too intrusive, find herself lost in the spiral logo, then forget her objections, or even the question at all. In ten minutes she was done, and ready to surf her available matches.

“I’m very excited to log onto VenusNyx,” she said, out loud and to no one in particular. Smiling, and with comfortable, heavy eyes, she clicked on the ‘browse matches’ tab, expecting to see a collection of available men for her to consider. Instead, the screen flickered on and off for just a few seconds, startling Emily a bit. By the time she let out a gasp, however, her entire screen had filled with the spiral logo.

All she could see was the spiral. All that existed was the spiral. The spiral filled her vision. The spiral filled her mind. The soft, tinkling sound of the bells Olivia had played for her earlier rang in the background, and Emily could actually feel her mind relaxing—spinning—sinking down into a warm, cozy place. She swayed in her seat, her arms limp at her sides, a sleepy smile on her face as the spiral spun in lazy, hypnotic circles before her eyes.

“Emily,” a deep voice said. The voice was loud, but not overbearing. It was deep and commanding, but at the same time comforting and warm. The words the voice spoke appeared on screen as Emily spun away with the spiral.

“Emily, can you hear me?” the voice said. In her blissful state, Emily could not tell, but the tiny light on her laptop’s camera blinked on, as the good people at VenusNyx watched, and recorded, her reaction.

“I can hear you,” she said, absentmindedly running her fingertips across her breasts. The voice had a strange, arousing quality, and Emily felt her breasts heave as her mind spun round and around.

“Emily, we have found a match in your area,” the voice said. The deeply spoken words vibrated through Emily’s entire body, and she let out an audible coo as her fingers fell to her rapidly moistening pussy. “We have a match in your area, and you are very excited.”

“Excited,” she said, her eyes glassy and blank…her fingers now rubbing slow circles through her panties.

“Your match is on his way to your flat right now,” the voice said. “Continue to watch the spiral. Continue to rub. Continue to be a good girl until your match arrives. Do you understand Emily?”

“I….mmmmmng…uuhnnrrssstannnnd,” she slurred, lost in the spiral and lost in her own lust as her circles became faster…firmer. “I’m a goooooood grrrl.”

“Very good,” said the voice. “And from now on, your user name is ‘Emily_Daddy’s Spiral Girl’ do you understand?”

“Whuuu…?” Emily questioned, the break in continuity almost pulling her from trance. The faceless voice on the other end must have picked up on this, because the spiral suddenly became more intense, and began to throb on the screen and in her vision. Emily’s shoulders sagged as the pulsating spin made her mind drop deeper and her pussy drip wetter.

“You are Daddy’s Spiral Girl,” the voice commanded. It was not a question. “Say it. Say it, and make it fact.”

“I am Emily_Daddy’s Spiral Girl,” she cood, her fingers now snaked behind her panties, penetrating her pussy. The words “Daddy’s Spiral Girl” flashed on the screen, getting more intense with every throb of the spiral.

“You are a good girl,” the voice said. “Such a good girl.” At the second ‘good girl’ the words ‘good girl’ flashed on the screen like a strobe at a rave. Emily’s breath caught in her throat as her pussy exploded into a shower of cum, squirting all over the floor, and covering her desk. Had she not been sitting, spread and at an angle, she would have most definitely would have ruined her laptop.

Spent and exhausted, tranced and empty, Emily’s hands fell limp at her sides, while her panties snapped almost back into place. She remained, motionless and open-mouthed, staring at the spiral for several minutes. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Her computer screen went blank and the VenusNyx site automatically hid in the taskbar.

Emily snapped out of her thrall with a feeling of intense gratification and satisfaction. She made an audible “oooh” as her head cleared and she stood to get the door.

“Yes?” she asked, opening the door to find a gentleman in his late forties, possibly early fifties. He had dark hair and a silver beard, with wide shoulders, big hands and piercing blue eyes.

“Emily, Daddy’s Spiral Girl?” he asked, knowingly. The sound of the name sent Emily’s head spinning, her palms sweating, and, with a bit of self-consciousness, her sex tingling.

“Uh, ummm….yes?” she asked, swaying a bit on her feet and smiling, despite herself.

“I’m your perfect match,” the man said. His eyes and mouth smiling in unison. “I’m from VenusNyx.”

“But, I just got off the site,” she said, looking back at her blank computer screen. “How…?”

“Oh, I was in the area when the alert came through,” he said, with that fetching smile. “Not to worry about it. You shouldn’t worry about it at all. Don’t think about it. At all.” His intense eyes sparkled as he spoke, and Emily realized that he was right. She shouldn’t think about it. Not at all. Still, though, she thought. This couldn’t be right. This man seemed nice enough and all. He was attractive and pleasant, but he was so much older. She couldn’t remember much of her application, but she was fairly certain she wasn’t in the market for a pensioner.

“I’m sorry, but there must be some mistake. I’m sorry you came all this way,” she said. “I certainly hope you didn’t go through any trouble.”

“No trouble at all,” he said, through his ever-present smile. “I did stop off and pick you up a little something, though. It’s not much, but I’d like you to look at it, at least.” He pulled out a small pendant; shiny and circular. On one side was the VenusNyx logo. The other side was sparkling gold. At the sight of the spiral, Emily’s mouth involuntarily opened a bit, and her arms went limp at her sides.

“It’s so pretty,” she said, in little more than a whisper. Her perfect match began to swing the pendant from side to side, causing the illusion of the spiral to spin lazily, as it did on the website. “Oooooh, pretty,” Emily said again.

“Yes, it’s pretty, Spiral Girl,” he said. “Daddy’s Spiral Girl. And you know, since I told you how pretty it is, that I always tell you the truth.”

“Yes,” she said, her eyes becoming glassy. “Always the truth.”

“And you trust me.”


“You trust me because I am your perfect match,” he continued, moving slowly forward as they both entered Emily’s flat. She never took her eyes from the pendant. “You are Daddy’s Spiral Girl. I am Daddy. I am Daddy, and you are my Spiral Girl. My perfect match.”

“Your Spiral Girl,” she whispered through a smile. She was his Spiral Girl, and it felt so good. He shut the door behind them, but Emily didn’t notice. “I am your, mmmm…your perfect match.” In one fluid motion, Daddy let the pendant drop and waved his other hand in a downward motion in front of her eyes.

“Sleeeeeeep,” he said, and she fell, limp into his arms, smiling that sleepy, sexy smile. “Good girl. Such a good girl.” Daddy picked up Emily easily and carried her to the bedroom. She was warm and beautiful. Sexier than he had imagined, and now she was his; his Spiral Girl. Setting her down on the bed, he slowly undressed her, savoring every moment of the disrobing process. Every stitch of clothing he removed unveiled another inch of sexiness and beauty. As he removed her lace panties, the scent of her arousal from the website and their meeting was dizzying, and he couldn’t help but give her swollen, shiny pussy lips a butterfly kiss. She moaned and squirmed at his touch, and this pleased Daddy.

Daddy placed the necklace around Emily’s pretty neck, kissed the back of her neck gently, cupped her perfect breast, so large it overflowed his huge hand, stared deep at her sleepy, smiling face and said:

“Awaken, my spiral girl.” The pendant glowed warm, and the spiral turned slowly as her eyes opened halfway. They were glassy and glazed over, but she looked deep into his piercing blue eyes and said,

“Hi, Daddy,” before leaning in and giving him a deep, passionate kiss. He returned the affection, his hands exploring her body, with her moaning and squirming under his touch. By the time he laid her down on her back and looked deep into her heavily hypnotized eyes, his impossibly hard cock slid into her wet, hot pussy without protest.

“Oh, Daddy…” she gasped, as her eyes rolled. “Yes, Daddy. I’m a good girl. Fuck your good girl, Daddy. Spiral Girl wants to make you happy.” It was all he could do not to cum in ropes inside her right then. She was so sexy, so beautiful, and her response to her brief conditioning by the website was perfect. He bit his lip and slowly thrust his hips, sliding his long, thick, throbbing cock all the way in to its base, then all the way out until the tip teased her swollen, dripping pussy lips.

“Pleasing Daddy is your purpose,” he grunted into her ear. The combination of odors between her perfume, skin and arousal were overpowering to Daddy’s senses. “You live to please me.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she moaned. “Your pleasure is my purpose.”

“It makes you wet to give Daddy pleasure.”

“Oh, yes,” she moaned, her own hips bucking now in response. “So wet for you, Daddy. Fill me with your pleasure. Fill your Spiral Girl.” Her words, her submission, her extreme, overpowering sexiness was too much for him to take. Fill her, he did. His shouts rang the walls of Spiral Girl’s small flat as thick cords of cum sprayed from his cock, filling her to capacity and leaking onto her sheets. Her eyes rolled at the sensation, and she in turn came, as well, bathing his already over stimulated cock in her lust for and submission to her Daddy. She twitched and jerked, almost seizing at the overload of pleasure, before going limp and falling into a deep, pleasure-induced, hypnotic sleep.

“Good girl,” Daddy said through ragged breaths, collapsing on the bed beside her. “Daddy’s good Spiral Girl.”

Emily_Daddy’s Spiral Girl sat at her cubicle in her office, working on filing the project she and her team had just completed, and humming the tune from the VenusNyx website through a pleasant, content smile.

“You seem rather happy as of late,” her workmate, Janelle said. “Oh, what a pretty necklace you have. I’ve never seen a spiral like that before. It almost seems to be moving on it’s own.”

“My Daddy gave it to me,” Spiral Girl said with pride. “Daddy loves me.”

“How nice,” Janelle said. “I wish I had a better relationship with my father.” This confused Spiral Girl, but she decided to simply smile and ignore it. She was doing a lot of that nowadays. Whenever something confused her, which seemed rather often, she would smile, sometimes giggle, and then forget whatever it was that confused her to begin with.

“Did you hear that we may start working from home again as early as next week?” Emily asked.

“Ugh, yes,” Janelle said. “I feel like I’ve just been let out of prison, and they’re about to lock me up again. I swear, I haven’t had any time or opportunity to meet a decent man in nearly two years. I swear, girlfriend, my horniness is about to hit a critical state.”

“Have you considered online dating?” Emily asked, innocently enough.

“Well, of course I thought about it,” Janelle said. “But, I don’t know. That seems a bit desperate to me. I’m afraid I’d be inundated by creeps and weirdos.”

Emily toyed with her spiral pendant as it began to glow warm in her fingers.

“Let me tell you about a site called VenusNyx.”