The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Cop A Feel — Chapter 6


  • Vicente Vasquez — Richard Cabral
  • Matthew Doyle — Ryan Phillippe
  • Sean Doyle — Froy Gutierrez
  • Ethan Doyle — Nicholas Hamilton

“Feeling okay, Matt?”, Master asked out of the blue. I realized I’d gotten lost in thought for some time as I’d stared at his throbbing, oozing dick.

“I’m doing great, Master!”, I replied. “I always feel great when you’re around.”

“You were mentioning your boys a moment ago. Tell me again how you feel about seeing them erect so often”, he prompted.

“At first, I was worried about what you’d done to them, but then the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it wasn’t all that important. The only thing that mattered was how much they were enjoying themselves, which their cocks announced to me clearly and frequently. Honestly, at this point, I think it’s fan-fucking-tastic that the boys are getting so much pleasure out of you hypnotizing them! I love being able to see the first-hand evidence of it and I’m happy to say that after talking it over with you yesterday, I easily got over my hang-ups about seeing them hard or having cum stains on their underwear. I probably would’ve come around eventually one way or the other, given how much I wanted you to hypnotize them, but better sooner than later, am I right, Master?”

“Definitely!”, he concurred. “I think we’ll do some more work on that today, actually. There’s really no reason for you guys to bother hiding your erections from each other at all when you get right down to it. And speaking of getting down, or rather of going down….”

I grinned, catching his drift just by the look in his eyes, never mind his words. Spreading my legs wide so I could lean forward in my chair, I did my best to take his cock as far down my throat as I could, though it was physically impossible to take him inside of me completely—at least not in my throat. Now that I’d been practicing with dildos, I thought I could probably take him up my ass easily if he ever wanted to do that, but I was kind of hoping he wouldn’t since I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to do something that gay for him. Every once in a while, though, I’d get a mental image of having him inside me, and it didn’t really seem all that bad. At this point, I’d gone from thinking it was revolting to thinking it might be something I’d be willing to try some time if he wanted me to, but probably only the one time. Right now, though, I had other priorities about what to do with his cock.

I was about fifteen minutes or so into giving him a blow job when the boys got back. Sean paused for a few seconds as he took in what was going on. Coming in on his heels, Ethan pushed Sean out of the way so he could see. Ethan snickered quietly, but Sean snorted in unabashed amusement as he stared at Master and me. “You are so hypnotized!”, he guffawed. It took me a few seconds to realize he meant me and not Ethan, who almost seemed like he was in a trance right now with how utterly focussed he was on seeing me naked and sucking Master’s cock.

“What? You think I’ve been hypnotized?”, I replied around Master Vicente’s enormous shaft once I understood what he was suggesting. “What on earth would make you think that? Master Vicente hasn’t hypnotized me since our first couple of physiotherapy sessions”, I informed my eldest son.

“Seriously, Dad? A couple of months ago, you would’ve flipped out if some gay guy was sitting naked in your house, never mind also having an erection. Now, you’re actually giving him a blow job! Or do you think you’re doing something else?”, he asked, obviously giving some serious thought to how I might be thinking if I actually were hypnotized into doing what I was doing.

“I know exactly what I’m doing! Sure, at first I felt uneasy about it, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that letting myself succumb to homophobia was coming at it from the wrong angle. I mulled that over for a while until I realized that it was a lot like Mitzi, the cat we had when you guys were still children.” I knew from other discussions that Sean remembered her well enough, but Ethan had only a few distant memories of her.

“You remember how much she loved getting her tummy rubbed. She was getting way more out of it than I ever did. But still, I enjoyed rubbing her tummy in my own way, especially watching her squirming in pleasure from it. It’s the same thing here. I know perfectly well that Master Vicente is gay and getting off on having a straight guy blow him, but it’s all good. Maybe I don’t enjoy it as much as he does or in the same way as he does, but it’s still fun in its own way, just like with Mitzi and her tummy rubs”, I stated in a matter-of-fact tone. And that’s what it was for me: a matter of fact—fact was, I liked servicing Master Vicente’s cock and seeing the pleasure he got from it.

Sean was almost in tears laughing, obviously having a hard time accepting that I meant exactly what I was saying. I could see Ethan mulling it over, though if I was reading him right, he was a little preoccupied with me being naked. One way or another, I didn’t wait for a response from either of them before I went back to sucking my Master’s dick.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the boys removing their clothes, piece by piece, until they were once again wearing only their black boxer-briefs. It was hard to tell for sure with my focus being primarily on the long, thick cock in my mouth, but I thought that Sean might already be starting to thicken up, both for his Master’s enjoyment and in appreciation of everything Master did for him. I couldn’t see if Ethan was having the same reaction or not.

“That’s very good, boys. You look wonderful!”, Master grinned. “How did the argument go at the park, by the way? Your friend didn’t seem too impressed with me.”

“Oh, god, it was so fucking annoying!”, Ethan said, barely waiting for Master Vicente to finish asking the question. “Before I got to know you, I thought you were a perv as well, but now that I do know you, I can’t believe I ever thought that. It’s frustrating seeing that same thing from the other skaters. Like, if they’d just take the time, I’m sure they’d realize that you’re actually not a perv at all. You just like staring at hot guys a lot.” In contrast to Sean’s levity, Ethan’s face brows were furrowed at the thought of our Master being slighted.

“Not to worry, Ethan. You can take comfort from the fact that at least you and Sean know I’m not a perv, not to mention your friend Ryan.” Sean snorted, but Ethan let that pass, probably because he was already in the throes of pleasure as Master Vicente started massaging his crotch. Ethan had been soft when Master Vicente had started, but he was firming up very quickly. Realizing that I’d let myself get distracted by the similarity of what Master was doing to Ethan right now and what he’d done to Ryan when we’d first arrived, I hurried back to wrapping my mouth around Master’s head.

As I slurped my own saliva from the nooks and crannies of Master Vicente’s cock, I pondered the idea that Ethan and Ryan were actually a lot alike, at least when it came to serving their Master. Alike, and yet not, somehow. Why I thought that, I wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like there was any tangible difference when you got right down to it. They were both guys, both straight but hypnotized by Master Vicente to do gay things, and both really happy about that. Yet somehow, when I thought about Ethan, I was almost disappointed that he wasn’t more like Ryan, even though I couldn’t figure out the difference between them.

Master Vicente motioned as if to start pulling Ethan’s underwear down, but to my surprise, Ethan backed away, putting his hands defensively over his crotch. “Shhh, just relax, boy”, Master Vicente soothed. “There’s no need to worry. Why don’t you go put on your collar and I’m sure you’ll feel much better.” There was a moment of silence before I heard Ethan move. I wasn’t sure what that was about, but from what I’d gathered, Ethan would feel better—about absolutely everything—once he had his collar on.

With Ethan temporarily out of reach, Master Vicente turned his attention to Sean. “Nice and hard for me, as usual”, he purred. “Considering what you think of me, you’d think at some point you’d try to hide your erections from me.”

“Ha! You wish! I’m not gonna cave to some pansy like you. If I have an erection, I’ll damned well show it if I want to, and there’s not a damned thing you can do about it, you fucking hypno-freak. It’s a good goddamned thing I know you can’t hypnotize me or there’d be hell to pay with you and your stupid little mind games. But hey, that’s Ethan and Dad’s problem. If they both fell to you that easily, they deserve whatever you do to them. You sure as hell wouldn’t catch me doing any of that shit, though.”

“Wow, that was quite the display, even for you”, our Master said, sounding almost impressed. “Still, as you say, I know you won’t put that thing away just because I get off on seeing you hard, so why don’t you bring it over here and let me stroke it.”

“Fuck that!”, Sean said, even as he stepped within reach of our Master’s hand. Despite everything he’d just said, my oldest son stood there complacently, allowing Master Vicente to do exactly what he said he wanted to, regardless of Sean’s objections. Unlike Ethan, Sean had no issues when Master Vicente started pulling his underwear down other than to let off another long-suffering sigh. I, however, was not so blithe.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on there, Master Vicente. We talked about this. I don’t need to see that shit”, I told him. He didn’t seem to need any clarification on what I meant. He stopped what he was doing immediately and let Sean’s underwear ride back up. It still left a bit of Sean’s cock exposed, but I assumed that was just by accident. Satisfied that he would respect my objections, I leaned back down towards Master Vicente’s crotch. To my surprise, he stopped me. I stubbornly looked anywhere but at my son’s cock, feeling repulsed knowing that some small part of it was on display, even though I wasn’t looking at it. I was grateful when Ethan came back downstairs, already wearing the collar Master Vicente had told him to.

“Ah, Ethan. You look so much better now”, our Master told my youngest son. Ethan looked towards him, but the comment didn’t require a response, so he didn’t give one. “There’s a good boy”, Master Vicente continued, casually fondling Ethan’s crotch. I was reminded of how I’d felt yesterday—not even a full twenty-four hours ago—at seeing Master touching my younger son’s cock and felt just a momentary flash of it before I remembered that our Master deserved to hypnotize guys like Ethan…and Sean too, of course, though despite his protests, my older son seemed a lot more enthusiastically obedient compared to Ethan.

Even as I fought down a momentary urge to stop Master Vicente from doing what he was doing, I was reminded that he’d been a lot more familiar with Ethan the last time he was here than he was being now. Thinking once again of all the things Master had done with Ryan, I realized that I felt comforted at how much less he was doing with Ethan. He certainly deserved to do what he was doing now—that and more—but I knew he’d never do more than I was comfortable with, and it seemed pretty clear to me that Master Vicente was respecting my need to take things slowly.

“So, Ethan, I noticed you were still a bit preoccupied at seeing your father’s naked body. I thought you’d gotten over that”, my son’s Master commented.

“I had, Master.” Hearing Ethan actually say the word gave me a warm glow. “I’m just not quite used to seeing him with an erection yet. Or the other me wasn’t, anyway.”

“But you don’t have that problem anymore, do you, Ethan?”, our Master prompted.

“No, Master”, Ethan replied. His voice wasn’t quite wooden, as many people described the voice of someone who was under, but there was a certain lack of concern there, I thought. “I’m yours to command, as always, and I’d never dream of being troubled by anything you do”, Ethan replied. My cock throbbed at how hypnotically obedient my son was being right now.

“Excellent. Now, Ethan, would you mind taking off your boxers for me and letting me see that nice, hard cock of yours”, our Master suggested. Before I could even begin to organize my thoughts and try to tell Master that he was taking it too far, my younger son’s cock was already popping out of his boxer shorts.

“It’s okay, Matt”, Master tried to reassure me, clearly seeing the hardening of my eyes. I’d literally just told him a minute ago that I didn’t want to see Sean’s hard cock—did he really think I would feel any better about seeing Ethan’s?

“Look into my eyes, boy”, my Master ordered. I obeyed instantly, as always, yet with an added eagerness that wasn’t normally there. At least if I was staring into Master’s eyes, I wasn’t staring directly at either of my sons’ cocks. Master Vicente gave me a moment to get settled into the commanding depth of his gaze.

“You’ve been thinking a lot about how great it is that I’ve hypnotized your boys, Matt, and I know that deep down, you’ve been contemplating how much like Ryan other hypnotized guys are, but especially how similar to him your sons are. And they are alike, aren’t they, Matt?”, Master Vicente prompted. “Nowhere near as different as you once thought.”

I nodded weakly and gulped as I felt the pressure of my Master’s eyes boring into my brain.

“That’s right, Matt, they’re a lot alike. Do you remember looking at Ryan’s cock yesterday? Do you remember how it made you feel?”, Master asked.

“Yeah. That was great! I loved seeing how hypnotized he was and how much he enjoyed you controlling him”, I agreed, my head nodding as emphatically as I could without breaking our gaze. I could see Ryan’s cock in my head again, almost as clearly as if he were here. “You really deserve to hypnotize him and other guys like him…including Sean and Ethan.”

“That’s right, Matt. You love seeing hypnotized, obedient boys. And just like with Ryan, that’s the only thing you’ll think about when you see their hard cocks or their fuckable asses or any other body part of boys that I’ve hypnotized. It’s very comfortable and very rewarding for you to be able to see those kinds of reactions in everyone I have under my hypnotic control, especially boys like Sean and Ethan. Knowing that they’re controlled and that their hard cocks are their way of telling everyone how much they love to be controlled, you will think of that and only that when you look at their bodies”, Master asserted.

I was convinced he’d told me something like this before, though I couldn’t remember when or where. Regardless, the more he said it, the more I felt the truth of his words deep inside me. I imagined seeing the cocks of other guys he’d hypnotized or that he might hypnotize in the future, and I knew it would be just as easy to look at them as it had been to look at Ryan’s cock yesterday.

“That’s good, Matt. I can tell you’ve really put in a lot of your free time contemplating what that might be like.” Master Vicente seemed quite fond of the word “contemplating”. Most people would’ve just said “thought” or “daydreaming” or whatever else, but it showed just how much more sincere and masterful he was that Master Vicente used words like “contemplating”.

“I guess, yeah”, I agreed. I’d never question Master on something like that, of course.

“That’s excellent, Matt. Now, I want you to keep thinking about just how true that is”, he instructed, looking towards Ethan and breaking our gaze.

“So, tell me, Matt, what do you think of Ethan’s hard cock now?”

“I think it’s great!”, I told him, unable to keep the eager enthusiasm out of my voice.

“You didn’t seem to think so a few minutes ago”, our Master prompted as I watched him begin to slide his fingers up and down the shaft of my youngest son’s cock. Ethan really did look good under our Master’s hypnotic control.

“Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I guess that was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, wasn’t it?”, I blushed.

“That’s alright, Matt. The important thing is that you’re okay with it now.” I could see Master’s cock throbbing in delight at the feel of my son’s cock in his hands. “And on that note, why don’t you have a look at Sean’s cock, too—all of it—and tell me what you think of that”, Master suggested.

“What, you mean you actually fucking expect him to take off my underwear while I’m like this?” Sean interjected, his vehement objections stopping me momentarily from doing anything further. At first, I wondered why he was so uptight about it, but then I realized he was right. Whatever I thought of him having an erection, I didn’t exactly relish the idea of taking my oldest son’s underwear off right now, though I couldn’t quite seem to put my finger on why not. In truth, I was surprised that Sean had suggested it—me taking my older son’s underwear off hadn’t even entered my mind until he’d mentioned it.

“No need to be upset, Sean. In fact, you’re calming down already, realizing that getting your anger out like that has really helped you to feel better about what I’ve ordered your father to do.”

As I continued to be blessedly distracted from possibly taking Sean’s boxers off, I watched how he was reacting to Master Vicente’s control over him and saw the hostility melt from Sean’s eyes like an ice cube in boiling water. “Well, just as long as you know how much of a perv I think you are!”, Sean voiced, though just as his Master had ordered, Sean’s emotions were already levelling off.

“And as for you, Matt, don’t think I didn’t notice your surprise at the idea of taking Sean’s underwear off”, Master Vicente commented. I blushed, feeling guilty at having not thought of it myself, but also that I was hesitant even now that Sean had put the idea in my head.

“Touching your son’s body—”, Master Vicente continued, his voice adopting a more commanding tone as he pointed his fingers towards my eyes, then drew them back towards his. My gaze followed instinctually. “—is perfectly normal, even while he’s erect. That extends to both of your sons, of course. You knew that something like this was coming, and you’ve actually been looking forward to a time when I had the two of them so controlled that they wouldn’t object to you touching them at all.”

As was so often the case when Master developed that tone, I realized that he was right. I could see why Sean had objected, of course, but obeying Master should come first and foremost for him. Which it pretty much was now, I realized. In a flash of insight, I understood how our Master was using Sean’s conviction that he couldn’t be controlled to do exactly that. The more often Sean insisted that he wasn’t hypnotized, the more sure of it he became, and so he didn’t question it when he actually obeyed.

Without further hesitation, I dug my fingers under the band of Sean’s boxer shorts and pulled them down, his cock bobbing back up only a few inches from my face. There was just a moment where something in my brain told me that this was inappropriate, maybe even wrong, and I knew that if a perp told me he’d taken his son’s underwear off while the son had an erection, I would’ve blown up at the guy and arrested him on a dozen different charges. Yes, as Master Vicente had implied, there was nothing wrong with me doing it. It actually felt like the most natural thing in the world now that I gave it some more thought. After all, I’d seen Sean naked before several times. It was hardly any different seeing him with a hard cock than it was with a soft cock.

“Cool!”, I commented. “It’s fantastic that you have Sean so deeply hypnotized.” I paused while Sean told me what he thought of that idea, but despite him saying that our Master was sick for even suggesting that I would take off my son’s boxers, he’d stood perfectly still while I had, not making even the slightest move to stop me.

“That’s excellent, Matt. Now, why don’t you have a good look at Sean’s cock and compare it to your memory of Ryan’s cock from yesterday”, Master suggested. Grinning like an idiot, I did just that.

It was a little odd looking at my son’s cock this closely. Hard or soft, I’d never been this close to it in my life. Still, Master had it right, as always. When I thought about staring at Ryan’s cock yesterday and noting different things about it, I realized that looking at Sean’s cock was no different. It was a little different from Ryan’s—not quite as big, for a start, and my son had less foreskin than Ryan had had. He didn’t have any freckles, though, and his cock angled up a little bit more with a slight curve to the right.

“How are you enjoying being so close to your son’s hard cock, Matt?”, Master Vicente asked.

“I wouldn’t say ‘enjoying’, exactly, but it’s certainly interesting. I never really thought about how similar we looked before”, I told him honestly. “We kind of smell similar too now that I think about it. Not that similar, but if you blindfolded me, I’d be able to tell him from Ryan easily”, I confirmed, watching our Master stroke my younger son’s cock to full hardness.

“And looking at Ethan now, knowing that I control his mind, how do you feel about me helping myself to his body?”, he prompted.

“Oh, it’s fine! In fact, I’d even go a step further and say that I like seeing him so controlled. You really deserve hot guys like him and I think it’s great that you went as far as you did while I was gone. I feel so bad for complaining about it earlier”, I blushed in shame as I stared at Master stroking Ethan’s cock. “I honestly don’t know what came over me. The whole time I was gone, it was like there was this little part of me that knew what you were doing and it slowly began to prepare me for things like this. I guess it just didn’t work fast enough or something. I’m soooo sorry I wasn’t ready sooner.”

“That’s alright, Matt. I know you want to make it up to me, and you will be in a moment. Over the next few days, I think you’ll find you become even more accepting of my control over them”, Master Vicente smirked.

As I continued studying both of my sons’ cocks, now comparing them with each other and with my own rather than with Ryan’s, Master Vicente knelt behind the boys and spit into each of their asses, spitting even more onto his finger. Both of them looked like they were in heaven as our Master stood back up between them and forcefully inserted his middle finger into each of their buttholes. After he’d had a little fun with them, I realized that as engrossed in their cocks as I’d been, I’d completely forgotten to service our Master’s cock. Hurriedly, I got down on my knees and positioned myself to take Master’s cock as deep down my throat as I could manage. With a peremptory push on the back of my head, my Master’s cock was blissfully inside my mouth.

I was only vaguely aware of Ethan leaving, then coming back a minute later with some lube. It was the same brand as Master had at home, I noticed, which I assumed must be another sign of our Master’s control over him. I didn’t give the matter a whole lot of thought, though, as focused as I was on sucking Master Vicente off. His cock throbbed almost every time I took it into my throat and there was a near-constant stream of salty deliciousness coming from the tip. The boys’ moans of ecstasy as he continued fingering them were music to my ears. I’d long thought that they’d be perfect boy-toys for Master Vicente and I couldn’t have been more right.

“Ah!”, Ethan gasped, and I could feel his leg vibrate against my skin. Had he just cum? “Uhhh…” he moaned once more. No, he hadn’t cum yet. His voice still had that plaintive tone of someone in sheer ecstasy, yet not quite maxed out. He still wanted to cum, I could tell, but that wasn’t what was going on. Maybe Master had inserted another finger? That was probably it.

I didn’t really pay much attention to them after that, as preoccupied with our Master’s cock as I was. It was hard to believe I was so infatuated with pleasuring a gay guy’s cock, but I wasn’t complaining. He deserved my body at least as much as my sons’, and I wanted nothing more than to make every sexual encounter we had his best ever.

It was maybe another then minutes or so before both Sean and Ethan came, almost at the same time. I almost blew my load when I felt Sean’s hand on my back, spreading a layer of his jizz onto my back. Ethan followed suit, a mix of the two of them now turning cold as they finished spreading it around.

I loved, loved, loved the feeling of another guy’s jizz on me. I’d fantasized about it often ever since Master Vicente had first introduced me to the idea, but to now have not only two different men’s cum on me but those two men being my sons…I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.

I must have nodded off not long after that because I couldn’t remember Master leaving. It was like one minute he was there, then I remembered him coming over and planting his thumb on my forehead like he often did and the next thing I knew, he was gone.

As I became a bit more aware of my surroundings, I became a lot more aware of my ass. It felt like I’d spent the last few hours pounding my dildo in and out of it, but I couldn’t possibly have slept for more than a few minutes, so I wasn’t sure what was going on there. Just to be on the safe side, I put on a pair of black boxers I found on the kitchen table. In addition to my ass being sore, it was also a bit slimy with something and whatever it was, I didn’t want it spreading around the house.

After we’d cleaned up, the boys and I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on my trip, right up until dinner. Just before we ate, the boys stripped down completely. I was already naked, so I just stayed the way I was. It was a little crowded, but all three of us wanted to help with the dishes, meaning we were all in close proximity. I was pleased to see that neither of the boys appeared to be having any issues with me being naked, and equally pleased that I had no issues with them being naked, either. Master Vicente’s explanation earlier just made so much sense now that I’d had time to think about it.

Once we’d we settled in together on the couch to watch a movie, I found myself staring at the boys’ flaccid cocks once more. If anything, that was the most disturbing thing I’d seen so far since we didn’t normally just sit around side-by-side on the couch. They didn’t seem to have a problem with it, however, which I assumed was Master Vicente’s doing. Despite their flaccid nudity, it felt good to be home with them once again, so I sat quietly between them and didn’t worry too much about it.

Towards the end of the evening, Sean got a text. I was at too much of an angle to read the text itself, but as Sean started typing his response, I noticed that his previously flaccid cock was beginning to swell slightly. Within moments, Sean got up and left the room. “What’s that about, do you think?”, I asked Ethan, noticing that he too was beginning to firm up.

“I don’t know, but you know Master’s up to something”, he smiled back. Now that he was getting hard, I felt more comfortable sitting next to him and I allowed my legs to relax until my right knee was touching his left. For some reason, Ethan tensed up slightly, but I was now too focused on my own thoughts to pay much attention to it. Just like my youngest son, I found it exciting knowing that Master Vicente had triggered Sean, or at least ordered him to do something, even if I didn’t know what. The more I thought about that, the more my cock began to feel those magical pulses of pleasure that go along with a budding erection, though I was far from being fully erect by the time Sean returned.

Sean however, had no such problems and was actually using his cock as a hook to carry Ethan’s collar. I laughed, but Ethan seemed a bit more ambivalent, giving his brother only a vaguely amused look.

Sean stood directly in front of his brother, clearly waiting for Ethan to remove the collar from where it hung. With a look of reluctance, Ethan reached out towards Sean’s cock. I could hardly blame him for what he was feeling. I didn’t envy him having to put on a collar that had just been on his brother’s cock, but Master Vicente’s will easily won out, even though he wasn’t here at the moment.

The moment Ethan’s hand touched the collar, his face went ever so slightly flat. I wasn’t surprised that he didn’t put it on yet, though. He seemed to prefer waiting to be told to do so, though no such order had been given so far. Even just holding it relaxed him, though. I felt my youngest’s leg press into mine a little more. He was clearly “blissed out”, as the boys sometimes called it and no longer cared that he was pressing his leg up against me. I smiled and rubbed his inner thigh affectionately.

Next, Sean came to me and handed me my phone and a bottle of lube, reaching across himself to grab my dildo from under his arm now that he had free hands. Unsure what he wanted me to do with it, I looked at the phone and realized that Master Vicente was on the line, waiting for me to speak.

As we started to get into our conversation, Sean went to the television and pulled an electronics box out from behind it that I hadn’t seen before. It didn’t take me long to realize what it was, though, as Sean plugged a USB stick into it and used a remote that apparently went with it to find a file and put it on. As it turned out, it was my favourite oldie porn called Delicious. It was rare that I watched straight porn these days, usually preferring the ones where a male hypnotist was in charge, but I’d always had a thing for the lead actress, Veronica Hart. She’d been the source of many a teenage fantasy and she still hadn’t lost her touch.

I was so absorbed in the video, though, that I barely paid any attention at all to Master Vicente’s voice. It became part of the background as I watched the old movie, alternately lubing up the dildo and stroking my own cock to full firmness with my one free hand. I set down the phone for a moment to put the dildo up my butt, slowly easing it inside of me, enjoying the deeply satisfying sense of fullness it brought to my insides.

The boys were rapt with what I was doing, barely paying any attention to the video at all. I could see precum dripping down Sean’s cock and Ethan was actually sampling a little of his own pre as I sat back down. It was actually quite pleasant watching porn with the boys now that they were under Master Vicente’s control. Him having this level of control over them was something I’d wanted since almost the day I’d met him. Master’s voice blended into the background of the video, and I realized that I didn’t really need to do anything at all to my own cock, simply basking in the feel of a dick up my ass, even if it was a fake one, and enjoying the sight of his control over the boys.

It was especially obvious with Ethan, since he no longer cared at all that he was jerking off beside me now that Master had told him to put his collar on, and the three of us all now sat with our legs pressed sweatily against one another, the boys languidly stroking their meat. “Stroking their meat” wasn’t usually how I would’ve thought of what they were doing, but those were Master Vicente’s words, and even if a little vulgar, the term was certainly appropriate enough.

Much of the rest of the evening was a blur, probably because I spent most of it watching Master Vicente hypnotize the boys and give them instructions. It was very repetitive and really got jumbled up in my mind. Once Master was done with them and I finally turned my attention back to the screen, I saw Veronica Hart and one of the other women in the video on screen, kissing each other. A part of me said it was hot, but all I could think of was how much hotter the prisoner video had been. Gay hypnotists were the best.

“Hey, Sean, whenever you’re done cleaning up, you can delete that unless you want it for some reason. I don’t think I really have much interest in videos with women in them anymore”, I told him in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Sure thing, Dad”, he agreed. “With Master Vicente around, I’m surprised you lasted this long”, he chuckled.

I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but I supposed he must mean that it was only polite to have strictly gay videos with Master Vicente coming over from time to time. I wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable by having straight porn in my collection. Besides, the gay ones were hotter.

It occurred to me that Sean and Ethan might well want some of the straight stuff themselves, but then again, with Master Vicente being who he was, maybe not. I had a sneaking suspicion that Master had probably hypnotized the two of them to only watch gay porn. If he had, I approved! That’d give the three of us even more reason to spend time jerking off together in the future, and we’d never have to worry about things like walking in on each other or anything like that ever again.

By the time I was getting ready to settle down for bed, I noticed that one of the boys had already deleted everything but the gay videos and erotic male massages. While I hadn’t actually said straight out that I wanted all the non-gay stuff gone, I’d implied it, and I was grateful that it was. It’d save me from having to even think about straight porn. Despite having watched some of it only a few hours ago, I felt a primal revulsion at the very idea of watching a woman in porn ever again. It occurred to me only after that I hadn’t had to type in my password to access the files, either. “Thank you, whoever cleaned out the files and removed the password”, I called out, knowing that the boys were both in their rooms and would hear me.

“You’re welcome”, came Ethan’s voice. I was a bit surprised that he’d been the one to do it. Sean was the more self-confident, and therefore more likely to take the initiative to re-interpret what I’d told him to do, but Ethan was more comfortable with technology, so I supposed it made sense that he’d done it. Knowing that that was taken care of, I headed for bed, grabbing my dildo and stuffing it inside me to help me sleep.

It was hard to concentrate at work now, what with everything going on at home, but I managed. I found out that one of the rookies, Finlay, had just met Master Vicente a couple of days ago himself. He was still a little unsure of what to think about having a Master, so over lunch later that week, the two of us got together and talked about how much we enjoyed spending time with Master Vicente. By the end of it, I think I’d really helped reassure him that even though Master could be a bit over the top sometimes, he wasn’t such a bad guy and I told Finlay that he should keep seeing Master Vicente regularly.

As we got up, Finlay and I both noticed the evidence of how much we’d enjoyed talking about our Master, and he blushed a little, but I reassured him that there was nothing to be embarrassed about when it was just us, and that it almost always happened whenever I’d been thinking about Master Vicente for more than a minute or two. He looked profoundly grateful for my reassurance.

Over the course of the next few weeks, the boys and I sat together on the couch together every day, often jerking off to whichever gay porn we’d decided to watch that night. It wasn’t long before we started to jerk off while we were watching, sometimes putting one of our phone cams on so that Master could watch.

The boys liked to have races, then smear their cum all over each other, but I was much too old to compete with them, so I never bothered. Still, their cum often got spread onto me or mine onto them. No matter whose cum went where, it was all good.

Naturally, putting cum on each other sometimes included each others’ nether regions, which led to me getting jerked off by Sean one evening when he was done way before I was. He just put his cum on my cock and spread it around, but then kept spreading it. That devolved almost overnight into all three of us regularly jerking each other off instead of ourselves whenever we were sitting together. The funny thing was that even before Sean started doing it to me, I’d had brief images of me doing the same thing to him and Ethan. While it was surely nothing more than a happy coincidence, it really took the pressure off me to figure out how to approach the two of them about jerking each other off. What’s more, once we all got started, it felt so natural to me that I wished I’d been doing it all along.

Needless to say, with us now jerking each other off regularly, we stopped worrying about nudity or erections entirely. All three of us had taken to wandering around naked now, though the boys still enjoyed smearing cum on their boxer-shorts and showing it off. For the boys, I knew this came from Master Vicente training them to be naked and hard around me, since he got off on that idea. For myself, though, I think it must’ve come from some long-suppressed nudist tendencies or maybe even a latent exhibitionist fetish. Either way, I was glad that Master Vicente had gotten the boys used to it. I enjoyed the sense of freedom being naked gave me.

I got so used to the boys being naked or in their undies, in fact, that one time after Ethan and I had gone downtown to run a couple of errands, I found myself thinking how wrong he looked wearing clothes. Knowing intimately which streets cops usually monitored, I started barreling down side-streets, well over the speed limit, just so we could be home that much faster. It reminded me of the time I’d let Master Vicente off the hook for speeding, and suddenly, I understood that I hadn’t just been letting him off, but that he’d probably had a really good reason for doing it. Not that it was likely to ever happen, but if I were ever on street patrol again, I’d try to be a bit more understanding about people going over the speed limit.

It was Saturday morning when Sean got a call from our Master. It wasn’t exactly difficult to figure out that it was our Master because Sean’s dick started twitching and fluffing up mere moments into the call. I gave it a quick couple of strokes while he was busy listening to Master’s voice, just to help it along. There was something so kinky about touching my son’s hard cock knowing he’d never even remember that I’d done so. As was often the case with calls like these, Sean had no memory of the call after he was done. I watched him head upstairs in a bit of a daze, but got distracted and never noticed him coming back down.

Coming to my senses, I put the phone down on the kitchen table and made my way to the living room. Sean had made his way there at some point and was sitting on the couch with an erection, staring straight ahead. From the looks of things, he’d grabbed a black marker out of my office and written the word “SLAVE” on his abdomen. The marker had fallen into his crotch, so I grabbed his cock and pushed it out of the way for a moment so that I could get the marker myself. Despite having planned to go out today, I took a seat beside him and wrote on my own abdomen. As soon as I was done, I dropped the marker and stared straight out the window, my own half-hard cock continuing to stiffen up until my son and I were nearly identical. Master Vicente’s beautiful voice kept echoing in my head as I sat there, my cock straining to become harder than I’d ever been in my life.

Ethan had clearly gotten a call as well, as I could hear his voice in the other room as he acknowledged his Master’s marching orders for the day. Pausing only to grab the marker that was now resting between my balls and my leg, Ethan strode by to take a seat on my right, the state of his cock matching both Sean’s and mine.

I couldn’t tell how long the three of us were like that, but at some point, I was aware of Master Vicente unlocking our door and letting himself in. I knew the moment he appeared in front of us that Master Vicente was planning something. While he was often hard when he came over, he usually just acted like it was nothing, and pretty soon, he’d have one of the boys hypnotized to take care of him in whatever way he wanted, or I’d do it willingly those days the boys weren’t around or he was just in the mood for me to do it. Today, however, he just stood in front of us, slowly stripping without ever asking any of us to do anything. We obliged by continuing to stare straight ahead woodenly, although I was distinctly aware of his hard cock just outside my central field of vision. I also noticed him do a double-take at one point, then compliment Ethan on his creativity—whatever that was about.

“It’s so wonderful to see you this morning, my beautiful, straight slave-boys. I’m looking forward to what I have planned for you today!”, he told us throatily. If anyone else had used that tone, especially combined with him specifically identify us as straight and saying that he was planning something for us, I would have found it menacing. With Master, however, I knew it just meant he was especially horny and I found myself relaxing more and more with each word—each syllable—he spoke.

Master then went through a bag he’d brought with him and pulled out a professional camera. I’d been so focussed on his magnificent body that I’d never even noticed he had something else with him. Even though I continued to stare straight ahead, Master’s activities now had my undivided attention. As he set up the camera to take photos of us, I suddenly understood something that had eluded me since the first time I’d been at my Master’s house. The photos of submissive guys that decorated his place weren’t artistic nudes—they were his hypnotized boys, and he’d likely taken the pictures himself. I wondered what had happened to all of them. I’d certainly never met any of them at his place before, and I hadn’t recognized any of them.

Master took several pictures of us staring at him woodenly, as well as a few where he asked us to smile, then finally, a couple of individual portraits of each of us. “What do you think, Matt? You and your boys look great, don’t you?”, Master asked, showing me some of the pics in the viewscreen of the camera and giving me permission to move my eyes around normally once again.

Looking at the ones he showed me, I had to agree. There was something so hot about seeing my boys being controlled the way they were. I noticed in some of the pics that while Sean and I had both written the word “SLAVE” on our abdomens, Ethan had something more that I couldn’t quite make out. Asking about it, Master showed me one of the portraits.

“Yes, your youngest took a bit of liberty with my suggestion, which I thought was rather interesting, given that he should have been fairly tranced out and following orders the whole time.” Looking at a zoom of Ethan’s abdomen, I realized that his said “WILLING SLAVE”, with the word “willing” having been underlined and having a couple of arrows pointing towards it. No doubt, other Ethan had been the one to do that. I’d noticed a couple of times now that the lines were blurring, and sometimes Ethan was a lot more obedient even without the collar than he was at other times.

“Now, then, moving on. Let’s start with you”, Master said, standing up and moving in front of my oldest son. Sean developed a look of disgust at having Master’s thick, hard cock shoved into his face. “What are you contemplating for me, Sean?” As quickly as Sean’s face had screwed up in distaste, it went flat again.

“I’ve been contemplating how much more satisfying it would be to bitch you out only in my head instead of out loud if you tell me to. I’ve been contemplating how easy it’ll be to do whatever you tell me to without thinking of it as an order. I’ve been contemplating servicing other guys’ cocks besides yours and how great it’ll feel when I do”, my son intoned.

“And how are you feeling about those?”, Master Vicente asked. While I’d never seen him do this before that I could recall, there was nevertheless a slight sense of familiarity about it. After puzzling it over for a few seconds, I gave up. The only thing I could think was that I must have seen or heard him doing this with the boys or with Ryan while I wasn’t paying close attention.

“I’m looking forward to being able to really say whatever I want when I bitch at you, being even more honest than I am to your face, and it’ll be so satisfying!” I was surprised at how normally Sean was speaking, given how he looked, but Master Vicente always got what he wanted out of Sean, so if Sean was speaking this way, I had to assume it was because Master had encouraged it.

“Whenever you tell me to do something, I’ll just go ahead and do it like it was any other request, even if I’m bitching you out for it in my head. Everything you say is normal conversation. Servicing other guys’ cocks is no different from yours. I hate it, but I have to be respectful…like kissing my great grandmother and her icky, wet lips when I was a kid”, Sean finished, unfazed by how disjointed his comments had been.

I hadn’t known he’d felt that way about kissing my grandmother, but I supposed I wasn’t surprised. Clearly, Master Vicente already knew about it since he didn’t bat an eye at Sean’s statement. Given how often Sean talked about not being rude, I had to think that Master Vicente had been using that to motivate my eldest for a long time.

“Good boy, Sean. Come back to reality now, boy. Take your time and, as always, you can allow everything we’ve said in the last couple of minutes to simply drift away, remaining unaware that any time has passed at all”, Master suggested.

Sure enough, Sean slowly lost the wooden look on his face, staring up at Master Vicente expectantly, waiting for him to talk. If I’d had any doubts about my oldest son’s willingness to do everything Master Vicente had hypnotized him to do, they were dispelled by how Sean’s cock looked right now. I’d realized some time ago that as long as he was hard, Sean was enjoying Master Vicente’s hypnotic domination. Right now, his cock looked fantastic! It was hard and throbbing and dripping pre, a lot like his Master’s cock was, come to think of it.

Suddenly realizing that I might be intruding, I snapped my eyes back to my front, patiently waiting for Master’s attention. It was just so addictive watching Master pervert my two boys! Only listening now, I heard a slapping sound of skin against skin. Given what I could see out of the corner of my eyes, I realized that Master Vicente was slapping Sean’s face with his dick.

“Fuck you! Stop that!”, Sean groused, though as far as I could tell, Sean didn’t make any move to stop Master Vicente other than leaning back into the couch to get as far away from Master’s cock as he could.

“Listen to me, Sean”, Master commanded, presumably forcing my son to stare into his eyes. “As much as hate what I’m doing, I want you to keep it to yourself.” There was a brief pause. “That’s a good boy”, Master Vicente drawled, clearly trying to get a rise out of Sean. I could only assume that he didn’t get one, since Sean remained silent.

The slapping resumed. Once again, I felt Sean’s weight shift as he presumably tried to get away. “Sit still, Sean, and keep your face where I can reach it.” The slapping resumed with a much more rhythmic sense. I throbbed knowing that my son was following orders, just as he’d been programmed to. “That’s a good boy”, Master drawled again. After a moment, the slapping stopped and I could see Master moving his cock around, apparently drawing designs on Sean’s face. The corners of my lips twitched upwards as I tried to imagine what Sean’s inner dialogue must be right now.

Pretty soon, Master Vicente stood in front of me. My dick throbbed with excitement at the sight of his. I couldn’t say why that turned me on, but it did. Realistically, there was nothing special about it besides how long and fat it was, but my cock kept bouncing around manically nevertheless. The simple fact was that it was his cock, Master’s cock, and all I could do was to stare at it. I wasn’t even sure when that had happened. I’d never gotten anything out of looking at another guy’s cock until a few months ago, but now, the sight of his or either of my sons’ cocks was a pure delight.

“Sleep for me, Matt”, Master told me, his thumb touching my forehead. I’d thought there hadn’t been much precum on his cock when he’d first stood in front of me, but obviously I’d been wrong, since there was a ton of it now, and it was dribbling down his shaft and onto his fingers.

“Ah, Matt. It feels so good to be hypnotized, doesn’t it?”, Master asked. Knowing that it wasn’t true, I ignored the statement and kept staring at his thick, hard cock as it oozed even more pre.

“From now on, Matt, you belong to me”, Master told me, his fingers on my chin directing my gaze into his. You are mine in every way possible, obeying me, doing things to please me, taking pleasure when I hypnotize new boys and even helping me to do so. From now on, hypnotized or not, you will service me sexually, along with anyone else I tell you to, and you will be happy to do so. You will do this at any time and think that it’s perfectly natural. You’re a puppet, Matt, and I’m your puppet-master, but like a puppet, you cannot see your strings. Even as you hear me tell you that you are, you will never believe that you’re being hypnotized on an ongoing basis, no matter what”, my Master finished.

What he said rang true in a way I simply could not describe. It was like I’d known this in the back of my head for a long time now, or at least I’d been thinking about it. Maybe, at some point, I even would have come to that realization on my own. Hearing him say it now just brought home that inescapable truth. Over the past few months, I’d come to understand that I belonged to my Master and would do anything he asked. I supposed, in my own way, I was just like Sean or maybe even Ethan. I wasn’t quite as much of a bitch about serving as my older son, mind you, but at the same time, I wasn’t quite as servile and submissive as my younger son. Nevertheless, Master owned me, and I would always do whatever he commanded—I truly was his slave, just like I’d written on myself earlier.

“There’s something I want you to do for me, Matt”, Master said, once he was certain that I felt the truth of his words to the core of my being. “These last few weeks, you and the boys have been jerking off together, getting used to seeing each other’s cocks and pleasuring each other for my benefit, or at least practicing doing so for my benefit. On some level, I think you see that a bit like when any other two guys have a mutual j/o session, am I right?”, he asked.

“Yeah, pretty much. I mean, it took me a while to wrap my head around seeing my sons that way, but I’m cool with it now, Master, especially knowing that it means they’re completely turned on by you hypnotizing them”, I nodded at him.

“Matt, I want you to kiss each of your sons now. And I think you know I don’t mean a little peck on the cheek.” The revulsion I felt was indescribable. It was one thing to have a mutual masturbation session with the two of them, but kissing them with tongue was just gross! While I was still grappling with that idea, Master triggered the two boys to comply with what he’d ordered me to do. Suddenly, I found myself looking into Master’s eyes and I relaxed.

As I stared at him docilely, it occurred to me to wonder why I was so upset. In fact, that’s what he was asking me as well. No, not asking, telling. He was telling me not to be upset. I could just follow his orders like a good boy…like he’d been training me to these past couple of months.

Pulling my gaze away, or maybe being let go, I turned towards Sean and leaned in towards him. It was easier than I’d thought. I just reminded myself of how many times I’d done this before, grabbing a girl’s head and pulling her in for a kiss, and I did the same to my son. There was no reason to treat him any differently than them, apart from the fact that because he was a man, I knew Master would be getting turned on by it. And turning Master on was a good thing…the best thing!

Sean and I kissed for a minute, and I even reached down and started stroking his cock while we kissed. It actually felt right, now that I was getting into it. No, it wasn’t right that I was committing incest with my son, but that wasn’t important right now…or ever, really. What was important was that I was obeying Master’s orders like I was supposed to.

Master reached under our chins, using just a single finger to turn both of our faces towards him. “Now the other one”, he smiled, his dick throbbing in anticipation. I knew he liked Ethan the best, so I could only imagine how much he was looking forward to watching me kiss my younger son. Not surprisingly, Ethan balked at first, but Master took care of that in a way I wasn’t expecting.

“Look at me, Ethan”, our mutual Master commanded. “You’ve known for a while now that the person you are every day is the person you are in a collar. While watching you switch between one and the other has been fun, deep down, you know there’s only one you, and that’s the deeply hypnotized, obedient slave you’ve always wanted to be.” My son’s eyes were fixed on his Master, his pupils dilated as he took in what Master Vicente was telling him. “Ethan, even when you’re not physically wearing your collar, you’re always wearing your collar. When you see me, when you hear my voice, when you feel my touch, you can sense that collar around your neck, whether or not it’s actually there. You will always feel calm and at peace when I give you an order, easily able to follow it without question. You are wearing my collar now…and always.”

It took a minute, but even after Ethan’s pupils had contracted, a sign that he was returning to being his normal self, his eyes remained as calm as when he’d been under. The timid look he’d had a moment ago was gone. “Kiss your father, Ethan”, Master ordered.

Without even the slightest hint of hesitation, my youngest complied. If I hadn’t been following Master’s orders myself, I would’ve jumped up and down with joy. Ethan was finally Master Vicente’s complete slave, just like they’d both wanted for so long. I was so proud of him! Opening my mouth, I readied my tongue, smiling as I saw him doing the same.

Despite our eagerness, honestly, my youngest son turned out to be boring compared to Sean. Not that he was a bad kisser or anything, but he was so calm and obedient about it that we frenched like it was something we’d been doing for years. It was easier for me now that it was the second time and I didn’t feel anywhere near the sense of revulsion I had at first with Sean. It was just something I was doing because I’d been told to. I enjoyed pleasing Master Vicente and I knew he was getting turned on seeing me kiss my own son. Knowing that he was getting turned on was all that I needed to follow his orders.

Master Vicente once again tipped Ethan’s face up with his fingers, but this time, he deliberately avoided prolonged eye contact. “So, how was it, slave?”

To my surprise, Ethan appeared confused. Master Vicente waited him out.

“It…I mean…it was…. I don’t know how to answer!”, he said, clearly hoping for some guidance from his Master.

“Honestly”, Master replied with a suddenly serious look. Clearly, he hadn’t been expecting this either.

“Well, on the one hand, it was gross. I’m kissing another man, I’m kissing my father. I don’t know…somehow, that’s harder than jacking off with him or Sean. Mutual masturbation feels natural—almost like I’ve been doing it my whole life. It feels as natural as if I’m doing it to myself, even though I know I’m not. Kissing Dad just feels wrong!

“Buuuutttt, it was also really hot. I obeyed without thinking, and it felt good to obey! I could go on, but that’s really all that matters”, Ethan replied.

“Not to worry. I was planning on addressing that soon anyway”, Master Vicente leered. Master Vicente put his thumb in the middle of Ethan’s forehead, saying “Sleep for me.” Next, he came over to me, his dick tapping my face as he put his thumb on my forehead between my eyes, just like he had for Ethan. I blanked out for a while after that, so I didn’t see if he did anything to Sean, but I had to assume Master had done the same to him and he had to Ethan.

As had happened so often before, Master Vicente’s dick was suddenly in my face. I didn’t question what I was supposed to do, I simply opened my mouth to let my Master make use of it. It was funny how similar my way of thinking was to Ethan’s, yet also how different. I didn’t really think of Master Vicente as a supreme overlord the way Ethan did, but at the same time, I was sucking a man’s hard cock and I called him—thought of him—as my Master. But for me, it was really just a name I called him and I did things for him for almost the same reasons as Sean did…it pleased him when I obeyed. Unlike Sean, though, when Master told me to do things, I just didn’t question it at all, which I had to admit was a bit closer to Ethan than I felt comfortable with now that I thought about it.

Then, Master’s dick was in my mouth and I forgot everything. The only thing going through my mind was to pleasure him, and in pleasuring him, I felt a different kind of pleasure myself. Thoughts of Ethan and Sean completely vanished from my mind, at least until their faces were on either side of mine. That’s when I realized that it wouldn’t be just me giving our Master a blow job, but all three of us.

Ethan took hold of Master’s cock and started trying to monopolize it, but Sean wasn’t having any of that. Despite supposedly hating the very idea of sucking a man’s dick, he fought for his turn just as much as Ethan did. I was sure I felt just as eager as they did, but it made me so proud to see the boys serving our Master that I decided to settle for putting my arms around their shoulders and feeling their eager service while I sat back and watched, diving in whenever I could to get a taste. As time went on, though, I felt more and more like I was missing out, and pretty soon, it was a three-way competition to see who could get Master’s cock in their mouths the deepest and for the longest time.

Of course, we were all very respectful of our Master and never once made the experience any less for him, which made for some very interesting dynamics to our little fight. At one point, my youngest son pulled me off of Master’s cock and made as if he were about to french kiss me, but at the last second, he dove onto Master’s cock himself, completely ignoring me. After gathering my wits, I started licking Master’s balls, but in order not to make Master’s experience any worse, Ethan had to give me room to do what I was doing. Pretty soon, I was pushing him further and further towards Master’s head. Eventually, he had to either force me off Master’s balls entirely or give way. Putting an elbow on his chest, I pushed him the rest of the way off so I could get Master’s cock in my mouth once again, only to realize that Sean was using a variant of my technique, kissing his way up from the base of Master’s cock towards the head. When I didn’t give ground, he grabbed me by the hair and forced me off so he could get his turn.

Time was completely irrelevant to me, so I had no idea how long the three of us fought over Master’s cock. At some point, however, I felt Master’s thumb on my forehead, pushing me off of his cock. I went slack-jawed almost immediately, relaxing as he pushed me off, and then I lost track of time for a while. I felt guilty that I hadn’t been servicing Master Vicente’s cock for however long I’d been lost in thought, but there was something much more important for me to do than that right now.

Standing up, I suddenly felt a hot mouth on my cock—something I hadn’t felt in a couple of years. Looking down, I saw Sean working my cock down his throat intently. At first, Ethan took care of our Master, but they soon switched places.

“How does it feel, getting sucked off by your sons, Matt?”, Master Vicente leered as though he were doing something perverted.

“Feels great!”, I panted, thrusting into Ethan’s mouth until I felt his face hitting my pubes. “Ooooh, fuck yeah!” I’d only ever had one partner who could deep-throat me like this before, and even then, she hadn’t done it often. If what they did to Master Vicente was anything to go by, both Sean and Ethan seemed like they’d be very eager to do so as often as they could. I certainly hoped they would be!

“Doesn’t feel slimy or perverted that I’ve hypnotized your sons to suck you off?”, Master pursued.

“Of course not—not when you do it. Anyone else tried to do this to them, I’d shoot first and ask questions later, of course, but I know you only have their best interests at heart. Besides, it seems like maybe Ethan has always wanted to be this way, deep down, or something like it. And as for Sean, as he’s said countless times, if he’s so weak-minded that he can by hypnotized into it, you have every right to do whatever you want with him”, I assured Master, who promptly forced Sean back onto my cock.

“Fuck you, I am not we—” Whatever else he’d been going to say was cut off by my cock ramming into his mouth. Once it was in, he seemed to lose any interest in finishing his sentence.

“That’s right, Matt”, Master Vicente agreed. His voice had that quality to it that I so loved, the one where he sounded sensuously evil—the one that made me want to serve him so much, do whatever he wanted, even though I knew he was getting off on it. I looked into his eyes and relaxed, listening to his voice as he explained that he was going to fuck my boys now.

Gay man that he was, I wasn’t surprised that he’d been working them towards this. I’d seen Sean, at least, with a dildo up his butt many times. I remembered a long time ago feeling like there was something perverted about Master Vicente wanting to fuck the boys, but now all I could feel was pride at the thought that today was the day he was actually going to do it. Master Vicente’s voice caressed my mind as I thought about it more and more, telling me how I not only loved the idea of him fucking them, but how I loved that he’d hypnotized them into it. It was fantastic how he controlled both of them now. Every time I saw him take over their minds, I wanted him to do it more than I ever had before.

Yes, that was right, I’d been thinking lately how great it would be if he could fuck both of them side-by-side. Subconsciously, I’d even planned out where he could do it. Now that the time had come, I ran upstairs and cleared my study desk off of the final things that were on it, which was really just the computer monitor at this point. I’d already cleared most of the rest of the stuff off earlier without even thinking about it. I waited patiently for Master Vicente and the boys to arrive. My dick was throbbing like never before as I imagined what was to come. I was standing there a good five minutes or more before they did, though. Master Vicente wasn’t one to be rushed by anyone, but especially not by me.

“So, boys”, he prompted them once the four of us were gathered in a cluster, “you ready to be fucked?”, he asked.

Ethan, of course, said “yes” as soon as he was asked. Sean balked, as was the norm for him.

“Shut up, Sean”, Master Vicente ordered. Sean’s mouth snapped shut instantly, but I could see him imagining all the things he wanted to say to his Master. Master Vicente waited with a look of amusement that I didn’t understand at first. Then, suddenly, Sean’s face relaxed and I realized what had just happened. Sean had just delivered a blistering rebuke, all in his own mind, and had now gotten over his little fit, feeling happy and ready to serve.

“Would you agree, Sean”, Master said, stroking my eldest’s erection, “that if you were hypnotized somehow, or maybe even if it were someone else, say, just to make it easier on you… if I’d hypnotized someone like your brother to want to get fucked, would you agree that it would be my right to do so, even if he didn’t believe that he’d ever been hypnotized?”

We all knew the answer Sean would give, but it seemed to amuse our Master to hear Sean give it. “Hell, yes it would! Or, more correctly, it is, since that’s exactly what you’ve hypnotized Sea— errr, Ethan to do. That was weird”, he said, shaking his head, while the rest of us all smiled at the Freudian slip. “Weak-minded fucking slave, he is! You can fuck his brains out all you want, as far as I’m concerned.”

“Good, good. Glad you agree. Why don’t you and your brother just bend over the desk for me”, Master told them.

“Fuck you if you think I’m gonna bend over for you”, Sean objected, even as he took position over the desk beside his brother.

“I know Sean. Listen, whatever else you were gonna say, and whatever you might want to say when you feel my cock sliding into you, why don’t you just keep it to yourself, saying it in your head instead of out loud. In fact, you can imagine saying it so strongly that it almost feels like you have said it, just like you did a minute ago”, Master ordered. Sean nodded his head like this was the most normal thing in the world to be told.

“Now, the only question is which one to take first”, Master smirked as he walked around behind the two of them and started to study their asses.

Ultimately, it seemed he chose Sean. Unable to take my eyes off his cock as I walked around to the opposite side of the desk, I watched raptly as Master positioned his head at the entrance of Sean’s hole and started lubing both him and Ethan up at the same time, using his cock to spread the lube up and down Sean’s crack and his hand for Ethan. I was vaguely aware that I was in Sean’s mouth and that Ethan was also somewhere near my pubes, but I only had eyes for Master’s cock.

I felt as much as saw Master’s penetration. Sean’s mouth went slack around my dick as his hole started to give ground. “Think of the dildo, Sean”, Master ordered. “Think about how great it feels having the dildo inside of you. Think about it and relax.” Master paused, his glorious head pushing further into Sean’s hole. “Now, Sean, I want you to imagine that you’ve been working your dildo in and out of you for some time now. Feel how relaxed you are, how easy it is to let that dildo into you.”

Almost like magic, Master Vicente’s cock slid all the way into my oldest son’s ass and he started pulling it back out. I could see the glare on my son’s face as he got penetrated, coupled by how incensed he was that he was sucking his own father’s cock. At least for the moment, he was royally pissed off and sickened at doing both.

“That’s it, Sean. You give Master Vicente what for”, I told him commandingly. “Yeah, you’re pissed right off, aren’t you? You want nothing more than to bash his brains in right now for being such a sick pervert and making you do this shit. But you won’t, will you? You’re too polite. Brought up right, being nice no matter what, just like I taught you. Good boy.” I’d never called him that before, or at least not since he was a child, but it just came out naturally now.

“That’s it, now let it all out of you. You’ve said your bit, so now you can go with it. Do what you’re told, Sean, like the good little hypno-toy you are. And don’t give me any of that ‘I’m not hypnotized’ shit”, I ordered. “You can imagine yourself telling me off for that too, and already, that’s gone.” I wasn’t sure if I could pace him the way I was, but I figured it was worth a shot. He seemed a little unsure as well, but by the next time I thrust my cock into him, he seemed to have gotten over his usual little snit. He really was Master’s little hypno-toy now and boy was I looking forward to taking advantage of that!

Unlike with Master, Ethan didn’t fight for his turn on my cock. When I decided it was his turn, though, he took it obediently, maybe even with a hint of interest. “That’s right, Ethan. You like to obey, don’t you? You want to obey your Master more than anything and your Master wants you to suck my cock”, I reminded him. He looked up at me skeptically, even as he continued trying to deep throat me, but I thought what I’d told him seemed to help. One way or the other, he seemed to get at least a little more interested in what he was doing. On an impulse, I drew my finger around his neck, roughly where his collar would have sat, were he wearing it. After that, he started sucking me off almost as eagerly as he had his Master.

“Impressive”, Master complimented me.

“What can I say? I know my boys!”, I grinned back at him.

A few minutes later, he repositioned himself behind Ethan and I followed his movement, sticking my cock inside my youngest son’s mouth. “Focus on pleasing your Master”, I told him quietly, driving my cock in and out of him continuously.

Even more than with Sean, I watched Master’s cock penetrate Ethan’s hole and I paid close attention to what I was feeling from his mouth on my cock. There were a couple of brief hesitations as Master Vicente split Ethan’s still-tight hole, but there were no objections. This time, it was our Master who leaned forward and used his fingers to outline a collar on Ethan’s neck. It didn’t seem to relax his hole any, but Ethan’s posture relaxed and he stopped hesitating, his rhythmic sucking becoming much more even.

“You realize I want to stay inside you pretty much forever, right?”, his Master whispered into my son’s ear. Ethan nodded. “You’re fucking perfect!”, he exalted. “If still a little tight”, he chuckled as an afterthought.

“You’ll work on that”, Ethan piped up, pulling himself off my cock to let Sean join in so they could both tongue me. Master Vicente seemed to really get off on that and started pumping my youngest as fast as he dared. I could tell it was hard on Ethan, but not harder than he could take. Despite my own experiences with a dildo that size, I found it hard to imagine what it must be like for Ethan. He worshipped his Master so much and wanted to obey him so badly, even if he’d been hypnotized into it, and to finally feel his Master inside him was clearly driving him wild! But he was still having a hard time with it, despite all the training, and it occasionally showed.

Master went back and forth between his toys a couple of times, but his preference was clear. Ethan took him eagerly, but still with the occasional wince. “You got more in you, boy? This is going to be rough”, Master warned. I instinctively knew what he had in mind.

“Yes, Master”, Ethan replied simply.

With that, Master went to town on my son’s ass, no longer holding back like he had been. I could tell he was already close, so I reached down and ran my hand through Ethan’s hair, trying to sooth him and relax him. Ethan was wincing a fair bit now, but he was doing better than I thought he might, and it became clear to me that despite a bit of pain, he was going to take his Master for as long as Master Vicente needed him to.

Taking my cock out of Ethan’s mouth, I got down on my knees and started kissing him while Sean took over caressing Ethan’s head and whispering to him to relax. Between the two of us, we got Ethan over the finish line, Master releasing a guttural yelp/groan as he came, withdrawing after the first spurt or two to dribble a little down Sean’s ass as well.

“Come clean up, Matt”, Master ordered. At first, I didn’t understand what he meant, but when I did, I almost vomited.

“Look into my eyes, Matt. You’ve been thinking about exploring rimming and eating cum out of your boys’ asses for a few days now, haven’t you?”, he asked, though it was more rhetorical than an actual question. As was so often the case when Master made these assertions, he seemed to know exactly what I’d been thinking, even when I didn’t. I sure as hell hadn’t been thinking about— Wait, now that he mentioned it, I had a vision of my boys’ holes covered in cum, and I knew it wasn’t the first time I’d imagined it. For the past couple of days, I’d even taken the opportunity to look at their holes when I’d had a chance, and now that I thought about it, the two of them had been bending over a lot in the last few days, giving me plenty of opportunities to do so. Somehow, Master must’ve known that I was subconsciously thinking about it and hypnotized the two of them to give me the visuals to go along with my newfound interests.

Without even realizing it, I’d positioned myself behind the two of them and was now staring at those very same holes I’d seen so often the past few days. They did look pretty fun to lick, now that I thought about it, and I’d long since developed an addiction to Master Vicente’s taste.

Despite his difficulties, Ethan’s hole was loose as fuck thanks to his Master’s girth, so I started there, slobbering up Master’s cum, but not swallowing it. Ethan tensed a couple of times, probably still a little tender from the rough fucking he’d gotten, but mostly he just lay there recovering.

Next, I went over to Sean’s hole, deftly licking that clean as well, though I was starting to spread some of the cum from Ethan’s hole onto it. I just couldn’t keep that much cum in my mouth along with the saliva I needed to try to lick them both clean. That was when I realized that I didn’t need to.

Slowly working my way up Sean’s back, I spread the cum around as much as I could. Then I went back over it and licked some of it up, spreading the larger gobs onto Ethan’s back. When I was done, the two of them both turned their heads around to kiss me, all of us sharing the bits of our Master’s cum and the taste of themselves with each other.

It wasn’t until I started thinking how awkward the position was that it hit me that now it was me who had a cock in my ass! When had that happened? I must’ve been so absorbed in spreading Master’s cum around my boys that I’d never even felt him penetrating me. Despite all the practice I’d gotten with the Master-sized dildo, I wasn’t sure how to feel about the real thing being inside me. I stiffened up a little, turning and putting a hand against Master’s thigh. Obligingly, he stopped…for all of a couple of seconds.

“Just like Mitzi”, he said, promptly going back to fucking me without bothering to check how I felt about it. I smiled at the memory. Mitzi had loved getting her belly rubbed. It was easy to see the similarities between her and Master Vicente loving a good fuck. I relaxed and let him have his way with me with no further complaints whatsoever. I didn’t even complain that he’d just assumed I was his to fuck as soon as he’d said the phrase.

He felt great inside me, far better than the dildos ever had. Clearly, they’d been pale imitations of the real thing. As amazing as he felt, I knew I’d be happy to let him fuck me as long and as often as he wanted in the future.

I was a bit surprised when both Sean and Ethan unceremoniously shoved their cocks in my face and demanded service, but it was Sean this time that reminded me how much I loved serving Master and how much Master loved seeing us service one another, and that that too was just like Mitzi.

It was a good thing I’d had so much practice servicing Master Vicente, cuz handling two cocks at once was a bit of a challenge, especially making sure that the two of them both enjoyed themselves.

It seemed Ethan was being made to enjoy himself even more than Sean, though, and I could hear Master Vicente repeating to him over and over how hot my mouth felt and how he was going to cum at any moment. I assumed that Master Vicente would want me to swallow, and I was mentally preparing myself for how it would feel to have one of my sons cum inside of me and how he might taste compared to Master Vicente, but I should have known better. Just at the last second, Ethan pulled out and came all over my face instead. Sean cupped his hands underneath to catch any droplets that missed or that fell, though there wasn’t actually all that much. Proudly, I spread Ethan’s cum all over my face, feeling the tickling tingle of it already starting to dry in places.

I grinned when Sean positioned himself in front of me and also started jerking off, though he used my mouth for stimulation several times as well, ordering me to leave my mouth open so he could fuck it whenever he wanted to. Within minutes, he also came, his cock surging in my face with such a masculine eagerness. He and Ethan both started spreading it through my hair until their hands were nearly clean, both of them licking Ethan’s fingers to get whatever little was left.

Master had me lie with my back on the desk while he continued to fuck me for a while yet. He seemed in no hurry. I continued servicing both my sons’ cocks, though much like me, they seemed to have eyes only for their Master’s cock at this point.

I wasn’t sure if that’s what he’d been planning, but at some point, Master’s thrusts started getting both firmer and faster, and I realized that he was aiming to cum again. Must be nice to be in your thirties! I hadn’t cum twice in an hour for a long time. I stared into his eyes as he built up, his voice reassuring me how much I enjoyed serving him in any way he saw fit, which we both already knew was true. Unlike Ethan, I had no trouble at all taking Master’s vigorous fucking, thanks to all the practice I’d gotten with my dildo. It took him quite a bit longer than the last time, but eventually he came inside me, not withdrawing immediately this time like he had with Ethan.

He pulled out after a few minutes, and I found I only had eyes for his cock. He’d made Ryan service him after he’d finished fucking the guy, so I wasn’t surprised when he ordered me and the boys to do the same. Unlike when Master had wanted to fuck me, I didn’t even think about how I felt. I just reminded myself how much Mitzi enjoyed her tummy rubs, almost a background thought at this point, and I immediately got on my knees to share his cock with Sean and Ethan, blissing out at the chance to serve my Master once again, exactly the way he wanted.

Maybe an hour later or so, the four of us were sitting around the living room having a late lunch. Sean and I sat next to one another on the couch, our cocks still hard despite everything we’d done earlier. Every so often, one of us would reach over and fondle the other grinning as we licked the taste of each other off our hands between bites of food. Ethan sat at his Master’s feet, seemingly unwilling to leave his Master’s presence. Much like me and Sean, he also often took a taste of Master’s cock, though he seemed to do so for a lot longer, probably sucking Master Vicente’s shaft more than he was actually eating. Master didn’t seem to mind, though he largely ignored it, almost as if it were his due, which I supposed it was.

“I still can’t believe you got Ryan”, Sean chuckled. “He hated you so much! What did you do to him, anyway?”

I watched my son’s cock start to throb as Master Vicente described what I already knew—that Ryan still hated him and the pervert he was, and that Ryan got off on it now. Whether he knew it or not, Sean was a total hypno-addict now, not just to unwittingly getting hypnotized, but to hearing about what Master did to others. Ethan was too, of course, being even more Master’s hypno-toy than Sean was.

I supposed I was a hypno-addict in my own way now as well, but only insofar as I loved hearing about other people being hypnotized. It was a true fetish, being all I thought about now when it came to sexual gratification. I’d looked around the web and found a few cases of people saying they’d developed sudden, intense interests in something sexual late in life, which renewed my conviction that, no matter what happened, Master Vicente was clearly not hypnotizing me.

“And what about Finlay?”, I asked. “I’m not sure how I knew he was one of yours, but I recognized it one day while I was talking to him and we both had lunch and talked about you. Poor boy even got an erection just from thinking about you!”, I laughed, the memory of my own arousal barely even a flicker before it was gone again.

“He was completely unexpected, actually. Unbeknownst to me, before we got involved, Ryan had gone to the cops with his suspicions about some of the other skaters acting weird. Most of the cops didn’t take it seriously, but Finlay got it into his head to keep an eye on the skaters off the record, just to see if there was anything going on. It didn’t take him long to notice that the very same guy who lodged the complaint was now being awfully friendly with me. Without me realizing it, he was listening in one time when I put Ryan under at the park. He hadn’t gone under at first, but at some point in the middle of my session with Ryan, Finlay also went under. As is often the case with Ryan, one of my suggestions had been to follow me home, since I love the idea of him following me like the obedient puppy he is. Well, of course, so does officer Finlay. That’s when I started to realize what was going on.

Finlay’s a fairly susceptible subject, so I gave him a few suggestions and sent him on his merry way for that afternoon, since he wouldn’t have been up to watching some of the things I like to do to Ryan, but he was more than happy to stop by for a visit later on and apologize for spying on me, assuring me that he realized now that I wasn’t at all who Ryan had accused me of being. He even thought he might like to explore being hypnotized by me, since I obviously knew how to do it. He reveres me now, of course, much like the three of you do”, Master grinned.

I hadn’t noticed, but I’d stiffened up and started leaking pre while Master was talking, but Sean quickly took care of that, wiping it up with his finger and sucking his finger clean.

“Speaking of police officers, don’t you have something to tell Dad, Sean?”, Ethan said with an amused look that said he knew something I didn’t. “This is almost literally the last minute, seeing as the ceremony’s on Monday.”

“Ceremony? What?”, I asked, not having a clue what Ethan was talking about.

Sean’s face went red. “Oh, yeah, ummm…I kind of got accepted into the Saskatchewan Police Service. I’ve had a hard time telling you just because it became a whole thing with Ethan that wasn’t really a thing and then I’d been putting it off for so long that it became a whole thing to tell you and…”

I bear-hugged my son, not even caring why he’d waited this long to tell me. “Congratulations!” was all I could think to say. “Oh my god, that’s so wonderful!”, I finally added after we finally stopped hugging and kissing each other. “My son’s gonna be a cop!”

“See, I told you he’d be like this”, Sean grinned at Ethan.

“It’s okay. Even more now than I thought it would be when we talked about it. All I can think about right now is serving Master. No offence, but I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about whether Dad’s closer to you than to me”, my youngest replied.

“Wait, what?”, I asked in confusion. “You think…? No, of course not! I love you different from how I love Sean, sure, but Jesus, Ethan, I had your cock in my mouth earlier. You think I don’t love you?”, I asked him in consternation.

Ethan snickered.


“I…it’s just that…never mind. Let’s just say I find your reasoning amusing”, he said, with a glance up at Master Vicente. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but like I said, I really don’t care. Master is the only thing on my mind right now.”

I knew what he meant, at least on some level. I felt more like Master Vicente was my very best friend in the whole world, but in some ways, he mattered more to me than either of my sons did. So, I could understand if Ethan felt the same way, even though he was tactfully not quite putting it that way.

“That’s great, Sean”, Master Vicente chimed in, taking the awkwardness away from the moment between me and Ethan. “While you’re there, you can take candids of the other recruits and send them to me. I’ll let you know which ones I like and you can figure out ways to help me hypnotize them, just like you did with your brother”, Master smiled.

I hadn’t realized that Sean had helped Master with Ethan, but I wasn’t surprised.

“You fucking wish, bud!”, Sean scoffed, though I could already see his mind at work thinking about ways he might be helpful.

“No sleeping pills this time, though. You have no idea how much harder you made things, though I suppose Ethan never would’ve listened to me otherwise.” My youngest looked fondly up at his Master again.

“Okay, well, time for me to go. Thanks for lunch and a few hot fucks”, Master smiled, groping his crotch as he stood up to get dressed again. Ethan whimpered and hugged Master Vicente’s leg as he did.

“What, you want to come with me?”, Master asked, apparently understanding Ethan’s unspoken request.

My youngest nodded his head vigorously, smiling from ear to ear at even the possibility.

“Well, alright, but you know you’re getting fucked again”, Master promised, “if your ass is even remotely up to it after what I did to it earlier, and you’re going to have to share me with Fin this evening, though he’s still well behind you.”

Ethan had apparently gone non-vocal in his excitement, something I hadn’t seen him do since he was a kid, but he got dressed as ordered and stood quietly behind his Master as Sean and I saw them out.

As soon as they were gone, I looked at Sean. “You…are getting a blowjob!”, I informed him, and promptly got on my knees to reward my cop son. Without hesitation, he grabbed the back of my head and started pumping his dick into me for all he was worth.