The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Cassandra’s Ass-Kissing Fuck-Slave

Author’s note: A friend gave me the ideas that formed this story. I got permission to write it and to post it. The usual disclaimers apply: this story is for adults; any resemblance to actual persons, places or events is entirely coincidental; no animals were harmed; don’t steal my story; don’t touch the exhibits.

Part 1

The man was naked as he knelt at the computer desk. He was fit, with rumpled blond hair and green eyes. His cock was stiff. His face still had a few damp spots that had not been fully dried off after recent sexual activity. He was lit by the white light of the mostly blank computer screen. He looked down at the keyboard and prepared to type, but waited for the command. Beside him stood a woman. She too was naked. She was flush with a post-orgasmic glow. She had dark hair and brown eyes and a pair of large, firm breasts. Dampness glistened on her thighs and crotch. She said to the man, “Remember and type,” with the tone of command that expected to be obeyed. The man blinked and nodded. He respectfully acknowledged the command and began to type.

I was at a party when this all started. It was not a large party, maybe 20 people were there. A friend of mine had invited some people over to his apartment, and since I was in kind of a grumpy mood I almost did not go. But he mentioned the other people he had invited, and he said said this one woman in particular, Julie, would be there. Julie is this hot blonde, and I was definitely interested in trying to get her attention, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, after a bad day at work I showed up at the party, but Julie did not. So I was in a bit of a bad mood and mostly killing time at this party. I had a few drinks to give myself something to do, just in case Julie showed up late. But she did not.

A few other friends had brought a few friends of theirs to the party, so I did not know everyone there. When I had arrived, I was introduced a couple of people, and later a few more strangers showed up, but by then I was making up my mind to leave and I was still in a bad mood, so I did not try to meet them right away.

I guess I should say here that while I am no Adonis, I am fit and think of myself as not bad looking. Sometimes women introduce themselves to me at parties. It is no big deal to me.

Anyway, so when this one chick I did not know walked up to me, I did not think anything of it. She smiled and said her name was Cassandra. Which is a name I have always liked. My mood began to improve as she and I flirted a bit. You know, the usual chit chat and complements and what not.

And this woman was pretty, I do not mind saying. Thick, dark hair; warm, big, brown eyes; plump, sensual lips. She was a little shorter than me, even in her stiletto heeled boots. Her figure was good too, with shapely legs in some skin-tight jeans. I must confess, however, that for a few minutes, I did not notice much past her chest. A pair of nice, round, plump globes of mammary flesh were there under a tight black shirt. The attention of a woman like that has always been able to improve my mood, and this night was no exception.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not one to stare, too much, at a woman’s chest. But not noticing would have been impossible. And I am sure I glanced down at them more than a couple of times as Cassandra and I talked. I am a gentleman, or I try to be anyway, but I am a hetero guy after all.

Anyway, so Cassandra and I were chatting and flirting, I was starting to feel better, and there was nothing out of the ordinary going on. Nothing, except that I noticed a couple of times that some other people seemed to be looking at me as if they expected me to do something, only to turn away when I glanced at them. Which should have given me a clue something was about to happen, but I mentally shrugged it off. Maybe, I thought, they were just waiting to see how I convinced this hot woman to come home with me. And I was convinced that not only could I make it happen, but that I was making it happen.

And then out of the blue, Cassandra says to me, “I bet I can hypnotize you.”

“Eh?” With no warning at all, so far as I could tell, she had changed the topic of conversation completely. So her sentence threw me off balance a little.

“I can hypnotize you easy,” she said with a smirk.

“Uh, if you say so.”

“You don’t believe me?”

“I dunno.” I paused for a moment. “No, I guess I don’t.”

“Don’t you think hypnosis is real?”

“I am sure it is to people who want to be hypnotized.” To be fair, that is the full extent to which I thought about hypnosis before this. I had seen it in movies and the occasional video online of some person being hypnotized into acting like an idiot. It was like magic, just a trick, an illusion.

“And you don’t want to be hypnotized.” Cassandra’s smirk got bigger.

“No, not really.”

“So you think I cannot hypnotize you.”

“Yeah, I guess I think that.” I was not really thinking about it one way or the other. I was just hoping she would drop the topic. That she has brought it up seemed weird, and hypnosis was not something I really knew much about. Which meant this turn in the conversation had me off balance.

“So then there is no harm in me trying, is there?” asked Cassandra.

“What are you up to?”

“Nothing. I just think I can hypnotize you easily.”


“Oh that is my little secret.”

“Uh-huh.” I was starting to get bored.

“So can I do it or not?”

“I doubt it.” And now I was starting to get a little annoyed.

“So let me try.”


“To see if I can.”

“So you can make me act all goofy.”


“Then no.”

“So you think I can.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Then you have nothing to lose by letting me try.”

Slightly intoxicated as I was, I could not really find fault with her reasoning. But I was too annoyed to just give in. So I said nothing.

“You scared?” she asked.


“You really believe I cannot hypnotize you.”

“Yeah, I do.” I was fairly certain by this point that in my annoyed state, she would not be able to put me in a trance.

“Then prove it. Let me try.”

“Fine. Whatever. Get this over with.”

She grinned like the proverbial cat with the canary in its mouth.

“Great,” she said. “Now, pay attention.”

And that is when she pulled off her shirt.

Which is when, of course, I started to stare at her tits. When she had first removed her shirt the action itself had caught me off guard. But there was also the fact she was not wearing a bra. And there was just the gorgeous sight of her tits. Naturally, my blood was rushing to an organ that was not my brain.

“Just look right here. Stare at them. No, keep looking. Yes, that’s it. Keep staring.”

And I happily kept staring. I was watching her chest, her large, gorgeous breasts. Cassandra began to trace the outside of her nipples as she spoke, and the reflections of light sparkled on her shiny fingernails. And around and around the fingernails went. Her chest moved as she breathed. And I watched. And she droned on and on, telling me to look. Telling me looking was okay, and I could just relax. And I stared and listened.

Now about this point my memory of events gets really foggy. I recall that she talked for awhile, and I stared at her tits for a while, and at some point I felt kinda sleepy. And then she was counting and snapped her fingers, and I woke up.

And then my right hand got really light. And I watched it float up and up and up, until it was way over my head. I watched this with some puzzlement. What, I wondered, had just happened to my hand?

“Now try to put your arm down,” Cassandra said.

And I tried. But my hand stayed right up in the air, floating like a balloon over my head. I laughed a little bit, because I was thinking this was kinda funny. Why I thought that, I could not tell you now.

“You are not trying hard enough,” she said. “Try real hard.”

And so I did. I strained my muscles, and tried to pull down my arm. But my arm stayed sticking straight up toward the ceiling. I started to get a little worried that my arm would never come down. I reached up with my left hand and tried to pull my right hand down. But then my left hand got stuck, as if it had been glued in place. So now I had both arms up in the air, and I could not put them down.

I looked at Cassandra and said, “I don’t know what’s wrong. I can’t do it.” Some people laughed and I laughed a little too because the situation still seemed silly.

Then Cassandra reached up and easily pulled my hands down. “See how easy that was?” she asked. And then she let go of my hands and they slowly floated up again. “Now you pull them down.”

Try as I might, I could not pull my arms down. She pulled them down again. “It’s like they are spring loaded, isn’t it?” And this time when she let go of my hands, my arms shot up as if a spring was indeed holding them up. She pulled my hands down and let them go, and my arms sprung right back up. She did this several times, laughing while she did it. Other people were also laughing and I started to think this was not so silly after all.

“What is going on?” I asked.

She looked at me and said, “Sleepy sleepy.”

I blinked and suddenly my arms were down. “What happened?”

“Nothing you need to worry about.”

“Oh, okay,” I said as if that were a perfectly reasonable explanation.

“Now try to lift your right hand.”

I began to lift my hand and noticed it felt oddly heavy. As I got it up to about chest level, my hand started to get even heavier. I could not get it above chest level, and soon I could not hold it even that high. Cassandra was laughing, and I think some other people were too, but I was focused on what was happening to my hand. My hand felt as though it was getting heavier and heavier. Despite my best effort, my hand sunk down until it was by my side again and I could not raise it even a little bit. Still my hand kept getting heavier and heavier.

“Go on, lift your hand,” said Cassandra with a smugness I did not like. I strained my muscles and tried as hard as I could, but my hand was too heavy. I could not lift it.

“Like this, silly,” said Cassandra. She grabbed my right hand and easily lifted it up over my head. She let go of my hand, and it dropped back to my side. People were laughing at me, and I could not seem to understand what was happening. I not only could not lift my hand, it was getting heavier by the moment.

I grimaced because I felt my my hand might pull my arm off at the elbow. My hand was so heavy I was starting to have trouble standing, as if my hand was a heavy load I did not have the strength to support. Eventually my knees buckled and I dropped to the floor. My right hand lay on the floor, and I could not lift it.

“Come on, pick up your hand,” Cassandra said.

“I’m trying,” I said with some annoyance. I grabbed my right hand with my left and strained with all my might to lift my hand off the floor, but to no avail. I could not lift my right hand.

Cassandra bent over and grabbed my wrist. She lifted my right hand easily and wiggled it over my head as if it were the lightest thing in the world. Then she dropped it, and it fell to the floor with a thud.

“Just stand up,” she said.

“Don’t you think I would if I could?”

Cassandra giggled and then said, “Sleepy sleepy.”