The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Story: Camping Trip

by J. Darksong

The weekend. Is there really a better time of the week than that glorious time on Friday when you come home and know that the next two days are all yours? I was grinning like the Cheshire cat when I clocked out at work at exactly 5:00:01 p.m. I was definitely looking forward to this weekend. Shelley, my darling wife, lover, and slave, had told me to get home early, that she had made arrangements for this to be a special little vacation for us. We were pretty hip-deep in the “family thing” these days, not having much time to spend alone together. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love my step-daughter and my wife’s parents with all my heart, its just that sometimes a man likes to have some quiet time alone with his wife now and again, you know, private time. It had been nearly two months but this weekend I planned on doing absolutely nothing except spending time with Shelley.

“Hi, honey, I’m home,” I said, walking into the living room. I know it sounds kinda hokey, like Ward Clever back in the 50’s, but I never got tired of saying it. I had pictures in my mind of my wife, walking out of the bedroom dressed in something sleek and sexy, an evening dress perhaps, of maybe just her lingerie. Dinner would be set, and ready at the table, a suave candlelit affair, with plates set across from each other. The bottle of wine I had picked up the week before would be set out as well, chilled and ready to serve. And as I walked in, she would say, “Greetings, my Master, your slave has awaited you. kayli is so glad you are home.”

Well, that is what I expected. What I saw when I walked in the house was a little bit different.

Shelley walked out of the bedroom alright, dressed not in sexy underwear or fancy eveningware, but in hiking gear. Glancing into the kitchen I saw instead of a candlelit dinner, several plastic wrapped sandwiches, a couple of bags of potato chips, and some sweet snacks in a large picnic basket. Instead of my bottle of wine, a large thermos filled with Kool-Aid or lemonade, or some-kind-of-aid, was lying there. And as I walked into view, Shelley turned to me and said, “Glad you’re here. Hurry and get dressed, we have to leave in an hour!”

I was speechless for a moment or two, but I recovered quickly. “Shelley, dearheart, what IS all of this?” I exclaimed, gesturing at the kitchen, and at her clothes. “I thought we were all set for our ‘special weekend’ not going on safari!”

“This IS for our special weekend, silly,” she replied, looking slightly annoyed. “Don’t tell me you forgot? We’re going camping like we’ve planned for months!”

I quickly ran through my mental rolodex. Heaven only knows that I have forgotten half the things my loving patient wife tells me, but I was pretty sure I would have remembered this date if there was something special planned. My first trip camping out in the Idaho wilderness would DEFINTELY be something to remember. Thinking back, I recalled that we had talked about going camping in the summer, next time we both had time off, but it was only April. “Sorry, dear, but I don’t know ANYTHING about going camping this weekend. We talked about it, yeah, but you never said THIS weekend specifically.”

“I’m sure I mentioned it, honey,” she said frowning as I pulled out my personal planner. “See, I even wrote it down here in your planner so you wouldn’t forget. Right here on April, twenty—huh? It’s not there? Honey, where did you PUT it?”

Frowning, I flipped the book to June. “I didn’t, YOU did! Last time we talked about going camping, you said SUMMER. I told you to pick a day and mark it, and you did. You marked JUNE 23 love, not April.” She shook her head in confusion for a moment, and I sighed deeply. “With all the talk you did the past week or so, about this special weekend, I thought you meant like out special DATE nights we used to have back when we still lived apart, and only talked on computer. I never dreamed you meant going camping until just now!”

“Oh honey, I must have forgotten to tell you then,” Shelley said blushing slightly. “Jennifer called me about two weeks ago and said the park would be opening up a few months early this season, trying to drum up some extra cash. Today is the opening day, and I already made arrangements.” She looked up at me with those sad puppy-dog eyes, the same ones Caber uses when he gets into trouble and tries to get out of it. “But, you don’t have to go if you don’t WANT to,” she added softly.

“No, no, its fine. Its...well it sounds great, honey,” I said semi-enthusiastically. “It was rather unexpected, but hey, we were going to go camping anyway. Why not now? No problem, I’ll just go get ready.” I smiled at her. “Not exactly the weekend I expected, but just as long as we are alone together, it will be just fine.”

“Mom, I’m all packed!” Jessica said as she burst out of her room. Packed? Packed for what? She wasn’t...uh no. Not the little one too? “Hi, Johnny Appleseed,” she teased me, giving me a hug. I thought of her fully as my daughter now, and it made me happy that she had accepted me as much into the family as her mother. But it still amused me when she called me Johnny Appleseed. “You better get your clothes packed up,” she said. “We have to leave to go get Aunt Jen in a little bit.”

“Ah, Aunt Jen too,” I said, glancing at Shelley. “After all, what would a camping trip be without Jennifer?” Okay, the private weekend alone at home was gone, and now the private weekend alone in the woods had become the private family weekend camping trip. I smiled at Jessica. “I don’t suppose Grandma and Grandpa are coming alone on the trip too, are they, honey?”

Small Fry shook her head. “Naw, Grandma has to be at church for the Easter Morning program, so she can’t go, and Grandpa is staying home with her.”

“OH, that’s TOO bad, " I said mournfully. “Well it HARDLY seems like a family trip with out Grandma and Grandpa! I mean, shouldn’t we at least take the dogs along to make it more of a family trip?”

Jecca’s eye grew wide. “Yeah, mom! That’s a great idea! Let’s take the dogs with us! It’d be great, and since we’re outside they could have fun walking around doing stuff, and not be cooped up here at the house. Please, mom?”

* * *

Okay...sarcasm is wasted on little 11 year old girls. I should have known better. I was slightly annoyed at the way the trip had suddenly changed from a romantic sleepover into a family get together. Still, I figured that Shelley would simply tell her NO, and that would be the end of that. After all, who brings their dogs on Vacation with them? The answer: We did. I sat in the back seat with Jessica while Jennifer and Shelley rode in the front, Jen acting as navigator. I was sulking, I admit it, and having Saorca leaning over the back of the seat licking my face wasn’t helping things. But as upset as I was, I knew deep down that this was something my dearheart had wanted, a special trip she had planned on for a while, so I did my best not to mope too much.

“Ha, ha, I win again!” Jessica said in triumph.

“Huh? What in the world did you beat me three times with that same kid?” We had brought our GameBoys on the trip to keep from getting bored, and I had linked mine to Jecca’s to play head-to-head. ANOTHER big mistake. Young girls her age might not know sarcasm, but they DO know video games. Five games later, I gave up, conceding the match to her. “Just remember, kiddo, I RULE you in Street Fighter,” I said with a grin, tickling her ribs. She squealed, and I thought perhaps it wouldn’t be QUITE so bad having them along after all.

Finally we arrive at the park, and after registering, we start on our little hike through the woods to where we would be camping. About half an hour into it, I was silently thanking my wife for helping me get back into shape. As it was, all of us were panting a bit when we finally reached the site, and unloaded all our gear. Jecca had Caber and Saorca on a leash, and she kept a good grip. It was a big park, and though they were good little puppies, we wouldn’t want to search all over for them if one of them wandered off somewhere.

It was late evening by the time we set up he tents and had a warm fire going. Dinner of the foods we had packed seemed somehow better under the open stars. As we talked and laughed and sang campfire songs, I hardly seemed to miss the TV at all. Finally around midnight, we decided to turn in. “Try not to be TOO loud, will you?” Jennifer said, with a big smirk. I had no idea what she meant at that, until I saw her and Jessica walk over to their tent several feet away. That’s when it hit me.

“OH!” I said loudly, which made Shelley giggle. “I just now noticed the two tents. And actually, I really hadn’t thought about the sleeping arrangements much.”

Moving forward, she wraps her arms around me, pulling me tight into her embrace, and kisses me. “Silly Master, surely you don’t think I meant for us to be apart all this time? Even if we are on a family trip, there is still private time for the two of us...that’s why I talked Jennifer into coming, to watch Jessica.” Now I kissed her back, blushing slightly.

“Shelley, dearheart,” I asked once the kiss had broken, “you are, as I always say, the GREATEST! Why you even put up with me, I’ll never know.” I led you gently into our tent, where we swiftly disrobed down to our underwear. Caressing my lovely wife tenderly, I whispered in her ear, just before pulling her into me, “I don’t know why you put up with me...but I’m glad you do!”

“So do I, Master,” she said softly, slipping out of her hiking gear. It was a warm night, more like summer than last spring, so I wasn’t worried about her catching a chill. What DID worry me was the fact that our very young, very impressionable daughter was only a few feet away, and that my dearheart love had a habit of being quite... ahem... LOUD when driven to ectascy. Luckily, I came prepared for these occasions.

“Mo duinne,” I said softly, catching her just as she slipped off her socks. Shelley froze, her expression one of complete relaxation and happiness. I whispered into her ear. “Sorry to surprise you like that, little one... but with tender ears right next door, I think we need to adjust your volume a tad. Now, listen and obey, my slave. When you awaken you will be unable to speak, or yell, or cry out at all. The sounds will merely stop in your throat, going no further.” I thought for a moment. “Since you can no longer speak, you won’t be able to beg me to cum, so for the rest of the night, you may cum whenever you feel the need, without holding back for my permission.”

I had silenced her once before and forgotten that little restriction. The end result was a feverishly insane slave girl, driven to the brink, but unable to climax. When I finally remembered, and commanded her to cum, she climaxed so hard she passed out cold. It took nearly an hour for her to revive. A scary sixty minutes, that. I was definitely not going to do THAT again.

Needless to say, the night was a very enjoyable one for the both of us. I brought my beautiful wife off to seven orgasms that night, and as afterwards, I relaxed her and calmed her, sending her off to dreamland by massaging and caressing her lovely feet. I was glad that a foot fetish was one of the things we shared in common, and as she drifted off to sleep with me sucking lightly on her toes, I could swear she orgasmed again one last time. Satisfied, and sated, I crawled under the covers, cuddling up with her, to drift off to sleep in her arms.

We spent a total of three days and two nights in the woods. It was a fun trip for all. Well, perhaps a bit more fun for me that for Shelley. I had decided, as a bit of punishment for forgetting to tell me about the trip ahead of time, I would keep her silent. Jessica and Jennifer were a bit concerned when they discovered that Shelley had lost her voice, but I assured them it was just strained, and that I was positive it would return by Monday morning. Shelley, smirking evilly, handed me a note as we drove back along he highway for home:

Thanks again for the wonderful weekend, my darling Master. kayli has learned her lesson, and will remember from now on. However, in fairness I must warn you—the next time we have role reversal, you are in BIG trouble.

I kissed her and whispered softly into her ear. “I’m looking forward to it.”

<<<The end...for now.>>>