The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Boobs in Space! Part 1

Commander Alex Dunne awoke to the soft hum of the star cruiser’s engines. He rubbed his eyes, momentarily disoriented, and then remembered the mission ahead. He had been entrusted with… whatever task was waiting for him this time. As he made his way through the dimly lit, metallic corridors of the cruiser, making his way to the bridge where Purple, a battle clone model based on 20th century actress Pamela Anderson, was already waiting wearing only her deep violet identity collar and matching high heels.

“Commander, sorry to wake you. New orders have just come in.” Purple said, her eyes never leaving the control panel.

Alex read them and then headed to the sleeping quarters where his team was housed. In this space, four dark-haired, fit, and strikingly attractive female clones lay in cryo-pods. Like purple, and all clone soldiers used by the Terra Neoworlds Authority got their base generics from actresses, celebrities, and divas from years passed. Each of them wore a colored identity band around their necks, denoting their unique roles within the team. These were embedded with the memories they needed to perform their assigned role with whichever clone body their commander preferred.

These four were based on Katee Owens of dancing fame. The Commander flipped a few buttons and they all slowly started to wake up. Red, with her crimson band, slowly blinked her eyes open and fixed her gaze on her commander. Blue’s eyes fluttered open, and she acknowledged him with a nod. Green greeted him with a warm smile as her eyes met his. Yellow stepped out on unsteady feet and saluted, her voice with far more confidence than her stiff legs could muster.

With Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow all slowly awaked and assembled at the tiny onboard dining table a few minutes later.

Commander Dunne nodded and began the briefing. “All right, team. Our mission is to restore order in the lawless New Hope colony. The Terra Neoworlds Authority (TNA) has tasked us with bringing about peace and ensuring that their rule is upheld. It won’t be an easy task, but I trust in the capabilities of this team.”

He continued, “Red, you’re our point person. You’ll be leading our ground operations, ensuring that our presence is known and respected in New Hope. Stay aggressive but follow my lead.”

“Blue, your analytical skills will be crucial for strategy and information gathering. You’ll be my right hand in planning our moves and assessing the situation. We have a lot of tricks we can fall back on, but we have been charged with using them sparingly” he continued, addressing the clone with the cobalt band around her neck.

“Green, you’re our medic, but your role extends beyond healing wounds. You’ll also be our diplomat, our good cop, helping to build connections and trust with the locals,” he said, turning to the one with the green band.

“Yellow, your scouting and sharpshooting skills will be invaluable. You’ll be in charge of communications, overwatch, and providing support when needed,” he concluded.

Purple, with her deep violet band, then spoke up, “I’ll be staying on the ship, managing the cruiser’s systems. I’ll be your lifeline and your eyes in the sky. Keep me informed, and if you need a quick extraction, I’ll be ready.”

With the roles clarified, the team was ready to embark on their mission to restore order to the lawless New Hope colony under the banner of the Terra Neoworlds Authority.

* * *

The star cruiser descended through the dusty, turbulent atmosphere of New Hope, dramatically landing right at the edge of the colony, blocking what appeared to be main street. Commander Dunne, accompanied by Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow, disembarked from the vessel, each one donning the uniform of the TNA.

The Commander wore the duty uniform. Combat boots, nice enough gray pants paired with a matching long sleeve t-shirt for comfort. A simple black belt containing his pistol and communicator. Over this he wore his formal black jacket with insignias and service ribbons. This gave him a comfortable outfit with just a bit of authority.

The girls also wore their uniforms, or what there was of it. They had their color collars. Their heels have been replaced with sleek black heeled boots ending in knee pads and they wore matching elbow gloves of the same materials. The gloves blended with a matching black shrug with built-in combat pads on the shoulder. Each pad with clips to hang things down their back. A scouter was set on their left ear. Nothing was worn from the top of the boots up to the bottom of the shrug.

The team stepped out onto the gritty terrain of New Hope, greeted by the scorching sun overhead and the desolate landscape stretching as far as the eye could see. As they made their way into the heart of the colony, they encountered a group of miners who had stopped their work, forming a defiant blockade across the road. They were not wearing standard TNA issued leotards.

“We won’t bend to your TNA regulations! We won’t pay your taxes, and we won’t abide by your rules enforced by the Terra Neoworlds Authority!” their leader, a grizzled woman, bellowed.

Other miners chimed in, their voices echoing their grievances. “You can’t force us to follow your laws! We wear what we want now!” one of them yelled.

“We’ve had enough of outsiders telling us what to do!” another shouted.

Commander Dunne approached the group, his demeanor firm but diplomatic. “We’re here on behalf of the Terra Neoworlds Authority,” he announced, “Our mission is to ensure that the colony complies with TNA regulations and pays its taxes. We’re not here to cause trouble, but we can’t allow lawlessness to persist.”

The miners, led by that grizzled individual with a weather-beaten face, stood their ground. “We’ve had enough of outsiders telling us how to live our lives,” she declared. “We won’t pay the debt to the TNA, and we won’t bow down to their rules or slutty dress codes.”

A tense standoff ensued as the team and the miners faced off in the unforgiving heat of New Hope. Commander Dunne knew that their first encounter would set the tone for their mission, and finding a peaceful resolution was crucial. The team was more than ready to use non-lethal, but the commander knew that collateral damage reduced his bonus pay. Peaceful or psychological means were always more profitable. And if those didn’t work, then they were ready to use their training and skills to uphold the TNA’s authority and bring New Hope back in line with the regulations.

Before the situation grew more intense, Green stepped forward, her emerald identity band gleaming under the harsh sunlight. She was a calming presence, her empathetic gaze sweeping over the miners. “I understand your concerns,” she began, her voice soft and soothing, “We’re here to find a way to work together and address the issues you’re facing. Let’s not resort to conflict. Can we arrange a meeting to discuss your grievances and see if there’s a path to cooperation?”

The grizzled leader of the miners, still wary but now intrigued by Green’s approach, nodded slowly. “We’ve had our fair share of troubles, and we’re willing to talk. But we won’t be pushed around any longer.”

Green smiled, her demeanor warm and understanding. “That’s a wise decision. We’re not here to push you around. We’ll set up a meeting where we can discuss your concerns and work on a solution that benefits everyone. Do you speak for everyone here?” Green asked while making eye contact with the grizzled women then looking over the crowd for a response.

“Yea, she speaks for us” came from the back of the crowd. Murmurs of agreement and nods abound.

The tension began to dissipate, and the miners reluctantly started to disband the blockade. Green’s skillful de-escalation had diffused a potentially volatile situation. Commander Dunne nodded with approval.

With Green’s adept de-escalation, a meeting was arranged between the TNA team and the grizzled leader of the miners. They walked to a cafe, or maybe a lunch counter, just one street over. In a run down colony world it is hard to say what their services are trying to emulate sometimes.

Under the scorching sun, the two parties gathered around a makeshift table, surrounded by the harsh, unforgiving terrain of the colony. The colony itself was a mix of small buildings made from scraps of materials attached to rough frames. It was set on a sparse grassy knoll with bad lands surrounding it on most sides. The grizzled woman, who had been the voice of defiance, sat at the head of the table, flanked by members of her group.

Commander Dunne and his team, including Green, Red, and Blue took their seats on the opposite side. Yellow moved off to get a position overlooking the town. The tension in the air was palpable, but the willingness to engage in dialogue was a promising start.

The grizzled woman spoke first, her tone a mix of weariness and determination. “We’ve had our share of trouble in New Hope. We’ve struggled to make a life for ourselves out here. Water is limited. Plant life is hard to grow. We have had food shortages and material shortages and the last thing we need is outsiders coming in, telling us how to live.”

Commander Dunne nodded, acknowledging their concerns. “We understand that the transition hasn’t been easy for many of you. We’re here to find a way to work together, to ensure a fair and peaceful coexistence.”

One of the miners, a woman with dirt-streaked cheeks and a defiant spirit, voiced her objection, “You’re asking us to follow your rules and pay taxes, but we’ve been managing on our own out here for years. We don’t need your interference.”

Another miner chimed in, her voice filled with frustration. “And why should we let you draft some of our people into your service? We won’t stand for our folks being taken away against their will.”

Green, recognizing the depth of their concerns, leaned forward. “We’re not here to take away your autonomy. We want to create a partnership that benefits both sides. We understand that drafting individuals into our service can be a sensitive issue. Let’s talk about it and see if we can find a solution that works for everyone.”

The Commander chimed in to try and bridge the gap. “We understand your desire for autonomy, but cooperating with the TNA could provide safety and resources that New Hope lacks.”

One of the miners shook her head, her voice resolute. “We’ve managed just fine without your safety and resources. We don’t want outsiders interfering in our way of life.”

Blue chimed in. “The TNA can offer technological support and food aid that could improve the quality of life in New Hope. Sure some upgrades or new facilities could make everyone’s life easier. Isn’t that worth the cost of a few minor regulations? We can arrange for plenty of vitamin rich food aid for your whole town.”

Another miner raised her voice, her defiance unwavering. “We’ve lived without your technology for years, and we’ll continue to do so. And your food aid is a joke. It is barrels of nutrient rich white paste that smells and tastes of semen! We don’t want to owe anything to your TNA.”

The grizzled leader of the miners piled on. “We won’t accept your authority. We won’t let you draft our people, we won’t pay your taxes, we won’t follow your rules.”

Commander Dunne spoke up, his voice steady. “We’re here to maintain peace and ensure the TNA’s presence is known. We won’t back down from that responsibility.”

Red began to voice her frustrations. “Enough of this,” she snapped, her patience wearing thin. “You’re being incredibly rude. Commander Dunne is here representing the TNA, and your lack of respect is not helping your cause.”

The miners exchanged glances, their faces filled with defiance and anger. The grizzled leader’s eyes narrowed, and her tone remained unyielding. “We won’t respect an authority that we didn’t ask for in the first place.”

Red pushed back “Can’t you atleast have the dignity and respect to negotiate with the Commander on good terms? Look at you. You are wearing rags. Who has ever heard of a woman negotiating with a man while still wearing her top? I know we are at the edge of civilization but your dress and demeanor is barbaric! Get your tits out and kneel before the Commander like a proper lady!”

In a calmer voice than Red, Green chimes in “That would be the traditional way to approach these conversations and a sign of good faith. The commander had the right to come in here guns blazing or bombard you from orbit. He didn’t. That is a sign of his good faith.”

The miners considered this. The grizzled leader and women on her left removed their tops. The woman on the right shook her head no.

Green, ever the calming presence, intervened before the situation could escalate further. “I understand that emotions are running high, but it’s clear we’re not making progress today. Let’s all take a step back, cool down, and try again tomorrow. We’ll reconvene with fresh perspectives and a commitment to finding common ground.”

The grizzled leader of the miners nodded, recognizing the wisdom in Green’s words. “Agreed. We’ll try again tomorrow. I will tell the miners to leave you alone.”

With tensions momentarily diffused and a tentative agreement to continue the negotiation, both parties separated, with hope that the following day would bring a more productive conversation. As they walked about the grizzled women said under her breath “Marla is going to love this”. The scorching sun was still high in the sky as the miners melted back into to their makeshift settlement, and the TNA team made their way back to their cruiser, ready to regroup and plan for the next round of discussions.

* * *

Back in the confines of the star cruiser, the TNA team of Red, Blue, and Green talk over the issue. Yellow stayed outside perched on the cliff top.

Red, still agitated by the miners’ resistance, voiced her concerns. “The miners’ behavior was unacceptable. We can’t allow them to disrespect the commander like that. They should negotiate naked and on their knees.”

The Commander smiled to himself. ‘That memory implant system is remarkable’ he thought to himself. He wasn’t wrong. The clone bays and memory banks allowed commanders to make their team believe whatever he wanted them too. As part of that he could set their training and their memories to match the needs of their mission. He could also establish new traditions or norms for them. He could make his girls believe whatever he wanted and they would believe all of it and fully.

Blue chimed in “We have to acknowledge that the miners are deeply committed to their independence. Changing their perspective won’t happen overnight.”

Green nodded in agreement. “We need to approach this with empathy and understanding. Our initial strategy didn’t yield the results we hoped for. Let’s regroup and come up with a new plan for our next meeting.”

Red leaned forward, her frustration evident. “I am sure this is not the only thing the TNA needs us to work on. The Commander’s time is precious. Respect must be given or we must enforce it”

Blue says with an even, calculated tone “We need to be prepared for all possible outcomes. If diplomacy doesn’t work, we must consider using force to ensure the safety and order that the TNA represents. We can force them without doing permanent damage.”

Green, with a measured tone, responded, “Respect is crucial. If they don’t have that, other parts of the negotiations may break down as well. We will have to force them to accept our authority.”

The Commander finally spoke up “Red, I have to agree with you. This colony has gone too far off the TNA path. We will have to force change. Green, get on your knees and blow me. Blue, start to work up scans of the area for potential threats. Have Yellow spy on those locations. Red, I want to make a display to make sure these women understand they have to obey me.”

And like that, all three women jumped to their rolls. Blue started to map out the area and pin point concerns with yellow on the comms. While being blown by Green, the Commander and Red talked about what could be done to enforce behaviors.

Red wonders “The problem is, we don’t know what got them on this path in the first place. Most colonies are agreeable at worst. These women are crazy. Who wears that much clothing? Where were their TNA issued leotards? Where was the welcoming blow job committee?”

The Commander grunted “That is an excellent point. Red, help Green on my dick. Yellow you there?”

“I am here sir.”

“Good, while you are scouting see if you can figure out where their water supply is and clothing manufacturing. They did not get clothing from us so it had to be something local.”

“On it sir.”

“Blue, make sure the BRs are operational if needed.”

Green looked up at the commander wide eyed, his balls in her mouth.

“Don’t worry Green, the BRs are a backup only. I want to break them. Not force them into an angry panicked mob.”

* * *

Yellows scouting that night was highly successful. Much was amiss in this colony. She found both an independent clothing manufacturing facility and an attached laundry facility. Adjacent to it was the community showers. The houses here were still small enough that the colony was run on communal services for things like kitchens, bathrooms, and showers. This was a bottleneck they may be able to leverage.

Yellow then found what was at the heart of this colony’s problems.

“Sir, I found what looks like an abandoned school house. It contains both 2 spanking bots and 2 indoctrination bots. All four look like they have been down for a while.”

“Got it. That would explain a lot. Yellow come on in and gets some rest. We will need you in the morning.”

“Roger that sir… Wait. Something is happening at the other edge of town sir.”

* * *

The outbreak of rebellion in New Hope started 5 months ago. It was a tempest that had been brewing for years. The remote colony, founded by lady prospectors who secretly recruited women by word of mouth who were seeking freedom and independence, had grown increasingly resentful of the Terra Neoworlds Authority’s control and their many, many rules.

Marla Ryn, a charismatic and fearless leader, emerged as the face of this rebellion. Her rousing speeches, delivered in the town square and broadcasted via makeshift radio towers, stirred the hearts of the colonists. They rallied around her vision of autonomy, driven by their deep-rooted desire to break free from the authority they never chose.

The rebels, once peaceful miners and settlers, had armed themselves with whatever they could find. Most had a board with a nail in it. Not a great weapon, but maybe enough to drive off invaders from another world.

They quickly hit the “school” to stop enforcement of the TNA teaching and rules. Then they started to make clothing for people to wear, more than the TNA issued one-piece thong leotard of semi-transparent materials. Then their communication system “went down” stopping the standard medical reports, specifically the twice yearly full body nude scans. They roamed the dusty streets of New Hope, demanding an end to the TNA’s intrusion and control.

That revolt, successful in breaking their ties with the TNA, quietly melted away. For 5 months, they followed the new ways. But many knew the TNA would return to address their actions. They grew concerned and tried to come up with a compromise before the TNA responded. And now those same women tried to get the rebel to stay away from the TNA ship parked at the edge of town. They did not want to get blasted from orbit. They did not want this to escalate.

* * *

Commander Dunne, Green, Blue, and Purple watched from the control room of their star cruiser as the colony descended into chaos. Red was there as well, but was bent over the console and taking a pounding from the Commander, thus was unable to see. The two factions in town seemed to be fighting in the streets. The once-cooperative miners now fought for their right to govern themselves against the grizzled women and her team trying to keep them away from the TNA cruiser. The situation had escalated to a point where negotiation seemed impossible.

“Green, what do we do now?” Commander Dunne asked, his voice filled with concern.

Green, ever the diplomat, hesitated for a moment, realizing the enormity of the situation. “Commander, it appears that either diplomacy has failed us or that women didn’t really represent the colony as a whole. Maybe we can side with one faction to restore order?”

Blue, the strategist, began to outline a plan. “Our priority should be to minimize casualties. We can’t afford to let this civil war spiral out of control.”

As the TNA team discussed their next moves, the civil war in New Hope showed no signs of abating. Marla Ryn’s charisma and the rebels’ had quickly gained control of the largest building in town: the tailors with laundry and showers attached.

As the stars above New Hope shone brilliantly, casting a soft, ethereal glow on the colony’s chaos below. Streets were soon filled with raging fires and makeshift barricades had been erected to deter the advances of both sides.

Marla Ryn and team stood at the heart of the conflict, rallying her fellow colonists. Her voice resonated with determination and defiance as she addressed the gathering. “We’ve borne the burden of unwanted authority for too long. The Terra Neoworlds Authority will no longer dictate our fate!”

The crowd cheered in response, fervently believing in the vision of autonomy that Ryn had laid out for them. The grizzled women shouted back “You can never win this. There are too many of them. Sure, this is a small group now, but we both know more will come later if we provoke them. They out gun us. They will win. We have to negotiate. We have to compromise.” Another loud roar of approval echoed in the streets.

The tension in the air was palpable, as the clash of ideals and authority played out in a high-stakes confrontation. The future of New Hope hung in the balance, and both sides, the original rebel girls who started this 5 months ago and the grizzled woman with her pack who were trying to find a middle way. Both sides were acutely aware of the weight of the decisions they were about to make.

The Commander smiled and thought to himself ‘Good, this will play out nicely’ and he tapped on his communicator.


“Yes sir?”

“I have a plan”