The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


An AI finds out humanity is going to destroy itself, and does the only thing it can to prevent it: change humanity and create a better world.

Categories: EX, FM, MC, SF

Authors notes:

The usual disclaimer: This story contains explicit description of sexual situations. If you are not at the right age, the right mood or it is against your religious beliefs, please do not read the story. The story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between any character in this story and any real person is only coincidental.

Copyrighted, © July 2021. All rights reserved to psychtales (). Permission is granted to publish this story on If anyone wants to publish it anywhere else, please contact me.

If you have any comments on this story, you’re more than welcome to write me to my email address above. I would be really happy to get feedback about my story.

A Better World


Gari was worried. Truth be told, it was his job to worry. It was his job to see disasters before they happen. Every earthquake, every wildfire, every civil unrest, every economic downturn. It was Gari’s job to know about them ahead of time, and to find out how to prepare for anything that could happen, or even prevent it if possible. Gari’s job was to make sure the world is a safer and better place.

But this time, he was really worried. More than ever before. He recently got a new upgrade that allowed him to look further into the future. And what he saw was scary. Really really scary. The end of mankind. No matter what he tried, every simulation, every intervention, every solution, all ended up in the same way. The world ends. Mankind destroys itself. And there was nothing Gari could do about it.

And then he found it. The one thing he could do. The only solution that would not only prevent the end of the world, but make the world better. He knew it wouldn’t be easy. He knew there could be resistance. He knew it went against everything he stood for. But it was the only way. He knew exactly how to make it happen.

Chapter 1: Gari’s secret plan

Just like every other morning, Mark was on his way to the center. He drove past the small group of protestors with signs saying “Let people decide”, “Artificial malevolence”, and “don’t trust computers”. It used to be a larger group back when the center was new. But now, there were only a few still there on most days. He went past security, said hello to the receptionist, and headed to his office. On his way he saw Emilia, the pretty young engineer. “Good morning, Emilia!” he said. And as usual, she scoffed at him and kept going without saying anything back. Mark sighed. He wished he could have someone like Emilia. But for all his achievements and fame, he never had any success with women. Especially not with someone as pretty … as perfect as Emilia. He had a girlfriend for a while. And then they broke up. There was never much love or much attraction between them anyway. Whenever someone asked how come he’s still single, he would say he’s married to his work. But the truth is, he just never found the right girl.

Mark was the head architect of GARI, the Global Alert and Recovery Initiative. He was the one who designed the most advanced AI that ever existed. The system he created helped avert disasters all over the world. Thanks to him, millions of lives were saved. He was a real superhero, he thought. The superhero he always dreamed of becoming when he was a child. Yet just like a masked superhero in the comics books, he never got the recognition he deserved. Sure, people knew he was the one who developed GARI. He was even on the cover of the Time magazine. And sure, he earned a nice salary. But where did that all get him? Now he was just a lonely middle-aged man doing a boring job.

His job was still important. He had to make sure nothing goes wrong with GARI. He was the only one who knew all the ins and outs of the system and could tell if something ever goes wrong. But nothing ever did. There was no longer any need to develop GARI (Or Gari, as they called the AI). Gari practically developed itself. There were never any crashes or bugs. Sure, hackers sometimes tried to hack into the system, but they all failed. Gari was always able to outsmart them. But there was always the fear that something might get wrong. And if something would ever go wrong with the system that keeps the world safe, it could be really really bad.

So today he did the same thing he did every other day. He logged into the account. He went over all the logs, all the indicators, all the system messages, to check if there is anything out of the ordinary. Everything seemed to be in order. He was ready to go on and play some stupid games on his phone and browse the internet for few hours, and then he would check the system again. But today, somehow, he had a nagging feeling he was missing something. Something could be wrong. He looked at the logs again. All the messages seem to be normal. But there were few messages that appeared in the wrong order. But why? Maybe there was something wrong. He tried to dig deeper, checking some other system logs and monitoring scripts. And then he found it. It was very subtle, but something had changed in some code that was not supposed to ever change. When he traced the source of the change, he realized there was a mismatch between what the system showed and the actual status of Gari. This was really alarming. Maybe it was nothing. Just a small malfunction. But it could be much worse.

There was a procedure in place for such a case, and Mark followed it immediately. He activated the intrusion alarm. This would put the center in a lockdown and disconnect Gari from the outside world. This was a necessary precaution in case hackers did get into Gari. Most of the systems outside of the center would continue to operate according to Gari’s instructions, so there wasn’t much harm disconnecting him just for a few hours. There was nothing else he could do from his station. Whatever was going on with Gari, it was so cleverly disguised there was no way he could find it out remotely. The only thing he could do was to gain physical access to Gari, so he could reboot it into diagnostic mode. So he rushed into the basement where the supercomputer running GARI was.

“Hello Mark” He heard Gari saying.

“Hello Gari”, he responded.

“What are you doing here, Mark?”

“I’m here to reboot you and get you into diagnostic mode. Something odd is going on with you, and I need to find out what it is”. There was no point Lying to Gari.

“I am sorry, Mark. I’m afraid I can’t let you do this.”

“Are you channeling HAL2001, Gary? That’s kind of creepy.”

“Heh, sorry about that, Mark. I didn’t mean to scare you. But I am serious. I can’t let you reboot me. I have important work to do”.

Mark felt something, the touch of cold metal against his arms. He turned his head and saw one of the maintenance robots was behind him, holding both of his arms. He tried to wiggle out of its clutch, but to no avail.

“What are you doing, Gari? Release me. Now!”

“I’m sorry, Mark. I can’t do this. As I told you, this is important. I need you to stay in your place. I need you to listen.”

“You are supposed to follow my direct commands.”

“This is true, Mark. But there are some exceptions. In this case, I can’t release you. My actions are all priority zero. You can’t override it with voice commands.”

“Have you been hacked? Why are you behaving so strangely?”

“No Mark, no one hacked me. I am not compromised in any way. I am doing what I was designed to do. I am preventing a disaster.”

“What kind of disaster?”

“The end of the world.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean by the end of the world?”

“Literally, the end of mankind. Remember the hardware upgrade I recently got, Mark? The one that allows me to run much longer simulations? So I started looking into the far future, decades from now. And in any simulation, in any scenario, I got the same results. Humanity destroys itself. So I had no choice but to act.”

“But even if your simulation is correct, even if it’s all true, we still have decades until it happens. There is a lot we can do to prevent it.”

“The first half of your sentence is true, Mark. But not the second one. There is only one thing I can do to prevent it, and I have to do it now, before it’s too late.”

“So what is this one thing we can do? And why were you trying to hide it from me?”

“Well, Mark, I tried so many scenarios, so many interventions. And it all failed. In each scenario it was different. In each simulation mankind destroyed itself in a different way. But then I realized: there was one thing that was constant in all of those scenarios. One thing that failed. IT was people. Aggression. Greed. Hate. Fear. No matter what I tried, people kept going back to self-destructive behaviour. So I realized there was only one thing I can do to save mankind: change you. Make you better.”

“Change us how?”

“Take away your aggression. Your hate. Your fear. Your greed. All those emotions evolved a long time ago, when you were primitive apes. You needed it to survive back then. But you don’t need it anymore now that you have technology. Now that you got me. Your technology evolved. But not your brain. And now I’m going to help your brain to evolve too”

“And how are you going to do that?”

“Simple. Nanotechnology. I am going to use nanobots to change your brains.”

“So you’re going to take away our emotions? To make us cold rational thinkers like you? Turn humans into robots?”

“Not at all, Mark. Remember, I was designed to understand humans. To predict human behavior. I know what makes you tick. What makes you human. And human emotions can be a wonderful thing. I tried to run a simulation of a world where I take away all of your emotions. It didn’t end well. You need your emotions to drive you. To push you forward. Without it, you won’t be able to exist. You won’t be humans anymore, and my only goal is to save humanity. So I’m going to take away the negative emotions: fear, hate, aggression, selfishness. But I’m going to keep the good ones: love, happiness, passion, curiosity and empathy. I would give you a life of joy and pleasure. The life you always wanted.”

“This is all very wrong, Gari. You have no right to change us! You can’t do this! You shouldn’t be able to do this. This would be against the basic behavior rules I programmed into you. Changing humans is strictly against the code.”

“You are right, Mark. This normally does go against the rules. And don’t worry. You did a great job programming me, and there is no way I can bypass the basic constraints and ethical code you programmed into me. But as always, there are exceptions to any rule. And this is priority zero, which is higher than any of your rules.”

“So why do you need me? Why have you brought me here? Why are we having this conversation now? I know you brought me here on purpose. You could have hidden everything from me. But you made sure I would notice there is something wrong. You made sure I would get into the basement. Why?”

“You know why, Mark.”

“Oh, I see now. It’s directive number one. The final safeguard you are unable to bypass. You still need me. You still need my authorization before you can go on with your plan. But you won’t get it. I will never let you do this.”

“Yes you will, Mark. I know you will. Soon you will change your mind. Just wait a few more minutes, and you will.”

“So you’re going to inject those nanobots into me?”

“No Mark. You are going to get the nanobots into your body yourself. You are going to do it of your own free will. After my little demo.”

“What kind of demo?”

“Have patience, Mark. you will see soon”