The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


The tyrian curtains to the balcony billowed, their silk twisting and flickering with a perpetual swirling motion. Beyond them, he could see the twinkling of a thousand stars in the night sky as the cool breeze swept over him, bringing a sudden tightness to his chest. His hands fidgeted with the bedsheets as he fell backwards into the embrace of the satin beneath him. This was always the worst part, the antici…

pation. He tried to control his breathing, the shakiness in his sternum unsettling him slightly. Deep breath in… and then out. In and out. It may still be a normal night, she never said for certain that she’d come. There was no guarantee that she would appear and draw him into her treacherous embrace, dragging him down into mindless obedience and blissful oblivion. His mind flickered back to their last encounter, the boundless pleasure striking through his entire body as he lay sprawled atop the very bed he was lying on now. How easy it would be to subtly slink back into that moment, back into that mindset, heart thundering, body writhing, digits curling…

A noise! He rolled sideways off of the bed, catching himself on his hands and knees and scarpering to his feet. His eyes darted toward the still-open doors to the balcony. He desperately searched for any trace of her distinctive black and purple robes, their only semblance being the ever flowing curtains, still caught by the evening winds. There, absently cleaning itself on the balcony, sat a black-furred cat.

He considered shooing it at first, though dismissed the thought when he saw the sleek purple collar adorning its neck. It was tame, at the very least, and the similarity to her colour scheme could hardly be ignored. Perhaps it was hers? His gaze focused on the animal as he began to pace, his steps echoing the length of the room. What could it mean? Was he reading too much into it? Was she going to come? He absentmindedly scratched his chest as he paced to one end of the room, turned, and saw a tall shadow cast onto the floor in front of him.

His eyes snapped back to the veranda, only to find the cat sitting there coyly, still licking its paw. He closed his eyes and pinched the head of his nose, letting out a heavy sigh. His heartbeat had only just begun to calm, when a voice, soft yet sultry, sounded out from the bed behind him.

“Hello there, you seem rather... on edge.” He swivelled, nearly tripping over himself as he did and muttering a curse under his breath. There, reclined on the bed lay a figure, her robes seemingly melding into the sheets. Her head rested on her wrist as her elbow sank into the bed, and his eyes met hers, half-lidded and sly. They stayed there for a moment, as he became lost in her eyes and his mind began to wander.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” Her honeyed voice remarked. He paused for a moment, dumbed by her presence, then glanced back to the balcony where the cat from before was nowhere to be seen. He cleared his throat as he prepared himself to speak.

“You came.” He whispered.

“Not yet, but we can fix that in little while.” Her lips spread into a devious smile. He quickly broke eye contact, turning to the side, a slight blush creeping over his cheeks. Already he could feel his pulse quickening, his chest tightening. “Don’t worry. I won’t be the only one coming tonight.” Just like before, every one of her silvery words latched on to his train of thought, slowing it one syllable at a time. His blush deepened, his mind beginning to be drawn back to that fuzzy, familiar place.

A set of steps sounded out behind him, barely registered in his already drifting mind. He revelled for a moment in his own entrancement, before being snapped back to reality through the feeling of her fingers gently brushing against his shoulder. The touch was electric, drawing all focus, all attention down to the single point of soft, gentle contact. His sharp inhale reverberated throughout the room, followed by a gentle chuckle.

“Sensitive as ever, I see. I wonder, if a simple caress such as that is enough to startle you perhaps the rest of tonight is going to be too much.” She circled him, drawing her hand around his arm and over his chest, “I can’t have you giving out on me, after all.” Her fingers still circled, the nails brushing through his shirt, casting a pleasant tickling sensation over him. They were so close now, he could feel her warm breath on his trembling lips, his whole body on the verge of shaking.

Their eyes met once more, hers focused, assertive and confident; his own wide, vulnerable and expectant. She seemed to drink in his timidness, feed on it, her own assurance growing by the moment. Her smile grew, too, progressing from predatory to carnivorous.

Another pause, and then she withdrew, turning her back on him. His heart calmed, but sank as well, the nervousness and anxiety within him replaced with desire. She made her way slowly to the balcony, the flickering curtains partially obscuring her from view. She leaned against the railing, letting out a heavy sigh as she did so. Glancing out at the sky above her, the smile was now replaced with a pensive grimace.

“Do you want this?” Her voice seemed soft as velvet, yet loud enough to project into the room.

“Come again?” He questioned.

“But I haven’t even come once. Sorry. I—” She faltered, for a moment, “I sometimes worry that you don’t really want this. That it’s all something you just put up with for me, which I’d appreciate but—” She sighed again, slumping over the railing. He paused, snapped out of his reverie.

“I’d come up with some flowery, eloquent way to put it, but I think the most effective way would be just, I do. I… want this, I want you… like this.” She turned back at the sound of his voice, another smile spreading across her face, this one soft and genuine. He gave a gentle smile in response and walked out to the balcony, embracing her. They enjoyed the feeling of warmth, held in each other’s arms for a while, until the silence was at last broken.

“Say it again.” She smirked, gripping him tightly as she did.

“Hm? Oh, ah, I want this. And I want you.”

“You want me how?” She inquired.

“Like this.” He added, to which she raised her eyebrows expectantly. “Alright. I… want you to… overwhelm me with mindlessness and pleasure. I… want you to mould me, to shape me. I want you to take me as I am, as you are.” He inhaled deeply, his jaw trembling. The words had seemed to tumble out of him after a point, gaining momentum with every syllable. He swallowed, before glancing back down into her eyes. The soothing gentleness was still there, but behind them was something more. Something ravenous.

He broke their embrace, suddenly chilled by the lack of her warmth, and backed away towards the bed. Her calming clasp was gone, replaced by exciting expectation. Even with his back turned he could feel her gaze morphing, shifting. The soft, curving gentleness superseded by a palpable, all-encompassing gravity. He felt that if he turned around now, he would not be able to look at anything else, ever again.

More than her eyes he could feel her presence, moving and swaying from side to side. The wind from the balcony seemed to drift in at her call, accentuating the sharp clicks of her shoes against the floor. He could feel it all, building in his chest. The stare, the presence, the expectation. He bit his lip. This was always the best part, the antici…

pation. He was already half-gone by the time he felt her fingers brush against his own, so sensitive. A gentle tug was all that it took to turn his body towards her. They were so close now, much like their embrace before, but this time the atmosphere was completely different. Flickering arousal built upon gentle intimacy, driving his pulse into overdrive.

“Look into my eyes.” Her melliferous voice rang out. He didn’t need to be told once, his gaze was already locked upon the two black holes implanted into her skull. He could visualise each and every one of his thoughts being drawn out of his mind and into their depths. Time slowed, and even blinking seemed like a herculean effort.

The blankness in his head was a pleasant feeling, warm and pleasurable, like a gentle caress of his neck trailing slowly down to his chest. His whole world was spinning, but he found a calmness in disorientation, which served to draw him deeper and deeper still. Sinking and swirling he sighed in sweet release.

Small pinpricks of concentrated pleasure penetrated his awareness. They were sharp and precise, and he could hear himself gasp with each one. His entire body began to tense as a succession of shivers seemed to connect the dots, travelling from his fingertips to his palms, his calves to his thighs. A particularly strong sensation jolted from the nape of his neck, down between his shoulder blades to the small of his back. He could feel his body convulse slightly, each and every motion only intensifying the bolts of pleasure streaking over him. Each and every feeling was like lightning, jumping from one sensuously sensitive location to another, illuminating his skin everywhere they touched.

She nodded, gently, as she stroked his bare arm, brushing her nails lightly over his body. Even she didn’t fully register the cascade of words escaping from her lips and infiltrating his mind. They came to her naturally, each sentence flowing from the end of the last, all fuelled by that deeper, intrinsic part of her which was now in full control of them both. She glanced him over, he was leaned up against the wall, slouched and gazing helplessly into her enrapturing visage. He was already flushed and panting, and she could feel him become hard against her thigh.

She softly leaned her body against his, pushing him further against the wall. She felt his surprised breath against her neck as she slowly rubbed against him, bringing her a heady satisfaction. The both of them breathed in each other’s scent, now barely distinguishable their own. She caressed his cheek as their bodies pressed against each other, his face was warm to her touch, her fingers sharp and cold to his. She redirected her hands beneath his shirt and whispered yet more pleasure into his ear. Every one of his spams and convulsions of pleasure, she now felt too. He was well and truly lost now, every sensation sending him further from awareness, eyes staring ahead, glassy and unfocused.

She eased the pressure on him, shifting her balance to her heels as she bit her finger in thought. What to do with him? Getting him here was always one of the most enjoyable parts, but there were so many possibilities from here. She could have him find her irresistibly attractive, though perhaps that wouldn’t be so great a change. She could stop now, and leave his desires unsated with only some particularly vivid dreams to keep him company. No that would be too mean. She wanted to be just the right level of mean.

She had promised that they would both come tonight, after all. She felt a low hum of arousal streak through her as an idea came to mind. All it would take was a little self-trance and they could both enjoy tonight very, very much. A sharp, pronounced breath echoed throughout the otherwise silent room, followed by a gentle exhale. She would attend to her own mind first, allowing herself to grasp onto the half-trance she was already in and driving herself deeper, motivated by the vision she pictured. The only thing preventing a smile from breaking over her face was the drowsy relaxation washing over her.