The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


  1. The following story contains events sexual in nature. If it is against the law in your location for you to read such things don’t read this story.
  2. The following story is fictional. The characters are fictional. The archaeological group and translators are fictional. Nothing and no one is based on any non-fictional events or people.
  3. Insert copyright notice here along with threat of instant karma (the bad kind).

Author’s Notes:

E-mails welcome but I may not have the time to respond:

Spring’s Second Waning Quarter Moon

Riding Paka to our neighbor village, Anyas, was a treat, a small vacation from my worries. The butcher had castrated niokos and the man I was worried to have in my household had wept like a baby. Now he was still bed-bound and weak as a kitten. popo was even more worshipful of his new owner, and yla had been whetted to accept his reduced station in the household. My eldest daughter gone to war and my youngest to her own bed. Two slaves would arrive in the next few days. The crops were sown and growing, the goats and horses were done foaling for the spring, and now was the perfect time to go on a little adventure.

As I passed through the center of my own village I saw and spoke with women from every station and nearly every household. A few had heard gossip about my two new men and I could tell them little that they didn’t already know.

The warm air was heavy with dust and pollen and the motes danced in the dappled air beneath the trees as I turned out of my village south-east toward Anyas. I could hear the creatures hidden from sight as they called to each other and acted as heralds, telling those further down that I was heading their way. I saw few women on the trail but recognized all of them. About two thirds had brought men to me for training and whetting. The rest were too poor to afford my services. One of these, Patik, wanted to ask me a question but feared my horse. I dismounted and bowed to her.

“Patik, please let me introduce you to Paka, a Gorek war horse my sister brought to me. Paka, this is Patik, from my village.”

I signaled and Paka bowed, his right foreleg extended and his weight shifted back to his hind legs. He dipped his nose to touch his right ankle before standing at attention again. Patik gasped and I laughed.

“Hello, Paka, it is an honor to meet you.”

“Would you like to pet him? He likes to be scratched behind the ears.”

Patik drew forward and extended a hesitant hand. Paka stretched his nose out to nuzzle her palm and Patik giggled like a little girl. She ran her hand up his head and scratched behind his ears. Paka held absolutely still while she scratched. Finally she withdrew her hand and, with her eyes still fixed on the horse, said, “Thank you, Whetstone. These new beasts still scare me, but Paka is the best diplomat.”

“It looked as if you wanted to tell me something.”

Her face grew more serious as she turned her attention to me.

“It’s my son. I’m returning from the slave trader who is at Whetstone Anyasak’s homestead. I was hoping to sell him but the trader refused. She won’t take him because he is an albino. Whetstone Anyasak said his lack of color was a bad sign and that I should see a witch about him. I thought I should ask for a second opinion. Please, if you have any thoughts, I’d like to know.”

I thought silently a moment. Patik worked for a household in my village but her own family lived in Anyas. She was smart and healthy enough to earn wages above room and board. But this did not mean she could afford to see a witch about a boy. Common lore held that an albino was a message from a god or spirit, and usually the message was bad. A witch could tell you what the message was and, if the albino was a girl, sometimes the girl herself could figure it out.

“What do you think about Whetstone Anyasak’s suggestion?” I asked.

“It is beyond my means. If I sold him I could afford it, but the trader won’t buy him.”

“What are your alternatives?”

“I could castrate him and give him to his sister as a servant or try to sell him to my master as a house slave. He could work in the kitchen and no be a bother to anyone. But I wonder if he could handle being indoors all the time if he wasn’t whetted, and I can afford that less than I can afford a witch. No offense, Whetstone.”

“None taken.”

We fell silent again as I thought some more.

“If I were you, I would try to find a buyer privately, someone who knows you and your family and so would know your son’s background. That would make it easier to overcome possible objections. If your son is smart, he would see that performing well for a master would be to his advantage, for he must also be curious about the message in his skin. I think it would be wise to castrate him if he hasn’t hit puberty yet, but if he has I’d leave it. You never know what a woman wants in a lover. His difference might be a selling point.”

“And if I can’t find a buyer in our village?”

“Send out word with travelers to other villages. There must be a woman out there who would take an interest. At the last, giving him to his sister is not a bad option. You may someday have the money to take him to a witch and he’d be close at hand for the adventure.”

She laughed at this, “You make it sounds so easy. I don’t suppose you’re looking for another slave.”

“As a matter of fact, I’m looking for a messenger. You no doubt heard what happened to my last.”

“I did. I’m sorry I didn’t express my concern when we first came across each other.”

“Please don’t worry about it. I expect the horse startled it out of you.”

“My son is quick and strong. He may make a good messenger. You could take him on trial if you’d like.”

“Since I’m already on my way, I’ll take a look at the men at Anyas. If I don’t see anything there that looks right I’ll be sure to contact you and see your boy. How old is he?”

“Fifteen summers, he’ll have sixteen soon.”

“You waited a while, then, to try to sell him.”

“I feared for his safety. It seemed that an albino would be picked on in a large group of males. Anyone different is always the first to be picked on. I wanted him to be strong enough to stand up for himself.”

“You are both a wise and tender mother, Patik. Please send my regard to Mauyl Dak when you get home. I didn’t see her as I was riding through our village.”

She bowed and I nodded back respectfully before swinging myself up on Paka. Patik watched us trot off before continuing on her way. I was having visions of an albino messenger. A messenger from a god running errands for a mortal. It would carry more weight but it might also be more dangerous for the messenger.

At Anyas’ center people were gathered at the market. Everything could be bought there. Men and women were selling food, cloth, trinkets and toys. The glitter of new metal plates caught at my eye. I reminded myself that I was here to buy one thing only and continued to the Whetstone’s homestead. Her guards crossed their pikes at the sight of my horse and I dismounted, hands spread, to show I meant no harm. One of them recognised me.

“Whetstone Kapra. An honor. Please wait while we signal to the house that you have arrived. Whetstone Anyasak will want to prepare for you. Will you be bringing your animal in with you?”

“I will wait and yes, Paka will also come into the front yard, if that’s alright.” I gestured to Paka and he bowed again. The guards smiled at this. Finally they received word to let us enter and I mounted Paka and rode in.

Turning the corner into the front yard I could see a riot of man-flesh and women reviewing them. My own front yard would be like this at the next new moon. I was glad I had rode in because I could see over everyone to the main house’s front door. There, Anyasak stood patiently. I guided Paka through the people, which wasn’t difficult, as everyone in the way moved aside as quickly as possible. Once we got to the house I dismounted. Anyasak nodded to me, rather curtly I thought, and I nodded back.

“Whetstone Kapra. What a pleasant surprise. You are looking well, as is the beast you rode in on.”

“And you, Whestone Anyasak. You look younger every time I visit.”

“A trick of the light, I’m sure. Would you like to come inside for tea?”

“I’m afraid I must refuse. I am here merely on a small bit of business.” I cocked my head toward the throng of women that circled the auction block. Bidding would start soon and I wanted a chance to look at the men beforehand.

“At least tell me you’re available for drinks after the auction.”

“It would be an honor. Would you walk with me while I look at the men?”

“Of course. These men have been here for a few days and I have opinions I’m willing to share. What will you do with your horse in the meantime?”

I turned to Paka and made a signal. He trotted over to the nearest shade tree and started grazing.

“I see he’ll keep for the while. You must be very proud. Or perhaps business has been slow in your village.”

I laughed and made no reply. Anyasak and I were civil to each other, but barely. Our families had waged a blood feud a few generations back and we were trying our hardest to mend it. But we each new the history intimately and had difficulty getting over the atrocities committed by the opposite side. Our mothers had painted the peace stones, her mother’s symbol and the symbol of their clan were on a rock mounted to our gatewall. Anyasak’s gatewall had a similar rock on hers.

“Anyasak, it would please me if you would accept a horse from me next year. The last of the two year olds are gone but soon a filly, Preta, will be ready for a new master. If you wish, I could teach you how to ride.”

I had shocked her into silence and she couldn’t speak until we reached the first group of men.

“What kind of slave are you looking for?”

“I need a new messenger. Our last was beset upon by master-less men and will not be able to resume his duties.”

“This was po, right?”

“You have a much better head for names than I ever did. Yes, po.”

“Well, if you’re looking for a messenger, let me take you directly to the men who would be most fitting.”

We veered to the left, moving deeper into the throng of people, until we were looking at teenage boys.

“These, of course, would be the fastest. With your whetting skills they’d be able to remember any message you gave them.”

That was the first compliment I had ever received from her and I silently committed it to memory.

“You make me blush, Anyasak. But you’re right, they do look fit enough.”

I stepped to the closest one and asked him if he was right- or left-handed. He was left-handed so I moved on to the next, who was right-handed [Text fragments from this time period do not explain her thinking in this]. I asked him to extend his right leg and I felt the muscles, from the ankle to the hips, then asked him to extend his left leg. I felt his left ankle. Everything seemed strong and he had no difficulty balancing.

“What family do you come from?” I asked.

“Petuk, in the far south.”

“What did you do before they sold you?”

“I herded goats.”

“What did you think of that?”

He blinked uncertainly and glanced at my face for a moment.

“I liked it but I hated running after them.”

I moved through the group, asking questions, testing muscles, and narrowed it down to two men who seemed to suit the purpose. I brought them together and stood them side by side. One was shorter, the other castrated. Both were dark-skinned and shapely. Either would make fine messengers but the image of an albino messenger kept appearing before me. I dismissed them and Anyasak eyed me curiously.

“Won’t either of them do?” she asked.

“Of course. I’m just comparing them to a boy I haven’t even met yet.”

Anyasak arched an eyebrow and waited for me to explain.

“I saw a particular woman from my village on my way here. She told me about her albino boy. The more I think about it, the more I’m leaning towards taking him on as a messenger.”

She struggled to suppress a laugh.

“You can’t mean that. An albino only carries a message to its family, you can’t ask it to do more than that.”

“You’re probably right. And yet…” I let my voice trail off.

“Well, if you’re not going to buy a slave today let’s go to the public room and get out of this crowd. Too many men in the sun.” She waved a hand in front of her nose and I smiled.

“Yes, I’m ready to take you up on your offer of tea. And perhaps someone can give water to Paka.”

“Of course. misha! misha!”

A small boy came running up and dropped to his knees before her.

“misha, get a bucket of water from the well and set the bucket, do not pour it, next to that horse over there.”

The boy ran off and Anyasak sighed to me, “He is so eager to please but he understands very little. He’ll do what I ask but without knowing why. If I’m not precise enough he makes the wrong decisions. I’m beginning to think he is slow in the head. If so, there’s no good use for him.”

“A concubine, perhaps?”

“Perhaps, we’ll have to see how handsome he gets. Although I’m not sure it would be a good idea to pass his slowness on to the next generation. Come.”

We entered the public room and Ayasak asked me to sit. Another boy washed my feet for me and yet a third brought cold tea.

“It looks like you have a full house,” I remarked.

“You are turning away too many boys, Whetstone Kapra,” she chided gently, “Where will Amaz be if Whetstones don’t pull their weight.”

“Amaz needs war horses, too.”

“But not so much that you can’t give a peace offering to another Whetstone.”

“You are too clever. I cannot spare a horse and yet somehow I will. That is all there is to it. Amaz needs not only well-trained men and horses, but also peace within its borders so it can stand against its enemies. Anyway, two boys will arrive at my homestead in the next few days. I am whetting nearly my share.”

She nodded.

“I did not mean to offend you, Whetstone Kapra. I am, in fact, impressed and just the tiniest bit jealous of your horses. I am very pleased by your offer of a horse and I will hold you to it. As long as you teach me to ride.”

“It will be my pleasure to teach you.”

We spoke for a bit more, mainly about our daughters; long enough for the sun to swing in a broad arc before I made ready to leave. The auction had gone on without me and when I stepped outside I saw that the two men I’d considered had been sold. I turned to Paka and he whickered at me. I raised a hand and he trotted over.

“Whetstone Ayasak,” I said, turning back to my host, “thank you for your hospitality. Please come see me when you find yourself in Ka. My door is always open to you.”

We nodded to each other and I mounted Paka. We rode out of the homestead and into the waning light. However whimsical and, frankly, stupid, the idea seemed, I wanted that albino as my messenger. I resolved to stop by Mauyl Dak’s household on my way back.

It was nearly dark by the time I arrived at their gate. Their guards were nervous but I called my name to them and they let me in immediately. Mauyl Dak’s house servant came out to greet me, a slave following behind to attend to Paka.

“Mauyl Dak sends her greetings, please come into the public room and she will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you, Mika.”

I settled myself into the cushions at the table, noting a second slave kneeling by the doorway. As soon as I sat he abased himself to me then rose and departed the room. Mika stood by the table and we chatted idly while waiting for Mauyl Dak to arrive.

She swept into the room with the slave following behind, carrying a platter of drinks and dates and cheese and bread.

“Whetstone, an honor to have you in our house. What brings about your visit?”

“Mauyl Dak, thank you for receiving me so late in the evening. I come to discuss the purchase of the son of one of your servants. Patik’s son.”

“You mean the albino? Whatever for?”

“Patik offered to loan him to me as a messenger. If it works out well I’d buy him.”

She eyed me curiously and broke into a big toothless grin.

“Forgive my frankness, but you are not at all like your mother, Whetstone. Your slaves are aged cast-asides and you raise horses and now you want to use an albino as a messenger. I wait impatiently to see what you’ll do next.”

“I admit my actions are not always the most traditional. But please, send for Patik and her son. We can discuss this further with her.”

“Of course. Mika, get us Patik and her son.”

Mika bowed to us and left the room. I asked after Mauyl Dak’s daughters while we ate dates. There weren’t enough slaves for us each to be fed by hand but I considered it part of my day’s adventure.

“Your goat cheese is different than ours. Have you added anything special?”

“A small bit of honey. We had a surplus last year. Do you like it?”

“It goes so well with the herbs you included. I do like it.”

“It’s been selling briskly at market, too. I guess the hint of sweetness makes it easier for some women to skimp on other sweets. With this war there is less trade between the northern villages and less money to go around. Women are having to choose carefully when they buy food.”

I nodded and was going to ask her how her market stall was faring when Patik and her son entered. I suppressed a gasp. I had never actually seen an albino in person before. The lack of skin color had been described to me but it had been hard to imagine.

His eyes were the palest blue. I had never seen blue eyes before. It was like looking into a vacant sky. And his skin was pink, mottled, so delicate-looking. His hair was the color of sun-washed straw. I could hardly bear to look at him and I could hardly bear to turn away.

“Please sit with us, Patik,” said Mauyl Dak, “And you, brer, kneel by the door.”

It was obvious the boy had never been in the public room before. He had very little training. He looked nervous and didn’t know what to do with his hands. I felt the familiar twinge of sympathy and desire to help him know what to do.

“Patik, the Whetstone has come to talk about your boy. She seems interested in taking you up on your offer. Does it still stand?”

“Of course. You can take him now if you like.”

We heard brer make a noise but ignored him.

“Thank you. The sooner we get started the sooner I can contact my sisters.”

“You could make use of our messenger, tama, if you like,” offered Mauyl Dak.

“A very generous offer. I need to send for them as soon as possible.”

“Mika, get us tama, please.”

Mika bowed and left and Patik took a deep breath before saying, “I’m so excited by the idea that we may learn brer’s message. I don’t have a clue what it could be.”

“You must brace yourself in case the Whetstone decides she cannot use him.”

“If it doesn’t work out I’ll at least pay for the witch. That should cover the cost of his loan.”

“Oh, I couldn’t accept that. There won’t be any financial loss on my part when you take him.”

“Patik, don’t be so humble. Someone will have to take brer’s place in the fields.”

“What has he been doing?” I asked.

“He helped tend the goats this winter. Now he works in the field, weeding and watering with the rest of the boys.”

“What do they think of him?”

“They ignore him for the most part. They tease him because of how he looks and the fact that he has to wear so much clothing in the sun. He burns easily.”

“Has he been sleeping in the men’s quarters?”

“No, he has been sleeping in our room. My daughter shares my bed and brer has a pallet on the floor. As I mentioned, I worry for his safety.”

“But you don’t worry about sending him out with me.”

“He is old enough to fend for himself now; there is only so much a mother can do for her son.”

We all nodded in agreement and lapsed into a brief silence. I stole another glance at brer and was shocked anew. It would take me a while to be able to see him for himself.

Mika entered with the messenger behind her. He prostrated himself at our table then moved to kneel next to brer. He seemed unfazed by the albino.

“Whetstone, this is our messenger, tama,” said Mauyl Dak.

I nodded to him and stood.

“I hate to cut our meeting so short, but it is dark out now and I’d like to get back before my house starts to worry about me.”

“Of course,” said Mauyl Dak as she and everyone else rose, “Just send tama back when you’re done with him and let us know how brer does for you.” She turned to brer and said, “Boy, follow every command the Whetstone gives you and bring us honor. She is your master now. If you fail to please her we will find a suitable punishment for you.”

brer prostrated himself, trembling, and remained in his position until I told him to rise. I motioned to tama to rise as well and the three of us walked to the front yard, Patik following behind.

I turned back to Mauyl Dak and nodded, “Thank you for you hospitality. Please let me return the favor someday.”

She nodded back to me, “The pleasure was mine. Perhaps when you are ready to send tama back I can come to collect him.”

“It would be an honor.”

I mounted Paka and the men stayed a respectful distance behind as I turned the horse out of the courtyard. I could hear Patik say soft words to her son but I did not bother to witness the exchange. A mother’s pride is always in her daughters but sometimes sons can find a place in her heart.

We made it home without incident and I sent the two men to the men’s house; ada would see that they were settled. Once in my own room I let po and popo baby me: they removed my clothes, bathed me and massaged me and I made po sleep in my bed with me. I draped my arms around him and fell into a dream of making love with brer. His penis glowed in the dark and his skin was luminous. His eyes were catlike and he was purring as I rode him. He reached up to touch my breasts and claws came out of his fingertips and raked my chest. I gasped in an orgasm as I woke up, heart pounding in fear and desire. Po snuggled even closer as I tried to decipher what the dream meant. Finally I fell asleep again, without yet understanding my dream.