The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Alternate Hypnosis

Section II—End of Innocence: Chapter 7-12

Chapter 7 Testing the Trigger

The next day, all Guy could think about was Wendy. He had little to no idea if the trigger would work, more or less how she would respond to his suggestions.

At band practice, Guy kept eyeing Wendy to see if she paid him any more attention. She kept to herself as usual.

Because of her good looks, most people in the band considered Wendy a snob. Guy had not made up his mind yet whether she was a snob or just extremely shy.

At the end of practice, Guy stood next to the instrument room, hoping Wendy would approach him there. Instead, she walked right by him and out of the band room towards the junior-senior parking lot.

‘Man,’ Guy thought, ‘maybe this hypnosis stuff doesn’t work after all.’

Guy grabbed his book bag and started the long walk home. As he walked by the junior-senior lot, a car door opened and Wendy stepped out. “Hey Guy, need a ride?”

Guy’s heart started beating more rapidly as his hypnotic suggestion took the form of reality. “Yeah that would be great!” he said smiling.

As Guy walked towards the car he looked Wendy over. She was extremely sexy in her tight blue jeans and white blouse.

Wendy got into the car and unlocked the passenger side door. Guy got in and looked over at her trying to decide when he should say the trigger phrase.

“So where do you live?” Wendy smiled.

“It is a strange street, have you ever heard of deep deep asleep?” Guy responded.

Guy kept eye contact with her. For about half a second he feared it wasn’t going to work. Then, Wendy’s face went blank as her eyelids slowly fell closed and her smile relaxed. Her arms went limp and began sliding off the steering wheel. Her right hand fell first, landing on the emergency brake. Her left hand fell about two seconds later, brushing against the driver’s door. Her body sunk in to the seat, her lips parted and her knees bent slightly. Finally all was still.

‘My God,’ Guy thought, ‘it actually works.’

Chapter 8 The First Session

Guy was turned on by the power he felt over Wendy’s mind. He had the ability to pull her into a hypnotic trance whenever he wanted. Now the question was, how much more could he do with her?

Without a word, Guy placed his palm on Wendy’s knee and slid it up her leg until reaching her innermost thigh. He pulled her right leg toward him making her more vulnerable. He palmed the void between her legs, imagining the texture of her tender flesh just two layers below. He leaned over and kissed her open lips. It was time to test her.

In a soft voice Guy began. “Wendy, can you hear me?”

“Yes,” she replied in a clear tone.

“When you wake up, you will feel extremely aroused. You will kiss me, and in that kiss you will feel a burning in your loins. A fire will kindle and you will lose your inhibitions. Do you understand?”

A few seconds passed and finally Wendy said with an almost offended voice “No.”

‘Damn!’ Guy thought, ‘I knew it was too good to be true.’

Guy thought for a minute. ‘I must be doing something wrong. Maybe I am going too fast. I need to take things slower.’

Then Guy continued. “Wendy, do you find me attractive?”

“Well... you’re kind of cute,” Wendy replied.

Guy hated cute. Cute was for little boys. Guy wanted to be handsome, to be sexy.

“Wendy, I am very attractive. You find me very handsome and sexy. Isn’t that right?”

After a few moments Wendy said, “What do you mean by sexy?”

‘Now wait just a minute,’ Guy thought, ’ this isn’t right.’

Wendy was being more resistant to his suggestions. Almost like she was in a light hypnosis state. On the bus she was so out of it, she just Yes’d and Umm..hmm’d like she had no will power of her own. Her voice was different too.

Guy wasn’t an expert on hypnosis, but he figured that post hypnotic suggestions must not take a person back as deep as they were originally. Or at least it couldn’t take Wendy back to that unnaturally deep state.

Thinking back to his conversation on the school bus, Guy remembered emphasizing how much Wendy liked him.

“Wendy, do you like me?” Guy asked.

“I like you a lot,” Wendy said without hesitation.

‘Well damn it,’ Guy thought, ‘I forgot to tell her to find me attractive. Great, she likes me a lot. Maybe we can go out for ice cream.’

Time was getting the best of him. Much longer and Wendy would notice how late she was getting home.

Guy thought about how to best go about this. He obviously needed to go through all the breathing motions again, but when? He might even want to read scripts to strengthen it. But that would take a large chunk of time. He certainly wouldn’t be able to do it at his place. He could probably ask Wendy what her schedule was like. It wasn’t like the questions were really deep or personal.

“Wendy, is anyone home when you get back from school?” Guy asked.

“.. my mom,” Wendy responded.

“Is she always home when you get back from school?” Guy asked.

“Not on Tuesdays and Thursdays,” Wendy responded.

“When does she get home on those days?” Guy asked.

“Between 5:00 and 6:00.”

‘Hmmm,’ Guy thought, ‘That will only leave about an hour, but it will have to do. Better wake her up before she notices the time.’

“Wendy I am going to count to 3. When I reach 3 you will wake up and not remember any of this... 1... 2... 3.”

As Wendy came too, Guy started talking. “Then take a right on to Appearson. Finally go right on a little private road.”

When he was done, Wendy looked at him and said, “Tell you what, just tell me as we go.”

“Fine,” Guy responded. And off they went.

Chapter 9 Woman in Red

Tuesday seemed to drag on as Guy waited in anticipation for school to be over. He had seen Wendy earlier in the day between classes. She was wearing a red dress with flowers that cut off at the knees.

It wasn’t so much that she looked extremely sexy in the dress. In fact, it hung off her breasts such that it hid most of her sexy curves. Rather it was the idea of easy access that turned him on. That and the fact that he figured he would actually get to take advantage of it, not just dream about it.

After school, Guy and Wendy met in the band room and then began walking to Wendy’s car. Along the way, Guy suddenly became aware of all the people around.

Monday, they had band practice and didn’t get to the car till about 5:30. He hadn’t considered all the people around at 3:30.

‘Hmmm,’ Guy thought, ‘I may have to get to her house without the help of hypnosis.’

“So, what kind of music do you listen to?” Guy asked.

“Oh, all kinds,” Wendy responded.

Guy waited a few moments and then continued, “You know it is not fair, you have seen my house, but I haven’t got to see yours yet. I got an idea. Why don’t you take me by your place so that I can see your house? While we are there we can go in and I can look at your CD collection. That would be easier than naming every band you like.”

Wendy giggled. “Yeah, it would be easier, but to be honest, my mom isn’t home and I am not suppose to have guests over unless one of my parents is there. I know it is a drag, but they are really strict about it.”

Guy said in a disappointed voice, “Well... OK. I guess I don’t have to see your CD collection. But we can still go by your place, right?”

Wendy thought for a second. “Well, it is a little out of the way, but we can drive by.”

‘Drive by,’ Guy thought, ‘we’ll see about that.’

Wendy entered an urban neighborhood, which Guy recognized from Halloween. After several turns Wendy spoke up. “That’s it up on the left.”

Guy looked up and saw a large, white house. “Wow, your house is gorgeous,” he responded. He then turned to Wendy, “You know, I really don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I have to pee really bad. Could we go in for just a second so that I could use the restroom?”

Wendy thought for a moment. “I guess so.”

Guy looked over at Wendy as they pulled into her driveway. He noticed that since she sat down, the dress had settled on her body, accenting her curves. He was especially turned on by the way it fell around her waist and legs, emphasizing her feminine build. One slow curve began about her bellybutton, sliding down until fading between her legs.

Guy couldn’t wait any longer. As soon as he heard the motor cut, he said the trigger phrase. “Wendy, have you ever heard of that band Deep Deep Asleep?”

Wendy began to turn to acknowledge his question. As the phrase registered in her mind, she succeeded in little more than swaying her head to the right as her body relaxed and sunk into the seat.

Guy was anxious to get into the house and wasted little time. “Wendy, you know you have been on your feet all day. I imagine you are a little tired aren’t you?”

“Yeah, a little,” she replied calmly.

“Well then, while I am using the restroom it would make sense for you to lie down and relax wouldn’t it?”

She thought for a minute. “I guess so.”

Guy wasn’t trying to do the whole routine yet. He just wanted to make sure she would be in safe position when he yelled the phrase. “I am going to count to 3. When I reach the number 3 you will wake up and remember none of this conversation. 1 ..... 2 ..... 3.”

As Guy heard Wendy coming to, he opened his door and continued about his way as if nothing had happened.

Wendy quickly regained composure, got out of the car and opened the front door.

They entered the first floor. To Guy’s left, stood a couch and a sofa chair surrounding a large screen TV in the corner of the room. To his immediate right, a wall extended down the length of the house forming a hallway at the other end of the room. On the wall were several doors.

“The bathroom is the second door on the right there,” Wendy said. She lifted her hand and pointed.

Guy entered the little room. As he closed the door he heard the TV come on. He stood there for about a minute contemplating if he should really go through with the hypnosis. Then he thought about the red dress. The way it fell against Wendy’s skin in the car. Finally he made up his mind.

Guy said in a loud tone, “Hey Wendy, ever heard of that band Deep Deep Asleep?”

“What?” Wendy yelled from somewhere within the room.

Guy cracked his door, “Deep Deep Asleep!”

He waited and no response followed.

‘I hope she heard me,’ Guy thought as he opened the door.

Entering the room, Guy saw Wendy’s unconscious body lying on the sofa.

Chapter 10 Alternate Induction

Guy grabbed the remote and muted the TV. Suddenly all was silent. ‘This is perfect,’ he thought as he knelt down beside Wendy on the floor. Just as on the bus, he got right up to her lips. He placed a hand on her stomach. When she breathed in, he breathed out.

After about three min, Wendy tried to yawn. As on the bus, Guy made sure not to let her get a good breath of air. He then continued breathing into her mouth.

As time passed, the idea of Wendy becoming more and more helpless was turning Guy on. He reached down and placed his warm palm under her dress. He couldn’t help but noticed the silk like tender flesh of her inner thigh. He relished in her helplessness as he began moving his hand up towards her most private area.

The thought was interrupted as the second yawn attempt came. Once again, Guy denied Wendy of the element she so desired. Afterwards, Wendy’s natural reflexes kicked in and her head shifted to her left. When she was done, Guy gently pulled her head back to center position and continued breathing in to her mouth.

As Guy became more and more aroused, he began skimming the surface of Wendy’s lips with his own. Breathing softly into her mouth, he felt her breathing become deeper as her body took larger and larger breaths.

Wendy tried to yawn again, this time, turning her head as she yawned. Guy reacted and pulled her head back. He felt her neck resisting. As he applied more force, her left hand began to rise as if to try to push his head away. But it was too late. In trying to use her muscles, Wendy exhausted the last bit of energy she had left. The hand fell down almost as quickly as it came up. Wendy’s face pulled back to center effortlessly as her neck muscles gave in. Her breathing settled.

Guy felt as though Wendy was out of it, but he wanted to be sure. He was determined to go four yawns as he did in the bus. He wanted to repeat his steps exactly.

About two minutes later, the fourth yawn came. Wendy gave no resistance this time. Afterwards, she exhaled the contents of her lungs slowly. Her breathing became very light and very short. So light in fact, that it was hard to detect, aside from the warmth her breath created on Guy’s lips.

As a final test, Guy brought his hand up and pulled Wendy’s left eyelid open. It was white, with her eyes looking way up into the top of her head, just as before.

‘This is a good sign,’ Guy thought, “Now she is ready.”

Chapter 11 The Golden Rule of Hypnosis

As on the bus, Guy began calmly saying her name. “Wendy... Wendy... Listen to me Wendy... Can you hear me Wendy?”

Guy continued in this manner for about 20 seconds until finally Wendy responded with a moan.

“wha..t.?” she murmured.

“Wendy, do you know who I am?” Guy asked.

She spoke as though it took all her strength. “...Umm .....Hmm”

He continued speaking in a slow, calm voice.

“Listen to me very carefully Wendy and take in everything I have to say. You know Wendy, I am a very nice guy. The kind of guy you can trust and tell everything to. You trust me Wendy because you know I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that. Now tell me, do you trust me Wendy?”

Guy waited for a response. The pause seemed like an eternity and then finally he heard a whimper:

“...umm..hmmm,” she murmured in her drawn out airy voice.

‘YES!’ he thought.

He contained his excitement and continued speaking in the same slow, calm voice.

“You know, Wendy, if you think about it, I am also very attractive. In fact, you would probably say I am sexy. Like for example, right now you find yourself very aroused. That is because I am sitting beside you.”

As he spoke, Guy pulled Wendy’s dress up exposing her white silken panties. He took two fingers down and began making tiny rhythmic circles on the soft silken fabric between her legs.

“When I am around you, you become aroused. You begin thinking about us together in sexual situations. Reckless desires begin to stir within. Don’t fight the thoughts Wendy. It is natural, you are female and I am male.”

As Guy talked, he felt moisture forming between Wendy’s legs. However, she still remained quiet and still. He guessed it was because she was so out of it.

“So tell me Wendy, do you find me attractive. Do you find me sexy?”

“ye..ssss...,” she said in her airy voice.

“Do you want to make love to me Wendy. Do you want to feel me inside of you right now?”

Guy noticed that Wendy’s breathing had become deeper and more rhythmic. Obviously she enjoyed his rhythmic circles.

“uhhh..huhh..,” she said in a drowsy but somewhat desperate voice.

“Wendy, I am going to begin counting to 10. When I reach 10, you will wake up and make love to me here on your couch. Do you understand?”

After a few seconds, Wendy said, “I... I can’t...", in a disappointed voice.

Her panties were practically soaked as Guy continued the steady rhythmic circles.

“Why can’t you?” Guy asked, slightly irritated.

“... Because it’s wrong... I just can’t...”

Wendy’s hips now started to move slowly in response to Guy’s touch.

Guy had feared this would happen. He knew the golden rule of hypnosis: You can’t make a person do something that is against their moral fiber. But every person is different. He had hoped that with Wendy, sex would not be out of the question. He did believe there was a work around, however he wasn’t prepared and only had about 20 min left of fun.

Guy began thinking... He could have sex WHILE Wendy was hypnotized. However, given how tight she was, she would probably notice a change in her body. Then again, he had never eaten a girl out before. That might be fun.

Guy stopped the rhythmic circles and stood up. With some effort, he pulled Wendy’s dress up above her chest. He then unclasped Wendy’s front clasp bra exposing her ripe breasts. Placing a hand on each side of her hips, he slid her wet panties off. Finally, he pulled her right leg off the couch, exposing her flower.

He stepped back and looked at her nude, helpless body, sprawled out on the couch. Not only was she physically helpless, but mentally helpless as well. Open to any reasonable suggestion he might make.

Chapter 12 End of Innocence

“Wendy, can you hear me?” Guy asked.

“..yes,” she replied with a weak voice.

“When I touch you Wendy, you will feel erotic pulses of electricity enter you body where our flesh meets. These pulses will magnify the sensitivity of your flesh 10 fold, sending wave upon wave of pleasure throughout your body.”

Guy took his tongue and began making tiny rhythmic circles on Wendy’s flower as he had done with his fingers earlier. Once again, Wendy’s hips began moving in rhythm with Guy. She began moaning and after only about a minute her back began to arch.

Guy brought a hand up and began fingering her so he could continue to talk.

“No need to resist. Let the waves engulf your mind. Let the pleasure take you over. No need to think, only feel.”

Guy went back down and continued kissing her flower.

Wendy’s moans became loader. She began to use her arms and elbows to thrust her back further into the air.

Guy concentrated on maintaining a steady rhythm. He brought his right hand up and began fingering her and licking her at the same time.

Seeing Wendy like this was too much. Guy took his left hand down and unzipped his pants pulling his cock out. He then switched hands and used Wendy’s sexual juices as lubrication as he began stroking himself.

‘More coaching,’ he thought.

“Now, forget who you are, where you are... Concentrate on only one thing. Your sole purpose in life at this moment is to get off. Stop thinking and let your animal instincts take over.”

Back down Guy went.

Wendy became noticeably more enthusiastic. Her moans turned into shouts as an orgasm engulfed her body. It seemed to last forever. Guy felt himself building as well, but he wasn’t quite there yet. Figuring he would finish on his own, he began to pull his head away.

Out of no where, Wendy grabbed Guy’s head and pushed it back down between her legs. She began screaming again and another orgasm engulfed her mind.

Seeing and hearing innocent Wendy react in this way was the last straw. Guy began cumin to the sound of Wendy’s now inhuman shouting.

20 seconds later, Guy was done. However, Wendy was still cumin. He managed to pull his head away but continued fingering her with his hand. Then he decided to have some fun.

“Wendy, capture this moment in your mind right now. Capture this moment and relive it over and over again. You will continue to orgasm in this manner, with or without my help, until you pass out.”

With that, Guy pulled his hand away. Wendy quickly replaced it with her own and continued screaming. Arching her back frantically as her mind was bombarded by pulse after pulse of electrifying pleasure.

Guy stood back and felt an overwhelming sense of power. He watched as Wendy mindlessly wreathing on the couch. He thought about all he could do with her, how much power he had over her body and her mind.

Guy decided to look around since his climax was over. He went upstairs and began looking for Wendy’s room. He could still hear her even from the 2nd floor. He found what looked to be her bedroom and began looking through her dresser drawers. Finally, he found a pair of white silken panties like the ones she had soaked downstairs. Then he turned his attention to her CD collection.

After about five more minutes, the yells suddenly stopped. Guy returned to the basement to find Wendy passed out in a small pool of her own juices. One knee raised in the air, the other leg hanging off the side of the couch. Her hands were both lying limp against her swollen red pussy lips. Her head was tilted to her right, her mouth wide open as if she was yelling when she passed out. Drool had begun trickling from her mouth onto the couch.

Guy felt himself getting hard again but then looked at the time: 4:35. He needed to clean up and get home.

Guy picked Wendy’s limp nude body up and placed it on the sofa chair. He then used some paper towels that he had grabbed in the kitchen to clean up the couch as best he could. Finally, he flipped the cushions on the couch and was pleasantly surprised to see the other side was the same pattern.

Turning his attention to Wendy, Guy wiped the drool away from Wendy’s mouth. He kissed each nipple before re-clasping her bra. He then slid the dry pair of panties up her legs and pulled her dress back down.

Guy began calmly saying her name again, “Wendy... Wendy... Listen to me Wendy... Can you hear me Wendy?”

After about 30 seconds Wendy finally responded.

“yeah..,” she whispered.

“Wendy, I am going to go into the restroom. When I shut the door you will wake up feeling refreshed and happy. You will not remember anything that I have said or done since we entered your house. You will also not concern yourself with the time. The day has simply gone by quickly, that is all. Remember that you find me attractive, and when you are around me you find yourself aroused. Do you understand?”

“ye..sss,” she murmured.

Guy then picked Wendy up and placed her back on the couch where he found her. He un-muted the TV and entered the bathroom.

After about a minute, Guy opened the door. Wendy looked up at him and smiled.

“All done,” he said.

Wendy got up, turned off the TV and opened the front door. As Guy was about to walk by, he suddenly stopped, turned and pecked Wendy gently on the lips. Wendy blushed and smiled. Guy noticed her nipples getting hard through her dress.

‘This is going to be great,’ Guy thought as they left.