The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Why Did Freud Abandon Hypnotism, Anyway?

Chapter 3

Shortly after, I am hurrying back to the dorms. My clothes are restored, but I do not have my jacket or even a sweater. The temperature is dropping rapidly.

My thoughts fly faster than my feet. I remember the sex with Professor Talgarth, all of the sex. It was, I have to admit, absolutely wonderful. My body feels aglow and at times, I don’t think my feet are touching the cobblestones beneath me.

But I also remember the hypnotism and the power he wielded over me. And while I can’t remember what he told me while I was entranced, his final word to me while I was last under still echo in my mind:

“From now on,” he said as I lay asleep in his power, “you will remember everything we have done together in this motel room, you and I. You will remember every last lustful detail. But you will be completely unable to communicate any of these experiences to anyone. Not your peers, not your friends, not your parents… no-one. Any time you attempt to relate what has happened between you and I, you will be unable to communicate at all. And you will lie to protect our little secret.”

At the very end, he added, “The harder you struggle against these commands, the more you will be forced to obey my will. You are my little slave from now on.”

I worry about these words as I rush across campus. Professor Talgarth purposely allowed me to remember those commands. But how could they possibly work? How can a person be hypnotized to keep a secret against their will? I don’t understand.

The church bell starts to sound ten o’clock, and I realize I have mere seconds before I miss curfew. I sprint the rest of the way, flying into the Girls’ Dormitory just heartbeats before the final chime.

Mamie Appleton, our chaperone, is there, ready to lock the door. She frowns disapprovingly at my pink cheeks, the sweat rolling down my forehead, and my slightly disheveled clothes.

“Where were you?” she asks, disapproval thick in her voice.

My thoughts momentarily freeze. “I was… out walking,” my voice says without my control. “I was on the other side of campus when I realized how late it was.”

“Hmmgh,” Mamie grunts, clearly not believing me.

* * *

The next morning, I think about my run-in with Mamie. Why did I lie to her? Did I do it impulsively… or because Professor Talgarth commanded me to? I am worried.

I meet Betty and Joan for breakfast. Lavender is already off to a gymnastics session. Joan takes one look at me, and realizes something is weird.

“Where were you last night, Sally?” she asks, buttering her toast.

I open my mouth. I desperately want to tell my friends what has happened to me. Professor Talgarth entranced me into sex! I think at them, wondering why my lips won’t form these words aloud.

The cup of tea freezes halfway to Betty’s mouth. She is studying me closely. “Sal?” she asks.

“I’m sorry,” I blurt out. “I walked down to Johnson’s Hardware for some peppermint sticks.”

“Last night?” asks Joan, surprised. “That seems like a peculiar compulsion.”

“I lost track of time,” I hear myself say. And then I shrug and take a bite of my oatmeal.

In the corner of my eye, I see Betty and Joan exchange glances. But neither girl says anything.

* * *

I am profoundly depressed that despite trying as hard as I can, I can’t tell my friends about my sexual predicament. Professor Talgarth was right; the hold he has placed on my mind is strong, and I can’t break it no matter what I try.

Twice more that day, I summon all of my will to try and tell Betty what has been done to me. Both times, I simply can’t force my mouth to say the words I am thinking. What’s more, I prove to be an adapt liar when my friend asks any questions about my mysterious disappearance.

Later, I sit down, determined to write out a description of my strange enslavement and then leave the paper where Betty is sure to find it. I can sit and put pencil to paper… but then my fingers refuse to write. I am powerless to express any evidence of the warped bond between Professor Talgarth and myself.

I was counting on Betty, the school reporter, to detect something amiss with me and sleuth out the truth. But under Professor Talgarth’s control, I leave her no clues, nothing to pick up upon.

In desperation, I skip Homemaking Class and go to the Library. Frustratingly, we have no books on Hypnosis—“Why would a good young lady like you want to learn about that?” the librarian asks me—so I settle for general texts on psychology. There isn’t much on hypnotism, just a basic description of the hypnotic trance and a few notes on someone named Mesmer. Not much help there.

I am trapped.

* * *

Soon I am lining up for the next lecture in Introductory Psychology. As I enter Smithers 107, Professor Talgarth is standing by the large supply closet labeled “Social Studies Laboratory.” I feel his greedy eyes upon me. I sit down, and concentrate on arranging my books and pencils. Despite myself, I feel a lust inside me, and I catch myself fantasizing about stripping off the professor’s trousers again.

Is that me, or is that the hypnosis?

Class begins. Professor Talgarth lectures on Dr. Freud… but nothing on hypnotism. Thank goodness.

And yet, I tingle every time our eyes meet across the classroom. And he continues to stare at my chest. I know he is picturing me naked. No doubt after class, he’ll hold me back as the other girls exit, then put me back in hypnosis for another evening tryst.

But Professor Talgarth loses track of time as he lectures on and on. When the bell sounds, he is caught off guard, his back to us.

“Eh?” he says, almost dropping his chalk. “Oh… bother. Dismissed.”

Seeing my chance, I snatch my books and leap for the door, almost trampling Henrietta Landers as I do. When I reach the hallway, I hear Professor Talgarth’s voice call after me, “Oh, and Miss Gardner, if you could…” But I hurry on before his voice can bewitch me again.

Outside, I pause to catch my breath. Betty approaches, looking at me in a very queer way.

“What is with you, Sal?” she asks.

“Nothing,” I am compelled to lie.

I can tell my friend doesn’t believe me, but I am helpless to signal that anything is amiss.

Lavender joins us. “I have a peach of an idea,” she announces. “After dinner, can we go into town? There’s a new twist record I want.”

Betty and I agree; a brief stroll to Nick’s Record Shop sounds fun. Anything to get off campus for a few hours sounds like a relief.

* * *

We collect Joan, and the four of us saunter off to Nick’s. Lavender spends more than a dollar—a dollar!—on new records. And then we decide we aren’t ready to return to school yet. A quick pop inside the Silver Diner is in order.

Relaxing with my friends in a corner booth, I momentarily forget my troubles. I order a large milkshake, if only because I am craving chocolate. Joan and Lavender tease me about my figure, but I don’t care. I want to indulge.

The girls fall into a debate about the best kind of car (Betty only ever wants her future husband to drive a Ford), but my mind strays. Despite myself, I am thinking about the sex with Professor Talgarth. Its strange… when I think about his control of my mind, I feel anxious and helpless. But when I think about the sex… Mmm, the sex was good, I can’t deny it.

Why couldn’t the old guy simply ask me to have an affair? I wonder. Doubtless, I would have blushed and refused. Having sex with an older man will ruin your reputation, and then good luck marrying the right man later in life. But perhaps he and I could have found some secret way to express physical love?

No. Professor Talgarth clearly loves hypnotizing me, and that is how our relationship will be. And I must admit, being unable to control my own actions has given me a certain confidence in the bedroom. I think about sucking his penis, something I never, ever would have done in life, ever. In a perverse way, I enjoyed it. I loved pleasuring him.

For that matter, I loved that feeling of teasing him. That was the only time last night I tasted any sort of power myself. I’ve always thought of myself as pretty, but last night proved that I have sexual power too. In my own way, I can entrance and tame a man with my body.

My loins feel aroused at the thought.

“Sally!” Joan hisses, and her elbow jabs me in the ribs.

I snap out of my sex thoughts. My three friends are blushing and trying to stare into their menus. I look around, wondering what is going on.

Oh. Across from us, maybe two tables over, are a few boy students from Grangewood Academy, just sitting down. And one of them… yes! Yes, its that handsome one I saw last week. Johnny.

Ah, Johnny. He is out of uniform, dressed in a school jacket, with faded jeans and white sneakers. His sandy blonde hair is a complete mess. And he is still oh so cute.

As I stare, Johnny glances my way. Our eyes meet.

Normally I would reflexively turn red and pivot away, giggling like mad. Today… today I feel very different. Confident. I coolly look back, staring into Johnny’s soft blue eyes.

And then… slowly and deliberately, while holding Johnny’s gaze… I place my lips on my milkshake’s straw… and suck.

It is a tantalizing gesture, and I take my time to do it, making sure to lower my eyelids before I break Johnny’s gaze. I turn back to my friends, deliberately not looking over that the Grangewood table any more.

Betty stares at me in wonder. “Sally…!” she whispers.

Lavender and Joan are impressed, if Joan looks slightly scandalized. I smile coyly, and pretend nothing has happened.

We talk a little more, but I can see Johnny watching me from the corner of my eye. I refuse to look at him. But I make sure to raise my skirt a little, showing off a little leg. Its fun to flirt with this boy so openly.

Lavender looks at the clock. “Crikes,” she says. “Curfew in an hour. I still have homework!”

We all have homework. I drop my two dimes on the table and follow my friends to the door.

But as I pass, Johnny rises to his feet, swinging to face me.

I regard him, as if I’ve only noticed him for the first time, just now.

“Hi,” he grins. To my amusement, I see he is nervous. His friends leer, but are silent.

“Hello there,” I say casually.

“I’m Johnny,” the cute boy says. He shifts his weight, and I can see he is muscular, but light on his feet. “I go to Grangewood.”

I smirk. OF COURSE he goes to Grangewood. He’s wearing a Grangewood jacket.

“I was thinking,” Johnny says, ”we should get coffee some time?”

“I’d like that,” I say, noncommittedly.

He grins. “Okay.”

I pretend to think through a busy calendar. “Hmm,” I say. “How about… Friday? Seven PM? The Chat & Brew?”

Johnny’s smile get wider. “Friday at seven. Sounds neat.”

“I’ll see you then, Johnny,” I say, and turn to leave. I hold his gaze a second longer than necessary. Then I depart, swinging my hips just a little.

On the street, my friends gape at me.

“Sally!” Betty exclaims. “That was incredible!”

I smile. I’m not sure how I did it myself.

* * *

It is only a matter of time before I must attend Introductory Psychology again.

This time as I enter, Professor Talgarth pulls me aside. “Be sure to see me after class,” he tells me firmly.

He’s not using his hypnotic voice, but we both know he could if he wanted to. I nod quickly, then sit at my desk.

I notice Betty watching closely. She was behind me as I entered the classroom. Did she pick up on something unusual between Professor Talgarth and me? I hope so.

We students settle, and lecture begins. Professor Talgarth is now talking about the id, and specifically the differences between the male and female id. As always, the male id is strong and unyielding, while the female id is malleable and, well, high impressable. I watch my fellow sisters scribble down this wisdom and suddenly feel an intense loathing for our instructor.

Wait a minute…! My heart leaps. A thought, a glorious, crazy, too-golden-to-be-believed thought has occurred to me. It will involve some considerable public humiliation… but the reward could be my freedom.

I set my teeth. I have to try.

“And that is why—“ Professor Talgarth is saying.

I leapt to my feet, adopting what I hope is a love-struck expression.

“Oh professor!” I cry out.

Pencils clatter to the floor. Heads turn towards me. Eyes pop and jaws go slack. The other girls look like I’ve just threatened to set the classroom on fire.

Professor Talgarth is confounded. “I… Miss Gardner?” he stammers.

I shove aside my chair and clasp both hands over my heart. “I can’t stand it any longer,” I announce.

Before anyone else can say a word, I rush to the front of the room, right up to our instructor. “Oh Professor Talgarth,” I wail, “can’t you see I’m in love with you?”

Now it is as if I have detonated a bomb. Lonnie Mabels, in the back row, falls right out of her chair.

“I beg your pardon?” gasps Professor Talgarth.

“All these feelings inside me,” I exclaim, “I can’t handle them anymore!” For effect, I snatch his hand and press it against my collarbone. “Can’t you feel my heart beating for you?”

“Miss Gardner, sit down this instant!” the professor hisses. He yanks back his hand as if I am poisonous.

Oh, I’m not done yet. I’m not much of an actress, but I can play my way through this scene well enough. All I have to do is be hysterical enough to clue Betty in to what’s happened.

“All those times you were inside my mind,” I tell Professor Talgarth honestly, “I think you’ve changed my heart forever. You must marry me! You must, you must!”

I carry on, allowing my tantrum to get louder and louder. Professor Talgarth looks at me and then at the other girls, stricken, with no idea what to do. I dare not so much as glance at my peers; I have to deliver this performance.

“Miss Gardner!” Professor Talgarth finally yells, and fights to put me in an embrace. I struggle, but not too much.

“Sleep!” the professor commands me.

Instantly, I drop into a deep trance. That sweet relaxation flows over me, and suddenly I don’t care about anything.