The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

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Twenty Days of the Device

by Corvus Kahn


The sound of the compartment door sliding closed woke me. I must have nodded off, I mused sleepily. A middle-aged man in a suit and tie dropped down into the seat across from me, pulling a briefcase onto his lap and sighing tiredly. He was drenched and appeared about ready to fall asleep himself.

I cleared my throat and said, “Hey.”

The man started and sat up stiffly. He gripped the briefcase closer, as if afraid I was going to steal it. I yawned and stretched my arms slowly, trying not to alarm him. His eyes followed me, hidden behind wire-rimmed glasses, that were beginning to fog over in the cool compartment. The train began pulling away from the station. I leaned back, planning to ignore this stranger and perhaps catch another nap before my stop.

Just as my eyes began to close, he spoke, “Where are you headed?”

I opened my eyes again and focused on him. He was nervous about something, clutching his briefcase with pale hands. “Home,” I said simply.

“Where is home?” he asked.

I looked at my watch. “About forty minutes away, if I’m lucky. With this weather though. Might be more.”

The man relaxed a bit and released his death grip on his briefcase. “Where do you work?”

I was tired of talking by that point. I just wanted to get home and go to bed. It had been a long week. “Nowhere,” I said, my tone clearly indicating my desire to be left alone.

The man looked down at his briefcase and sighed, seemingly upset. Not my business. It was silent for a few minutes, as the train rolled on. My head started nodding again.

“Do you have any family?” he asked suddenly.

My head snapped up and I focused on him again, puzzled. Not anymore, I thought sadly. I had just come back from burying my uncle and seeing to his affairs. My parents died a few years ago in a car accident and I didn’t have any siblings. “No,” I replied, sadness evident in my voice.

“You live alone?” he inquired, hesitantly and yet with an almost hopeful look.

“Look. I would prefer to be left alone. Thank you.” I turned away from him and leaned my back against the window. I closed my eyes again, trying to sleep.

* * *

I must have succeeded, because the next thing I remember, the train was coming to a stop. Sighing, I got up, put on my coat, and picked up my bag from where it was on the floor. I glanced over at the man with the briefcase as I slid the door of the compartment open. He appeared to have fallen asleep, slumped in the corner, his glasses fallen to his lap. His briefcase lay on the seat beside him. I slid the door closed softly, so as not to wake him, and got off the train.

The streets were dark and empty, because of the late hour. The cab I was in made it to my apartment quickly. I dropped my bag inside the door, shrugged off my dripping coat and stumbled into the bedroom. I collapsed on my bed and was instantly asleep.


The sound of the phone ringing woke me from a dead sleep. I was disoriented for a moment, then grabbed it from the dresser near my bed. I angrily slammed it down again when I heard an automated message start to play. Feeling an urgent pressure in my bladder, I decided it was time to get up anyway.

After dealing with the necessary, I changed into a fresh t-shirt and jeans. Then I decided to eat some breakfast.

I sat down on the couch in the living room with a plate of warm pop-tarts. Flipping on the television and I muted it. I decided to leave it on a local news channel and started eating, wondering if anything interesting had happened while I was away. I was about to turn the television back off, when the scene changed to a reporter standing near a train. I recognized it as the same one I had been on last night. Curious, I turned the volume back on.

“—as found early this morning. Police are not elaborating at this time on any details, but we do know that the deceased apparently died from a gunshot wound. The man was not carrying any identification, so investigators here are interviewing all passengers for any information they can. They have also asked that any passengers contact their local police departments, to see if they can be of any assistance in this mat—” I muted it and stared at the television.

Son of a bitch, it appeared that someone was murdered on the train I arrived on. I was a little freaked out for a moment. There had not been very many people on the train last night.

I thought about calling to alert the police that I’d been on the train. However, since I had seen nothing suspicious, I didn’t want to waste their time. I turned the television off and sat there. I ate my pop-tarts and thought of how it could have easily been myself who had gotten shot. I shivered slightly and pushed the thought away.

When I finished eating, I grabbed my bag from near the door and dumped the contents onto my bed. I picked up the dirty clothes and tossed them with the others in the bathroom, wrinkling my nose at the smell. I really should have done laundry before I left. When I turned back to the bed, I noticed a brown folder.

I picked up the folder. Under it was a small black metal box. Puzzled by these two items, which I hadn’t put there, I looked at the folder. The Davis/Yamamoto Wave Riot Prevention Device, was on the front of it.

I flipped it open and saw the file was a bunch of diagrams and technical jargon. At the back of the file was taped a DVD. I peeled it off, walked to the living room and popped it into my DVD player. Then I turned on the television again and pressed play.

It started with a small room. There was no audio. A man was strapped to an examination table. He was wearing a straight jacket. He was screaming and trying to free himself. Another man walked into the camera’s view. He wore a long white lab coat and held a cell phone. He pointed it at the screaming man, then pressed a button.

I started back from the television in shock. Some kind of energy shot out of the device in the man’s hand, passing through the prisoner. As it did, the prisoner froze. Wow, I thought, eyes wide in shock. The man in the lab coat pushed another button on the device in his hand. Then he pointed it at the prisoner and activated it again. This time the energy looked slightly different. When it passed through the prisoner, he was immediately awake and screaming, as if no time had passed for him.

The man in the lab coat turned towards the camera, signaling them to stop filming. I recognized him. It was the strange middle-aged man from the train. I felt the remote fall from my hands to the floor. He must have put the folder and box in my bag when I was asleep.

“This is crazy,” I said softly.

I removed the DVD and stared at it. Then I put it back in the folder and flipped through the pages slowly, until I found something other than technical language.

Testing of the Davis/Yamamoto Wave has revealed that subjects who receive the disabling wave are placed into an altered state. This state reacts in ways similar to hypnosis. In this state, any command can be inserted into the subject’s mind. No subjects exposed in this way, in our testing, have been able to resist these commands. Even after the releasing wave has occurred, subjects continue to follow all commands. The text then faded into theories as to the causes of the effect, which I had a hard time following.

At the bottom of the page someone had scribbled a note. This is troubling. I don’t know what will happen if the wrong people get a hold of this. It would be unethical to allow this project to proceed. We have to find a way to stop it.

I closed the folder and noticed another message on the back of it. It was in the same handwriting. I’m sorry. Don’t trust anyone.

I walked back to the bedroom and dropped the folder on my bed near the black box. I stood there for a while thinking. Did this have something to do with the story on the news about a man getting shot on the train? Was it possible that the strange man I’d met had been dying of a gunshot wound the whole time he sat across from me? Why had he been asking all those questions? I should call the police.

I looked down to what was written on the back of the folder again. Don’t trust anyone.

Two thoughts kept running through my head like lightning and thunder. Damn it John, you just had to take a fucking nap didn’t you?! And. God, I need a cigarette.

* * *

Standing on my balcony later, after three cigarettes, I was finally starting to relax. I didn’t have many options. I had moved to the area just a couple of months ago. A few years after my parents died, I had sold our house and all the now painful memories. Then, I had moved to the other side of the country. I didn’t have any close friends, except a few people who knew my parents well.

I was still debating what to do with my life, but didn’t have to worry about it yet. The money from my parents insurance, coupled with the sale of our house, had left me with plenty of money. Just a couple of weeks past my last close relative, my uncle, had died and left me everything as well. It is depressing to outlive everyone you know. Now I have this big pile of cash, instead of a family.

I sighed. I still had no idea what to do, so I settled on an old saying. When you don’t know what to do, do nothing. I went back into my bedroom, took the folder and black box, dropped them back into my bag and tossed it into the closet. Problem solved. For now.

* * *

I was doing laundry later that day, sitting around the laundry room reading a book, while I waited for my clothes to finish drying. The door opened and I looked up. A young and petite woman, with short shoulder-length black hair stepped in, dragging a duffel bag behind her and panting. I put down my book and went over to help.

“Thanks,” she said as I took it from her. “Right here.” She pointed to a table near the washing machines.

“What do you have in here, rocks?” I joked, as I heaved her bag of laundry onto the table.

She laughed and I smiled. I sat down and went back to my book. I looked up once, to see her smiling at me. She was sorting her laundry into loads. I glanced at the large pile of her clothing, raised my eyebrows and gave her an, oh my god look. She laughed again and went back to work.

I went back to reading, catching a few glimpses of her as she moved back and forth. She was cute, with a nice firm body. She was wearing what looked like a workout outfit, tight tank top, bare midriff, jogging shorts, and tennis shoes. Her breasts were on the small side, but I could see her nipples through the shirt, which is always sexy in my opinion.

I was thinking about how I’d like to suck on those nipples and rereading the same page for the tenth time, when she suddenly sat down next to me. “What are you reading?”

I looked at her, she had amazing gray eyes. “It’s just a mystery I picked up last week.” I marked my place and handed it to her.

She took it and read the title, then handed it back. “You’re new here aren’t you? I haven’t seen you around.” She smiled at me.

I nodded. “I just moved in like six weeks ago.”

“I’m surprised I haven’t seen you around before today then.”

“Well,” I said. “I don’t get out much and I don’t know anyone around here yet,” I explained.

“Welcome to the neighborhood then! I’m Casey.” She offered her hand and I shook it gently, smiling. “So where are you from?”

I told her a little hesitantly. I didn’t really feel like talking about my past.

Her eyes widened slightly. “Wow, that’s pretty far away.” Seeming to notice my hesitation, she switched gears. “Hey. You know, we’re having a party over at Henry’s tonight. Everyone is invited. Would you like to come over? I can introduce you.”

I thought about it for a few seconds. Finally, I admitted to myself that the possibility of getting to know Casey better, would be worth the endless questions that would come from attending. “Sure. As long as you’re there.” I smiled.

She laughed softly. “What apartment are you in? I’ll come pick you up. It’s at nine.”

“I’m in 283,” I said.

“Oh that’s where Marcus and Julie used to be. They moved out little while back, they’ve got a house now and are planning on getting married!” she said. As if I knew who they were and couldn’t believe they’d actually done that. She went on to talk about Marcus and Julie and other people who I assumed also lived in the apartments. I sort of tuned her out a bit and stared at her nipples.

“Is that one yours?” She asked and I came back to reality. She was pointing to the dryer that had just cut off.

“Yep. That’s me,” I stood. She stood as well. I offered her my hand and we shook. “See you at nine?”

“See you at nine,” she said smiling. As I was heading out the door with my laundry, she asked, “Hey what’s your name?”


* * *

Back in my apartment, I was hanging up some shirts in the closet, when I saw the bag laying in the corner where I’d tossed it. I tried to put it out of my mind. I took a shower and shaved. Then cleaned up my place, just in case I had company later.

I was sitting on the couch later, trying to pay attention to the television. It was still an hour or so until Casey was supposed to come by. I couldn’t get it out of my head. I went to the closet, and stared at the bag a little, worried. Finally, deciding to just take a look at it, I grabbed the bag.

I set it on the bed and took out the black metal box, frowning at it. It was heavier than it looked and cold to the touch, something I hadn’t noticed earlier. There was a small latch on the front. Biting my lip, I unlatched it. There was a hissing sound and I nearly dropped the damn thing in surprise. Air-tight? Slowly, I opened it.

Inside was what looked like a cross between a television remote and a cell phone. It was dark and looked like it was made of the same metal as the box was. It had a small screen, where I guess information would be shown. There was a slight bulge at the top of it, right above the display. On the face of it were several buttons, a large rectangular green button was obviously the power. The smaller red one below it must be to turn it off. The other buttons were a mystery.

Still biting my lip, I ran my hand along it. It’s warm. The heat seemed to be radiating from the bulge near the top of the device. I guess that’s where the thing that makes this work is. Very carefully, I put my hand around it and picked it up. I was surprised how much of the weight was in the device and not the box.

I dropped the box on my bed and held the device. I turned it this way and that, but made sure to keep it pointed away from me at all times. On the tip of the device was a small depression shaped like a pyramid. That must be where the wave comes out.

I turned it around several more times. Wondering about how it exactly worked. It seemed so small. I wonder if it takes AA batteries, I said to myself jokingly. Other than a few tiny holes, which must be for screws, there was nothing else on it.

I was standing there, debating turning it on, when there was a knock on my door. Shit it must be Casey, she’s early. I opened my dresser and stuffed the device in among some clothing. I grabbed the box and my bag, which still had the folder in it, then tossed them into the closet. I jogged to the door and opened it.

“You’re early!” I said, slightly out of breath.

Casey stood outside, dressed in a nice sky blue one-piece dress, which looked very nice against her pale skin. She was smiling up at me when she said, “Well I wanted to see what you’ve done with the place since Marcus and Julie moved out.”

I laughed, stood back and waved her inside, saying, “Sure.”

She walked inside, slowly turning around and looking at everything. Casey stopped for a second when she saw my computer and television, both of which are rather large and expensive. Then she walked over to the shelf where I keep all my books and ran her hands along the tortured spines. “You have lots of books. You like to read?”

“Yep. Always have, ever since I was a kid,” I said, slightly proud. I have a nice collection of books, it’s one of the few things I brought with me when I left home. This led to thoughts of my parents, who had bought most of them for me.

Casey interrupted this trail of thought, as she said, “Ah hah.” and pulled out my copy of the Kama Sutra. “And have you read this one?” She turned to me quickly, holding the book before her.

I felt my face heat up and I looked away, her eyes were very direct. “Uh, not really. It was a gift from my uncle a while back as a joke, he had a funny sense of humor.” I glanced back and saw her smiling at me, happy at my embarrassment.

“Too bad you haven’t read it. Might come in handy tonight. If you get lucky.” She grinned mischievously and replaced the book. “Okay then lets head on over to the party! I want you to meet everyone!” Casey grabbed my hand then and jerked me along, just like I was a big bag of laundry.

She introduced me around, it was a pretty big gathering, considering there were more people there than would comfortably fit in the apartment. Everyone sort of hanged out around the balcony and the nearby pool, which Henry’s apartment overlooked.

Thankfully, the wet weather had moved on, although it was a bit chilly out. I was surprised at how friendly everyone was, I had never got out much back home and felt a little socially inept. They welcomed me warmly however and we were all soon drinking beers, talking about different things.

It was refreshing, I had been lonelier than I thought lately. The death of my uncle so soon after my parents had hit me harder than I’d thought. For a while it was nice to just relax and forget about everything, including the device.

* * *

Casey had a little bit more than me to drink I think. It was late and she was walking back with me to my apartment. I was nervous, the combination of the alcohol and the possibility of sex was making my knees feel a little weak. We got to my door and I took out my keys.

I turned and was about to ask her if she’d like to come inside with me, when she grabbed my head and pulled me down to kiss her. She savagely stabbed her hot tongue deep in my mouth and I was a bit surprised, but encouraged by her ferociousness. I started kissing her back, wrapping my arms around her back. Enjoying the feeling of her mouth on mine, her body against mine, the warmth of her, and the smell of her hair.

She broke off first and smiled up at me devilishly, her gray eyes searing me. Then she pushed me forcefully into the apartment and it was all a rush to close the door, get our clothes off, and move into the bedroom. Casey won easily.

When I finally removed my socks and shoes she was laying on my bed, staring up at me. Wearing a dark blue lacy bra and matching panties, she seemed to smolder and I suddenly felt nervous again. My hands hovered over my jeans, feeling weak. Taking charge again, Casey reached off the edge of the bed and started taking them off me. She looked up at me grinning, as she slid off my jeans and cupped my package with her hands.

I moaned as she groped me and ran her hands up and down my cock, still in my underwear. “I see we’ve got a nice big boy here, don’t we John?” she whispered up at me.

I gasped as she placed her teeth around the head and gave it a playful bite. Then, in a flash, she had my boxers down and I was in her mouth. She sucked me as deep as she could at first, which wasn’t very. Backing off, she started running her tongue all over my pounding cock, until it was covered in her warm saliva. Giving it a nice firm kiss on the head, she continued to kiss all the way up to my nipples, where she briefly stopped to lick and suck before coming at last to my mouth. We kissed passionately.

Casey leaned back a little so I could see her better and then she removed her bra. She grabbed me by the hair, as I went in to suck at her beautiful tits and guided me to the left one. Her nipples we hard and firm, her breasts perfect soft little handfuls. When my hot tongue met them she gave out a purr. “Oh yes baby, suck them.”

I had no complaints with that plan of action. So I knelt down on the bed next her, without removing my tongue. Then I started sucking and licking her sexy breasts. She tasted so good I lost track of time, just enjoying myself. Suddenly a fire seemed to seize Casey and she ripped her panties off, in a rush to get my cock inside her.

She pushed me down on the bed, then slid herself on top of me. Her breasts rubbing all the way up my body, her skin on my skin, warmth. I felt her hand, as she reached back behind her and stroked my cock. She moved her hips and legs into position is a wordless moment, where our eyes were locked together.

Then she gently placed the head of my cock in her pussy, which I could see was covered in dark black hair just like her head. The black hair was shockingly pretty against her pale skin. She closed her eyes and slowly lower her tiny hard body onto my cock. We both groaned in unison when my cock was fully in her, she was extremely tight, the velvety wet walls of her pussy feeling like a vice on my member. A hot, tight, velvet, pussy-vice.

We stayed like that, bound together, for a minute for so, getting used to the wonderful sensations. Then she slowly pushed herself up my cock, both of us moaning. She came back down with force and gasped loudly. I ran my hands all over her sexy body as she began to set up a pace, up slow, down fast at first. Then faster and faster. I pulled her face down to mine and stabbed my tongue into her moaning mouth, thrusting up with my cock to meet her as she came down each time.

I ran my hands across her breasts, pinching her nipples. She leaned back and suddenly yelled, “Oh, oh, YESSS!” and I felt her pussy walls clamping down hard on my stiffness as she came.

The pace of her pussy assault slowed and I decided to take the initiative. I rolled her over on her back and started slamming myself deep and deeper into that hot wet heaven between her legs. She looked up at me breathlessly and crossed her legs behind me, pulling me in to her. Soon she was cumming again and as her walls clamped down, I felt the pressure in my cock become unbearable. I pulled out and came on her stomach, grunting. Then I rolled off her and we lay there, side by side, catching out breath.

“Mmm, that was nice,” Casey said, as she ran her hand down my chest slowly.

We kissed again without further words. I leaned over her and turned off the lights. We both fell into a peaceful slumber.