The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Categories: ds in mc md

Title: Truth and Reconciliation (Chapter Two)

Summary: Jason has been treated like the household slave for years. Fed up and angry, he attempts to extract vengence upon his mother and two sister.

* * *

Jason was excited. More than excited, he was overjoyed.

The past few days had been a blur. Late last week, Jason had heard back about the app development project.

They had watched his video and were interested in moving forward with some of his ideas. Naturally, however, there were a couple caveats.

Firstly, Jason would have to sign a document that, in essence, allowed the employer to use his ideas royalty-free. ’Whatever,’ Jason thought. Such clauses were pretty standard, and it wasn’t like he had come up with anything particularly groundbreaking.

Secondly, they wanted him to make the app for Apple before he did an Android version.

That was unfortunate. Jason had messed around with Swift, Apple’s currently preferred programming language, but he wasn’t exactly proficient.

He had no doubt he could get it done, but his code would be sloppy, and it would take twice as long.

Any other time, Jason still would have accepted. However, his personal plans required him to complete the Android version of the app as soon as possible.

It sounded like the company was ready to sign with him, but they were still working out the details, and this could actually work in Jason’s favor.

After signing a non-disclosure agreement, the company had sent Jason the complete project plan.

As is often the case, the people making the job posting and the people in charge of the project were not good at communicating with each other.

As a result, the project’s scope was significantly different from what Jason had bid on—doubly so with the addition of his ideas.

Luckily Jason had the entire weekend to go over everything because it gave him time to write up an updated proposal and to do one other significant bit of research.

Jason’s detailed proposal, with updated pricing, would be waiting for the folks at Holistic Audio Solutions, LLC, (HAS) when they logged in Monday morning.

HAS was almost certainly a shell corporation designed to obfuscate the identity of a larger, more recognizable company that was actually behind the app.

(It was a common practice that enabled well-known companies to cash in on the unethical and often predatory practices used to make “free” apps profitable without tarnishing their reputation.)

The updated pricing in the proposal was fair and proportional to the increase in the project’s scope. So, Jason hoped that the project leads wouldn’t balk at the new price tag.

Regardless, the additional monies were necessary for Jason to implement his plan.

He was confident in his ability to write the Android version of the app quickly, and his personal goals required that said version was completed first.

In order to meet the company’s requirements of an Apple version first, Jason would use the increased revenue to hire a team of developers somewhere in Asia or Eastern Europe.

That team would translate his Java code into the equivalent Swift code. (Naturally, it wasn’t just as simple as changing the syntax of the code. A lot of it would be that simple, but a lot of it would also have to be rewritten entirely.)

If he could pull it off, Jason would have the Android version of the app done quickly while still meeting the contract’s requirements.

Unfortunately, this also meant that Jason would be making the same money—possibly even less—but doing three times the work.

It wasn’t until Thursday morning, a full week after Jason made his video, that everything was signed, and Jason could officially get to work.

The extra week had actually been excellent for Jason, as it gave him time to get a head start. He was going to need it to meet the ambitious timetable he’d agreed to.

One last problem was he going to pay the team he’d hired.

Thankfully he was able to get HAS to agree to a deliverable-based pay schedule. When he reached each deliverable milestone, he’d turn over his work, and they’d pay him.

He set up a similar system with his team, so barring any significant delays, everything should work out just fine.

Of course, Jason was no stranger to the ebbs and flows of fate. (After all, Carl Orff was one of his favorite composers.) So, while he happily worked on his project during the afternoon, he fully expected his mother would find some way to wreck his mood by that evening.

He was right.

That evening, after all his chores were done and he was just about to retreat to his bedroom, Janice called him into the kitchen.

Jason found her sitting at the kitchen table. “Sit down,” she said, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

Jason sat. They both knew what this conversation was about.

“I know you haven’t been going to class, Jason.” She stared at Jason, waiting for an answer, but he just stared back at her. He was wearing a practiced expression, one of meekness and subservience.

It made him sick to his stomach to lower himself before this woman, but he’d been here before. He knew that as long as his mother felt like she was in control and that he was already miserable, the punishment wouldn’t be quite as bad.

There was no dodging punishment, it was inevitable, but he’d gotten good at deflecting it slightly.

“I checked the trust’s statement today. Your college messed up; they never cashed the cheques I sent them.” Her blatant lie further infuriated Jason, but he kept his expression neutral.

He knew better than to call her on her lie, but he also knew better than to play dumb.

If he called her out, she would deny it, call him a liar, and punish him twice as hard.

If Jason played it too dumb, she would know that he knew the truth and punish him out of guilt, shame, or, more likely, embarrassment.

“All they told me was that I had a balance due, and I was being removed from my classes. Oh, and that I would forfeit the fees I’d already paid.” Everything Jason said was true; at worst, it might be a slight lie of omission.

“Oh, that’s terrible,” his mother said, touching her heart and affecting a tone of false sympathy. “You worked so hard for that money.”

Jason just nodded in response.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, her tone changing to accusation and anger. “And what have you been doing all day if not going to school?”

Jason had anticipated this part of the conversation. He couldn’t tell her the truth because she would attempt to sabotage him. He had to redirect her anger toward something innocuous by using a believable lie.

He hesitated in replying as he tensed his body and added a look of panic to his eyes. (This too, was a well-practiced maneuver.)

“Jason,” his mother demanded, “tell me right now what you’ve been wasting your time on!”

“Xbox,” Jason answered, looking defeated.

“I knew it!” Janice exclaimed. “I never should have let you keep that ridiculous box.”

“It was a gift from Aunt Jenny,” Jason pleaded. “I’ve had it for four years and have almost never been able to play it.”

‘God damn,’ Jason thought to himself, ‘I deserve an Oscar for this performance.’

“Go get it. Go to your room right now and bring me that stupid game box,” there was anger in Janice’s voice, but also a hint of smug satisfaction.

“Noo, Mom...please!” Jason begged.

“Now! I want all of it: the controllers, the wires, and all the cartridges.”

‘Cartridges?’ Jason thought. ‘My mother is neither old enough nor out of touch enough to think that games still use cartridges.”

Jason found the concept so amusing that he almost broke character. But, he managed to keep it together because this next bit of acting was needed to sell the whole deception.

Standing up quickly, Jason banged his chair back into place and stormed out of the room, heading for his bedroom. Once inside, he slammed his bedroom door and let out an exasperated shout.

‘Well shit,’ Jason thought to himself. ‘That little display is going to cost me, but I needed to sell this whole “Xbox” bullshit. With any luck, Mom will be placated, and she’ll never consider messing with my computer.’

Five minutes later, Jason returned to the kitchen, Xbox in hand. He set it down in front of Janice, looking like he was about to cry.


“Good...,” Janice paused for a moment before continuing. “I’m going to cut you a little slack because I know how important college is to you. But don’t you dare disrespect me like that again.

“Apologize and complete the extra chores I assign you tomorrow, and you’ll be forgiven. Understood, young man?

“I’m waiting...,” Janice raised her eyebrows threateningly.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” Jason replied, trying to affect the perfect balance of repentance and seething anger.

“Fine. Go to your room and think about how you’ve behaved. There will be a list of extra chores stuck to the fridge in the morning. I expect them to be done before I get home from work.

“Tomorrow evening, I’ll speak with your sisters. The responsibilities they had been helping you with will return to you. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Goodnight, Jason,” Janice was obviously dismissing her son.

“Mom, what about school?” Jason quickly interjected.

“You can try again next semester. I’m sorry.” The weird thing was, at least judging by the look in her eyes, Jason thought she might actually be a little sorry.

“Okay... Goodnight.” With that, Jason headed back to his room, trying to look morose while he really wanted to skip joyfully down the hall.

Everything, literally every aspect of that interaction, had gone precisely as Jason had planned. Thankfully his mother had become somewhat predictable over the years. She still seemed to think of him as a fourteen-year-old boy, not an autodidactic entrepreneur in his mid-twenties.

She thought she had once again sabotaged Jason’s plans, and in the short term, that was true. But, Jason had moved beyond the scholastic ambitions she was aware of.

He had bigger plans now. Much bigger plans in which she was to play a prominent role.

‘I’m gonna make that bitch mine,’ Jason mused. ’And then we’ll see how smug she looks with my dick buried in her throat.’

Jason was briefly taken aback by his own lewd thought.

“Where did that come from?” he wondered aloud.

It didn’t matter. That was the plan, after all. Jason honestly couldn’t tell if he was genuinely attracted to his own mother or if this new interest in her was purely about domination and humiliation.

‘Why do I have to pick one?’ he questioned himself silently. ’Why can’t it be all of the above?’

The thought caused a wicked smile to play across Jason’s face as he kicked off his pants and climbed into bed.

‘Hell yeah,’ he continued. ‘Sucking my dick is the least of what that bitch is going to do before I’m done. She’s going to do it all, and she’s going to thank me for the privilege.’

As Jason’s imagination began to serve up images of this planned future, he reached down to fish his stiffening cock out of his boxers.

With a scenario involving his subservient mother playing out in his mind, Jason went about releasing some of the stress he’d been building up over the past few days.

* * *

Shit got real after that.

Not only was Jason working against a personal deadline, but he was trying to meet another that was contractually obligated.

And, as if that wasn’t enough, further adding to the frenetic pace of his life was the increased household workload.

While going to school, his sisters had picked up some of his responsibilities, but that ended after Janice confronted Jason.

To his frustration, Evie and Beth were all too happy to dump the work back in his lap.

In general, he believed his sisters liked him and were kind to him. Still, after years of him being the family whipping boy, even they couldn’t help but take advantage.

He’d always been pretty forgiving toward his sisters. His mother set the example after all. It was her fault. They were just following the pattern she had established.

This time was different, though. First, his sisters weren’t young and naive girls anymore (not that Beth ever really was from his perspective); they were both adults. They should know better.

Second, they both knew how important school was to him. They’d each encouraged him when he’d started classes. Part of him thought for sure that they’d have his back this time. But they didn’t.

Beth was more than happy to return the workload to Jason so she could free up even more time to go out clubbing—or whatever it was she did several nights a week.

Evie likewise was eager to take back her precious time. How else could she spend endless hours on social media posting selfies and teasing boys?

For the first time, probably ever, Jason realized that his sisters were just as much part of the problem as his mother was.

Maybe they also needed to be part of the solution.

Jason decided to set those thoughts aside for now. He was just too busy.

Despite being far from ideal, the situation was manageable. All of the household stuff was work Jason had been doing for years. He was so efficient and skilled he deserved a regular column in Good Housekeeping magazine.

Like most things, Jason was also rather skilled at making everything look like it was more difficult than it actually was. He learned this little tactic over the years as a defense against his mother. As long as she thought he was overworked, she wouldn’t give him more work.

So, he’d spent years learning how to hide his free time and obfuscate his leisure.

The only difference this time was that rather than leisure, Jason was using his “free time” to work on his programming contract.

Over the past several weeks, things had really come together and were at the point now that Jason had a working—if somewhat clunky—app.

Two weeks in, Jason realized he needed more help, so he subcontracted out the UI design. This now meant that, at best, he was going to walk away from a few months worth of work with a couple hundred dollars in his pocket.

It was frustrating because it meant that if his plan didn’t work, his eventual emancipation would be postponed for months—if not longer.

Even so, Jason was feeling confident. The core functionality of his app was working well.

In principle, the app was designed to use brainwave synching tones, subliminal messages, and hypnotic conditioning to help the user with their life goals.

The audio would play overtop of whatever else the device was playing. This saved HAS from having to license music.

For now, the different types of audio overlay were based on usage patterns from the user.

With enough data, usually around 4 listening sessions, the app would automatically add to the next level of overlay.

So the user would listen multiple times with just tones. Then it would change to tones and subliminals. And, eventually, the hypnotic messages would be added.

Particularly ingenious was the feature which allowed the user to record their own messages.

They could choose to read from a script (eventually, there would be many to choose from, but for now, only the samples Jason wrote existed), or they could just wing it.

All of that was on the up and up, and thus far, it worked really well. But there was some other functionality, below the surface, that was perhaps a little unethical.

As is pretty standard for any such app, the software was designed to send telemetry data back to the company servers. They would use this data to improve the app...and to sell to advertisers and data aggregators.

What was not so standard was the backdoor that Jason built himself.

Jason could get into any phone that had his software installed. While the app was running, he could view the camera, listen to the microphone, and alter the audio being played. (Mostly, it was still limited for now.)

He also had complete access to all the telemetry data, which, in addition to app-specific stats, showed Jason GPS data, wifi connection data, and more.

At first, Jason couldn’t believe everything he had access to. For years now, he’d been hearing all about how Apple and Google were taking privacy seriously. He thought all that private info would be locked down.

But that’s not how it works. Both Apple and Google make BILLIONS of dollars off of app sales. And, as it turns out, app sales are powered by scraping all of the user’s personal data.

That’s not a free-to-play epic online RPG you’re playing. No, it’s a data harvesting tool that just happens to show you cool CGI dragons.

That’s not a free platform for keeping in touch with all your friends and family. No, it’s artificial intelligence that tracks everything you do online, so the company can sell that data for about $12 a year.

Jason learned that a savvy user CAN project their privacy...mostly...if they give up all those nifty “free” services. But the average user is an open book to whomever cares to purchase their data.

It was that philosophy of lax privacy that Jason was taking full advantage of.

Of course, there were still weeks worth of work to be done on this app. And, if he got lucky, Jason may even be able to turn this into an ongoing gig. But, it was far enough along that it was time to start testing.

And Jason knew just who was to be his first test subject...

* * *

Frustratingly, it was a couple more days before Jason was able to get his younger sister, Evelin, alone.

His first choice for a test subject was Beth. She was totally into all the woo-woo kinda stuff. She would certainly be a potential customer for the finished product. But he wasn’t that close with her, and she probably wouldn’t try the app just to do him a favor.

On the other hand, Evie was the closest thing he had to a “friend” in this family. If anyone was going to test out his new app, it would be her.

So he wasn’t surprised when she was keen to test it out after explaining what it was and how it worked.

Jason sideloaded the app onto her phone and helped her get set up with an account. There hadn’t been time to set up any goal-specific “treatments” yet, so he suggested she just use the relaxation function when she went to bed.

She agreed and promised that she would use the app that night.

Jason knew he had to take this slow, at least at first, so he was calling this “Phase One.”

During phase one, the program consisted of straight-up hypnotic tones with no funny business.

He told Evie that it was still in early testing, so there would need to be some tweaking.

She didn’t seem to mind, though, as she often listened to music all night anyway. From her perspective, there would be nothing different.

* * *

It was three days before Jason finally caught up with Evie to hear about her experience. Naturally, he had checked the telemetry data each morning and could tell that she had been using the app, as promised. And that she’d been listening for about six hours each night.

“Honestly...,” Evie started, clearly trying not to hurt Jason’s feelings. “I’m not sure if it’s working or not.”

Jason’s disappointment was evident on his face as his sister hurried to console him.

“I mean, it might be working,” she added hopefully. “I can say that I’ve been falling asleep faster...I think. But, I haven’t felt any more rested in the morning.”

“Well, that’s something at least,” responded Jason. “I’m going to tweak some things. I’d really appreciate it if you would keep using the app, at least for a few more days.”

“Yeah, sure. No problem. Do you need my phone?”

“No, I’ll make the changes on the backend. You might get a prompt about updates; if you do, just hit ‘Accept’ or ‘Confirm’ or whatever.”

“Will do,” Evie replied cheerfully as she turned to go about her business.

“Thanks again, Sis. This is a huge help.”

Evie just smiled over her shoulder at him, and Jason headed back to his room.

‘Okay,’ Jason thought. ‘Phase one, complete.’

Evelin’s experience was directly in line with what Jason had been expecting. The tones can only help to alter your brain waves. So, if Evie was already falling asleep, they could only help her fall asleep a little faster.

Now, if she had trouble sleeping, they might help her enjoy more restful sleep, but that didn’t seem to be an issue for her.

Mostly Jason had just wanted to set a bit of a baseline and make sure Evie had a positive experience before moving on.

Phase two was going to up the ante, so to speak. Jason would be adding in subliminal and hypnotic messages.

The subliminals were easy. They would be used to “prime the pump” with simple messages about being “relaxed and receptive.” The hypnotic messages were more complicated, and he was torn on what those messages should be.

There were two directions he could go.

Firstly the whole purpose of getting Evie to use the app was as a conduit to his mother. If he could get Evie excited and talking about the app, it would be easier to get Janice to use it.

So, with that goal in mind, Jason could attempt to hypnotically program Evie into being an “evangelist” for his app.

Secondly, the whole purpose of this entire endeavor was to make Janice his bitch. What if he got her to use the app, but he was unable to do that?

With Evie, he had a willing test subject. Maybe he should see how far he could control her first.

Ultimately, she would become his “app evangelist,” but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he would have to find the app’s limits with her first.

Certainly, everyone’s experience would be different. So his sister wouldn’t be perfectly representative of how others would respond. Still, he needed more data before he tried the app on his mother, and Evie was the only source of data at present.

With all that in mind, Jason sat down in front of his PC, pulled up Notepad, and started writing a simple script.

From his research, Jason had learned that direct commands were the least effective type of hypnotic command. It was best to create an emotional response in the subject, then use that emotion to guide them toward the desired behavior.

Jason sat and stared at his blank document for nearly an hour. What could he use to elicit an emotional response from Evie? More specifically, what would elicit a response that would make her more likely to obey him?

‘Easy there, big boy,’ Jason scolded himself. ‘“Obey” is a pretty strong word. Let’s start more simply. What if she was just more sympathetic toward you?’

Using that more refined perspective, Jason began writing his script using alternating (L)eft and (R)ight ear phrases:

Subliminal Messages:

R: More and more relaxed.

L: I am more and more relaxed.

R: More and more receptive.

L: I am more and more receptive.

R: Listening to the voice.

L: I am listening to the voice.

R: Filling me up.

L: I am filled up by the voice.

R: Penetrating my thoughts.

L: I am penetrated by the voice.

Hypnotic Messages

L: Jason works so hard.

R: So hard, every day.

L: Jason works so hard for his family.

R: So hard for his family.

L: Jason works so hard for you.

R: So hard for me, every day.

L: Jason is so strong.

R: So strong, every day.

L: Jason is so strong for this family.

R: So strong for his family.

L: Jason is so strong for you.

R: So strong for me.

L: Jason deserves so much.

R: Deserves so much.

L: Jason deserves your kindness.

R: Deserves my kindness.

L: Jason deserves your love.

R: Deserves my love.

L: Jason deserves to be rewarded.

R: Deserves my reward.

After reading it over, Jason was happy with this initial script. It was a little corny perhaps, but he hoped it would at least soften Evie up to his plight.

And, with any luck, maybe in a few days, she’d be offering to help with some of his chores.

The script finished, it only took Jason a few minutes to record and upload the messages to the server.

He then linked them to Evie’s account. He wasn’t ready to automate the process just yet. His sister would be freaked out if he started talking into her ear in the middle of the night. So he decided to stay awake and kick off the messages manually.

For years now, Jason had retreated to his room as soon as possible each evening, so he had no idea what time his sister usually went to sleep.

Thankfully the data from the past few nights showed that she’d activated that app around eleven o’clock each night. Jason just had to wait.

* * *

A couple hours later, Jason was ready to give up. Maybe Evie decided not to use the app.

He was trying to remain calm and convince himself this wasn’t a major setback, but he wasn’t very successful.

Then around 11:30pm, after hitting refresh on the server admin page for the five hundred and thirty-seventh time, Jason saw that Evie had activated the app.

Since he had it on manual mode, he had to initiate the hypnotic tones himself. He set it to play sleep tones for one hour, then trance tones for twenty minutes after that.

Jason set his alarm for 12:10 and, fruitlessly, tried to take a nap.

After lying there—staring at the ceiling—for over an hour, Jason got up and logged back into the server.

The app was still running, and Evie was still listening to music.

‘Perfect,’ he thought. ‘Now, let’s see if she’s actually asleep.’

Jason had spent far too much time trying to get a real-time audio feed from the app, but he was having trouble getting it working. And since he had deadlines to meet, he had abandoned the idea...for now.

However, he was able to get the app to record snippets of audio from the mic then upload them to the server.

He told Evie’s phone to grab three audio clips, each lasting thirty seconds, and upload them to the server.

He then downloaded them to his PC and played each, listening for any signs that Evie might be awake.

Honestly, it was hard to tell, but she seemed to be breathing slowly and rhythmically. That would have to do.

The subliminals were barely perceptible. Even if you could hear them, it was all but impossible to tell what was being said. Because of that, Jason wasn’t too worried that his sister might notice them. He even had a ready excuse, full of meaningless technobabble, to explain away what she heard.

Even so, his palms were sweating when he initiated the subliminal playback on Evie’s phone.

Immediately, he told the phone to upload more audio clips. Then, for nearly five minutes, he listened to the sounds in Evie’s room (on a roughly forty-five-second delay).

Not only did she fail to wakeup, he noticed a slight but perceptible change in her breathing. It appeared to be working.

He gave the subliminals another ten minutes to loop before moving on.

Sure he wanted to rush ahead, but he had all night. It was better to take this one step at a time.

Once more, he listened to Evie’s room and heard nothing of concern.

While the subliminals had made his palms sweat, the hypnotic messages had him sick to his stomach.

These would be played at a fully audible level. There would be no easily explaining it away if Evie woke up and heard him speaking.

‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained,’ Jason reminded himself and initiated the hypnotic messages.

As before, he immediately began listening to the room audio, on delay, to see if anything was happening.

As each minute passed with nothing but silence and slow breathing coming through on the recordings, Jason grew more at ease.

He kept listening, though, just to be sure.

Two minutes...nothing.

Five minutes...nothing.

Ten minutes...nothing.

‘Alright,’ Jason breathed a sigh of relief. ‘I won’t know if it’s worked for a few days, but at least she’s not waking up.’

Feeling hopeful, if not confident, Jason set the messages to run for three hours. He could probably get away with four, but why push it on the first night.

He was just about to log out and get some sleep, the messages having been running for about half an hour when he decided to do one more round of listening.

When he pulled up the first thirty-second clip, he heard something new, and his heart froze.

‘Oh shit!’ Jason screamed in his mind. ‘What was that. It sounded like Evie talking.’

It was quiet, barely perceptible over the ambient noise and microphone background hiss, but Jason was sure Evie was mumbling something.

For nearly five whole minutes, Jason listened to the audio coming out of his sister’s bedroom and struggled to make out what she was saying.

As he listened, his brain began detecting patterns, and he was ultimately able to make out some words:

“Strong... Hard... Kindness... Reward...”

After a few minutes more, Jason could distinguish complete phrases:

“So hard for me... So strong for me...”

Jason noticed her breathing increase. He wasn’t sure if it was because she was talking or if maybe the phrases were agitating her in some way.

Just to be safe, he queued up the command to cancel the message playback even while he continued to download and listen to the audio recordings.

“So hard for his family... So hard for me...”

She was definitely breathing heavier now, and Jason heard what sounded like her sheets rustling. Even so, she continued to repeat the phrases as if she was in a trance.

Jason’s curiosity won his internal debate, and he let it continue.

“Deserves my love... Deserves my kindness... So hard for me... Nice tent, hmmm...”

‘What the fuck!’ Jason was panicking, but his morbid fascination stopped him from terminating the program. ‘Nice tent? Did she just...moan?!?’

“So strong, mmm... So hard, ahhh...”

The rustling sound increased dramatically, and Jason realized what was happening, ‘She’s masturbating! The fucking pervert twisted my words, and now she’s thinking about my hardon from the other day and masturbating.’

“So hard...for ME, yes! Jason, yes! You deserve my love. You deserve my reward!”

With that, there was the sharp sound of sheets being jerked taught, and the rustling stopped even while Evelin’s moans turned into grunts.

“She’s cumming!” Jason said out loud before catching himself. He hadn’t realized it, but while one hand had been working the computer mouse, the other had been fondling his cock through his pants.

‘Fuck, this is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard,’ Jason thought. He reached down, almost instinctually, to pull out his dick when he remembered that the audio recordings were on a delay.

‘Oh shit, oh shit! It’s probably been over a minute since she came. I need to turn off the audio before she wakes up.’

As quick as he could, Jason sent the command to disable both the subliminal and the hypnotic messages. He then reenabled the sleep tones.

Once he received confirmation that those changes had taken effect, he again started capturing audio clips from Evie’s room.

To his great relief, not only had she calmed down and returned to sleep, but he also heard what sounded like soft snoring.

* * *

Jason avoided his sister for the next couple of days, embarrassed by what he had overheard and worried at what he might have implanted in her mind.

He had never thought about Evelin in “that way” before. Of course, he’d never thought of his mother like that either...until recently.

The idea intrigued him. Let’s face it, his little sister was hot, and he was a frustrated virgin. Every time he allowed his thoughts to ponder the possibilities, they quickly turned dark, and he scolded himself for thinking such things about his sister.

Sure, he’d been having thoughts like that about Janice for a few weeks now, but it was different. She had been so horrible to him; she’d mistreated him for so many years. She deserved to be punished. It wasn’t that he lusted after her sexually. No. He lusted after dominating her.

Setting those thoughts aside, Jason put the finishing touches on his most recent changes to Evie’s program and uploaded them to the server.

After her performance the other night, Jason had an idea.

He had recorded her each night while listening to the recordings.

As before, she had sometimes mumbled, sometimes spoken the phrases from the hypnotic messages, and Jason recorded it all.

It took quite a bit of editing work, but he had managed to comb through the hours of audio and splice together a final product.

Tonight, Evelin would hear her own voice giving the messages.

Unfortunately, after several near-sleepless nights, Jason was running on empty, and his daytime work was starting to suffer.

He wouldn’t be able to listen in tonight. But, based on several nights of data, he was confident that Evie would sleep through the program.

* * *

It was a few days later, a Sunday afternoon, when Jason finally decided to end his self-imposed exile and interact with his family.

The project was on schedule, and, so far, there were no significant problems.

He’d met his first couple milestones and received the associated payment. In turn, he’d been able to pay the people he’d hired.

With everything going well, Jason felt like he deserved a break. And, since Sundays generally held his lightest workload around the house, he actually had a little free time. (Rather free time that he didn’t have to hide from his mother.)

Usually, he would just segregate himself in his room, but he had to see if the programming was having any impact on Evelin. Jason figured the best way to do that would be to interact with her casually and see what happened.

Jason found Evie and his mother in the living room watching television. Or more accurately, they were both on their phones while the television played in the background.

Evie was sprawled out on the couch, and Janice occupied the comfy recliner. That left the old and uncomfortable wooden chair, so Jason walked toward it, intending to sit down.

As he did, Evie sat up and tucked her legs under herself, freeing up half the couch. “Here, Jason. You’re welcome to join me.”

‘Interesting,’ thought Jason as he smiled his appreciation at his sister and sat next to her.

While her behavior would be considered a common courtesy by most people, to Jason it was a rare consideration.

“Jason?” Janice spoke up, obviously surprised by his presence. “Did you need something?”

“No, Mom. I just thought I’d watch TV with you guys.”

“Hmm, are all your chores done? Don’t lie, I’ll check.”

‘Does she think I’m five-years-old,’ Jason thought while making sure to keep his expression neutral.

“Yes, Mother,” Jason sighed, unable to keep the exasperation entirely out of his voice.

“Hmph, fine. But Evelin is watching her show, so don’t expect to change the channel,” Janice informed him.

“Actually,” Evie spoke up, “I’m mostly just on my phone, so you’re welcome to the remote.” She reached as if to hand Jason the remote when Janice interrupted her.

“Well, I’m watching it. So leave it.“

Jason hadn’t actually expected to control the remote. And who cared anyway? Anything he actually wanted to watch, he’d either stream or torrent.

No, he was only here to observe his sister, and so far, it was proving only mildly interesting.

She had first offered him a seat and then the remote. While this wasn’t normal behavior (in this household at least), it wasn’t especially remarkable.

Maybe Evie was just having a good day and was feeling particularly generous or something.

Even as he thought that, though, Jason felt like he was being watched.

As covertly as possible, he first shifted his gaze so that he could just see his mother out of the corner of his eye. No, she was clearly staring at her phone.

Acting as if he had an itch on his neck, Jason turned his head slightly to observe his sister. He only got a brief glance, but she was definitely staring at him.

‘Okay, that’s harder to explain away,’ Jason thought.

Evie inhaled slightly and shifted her position as if she was about to engage Jason in conversation. The movement was pronounced enough that Jason instinctually turned to face her. As he did, Evie paused, glanced over at Janice, and then sank back into the couch. The look on her face made it clear that she knew better than to be too friendly toward Jason in the presence of their mother.

Even so, their eyes met, and as they did, Evie smiled and blushed slightly, turning her face demurely back toward her phone. As she did, and ever so slightly, she bit her lower lip.

‘What the fuck was that!?!’ thought Jason as he struggled not to stare at his sister. She caught his lingering gaze and flashed him a quick, playful grin.

Jason’s experience with the fairer sex was so minuscule as to be approaching zero. Yet, even someone as romantically stunted as he was could tell that Evie was flirting with him.

When he started her programming about a week ago, Jason had hoped that she would offer to help him with the chores.

But, things seemed to be heading in a very different direction, and Jason didn’t know how he felt about that.

Confused, he abruptly stood and walked out of the room. Only once, he briefly glanced back to see Evelin staring back at him, a somewhat hurt expression on her face.

Unsure of what to make of all this, Jason quickly retreated to the safety of his room.

* * *

Several hours later, Jason lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. His room was dark, illuminated only by the display on his alarm clock and a couple LEDs on his computer equipment.

The interplay of black shadows with dim blue and green lights caused Jason’s brain to see strange shapes on the ceiling.

It was a “game” he had played with himself since he was a kid. Back then, the mental artifacts that manifested as shape and movement were more likely to frighten him than fascinate him.

Though, for years now, he found the activity relaxing and distracting when he was having difficulty sleeping.

He was so completely lost in thought that Jason didn’t even notice his door opening. A figure entered the room and had already taken a full step toward him before he realized someone was in the room.

“Mom?” Jason asked, both confused and concerned.

“No, it’s me. Keep it down, or you’ll wake her up,” Evie whispered harshly at him. She turned back toward the door listening for noises in the hall and making sure she had shut it completely.

“Evie?” Jason asked, dumbfounded. “Are you okay, is something wrong?”

“Only you, Jason.” was all she said in reply, something odd in her voice.


“I just woke you up in the middle of the night, and your first concern is if I’m okay.” She sounded generally touched,

‘One, I wasn’t sleeping, and two, it’s a pretty normal question,’ Jason thought, starting to get annoyed with his sister.

“You really do take such good care of us,” Evie added as if Jason’s question has confirmed some profound truth for her.

‘Oh, I see. She’s responding to the programming,’ Jason realized silently.

“Jason, can I talk to you for a minute?” Evelin asked, her tone serious.

“Sure, what’s up?”

Evie crossed the room, moving toward Jason. As she did, she held her hands out in front of her as if she couldn’t see, and Jason realized her eyes weren’t adjusted to the dim light of his bedroom yet.

Bumping into his bed, she turned and plopped down, not recognizing that she was about to sit on his leg.

He had been lying on top of his blankets, and it was only when he felt the soft and smooth skin of her upper thigh touch his own that he remembered he was only wearing his boxer shorts.

Then, really looking at her for the first time since she’d entered his room, he noticed that she wasn’t wearing the cozy sweats and t-shirt he’d seen her in earlier.

He couldn’t quite make out what it was, but something about it was speaking to a deeper, more primal part of his brain.

That’s probably why it took him several heartbeats to notice that she was sitting on his thigh, and all he was feeling was skin on skin—no panties.

It was also about that time when he noticed a subtle and alluring scent wafting over him. Evie was wearing perfume. She hadn’t been wearing perfume earlier.

“Evie,” Jason started, his throat suddenly drier than his aunt’s cornbread, “what... what are you doing here.”

“Jason, I’ve been thinking,” she said as she reached out and placed a hand on his chest. “For years, you’ve worked so hard for this family. You’ve worked so hard for me, been so strong.

“And,” she bowed her head, as real sadness entered her voice, “we’ve treated you so poorly.”

She lifted her head back up, and though she still couldn’t see, she did her best to look her brother in the eye as she continued. “You deserve better, Jason.

“You deserve so much.” Evelin shifted her hips, sliding off Jason’s thigh and moving into a reclining position next to his prone form.

“You deserve my kindness.” She moved her face closer to his, supporting herself on one elbow while her free hand began gently stroking his neck and face.

“You deserve my love.” Slowly, softly and sensually, Evie leaned in and kissed Jason. First, she found his right cheek. Then his chin. Finally, their lips met.

Jason was stunned, frozen in place, and yet his lips responded.

‘So sweet...I never want this to end.’ Jason was lost in his first real kiss.

“And,” Evelin said, pulling back from him, “you deserve a reward.”

With that, Evie reached out and wrapped her hand around the shaft of his turgid member. Jason wasn’t even aware that he had grown erect, let alone that his penis had come free of its knit-cotton confines.

For the first time in his life, Jason felt the warm flesh of another human being gripping his dick. It felt good. So good, in fact, that Jason was terrified to move or speak lest this coveted contact come to an end.

Even so, this situation was weird. Too weird. Jason was five years older than Evelin. He was her big brother, her protector. When he was younger, she was his annoying little sister. But, as she matured, he actually enjoyed hanging out with her.

Things changed after their father died and Jason’s mother went psycho-bitch on him, but even then, Jason’s and Evie’s relationship was still mostly good.

“Evie, what you’re doing feels amazing,” Jason finally spoke. “But you’re my sister. This isn’t normal. Right?”

“Damnit, Jason!” Evie exclaimed, still whispering. “I knew you were going to mess this up.”

“Mess what up?” asked Jason. “What’s happening here.”

“Well,” started his eighteen-year-old sister, who was slowly stroking his cock, “I had it all planned out.

“I would sneak into your room, discover you asleep on your bed, and give you your... um, ‘reward.’

“I would then steal away, leaving you half asleep, unsure of if it was real or a dream.” She giggled a little, admitting the silliness of her plans.

‘Huh,’ thought Jason. ‘That’s eerily similar to the hypnotic fantasy that started this whole thing.’

“But instead,” continued Evelin, “I find you awake, and even after your dick is in my hand, you’re still asking questions.” While she was feigning annoyance, the smile on her face was evident in her voice.

Jason realized that Evie was relaxed and having fun. Her hand was wrapped around her older brother’s cock, and she was having a good time teasing him.

“Okay, but Evie...,” Jason started before his sister leaned back in and kissed him again.

Evie removed her hand from his shaft and brought it up to her lips. She then broke their kiss, pulled back slightly, and oozed a mouthful of saliva into her palm.

Then, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, she resumed kissing him and returned her—now very slick hand—to his dick.

Speaking as they kissed, Evie emplored her brother, “Please...let this.”

She then repositioned her lips next to his ear and breathily whispered to him, “Just lie back and enjoy. When you’re done, we can talk.”

Her hot breath was already sending strange new sensations down Jason’s spine. Then, when she used her tongue to caress the ridges of his ear, Jason’s entire body tingled.

“ liked that,” she purred, still whispering directly into his ear.

Jason was losing his mind. Her warm, slick hand was pumping his dick expertly. Her soft body was pressed against his. And, her continued erotic kisses and whisperings were bringing him ever closer to climax.

“Tonight, dear brother, this is all we’ll be doing,” she continued to whisper. “I might seem all confident, but the truth is, it took all my courage to walk into your room tonight.

“I’m so glad I did, though, Jason. And, I can feel how glad you are too,” she emphasized her words by squeezing Jason’s throbbing cock.

“You deserve so much more from me, Jason. Thank you for being patient with me,” her words were incredibly sultry.

‘God, If nothing else, Evie could have a promising career as a phone sex operator,’ Jason silently considered for the briefest moment before his attention was pleasurably drawn back to the fantastic physical sensations emanating from his groin.

Her breathy words and the rhythmic pumping of her hand were doing a double-whammy on Jason. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.

“I’m going to do my best to reward you for your years of hard work.”

Jason was getting closer to cumming, and he was having trouble controlling his hips. They were developing a mind of their own and started thrusting back into Evie’s grip.

“Yes, fuck my hand, big bro. Tonight you can fuck my hand.”

With her permission given, Jason let his hips fly.

“Next time, I want to give you more. You deserve so much. I’m just scared.

“But, I want it, Jason. Show me you want it too.” With that, Evelin repositioned her lips on top of his and kissed him deeply and greedily.

It was all Jason could take. With one last thrust of his hips, Jason felt his ass cheeks clench as his hand shot out involuntarily and held Evie’s arm in place. Blast after powerful blast shot out from his cock, easily one of his most powerful orgasms ever.

He felt some of his cum land on his chest. He heard some hit the pillow next to his ear. And, Evie jumped a little, then giggled happily, as, he presumed, some got onto her as well.

“Oh fuck,” was all he could say. “Oh, fuck, Evie. That was incredible.”

Even in the dark, he could see her smile beaming down at him as she sat up on the bed.

“Don’t move,” commanded his little sister. “Give me five minutes. I’ll be right back.”

Jason barely registered what she was saying as Evelin stood and walked toward the door. As she did, and for the first time, Jason caught a clear view of her gorgeous ass, accented by the sheer nighty she was wearing.

He was utterly spent, but that sight still caused his softening and rather sloppy cock to twitch.

“Don’t move,” she entreated once more in a whisper as she opened then slipped out of his bedroom door.

‘What the actual FUCK just happened,’ Jason thought, entirely beside himself. ‘My sister... my fucking sister just gave me a handjob! And, she made it sound like this was just the beginning.’

The swirl of emotions dancing within Jason was undecipherable. Confusion, pride, lust, vindication, desire all fought to be heard. It was as if the cell doors had been flung open, and the long-imprisoned voices, held deep within his psyche, were crying out.

Through it all, one voice spoke the loudest. It was the old man from the bus all those weeks ago...

“What’s it going to be, boy?”

“I’m gonna make that bitch mine,” Jason whispered into the darkness.

“Haha, that’s right, boy!”

Jason felt something growing inside.

Pride! He’d figured it out; he’d figured out how to do it. The app worked! And, if it had worked on Evie, then it would work on his mom.

Determination! It was going to happen. Even if it took months, it was going to happen.

Dominance! Jason imagined his mother kneeling at his feet. Defeated, her spirit crushed, looking up at him with wonder and lust in her eyes.

“Let me hear you say it.” The old man’s voice came again, this time as if he was standing right next to Jason.

“I’m gonna make that bitch MINE!”