The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Tears of a Clown

Part IV — Curious

Kinsey couldn’t help but have a feeling of impending dread with the dawn of a new day. Three days in a row and three successive nights, she’d been made to ... to perform for those degenerate clowns, and she was no closer to being able to break herself free from their control.

How were they doing it, the teen asked herself. How were they controlling her? How were they making her do what they wanted?

Think, she told herself. Think.

During the day at least, they sent messages to her cell phone and to her computer but at night, they expected her to obey.

Why did they expect her to obey?

Was that the right question, Kinsey wondered. The fact of the matter was she did obey and if she didn’t do what they wanted her to do, they had ways of punishing her for that. Kinsey couldn’t help but shiver at that. She didn’t want to be punished.

But damn it, she didn’t want to do what they wanted her to do. She wanted to make her own choices.

Angrily, she shoved a text book into her book bag. It was the same book she’d been trying to study the day before, the same one that had made her pussy wet every time she tried to read it. I wonder, the teen thought.

Kinsey pulled the book out of her bag and cautiously, she opened it up and she started to read.

Nothing. After a page and a half, she hadn’t gotten even the slightest hint of excitement from between her legs. Everything was perfectly fine.

She slammed the book shut and once more, she shoved the book into her bag. Damned clowns. She was so going to make them pay for this.

Kinsey hoisted her bag onto her shoulder and she walked out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. “Hey, Kinsey,” her mom said.

“Hey, mom.”

“I’m glad I didn’t have to call out to you to wake you up. Sometimes, you run so late in the mornings.”

Her mom was right. Sometimes, she was running late, but not since the clowns ... no, it couldn’t be ... but she was running more on time these past few days.

“Remember, I’m going to be going out tonight.”


“I’m going to be going out tonight. You didn’t forget, did you?”

“No, mom,” Kinsey lied.

“Just make sure you fix dinner for your father and your brother, okay?”

“Okay, mom,” but then something else occurred to the teen. What if the clowns wanted her. “Wait, mom—”

“What is it?”

“What if something comes up? What if I can’t be here?”

Her mother sighed. “We’ve been over this before, Kinsey. I only do one of my girls nights out once a month and all I ask is that you support me that one night. Is that too much to ask?”

“No, but—”

All it took was a hard look from her mom to silence the teen.

“I’ll be here,” Kinsey relented.

“That’s good,” her mom said. “I knew I could count on you.”

Yeah right, the teen thought. She just hoped her mom’s trust wasn’t misplaced.

It wasn’t until she was already at school that Kinsey realized she hadn’t yet heard from the clowns and for the life of her, Kinsey couldn’t help but wonder if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

She still hadn’t heard from the clowns by the time lunch time had rolled around although she was sure she’d heard from them by the time the lunch hour ended. There was something about them, Kinsey told herself. They seemed to know more about her than they really should know.

Surprisingly, the lunch hour passed without any interference from the clowns.

And the same was true for the rest of the school day. She had no messages. Maybe they really were going to let her be.

She didn’t really believe that. Considering what they’d already shown her they were able to do, Kinsey had little doubt that they would be able to reach her if need be.

She switched her computer on when she got home. Gingerly, she waited for the machine to boot up. If there wasn’t a message on her cell phone, there would probably be something for her here.

But there wasn’t.

What was wrong with her, Kinsey wondered. Was she actually looking for a message? What with the way she kept opening up new avenues of communication, it almost seemed like it.

She opened her text book but unlike the day before, her pussy didn’t suddenly become wet. She was able to work.

For nearly the next hour, she worked uninterrupted. She was getting some real work done, she told herself and her paper for Mr. Ryerson’s class was coming along nicely. It would still take some more work but she was sure she’d have it ready on time.

She looked at her computer and she noticed she had mail. Why hadn’t she noticed that before. Without even thinking, she clicked on her mailbox.

There was the item right at the top of her mailbox. The subject said it all. “Happy Sexy gets what she wants.”

No, Kinsey told herself. No, she didn’t have to open it, but she knew she was going to. She knew she had to see what the message held inside.

The message held a video clip. Again, that was hardly a surprise considering what had come before but again, it was as if Kinsey couldn’t stop herself. She just had to play that clip.

The clip started with a clown girl sitting on a bar stool. Even under the smiley face make-up, Kinsey knew the girl was grinning because Kinsey knew the girl was her.

As the camera pulled back, Kinsey could see the girl was playing with her tits. She was looking at something off camera and her attention never wavered. Whatever it was, it was definitely holding her attention.

The camera pulled farther back and that’s Kinsey finally got the whole picture. It was a guy with his cock between her legs. That’s who the clown girl was watching and there wasn’t a doubt in Kinsey’s mind that the clown girl was loving what the man was doing to her.

The clown girl gasped and even under the make-up, Kinsey could see the girl smile. Oh yeah, Kinsey thought. Oh yeah. She was liking it a lot.

The video stopped and across the bottom were the words “Sexy Can’t Get Enough.”

Kinsey just stared at the screen. That girl was her. She was sure of it, but she hated what the video had said she’d become. She’d been so wanton, so ... so easy. It was like the only thing she really wanted was to have that guy fuck her. How could she have been that way.

She was still looking at the screen when her cell phone rang. She picked it and answered without even looking at the number. “Hello.”

“You really enjoyed yourself, didn’t you.”

It took Kinsey a moment to place the voice. “You,” she said. “You’re one of ... you’re one of the clowns.”

“That would be me,” the voice said.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“That’s not important.”

“What do you mean it’s not important?”

“It’s not important,” the voice said again.

“It may not be important to you, but it’s important to me.”

“Keep your voice down.”

Kinsey could feel herself becoming more and more agitated. “Don’t tell me to keep my voice down,” she said.

“Well, all right, if you want everyone to hear you.”

The voice was right. Kinsey was loathe to admit it but the voice was right. This was something she didn’t want made public. She didn’t want to do what the clown said but she lowered her voice. “I want to know why you’re doing this to me,” she hissed into the phone.

“It’s not important,” the voice said again.

“Stop saying that. It’s important to me.”

“Yes, but the sooner you figure out that the world doesn’t revolve around you, the better off you’ll be.”

“So this is about me then,” Kinsey said.

The voice on the other end of the line just laughed. “There you go again, making assumptions that aren’t necessarily supported by the facts.”


“Look,” the voice cut her off. “I’m sure you think this is interesting and all that, but I don’t have the time for it. Be at the club at seven thirty tonight.”

“I can’t,” Kinsey said.

“You realize that’s not a particularly wise word to use, don’t you?”

“I can’t,” Kinsey said triumphantly. “My mom’s gone out for the evening and I have to take care of the house so I can’t.”

“Nevertheless, you will.”

There was something in the way the voice said that, something that made it almost sound ... inevitable. It couldn’t be inevitable. “You don’t understand,” she whimpered. “My mom’s gone out. I can’t.”

“You can, and you will.”

“I can’t.”

“I grow tired of this,” the voice said. “You can and you will,” and with that, the line went dead.

Kinsey stared impotently at the now dead instrument in her hand. She wanted to tell the man that he couldn’t order her around like that but she’d been deprived of that opportunity and what was worse was the sneaking suspicion that he pretty much could do whatever he wanted to.

Well, she wasn’t going to go, she told herself. She wasn’t going to play his game, only ...

Only now when she turned her attention to her homework, now she found it nearly impossible to think.

Damn it, the girl thought. Damn it. It wasn’t fair.

All she had to do she told herself was to concentrate. She pulled her text book to her and she started to read ...

Five minutes later, she was still on the same page, her attention clearly diverted from the homework at hand. She’d pushed her jeans down around her knees and her fingers were pressing her panties against her pussy.

The girl in the video, Kinsey thought, she had it so easy. All she had to do was lie there and let guys fuck her. It didn’t get any better than that.

Her fingers rubbed her panties against her pussy. Things were so easy for that girl. It was easier to think of the girl in the video as ‘that girl’ rather than thinking of the girl as her. There was something just so ... so liberating thinking of her as someone else because then it was easier to say she wanted to be like her.

Kinsey rubbed her pussy even harder. All you had to do was look at her to tell that girl had what she wanted. It was so obvious. She wanted to get fucked.

Kinsey let her fingers slide inside her panties.

That was all she wanted. She didn’t care about getting into college or what her job was or what she was going to do the next day. She lived for the here and now and as long as the here and now included a nice, hard cock, she was fine.

Kinsey’s fingers rubbed her little clitty.

God, she wanted to be like that. She didn’t want to have to worry about anything.

She rubbed her pussy harder as she ran the video over and over again in her mind. The girl wanted it. She wanted to be fucked.

Her fingers rubbed herself even harder. She was almost there, she told herself. She was almost there.

Think about the girl. Think about ...

Kinsey gasped as her fingers finally pushed her over the edge.

Oh my God, the girl thought. Oh my God. What had she been thinking, and then she looked at the clock. Oh my God. Where had all the time gone? She had to get things ready for dinner or her mom was going to be so pissed at her.

God! She didn’t want to be a slut.

She would have liked to have had time to take a shower but there wasn’t time. Her dad was going to be home from work soon and he didn’t like to wait for dinner.

Just pull my jeans up. That’s what Kinsey told herself. She didn’t have time for anything else. Her pussy was still wet but she’d just have to take care of that later.

Dinner wasn’t hard. Just take some vegetables out of the freezer and cook them up. Put some chicken on the grill to cook and cook up some potatoes. It wasn’t that hard. Anyone could do it. Daddy could have done it and for that matter, so could Justin so why did she have to do it?

Kinsey growled to herself. She knew why. Cooking was woman’s work. Men brought home the money and women cooked. That’s what daddy thought. Sometimes, he could be so old-fashioned ... or, or pigheaded ... or, or chauvinistic. This wasn’t the 1950s anymore. Women could make money, too.

It was her job to set the table and it was her job to put out the food and all the while, she kept looking at the clock. She hadn’t even realized she was doing it at first but it wasn’t long before she realized she kept doing it over and over again, and she knew why. The clown had told her she had to be there at 7:30. She knew she wasn’t going to make it, but she kept wondering what would happen when she didn’t show.

She sat in her mom’s chair. She always did when mom was out. She could have sat in her own chair but daddy said when mom was out, she was the woman of the house and she should learn to act like it so Kinsey sat in her mom’s chair.

It was almost 7:00 by the time Kinsey had cleared the last of the dishes from the table. It was five after when she finally had the leftovers packaged up and put away in the refrigerator and already, she could feel the need to be somewhere else. No, she told herself. No, she couldn’t go.

Yeah right. Like that meant anything. She quickly rinsed the dishes off and put them in the dishwasher. She added the soap and she turned the dishwasher on.

Daddy was in the living room reading the newspaper when Kinsey approached him. It was a quarter after and Kinsey could feel the need in her pussy grow. She had to go, she knew. She just had to get out of there.


“Yeah, what is it, honey?”

“Can I go out with my friends?”

“Is your mother home?”


“Then I need you here. There needs to be a woman in the house.”

“But everything’s been done,” Kinsey protested.

Her father shook his head. “You know the rules.”

She did know the rules, but she also knew what her pussy was feeling. God, she had to go. She had to go right now. “It’s only this once,” Kinsey tried to explain.

“And if I let you go this time, the excuse will be the same next time.”


Her father shook his head. “No,” he said. “You know the rules. There are no exceptions.”

Kinsey growled to herself. She could feel the need growing. “Can I go to my room and study then?”

“Of course.”

“I’ll be in there all night.”

“That’s fine, honey.”

She hated lying to her dad but he just didn’t understand. She went in her room and she turned on the light and then she grabbed her cell phone and she closed the door.

The tricky part was sneaking out of the house without being seen. Her dad was still in the living room and her little brother was in his bedroom so if she was real quiet and if she didn’t screw things up, she should be able to make it out of the back door. She’d worry about getting back in later.

Her pussy was on fire by the time she reached the street. She’d already come to the conclusion that the clowns could do whatever they wanted to her just so long as doing whatever they wanted meant she was going to get her pussy fucked. She dialed a number.


“Debbie, this is Kinsey.”

“Hey, Kins. What’s up?”

“I need a big favor from you.”


“I need to borrow your car.”

“Sure. Why? What’s wrong with your car?”


“So why aren’t you—”

“My mom’s got her stupid girls night out thing,” Kinsey said, “and dad says I have to stay home.”

“So you busted out, huh? Why’d you do that? You got a hot date?”

“Something like that.”

“Who’s it with?”

“Who’s what with?”

“The date, silly. Who’s it with?”

“I didn’t say it was a date exactly. I said it was something like that.”

“Then what is it?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“You can’t tell me? Why not?”

“Because I can’t.”

“Kinsey, I’m your best friend. We’ve known each other since we were in grade school together. What do you mean you can’t tell me?”

“I just can’t.”

There was a pause which was getting longer and longer by the moment.

“Are you there?” Kinsey asked.

“Where are you?”

“Down the block from my house, by the park.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

“No wait,” Kinsey said. “Wait,” but it was already too late. The connection had already been broken.

True to her word, Debbie pulled up to the curb a couple of minutes later. “Get in,” she said.

What was she going to do, Kinsey asked herself. She was totally out of time. She got in the car.

“Where are we going?”

In a way, it was almost easy. Kinsey didn’t want to tell Debbie where they were going but since she was totally out of time, she didn’t have a choice so she didn’t worry about it as she gave her friend the address of the club.

It was already past the bottom of the hour when Debbie finally pulled up in front of the club. “You’re going here?” Debbie asked her friend.

“I have to,” Kinsey said. “Can I give you a call when I need to be picked up?”

“Yeah sure,” her friend said in a puzzled tone. “I just don’t get it, Kinsey. What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing,” Kinsey said. “Nothing, but I really got to go,” and with that, she jumped out of the car and went dashing across the street.

She already knew where she was going. Down the alley to the door in the back and then she was pulling the door open. “Hello,” she called out and when there was no answer, she called out again. “Hello? I’m sorry. I know I’m late.”

Still, there was no answer.


Still no answer but there was a light off in the distance. Remembering the crowded nature of the stuff backstage, Kinsey gingerly made her way towards the light.

Someone grabbed her from behind and her head was being pulled backward. A cloth was pressed against her face and suddenly, pleasure was radiating throughout her body.”

“You’re late,” a voice said. This was obviously the voice of one of the clowns that had been tormenting her.

Kinsey shuddered.

“You shouldn’t be late.”

It wasn’t her fault, Kinsey wanted to say. It wasn’t her fault but she found herself incapable of saying it.

“Should we begin?” the voice asked and Kinsey wasn’t sure if the voice was talking to her or not.

It didn’t really matter, Kinsey realized, because she found herself unable to object to anything the clown was saying.

She felt herself being pushed down into a chair and the cloth on her face was finally pulled free and Kinsey found herself staring into a mirror.

“Let’s get started,” the clown said.

Once more, make-up was being applied to Kinsey’s face and once more, Kinsey watched her face disappear in a field of white and once more, Kinsey watched as Sexy the clown re-emerged.

“Now what should we do with you now?”

Sexy wasn’t sure how she knew it but she had the feeling the question wasn’t really a question. It was almost as if she already knew the answer had already been decided even before the question was asked.

“You know what they say,” said another of the clowns. “Curiosity killed the cat.”

“What are you saying?” asked the first clown.

“I think she needs to broaden her horizons,” said the second.

It was the third clown, the one who never spoke, who as always, was applying her make-up. It seemed as if he already knew what was required of him for he was already starting to paint her face.

What soon emerged was a face with big, wide eyes. She looked so innocent and sheltered and she felt embarrassed. Why had she let herself be that way. She should have stretched herself, she told herself. She should have done more. She should have learned more.

But she could still learn more, she told herself. It was never too late to learn.

“Take off your clothes,” the clown told her and Sexy did as she was told to do.

“Sit down,” the clown said and again, Sexy did what was expected of her.

“Look at yourself in the mirror,” the clown said and Sexy looked.

“Look and see how hot you are. Look and see how sexy your body is. Just looking at your body makes you wet and the more you look, the wetter you get.”

Sexy looked. It was true. She could feel her body getting wetter.

“Hotter and hotter,” the voice said. “Wetter and wetter.”

“Are you ready?” asked the clown spokesman and Sexy nodded. She was ready.

“All right then. Let’s go.”

Sexy fell in line behind the other three clowns. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do but she had the feeling that she was going to figure it out real soon.

Just beyond a set of double doors, an announcer was exhorting the audience to put their hands together for the Family Nuestra.

Sexy could tell from the moment she entered the room that there was something different here. In the previous times she’d been here, it had been with an all-male audience, but this time, there wasn’t a man in sight. What the hell was she supposed to do?

The other clowns were all headed on stage but again, Kinsey knew that wasn’t the place for her but she still didn’t know what she was supposed to do.

Someone cupped her ass. It was only for a moment and then whoever it was let her go but it was enough. Sexy could feel her pussy getting wet.

This wasn’t right, she told herself. This wasn’t right. She wasn’t into girls.

But she was curious and now that she’d thought about it ...

No! No, she might be curious, but she wasn’t that curious.

But she was. The thought of getting her tongue on some girl’s pussy and ...

And what? That wasn’t her.

“Oh my, honey. Aren’t you cute?”

No, it couldn’t be, Sexy thought. She knew that voice. It couldn’t be.

“Turn around, honey, and let me get a look at you.”

Sexy turned and it was just what she’d thought it would be. It was Kinsey’s mom. It couldn’t be. This was what her mom was doing on girl’s night out?!

It had to be. There was Kinsey’s mom and there were her friends, but they couldn’t be here, Sexy told herself.

But they were here. Kinsey’s mom opened her legs and she motioned for Sexy to come to her. “Come here. Let me see you better, honey.”

This was so wrong, Sexy told herself and yet there she was stepping between the other woman’s legs.

Kinsey’s mom let her hands slide around Sexy’s body and then she was grabbing her daughter’s ass. “Nice,” she said. “I’ll bet the boys just love that.”

Sexy wanted to say something but she just couldn’t.

And besides, her mom’s hands were moving again, sliding around from her ass and sliding up her body until they were cupping her tits. “Perky,” the woman said. “I’ll bet my daughter would like to have tits like these but it makes me wonder, I’ll bet you like boys, but how about girls?”

Sexy still couldn’t say anything.

The other woman grinned. “I sense the answer is no, but tell me honey, aren’t you curious?”

What? No. Wait. Why had she asked her that?

The other woman’s hands were rubbing Sexy’s nipples. “It looks like someone is getting excited.”

No, the girl thought. No.

But already, Kinsey’s mother was pushing the clown girl back and was pulling her dress up. “You know what you want, honey.”

Sexy wanted to say no but she couldn’t.

Kinsey’s mom was looking her in the eyes as she pushed her panties down. “We both know what you want.”

Sexy looked down and she knew what she had to do. She was curious. She let herself drop to her knees and then she was sliding between her mom’s legs.

“Oh yeah, honey,” the mom purred even as she leaned back against the bar. “Oh yeah, we both know what you want.”

She was licking her very first pussy and she couldn’t believe how much she liked it but then if the way Kinsey’s mom was starting to moan, she wasn’t the only one.

“Oh, honey,” the mom purred. “Oh, honey. Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

Sexy pulled her mouth free and she shook her head.

“Oh, honey,” the mom groaned. “Oh, honey. I find that hard to believe.”

Sexy just couldn’t help it. She’d found the other woman’s clit and try as she might to stay off of it, her tongue just kept coming back to it over and over again.

“Oh, honey,” the mom groaned. “Oh, honey, yeah. Keep licking me like that. Keep working my clit.”

She couldn’t have stopped herself even if she’d wanted to. She had to lick that clit.

“Oh, honey,” the mom was groaning as her body writhed on the bar stool. “Oh, honey, yeah. That’s it. That’s it. Oh yeah. That’s it.”

Kinsey’s mom was cumming and Sexy couldn’t help but love it. It was just so hot.

She pulled herself back and she looked on stage. The show was already nearly half over. Where had all the time gone the clown girl thought as she moved on through the audience.

It was all women in the audience. There wasn’t a single guy there and somehow, that excited her. She just eaten her first pussy but she was still curious. Would the next one be just as good? She was bound and determined to get some more.

She was still making the rounds when someone touched her. That was hardly surprising. She’d been touched many times before but this one called her by name, by her real name. “Kinsey,” the toucher said. “Kinsey, is that you?”

The clown girl froze as she heard the name. To her mind, her name was Sexy but even so, her mind still responded to that name.

“It is you, isn’t it?”

Sexy turned to face her friend and then in spite of herself, she shook her head.

“It is you,” Debbie said. “I can’t believe it. What are you doing here?”

Sexy kept shaking her head. She didn’t want to be recognized. She hadn’t thought her friend would come into the club. Why had her friend come into the club?

“It is you under that make-up, isn’t it?”

Sexy wanted to run away but then something else occurred to her. She was curious.

“Hey,” her friend exclaimed. “Hey, what are you doing?”

Sexy, of course, didn’t say a word.

“Oh my God,” her friend whispered frantically. “Oh my God. What are you doing?”

But already, Sexy was pulling at the other girl’s jeans.

“Oh my God, Kinsey. Kinsey? Oh my God. You got to stop it.”

But Sexy wasn’t about to stop. She already had her friend’s jeans down around her ankles and her thumbs were stroking her friend between her friend’s legs.

“Oh my God,” Debbie moaned. “Oh my God.”

Sexy was totally curious now as she pulled her friend’s panties down. She hadn’t expected any resistance from her friend and she hadn’t gotten any resistance from her.

Once more, Sexy had her fingers between her friend’s legs and once more, her friend moaned. “Oh my God,” Debbie moaned. “Oh my God.”

She couldn’t have put it better, the clown girl thought, as she knelt between her friend’s legs. She heard her friend gasp as her hands pushed Debbie’s legs even further apart, putting her even more on display and then her friend gasped as Sexy’s tongue slid in between her legs.

“Oh my God,” Debbie moaned. “Oh my God, Kinsey.”

Sexy didn’t even wonder at why her friend’s pussy was as wet as it was. Of course, it was wet. Why shouldn’t it be wet?

“Oh my God, Kins. Oh my God. I didn’t know you wanted to—”

The girl gasped as Sexy’s tongue really started to work her clit.

“Oh my God, Kins. I didn’t know you wanted me like this, too. Oh my God.”

Sexy, of course, said nothing.

“Oh God, Kinsey. Oh God. You’re going to make me cum. Oh my God, Kinsey. Oh my God.”

The girl groaned as Sexy’s tongue finally pushed her over the edge.

“Ladies,” the announcer was saying, “put your hands together for the Family Nuestra.”

That was her cue, Sexy knew. She stood up and she started to walk away.

For a moment, lost as she was in the aftermath of the licking that her pussy had taken, Debbie just sat there but it was only for a moment and then she noticed her friend was leaving. “Kinsey? Kinsey, where are you going?”

But Sexy didn’t turn back. She merely followed the clown as they came off stage and then she followed them into the back and as she left, she heard the announcer exhort the audience one last time to give it up for the Family Nuestra.

The men sat her down at the vanity again and this time, her make-up was removed. The lead clown looked at her. “Did you enjoy yourself?” he asked.

“You guys aren’t going to get away with this, you know. When my daddy finds out what you’ve been doing—”

“What? What do you think your daddy’s going to do to us?”

The girl was somewhat taken aback by the question. “What?”

You said your daddy’s going to do something to us,” the clown spokesman said, “but I was just wondering just what the heck you really think your daddy will do to us.”

“What do you mean?”

“Last I checked, daddy’s little girl sucked a whole bunch of guys off all be herself, and the night after that, daddy’s little girl spent the night on her back with her legs spread wide. And just tonight, it seems like daddy’s girl had a great time eating her mommy’s pussy. Seems to me daddy might be more disappointed in you than in us.”

Kinsey fought the urge to hang her head in shame. “You did something to me,” she muttered.

“Oh, but Sexy—”

“Don’t call me that!”

“Why not, Sexy? That is after all what you are. It’s not just your name, but it’s what you are.”

“No. No, I’m not,” and yet even as she said it, Kinsey was finding it hard to argue with what the man was saying.

“You know it’s true,” the man said. “You just need to admit it to yourself.”

And that, more than anything, that was what worried Kinsey the most, that the clown might just be right.