The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


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Chapter the Thirty-sixth. Epilogue.

Jon and Suzanne reminded us of our humanity (in it’s new definition) by producing a gorgeous baby girl on December 21st, the Winter Solstice. The birth was a tender event for all of us, merged as we were and able to assist and experience it with her. The baby will be called Beth, not, as you might think, after my eldest daughter—who loves her new cousin with a motherly passion—but after the birch tree that marks her Yuletide birth.

My daughters are a wonder. If I ever had worries in the past, that they would outstrip me in my abilities to help them with their school algebra homework, I now found myself marvelling at the colossal magical talent they have. We have to move off to the Sidhe realm almost weekly to gain guidance from Iysla and Bran so they can use them with better control. If the uncontrolled lust of a (nearly) middle-aged man are impressive, imagine the effect of a pair of mages going through puberty!

Jacqueline has blossomed into a beautifully whole member of society. Her guidance, able to steer many people towards good ends, has enabled her to move her business empire into whole new areas of ethical investment. It prospers now, unlike any business before it.The fact that she manages to enjoy a sexual release with me doesn’t make it easy for her to forget the past and I am studying the limits of my abilities to alter the memories she has. She doesn’t want a false history but I simply can’t allow her to relive the horror. So, she makes regular visits to the farm to see what I can do.

She’s a superb woman, desperately in need of all the good things that life has to offer. She says she sometimes knows how an alcoholic must feel; when the only way she can orgasm normally is under the influence of my spells. There’s not a lot I can do to limit her dependency, if anything it seems quite healthy. I am sure she enjoys the total release but I haven’t been able to convince her to genuinely enjoy another man.

Lesbian advances aren’t really for her either, she told me that she quite likes the intimacy that another woman’s touch can have but it doesn’t really do much for her. Having said that, she does like to play act for me, knowing how much I love the sight of two women pleasuring each other.

I guess, it’s the old, ‘time will heal’ thing. She’s certainly very good at meeting people and I am sure she will, one day, meet Mr. Right.

Angela has met a ‘nice’ boy during this, her first year in a new school. He seems good for her, indeed I made sure of that fact. She is still a virgin, in the physical sense at least, and we have all worked with her mother and herself, to clear her of the nightmares she had after her rescue. Amy and Val are like favourite cousins and the three of them robustly enjoy themselves when they get together. I don’t think there’s a male in the whole town who hasn’t had at least a wet dream because of their dalliances.

Angie’s brother is going to be a fabulous leader I think. His academy training has nothing to do with that. He was born to lead and has such a compassionate heart that he will always succeed. Even at his young age, he is head and shoulders ahead of the crowd. The years of slavery at the hands of the monster, I soothed with carefully woven spells. Jacqueline cried when she saw her son smile for the first time in his life.

Valerie and Amy shine in my eyes too, as they grow into truly lovely souls. Their parents visited them both only a month or so ago. There were none of the problems I might have anticipated. Of course, we didn’t burden them with the full extent of our relationship and both girls giggled nervously throughout the visit as I did a few ‘alterations.’

Daphne Robertson, Amy’s mother, emerged from her veil as if she’s just walked through a summer shower. The soaring joy in her eyes as she saw things clearly for the first time, was bright and excited. Her husband, Jack, wasn’t able to join her but it was clear they made a good couple. The years and years of togetherness produce their own form of magic. Valerie’s folks, too, received their ‘rebirth’ with a feeling that some weight had been lifted from their shoulders. The couples sat together on the sofas, the tea things on the low table in front of them, and looked at each other with new eyes. Jack and Bill were suddenly aware that their respective wives looked radiant and that the visit was indeed a worthwhile exercise. The conversation became warm and friendly, for no apparent reason, all of us chatting like old colleagues. Eventually they rose to go see the farm at their daughters’ request. Daphne alone, remained with me to finish a conversation. She took my hands when we found ourselves alone, the others, seen through the window, walking as a straggling group in the meadow.

“I think I know something about what has been happening to my Amy since she’s met you. She’s grown into quite a... woman... hasn’t she?”

I understood it was a question she didn’t really want me to answer and so I let her continue.

“I can’t say I understand what this visit has done to me today, but I know it has helped me to feel more comfortable with Amy’s relationship with you.” Her eyes were serious, staring deep into mine. She was looking for a sign that I might be some sort of monster.

“Amy is a fine person Daphne,” I said directly, and then; “she has your eyes.”

Daphne smiled and suddenly realised that she’d always known what was going on.

“She loves you very much, you know?” She said, her head cocked to one side and a warm smile on her lips. “And young Valerie, the two of them seem to be happy.”

“I know, and it is a true love, really. All we are trying to do, is include everyone.”

“Well, my Jack won’t understand all this new-age stuff but I’m sure he’s going to be happy with what she has to do; after I have talked to him about it.” She squeezed my hands and smiled again.

“Just what is it that you did to me?” she asked.

“I think I just allowed you to see things a little better, isn’t that how it feels?”

“Yes, I think it is.”

“You’ll find that your whole life is going to be a little different from now on Daphne, you’ll be... more productive.” I chose the word carefully. The lovely smile again, like a mirror of Amy’s and she rose to go find her husband.

The two couples left the farm with a reassured happiness. I had given both mothers a solemn vow that the girls would find their lives wherever they wanted. They kissed their daughters goodbye and told them to be good. Our whole group waved them from the farmhouse gate. We wheeled around, as the car disappeared over the hill, and, arms around each other’s shoulders, made ready for bed.

These days, Karen and Jennifer actually worry me a little. They are so darned happy! I can’t even go near their neighbourhood without smiling. They radiate such vibes that it gives one the feeling that a carnival is approaching from somewhere. They love each other fiercely and spend their days at the hospice making sicknesses ‘simply go away.’ I have noticed that Amy calls over there a lot more than she would admit. The softness of their caresses is enough to addict anyone.

Chrissie could never give up the vocation of nursing, and even tried to return to the ward where I had met her. After a short while however, the work that Karen and Jenny have started, drew her more and more and so she has joined them there too.

Nickie still calls in on us. She doesn’t understand what it is we can do and I feel sad that I can only let her glimpse it, but she does enjoy the ‘games’ that she can join in with us.

We haven’t been able to move forward as fast I wanted in making our new incarnations more generally known. The general effect on the population is not always a positive one. ‘Hominis Senex’ as I believe ‘Old Man’—those who are never going to be reborn—should be called, often respond to us in a very hostile manner. They don’t have a method of understanding what it is we can do. I guess I use that fact as an excuse to exploit them a little. The amount of energy I can extract from tapping their emotions is extraordinary and although I make it a rule to be as benign as I can, I do still have quite a surprising effect on the people I meet. My own powers only seem to work very well if I tap people for their own, existing desires anyhow, so my conscience is clear and I do sleep well at night.

And yes, I do sleep at night. Chrissie, Cathy, Amy and my little cutie-pie Val make sure of that. I try not to keep a harem. They come and go as they wish, both girls are deeply involved with their schooling and so that keeps them occupied.

Dancing, is the mechanism for their magic. I have sat in audiences when they take the stage and have seen the eyes of the enchanted watchers. Their choreographic constructions are as beautiful as a Sidhe song They still do, however, find time to come home with occasional thralls who service them well enough. I sometimes find myself talking to them like a parent, warning them to ‘play nice.’ They usually just laugh and don’t take much notice. It makes our lovemaking all the more stimulating.

Chrissie and I joined with Cathy in taking our vows of commitment. The unofficial ceremony was well attended even if most of the human half of the congregation couldn’t directly detect the other half. Our daughters attended us as did Iysla, Val and Amy. Their bodies clad in the most gorgeous Sidhe wedding day costumes.

“Sniff this Phil.” whispered Valerie as she stood beside me whilst my brides found their positions. Her wrist, her neck, the swell of her breasts and the valley of her pussy was surrounded by a golden aura of the most delicious fragrance. As I drew the scent into my nose I became aware of her smile; impish and naughty. This was some sort of joke she had sprung on me.

The aroma hit my brain with a fabulous kaleidoscope of emotions.

“It’s something from all of us to you my darling.” She smiled and let the fragrance waft around my head. The other teenagers and Iysla (I could never even begin to guess her age) looked at me and smiled conspiratorially.

My mind was played like a guitar, all the kindness of my women woven into a smell of pure happiness. I gaped with the effect and they each added to it by dancing forward and smooching a kiss before dropping back to stand behind my wives to be.

Quite the wedding present. Chrissie whispered to me that she expected me to limit the number in the wedding bed to just the three of us that night. Cathy made it plain that she concurred.

Amy just giggled behind us and blew more of the maddening fragrance around our heads. Chrissie snorted but I couldn’t decide if it was in indignation or that she was having a change of heart.

Bran and Mab both supervised the proceedings so I can actually claim a royal wedding! At the end, the command to ‘kiss the bride’ was given amidst a huge laughing cheer. Mab insisted on a kiss for herself and the spectators were encouraged to demonstrate their own pleasure at meeting their neighbour. The youngsters were all over us, cuddling and kissing every mouth they could find. Iysla, with more decorum stepped up to me and tenderly showed her love. She held her hands on Chrissie’s cheeks as she gently kissed her face and did the same to Cathy. I caught her wrist as she went to step back and pulled her to me for a snog that left her in a state of breathless arousal. She tottered back to be held by Amy, Angela and Val, laughing.

Chrissie, Cathy and myself are now quite a trio. But it is usually as a couple that we go into the world in search of the mischief that gives us all our rejuvenating power. We may have won the war with Shaw but that makes the management of the peace our biggest responsibility. Others still suffer the petty jealousies and hurtful desires that can imperil the world and as the good queen’s champion I still have a duty to keep. The two sides of our universe must stay in equilibrium. There are many humans that need to be released from their ancient prisons too.

Our adventure, looking to maintain the balance and release new souls to the world, will continue.