The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Stalking Angie

Part Eight

Angie and Claude were walking from the psych building back to her dorm, holding hands. He’d thrown her books in his backpack, so her other hand was free.

“I’m sorry, Claude,” she said earnestly, then stopped and looked up at him. He looked down at her, smiling shyly, and she squeezed his hand. “I’ve just been awful,” she continued. “Can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course I can,” he said. He was so kind, and so handsome! “These things happen.”

“Yeah, but after I... that email... and what I said the other day in front of the dorm—” She gazed up at him. “What can I do to make it up to you?”

He held her, and his arms were safe and warm and comforting. “You don’t have to do anything,” he told her. “Just be yourself. That’s all I want. Don’t put on any facades. Just be the Angie I know.”

She nodded, and rested her head on his chest.

He giggled. “What?” she asked.

Claude shrugged, and his wonderful brown eyes almost shone with joy. “I didn’t realize you were so short,” he said.

“I told you I was 5′4″! What was it, our first conversation?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t quite realize how well we’d fit!” His hand touched the back of her head, and she shivered in delight.

“I feel so safe in your arms,” Angie confessed.

He embraced her. “I love having you here,” he said softly.

Something stirred inside her. Gosh, Angie thought, is it too early to tell him? We haven’t even... haven’t even... and after the awful things I said...

“Well, no class until Monday,” Angie said, letting him go. They resumed walking toward her dorm, but instead of taking his hand, she slid her arm around his waist. Claude grinned—she didn’t think she’d ever seen a man look so happy—and his arm went around her shoulders. She giggled. “Anyway, I do have to study,” she continued, “but we can find time. I will make time for you. I promise.”

“Thank you,” he said gently. “Thank you, Angie, for giving me a chance.”

“After what I put you through, it’s the least I can do,” she promised.

“You don’t have to beat yourself up over that,” he said. “It’s all right, really it is.”

“Yeah, but I have to make it up to you somehow,” she said, trying to smile flirtatiously. He picked up on it, and grinned.

“Are you busy tonight?” she asked.

“Busy with you!”

“Sounds good. We’re here... lemme introduce you to my roommates, if they’re home.”

“Ummm...” Claude began. They walked, arm-in-arm, inside the building and up the stairs. “I don’t think they like me much.”

“Don’t worry, they were just protecting me,” Angie assured him. “Hello?” She knocked at their door—creatively marked angieNISHAtanya in her artist roommate’s handwriting—and entered.

“Hey, girl,” said Nisha, glancing up. “You don’t have to kn... oh my god! What are you doing with him?”

“Nish, this is Claude, my boyf—”

Angie stopped cold. Yikes, was that too much? Too fast? She looked up at him. They hadn’t even discussed it. What if he wasn’t ready, after everything she’d said? “Um, er, are you,” she stumbled, lamely. “I mean, are we, ummm...”

“Yes,” Claude told her, his deep brown eyes shining with affection.

“My boyfriend,” Angie said.

* * *

“So what ARE we doing tonight?” Angie asked after her roommate and her boyfriend had finished apologizing to each other fifty times.

“Well, I was thinking dinner, movie, dancing, that sort of thing,” Claude said, exchanging glances with Angie. “Nisha, you’re welcome to accompany us if you don’t have other plans?”

The black girl looked from Angie to Claude and back again.

“How long have you two been together?” she asked.

In a surprisingly identical move, they both glanced at the watches on their left wrists.

“About an hour?” Claude hazarded. Angie nodded.

Nisha grinned. “Well then, you two could probably use some time alone. I’ll take a rain check. See you later!”

Claude grinned at her. “Thanks, Nisha.”

The black girl shrugged. “I’d like a word with Angie before you go, though.”

“No problem,” the psych major said. “Angie, shall I leave your books here...?”

Angie nodded, and retreated to the corner with her roommate. Claude emptied them onto her desk, then stepped outside.

“Whatever made you change your mind?” Nisha asked her.

Angie shrugged. “He told me he would respect my decision no matter what it was, and I thought, why am I pushing a great guy away?”

Nisha put her hand on Angie’s forehead. “Well, I don’t think he doped you... but you were so dead set against this! What did he do, hypnotize you?”

Yikes, what would she say to an honest answer, Angie wondered. How could she explain that Claude actually HAD hypnotized her, a few months ago? So she shrugged.

“Whatever it was, I’m the happiest I’ve been in a while,” she said.

“Okay, but I’m here for you when the honeymoon’s over,” Nisha said.

Angie hugged her. “Hopefully that’s a long time from now!”

She joined Claude outside her room, and slid her hand into his. They left her dorm together, and walked toward his own.

“So what’s your roommate like?” she asked.

“Oh, Roger? The guy’s a nutball. I think he enjoys looking crazy in front of people,” Claude explained. “But the good news is, he’s away this weekend.”

Angie’s eyes lit up. “Oooh, this whole alone in your room thing sounds scandalous.”

Claude looked into her eyes and correctly read her expression. “I’ll try not to get into too much trouble. Now wait for a moment... I want to show you something.”

Angie followed his pointing hand. They were atop a hill, and could see the setting sun’s orange rays stream out over the horizon. The sky was filled with light, cumulus, puffy clouds, painted in shades of orange near the sun to pink and purple overhead. The woods were filled with autumn leaves in radiant fall colors of amber and scarlet. The sun’s light shone gold on the treetops.

“Oh, that’s beautiful,” she breathed.

And then Claude’s arms were around her, and his little finger touched her on the chin and nudged her face towards his. She didn’t resist; her head tipped back, her eyes closed, and their lips met. The kiss was soft and slippery and damp, and chills ran down Angie’s spine. Her breath caught, her heart skipped a beat... and she nipped at his lip, seeking another kiss.

Their lips met again, and this one was even more wonderful and right and perfect and dreamy and loving. Claude opened his eyes and grinned at her, but Angie didn’t stop. His arms tightened around her as they kissed, and kissed, and kissed, and didn’t even notice as the sun descended beneath the horizon.

* * *

Angie sat in the passenger’s seat and stared at Claude as he drove them through the gateway back onto campus. He was so dashing! With those clear brown eyes and that caring smile, she marvelled that she’d lasted as long as she had before falling into his arms.

“You know,” she said at last, “If you want to do the movie thing we should go up to my room. Nisha and Tanya and I have set up surround sound and everything.”

“We can do that, if that’s what you’d like,” Claude said with a grin.

“Actually, your room sounds good too,” Angie replied quickly. “We probably wouldn’t pay much attention to the movie anyway.”

Claude pulled into a parking space, and her hand had barely reached the door handle before he’d stepped out, opened her door, and offered her his hand.

“What a gentleman!” she grinned, letting him help her out. “I think I may have a keeper here!”

“I hope so,” he said, and pulled her into a hug. She went to him willingly, and closed her eyes, sighing in contentment as his arms wrapped around her. She breathed in deeply, inhaling the scent of his body.

“You feel good, and you smell good,” Angie said. “Which reminds me, how can you afford a car?”

Claude grinned, and took her hand in his as they entered his dorm. “Actually, it’s my brother’s. He just got a company car, so he loaned me his old one for the semester.”

“Lucky!” Angie couldn’t stop smiling. Claude unlocked his room door, and ushered her in. “I’m an only child,” she explained. “You’ll have to tell me what it’s like to have a brother sometime.”

“I’m sure that can be arranged.” Claude smiled back. Angie had already sat down on his bed. When he sat beside her, she leaned into him, and his arm went around her.

“Now, ummm...” she said softly. “I want... ummm... it’s hard to say this.”

Claude kissed the top of her head. “It’s all right, whatever it is. I won’t judge you.”

She giggled. “It’s not that... it’s just that, I’ve been embarrassed about this for so long, and I know I don’t have to be embarrassed with you, but it’s a hard habit to break, you know.”

She looked up at him. His expression hinted that he knew where she was heading, but he just nodded. “Go on.”

“I want you to hypnotize me,” she said earnestly, her dark eyes sparkling.

Claude laughed.

“No, I mean it,” she told him, and tickled him a little. He squirmed, laughing harder.

Angie withdrew her tickling hands, and gazed at him. She’d thought about this all evening. “I’ve never been able to talk about this with a boyfriend before. Ever. I want you to do it. I don’t want the phone, or the computer. I want the real life experience. I want you to give me the works, with a swinging crystal or a pocket watch or something. I want you to put me to sleep, and have me wake up believing something impossible. Can you do that?”

Claude smiled and nodded slowly. “I can—we can,” he said. “But—you don’t want me just because I know hypnosis?”

She shook her head. “I want you because I can trust you to hypnotize me.”

“Well, let me see,” he began.

Angie fished around in her pocket and handed him the silver stopwatch. “Here. I think this is yours.”

Claude gazed at it, then looked up at her. “This was for you to keep!”

She shrugged, and looked up into his eyes. “Okay, I’ll keep it, but you can use it.”

* * *

Angie arranged herself on the bed, facing him. Claude stared at her. Even after all this, he couldn’t believe this was happening. Here he was, sitting across from the prettiest, sexiest girl he’d ever met, and she wanted him to hypnotize her. With a stopwatch. Now. Of course, he’d daydreamed so many times about doing exactly that, but it was one of those insane, impossible daydreams, one that never has a chance of coming true.

Her dark brown hair gleamed in the light. Her huge, innocent eyes looked at him with complete, total trust. Claude had never felt so honored, so wanted. He tried to gather his thoughts.

“I haven’t actually hypnotized anyone with a swinging watch before,” he confessed.

She shrugged again, a delicate, feminine, unconcerned gesture. “It’ll be my first time, too.” She grinned. “I’ll try not to giggle.”

“Thanks!” Claude grinned, and started swinging the watch like a pendulum. “Okay, keep your eyes on the watch, and watch it swing, back and forth. You’ll find as you listen to my voice, that it is really easy for your eyes to follow the watch (as it swings, back and forth) and for it to occupy your entire mind. Just focus on the watch, concentrate on it, watch it move, back and forth, focus on the movement, on the swinging...”

Angie played along, and Claude felt like he was in a scene from a movie. He tried to keep to the beat, keep to the rhythm; but it was hard to remember what to say next, because looking at her was... distracting.

“As it moves, back and forth, and your eyes follow it, back and forth, your mind becomes completely focused on it, completely fascinated by it. Watch it in the light, watch the light shine off it, listen to my voice and watch it swing, into an easy pattern, a regular pattern, so easy to watch, so easy to focus on...”

Angie was gorgeous, no doubt about it. Her straight dark hair was unbound, and tumbled gracefully down her back. Her topaz-brown eyes had locked onto the watch almost from the get-go, and they were following it, back and forth, surrendering. She was letting him hypnotize her. Claude focused on his words and kept talking, but it was so distracting to watch her sexy brown eyes move back and forth, to watch her fall under the watch’s spell. He was going to mess up, he was sure of it, for he felt a stirring between his legs. It was so hard to concentrate on the induction, because his subject was so damn sexy!

“And as your mind focuses completely on your watch, your body begins to relax, relax completely, relax totally... already you can feel your muscles releasing all tension, all stress, as your mind goes limp to the swinging of the watch and your body goes limp to the sound of my voice...”

Her mouth—those gorgeous, kissable lips—had relaxed from a thoughtful, expectant expression to one of calmness and contentment. How the hell did professionals do it when they lulled a willing, gorgeous, sexy subject into trance? How did they even get through the induction?

“You feel your whole body relaxing now as your unconscious mind follows my words and listens to my voice, with your conscious mind captivated by the watch. Your eyes are magnetized to the watch, fixated on its swinging; your unconscious mind is locked onto my voice, locked onto my words, as your eyes are locked onto the watch. You don’t even have to listen to what I’m saying; your unconscious mind follows along automatically and easily.”

Angie’s face was blank now; the only motion was that of her gorgeous brown eyes as they moved back and forth, back and forth, to the rhythm of the swinging pocket watch.

“And now your eyes are getting so tired from following the watch,” Claude said, hoping he’d spent enough time on the preceding suggestions. But her eyelids lowered noticeably, and a chill went down his spine.

“Tired and sleepy, sleepy and safe,” he whispered, and Angie’s eyelids started to flutter. “Still following the watch, but giving in to that sleepy feeling, that wonderful relaxed feeling that steals over you and covers you like a warm blanket... feeling sleepy, calm, relaxed...”

Angie was blinking, her lovely brown eyes trying to stay open, and failing. How did this happen to me, Claude wondered. How was this girl single when we met? She must have been beating them off with a stick!

“You are continuing to watch the watch, but now your eyelids are getting heavy... so very heavy with sleepiness... your sleepy, relaxed, tired eyelids wanting to close, and it is just too hard to keep them open... you’re still focused on the watch, and your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, droopier and droopier, your beautiful, adorable eyes are closing...” Whoops, he hoped it wouldn’t be a distraction to compliment the subject. “And you are doing so well, so very well, falling asleep, falling into a deep deep sleep as your sleepy eyes close, they are too heavy to keep open...”

Angie’s topaz-brown eyes fluttered closed. “The watch continues swinging in your imagination,” he said, putting the real one down. “Back and forth, back and forth, lulling you into a deeper sleep, a wonderful relaxed sleep where you are so safe and warm, your eyes are closed comfortably now, while your conscious mind has fallen deep asleep, and your unconscious mind is still completely focused on my words.”

She sat there listening, eyes closed, her lovely face completely blank. Claude swallowed hard.

“Your consciousness will continue to sleep until I wake you up,” he whispered to her, “and you are focused completely on me, all your attention is focused on my voice... and you continue to picture the swinging watch in your mind, keeping you hypnotized, until I wake you up.” Dear lord, Claude thought, what did I ever do to deserve such a lovely, sweet, sexy girlfriend?

Well, he was going to love her and cherish her with every breath in his body.

He slid over next to her. “Angie,” he whispered in her ear, “what is it that you like about hypnosis?”

“Seductions,” she said softly, in a low voice.

Claude suddenly understood why hypnotists sometimes slipped and asked leading questions. “What kind of seductions do you like?”

“Magic,” she whispered from her trance.

“Tell me about one of these magic seductions,” he said. He recalled their conversation earlier about the kidnapping fantasy. Was there anything more to that?

“A man seduces me so well I don’t realize what’s going on,” Angie said, her eyes still closed. “But he is so sexy I can’t think straight, and I don’t even realize he’s hypnotizing me... but by the time I do realize it’s too late, and I’m under his spell... I have to do whatever he says... I can’t resist.”

Claude almost laughed aloud, as her words brought to mind his hypnosis lecture in her psych class. Well, one thing at a time. Suppressing a grin, he started whispering in her ear.

(To be continued)