The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Sorceress and the Kitsune

Chapter 4

The sun now hung low in the sky. Hanako stuck out her hand and touched the top of it to the bottom of the sun, then moved it down. Two hand widths. That meant about two hours of sunlight left.

She was in trouble. She had been walking through the woods for hours and was completely lost. The path that led into the woods had to be around somewhere! There was also a river that ran through these woods. If she found that, she could follow it downstream to the town.

Or was it upstream?

This was ridiculous! The river originated in the mountains and it flowed downstream to the town!... But were the woods before the town, or after it? The woods had to be before the town! The forest ran up into the mountains! Hah! Vanessa’s tampering was no match for a focused Hanako. All she had to do was find the river, and it would lead her downstream, out of the forest, and right to the town.

She listened for the sound of running water. Twice she thought she heard it and ran towards the sound, only for the sound to disappear. Finally she picked another direction and began walking. She’d walk all night if she had to. She would either find the river, or the town.

In the twilight, she spotted a path. She grinned with glee and sprinted towards it! Her glee faded as she recognized this path. She had spent the entire day walking around the woods in circles, and had ended up right back at the path that led to Vanessa’s castle. By now she was cold and hungry again. She sighed with angry resignation and headed back to the castle.

Again, Vanessa was waiting for her by the gate.

“There you are Hanako. I was so worried abou—”

“Shut up and leave me alone!”

Vanessa jumped a bit at this.

“I have dinner waiting for you if you wish.”

Hanako did feel pretty hungry. All that walking had burned through a lot of energy. She reluctantly nodded, and began to follow the sorceress. She led Hanako back inside the castle, and to the dining hall where another bowl of porridge awaited. Hanako sat down and began eating, momentarily filled with bliss as the delicious porridge went down her throat and happily settled in her stomach. She could try to escape tomorrow, early in the morning, before the sun even came up. The sun rose in the east and set in the west. The river was west of the castle.

Tomorrow she’d leave again and head dead west, using the sun to guide her. But for now... for now she was so sleepy. She finished the bowl of porridge and yawned. She spotted some pillows on the floor that weren’t there this morning. Vanessa had obviously planned this! Her anger momentarily gave her strength, but only long enough for her to stand up. Sleepiness crept back into her bones. She laid down on the pile of pillows, curled up, and went to sleep.

Vanessa set the abacus like device on the stone table in front of Hanako. The Kitsune glared angrily at her.

“You are evil! You’re using your evil magic to twist me into becoming something that I’m not meant to be!”

Vanessa began to laugh.

“Dear Kitsune, you brought this upon yourself! In truth I am using good magic to purge you of your old, corrupted self. I did not force you to break into my castle. You came here of your own volition, with dark intentions and a dark purpose. That’s why this technique I’m using on you is working.”

A coldness sank into Hanako’s bones as Vanessa spoke. The angry glare vanished. She looked down at the floor.

“Tell me Hanako, what was it like when you were out in the woods today?”

“It was cold, and wet, and... unfriendly... because you made it that way.”

The sorceress laughed again.

“While I am a powerful sorceress, I can only do so much, Hanako. I can’t change the forest. That’s well outside my ability to control.”

“But I feel so different there now.”

“Of course you do, because you don’t belong in the forest.”

“You’re lying. I lived in a forest for a whole year once.”

“Did you enjoy it? Or did you curl up inside a damp cave, thinking about where your next meal was going to come from, and wishing for some hot water to bathe in, and a warm meal to eat?”

She adjusted several jewels on the first two rows of the abacus while awaiting Hanako’s answer.

Hanako immediately felt weird again, and her thoughts became slow and soupy just like before. And just like before, the answer to Vanessa’s question appeared front and center in her mind, and she blurted it out.

“The cave wasn’t damp! It was just cold! I’d try every so often to make a fire to warm myself up but I could never get one started. I had plenty to eat though! The squirrels were easy to catch, and I had food put away to make it through until Spring. I’d eat the squirrel for dinner along with some berries and fruit, and in the morning, I’d have the bones for breakfast.”

“Doesn’t sound like a very fulfilling life to me, Hanako. Living in a cold cave, subsisting on squirrels. Is that why you became a thief?”

She adjusted a couple jewels on the second row. The weird feeling intensified, and answering Vanessa’s question became the single most important thing to Hanako.

“I... I snuck into a town one day, cold and hungry. A man with a cart was selling apples, and I found that if I was quick enough I could steal one and eat it in secret. There were so many apples. He couldn’t keep track of them all. The cart would be filled the next day. I found that I could take several without him suspecting. I began to realize that stealing was easy for me. In time I got better and better at it.”

Vanessa adjusted more of the jewels on the second and third row.

“Wouldn’t it be better for you if you no longer had to steal?”


“If you were a pet, you would never have to steal again.”

“But I don’t want to be a pet!”

“You would rather steal?”

“I’d rather steal then live as a pet!”

“And that’s why you’re corrupted and need to be purified.”

Vanessa picked up the stone tablet with the thirteen needles. She took the two tipped with red rubies and inserted them into the sides of Hanako’s head. The remaining 11 needles were inserted in the exact same areas as before, with the final one inside her clitoris. Immediately, Hanako felt the ball of sexual heat forming inside her again.

“Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! Is that—is that the beaaaaaaahhh! Best you can doooo?! Ohhhhahhhhh! Iiiiii caaaaannnn ffffiiiight youuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!”

Vanessa adjusted a couple jewels on the forth and fifth rows of the abacus. The semblance of clarity in Hanako’s mind, kept together by sheer rage, began to crumble. Smiling, Vanessa touched the red triangular jewel on the bottom row, and slid it to the left.

The clarity and resistance in Hanako’s mind shattered like a delicate china plate being dropped onto the floor. She squealed loudly as another blissful orgasm began. Her body struggled, thrashed, while her mind was bathed in sheer ecstasy. The orgasm continued, sapping what little energy the Kitsune had left.