The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Quentin and His Wonderfully Magically Terrible Voice

Feat. Me, the Bystander

Disclaimer: Yada Yada.

Note: This story was inspired by the story The Bard’s Tale by J. Darksong. I credit the idea to him. This is not meant to plagiarize, merely play around with the idea. I did my best with grammar, but I’m not an English Major, or perfect so suck it up if I miss a comma or two.

4. Voice Battle

So now I had a slave and a girlfriend who totally cool with the whole slave thing. Well at least that’s what I thought.

“Kyle can we talk?” Chelsea said looking up at me while we stayed home from school the next day. Peyton was sitting on another seat watching TV.

“Sure.” I said sitting up a look of concern on my face.

“I’m not going to be able to not get jealous about Peyton.”

Peyton turned off the TV and looked over.

“Then we can-”

“You can’t just leave her Kyle. You know that. I know that.”

“Then what?” I ask.

“We have to find a way to release her.” Chelsea said, “And I think your music would work.”

I thought about it for a second, “Hey yeah! Quentin doesn’t know I have that. And it should work, but I haven’t had a test subject yet because-”

“You don’t want to be Quentin.” Peyton said, “What’s this song?”

* * *

I stuck in my earplugs, Chelsea did the same. Peyton was sitting comfortably on the couch, then I played the song on my iPod. Peyton’s eyes became extremely glazed over, and she sat somewhat stiffer than normal.

“Peyton, are you alright?” I asked.

“Yeah.” She said somewhat monotone.

“I want to-” I stopped suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” Chelsea asked.

“I can’t.” I said, “Quentin commanded me too.”

“Besides that, Quentin accounted for this just in case.” Peyton said monotone, “I can’t be released or my mind gets erased.”

“Shit.” Chelsea said.

“What do we do?” I asked.

Chelsea looked at me then took off her earplugs and mouthed the word “Master”, within second her eyes glazed over. I was shocked, but I knew that it was what I had to do. I couldn’t break up with Chelsea, I couldn’t leave Peyton, this was the only answer.

“Chelsea, the rules that Peyton lives by, you must now live by. You are incapable of jealousy, both of you are.”

“Yes Master.” They both said in unison.

I stopped the music.

* * *

It was Thursday, Prom was on Friday. Time was running out, and I wanted to be as ready as possible. I had the song, but I didn’t know if it would be enough. I was working on the voice synthesizer but couldn’t get it right. Chelsea and Peyton were both incredibly supportive, they would make me food and massage my shoulders while I worked. Over and over, and over, I tried, but to no avail. I fell asleep at my desk, fruitless.

Chelsea and Peyton both left the next afternoon to get dressed up for the prom. They said that although it was somewhat a fake Prom, it was their only one so they wanted to make it special. I agonized over the voice synthesizer, but suddenly, magically, I made it work. I got dressed, got my equipment and checked myself in the mirror. My phone rang, it was Chelsea.

“Kyle I-” She screamed.

“Chelsea! What’s wrong!”

“Hello Kyle.” Quentin said menacingly over the phone.

“You let her go!” I yelled into the phone.

“Come get her then! We’re at the Prom and having such a wonderful time together.”

The line went dead. I hopped in my car and roared out onto the street.

* * *

I arrived, tux on, iPod in pocket, synthesizer at the ready. Our Prom was being held in an old abandoned lighthouse that had been refurbished into a restaurant. There was a large three roomed eating area that connected to the lighthouse itself and at top was VIP dining. I arrived, but everything was wrong. When I burst in, everyone turned and looked at me.

“Hello Kyle!” Quentin’s voice said, coming from a PA system.

“Where is she Quentin!?” I yelled.

“At the top of the Tower Aradriel of course, your little princess is safe with me.”

“Let her go!”

“First, you have to pass through The Room of Slaughter.”

At that, all of the Prom goers turned towards me, with menacing looks on their faces.


The football team assembled and formed a pack and rushed at me. As quickly as I could, pulled out my iPod, hit play, and grabbed the nearest guy and said, “fight for me.”

The guy, who happened to be a rather shrimpy kid, turned and rushed towards the football players. The football team suddenly confused, I grabbed a much more imposing figure, a wrestler and did the same. He gathered his wrester friends and the two of them squared off in an epic battle of sport.

In a fight however, the wrestlers proved far more formidable, as when the football players rushed them, they took the blow and pulled a reversal, slamming the football players on their backs. Meanwhile, i snuck around and entered the next room.

I knew what to expect, Quentin was recreating our RPG earlier. We had never finished it, but I knew the three rooms. I had just passed through the Room of Slaughter, next was the Dungeon of Depravity, and then finally the Atrium of Bewilderment, then finally, the Tower Aradriel. No doubt Quentin was playing the part of the Warlock and holding Chelsea, as Princess Merillen, captive.

The next room was dimly lit, and there were tons of underclassmen, writhing in pain. A sophomore girl came over to me,

“Please sir, fuck me. I’m in pain!”

I pushed her off me as nicely as I could, and forged on, Chelsea clear in my mind as I was groped and pleaded with by dozens of girls in pain. Quentin had truly become sick.

Finally, the final room was before me. A wall of flames burned in front of me, and from behind the flames I could see none other then Principal Fitzhugh,

“Welcome Axel Stormsword,” He said, “See the flames before you, the only way to pass this test is for your will to be indomitable. The only way forward is to shed all earthly things and be as you are. Only then can you pass through the flame.”

In a fantasy game like the RPG we were playing, fire was magical, so taking off my armor allowed me to pass through the flames, but in real life, it would probably just get me scorched balls. I ran and leaped through the flames, fully clothed. A wave of heat passed me, but then strong arms grabbed me and began pushing me back towards the flames.

“You have not passed the test!” Fitzhugh cried, “You must be burned for your insolence!”

He pushed me, closer and closer, I struggled to stay in place, but my feet were sliding on the carpet. The heat got closer and closer. But I knew, I knew this was not the way to go. Chelsea needed me, Quentin needed to be stopped.

With a great yell I elbowed the man in the stomach, and he doubled over then I turned and gave him an uppercut to the face. Fitzhugh was floored, and I was panting, more at the event that had just transpired then physical effort.

I ran off before Fitzhugh could get back up.

* * *

I burst through the doors at the top of the lighthouse, panting heavily. Quentin was there, Chelsea was there too, perfectly fine, not tied up, Peyton was under Quentin’s arm, looking at him adoringly. Chelsea was wearing a strapless long yellow dress that was absolutely gorgeous on her. Peyton was in her bra and panties, a fancy lacy style. Other girls were around, scantily clad, or in their Prom wear. I was immediately grabbed by two remaining jocks, Kurt, and another beefy defensive end.

“Ah, you made it.” Quentin said, “You’re probably wondering what’s going on.”

I just stared at him, anger in my eyes, I knew what had happened, but he was going to tell me anyway.

“You see, Chelsea and Peyton have always been, how do I put it? Mine. Isn’t that right girls?”

“Yes Master!” They both said adoringly.

“So Chelsea and I’s relationship was fake?” I seethed.

“Oh no.” Quentin said nonchalantly, “You had something. But as soon as I saw you as a threat, she became mine. She’s been splitting time as my slave and your girlfriend.”

“Mmm and we’ve had so many adventures Master.” Chelsea purred she said stroking his chest.

“Let her go.” I said quietly my anger boiling.

“What was that?” Quentin asked, cupping his ear with his hand.

“Let her go!!” I screamed.

Quentin laughed, “You know I won’t do that, and thanks to Chelsea and Peyton here, I know you have an iPod full of my voice. But you’ll never be able to use it.”

Kurt grabbed the iPod out of my hand and handed it to Quentin. Quentin looked at it, “All that work just to stop me.” He said, “I have to give you credit, you’ve been a formidable opponent.”

Then he threw it over the edge and into the sea.

“But childish games are over. This is the end of the game, no more fantasies ‘Axel’. Here’s how it is going to go, you’re going to kneel before me and tell me that you surrender, or Chelsea is going to leap into the ocean.”

Chelsea smiled and moved towards the edge of the lighthouse, her back to me. The two jocks let me go. I walked forward, and kneeled one knee on the ground.

“Quentin.” I said.

He looked down at me with anticipation, I looked up at him, voice synthesizer over my mouth,


His look of initial elation, turned to confusion, then fear, then horror as his body turned, and unceremoniously leaped into the ocean below.