The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

No Nerd Left Behind

By shyguy

(Chapter One)

Air is a vastly underrated thing. I like air.

I just wish I could breathe some of it right now. Unfortunately, with a jackass like Saul Victors pinning me against the locker wall by the throat? That just wasn’t an option.

“Next time, watch where you step, Toby,” he snarled.

‘Watch your step’ my ass. The bastard was just picking up things up from where we left it in my sophomore year. Now that I was a junior, you’d think High School wouldn’t quite be the same hell. Yet here it is, the first week, and I’m getting curb stomped. Whoever declared that geeks were now cool has clearly never been to Hansenfranz High.

With his free hand, he hit me in the gut again.

That’s when I was saved, not by the bell, but instead by the Public Address System:


In between getting choked and punched in an end hall way, I’d somehow lost track of time. I remember I was supposed to meet Mister Slydell.

I guess Saul decided not to take a chance on the new Counselor getting curious if he made me any later for my time to report in than I already was. The old counselor wouldn’t have touched him, not a big football hero like him, oh no. But Slydell was an unknown.

“Keep your mouth SHUT about this, wimp,” He let me go.

Any witty comebacks that came to mind would have to wait until I could get the taste of oxygen back in my mouth. Besides, like I said, I was already late and –I- didn’t know much about Mr. Slydell either. Rumor was that this was a step down for him, that he’d been some professor at a technical university or something.

Great, that probably meant he’d work only as hard as he had to.

He was less than impressive when I entered his office. Mr. Slydell was a gaunt guy in a bad suit with baldness leading his brown hair into a horseshoe pattern. His glasses were thick giving him the appearance of a scrawny owl.

“Toby Walker?” He wanted to confirm.

“Yes, sir,” When he motioned to a chair in front of his desk, I took the hint and sat down.

“I’m Mr. Slydell,” he stated the obvious, “And it’s an honor to meet one of our most promising students.”

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

“However, I’m a bit concerned with a down slide last year in your last quarter. You were an almost straight A student. I hope you’ll strive to continue in that path, a mind like yours…”

Oh, great, he was about to engage in some babble about how awesome I was, why I should put my nose to the grindstone and so on because my future was so bright. How I should be DRIVEN to pursue education with every fiber of my being. Suddenly, my frustration kicked my common sense out of whatever part of my brain normally controls my mouth.

“Worth absolutely nothing here,” I intruded on whatever speech he was building on, “Except ridicule, humiliation, and worse.”

Crap. Too late, I’d said it. Mr. Slydell’s face was stunned. Maybe he was new enough to actually give a damn. Not that it would help much.

“I’m sorry, sir, forget I said…”

But this time he cut me off, “No, please. Continue. If something is impeding your education, if you’re no longer motivated, then I need to assist you… and lads like you.”

‘Lads’ was not a term I was used to, but he did ask me to continue, “Lads? I think we’re just nerds now, sir. And why SHOULD we study? So we can get called geeks, nerds, or worse? So the girls can snub us in the hallways unless they need us to do their homework, after which they snub us again so they can chase the jocks? Same jocks who this school does EVERYTHING for, despite their assurance that brains really do matter. What’s the point of being smart? It just gets the snot beat out of you for what folks TELL you is going to be a great future. But we geeks? The brainy guys in your school? We live in the here and now. I know two guys who TRY to look dumb, even let their grades suffer here so they won’t get the shit beat out of them…uh pardon my language, rather than try anymore. And you know what? I’m starting to think THEY’RE the smart ones.”

It came out a little louder; more vehement (I’m a geek. I can use big words like that) than I intended it to. Add to my cursing, and I figured I was about to get detention.

Mr. Slydell instead looked at me with a great deal of sympathy, “I see. That is frustrating, I’m sure. Well…” Another pause, then a smile, “Look Toby, when I said ‘lads’, I was being specific. There’s an increasing inequity, a lack of young men going on to higher education. It’s a tragedy. You seemed to have pointed out some reasons why you fellows aren’t in as great as numbers as your female peers. You’re tormented for it.” His smile by now had dropped, but he still looked serious, “Listen to me. Do not give up. There will be rewards for good grades. In fact, I can guarantee it. Nor do I mean in a few years. Trust me on this. Thank you, Toby. You’ve opened my eyes to some... necessities.”

“Uhm, thanks,” I muttered, confused. I began to think Mr. Slydell was a nice guy, but possibly off his rocker a bit too. And taking the clue to depart, I did so.

“So what was THAT all about?” Kenji “Ken” Toshiro, my best friend and fellow martyr for good grades, asked me.

“I told you, I sort of blew off steam in front of him, and he says he’s going to help us,” I answered. “I’m not sure he’s playing with a full deck.”

“Tell me about it,” Ken turned and sighed as Melissa Birch swayed on by. Poor Ken was struggling not to drool as the blonde 17 year old went past. Melissa was gorgeous, one of the school cheerleaders. She was also dating a tackle that could put a scrawny guy like Kenji through a wall, and had tried more than once. Besides that, I suspected she only dated white guys.

“I think her mom is racist, and I think it passed down,” I warned him. Easier than stating the obvious that geeks like us were never going to lose or virginity in high school.

“Maybe,” He sighed, “But a geek can dream, can’t he?” he grabbed my arm, “Tell me we can still dream, my green eyed gaijin friend! I need to at least dream.”

I couldn’t help it. I laughed and punched him good naturedly in the shoulder.

“I knew they were gay,” the sneering voice belonged to Elizabeth Layton. The busty redhead may not have heard us, but she saw us. Sure enough, her comment brought howls of mocking laughter from the other human hyenas. Our Status quo of hell in the halls was restored.

Boy was I right about everything. Mr. Slydell’s ‘help’ came two days later. DVDs were handed out to every student. We were supposed to take them to our parents, and make sure everyone at our houses watched them. There was even a form to sign that came with it so your parents could confirm it. Yeah, this will really help.

Thanks for nothing, Mr. Slydell.

My mom was a good sport about it when I brought it to her, “No problem, honey. We can record my show for this weekend and watch this tonight.” She pulled a long wavy lock of hair out of her eyes. Ever since dad had died, Mom had always been there for me. Sometimes I thought she was lonely, you know, for another man in her life. When I was younger that thought would have bugged me, but now? Now I worry about her. She never dressed up anymore, and never went out to have fun, not even with her friends, the other mothers in the neighborhood.

Instead we sat down and watched the film. It was dull. So dull I don’t even remember what it was about. I recall some boring talk about the value of education, how young men had to be encouraged. It was all rather mono-tone and the technical quality was weak. It kept flickering in and out.

“Sorry mom,” I said after it was over and she was signing the form, “That was a waste of…” I checked the time, “Huh. Ten minutes. It felt like longer.”

“Mmm?” My mom seemed distracted, then smiled at me, “Oh no dear, it was very useful, very …important.” For a second her voice trailed off, sing song like.

“Can I go to visit Ken’s before dinner?” I asked.

“Sure,” Mom replied instantly, “As long as your homework is done?”

“Did it on the bus,” I answered honestly.

“Well, off you go. Don’t forget your house key, I need to go out. I’m thinking of shopping, and stuff.”

I smiled, “That’s great, mom. You should treat yourself. Of course, it’s easy for me to say. It’s not my money.”

Mom laughed, tousled my hair, and let me go.

I was feeling a bit weird. It was a good weird, but still weird. Life didn’t seem so glum right now. I didn’t even mind the walk to the Toshiro residence. It wasn’t that far.

Knocking on the door, I wasn’t surprised to see Mrs. Toshiro greet me. Mrs. Torshio was, like her husband and her son, an American of Japanese descent. They weren’t obsessive over having others adhere to Japanese customs, but they were sticklers for good grades. Kenji’s mom is pretty, and I’ve told him so once. She’s on the slim side, and I prefer busty, but still, she’s got great hair and really has watched her weight.

“Hello, Toby. Have you come to study with Kenjo?”

“A bit, and maybe play a video game on his system,” I confessed with a smile.

“Grades are the most important thing,” She wagged her fingers at me.

“Yeah,” I confessed, “But I’m on the honor roll still… honest.”

Suddenly dark eyes seemed to widen a bit, and her lips parted, her breathing grew deeper, “Yes…and ..and you should be rewarded for that.”

“I’m sorry?” Sure I hadn’t heard her right. Instead of repeating it, she grabbed my hand and smiled almost impishly and led me inside. I noticed a DVD case on the coffee table. The next thing I knew, I was being taken to the master bed room.

“Mrs. Toshiro? I’m very confused,” I stammered as we stood in front of her king sized bed. Still not answering right away, she began to strip off her sensible blouse and shucked off her pants.

Sweet mother of god, she was taking off her bra, exposing a gloriously exotic set of breasts, small, but the color of some precious parchment, with half dollar sized dark areolas (not that I’d ever seen one in person before, let alone a full set) that somehow looked larger because of her petite ness. I briefly reconsidered evaluating my preference for busty women.

Then she locked eyes with me again and said very clearly, “It’s GOOD to be a nerd.”

“And I am a nerd,” I assured her, the words tumbling out of my mouth. Suddenly, it all made sense. She was my reward. How cool is that? I took her in my arms, and it was wonderful. There was no embarrassment, and while I knew I had a lot to learn, I still felt incredibly confident. I dared a kiss without even thinking about it. She tasted nice.

“How was that?” I asked, more curious than nervous.

“Very nice,” Mrs. Toshiro assured me. “But don’t over think it. Let it flow. Now, is there anything you wanted?” Her eyes moved over my body with a hunger. Her nipples perked. I realized she wanted me. ME, the nerd, the geek, the honor student!

“Well, I’ve always wondered about blow jobs,” I confessed.

Mrs. Toshiro gave a positively wicked smile as she slid down to her knees before me. Just the sight of her doing that finished hardening the erection I’d started working on as soon as I saw her strip.

“Such an intelligent young man, to ask for that particular pleasure,” Her fingers deftly unbuckled my pants, and then after they fell, guided my Aquaman Underwear to follow. She eyed my cock with an admiring stare, and then began to stroke it with her right hand, as if it were a skittish stallion that needed reassuring. Her left hand joined in, cupping my balls. Tingles shot up and down my whole body, I felt hot, on fire from the inside out, but in a good way.

Mrs. Toshiro’s pink tongue flickered out, tasting the head as her hands continued their magic on my scrotum and shaft. I tried not to groan.

“Oh god, you’re so beautiful, Mrs. Toshiro.”

I was rewarded with a few more licks for that comment, “And you are so smart, Toby. Smart men make women wet. We know they know so much. Teach them, and learn from them. Reward their genius.” Her words were odd, but at the same time, seemed only proper. I could see she was becoming more and more aroused as she spoke them.

I almost protested when the licking stopped, but when I looked down, her mouth was forming a perfect little O, and then engulfing my cock. The pull of her on me was wild! Her head bobbed up and down.

I did groan that time, loud and clear. I just couldn’t help it, but if anything it seemed to please Mrs. Toshiro all the more when I did. Finally, I just exploded into her mouth, and she swallowed it eagerly, like she loved the taste better than candy.

“You liked?” She said, rising and sliding up against me, her nude form like silk.

“I liked very much,” I could not nod fast enough.

“Good. Keep your grades up,” She winked, “The better the grades, the better you’re laid.”

“Yes Ma’am,” I said happily, then a thought occurred to me, “Could you dress up for me sometime?”

“Oh?” She seemed to consider it. “Maybe, like what?”

“Well,” A fantasy came up, too much Anime I suppose, “Sort of … school girlish?”

For a moment, she seemed troubled, then she spoke, not to me, but to herself, “He’s an A student, he must be right. And I would enjoy his enjoyment.” Then she looked to me, “If I do this, will you keep up your studies?”

Another round of empathic nods from me convinced her.

“Good,” She grinned, “Then it is a deal. One moment, don’t go anywhere.” She sauntered to the bathroom. A moment later, she came back with her hair in pig tails.

“You like?” the fully nude woman bounced towards me as if she were MY age.

Is a frog’s ass water tight? Yes, I liked and I told her so!

“Good…now you get to enjoy my pussy,” she pushed me to the bed, getting rid of my other clothes. “God, smart men are soooo sexy.”

“So glad you feel that way,” I managed to mutter before her mouth claimed mine.

Then the door opened, “Hey mom, I thought I would ask about… MOM!??”

The voice belonged to Kenji, of course. He looked like he’d been hit upside the head with a two by four. His mouth was open, his eyes wide, and he was changing colors in shock!

Mrs. Toshiro sighed and covered herself with a sheet, “Kenji, barging into rooms when you’re mother is not dressed. Is this how I raised you?”

“But…” he protested, “But…you’re fucking my best friend!”

“Language!” She snapped, then as if he’d forgotten something said, “Toby is a nerd.”

The tension seemed to vanish from Kenji’s face, “And it’s good to be a nerd.” He smiled, then as after thought, “Hey, Toby, is your mom home?”

“Probably not yet,” I answered my friend as I rubbed his mother’s tits in front of him, “But she probably will be soon. Why?”

“Well, I wanted to fuck her,” He said earnestly.

“Language!” Mrs. Toshiro fussed at her son.

“Sorry, I wanted to have sex with your mom,” Ken clarified, “It seems only fair.”

For some reason, this bothered me. I mean, he couldn’t just fuck my mom because he wanted to, could he? Then I remembered something. Ken was a nerd too. That made it okay. “Sure. Tell her I might be late for dinner, will you?”

“Thanks! You two have fun,” And he closed the door.

“Now,” His mother purred to me, “Where were we?” She lowered her self onto my once again erect member, “Oh yes… good grades and rewards.”

For a moment, it seemed to me that something was very strange. I just wished I could place my finger on just what. Then, as Mrs. Toshiro slid down my length, I felt that silly concern fade away. I’d figure it out tomorrow or something. Right now? I just wanted to screw Mrs. Toshiro senseless.

The only other thought I could manage as Mrs. Toshiro gave me an education in one area of life I’d long been too ignorant of?

I wonder what Saul’s mom looks like?