The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Synopsis: A young man’s journey into adulthood as he tries to figure out how his favourite teacher became his slave and companion.

Author’s note: This is my first attempt at writing a novel-like story. I love these MC fetish tales and decided to start my own. I wanted to do something different though, unique in this genre. I want to create emotions and likeable characters and relationships. So this story is not for everybody. If you are searching for a quick sex scene or a narrative where the protagonist becomes the owner of a harem of slaves in just a few chapters then this adventure isn’t for you and you will probably cringing through the whole thing. But if you are looking for something a little bit different, where there are no heroes and villains, no real structured storytelling, just people with feelings then give it a shot. If at least one person finds enjoyment out of this adventure then I’m a happy man.

Disclaimer: Contains adult material. It is not advised for anyone under the age 18 to read it. This story depicts mind control, slavery and harem life among other explicities. If any of these concepts disturb you, please leave. This story is a work of erotic fantasy. It is not meant to reflect real life by any means. Any apparent resemblance between characters and actual people are purely coincidental and unintentional. All main characters are 18 or above.

Chapter 1

Well, every story has a beginning, mine starts out as you would except from a lonely teenage boy at the brink of adulthood. Let’s get through the boring exposition stuff quickly. Last year at high school; no friends, no money, average at studies. That would be me, eighteen year old youngster frustrated with the world and everything around him. Spent most of childhood in my room playing games or reading books. I spent so much time alone that I got used to it. I did everything on my own. Wasn’t too brave nor too bright, but I was one thing; sympathetic. I really cared for what people were thinking about me and I desperately wanted someone’s company so that I can care for them, but as I said, my nervousness and lack of social skills got the best of me and I did not have the strength and willpower to change myself. Don’t know much about my parents, I was raised by my foster Mom and Dad. I love them and at that time they were pretty much my only source of connection to happiness. One more thing is important to note for the sake of understanding my story. I’ve had an obsession with me owning someone as my slave for quite a long time. Something that most people would simply call a BDSM relationship. I didn’t know it was an actual fetish, I thought I was crazy and never even mentioned it to anybody. Later on I’ve learned more about it, it’s roots and lifestyle and it made me crave for it even more. I’ve wanted someone who dedicates themselves to me utterly. Whom I can trust and who’s with me and love me whatever I do. Needless to say I didn’t have any experience, I was just imagining it in my head on how it would play out if it was real. I don’t even know why I was so in love with it. That’s all there is to learn about me. I know, I know, I’m not the most interesting person in the world, but still at least you’ve got a glimpse of who I was prior to my life-changing event.

I awoke to a bright yet chilly autumn morning. Friday. At least this is the last day of school for this week. Finally! I just wanted it to be quickly over so I can return home. I dressed up, hugged Sally, my foster mother and headed to my first class that morning. Just after I checked my watch I realized I was late, so I gallopped into my classroom and settled behind one of the desks. Usually I sat at the back of classroom, before the last row, but that day I’ve felt something oddly different, something that is impossible to describe. With this strange and bizarre feeling that something’s not right I’ve decided to occupy one of the front desks which is a redhead girl’s desk. She was absent today. Suddenly, Miss Lawson, my literature teacher strolled into the classroom, books under her arms. How should I introduce someone who will play such a pivotal role in my journey? For starters, I have had a crush on her ever since she first entered my life, even though she isn’t the typical male fantasy model. One of the few people who were genuinely interested in me and wanted me to learn and make progress in my studies. She actively encouraged me to write and to turn my attention to the world of literature. She was twenty-nine at the time and was teaching at my school for two years. One would rightfully think that she barely even finished college and she’s already teaching kids stuff even she herself doesn’t fully understand nor experienced yet. However, she was passionate and determined to pass on the knowledge and the love for poetry and art to us, her students. She wasn’t a bad looking woman, but she wouldn’t really stand out of a crowd people. Her raven black hair was long enough to reach her shoulders, but she usually wore it in a ponytail. She had this pleasant look. A few freckles under her small eyes and she always had glasses on. She reminded me of a young Jennifer Connelly with those thick eyebrows of hers. She wore no make up other than black eye shaders. Her face was definitely the highlight of her.You just need to look at her, make eye contact for a few seconds and you would instantly feel relaxed by her sweet and calm nature. Her otherwise slim body wasn’t too special. In addition, she was relatively small, some of the boys in my class easily topped her height. Also, the dresses she wore betrayed her conservative, shy nature. They were never too revealing or anything memorable. Blouses, skirts, jeans, shirts here and there, nothing noteworthy. Rarely she wore a red scarf that matched her dress. I don’t have to say how prettier it made her long neck. Other than that, she always made sure that she was dressed proffessionally. This was her defensive mechanism againts the horny boys in the school who would want her to become eye candy. She knew she was young and relatively pretty so she wanted to shield herself and to keep a strict teacher-student relationship with the us. Her private life was never brought up. She was ‘there to teach not to flirt’ as I later learned from her. As she laid down her books and turned her attention to start the class I was wondering why was she so determined to teach a bunch of lazy kids stories that most of us will forget right after we leave the classroom. She even organized an after-school book club for those interested. Needless to say, it wasn’t a popular program. She invited me, but I have never really felt the urge to join. Eva, her first name, spoke up in her usual sweet tone. She was talking about The Catcher in the Rye and how it’s still relevant due to it’s themes about teenage angst and alienation. I wasn’t really focusing on her lecture as I was daydreaming again. As I usually did. The loud noise of the bell interrupted my daily daydream. As I realized it was the end of the class already and everyone was packing away, running towards the hallway, I stood up and put my books into my backpack. I was casually leaving with the rest of the class when Miss Lawson asked me to stay.—Adam, I’ve seen you dozing off again. I know, this isn’t the most exciting class, but still, you have to give more attention to it.—She had this nice, calm demeanor, but she was also very serious. She was leaning againts her desk, hands on her waist. She continued.

— I still can’t forget your last essay. It was so underwhelming, there was not a single thought that was yours. Nothing original. You just googled it out in five minutes and scrapped together something barely average. You are better than that... Don’t waste your potential... How many times I have to ask you to come down to the Reader’s Journey? I know you would find yourself comfortable there...—Reader’s Journey was the name she gave to her after school class I mentioned previously.

—All right, Miss Lawson, I’ll think about it.—I gave her my usual answer. I was turning around when she gave me her demanding look. She was still too cute to break me.

—I mean it! 4 PM, School Library! We will discuss and go through Salinger’s life again. The things we have learnt today this class. I assume you could need that... judging by how interactive you were today.—She smirked and returned to her papers.

I left Miss Lawson’s classroom with a bit of guilt. She was right and I knew she wanted something good for me. I just simply wasn’t the type. Too introvert for even such things. The rest of my day went by as they did most of time. Me looking out the windows or scribbling something into my notebooks. It was during Math class when the immense pain in my head started. One second I was perfectly fine, the next I felt like a monster was growing inside my brain. My lungs started to fill up with some kind of liquid and my hands were shaking. I was sweating like I’ve never sweat before even on hottest summer days. Out of a sudden I felt horrible, everywhere. The teacher noticed that I wasn’t fooling around, so he quickly let me out to the bathrooms. I was alone there, silence being my only partner, I rushed to the sink and washed my face. As I looked up into the mirror, I saw myself in a way I’ve never seen before. My pupils were three times larger than usual, my skin as pale as snow and my face like a zombie. My eyes lost their otherwise brown color, they were completely white. I looked like I was possessed. I ran to one of the toilets and threw up. As I laid there for a while, my ears started to ring from weak, quaint scream-like noise to loud, cadent drumming. The noise was so powerful that I had to cover my ears. Minutes felt hours and I was sure I could die in any second. I’ve never felt that close to death before. Eventually I passed out. It was just complete whiteness for a while. I regained my consciousness when I felt that someone was poking my back. It was one of my classmates, Josh, who was probably sent to check up on me.

—Ohh, fuck... You look fucking terrible, buddy...— His disgusted face didn’t calm me down. I stood up, feeling shaky, though marginally better. My legs were trembling only a little as I collected myself.

—H-h-how long was I out?—I asked as I looked around. Luckily, most of my puke ended in the toilet. I didn’t want to look helpless. I was that kind of a person who was so reclusive that such simple actions like asking for help was too big a deal for him.

—Class ended like five minutes ago... Mr. Riley sent me to see how you holding up...—This just confirmed why Josh was there. I side stepped him and went for some toilet paper to clean myself up.—I’m okay... It’s the flu I guess...—I lied to him as I dropped the used paper into the trash bin.

— you need help? Should I call the doc?—Josh was kindly asking. I haven’t really talked to him prior. He was a loudmouth, the clown of the class, the joker. He always had someone else to talk and didn’t really show much interest in talking to me, so I didn’t give too much thought about him.

—No... I’ll be fine. Thanks, Josh...

—You sure, buddy?—He asked again. I was sure he would not ask for a third time. I thought he wasn’t someone whom you could rely on.

—Yes, I’ll just need a little rest and then I’ll go home. I’m okay. Really.—If you say so... uhm.... get well soon, buddy...—I wanted to answer, but he already left. What was I expecting? Him standing by my side the whole time? We barely knew each other and he wasn’t the supportive type. I was left alone again. Math was my last class for the day and it was already early afternoon, thus everyone else left in a hurry. It was Friday after all! I knelt down next to the sink. A tired sigh left my mouth as I was wondering what the hell happened in the past hour with me. I wasn’t a sick kid. I was skinny, yes, and I stayed home a lot, but I was doing sports just like the rest of my classmates. I didn’t have any allergy and I was totally fine prior. Flu was out of the question, It wasn’t something that could be described as a symptoms of that. I knew something was wrong with me, but hadn’t a clue what. I was lying there, on the floor, feeling empty. I felt like I had no energy left to stand up, so I took the most obvious option. I’ve fallen asleep. No dreams, no nightmares, just a blank white image was all I saw. A few hours passed when I woke up. The cold, dirty floor wasn’t the best place to sleep. Miraculously, I felt normal again. Like nothing happened. I clutched my hands to the sink and looked into mirror. I looked a little pale, but other than that I was fine. It was like this whole sequence never happened. I shrugged myself, stood there for a few minutes then I exited the bathroom, the place which housed the worst experience of my life. Or at least I thought so.

I returned to the classroom, not a soul was there. I looked up to the clock, it was 3:20. The building was most likely empty by the time. I grabbed my backpack from my desk and strolled out of the classroom. Thoughts were racing in my head. Questions that I had no answers to. I felt lost. Is this madness going to return? What is this I’m having? What should I do? Who should I turn to?

Without no logical explanation other than I got this gut feeling, I headed to the library. This feeling, this sense that I had to be at library was growing rapidly. It was guiding me. At the same time my headaches returned again. Unexplainable energy evoked in my stomach. A force that I knew that was something powerful. I was running as fast I could to reach my destination and I was almost there when the pain in my body knocked me to the ground again in the middle of the hallway. With all my strength, that very little I had, I barged into the small office area next to the library. The room was used as a meeting place for the teachers during breaks and this was the only area where smoking was allowed for them. Just as I suspected, it was empty, so I crashed down into one of the comfy looking sofas and awaited for Miss Lawson to come. Still didn’t know why I wanted to see her. I was sure it wouldn’t take long till she pass by and see me as her group project, which was in the next room, would start soon. I was putting my hands on my stomach to shield myself from that burning power that was growing in me. Minutes felt like an eternity as I was holding back the tears that the pain caused. It was just like before, in the bathroom. Miss Lawson finally arrived as I saw her shape crossing the hallway to the library. I did the one thing I could do. I cried out, as loud as possible. A few seconds later she opened the door and recognised me. At first, she was obviousbly surprised to see me there, but it didn’t take long for her to see how much pain I was in. She ran towards me and asked a bunch of questions. I don’t remember them, I was too busy holding back that immense power in my stomach.

—Adam! Wha...what’s going....on! Adam! What’s...wrong?!— I probably wasn’t a pretty sight as I saw my teacher’s face turning from shocked to horriffied. She touched my hand and thus she sealed her fate. I couldn’t keep it together anymore. I let go of my inner, swirling powers and clutched both her arms. I looked into her eyes deeply and I said something I’ve never thought I would say. This presence, this force had taken over me for a few brief seconds.

—Obey me! Serve me! Worship me!—it wasn’t my normal voice. Too manly, commanding for it to be my otherwise boyish organ. It was otherworldly. I watched as Miss Lawson’s eyes turned completely white. Her face turned blank, emotioneless. She kneeled down in front of me, like she was ordered to do so. It all happened too fast for me to remember correctly. I recall me putting my hands onto her head, all the while spouting out words, sentences, but I don’t know what were those. I felt that the force in my stomach leaving my body as I was standing there, holding her head between my hands. Finally, I collapsed back into the sofa, powerless and exhausted. Miss Lawson was still kneeling in front of me. First, her eyes turned back to normal then I could see her face . She was gasping for air, taking short breaths like she just came back from jogging. I witnessed as she regained herself and as she scanned around the dead silent room nervously. It didn’t take long for her to gaze into my eyes and open her mouth.

—Master! Command me!—I noticed she was giving me her playful smile. I couldn’t believe what I’ve just heard. Both of us were panting and sweating like we’ve just made sweet sex for an hour and I was there dumbfounded. Awkward silence ensued as my teacher and I eyeballed each other, she kneeling patiently in front of me as I just sat uncomfortably, my jaws dropped from hearing what she just said.