The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Jessica’s Dangerous Games

by Jeanne Brannesecca, March 2001

-Part One-

“Oh, that really is a cute outfit,” Karen said leaning forward, her elbow on the table. Her eyes shone with envy, but mixed with a touch of remoteness. Perhaps she was imagining how Eric might look at her in such a costume. She looked at her friend Jessica, who was smiling uncontrollably now. She had always envied her long mahogany curls which needed such little effort, but never had she seen her like this!

Jessica spun around impulsively for her friend, happy to show off. The richly embroidered wine-purple costume was simply beautiful! The skimpy top’s tiny beads rattled softly as Arabian bellydancing music played quietly and hypnotically from a CD in the background. “I can’t wait to show Azura! It’s all hand-stitched, from Egypt!” She felt amazing in the outfit, like another person; feminine, powerful, yet open in a way she had never felt before. She caressed the velvety fabric, while the soft touch of the diaphanous skirts against her thighs and calves made her skin tingle.

Karen continued, “I’d be too self-conscious to ever dance in public, never mind in something so...”

“Revealing?” Jessica finished for her, smiling primly. “Well, there are no men at the classes. I suppose there will be men watching later, when we’re ready. Unless you count Azura’s brother, Joe. He’s there the odd time, but he’s so shy, and speaks so quietly.” Jessica shrugged and sat back down, her hand soon taking up it’s familiar resting place lightly on the handle of her tea cup.

“It sounds fun... but scary.” Karen fidgeted with her short blonde bangs.

“It’s really good excercise.” Jessica offered, and patted her flat tummy for effect. “It takes a lot of conscious effort as well, but there are times now when I’m dancing... it’s as if I’m in a trance.” She smiled remembering one moment in particular. The lights had been whirling above her as she did a spin, the finger cymbals were ringing in her ears, and the sounds of the drums and exotic instruments from the speakers had circled her like something alive. For a timeless moment then she had known a peace outside of herself. Of being surrounded by life, a part of life, but beyond life all at the same time. It was as if she was both herself and someone else. But the thoughts were fleeting, she would have to leave them for awhile and try coming back to them later. Each time she had felt a mental itch from both the experience and the revisiting of it, and it made her feel mildly impatient.

Jessica returned to the present. “I’m so glad you introduced me to Azura, she’s teaching me a lot really. More than just about dancing.”

Karen renewed her smile, happy for her friend’s happiness. Jessica had been so miserable at one time, and if Karen hadn’t been there to hold her and listen to her... and certainly not just once... Karen was really happy for her now! She was happy that she had found something to be enthusiastic about again after the fallout with Devon.

She hadn’t understood that, but Karen had supported Jessica out of instinct, and made it a rule never to mention ‘him’ while she was around. When she had first been introduced to Azura, by Devon ironically enough, she had realized dancing might be good therapy for her friend, and she certainly had the body for it. She felt good that something she had initiated was working out!

* * *

“Joe?” Azura parted the beaded draperies and poked her draped head through to the room beyond. Her brother held the barbell at shoulder height. “Yosef?” she repeated more quietly to gain his attention. He looked at her sharply with dark eyes. For a second she read that he was angry at her for intruding, but his features quickly became impassive. He let down the heavy object onto the mat below, and wiped his hands on his red shorts.

“Yes? What can I do for you?” he asked, trying to sound indulgent but mostly sounding bored. The sweat was thick on his tan forehead.

“I need help to lift the new partition back to the wall. You promised you would do it for me when it came.” Azura reminded him gently. She had become more afraid of his moods lately, but knew that if she were to have let the delivery men do the work, her brother would be even more irritated with her.

Surprisingly he smiled, “All right. No problem. I’ve told you to always call me Joe now though, remember?” He strode out into the large room Azura taught dance in. It was larger now by half since he had knocked down one partial wall to a spare bedroom behind, and blocked up one doorway. “Is this it?” he gestured with a nod at the ornate seeming wood piece in the front doorway; it was some ten feet in length. This would block off a part of the space in the former living room for the customers, the girls, to change in.

“Yes. If you can position it so the end rests with the front pillar... then I can add the curtains to form an entrance.” Azura caught sight of the delivery van turning the corner and out of view, then stood back to watch her brother. “Isn’t it something? It was lucky that I saw it when I did.” She removed her hair covering now that she was in private space.

Yosef, Joe as he preferred to be called, squatted and put one hand under a shelf set into the partition and the other under the bottom of the thing as it was on a tilt. Fortunately he still had his leather weight belt on to support his back so Azura would not caution him to be careful too shrilly. With a heave he lifted the awkward thing past the entrance way and carefully into the large room.

Azura went to close the door and return to watch over Joe, but Jessica was coming up the steps just then. She was carrying her bag as well as her purse, and smiling quirkily. As their eyes made contact Azura’s black eyebrows raised in confusion.

“Oh,” the taller woman stopped on the top step, her face flushing delicately, “I did phone. Have I come at a bad time?”

“My dear, I only just arrived myself. I did not know to expect you at this time of day.” Azura gestured her in warmly and closed the door on the eyes of the neighbourhood. Jessica had entered quickly and now stood frozen watching Joe setting the monstrous seeming partition down.

“Have I come at a bad time then?” she asked and turned to Azura.

She walked past Jessica to the back of the front pillar. “Yes, that’s it. If you can set them even, please.”

Jessica couldn’t help but admire the tanned muscled body of her teacher’s brother. His thighs were shining with perspiration, and his shoulders... she imagined Azura having a sort of family pride in the look she gave her then.

“Jessica,” she said to her, but mentioning her name so that Joe would hear it, “would you like to help me with the curtain rod? Perhaps we could have some tea after.”

She knew Azura was too polite to directly ask why she was here in front of her brother. Jessica had spoken to a man on the phone, and had assumed it to be Joe, but she felt she was now in an akward situation. She didn’t want to embarrass him by mentioning the short conversation.

The awkwardness lasted for what seemed a long time before Joe finally addressed his sister. “She phoned saying she wanted to show you something.” His eyes had been downcast, but they suddenly fixed upon Jessica. There was a gleam in his eyes that made her at once comforted yet made even more uneasy. Azura hovered, watching with aparent amusement.

Jessica turned to her and held her bag a little higher. “Oh, yes... my outfit arrived from Eqypt.” She had imagined she would have said this more excitedly but the presence of Joe in shorts and sleeveless top made her demure.

“Oh? What timing!” the slightly chubbier, darker woman exclaimed, almost childlike in her wonder. “We are just creating a new change area now; you can be the first to try it out! But wait...” she paused, “the bench! Could you get it from the basement for us, Joe?”

He bowed slightly and soon disappeared behind the lone beaded entrance leading to other rooms in the large house.

Azura chattered about finding the partition while Jessica removed the garments from her gym bag. In a hushed voice Jessica told her about how she’d had to shave a certain area after first trying it on and they both laughed. Her teacher petted the fabric admiringly. “You must have paid quite a lot for this, but I see my aunt has done a fabulous job with it!”

As her teacher examined the embroidery and bead work more closely Jessica was drawn to the carving on the wood partition. She walked over to run her hands along it. The figures looked vaguely Persian, but also ancient Egyptian at the same time. There was a single shelf set into it just below two bearded winged creatures and a sun with an eye in the center, ray lines eminating in all directions. “Is that where a Koran would be?”

“Hmmn?” Azura turned, an expression of great humor upon her face, “Oh no, my dear... not a Qur-an. I don’t know what it would hold to be honest! The gallery owner told me it came from one of the old men’s clubs you had here in the past. I have to tell you, it is really quite a funny thing, but I thought it might appeal to our girls.”

Joe carried a long low pine bench past them and placed it behind the partition. He stood for a half a second looking at Jessica and his sister as if he were going to speak but had thought better of it, then without a word he left.

“Well now, in a moment you can be the first to try this out...” Azura said holding the curtain rod up.

Jessica blushed and lowered her eyes still thinking of Joe looking at her. They managed to afix the rod and Azura had soon clipped two deep blue velvet curtains in place. As she was changing, a tabla began over the speakers. Azura entered the newly created room with her own outfit draped over one arm just as Jessica left.

Alone in the larger space she swayed to the music and stretched. Behind her she heard the door open and turned. A small woman and even smaller child emerged from the tiny entrance area shortly. Jessica knew them to be Azura’s mother and her little sister Karima. The older woman removed the wrap from her hair and nodded to her with eyes more like Joe’s than like Azura’s. The little girl did not wear anything to cover her hair for some reason. Jessica was too polite to ask questions about the family’s customs, but she enjoyed noticing little things about their culture. She especially liked the smells that sometimes came from Mrs. Rashad’s kitchen!

“Can I dance too Mama?” little Karima asked. She was a rubber limbed kitten, Jessica had thought, curious about everything, so unlike the majority of bored looking children of that age she had known. Karima must be about nine or ten years old she figured. Already her hair was to her waist.

“If you wish to. But be sure you wash for dinner after.” Mrs. Rashad spoke with a thick accent which Jessica found homey. It brought back memories of her Belgian grandparents, even though the accents were different. Mrs. Rashad came forward to inspect Jessica just as Azura emerged in her familiar pink and red costume.

“Isn’t she pretty mother?” Azura asked her.

“She is perfect!” she said, her hands clasped. “Serena is very generous with her labor!”

Jessica promised to write Mrs. Rashad’s sister to thank her as soon as she was home again. Karima ran back in, now wearing loose pants and a short top. Azura helped them both with their posture while they swayed to the music. Jessica had to admit that in many ways Karima was the more accomplished dancer, but at that age she also had limberness on her side. After warming up however she began to move by pure instinct on top of the conscious efforts. She knew that when this happened it would not be long before she entered the odd trance-like state.

Jessica whirled, and it was as if her personality, everything that had been true of her in the past flew away from her like a veil being tossed aside. She felt as if a crown of wisdom was atop her head, instructing her movements. She whirled again, and this time caught a man’s face peering at her from behind a beaded curtain. The eyes stayed with her, she could not stop moving. She saw these eyes flashing before her and saw nothing else. They were familiar but she couldn’t place them, it was as though they were out of context with her memories. Her body moved but she felt suddenly limp inside now, almost detached or defeated. Between her legs she began to ache, painfully, sadly. The music of the tabla intensified. It seemed to eminate from inside her, and all around her. Her skirts swirled, her arms and hips moving in centuries old patterns. As quickly as the feeling had come however, it now vanished. Jessica wilted and bent, exhausted.

“You’re stamina still has a way to go,” Azura commented from the other side of the room. Karima continued to wiggle and twirl. Jessica wondered if she were in that state she had known.

She remembered something then, and looked to the beaded entrance. There was nobody there. But why would she think about ‘him’ now? The family room beyond with the weights and exercise cycle were discernable beyond and the light was off, nobody was there.

Could it have been Joe? Or was it just a figment of her sometimes out of control imagination these days? Karima had stopped and was talking to her. “I’m sorry, what did you say honey?”

Karima slumped her shoulders and frowned up at her, “I said you were doing good until you stopped.”

Azura had shut the music off. “I’ll get copies of the photos for you,” she said gesturing by holding up a camera with one hand as her back was turned. Jessica had forgotten about that, they had agreed weeks ago to take photos when her outfit finally arrived. But when had Azura gotten the camera out? Jessica couldn’t recall a moment when the three of them had not been dancing!

Jessica stayed for dinner for the first time with Azura’s family. Mrs. Rashad let her stir the sauces while the others chopped and grated. She enjoyed the novel aromas. Finally she met the father and uncle. Joe was not present though. Jessica didn’t want to betray any interest but wondered where he had gone. She realized she didn’t know anything about him really, and thought that perhaps he worked a late shift. The mother and two daughters waited on the two men in a way that Jessica found perhaps overly showy. She felt mildly embarrased she couldn’t help them however. She had known men like these in her family growing up, they were simply brought up to never even think of helping in women’s work. This also struck her as homey and made her feel somehow more at ease.

The conversation was mainly the men talking to each other about their work, which seemed to involve horses, the news, their friends and children. Jessica was glad they weren’t the kind to ask a lot of questions of her. It was obvious however that they were watching what they said in front of her, and no doubt avoiding offensive language of any kind. Mr. Rashad was very courteous and encouraged Jessica to hold her bread to make a scoop and use a certain motion when dunking it into the meat sauce. Jessica noticed his eyes as he spoke to her, they were not really like Joe’s at all, and showed a lot of wrinkles although Azura’s father was far from an old man. She decided they were kind wrinkles really.

Jessica caught Mr. Ramzy, the uncle, watching her more sharply, although he did not speak to her directly at any time.

* * *

That night, alone in her bedroom, Jessica put on the outfit again and looked at herself in the cherry-wood cheval mirror she loved. She had once worried she would look out of place in such a costume, like a westerner in a Japanese kimono, but she didn’t. Actually she looked quite amazing, like something from a dream. If only Devon could see her like this. Devon who had turned on her, who had humiliated her, who made her act so childishly she had lost most of her friends. If only she could have known then what she knew now. If only she had been more confident at the start, or hadn’t apologized so often when she hadn’t even been wrong.

She thought of Devon with less anger now, but as more of a stupid little boy. He had abused her, laughed at her when she had tried to please him or comfort him. Well, perhaps that wasn’t quite true. She had survived him though, and now saw through him. He was the one who was truly alone, the one simple-minded enough to see being female as some sort of weakness. For awhile he had used her, and he would probably use many more women, and never realize what he was missing. She could almost feel sorry for him now. His own self-hatred was probably at the cause of it all, and his stalking her. Thank God, or should she say Allah, he had finally left her alone!

“Now I am free,” she told her reflection.

She wondered what it would be like to be a part of Azura’s family. To have lived in such a crowded hot place as Cairo; the poverty, the ancient ruins. To come to California and see such a different culture, and yet see it’s poverty quite clearly as well...

A male voice whispered, right next to her ear.

* * *

Jessica awoke damp and clammy. She looked to her window but could make out no light outside as yet. Her sheets were moist and clinging and she threw them aside. The digital clock across the room read 4:41.

What had she been dreaming of? Something about the wooden carvings on the partition at the dance studio... and Azura’s family. Only her family had included dozens, or hundreds, of people. There had been curtains and carpets and pillows, and a bare tiled area where she had danced.

She had to make sure she wasn’t wearing her dance costume as she had in her dream. Thankfully she had changed into a nightie even though she couldn’t remember doing so. Her dream... she’d been twirling and clapping and swiveling. A muscular, glowering man was seated on a couch before her. He had looked at her with sinister eyes, knowing eyes, but she hadn’t been afraid, she had kept dancing, knowing she could control him that way through his fascination with her dancing. He had a long braided beard, and eyes of yellowish-white; Devon’s eyes! Of course! Jessica had bolted to run, but it had been too late. The man had done something to stop her. What, she couldn’t remember. Then she had woken up shivering.

Perhaps it had been an effect of the strange foods she had eaten last night, or her thoughts standing in front of her mirror? Jessica quickly forgot about the dream though as she wanted to get her hair washed a soon as possible, but first a shower, and she had never been able to do both at once.

She looked at the drawing table in the main room, and sitting next to it the script. She needed to turn it into storyboards by Thursday afternoon. She had wasted much of Sunday on her new outfit and visiting with Azura. It was early however, so there was still lots of time to catch up to her demanding schedule.

While she was in the shower, Jessica thought she heard a noise at the door. She shut the water off and listened feeling very vulnerable. Who would knock on her door at this early hour? Of course there was nobody there. Why was she getting so jumpy?

As she came out into the main room of her apartment dripping and with shower cap still on, Jessica checked to see that the chain was hooked on the door. She froze in shock, the tiny hairs on her arms standing up. It was hanging loose, not chained at all! Holding her towel tightly to herself she willed her body forward to check the bolt. It was relief to find that it was locked. She simply must have forgotten to chain the door somehow last night. “You’re cracking up girl,” she told herself under her breath. Nobody could have left and locked this door behind them. The bolt was a kind that had to be locked from outside with a key.

* * *

For some reason Jessica just hadn’t been able to concentrate on her work. Monday morning she had been sure she was going to have lots of time, and yet here it was Thursday and she had very little done! Karen had been upset but had given her a two day extension on the storyboards. Jessica had never missed an important deadline before and knew she would be holding up the production now.

She answered the phone. A man’s voice said something in a language Jessica didn’t understand. Suddenly she couldn’t move, just as in the dream!

* * *

Jessica awoke on some sort of low, silk upholstered divan. She was wearing her bellydancing outfit. She lay there, head up, stunned for a moment. The large room was like something from one of her dreams. Sheer curtains, opaque tapestries, satin pillows, ornate carpets. There were other people in the room, she could hear quiet voices coming from different directions. Jessica could see past one curtain from where she lay, and there was a woman bathing in a funny old tin tub.

She pinched herself, and then was very afraid. She worried she might lose consciousness again somehow and began to tremble.

The torso of little Karima poking through the curtains in a bright yellow Powerpuff Girl t-shirt did nothing to reassure her, it made her mind reel. There were so many questions that she couldn’t actually put one together.

Karima disappeared. Jessica could hear her padding away and calling for Azura however. The air seemed to be overly perfumed and humid.

Azura entered the space created by the curtains and tapestries. She spoke something in Arabic and Jessica felt comforted somehow. “You must be hungry,” she spoke in English, “would you like some food?” She nodded dumbly. Azura disappeared behind the draperies now as well.

Jessica sat up. She heard and saw the woman in the tub getting out and another woman handed her a towel. There were flowers in a brass vase on the floor; callalillies. They seemed an odd choice to her. Azura returned and handed her a fancy glass bowl with peach slices and a tiny fork, and then sat down next to her. Without speaking or looking at her teacher she ate the fruit. She began to feel warm. There must have been some alchohol in with the juice she thought. It was the most delicious fruit she could ever remember tasting.

“As long as you don’t do anything rude you will be properly respected,” Azura told her, “and you can probably get away with some rudeness in any case, everyone is still a little indulgent of you. You’ll be able to see your husband very soon.”

Her husband? Jessica felt very light-headed, but still, the word husband alarmed her. She turned to Azura worried. “But I don’t have a husband? Do I?” Azura simply smiled back and rubbed her hand on Jessica’s left arm.

Another girl in costume appeared, she had very long black hair and a narrow face. She bowed slightly and said “He is expecting you.”

As they walked through the colorful, carpeted maze, Jessica thought she recognized one of the other women from dance class. Sinister possibilities occured to her and she felt a pang of helplessness. What on earth was going on here?

She was told to kneel before a closed door and did so without thinking. The girl who had lead the way knocked. A voice from beyond the door said in a rich bass that they should enter. Jessica couldn’t move. She thought she was going to be ill right there! She would know Devon’s voice anywhere!

Azura grabbed her upper arms and forced her foreward. Bowed the three entered. Jessica didn’t want to look, but had to know. Her head came up and she was looking into the face of Joe. Sitting beside him was her former boyfriend!

Despite whatever drugs had been given to her she rose to her full height and glared back at him. The beading on her top rattled softly. “You bastard!” she hissed. “You sick sick...”

Devon spoke sharply to her in Arabic and suddenly she was curled up on the carpet cowering in fear of the creature from her nightmares. She barely noticed the other two girls and Joe leaving as ordered. Then, just as suddenly as the terror had come to her it was gone.

“Would you take a seat please?” Jessica looked up at him, momentarily without thoughts of any kind and then sat on a low cushion on the floor. The anger returned to her, but she said nothing of what she was thinking this time. Then she waited, feeling his smug gaze upon her and becoming frightened again. A whimper came to her throat and her face turned read. She might as well be in hell. Tears started to form.

Devon took a book from a small desk beside his chair, and opened it and began leafing through pages. It was a very large and ornate book. He stroked his sandy brown beard with his free hand.

“And say to the believing women, that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments, except what ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty, except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, thier husbands’ sons, their brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons or their women, or their slaves whom their right hands possess, or male attendants free of sexual desires, or small children who have no carnal knowledge of women; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye believers! Turn ye all together toward Allah in repentance that ye may be successful.”

He closed the book and stared at Jessica again. It made her muscles tighten. She knew he was waiting for her to say something in defiance, and she would oblige even if it meant her ending up on the floor again, but she couldn’t think of anything to say that might hurt enough. Then she remembered, and spoke.