The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Implantation Part 5

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction! Any similarity between characters, places, or concepts in this work and those in any other fictional work, in physical reality, or anywhere else are coincidental. This story portrays Graphic Non-Consensual Sex, surgical procedures, and wanton mental, physical, and sexual manipulation. The author does not condone any of these things and further does not believe that the methods herein described would work. If you want to do any thing like the acts herein described then: YOU ARE MENTALLY ILL AND SHOULD SEEK HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or posted except upon the Erotic Mind Control Story Archive at or by permission of the author.

cat: MF, NC, MD, MC, PREG

Note: Section A of Part 5 contains no sex, If you want to skip all this annoying plot, then skip ahead to Section B.

Section A.

John was just finishing up the official version of his ultra sound report to the Friary. He entitled it: “Ultra Sound and the Effects of Non-Cerebral-Harmonics(NCH) upon Volition, Both Conscious and Subconscious.”

(It had taken him a full day to work out how to title it. John had learned early in his scientific career that the more inscrutable and perplexing one was in the language by which one described one’s findings, the better. If you look like you know what your talking about, people will assume that you do.)

He had been delayed when Patricia had gone into labor, no sooner had she given birth to a boy than Moneta also dropped her load, a full month pre-mature, also a boy. He was under weight but the doctors were confident that he was not in danger. Helga was taking care of the babies as Patricia and Moneta convalesced.

When John was finished with the report, he drove down to Winchester’s office. Winchester was, for the common eye, a wealthy ex-business man who had retired to a life of comfortable leisure. In reality he ran one of the most powerful wings of the Friary: Research and Development. John was led in by one of Winchester’s girls, naked as usual. Winchester was dictating as John hovered just outside the door waiting to be recognized:

“... and draft a memo to that slimy lobbyist chap, what’s his name?” said Winchester as he reclined at his desk smoking a 300$ cigar.

“Harrmond A. Amerstad, Sir.” supplied the secretary (brunette, late thirties).

“Ah thank you my dear. Indicate that it is the position of Friary R&D, that we don’t care if the bill prohibiting research on mood altering chemicals without a license, passes or not. Just make sure that no funding is provided in the Special Allocations budget for enforcement, no need for a bunch of FBI boys to be poking their noses into our turf. Oh hello there John! Come in, Jane go along and type all that up, I’ll be upstairs presently.”

John declined to partake of one of Winchester’s cigars, and sat in one of the facing leather chairs. He handed Winchester the bound report on the Ultra Sound system. “This is the result of the research on U-S. I did not modify the basic carrier wave as originally designed, but I did bring the electrical and mechanical systems into this century. Also, I enhanced the range and power of the delivery system. Alas, the technology, while impressive, is completely unsuited for the manipulation I wish to do: alter preferred breeding stereotypes toward the Nerd model and away from the Jock model.”

Winchester flipped through the report as John spoke, and nodded appreciatively where appropriate. After John explained his conclusion, he let out a half exasperated sigh and said, “John, I understand that your dedicated to your project, but you need to understand that in the event you actually do find a way to cause the mass manipulation that you desire, it is highly unlikely that the Council will actually permit you to do it.”

John pointed out, “They were quick enough to let me research, using the population of the University as a trial group.”

Winchester said “Letting you research the problem is one thing, actually letting you solve it is quite another. It is not in the best interests of all the branches of the Friary to see your project come to fruition.”

“Which of the branches is most likely to oppose it?” asked John.

Winchester stood and poured himself and John brandies. “As you know, John, The Friary is composed of five wings: Patros, Plebos, Paladia, Vedette, and of coarse ourselves: Ars.” Winchester got himself settled again and continued. “These days Ars adds up to R&D, but we were historically one of the original three wings created back in 1387 AD, the other two being Patros and Paladia. As its name implies, Patros has the responsibility of maintaining covert control over the worlds governments, or at least preventing other organizations from acquiring such control. Paladia is charged with protecting our organization from those irresponsible groups of rogue manipi, that would run rampant if we did not keep them in check.

Winchester, stopped to light a new cigar and then continued. “The other two wings were added later. Vedette was added after a rouge group of Manipi within The Friary attempted to seize control of our organization. Napoleon was one of them, and as your knowledge of history tells you, he went on to make a real pain of himself before we finally ran him to ground and had him poisoned. Even then only after he had used his mind control abilities to gain the followers needed to start two military rampages across Europe, not to mention escaping from prison, seducing the most beautiful woman of his era, and generally carrying on like the megalomaniac he was. Anyway, all of this made it clear to The Friary, that it had to have an organization to police its own, that organization is the Vedette. I sincerely hope you never come under their gentle ministrations.”

John, who rarely indulged in alcoholic beverages, sipped cautiously at the brandy, and then said, “Wait a minute, your saying that Napoleon, THE Napoleon, was a member of The Friary?”

Winchester chuckled, “Why yes, John, he was a member of The Patros, and apparently got it into his head that the only way to keep all the governments of the world under control, was for him to be emperor! What a lunatic!”

“How many other historical figures, were actually mixed up in The Friary?” asked John in astonishment.

Winchester continued chuckling and then said “In the early years, quite a few: Richard the Lion Hearted, Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Byron, Descartes, Freud, Thomas Paine, others. In recent years, we’ve taken to being a little more shy of the public eye. In an age of mass media, members of a secret society must keep out of the glare of the mini cam, or their secret will be discerned by some clever reporter and transmitted to millions of TV viewers before the reporter can be... adjusted. Of course, we try to keep as many reporters as possible under our sway, however, with such a rapidly shifting field...

But, we were discussing the wings of The Friary. Back when the Friary first established the wings, it was assumed that to protect a nation one need only concern oneself with the nation’s leaders. To give them their due, that was a correct assessment of the situation back in the Dark Ages. Something special happened back in 1776 though, the American revolution threw the world into the Modern Era in which power comes from the people. It took 163 years for The Friary to figure this out though. In 1939, we realized that Hitler was a Manipos! He didn’t direct his abilities at other world leaders though, but at the German people! They followed him like a Messiah, and only at the out-break of World War Two, did we of the Friary realize our folly. A new Wing, The Plebos was created with the mission of monitoring and protecting the public from mass manipulations such as the orchestrated media blitzes of the Hitler regime. Back when The Friary discovered your subliminals in the campus news paper, it was Plebos agents who were sent to ascertain your threat level. Only when it became clear that you were a Montane (a Manipos who had developed his own mind control techniques without instruction from an organization such as the Friary) did your case get shifted into the jurisdiction of The Ars.”

“But how does all this affect there readiness to support my work?” asked John.

Winchester responded “Patros does not like to be reminded that, their wing is no longer solely in charge of directing world affairs, before 1939 Plebos had only been a sub wing of theirs. For that reason alone, Patros will tend to resist any change in policy that enhances the relevance of the public over its leaders. Oddly this does not make the Plebos our friends in this matter either! When The Plebos were first promoted to major wing status, it was a young vibrant organization. They established the cardinal rules for directing the masses: encourage reason over emotion, and prevent mind-control methods from becoming available to the masses. Now though, the same individuals that were so vibrant then, are jaded old men hanging on to their life support machines with a passion. A modification, or even an addition to their cardinal rules, would be abhorrent to them. They would see it as destroying their life’s achievement. So for the next 5-10 years, until they start dyeing off with a vengeance, we can expect nothing but strict conservatism from Plebos. Since their inception, Vedette has never been friendly with The Ars, or with Ars policies. Members of Ars have a much higher tendency to go renegade, as did Freud, and as a result they tend to see us as loose cannons.”

“So we’re in this alone? Why did they even let me work on the problem then?” Said John in an exasperated voice.

Raising his hand, Winchester said “Not exactly alone, Paladia and Ars have always been allies. Several friends I have in Paladia loved your idea of changing the mating patterns of the masses. It is the position of Paladia that your plan will render the population of the masses less easily controlled by those groups that oppose us. This would greatly improve Paladia’s position amongst the wings of the Friary. To answer your second question, the other wings have always been happy to let us develop new mind control methods for them. They typically try to control their application, instead of their production, because that gives them all the freedom while implicitly taking it from us... or so they think.”

It had been three weeks since John had talked to Winchester. Three weeks of sifting through Friary records. The Ars wing of The Friary maintained a large library of mind-control related scholarly literature collected and created by manipi over the centuries. On the outside, the building was just a U-Store-It, but on the inside it was a climate controlled multi-story, mostly-underground storage facility. For all that however, it had no index, no computer searches, no Library of Congress system, no Dewy Decimal System, not even a card file! The ONLY organization was in a basic separation into five general subjects: (1) Friary History, (2) Non-Friary Manipos Societies, (3) Chemical Methods of Mind Control, (4) Other Methods, (5) Classified. John, being a new member, did not have access to the Classified section. Upon observation of the others using the archive, he came to be aware that most of them were women, beautiful women. Asking one of the Archivists about this, John learned that most members of The Friary used one of their personal servants to do the boring work of tracking down scrolls, and books. John would definitely need to acquire an ‘assistant’ who had the necessary skills...

So it was, that John placed an add in the campus rag to the effect of: “Library Science Grad. Student wanted to navigate private collection, must be fluent in Greek, French, Latin, and have a lot of free time.” He offered a fairly substantial salary... to peek interest (it’s not like he was actually going to pay it... only Manipi or their fully controlled servants could enter the archive). Patricia and Helga screened the applicants, culling out the males, and the unqualified. The problem was that this did not leave that many applicants! John was mulling over one of the Friaries documents, on loan from the archive describing the mind altering properties of the spores of an extinct mold, when Patricia came into his office (formerly Helga’s) and said: “We’ve got a qualified library applicant!” then Patricia got a sly grin and said “I think your going to like her, M’Lord!”

When Rachel was shown in, John’s mouth dropped open. Rachel had black hair, brown eyes, a British accent, and legs that just kept on going and going. Apparently she was used to this reaction from males, as she paused to allow John to regain control of his endocrine system. When he had done so, he proceeded to ask her about her qualifications; she was more than qualified, in fact she was so over qualified that John became suspicious... There just aren’t that many people fluent in 5 languages... especially when two of them are no longer spoken except by scholars (Latin and Ancient Greek). Clearly, Rachel was a plant, too qualified, too beautiful, too perfect for exactly what he needed. She even let slip that she was single (saying that she didn’t have a boy friend to distract her from long work hours). He thanked her for applying and asked her to wait in his office while he went to get a sample of the sort of documents she’d be working with. Really, he was going to get his Ultra Sound gear. The only question was who sent her, three possibilities sprang to mind: 1. Winchester, she had a certain refined air that reminded him of Winchester’s taste. 2. The Vedette, it’s their job to police the Manipos of the Friary, having an agent in his group would be an easy way make sure that he was loyal to The Friary, and to infiltrate The Ars. 3. An external organization, The Friary did have enemies... perhaps his activities on campus had drawn attention.

John used the U.S. to keep her subdued, as he called Helga, Patricia, and Moneta to the lab, and explained his suspicions. Patricia thought that John was being paranoid, but Moneta said “I think John is right, she’s practically designed to be attractive to him.”

John was a bit uncomfortable with that statement and asked, Moneta to explain: “M’Lord,” said Moneta letting her French accent thicken “a woman can see... certain patterns in a man’s desires, all three of us” indicating herself, Patricia and Helga “are dark haired, slender, quiet, intelligent, well proportioned... That would not go unnoticed by someone trying to seduce you.”

That seemed to quiet any further discussion of whether Rachel was a spy. Moneta thought that they should act as if they had not identified Rachel as a spy saying “They won’t send another, if they think this one has succeeded.”

“But, whom are THEY” asked Patricia “M’Lord, I don’t think we can formulate a safe plan until we know that. Could we use your implant or one of the other mind-control techniques that you have studied to interrogate her?”

John said “That may work, but we would never be sure if we had discovered who sent her, or merely who she has been manipulated into thinking that she works for. She may not even know that she is a spy. Remember, you three were interrogated by The Friary when I was first discovered by them. Your loyalty held, but then you were influenced by me first.”

Helga, who had been thinking very hard, said “We should either kill her, or use her as a tool to identify who sent her.” This ruthless statement drew the stares of the other three, so she continued “It all comes down to a matter of loyalty... The only other motivation for sending her was to identify your mind control technique, but if that is assumed to be the motivation, then almost certainly Winchester is who sent her. In that case the only sure way to prevent her from learning of the implant is to kill her. But, I don’t think that Winchester would send her for that reason. You were required to explain your mind-control technique in a sealed document to be opened after your death by natural causes, so they’re going to learn anyway. Why jeopardize all the research your doing for them by planting a spy to get data that they already have? If their that interested then they would just secretly unseal your documentation; you have no way to of stopping them from doing that, and no way of knowing.

That brings us back to Loyalty: Winchester would sender her if he was concerned about your loyalty to the Ars. The Vedette would only send her if your loyalty to the Friary was in question. Finally, an outside organization would only send her if they wanted to infiltrate The Friary. The best way to infiltrate an organization is to find a traitor, so again we come back to loyalty.” Helga had gotten into lecture mode, she even pointed to an imaginary white board while she talked. “If she was sent for reasons relating to your loyalty to The Friary or to The Ars, then we need only accept her application and make it seem, from her perspective, that in fact you are not loyal (but in a way that will be easy for you to clear your name of later). Then all you have to do is wait and see who shows up to stop or help your imaginary plot, case solved: they are who Rachel is sending her intelligence to. ”

John was amazed at this cold logic coming from Helga, must be all those years she spent back-stabbing her way up the Academic Power Structure. After the details of their plan for Rachel were settled upon, John went back into the office where he had immobilized Rachel with the U. S., and instructed her that she had noticed nothing abnormal about the interview. Then he told her that she had the job and asked her to start in a few weeks. He needed the time to get everything in place. Regardless of whom it was that was spying upon him through Rachel, they certainly already knew that he was a Manipos, else why would they be spying upon him? Therefore, they would be expecting him to take control of Rachel... a prospect that he was not unhappy with... after all, Moneta had been correct.

Because he did not want to expose his existing mind control methods to Rachel, at least not until he knew something about who sent her, John decided to use one of the drugs that he had been reading about. Over the coarse of it’s history, The Friary had primarily relied upon drug based methods of mind control and had truly extensive material about various herbs, roots, and potions that had mind swaying properties when correctly used. The problem with most of the drug based methods of mind control was that although they achieved great levels of rigid control, they either completely burned out the mind of the victim, or only had temporary effects. Most of the rest he had read about were not even, properly speaking, mind control... merely hyper-addictive compounds. The compound that John had read about was an exception to those common classes. The problem was that the crucial ingredient was a mold that had been extinct for 400 years. However, John suspected that some of its living relatives might prove to have similar properties. He had identified one of these species that was known to grow in the highlands of Scotland. It took Helga’s university requisition power, but he was able to acquire a sample of the Scottish mold.

The first account of the original extinct variety of the mold dated back from before the establishment of the Friary, and was in fact written by a Roman soldier from the time of 211 AD. Claudius Mettus Priam Octus had written “The web of her psyche’s world was mine to shape... staying in the form I had wrought long after she smelt the herb’s effusion.” Other later writers, from the Friary, had stated that the spores would render a person suggestible. It was indicated in several different places that commands, as such, could not be imparted to the subject. One couldn’t force a person to do any specific thing, however attitudes and emotions could be connected or interconnected seemingly without limit. One amusing account detailed how a Manipos from northern France in 1408 AD had linked sexual arousal to the act of prayer in the minds of several beautiful nuns. The Manipos was a priest; like most of the early members of the Friary, he used the position of a priest or monk as a cover for his activities. He had apparently created a cycle where the nuns would confess their ‘sinful’ thoughts to him, and then he would order that they pray for more and more extended periods of time....(making them horny from the imposed association via the mold).

John was able to determine that the spores of the Scottish mold had similar properties, testing upon Patricia, but they were very weak in their effect. With some effort though, he was able to extract out the active component of the spores, and concentrate it dramatically.

When Rachel came for her appointment, John was overcome with lust, she wore wire rim spectacles, a royal blue blouse, and a dark maroon skirt that accentuated her perfect hour glass figure, apple shaped breasts, and incredible legs. John wasted no time, and immediately used the U.S. upon her. Then he removed a syringe and injected her with the concentrated extract.

The way the extinct mold had been used by members of the Friary was by repeating word stings to the subject that she was intended to associate together. For example: ‘John Vice Sexy’ would link him with sex. Every time she thought of sex, she would think of him, and every time she thought of him she would think of sex. John of course had already used a similar technique with his immersion rig; in that case the implant had provided the irresistible force behind the technique. In this case he was hoping that the mold extract would have a similar effect. Helga and Patricia helped John move her into the chair. She had to be restrained since the mold extract did not cause her to lose consciousness. John imagined it must be a strange sensation to feel ones mind re molded even as one struggled to resist.

“No!!, Stop! What are you doing to me!” Rachel screamed. Helga held her down with John, as Patricia removed her clothing and started attaching hoses and electrodes, the vibrator in her vagina came last, at which point Rachel started to thrash about wildly. All the while Moneta was whispering into Rachel’s ear.

“Quiet, shhh! John is a good wise and kind master. My Lord will let you serve him! You will be very happy. You may even be permitted to serve as the fertile depository of His seed. This is for your own good!” Rachel was not exactly calmed down by this. She thrashed and jerked so strongly that John was afraid that she might have a coronary. She continued struggling after she had been securely fastened into the chair. He started to worry about the structural integrity of the chair. Who would have thought that she was that strong?!

In the end, they had to give a mild sedative to her just to calm her down enough to be receptive to the emersion rig. Because the mold extract was in some ways much weaker and less specific than his implant, John planned to keep Rachel in the machine for much longer than he had with his other girls. Guided by the feed back from the implant, the emersion rig had only taken 24-36 hours for Patricia, Moneta, and Helga. With no feed back to guide it, John had programmed it accept data from electrodes and blood pressure, but it would still take weeks. On the other hand, John expected the modifications to her character, once made, to be much stronger and complete than his previous efforts. Some of his girls had reported feeling confused, as loyal servants of his will they desired to please him, yet at times they found a great aversion (left over from their old life) to some particular task. John did not believe that the mold based method would require the subject’s conditioning to be updated so frequently since it was not as structured and specific in its mode of application.

Rachel, half sedated and now covered in tubes, restraints, electrodes and the like, moaned and mumbled “Nooooo, not me, not that, OHhhhh Ahhhhhh, stopppp, please let me go!, don’t do this to meeee!, I won’t! I WON”T!!, No please, God No!, what’s happening to me?, my God don’t, please stop!” She kept that up as the program from the rig ran its course.

John knew that it was bombarding her with images and sounds, activating and deactivating the vibrator in her pussy, and monitoring her vital signs. It was teaching her, against her will, that he was the source of sexual gratification, that no other man was desirable, that disobedience was unthinkable, and that she could not harm him by action or inaction. It was also adjusting her, maternal urge to a level more appropriate for her future. John wasn’t a cruel man, he wanted his girls to be happy in the role that he had given them, and so made sure that their natural, or if necessary, un-natural urges were in line with that role.

Over the following weeks, Rachel’s conditioning continued 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With data from the Friary records John had enhanced his device to make use of directed dream induction. (The use of subliminal signals synchronized to the sleep cycle of the subject). Being a little restless as he waited for Rachel’s conditioning to be completed, John decided to test dream induction as a stand alone mind-control technique.

With the help of Patricia, who used to live in the dorms until she moved in with John, he was able to gain brief entry in to the dorm room of Sara Welslow. Sara was an athletic young woman who was one of the stars of the women’s volleyball teem. Half the males on campus lusted after her despite the fact that she was a vocal lesbian. Fortunately for John, she also was quite forgetful about locking her door. With Patricia on point outside the room, John planted three devices in her room. The first was a radio controlled speaker system that he glued to the underside of her metal frame bed; the frame of the bed would act as a perfect audio conductor to the ear of a sleeper. The second device was an audio pickup. The last was a radio controlled flash, similar to the ones on expensive cameras. This he hid in the light fixture.

That night, John waited in his car in a nearby parking lot. He had a telephoto-IR camera (the joys of controlling the labs expense account) trained upon Sara’s dorm window, and was monitoring the audio pickup. At about 2:30 AM, Sara arrived and immediately plopped into bed, she was giggling excessively (even for a blond), so John assumed that she had been out at some party.

After she was asleep, John activated the speaker which began sending words to her dreaming mind:

Sara’s dreams began to take on an erotic theme, she began to dream of dancing to a strong beat, a beat that seamed in synch with her heart. In her dreams she thrust her hips to the beat wanting to push against something... someone. Oddly she saw an image of a nerdy guy who was in her chemistry-for-nonmajors class. A lowly freshman comp-sci student named Richard Pewit. Suddenly, there was a bright light and she woke up. Purple spots dotted her vision; she felt sleepy and went back to bed.

John didn’t know the details of her dream, but knew the general outline: first direct her dreams into a sexual theme, then impose the name of someone she would never normally speak to. (Richard was a student in the chemistry lab that John taught. Richard had made no secret of how he worshiped Sara. John hated to see a smart kid like Richard spurned by some dyke who wouldn’t even say hello to him.) Finally, once the image of Richard was firmly planted, the sleep cycle had to be terminated so as to ensure that the sleeping mind did not wander away from the connections that John was trying to direct it to make. That’s where the flash in the light fixture came in; it also would provide the trigger stimulus later. Every time that Sara tried to sleep, John started up the same cycle. Sara on the other hand didn’t even know what was happening. People rarely remember their dreams, and the half remembered bright light distracted her sleep addled mind from the other imagery of her dreams.

By morning, Sara’s subconscious mind was firmly convinced that Richard was the sexiest human alive. John caught some sleep, having been up all night monitoring Sara, and then headed off to chemistry lab. The University was cheap when it came to these introductory science classes and required that the students work in groups so as to limit the quantity of expensive chemicals used. Sara’s partners were other cheerleaders (two blonds Sally and Jessica... just as air headed as Sara).

When the students started filtering in to the lab, John announced that he was changing the labs around and that today would be the photochemical experiment. The experiment would involve monitoring the pH of a solution as it was exposed to light of different durations and intensity. At the extreme of short duration and high intensity, a flash cube was used. John looked at the cubes thinking that, to Sara, they would look harmless. No way that she could know how pivotal such a small innocuous object could be. The lab got under way, and for a time John was busy helping students set up there apparati, making sure that they didn’t burn them selves with the acid, and generally doing what he was paid to do.

Later, after everybody knew what they were doing, he roamed the lab checking technique and keeping an eye on Sara and Richard’s lab groups. Richard, when he wasn’t doing all the work for his lab partners, was staring at Sara as only a freshman-love-struck-computer-nerd is able to. Sara, on the other hand, ignored him entirely. Then, one of the other lab groups set off its cube. For a moment everybody in the lab saw purple spots, and then got back to work. Everybody, except for Sara that is. She stood still in front of her bench and shook her head. Her partners didn’t notice, but John watched carefully. When she lifted her head, she started to rejoin her group but then literally did a double take when she saw Richard across the room. She stood there staring at him for a moment longer and then quickly turned away when he turned in her direction. For a time she stayed with her partners, until another group’s flash went off, Richard’s group as it turned out. Again, the flash seemed to startle Sara more than others. This drew a look or two from her partners. When Sara recovered, she visibly shuddered and breathed through her mouth as she watched Richard’s every move. At this point her partners began asking what the problem was. Sara, a vocal lesbian, looked at her female partners and back at Richard as if confused, and then tried to shrug off their attention. Sally and Jessica gave each other odd looks behind her back as she suddenly decided to take an interest in the experiment. As the lab wore on and Sara kept being exposed to flashes, she became more and more obviously interested in Richard. Her partners, being the social types, picked up upon this pretty quickly. Sally, another lesbian, started joking that Sara seemed to be crossing party lines. Jessica was just disgusted that with all the better specimens available, Sara was obsessed with the archetypical scrawny nerd. “Listen sister, if you want to try a little guy action, that fine by me, I’ll introduce you to a real stud not some pimple faced loser.” Sara’s face burned with embarrassment, but she kept sneaking peaks at Richard when she thought her ‘friends’ weren’t looking. They started sharpening their teeth... at the speed rumors moved on this campus, this would be whispered over in the gymnasium about three seconds after lab let out.

Section B

Being composed entirely of blonds, Sara’s group was the slowest to complete the lab. When the flash went off right in Sara’s face, she gasped an then in full view of the amazed lab, walked up to Richard and kissed him VERY passionately. Sally’s jaw was on the floor. Jessica had a disgusted look on her face. Several of the other students cheered, or whistled. Richard looked more shocked than he would if someone had shot him. Fortunately, Sara was a sort of take-charge-type as Richard probably wouldn’t be capable of coherent speech for an hour or two. (The lab was totally silent, so everybody heard Sara.) “Lets dump this crowd and go fuck like bunnies!” She then exited the lab dragging the incoherent Richard after her.

Richard said into the stunned silence: “In Chemistry, we call that a ‘Spontaneous Reaction.’”

John later heard that Sara dragged Richard all the way back to her dorm room. (The same room that John had under surveillance.) Later, watching the tape, John was amazed by the animal passion that Sara exhibited as she fairly raped the awed Richard. The moment she had him in the room, she slammed and locked the door, and pushed Richard onto the bed. Richard, who apparently was trying to be a gentleman about this, started to say something, when she ripped her blouse off (popping all the buttons). The sight of Sara’s incredible breasts had the effect of short circuiting Richard’s speech centers, leaving him with the higher brain functions of your average invertebrate. Sara immediately straddled Richard on the bed, kissed him savagely and then pushed him onto his back as she started reliving him of his jeans. Richard had an average sized dick, which obviously was rock hard at about this point. Sara moved one of her hands up and down his shaft as she started undoing her shorts with the other. Finally she shoved her panties to one side and straddled his cock. Richard’s face took on a an “Oh” expression just as she lowered herself onto him. Then she started bouncing up and down upon him with all the energy of a cheerleader. Richard seemed mesmerized by the bouncing of her breasts as she worked herself into a frenzy. John was munching on pop corn as he watched the tape, amazed at the intensity of Sara’s transformation. She had gone from militant dyke to nymphomaniac in less than an hour. If he had wanted to explain how he came to be recording it, he could have made a small fortune selling this tape to the gossip machine of the university. Sara was insatiable, she came to several tectonic orgasms before Richard shot his load... and he didn’t exactly last long. No sooner had he collapsed, than Sara was on her knees sucking him back to hardness... it was clear that Sara had not always been a lesbian as she was clearly quite an experienced cock-sucker. Then she was back to fucking him... This cycle continued until the tape ran out.

John later heard that the two of them were seen eating breakfast together in the cafeteria the next day. Amazingly, Sara and Richard turned out to be a very compatible couple; to the best of John’s knowledge they stayed together and eventually married.

The dream induction experiment with Sara kept John occupied for two weeks, preparing for it, and writing up a report for the Friary. It was important that they not suspect that he was deviating from his routine in any way, especially if they were the ones that had sent Rachel to spy upon him.

When Rachel’s conditioning was finally over, she was very week and frail (Three weeks confined to a chair with only IV nutrition will do that to you.), so John gave her over to Moneta to be nursed back to full strength. A week later, Moneta lead Rachel into John’s presence.

Rachel curtsied in the British fashion, both legs bent, and said “My Lord.”

John, sitting behind Helga’s old desk responded: “Rachel, do you know what I’ve done to you?”

“You’ve claimed me as your servant and your woman M’lord. I know I did not want... this, I had plans... I remember, but none of that matters any more. Now I see that you are the center of my universe, and always have been, I just didn’t know. You made me see my true nature.”

“I used a device and chemicals to change the shape of your mind. What do you know of such things, and how do you feel about it now that I’ve done so?”

John watched her very carefully as she answered looking for any sign that she was struggling against her conditioning. “I... was sick, I think that many women are sick. They have forgotten their natures. You helped me to remember M’lord.”

John smiled, and signaled to Moneta to leave. Inside, he noticed that Rachel did not answer the first part of his question... suggestive that Helga had been right when she said that Moneta was already under the control of another force. John indicated that he would let Rachel suck him off; for now, he was leery of impregnating her, as he was not sure of what he would have to do concerning her in the future. It was upon these dark thoughts that he dwelt as she took his man hood into her mouth and demonstrated delightful creativity in the use of the tongue.