The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Hypnotist at the Bijou

Part 19

Zelmann entered the Police Station and approached the duty officer behind the desk. A lad of around twenty, Zelmann guessed, well groomed and a credit to the uniform. He outlined circumstances surrounding the loss of the pocket watch to the probationary constable, and the constable excused himself for a moment. He slipped behind the petition and was talking inaudibly to someone there, and he returned a minute later with the shift sergeant close behind. This officer was also impeccably groomed, in a well fitting skirt, designer blouse and definitely stockings, Zelmann deduced. Mature, certainly, but this woman was desire personified, beautiful and dignified, sensationally built and tall. And she had the most striking huge crystal blue eyes. “Good afternoon, sir, I’m Sergeant Kestrall, if you would please come this way I can take your particulars.” Brisk and efficient, Zelmann was thinking, very nice.

Sergeant Kestrall led the Professor to an unoccupied room, well out of view from the rest of the station, and she invited him to sit down. “Now, Mr?”

“Zelmann, Professor Zelmann” he prompted, and the sergeant’s eyes glinted with her growing smile.

“So you are, my, my, I’m so pleased to meet you, Mr Zelmann. I went to your show just the other night, a group of us made a night of it, dinner and your show, best night of my life, you were terrific. Ten pin bowling with elephants, that was a riot. So Constable Timmonds says you lost your pocket watch, is that right?” The sergeant was getting straight down to business.

“Dear sergeant, please don’t be offended, but if I may, it’s Professor, not mister. And yes, I believe my pocket watch has been stolen. It sounds a little silly until you realise what is at stake. The watch in question is quite valuable, I put it at around one hundred thousand dollars. Thank you for the compliment, by the way, I am pleased you enjoyed the show. I always enjoy a trip to the dentist, especially when she uses the gas.” Zelmann studied her with a soft and encouraging gaze, and observed her reaction as the suggestion recalled the image in her subconscious, confusion at first giving way to slight clouding in her eyes.

For an instant the sergeant contemplated the dentist comment, but she let it slide, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, Professor; really, one hundred thousand, I find that hard to believe?”

“I understand your doubt, but the time piece is over a hundred years old, and contains unimaginably intricate artwork and jewel placement, and it is a truly unique artefact. You can understand why I am keen for its return, I maintain it has magical properties that enable me to put intelligent people, such as you maybe, into a deep hypnotic sleep.” Zelmann countered.

“Oh, I see, that is different. You wouldn’t be able to hypnotise me though, police conditioning, and all that. I’ll just grab a valuables theft report form, hang on a tick.” The sergeant popped out of the office for a moment and was quickly back again, her head recirculating the dentist applying the gas imagery. “Alright, let’s have some detail, where did you last see the watch.”

Zelmann was considering being naughty with this babe, “The watch normally resides in the top drawer of the dresser in my dressing room. I think your police conditioning will make it very easy for me to hypnotise you. Anyway, I had it out Tuesday, just after lunch, I was swinging it gently to and fro… just swinging it to and fro… you know, to hypnotise a subject… while she watched carefully… to and fro… backwards and forwards… you can imagine it, I’m sure… and after she went down deeply into a hypnotic sleep… I put the hypnotic pocket watch back into the drawer.”

Sergeant Kestrall was rapidly filling in the details on the form, listening, but in a multi-tasking kind of a way, only half attentive. Her mind kept revisiting the dentist applying the gas to the patient as the patient gets sleepier and sleepier. “And does anybody else have access to the dressing room?”

“Yes, I fear, there are many. Tim Southwell, the theatre’s owner, could be instrumental in identifying all the usual visitors. He may be able to offer insight in to any unusual presence, too.” Zelmann offered.

“Do you trust Mr Southwell?”

“Implicitly, he and his dear wife have become very good friends of mine. Do you mind me saying, it is very nice in here, warm, comfortable and relaxing.” Zelmann was lowering his voice.

“We want people to be relaxed in here, there is a lot of stress in a police station. Did you see anyone not supposed to be there recently?” Sergeant Kestrall continued, stifling a yawn.

Zelmann looked up as if he was in deep thought, “come to think of it, there was perhaps someone on Thursday that looked out of place. While I was on stage, slowly hypnotising a beautiful woman from the audience… seeing her eyes getting so heavy… so tired… so sleepy… and as her eyes were closing softly I noticed out the corner of my eye there was a youth making toward the backstage exit. I wasn’t thinking too much about it at that time, as I needed to concentrate on counting down as the woman was going deeper and deeper into sleep.”

Connie and Cherie had driven up to the hills behind Mt Lofty, heading towards Uraidla. There was a picnic spot they used to go to with their parents when they were kids, and it had been years and years since they had visited it. As they pulled up into the car parking area they noticed there were a lot of new buildings around the grounds, but there was no doubting the magic was still there. From the rear edge of the well maintained playing field you could easily imagine you were the only people in the world, with the majestic hills rising up on all sides obscuring everything beyond, and only the sounds of birds and insects sweetly resonating around the landscape. Both girls had their stockings on underneath, but were wearing their trousers, hiking socks and boots to walk to the spot where they would sit and spread the blanket, and truly enjoy their picnic.

Sergeant Kestrall’s eyes were drooping, her delightfully huge eyelids hanging at half mast as the images became rampant, counting down, more gas, going to sleep, she was slipping. “Can you describe the youth?” She slowly drawled.

“He was tall, about six foot at a guess. In the gloom of the theatre, however, I couldn’t make out too much more detail, fair hair, maybe sandy coloured. Please forgive me if I can’t recall detail, it is sometimes difficult to think clearly when… you are tired… and I have been performing many hypnotic trances this last month… making so many people like you so very sleepy… I’m sure you can imagine how sleepy you can become after all that hard work… you work very hard… and it makes you tired… and you get sleepy… you are sleepy now… your eyes want to close… your eyelids are so incredibly heavy now… please let me be your friend… I will cover for you for a minute or two, so you can… go to sleep… just relax now and… go to sleep.” Zelmann picked up on her drawl, noting her lapsing state of mind, and the timing of his attack was perfect. Sergeant Tiffany Kestrall was imagining all manner of sleepy pictures, the dentist with the gas, counting down to sleep, working hard, going to bed after a hard day, and her eyes were suddenly so incredibly heavy. She faintly remembered something about the theatre the other night as her eyelids began to droop, this feeling was in fact familiar, her tired eyes drooping, the air seeming warm and dense, her thoughts wandering off. She was making a token attempt to keep her eyes open, but her will was not in it, and they slowly closed, unable to be reopened. Gradually she became deeply hypnotised, her eyes tightly closed and her head tilting forward, just a little.

“There, now, my beautiful sergeant, you are so wonderfully relaxed and listening only to my voice… your eyes are now so tired and heavy that you simply cannot open them… no matter how hard you should try… and I think you should try… your eyes will not open… but you must try with all your might… but you will fail… try to open your eyes… try harder… you will fail… you are under my power.” Zelmann was in complete control.

Sergeant Kestrall was struggling hard to lift her eyelids, but she only managed to raise her eyebrows, although quite impressively high, but her eyes remained steadfastly closed. She slumped further under his power. “In a moment I am going to wake you up, and you will react to the comment that I could hypnotise you because of your police training. You will decide to challenge me to hypnotise you, believing that there is no chance of me succeeding, but you will be totally wrong, and this will make you feel incredibly sexually excited. Your training as a police woman has made response to orders second nature, and my orders to you will be irresistible. As you get sleepier and sleepier, and as your eyelids get heavier and heavier, your clitoris will get tingly and sizzly, your pussy will quiver and get juicier and juicier as I put you deeply into my power. It is your strongest desire that I make you obey me. As I count from one to five you will awaken, no idea you have been asleep, and reconnecting to the description of the sandy haired youth. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5. But as I said, the theatre is dark beyond the stage so I am only approximating.

Tiffany had clicked back into the conversation, checking the last comment on her form as ‘best guess’, and quizzing him on any further information. When the Professor said there was nothing more he could recall, Sergeant Kestrall regarded him with a dubious look, “What do you mean my police training would make it easy for you to hypnotise me? I will call your bluff, dear Professor, try to hypnotise me, I bet you can’t.”

After a brisk nature walk, and then consuming the fabulous lunch they brought with them, Connie and Cherie sipped their coffees poured from the thermos as they reminisced about those good old days. It didn’t take them long to steer the conversation to the good new days, however, with them both acknowledging their wonderful good fortune, and incredibly so since meeting Professor Zelmann. “When did you first hear about the Professor coming to the theatre?” Cherie asked Connie.

“You know, that is a bit of a strange story. It wasn’t long after the John Lennon show when Tim came home one evening with his eyes like glass doll’s eyes. I asked him what was wrong, and he just walked out to the bathroom ‘to get cleaned up and ready for dinner’, he said. When we were eating he was quiet, staring off onto space, like he wasn’t in full possession of his faculties, and I prompted him over and over to tell me what was wrong. I finally asked where he went that day, and he smiled and told me he had a new act for the theatre. But he wouldn’t tell me what it was, so I let it drop. The next day it was as if nothing had happened, but little by little I forgot about it. Then, there was a buzz around the staff at the theatre, there was a new act coming and it was hush hush. His first night was amazing, the house was apparently packed, that’s when I found out he was a hypnotist. Tim and I were having really good sex, I recall, not that we ever had a problem on that score, he just seemed to get more excited all the time. And it’s been getting better ever since. I reckon that might have had something to do with it.”

Cherie asked, “What, so you think Zelmann might have hypnotised Tim?”

“Oh, no, nothing like that. My guess is that every time Tim sees a beautiful woman entranced he gets turned on, and it gathers up inside him till he needs to express it, and that’s where I come in, bless him.” Connie now stared into the distance.

“Did you ever in your wildest imagination expect that you might become a hypnotic subject?” Cherie mused.

“Not in a thousand lifetimes, that one really did take me by surprise, I can’t get over how brilliant it feels, too, his mind kind of reaching into mine and turning it into putty. Actually, not putty, yearning. He makes you do stuff, because you yearn to please him. But he is obviously brilliant, because the drifting away sensation clinches it, and apparently then he is still making you do stuff. Damn, that still makes my pussy so hot, doing things without knowing about it, and without having any control over it. Oh my, I’m coming over all funny again. How about you?” Connie was as aroused as anything.

“We need to find something else to talk about, we’re not alone here, and I feel I might grab you at any moment if we don’t stop.” Cherie confided. The girls worked the conversation to other things, to try and take their minds off the growing sexual heat. Cherie then started to talk to Connie about shoes, and how it was about time she treated herself to some new ones. Connie had been toying with that for a while, now, after seeing her man get the feelings for Cherie when she paraded her new pumps in front of him. She hardly needed to find another reason to get Tim worked up, but she really did love shoes, and it had been a long time since she had bought some.

“Right, that settles it, we must go shoe shopping. Let’s go!” Connie had decided, and so off they went, back to the big smoke.

Zelmann watched as the beautiful sergeant straightened up and folded her arms across her chest, daring him to try. “Listen carefully… you will listen carefully… you know it is important… you need to listen to my words so you can work out how to avoid becoming sleepy… you must avoid it… becoming sleepy… fight the heaviness in your eyelids… listen for the trick words… your eyelids are getting heavy… but you are listening… so even though your tiredness is increasing… you are still paying attention… you don’t think… you are going to sleep… even if… I command you to sleep… your eyes will not stay open… and you can see… falling asleep is easy… unless you… pay attention to my voice… and don’t… allow your mind to wander… your eyes get sleepy… they start to close… officer… go to sleep… close your eyes… go to sleep… that is an order!”

Tiffany found the intense pleasure and growing arousal in her pussy quite distracting as he spoke, and she soon discovered her eyes were drooping. Zelmann’s cock was like an iron bar as he watched her magnificent eyelids getting heavier and heavier, those huge eyelids drooping lower and lower over her crystal blue orbs. He added the order just to make his cock twitch, and it worked beautifully, she dropped like a stone through water and his cock did twitch, and tingled. “You are deeply hypnotised again, Sergeant Kestrall. Tell me, sweet girl, what is your first name?”

“Tiffany,” she answered.

“Now, Tiffany, you are under my power, and you will do as I say. You must write your address down for me on your business card and tell me when it would be convenient for me to come and hypnotise you at your home. You desperately want me to visit you at your home so you can touch my cock, is that clear, my dear?”

“Oh, yes. I so want to touch your cock. Here is my address, my husband works afternoons and I get off at midday, I am alone from twelve thirty until late at night.” Tiffany was hypnotised and totally besotted, the idea of touching the hypnotist’s cock sent her mind reeling into fantasies, lubricating her now tingly pussy.

Zelmann programmed the now defenceless policewoman, “Very good, my delightful hypnotic slave, you will be certain to be home and alone and vulnerable on Thursday at one o’clock, and you will remain in your uniform, stockings and pumps included. When I arrive you will be expecting me, even though you don’t know why. You will try to update me on the progress of the case, but I will be slowly hypnotising you, and your mind will slip into my power once again. Do you understand, dear Tiffany?”

“Yes, I understand, keep my uniform on, Thursday, stockings and pumps, one o’clock, yes, I will obey.” Tiffany was monotone, delicious, Zelmann couldn’t be happier.

“In a moment I will wake you up, you will dedicate as many resources as you can spare into finding my pocket watch, this is extremely important to you now. As you awaken you will be as pleased as punch that I failed to hypnotise you, you will only know that I tried to hypnotise you and your police training enabled you to be strong, and resist me completely, you do not remember anything else. Wide awake at the count of five, 1… 2… 3… 4… 5. Ah, well, so you were right, your training has obviously served you well.” Zelmann led the gorgeous police officer back to the light.

Tiffany was exuberant, “There you see, I told you what would happen. Now, I must get started on this case, I’ll assign three of my top officers to it, forthwith!”

“I am most appreciative, thank you so much.” As he said this Zelmann was rising to leave, and the lovely Tiffany Kestrall rose with him, noting her slick and slippery love nest as she moved.

‘Heck, what a man!’ she was thinking, I must get this case solved for him. “Leave it with us, Professor Zelmann, I’m sure we will have a result for you soon.” With some cordial farewells Zelmann left the Police Station and headed for the wine bar to grab some lunch. It was just past midday, he had plenty of time before his session with Meggs at two, and he desired to be with Cassandra for a while as she was winding up her last week as a waitress.

Cherie and Connie were in the middle of a love fest, each of them considering kissing, and maybe even licking, but then it would be unseemly to treat shoes like that in public. Connie couldn’t get over how talented and attentive the shoe salesgirl was, softly caressing and stroking Cherie’s feet as she tried on a pair of midnight purple pumps. Connie hadn’t bought shoes for herself for a long time, and though she wasn’t short of classy pumps in her wardrobe, the look of this new range of colours and styles was irresistible. “Tell you what, attention like that might just sway me to buy a pair myself.” Connie said to the salesgirl.

“I assume madam is the same size as her friend, I’ll bring another pair.” The salesgirl purred.

Connie quickly interjected, “And some of the burgundy, and the two tone black and silver.”

“As madam wishes.” The salesgirl was eloquent and obliging, and extraordinarily efficient. She returned in no time at all with two pairs of each, offering a choice of best fit (no two pairs of shoes are ever exactly the same size, and no two feet are ever really the same size, the shoe paradox). For the next fifteen minutes the attentive salesgirl made love to two pairs of beautiful feet, eventually creating three pairs of doe eyed women with purring pussies, and of course sales of six pairs of very well fitted pumps. Cherie made it known that that was it, no more shoes. She now had seven pairs to return home with, although she truly expected they would get their wear over time. Connie was as pleased as punch, she had never bought three pairs of shoes at one sitting, and she reckoned she had never had three pairs of shoes that fit so well (I’m sorry to the guys who aren’t into the shoe thing, I’ll try to get a grip). They had both tipped the salesgirl, because that was one heavenly experience.

Cherie and Connie went to the car to put all the shopping away before heading to the wine bar to meet up with Meggs, and they would have a bite to eat before meeting with the Professor this afternoon. As they strode into the wine bar they immediately saw the Professor kissing up Cassandra’s arm, and Cassandra was loving it. She saw them first and gave them a wave, and Professor Zelmann turned to see what she was waving at, and instantly invited them to share his table. Cassandra took their orders, and just as she turned to leave, Meggs walked in through the doorway. Cherie stood up, touched Cassandra’s arm and waved with her other hand to attract Meggs attention. Meggs took a second or two while her eyes adjusted to the light, and then beamed a smile as she caught sight of the foursome across the room. She seductively danced over to the table where they were all gathered (only way to describe the elegant and graceful movements of this slender amazon), and engaged in a frenzied hugging session with Cherie and Connie, followed by Cassandra, and shyly with the Professor.

Cassandra added Meggs order to the pad and scooted, and Connie got up to fetch everyone a drink. Meggs was fondly looking into Cherie’s eyes, a look of utter appreciation emanating from her face, and the Professor said, “I agree, dear beautiful Meggs, Cherie is indeed a wonder. Women such as you all here are never going to have difficulty in currying favour with me, but Cherie could talk all four legs off a donkey I’m sure, and then convince it to go for a walk afterwards.”

Meggs chipped in, “Thank you so much, Cherie, and thank you Professor, for agreeing to see me. I am frantic with worry about this obsession, it seems absurd, but I can’t stop!” Connie was putting the drinks down on the table, and sat and listened to the conversation, without really knowing what they were talking about.

“Do not give it another thought, lovely girl, there is no problem, just a need for information on how to tackle the joys of my hypnotism. Look at me Meggs, think deeply on the joys of my hypnotism. You see, it is simply how your mind processes the information that determines the actions you take, and I can ensure that you will process my hypnotism to your advantage, and not your detriment, from now on.” The Professor explained. While he was talking and drawing Meggs on the subject, her pussy burned with desire and lust, but his calming words somehow seemed to keep her grounded, she didn’t feel an immediate need to stick her fingers inside and rub and pinch and squeeze. But the naughty man was sure making her pussy throb, though. Cherie and Connie were throbbing a little too, come to think it, and Connie was sort of up to speed.

For a while the four talked, and the inevitable ‘Cherie bought more shoes’ came up, and the Professor rolled his eyes, although admitting that implanting such images in his furtive brain indeed made for pleasant contemplation. He reminded Cherie that if he should ever get to hypnotise her, he would take great delight in tickling her pretty feet, lovingly removing her beautiful shoes would be a bonus. Meggs was getting hotter.

Cassandra delivered the food to the table, and everyone offered thanks and compliments, but poor Cassandra delivered the bad news to the Professor, another girl was running late for her shift, and Cassandra would not be off for another three hours while she covered for her. The Professor stood and gave her a loving hug, and explained he was busy this afternoon himself, tending to Meggs needs, and praising Cassandra for her selfless acts for the business. Cassandra bade farewell and headed back to the kitchen. The four all enjoyed pleasant conversation as they ate their lunch, remarking on the fine cuisine at this establishment, although having a bit of a grizzle about the prices charged for the drinks. As the food settled in their tummies, and the last of the glasses was drained, the group embarked on the trek to the theatre.

As the troop passed by Tim’s office he gave a bemused smile. “Oh, no, now he’s going to hypnotise my wife, my sister in law and their great friend, too. What manner of devilry is this?” Tim almost immediately regretted saying that as his cock swelled instantly, tingling and twitching outrageously. The girls laughed, but a part of them also became a little more sexually aroused at the very idea, but Cherie attempted to throw a damper on it, “No, Tim, we are just giving Meggs an idea of resistance and control, no naughtiness today.” Somehow that helped Tim, and his erection subsided. Didn’t help Meggs, though, ‘naughtiness, oh how thrilling’, Meggs was hotter, again.

Professor Zelmann led them through to his dressing room, and had them all sit at his table. He turned on the overhead light to rescue the indoor gloom, and came to the table and sat down with the girls. “Firstly, Cherie, your strength and resistance have rendered you immune to my inductions, so obviously it is unlikely that… you will fall deeply under my hypnotic power as I hypnotise dear Meggs. You will concentrate quite automatically on my induction, but I’m sure that as my words enter your mind you will find it easy not to… fall asleep as you listen. Connie, you are a little more susceptible, you enjoyed your trance so much the other day I expect that you will want to succumb to my power again. You may, if you wish, I will look after you, and Cherie will guard you, your desire to go deeply into a hypnotic trance again will be entirely up to you. Meggs, I am truly looking forward to inducing a properly beguiling trance with you, you absolutely charm me. Now my dear, is there a favoured method by which… you dearly want to be hypnotised?”

Meggs was so hot now she could barely contain herself, being totally flushed as she responded, “When I was little I saw a magician at a carnival. He had a woman sit opposite him and close and open her eyes while he counted, until she couldn’t open them anymore. That had quite an effect on me, can you do that?”

“I most certainly can. Do you have any idea what number she managed to get up to before she was unable to open her eyes anymore?” Zelmann queried.

“I think it was twenty five, but he kept counting. She struggled, but they wouldn’t open. Yes, it was, twenty five.” Meggs was aroused.

Professor Zelmann began his induction, “Wonderful, I see you remember it very well. I expect you will not take so long, your eyes will be closed much earlier than that. Now for this induction I would ask you to first… pay careful attention to my voice… listen carefully to what I say… and absorb all of my suggestions… in a moment I will begin counting… and as I count each odd number you must close your eyes… and as I count each even number you will try to open them again… close your eyes on odd numbers… try to open them on even numbers… for example… one… close your eyes… two… open your eyes… three… close your eyes… four… try to open your eyes… and so on…”

Meggs was paying close attention and was almost overwhelmed with joy, this was exactly as she remembered it happening, although the Professor’s voice made it even more exciting, and compelling. As he demonstrated the start, all three of the girls were unwittingly closing and opening their eyes in time with the numbers. All critical sensors were on hold.

The Professor continued, “As you continue to listen, my voice will appear to become drowsier and drowsier… with each and every number you will feel drowsier and drowsier… and your eyelids will quickly become heavier and heavier… heavier and heavier… and it will be so hard to open your eyes on each even count… you will want to keep your eyes closed… it feels so nice when your eyes are closed… it is such a struggle to open your eyes… when your eyes are closed it feels so nice to keep them closed… and when you can’t open them any more I will keep counting… and when you hear me count and you can’t open your eyes it will make you go ten times deeper to sleep with each number… as I count each number you will go ten times deeper to sleep… you are sleepy already… so very sleepy… one… close your eyes… two… try to open your eyes… three… close your heavy eyes…”

As expected all the girls eyelids were drooping heavily, and as he counted one all three girls closed their eyes. They easily opened them again as he counted two, but there was already a softening of focus in their gaze. At three their eyelids seemed to fall more than being closed, and four produced an effort.

“Four… so hard to open them already, isn’t it, your eyes are so heavy… five… do not resist… close your heavy eyes and sleep… it is so difficult to resist me… six… trying so hard to open your eyes… so hard to open your eyes… seven… heavier and heavier… your eyes must close tightly… you’re so tired… so sleepy… eight… don’t open your eyes… you can’t… you’re asleep… your eyelids are too heavy… nine… go to sleep… go deeply to sleep… deeply to sleep… ten… no use trying now… you are under my power and cannot open your eyes… eleven… ten times deeper to sleep… ten times deeper to sleep… twelve… fast asleep and deeply under my power now, you will obey… you are unable to resist me… I am once again your master hypnotist (profound hypnotic clitty tingles).

All three girls were again in a deep hypnotic trance, ready to do Zelmann’s bidding. He launched in to his commands, “Meggs… tell me what my hypnotism does to you that you find unfavourable.”

Meggs mouth worked for a moment before she answered, and when she did it was feeling like a dry dish cloth. “I love when you make people obey, I can’t get enough of that arousing feeling when someone, especially me, gets all submissive and obedient, it makes my pussy hot. But I can’t control it. It’s one thing to enjoy something, but when it gets so out of control I can’t help myself, it scares me, and that makes it worse, it makes me feel submissive, and I get hornier again.”

Zelmann, “Then I have the perfect solution. Look into my eyes, Meggs, and obey me…” He lit up his rings of fire and blazed a hypnotic stare into Meggs eyes. She was helpless, and so turned on she could barely stand it, even under hypnosis. “As I stare into your very soul I am building a network of checks and balances in your mind. When you want to be aroused, your reactions to my hypnosis will be ten times more overpowering and exciting than they are even now. But at any time that you would like to refuse, reduce or simply resist the responses it will be as simple as that, you just will. Look into my eyes… Tell me that you understand me.”

Meggs subconscious suddenly underwent a shift in activity, she felt it. She didn’t have any idea what it was that shifted, but she could feel access to things she never knew were there. It was as if someone had lifted a huge cupboard from near a wall and exposed an array of switches, and the switches were clearly marked and easy to read and operate. A massive swell of relief consumed her, and tears streamed down her cheeks. “Oh my, I do, I understand you. I can see how to control it now. It’s brilliant, it’s fixed, wow!”

Zelmann disengaged his fire, and looked softly into Meggs eyes now. “You will enjoy watching hypnosis more and more all the time, but you will choose your response. When you want it you will become insanely sexually excited and aroused, uncontrollably orgasming and juicing. But only when you want to do it. And you will be prudent about how often you indulge yourself, too much of a good thing equals a bad thing. For the rest of your life you will experience good things, good luck and good friends. You will always make good decisions and have good times, this is all within your grasp now. Sleep even deeper. Connie, you are as excited as you can possibly be, you were watching, and then you were deeply hypnotised, and you can’t resist me, and it drives you wild. Cherie, as always, you thought you were resisting, then you were under my power again, and it makes you sexually excited too. Meggs, I don’t even need to tell you that you are sexually excited, your heavenly woman scent is a dead giveaway, I think I need to make you play some sex games, don’t you?”

All the girls were oohing and arghing, moaning and groaning, he was going to make them do stuff, yum. “Girls, stand up and come with me. It is imperative that you be very quiet, or everyone currently in the theatre will hear all about your mad sex romp. Meggs, lay down on the massage table on your back. Cherie, remove Megg’s knickers, Connie, remove Megg’s shoes, Meggs, you can’t move.” Zelmann put his hands to Meggs knees and gently parted them, offering them all a plain view of her adorably trimmed pussy. He stroked gently along her labia, coating the area with her generous juices and massaging it into her clitoral bud. He began a circling motion around her bud and slowly increased pressure and speed, keeping it lubricated with her juices and adjusting his touch to her groans. “Now sweetly tickle her feet, girls, show her what ecstasy really means.”

Cherie and Connie started trailing their fingers along the soles of her feet, sensitively working along under her toes from time to time, and following her high arches down to the heels. Meggs catwalk time had given her strong muscular feet, and it was obvious she took great care of them. Perfectly formed long toes, no deformation, corns or bunions (bollocks, I can’t believe I said that, I want you to see just pretty pictures of her magnificent feet, Author), they were smooth, tender and so incredibly ticklish. Meggs felt the tickling going straight through her clitoris and vagina, scintillating her already considerable arousal, it was too much, and a wave of violent throbbing spasms took her over the edge, crashing down as pulse after pulse of intense tingling pleasure thrilled her entire being. But Zelmann didn’t stop.

“Connie, I bet Meggs would be truly delighted if you should pleasure her pussy further with your lips and tongue, and Cherie, sucking and licking Meggs beautiful nipples and gently kneading her breasts will doubtless add even more to her excitement. I command you both to do it now!” The Professor boomed, the girls melting under his control. Connie darted her tongue to Megg’s slit, and probed inside, swelling her G spot to firm and fleshy, causing Meggs to squirm with intense pleasure. Meanwhile Cherie had swiftly bared Meggs breasts and was joyously circling her nipples and caressing her flesh, turning the nipples into stiff and crinkly points fairly aching with excitement. When she began to suck and nibble at the nipples Meggs convulsed in the throes of another tumultuous orgasm, and somehow the sisters between them managed to produce only enough stimulation to foster an ongoing pulse of ultimate enjoyment as wave after wave of orgasmic spasm racked Megg’s body with ecstasy. They kept it going for over a minute, Meggs babbling uncontrollably into her sleeve to muffle the sound, tears of joy streaming from her eyes. “Keep cumming, Meggs, you are under my power, I control you, you cannot resist, keep your orgasm on the boil, you adore this pleasure, you can’t get enough of my hypnotic entertainment, you are mine, cum harder now, obey!”

The feeling was now utterly sublime, the electrical sparks flying around her body and mind, her convulsing now steady and rhythmic eliciting more and more gratification, she was well and truly spent. “Alright girls, slowly bring her down now and love her and care for her. Caress her and nurture her until she is returned to normal, hold her in your arms, tell her you love her.” Zelmann was tending to her long term well being, preparing her to receive his final stabilising commands, and Cherie and Connie were expertly comforting Meggs as she came down from the most exhilarating experience of her life. “Dear, sweet Meggs, I have instilled in your mind the ability to enjoy the most fantastic of sexual and emotional pleasures. I have also trained you to control your urges when desirable, and to know when that is. Your life belongs to you, and even though you will always be my hypnotic slave, and you will always want that, you can easily resist any attempt to influence you by any other person.” The Professor was glaring his most powerful hypnotic glare into her eyes, Meggs was paralysed, but her face showed adoration and profound gratitude. “If you wish, I will allow you to observe as I make Cherie and Connie please each other, and have an orgasmic eruption of their own. Do you wish to see it?”

Meggs head was still spinning like a tumble drier, her body fizzing with her recent activity, but she couldn’t miss that for anything, “Yes, oh yes, let me adore my friends in their excitement.” Her eyes becoming steadier were sparkling with interest as the Professor brought the sisters together.

“Cherie, your sister is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen, you cannot resist her charms. You are inspired to seduce her and make her your lover, using your manual dexterity to produce ultimate pleasure. Connie, Cherie is irresistible to you, you want so very desperately to experience her prowess, and to express your own desire. Gaze longingly into each other’s eyes, your bodies are like magnets, you are drawn together in sexual heat. You must obey me.” Zelmann had eyes of fire again, but more of pure lust than persuasion. And then, something extraordinary happened. The girls were looking toward each other when it began. There seemed to be a natural imbalance, Connie was becoming subservient, and although without instruction, Cherie appeared to be taking control, and the lustful gaze was becoming hypnotic, literally, as Cherie took over Connie’s mind. Zelmann could see Cherie’s innate talent as he realised what Cherie was doing, and he was overjoyed, she was a natural. Cherie was acting the hypnotist role, and was hypnotising Connie in a fashion (as they were already hypnotised, of course), and Connie was responding.

Cherie brought her lips to Connie’s, and reached behind her head and gently pulled her into the kiss. With her other hand Cherie immediately reached into Connie’s panties and slipped two fingers into Connie’s aching pussy, and perched her thumb on the button. As she slid the fingers in and out of Connie’s pussy, she gently rocked her thumb to and fro on her clitoral nub, and Connie rose to fever pitch rapidly. In response Connie cupped Cherie’s pubis and massaged and squeezed, and pinched her clitoris in a regular motion. Cherie loosened herself from Connie’s lips for just a moment, and in a low growl commanded, “Connie, cum now, I command you to cum, cum hard, cum now, you will obey!” She immediately returned to the lip lock as both women orgasmed intensely, screaming onto each other’s mouth, deadening the sound. Zelmann could not fucking believe his senses, the most amazing thing he had ever seen was happening in front of his very eyes. His hypnotic slave had just taken a hypnotic slave of her own, and had her under her power (you know what I mean).

Zelmann turned briefly to Meggs, “Quickly, dear Meggs, take my cock in your hand and gently, rapidly stroke it to orgasm, I adore you, I adore you all and cannot take it anymore.” Meggs was now as close to normal as you get under profound hypnotic trance, but her eyes sparkled again at her presumed appeal to the mighty Professor Zelmann, master hypnotist, and she avidly applied her technique to his organ, bringing him to the ecstasy of his orgasm in thirty seconds flat, Zelmann catching the prize of her efforts deftly in his handkerchief. If not for his astounding abilities and control, Zelmann’s eyes might well have been spinning, his thoughts certainly were. He hatched a plan. ‘I think she may be ready’ went through his mind, ‘by George, I’ll do it’. With that he got everyone tidied up, including himself, and said, “In a moment I will awaken you… Meggs… you have been hypnotised, and your problems have been solved… Cherie and Connie… you watched me hypnotise Meggs, and were not influenced in the slightest. Connie, that makes you incredibly happy, you watched and weren’t captured, you think. Cherie, you remember resisting as you always do, and you are disappointed about how it seems everyone else gets hypnotised, but not you. As you leave you will go for a drink at the wine bar, and as you exit my dressing room, Cherie, you will realise you wanted to ask me something and will tell the other two that you will catch up with them there. You will come back here and I will hypnotise you, you have something very important to do. Wide awake at the count of five, 1… 2… 3… 4… 5. And so, dear Meggs, does that feel any different?”

Meggs beamed a hundred watt smile, “Wow, how on earth do you do that? I’ve never felt so good in my entire life! And yes, I get it now, the discipline is all it takes. If I want it, I can, if I want to resist, I can do that too, simple!” As the girls got up to leave, Cherie moped about the boring role, just sitting and watching him put other women under his spell, the Professor chuckled, and then she did too. Then as they strolled out toward the main door, Cherie hesitated, and she waved a hand and said she’d catch up with them at the wine bar, she needed to confirm something with the Professor. She then turned and knocked on his door, again. He smiled as she entered, and as she sat at the table again she was confused.

“Why did I do that?” she thought out loud, and the Professor gave her a knowing look.

“Because I told you to when I hypnotised you.” Zelmann announced. That didn’t help Cherie’s cause, there was no memory of any hypnosis, …or commands, …or, …what the fuck was he talking about? She wasn’t hypnotised, she resisted like she always does, she remembers it. While her thoughts were reeling the Professor began to light up his hypnotic fire, and his stare grew intense. Cherie could not look away, and the sexy loss of control thingy was back. “Just a moment ago, I had you under deep hypnosis, and you performed an improbable act of imagination and intellectual superiority. I have never seen a natural hypnotist other than myself, but I have discovered that you are such a thing.” Cherie was half awake, half under hypnosis, and her mind was able to put a few things in place as he spoke to her. She understood what he was saying, even though she was unable to do anything but listen and think.

“I have a simple question, Cherie, but one that you must think long and hard about. I put it to you that you are going to be equally as good a hypnotist as I am, if you want it. But with this amount of power comes an enormous amount of responsibility, you must not enter into it lightly. What’s more, the desire you have for submission to me must take a breather, while we turn your talent on and enhance it. And while you think about it I must make you remember everything. Can you do that without being overwhelmed?” The rumble in Zelmann’s voice was like an approaching thunderstorm, unimaginable power building to a climax.

“I… I really don’t know.” Cherie, timid as a little mouse, now that was unimaginable. The enormity of what he was suggesting was perfectly clear in her mind, she almost wished it wasn’t. Hypnotising Connie, yum, hypnotising Tim, and Connie, fuck yes, hypnotising Jane, Sue (groan), Meggs, Sandi, getting dizzy now, feeling a little sick. How could she possibly say no to this, how could she possibly cope with this? What a rush, why can’t I stop staring into his eyes? And then, all of a sudden, “Yes, I want it! I want to be a hypnotist like you.”

The Professor started slowly, “In a moment you will have a drink with Connie and Meggs, can you keep this incredible truth to yourself?” He asked.

“Erm, maybe not, can you wait til another time?” Cherie wondered candidly.

“Yes, I think that will be better, at a later time I can prepare you properly, and take the time necessary to fully induct you. Okay, for now I will put you into a trance again and make you forget. Cherie, look deeper into my eyes… sleep… sleep… deeper and deeper asleep!” Cherie’s pussy never wanted to lose this, melting under his power again, but the idea of being a hypnotist was also firing her lust. But for now the light of day was evaporating for her, and her hypnotic trance had returned. “Once again my dearest Cherie I have taken control of you, and you will simply obey. When you awaken you will remember we discussed a project I am working on and will be very excited about having an involvement. On Thursday morning you will make sure to be on your own so you can come here to me and become a powerful hypnotist, and spend the time we need to create understanding and control. For now, though, simply think you resisted again when I hypnotised Meggs and have no memory. Awaken and return to normal. So when you come Thursday morning, I’ll outline the project then. See you.”

“Wonderful, I am looking forward to it. I wish you would tell me what you want me to do, though.” Cherie was all tingly and expectant about the Professor’s new project, but that was going to have to wait until Thursday, bugger. She moseyed on out of the theatre and off to the wine bar, and was soon enjoying a drink with Connie and Meggs. They were curious about her return to the Professor, Meggs suggested he must have hypnotised her, and she replied that there was no such luck, she would have resisted him again anyway. She didn’t know why she kept doing that, she really wanted to try it. Still never mind, he was working on a new project and offered Cherie an involvement if it worked out, so she would let them know what happened. Then it was into girl talk, and I don’t know how that goes so I will leave it to your imaginations.