The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

‘Fringe Benefits’


This material is for adults only; it contains explicit sexual imagery, non-consensual relationships, human alteration, stuff not for kiddies or most grown-ups, and is probably not fit for mainstream consumption. If you are offended by this type of material or you are under legal age in your area, do NOT continue reading.

Any similarities to individuals, alive or dead, are purely coincidental.

CHAPTER 2—Orientation

Laura half-jogged across the street to the BeTech building making certain not to fall flat on her face in her pumps, which she wasn’t used to wearing. She was only 5 minutes late, the earliest she’d ever been for an interview. She couldn’t believe that Stacey had gotten her an appointment so fast. She felt like her luck was finally starting to change, that things were going to work out, she just knew that she was going to slam dunk this interview. She didn’t want to jinx it, but things just seemed to align themselves so easily to think otherwise, so she went with it. She’d had an exalted feeling all day, she felt invincible.

She walked into the lobby, went to the security desk, and they directed her instantly to a meeting room right off of the lobby. She made her way over towards where the guard had pointed, walking amongst the huge potted banana tree plants that adorned the lobby. They’d just been watered and glistened tropically in the noon sun that blasted mercilessly into the atrium. How Nineteen Seventy whatever, thought Laura.

She made her way to the back of the lobby and found Conference Room B as directed. She walked in to find a big conference table that could seat twenty, but only one person seated at the table. When Laura walked in, the woman seated jumped slightly as if nervous and quickly stood and turned to face Laura. She was a very young, very petite Asian girl. Vietnamese, Laura guessed. She walked towards Laura, extended her hand and said, “Hello, my name’s Thao.”

“Pleased to meet you, I’m Laura. I’m here for the interview..?”

The Asian girl’s formal smile dropped a little bit to be replaced by slight confusion.

“Oh. so am I. I thought you were the one who was going to interview me. I’ve been waiting here for 15 minutes, I was beginning to think they’d forgotten about me.”

Laura had thought Thao to be the interviewer as well. She was dressed in a very smart business suit with a very short skirt that showed off her slender legs. She looked quite professional compared to Laura’s slacks and simple blouse.

“Hi Thao, pleased to meet you,” echoed Laura, shaking her hand, slightly puzzled. “What position are you applying for? They wouldn’t interview as at the same time would they.? For the same position.?”

“Beats me. My friend got me the interview, it’s a data entry position like hers. Said it pays better than any other data entry job.”

Before they could say anything else, a door opened at the other end of the room, and Stacey walked in with another woman in tow. The two girls stopped talking and smiled at the girls as they made their way towards them.

“Hey Stace,” said Laura matter-of-factly. Stacey was once again wearing a short black skirt with black stockings. In fact, Laura had made sure to wear pants as a counterpoint to Stacey’s regular attire. Laura noticed the girl behind Stacey wearing a similar outfit, only in all white. Laura smirked slightly. Together, they looked like opposing chess pieces.

Stacey introduced the other girl as Gwen, and Laura shook her hand. Gwen could only manage half a smile and seemed preoccupied. Laura took the initiative and introduced Thao to both Laura and Gwen. Thao smiled politely.

“Yes, Gwen’s my friend who got me this interview.” she stated. Gwen said nothing in response to this. Gwen seemed light years away.

“Have a seat, ladies,” said Stacey quickly to fill the uncomfortable silence. Thao and Laura sat down at the closest seats, while Gwen went to a cabinet in the corner of the room. What she pulled out she seemed to purposefully keep out of view.

Laura could tell by Gwen’s demeanor that she was in no position of authority, so Laura asked Stacey straight out, “Stace, I wasn’t expecting to see you down here. You’re not going to be the one who interviews me, are you? Because if so, my starting salary’s 80k and I want a company car.” Thao and Laura laughed. Stacey turned to face Gwen, ignoring Laura. The two seemed to confer silently for a moment as Stacey took something from Gwen. Stacey turned back towards Laura as Gwen walked behind Laura over to Thao.

“We’re just going to show you a quick video. It’s standard practice, it’ll tell you all about what we do here at BeTech.” Stacey had what looked like big plastic sunglasses with the lenses cut out in her hands. She was holding them the wrong way around and she was approaching Laura as if she was going to put them on her head.

“What’s that thing?” Laura asked ducking slightly out of its reach

“It’s one of the products we make here at BeTech. It’s like a TV. It’s standard practice. It’ll tell you all about what we do here at BeTech, “answered Stacey. Laura watched as Gwen placed the visor onto Thao’s face. Thao’s head went back slightly, but then twin beams of light lept from the corners of the visor into Thao’s eyes. Thao’s eyes got very wide and she began to smile. Her crossed legs unhooked and drift apart slowly.

Stacey took Laura’s distraction as an opportunity and placed the funny looking glasses onto Laura’s face in one swift motion. She recoiled instinctively for a second, but before she could reach up to remove the glasses, twin beams of light sprung from the corners of the glasses and blasted into Laura’s eyes. It wasn’t a blinding light, but she felt her body seize up then relax. Her hands fell to her lap. The room seemed to distort slightly and all the colors in the room went blue and green. The boring conference room faded away and what she was seeing was replaced by a lovely looking woman in a very tight top who seemed to appear from no where. Laura could only see the woman from the waist up and noticed a warm, art deco-type design in the ornate marble wall behind her.

Laura shook her head for a moment but the image didn’t go away. She was having trouble being aware of her head. She surmised what was going on here, she wasn’t in the building, the device Stacey had put on her face was beaming these images onto her eyes. Stacey had said it was just like TV, but this. this was more than TV. Laura didn’t feel like she was just watching something, she felt like she was there. The image had depth, had the most vibrant colors, it was indistinguishable from her own vision. It was better than her own vision. The image felt like it was being beamed through her eyes and onto her mind, each optic pixel on her retina a stitch on her brain. It was like the video was being uploaded into her consciousness.

The smiling woman in the tight top that stood in her mind leapt into monologue.

“Hello, and thank you for choosing to interview at BeTech. Here at BeTech, we pride ourselves on providing world-class, state of the art technology at affordable prices.” The woman began moving down the art deco hallway as seventies elevator music began playing lightly in the background. Where ever the scene was shot, it was extremely tasteful and wreaked of opulence as the woman passed beautiful artwork and sculpture that adorned the marble hallway.

Laura felt completely relaxed and comfortable. This was fantastic, a nice way to start an interview, she thought. Real hands on. She had to remind herself she was even on an interview. The woman in the video continued to extol the virtues of BeTech. Laura was completely intent, so riveted on what she was saying, what she was seeing in her mind. Her mind snapped in two for a moment, and she wondered idly how she was hearing anything at all, she didn’t remember seeing any headphones on the glasses. The thought went out of her mind as quickly as it had come in. Still, she was in her own little world and something in the back of her mind was telling her that it wasn’t right. She tried for a moment to be aware of anything going on outside the video. She couldn’t, it was too hard. The woman in the nice hallway was all. She felt the slightest tinge of panic, and she tried yawning, something, anything to feel her own body. She heard the slight popping of her eardrums from the yawn and the audio cut out for a split second, but it seemed so small, so distant, so drowned out by the woman talking.

Laura concentrated really hard, and moved her eyes to the left. The woman’s voice remained in Laura’s mind, but the image of the woman in the hallway distorted to beiges and yellows, and the conference room returned to Laura’s vision. She saw Thao sitting next to her with the glasses on, twin lightrays beaming into her eyes. Her mouth was open in fixed astonishment and her eyes were wide and her hand was in between her parted legs. Gwen was standing silently behind her looking off into the distance. Laura felt a flash of light in the periphery of her vision get brighter, and the conference room went yellow and beige and swirled and morphed back into the woman in the hallway. Laura tried to blink, but felt her eyes go wider.

She sat like that, listening to the woman drone on and on about how wonderful it was going to be to work at BeTech. The more Laura watched, the more transfixed she became. All worry that she’d had seemed to melt away. She became aware of someone taking her by the arm, but it seemed so far away. She felt herself being guided to standing, but she couldn’t feel her legs. She was hanging on the woman’s every word. She could feel her body being tugged at the arm, but she couldn’t feel her body. She didn’t know where her body was. Just the woman. In the tight top. BeTech has other centers of operations in Tokyo, London, Berlin, and Singapore.

That was a funny name, thought Laura. Singapore. The tugging was getting more insistent. Sing. apore. The tugging at her arm became steady pressure. Siiiiiiiiingapoooooooore. Somewhere, something gave, and she felt her inner equilibrium begin to move from left to right, forward and back. She was walking, but walking where? Where was she again? Who was she? She was in the hallway with the beautiful woman. All she could see was the woman, the woman walking down that hallway, that beautiful hallway, but Laura wasn’t moving. That beautiful woman. Walking? Was she the beautiful woman? She wanted to be the beautiful woman.

“Siiiiinnnggggaaaaappppppoooooorrrrrreeeee,” Laura felt herself say a million miles away then laugh drunkenly. With that she felt a sudden drop in her equilibrium. Suddenly, the image and the audio popped away and Laura found herself on her knees on the tile in some strange non-descript hallway. It wasn’t like the hallway in the video, it was boring. She found herself wanting to go back to the art deco hallway. She felt dizzy, and she watched as Stacey scurried quickly to grab the glasses that had flung off her face and onto the floor. Laura was swaying on the ground, trying to get her bearings. Further down the hallway, she saw the back of Gwen and Thao. Gwen had Thao by the arm, leading her, and both girls were marching mechanically away from them in unison before making a left turn and going into a room at the end of the hallway.

Stacey popped the glasses back onto the bridge of Laura’s nose, and she felt herself gasp in relief as her eyes went wide and the video continued. Almost on cue, the tight mid-shot of the woman pulled back, and Laura saw below the woman’s waist for the first time. She was wearing what looked like a black leotard. Laura didn’t feel surprised. She didn’t feel anything much less critical of anything. She was enraptured just listening to the video.

“By now, you’re beginning to feel the calming effects that our flagship product has, “the woman continued. Her eyes seemed to go distant as the camera pulled out. Laura noted absently that she was standing with her feet apart and with her hips swung back and her chest jutted out. She put a pair of the strange glasses onto her head, and Laura watched as twin beams blasted into her eyes, and her eyes went wide to receive the beams, her smile widened, and her nipples hardened through her leotard as her hips bucked and her thighs shook. Just like what happened to Thao. She continued, her voice somewhat deeper and sluggish as if she’d just taken a breath of helium. “The BeTech Imaging Visor transmits a carrier beam that paints pixels onto each of your retinas at a rate of 400 frames per second. The result is a completely immersive environment that puts you into your favorite movie, situation comedy, or video game. No more grainy images, no more straining to see oversized video screens. With the BeTech Imaging Visor, you’re not just watching, you’re being!”

The woman stopped talking and smiled wider as she seemed to be enjoying the experience of watching whatever she was watching. Laura didn’t become bored just watching this woman. She liked watching her, it felt like she was in the same room as the woman. She liked just watching her. Not just watching. She liked just being. She felt like she was the woman. She had her own visor. Maybe she could be beautiful too by being like the beautiful woman? Maybe the beautiful woman was watching Laura. Maybe the beautiful woman was seeing Laura watch her watching Laura watching her be beautiful.

Laura had been aware of some tugging at her body and slight locomotion, but it seemed unimportant and distant. Laura didn’t want to be rude and not watch the beautiful woman. She had interesting things to say, even when she wasn’t talking. But the holding pattern image of the woman transfixed by her visor swayed and fell away and was replaced by a boring small dressing room. Laura felt disappointed, she wanted to see the woman again. Stacey was standing in front of her, she’d taken off her skirt and shirt to reveal she was wearing a black leotard like the woman’s in the video. Laura didn’t think this was weird, in fact, Stacey looked beautiful. Laura’s head was swimming, she felt drunk, she was trying to find words, to say something, to react, but nothing was coming out. Calm had settled across her body that she couldn’t disrupt. No matter how out of the ordinary this all seemed, no, as crazy as she knew it all was, she didn’t feel disarmed by it at all. It all seemed natural.

Stacey knelt down to the floor, and Laura realized she was picking up her clothes and putting it to the side. While her vision was cast down, Laura noticed that she herself was now wearing a skin-tight white elastic swimsuit and nothing else. Stacey must have stripped her and dressed her. Her body always looked good, but she hadn’t been eating much lately to save money, and she looked particularly good. Laura found it strange that she felt turned on by her own body, and then noticed that she could see the folds of Stacey’s pussy lips through her body stocking or whatever it was. That turned her on even more.

Stacey stood, grabbed Laura by the arm, and led her out the door in front of them. Laura staggered slightly, feeling completely disconnected from her body, disconnected from her mind. They entered a wide room, and Laura noticed that Gwen and Thao were already here. They had their backs to Stacey and Laura and were standing silently still. Gwen had shed her clothes and was wearing a leotard like Stacey’s, only white. Thao was dressed in a white bathing suit like Laura was, and she had a white crescent-shaped plastic device on top of her head. She was standing with her feet apart and her ass and tits pushed out like the woman in the video. She looked beautiful. Laura became more sure-footed with each step and her mind was beginning to clear a little. She mused to herself that Thao looked like a new hatchling that hadn’t dispensed with its eggshell completely.

Stacey guided Laura to stand next to Thao, and Laura swayed when she stopped walking.

“Stand with your feet shoulder-length apart. Swing your hips back and arch your back,” Stacey corrected.

“Sorry,” whispered Laura, slightly surprised at how easily the words came than earlier. She quickly corrected her stance to match Thao and the woman in the video.

“Don’t say sorry. Regret is a wasted emotion and is counter-productive. Fix your errors and continue your function,” Stacey stated dispassionately.

Laura was about to say sorry again but corrected herself. She’d never heard Stacey be so authoritative before, and she kind of liked it. She felt a flush go through her and her mind replayed Stacey’s words. Especially that last part, continue with your function. She knew in the back of her mind that she HAD a function, but what her function was, she couldn’t conjure it.

Laura was still having trouble talking, she was trying to sound it out. That beautiful woman had function, it was to accept her visor’s input. She had a function too, but a different one. She didn’t have her visor any more. Stacey was staring straight ahead, at the wall like the other two girls were.

“Stacey. my.. function?” she eventually spit out.

“You are a preDrone. preDrone function is to become a Drone, I am AM1859” answered Stacey, not looking at Laura. That answer shook Laura up a little bit and was surprised to feel a tinge of danger well up inside of her, and was even more surprised to be turned on by that danger.

Laura focused on a spot on the wall and became transfixed by it so much that she didn’t notice AM1859 cross in front of her to where the IS drone and her small preDrone were standing at attention. AM1859 had found herself drawn to the little preDrone almost as soon as she’d laid eyes on her in the conference room. She looked the little preDrone up and down. She stood smiling dazedly while IS43910 looked on at her side. The girl was 5 foot tall if she was lucky, yet she had perfectly spherical tits that bobbed on her small frame and made her B-cups seem large in proportion. Apples, thought AM1859. The girl’s extra lean tummy was almost perfectly cylindrical, broken only by the well-developed pubic bone that protruded against the front of the white elastic suit she wore and the two perfectly ovular rumps that made up her ass in the back. AM1859 reached out and caressed the side of her face. Her hand trailed down over the girl’s left breast, and trailed down still, pausing to run the outline of her pubic bone with her index finger. It dallied there for a moment before going further south and plunging into the girl’s clit. AM1859 rubbed up and down a few times before looking at the expression on the preDrone’s face. She was smiling widely and looking back at AM1859. As if she already knew what it was to be a drone, the preDrone raised her right arm unsteadily and cradled the heft of AM1859’s left tit in her hand, giving it a slight squeeze. AM1859 shuddered slightly, then said, “She’ll make a fine drone.”

AM1859 dropped her hand away and turned forward as a door in the wall opened in front of them and a grey-haired, bearded stocky older gentleman walked through it. He was wearing a white linen suit with a tropical flower pinned through one of the lapel buttonholes. His suit must have been tailored in a different time as the single button which rested comfortably on his navel strained at the X where his jacket met. He looked at the two preDrones standing idle before him up and down for a moment before walking to the center of them, facing them, and addressing.

“Greetings, my dears. My name is AO5. Now then, you’re probably not wondering what is going on as the effects of the visor probably still have you slightly confused. Well, you’re going to need to have it all explained to you anyway, and better to do it while your minds are still a little soft. You’ll still appreciate what I’m saying even if you can’t quite get your brains around it, so let’s get right to the heart of it, shall we?”

“Firstly, the visor. Now you heard all that flim flam that the young woman had to say in the video. All very fascinating, I’m sure, but the part they don’t tell you is that your eyes can’t process 400 frames per second. But our device is more efficient than normal TV, and at that rate, it’s literally blasting the image into your brain, bombarding your main source of stimuli, your optic nerve, with more visuals than it knows what to do with. The result is not only a cleaner crisper image that fills your vision completely, but a decrease in willpower at being overwhelmed with information. It has the hypnotizing effect that TV has times a hundred. Added to which, of course, every tenth frame is a subliminal message that we send. Oh, you know, the usual sort of messages, you’re getting sleepy, you’re totally relaxed, you’re completely open to all ideas, you’re a unit, you’re a function, you want to please everyone, you’re a super sexual vixen, knees up, pants and inhibitions down, that sort of thing.”

Laura was hearing what the man was saying, but he was speaking too fast. She was barely getting the gist of it. She understood that she’d been hypnotized, but even realizing that didn’t snap her out of it. But something, that thing in the back of her mind that she’d heard earlier, that little bit of her that was still in control but exiled to the back of her mind, she could hear it screaming and banging pots and firing shots up into the air a million miles away. Thao smiled gently at the man’s monologue.

“That means that along with the overflow of data being beamed into your peepers, we’re sneaking in 40 frames of subliminals a second, not all of which are processed by the brain, of course. But most are. Let’s say for argument that that’s 2000 suggestions a minute riding an inescapable bombardment of visual data. The result is a sort of instantaneous hyper-hypnosis. And you should see what happens when it’s a really interesting program on the screen, not some boring training video. A near-complete disconnect of mind and body and a numbing of the spirit. A complete openness to suggestion and new ideas. and you’re going to need it because I’m afraid we’ve barely seen the tip of the iceberg, my dear. as what I’m about to tell you next. you may have some problems understanding. You see, it’s not just optics that is our trade here at BeTech, it’s people. I don’t mean human relations. We have other innovations you see...” He beckoned AM1859 forward and she immediately walked to his side and turned around to face the two preDrones.

“Open your mouth, my dear,” said the man. AM1859 opened her mouth as wide as possible and took a step forward to stand directly in front of preDrone Laura.

The man grabbed AM1859’s mandible and pulled it down slightly more, AM1859 didn’t seem to mind as the smile and unfocused eyes never wavered despite having a hand in her mouth.

“If you’ll look inside her mouth, towards the back roof, you’ll see what we call her mother node.”

Laura gazed dreamily inside and saw what looked like a metallic box at the back of Stacey’s mouth near her throat.

“The mother node projects into the back of the mouth through the soft palette and lower sinus and intersects ever so gently where the spine meets the brain. It acts as a small bridge between the two, serving to regulate the electrical impulses of both. It allows us to convert data to brainwaves and vice versa, effectively letting the mother node send and receive data through the brain. It also has the ability to monitor and affect other brain functions, such as regulation of bodily fluids, such as serotonin and hormones. It increases sex drive significantly and regulates the reward systems in the brain. The mother node is what you might call a coprocessor to the human mind.”

The man tweaked the drone’s tongue across the middle and lightly pulled it out with an upturn at the end.

“Implants are put under the bottom of the tongue which connect to the mother node through sub dermal circuitry. This allows for either data in or data out depending on the gender of the drone. Marvelous things, mother nodes. They also regulate the flow of the data through the spine. Show her your other implants, won’t you my dear?” the man lowered his voice as he spoke to the drone, who instantly sprung into motion by turning completely around so that her back was to both of them then bent way down keeping her legs straight. Her legs were parted as they had always been, and Laura looked down to see Stacey’s well-defined twat engrained into that black casing rotate upwards to face her. The suit had an extra dark patch hovering in a strip at the entrance to her pussy. Stacey’s head poked in between her legs upside-down at a distance and her hand slid next to her pussy, emphasizing and presenting her labia to the preDrone.

“All drones are implanted with receptors in their genitalia with a sub dermal connector interface. It encircles her vagina then around through the crack of her buttocks to an implanted contact at the base of the spine. This relay beams data from an input up her spinal fluid to the mother node which receives the data and transmits it to the brain. What this allows for is a transfer of data from two coupled drones or from a data insemination unit. Unfortunately, this data can only pass in one direction, we haven’t been successful in our attempts to send data both ways, but we get closer every day, we have drones working on it. So effectively, each drone has one data input port and one data output port. In female drones, their genitalia is their input and their oral implants are the output. For males, the reverse.”

“Male. drones?” asked Laura as comprehension began ebbing back into her psyche.

“Why yes, we have male drones. They don’t serve as many versatile functions as the females do. They’re mostly used for data insemination and redundancy. That and maintenance. The same sort of functions they serve in outside society. Necessary functions, but it’s the female drones that are the most versatile in their ability to accept, organize and process data when put in array. You see, the white drones (he gestured towards Gwen) are IS, Information Storage drones. Their function is to accept and store data for further use. The knowledge keepers if you will. They’re input data for storage. The black drones (he gestured towards Stacey) are AM, Accelerated Media drones. Their function is slightly higher, to better organize and process the data that they’re tasked with. They’re input data for processing and they output their data to the IS drones. The number crunchers and task managers, if you will. We could use computers to store and manipulate the data, but it’s still humans who have to give the data meaning. This process allows it all to happen simultaneously.”

“And I, I am an AO drone. An Administrative Officiate. We’re the decision makers, the ones who decide what avenues to go down and which streets need investigating. We’re the ones that decide what directions BeTech should be moving in, how best to serve drones, which directions to proceed in and how best to proceed. We are where functions begin and end, serving function as all drones do, coursing that function through all drones.”

“The males serve along with the data networks to pass information from one female drone to another, becoming a backup for the data as well. You see, when drones have sexual intercourse, there’s an extra dimension to it. Not only is it far more physically gratifying, but that takes a back seat to the fact that that drone touches your MIND. Every one else is in your mind along with you. And there is no judgement. There are no dirty little secrets, no shame, no skeletons in the closet. Only information. Drones are recognized as what drones are: drones. Each with their uniformity. Each with their uniqueness. We’re each of us a unit, but that unit is a unit within a unit within a unit ad infinitum. All one as a whole, and whole as one. We are humble in that.”

Laura could see the mathematical beauty in his words. But there was something so inhuman about it all.

“individuality. lost” Laura strained to mutter.

“Individuality? We are all individuals, my dear, nothing will ever change that. But it’s your concept of the individual that will change for ever. What defines you as an individual? Your hairstyle? Your thoughts? Your feelings? Your likes? Your dislikes? I think you’ll find when you’re a drone that there are few things that you’ve felt or thought that haven’t been thought or felt or done before. In fact, I think you’ll find that we’re all very much similar in our feelings and desires. That our differences, regardless of religion, ethnicity, upbringing, background, what have you, really were just skin deep. All your differences melt away once your mind is open, once you accept everything for what it is. Once you’ve been written thousands of times, you’ll find that there is a great satisfaction that never diminishes in finding a concurrence of ideas. A satisfaction at new ideas that a drone you’ve never fucked before has. It’s bliss. Complete satisfaction on an individual level and a group level.”

“Now, you’re probably wondering what this material is that AM1859 is wearing.” the man switched gears and turned his attention back to the drone, who was still peak a booing in between her legs with fingers to the side of her twat. The man tugged at some of it at Stacey’s ass. It seemed to pull away from her skin easily but didn’t stress the rest of it as it stretched.

“We call this material ‘plast’. It’s a sort of super-thin hardened polymer. You’ll notice two different sections to it, one darker than the other. The bottom part looks like nylon and the top like vinyl, but it’s the same material at different thicknesses. Plast is extremely tough, yet yielding. It has a tensile strength of 60 pounds per square inch at a 2 millimeter thickness! That means a strip of this stuff no thicker than this could hold up three bowling balls without tearing away. It’s completely hypoallergenic. We haven’t had any reactions even from the drones who are most allergic. It’s porous to gases so the pores in the skin can still breathe, and the way it’s treated, it’s only permeable in one direction. So sweat comes out, only air gets in. That’s what this extra strip is for at the entrance to the vagina. It stretches upon penetration to act as a condom perpetually poised at the entrance of the vagina. The material is also quite viscous so that any fluids such as sweat or semen on its surface drain down the body and onto the floor quickly. If I were to spray her body with a hose, she would be bone dry in 30 seconds and none of it would ever seep into her skin. Most drones engage in the sex act at least a dozen times a day, so it also insulates the body against bruising and chafing. It’s also conductive, which is what allows contact of interfaces through the membrane without dampening the signal or the sensation of physical contact.”

The preDrone lifted her hand out nervously to touch Stacey’s back. She expected the material to be slightly rough like nylon, but it was smoother than vinyl. The man lifted AM1859’s arm slightly and the drone stood up and turned around, keeping her feet apart to match the preDrone in front of her, who she regarded briefly with a smile. She didn’t flinch as the man tweaked her nipple and lifted her right breast up slightly. Squash, thought AM1859.

“As you can see, the encasing is skin tight and kept as thin as possible to limit impedance and uncomfortableness.” He traced the under fold of her tit, and the preDrone noticed that it clung to her skin, outlining the curve of the underside of her breast and the skin on her chest most definably. “It feels like your own skin. Essentially, it keeps things nice and sterile from a pregnancy and disease standpoint. And considering the voracious sexual appetites of drones, if someone got something it would spread like wildfire way too quickly. We’ve got to keep things nice and clean.”

Laura was feeling more and more her old self all the time as the effects of the visor were slowly wearing off and the shock of what was being told to her set in. The uncertain relaxedness that she’d had before was fading away only to be replaced by a panicked fervor as everything sunk in harder and harder. Was she really hearing this? The more clearly she became able to think, the less accepting she became and the more she realized what madness it was. Why was she just standing here listening to this, it didn’t make any sense. She was just standing here in this white bathing suit listening to all of this. He kept calling Stacey a drone and she was just standing there, smiling. And whatever it was they’d done to Stacey, they were planning on doing to her. Pretty soon she’d be in one of those suits. being fucked over and over again every day. with that vacuous smile, just taking it. being fucked over and over again every day. being hooked up to machines, being a conduit, a cog, a unit. being fucked over and over again.

Something darted across her mind. The white bathing suit. Thao had on a white bathing suit, just like she did. And there was something on Thao’s head, that eggshell-looking thing. so. there must be something.. on my head too.. doing something, making me.

Suddenly, Laura swung her chin down and the brainwave device resting on her head moved forward, but didn’t fall off as she’d hoped. She began reaching up with both hands as the man stopped talking and looked at her with wide-eyed astonishment. As her hands rose higher, she found it more and more difficult to move them, like they were turning to stone. The bottom of the device on top of her head glowed red like the coils of a toaster oven. Laura could feel something, heat, could smell something burning, like a toaster oven. Her hands were near her chin when they began quivering uncontrollably then fell limp by her sides and swung airily as her eyes and mind went slack. She tried it again, but each time she struggled, her hands got less and less higher before her mind felt a sizzling flash that stunned her mind for a moment. Her hands would fall to her sides and stay there for a moment before trying again.

“eh, well, without further adieu..” the man said and produced a visor from the back of his belt and quickly put it onto the struggling preDrone on her sixth attempt. The beams engaged and her eyes and smile went wide and most importantly, her arms swung to rest at her sides. She gasped and smiled in blank pleasure as the smell of cooked meat filled the air. Laura saw the beautiful woman again as the red faded slowly from the device on top of her head. Laura felt herself give up and realize that it was no use. As relaxation set into her body, she felt relieved that she would no longer have to struggle ever again and gave herself up to whatever they had in store for her. It couldn’t be that bad. The man looked in mild admiration at the preDrone before turning his attention to the other preDrone, who stood smiling and wide-eyed as her taller preDrone sister, only without the visor beaming into her mind. “It’s time for us to sign the contracts. What say you my dear?”

“My function is to become a drone.” the preDrone stated confidently.

“Quite right,” answered the man. He produced a paper backed by a clipboard and put a pen into the Asian preDrone’s hand. She bent forward keeping her legs straight and perused it for a moment. She got as far as the part that had her name on it and said, “forthwith referred to as ‘The Property’” before shakily signing her name at the bottom.

“Dah, wonderful! Now then, let’s go to assembly.” he pushed open the door he’d entered through, grabbed the taller preDrone by the arm, and led her through the door. IS43910 stood at her side and held her arm out, directing the other small preDrone to go through the door. She began to walk for the first time, but kept her legs apart as she walked. She wobbled from foot to foot back and forth like a toy soldier in a white bathing suit. IS43910 corrected her by saying that legs had to come together to walk, apart when standing. AM1859 was disappointed when the preDrone silently rectified the situation and strode through the door. She took her finger out of her clit and walked through the door after them. That had been just precious.

Inside the room were 8 large glass dome devices, like gigantic lava lamps that were empty and bulged at their waists. The man had entered the chamber of one of them and led his preDrone charge into it and she smiled vacantly, staring into the glasses. He sat her down in the center of it and attached the suction device on the floor in between her legs and took the one that dangled down from the top of it onto her mouth like a pilot’s oxygen mask. IS43910 wasted no time leading her preDrone into one of the other unoccupied implant chambers and doing the same with hers. AM1859 stood between the two occupied chambers and watched the man make sure all the devices were firmly placed onto Laura before stepping out of the chamber. Instantly, two mechanical arms came down from the ceiling and encased the entranced girl’s torso. She didn’t seem to notice as it lifted her body so that she was kneeling. It straightened her upper body out. She didn’t notice the mechanisms implanting themselves into her pussy. She didn’t feel the device in the oxygen mask pry open her mouth, clamp down and work on her tongue and install her mother node by burrowing it through the back of her mouth to connect to her spine.

AM1859 switched her attention to the other preDrone’s progress. IS43910 was just exiting the chamber, and the small preDrone was in doggy style position with her hands planted at the base of the glass chamber. She was looking from behind the rubberized mask at her mouth through the glass directly at AM1859 with wild eyes. AM1859 slid her finger in between her legs and worked her clit as she recognized the look in the little preDrone’s eyes. It wasn’t the look of fear, but of exhilaration. She thrilled in breathless incomprehension of being on the cusp of her metamorphosis. The arms seized her and pulled her up to attention, breaking eye contact with AM1859 as her eyes went wider with excitement. She felt a small prick in her mouth and pussy then only the numb sensation of her skin being peeled away and added to, of being remade into something less, of being reborn as something more.

The two preDrones stood side by side at attention. The one preDrone had had her visor removed, but her expression hadn’t changed. They both stared straight ahead while AO5 removed his device from the small preDrone’s mouth. “You’re both in order,” he agreed. “Initiate.” The blinking cursor that had been the preDrones’ minds for the past ten minutes leapt to life and their heads bobbed left and right violently in unison as their mother nodes booted up for the first time.

“The mother node is now initiating. It’s going to check connections with your brain and spinal relay. Next it’ll check the read/write capability with your brain. Then it’ll format your brain to our storage system. The process will save your personality, but will over write your brain to allow you to store far more data in a far more organized fashion. Our patented grey matter file system, if you will. You’ll find you’ll never forget a thing and you’ll become a genius. Seeing as how neither of you can hear me, I’ll give it a rest.”

Laura could feel her mind moving at a million miles a second as her head flipped from side to side violently. Swathes of color, words and images flashed across the canvas of her mind in breakneck haphazard fashion. It was formatting her, giving her a new operating system. It was molding her, remaking her mindset. It would make her more accepting, more accessible, and more attuned to her new community. It was making her brain more efficient, the images that flashed across her mind, and she could retrieve them as easily as flipping through a card catalogue. It was pushing things into her brain. It was pushing other things out of her brain. It was making her a drone. Eventually, the formatting stopped.

“Congratulations. You are both now drones, you simply require your suits and your first programming. How do you feel?”

“I feel. I feel..” Laura didn’t feel anything emotionally. She didn’t feel scared . She felt relaxed. She felt content and never realized how large that feeling could feel. She felt accepting of everything that was happening. Yes, accepting. In fact, she wanted to accept something in between her legs. She wasn’t feeling anything emotionally but she was acutely aware of her own tactile sense. She could feel her pussy burning in between her legs. She ran her fingers along her legs and felt warmness in her belly from this simple caress she gave herself. Her mother node soothingly announced its presence to her mind and wrote to her brain that her physical desires were the only feelings that were real and that mattered. She thought about it for a second and couldn’t find argument with it.

“I require programming. I require function,” chimed the small drone monotonously.

“Yes, right this way.” He led them to another door and they marched to it in unison. He continued as he walked, “You see, your place in the company is determined by your brain chemistry. Your mother node is now linked to your brain and has taken stock of your neural pathways. Less developed, submissive personality types are used for storage. These are our Information Storage, or IS, drones. They wear white suits. 75% of female drones are this type, which is good because we need all the storage we can get. More developed brains are used as media, or AM drones. They wear the black suits. And those of the highest cognition become administrative officiate drones. Interesting that the percentages of people that fall into each category generally correspond to our proportionate needs, isn’t it? Almost like this is how it was meant to be. Your mother node has already determined which type each of you is and how best to put you to use.” They reached a wall with two doors and AO5 ushered the Asian drone through. The smaller drone stepped in and onto the conveyer belt and was lifted upwards and out of sight by mechanical arms. Laura walked mechanically towards the door.

“Not you,” said the man, holding his arm out stopping the taller drone from stepping onto the platform and giving her a sideways smile. “No plasting for you. I’ve never seen someone so resistant to our process, usually everyone goes through like your little friend there, no fuss, no muss, eager to become one. I’m afraid that the chances of you causing data corruption with your independence are far too high. Yes, far too high. Your mother node has a different function in mind for you.” he said somewhat coolly.

He beckoned them to follow and they walked through another door beside the plasting door through the bypass. They came out the other side just as the small Asian Drone walked out the other door, her preDrone suit having been stripped and replaced with a white drone suit that now included white leg plast. She now looked like a whole egg. Her pubic bone bumped out just above the sliver of her pussy that curved away in between her legs. The man smiled at her and told her, “You are IS68594. Acknowledge.”

“Unit designation IS68594,” the small drone confirmed with a wide-eyed smile, her nipples popping erect atop the perfect orbs that struggled for freedom against her skintight suit. .

The man looked at Laura who stood with legs apart at attention with unfocused eyes and a dull smile.

“And you shall be AO275 my dear. You shall be an Administrative Officiate drone like myself. We sculpt the future of all drones. We guide the process and decide what direction to take Drones in, what information is valuable, and what areas require research. You get a choice of custom plast designs. We retain our individuality more than most other drone classes, that’s necessary to serve our function. I think you’ll find, like life’s other paradoxes, that it is both a blessing and a curse. Now then, you both require programming to become fully functioning drones.”

AO275 was just about to state that her function required her to acquire protocols and function, but AO5 was way ahead of her. AO5 walked behind AO275 and grabbed her waist as IS43910 guided IS68594 to the floor and stuck her tongue interface into the newly formed padding at the newly formed drone’s twat. The small asian drone gasped and her legs spasmed on IS43910’s shoulders as data lept up her spine for the first time. IS68594 had her protocols written to her by IS43910. AO5 guided his cock and sunk it slowly, methodically into AO275, who was already dripping wet through her preDrone suit. She inhaled sharply and she cried out as her mind lit up with images. She saw AO5 as a younger man, traveling, circling the globe, meditating in the Himalayas with Tibetan monks. She could hear herself groan in pleasure somewhere far away, it was like nothing she’d ever experienced before. It was like the visor, only she could feel her body, and the sexual stimulation was unlike any she’d ever felt. She also felt like she was elsewhere as data flashed up her spine and wrote to her mind. At the same time a movie was playing in her brain. Better than a movie. It was moving at the speed of her mind, way faster than the visor. It was his memories being fed into her. She could see out of her eyes, but she ignored what she saw and focused within. She could see and know and smell and feel the things he felt as if she were there, as if she were him. She saw him flee Tibet in 1959 when the Chinese invaded. She watched him smoke opium in Calcutta, study Japanese history in Tokyo and make love to Russian women.

These were all memories, how he came to be the man, the drone, that he was today. He had been one of the first. He was born into wealth, into luxury. But material goods had never interested him. What he had was an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He had to understand society, to understand people, to understand the universe. He had to understand himself. He’d studied every religion, every philosophy, every idea that he could get his hands on. His pursuits left him with no answers that ever satisfied his questions comprehensively; they only brought up more questions.

The canvas of her mind cleared and he wrote across her mind his single-mindedness in pursuing philosophy and academia. How that pursuit was constantly interrupted by the society that he was trying to understand. His quest had launched him into tireless absorption of books. In so doing, he had ultimately shut himself away from the very society he yearned to understand. He found few he could relate to. He couldn’t ignore how the rest of society didn’t care about these things. People were becoming obsessed with things that had no relevance while the killing of others became trivial. People sought the lowest common denominator instead of reaching for new heights. They spoke unintelligently and uninformed about important issues while focusing and obsessing upon unintelligent and unimportant issues. Politics and economics and entertainment were the only things people cared about, scientific achievement, philosophy, understanding and humanitarian pursuit were not touchstones to the mainstream. Should these endeavors not be the fulcrum of human existence? Didn’t our past, present and future depend on these things? All of the wrong people were seizing power and were allowed to run roughshod over the people. They blinded the people while they perpetuated their own small and meager agendas. The masses did nothing but idolized the very politicians that shat on them. All people cared about was money, yet he couldn’t understand why people couldn’t see that money is ultimately nothing. It’s a unit of measure, not a raison d’etre. The only thing that makes it valuable is that everyone agrees that it has value. The human race was more important, and some where along the way, he felt we’d made a grave misstep, perhaps an irrevocable one. Society could not be allowed to continue the way it was headed or else the human race would destroy itself. So, half in jest, he decided that he would begin to engineer his own society. For years, he spent his idle time contemplating how to remake a perfect society, not realizing that his farce had become a compulsion. The first rule was that there would be no money, people would agree to simply work for the good of society.

In his travels, he’d met some people like himself, rich, shiftless, a desire to understand. They’d all pursued the meaning of life in different directions. Invariably, their paths would cross while circumnavigating the globe. They became close, a loose-knit group of smart rich kids with wanderlust, each with varying motivations. They provoked him intellectually and he they, and he shared with them his conclusions on society and people, and his blueprint for a perfect society. He was surprised at how many of his colleagues became interested in it and chipped in rough ideas of their own. They’d worked together on how to actualize it and decided that there was no way to do it without some form of behavior modification. One member of the inner-circle, the one who was now AO1, a woman, had come up with the idea of the mother node. The one who is now AO2, a man, had come up with the idea for the human data interface. The two of them underwent surgery to implant the data links and to have the human co-processor that they came to call the mother node integrated into their bodies. When they awoke after surgery, AO1 and AO2 interfaced and had stayed linked for 48 hours. When they were finally pulled apart, they were unable to speak, only pant breathlessly from physical exhaustion, intense cerebral exchange, and sexual ecstasy. They’d had to sedate the two first drones to calm the levels of serotonin in their brains to stop them from having seizures.

They all looked at each other in astonishment as AO1 tried to verbalize the data she’d processed from AO2. They’d both become geniuses. They’d both become sexual super beings. It was another 12 hours before the rest of them were undergoing the procedures and the board of directors for BeTech was born. Their pursuit was a noble one, all drones working together for the betterment of all drones, scientific advancement, and understanding of the universe and of drones.

AO5 whispered in AO275’s ears as these pictures danced across her mind and she groaned with the greatest physical and mental pleasure she’d ever experienced. It seemed so primitive for him to speak to her considering how much she now knew of him in so little time. She was standing here being fucked, having her brain written to for the first time, being brought in on the inside of this pacifist, intellectual, sexual counter-society. He whispered, “We’re tearing it all down. We’re going to replace it with something better. The best part is, AO275, you will always belong. You will never be alone, far from. You will be closer with drones in moments than you could ever have been if you’d spent lifetimes with them. Just as you now know me.

“You will not be judged or attacked or abused or misused or alienated or offended. You will never feel fear, only happiness and physical pleasure beyond your wildest dreams. All you will care about is the betterment of all drones, for the ideas of all drones, the future of all drones. You will forget your desires and cares, and in so doing, fulfill all your desires and cares. All drones you meet will work to fulfill the desires that you cast aside. All other drones will attend to you as devotedly as you attend to them. It’s fulfillment by extinguishing the need for fulfillment, it is that paradox that ensures our perfect society.”

“And you will enter sleep mode each night knowing that all drones care about you. You will trust all drones because all drones trust you. You will care for all drones because all drones care for you. You will love all drones unconditionally and expect nothing in return. All drones will love you just as selflessly. We will create a peaceful society of achievement in which each drone shall take part, the likes of which the earth has never seen.”

AO5 went back to his office having broken out into a light sweat. He poured himself a stiff drink, raised it slightly to the two drones he’d just processed, then gulped down the contents before pouring another. He took this one over to his chair and sipped the Black Label whiskey lightly. He pecked at a keyboard on his desk, and IS394 disengaged from the wall and padded silently over to him with a big smile on her face as Miles Davis began playing softly. IS394 had been an intern for the company before becoming a permanent drone. AO5 had admired her body immediately, they’d gone out to lunch together as a group and couldn’t help but notice how much she turned heads.

IS394 climbed into his lap and slid herself down onto him. She gasped and rubbed her tits against his chest as the days events flooded into her. AO5 took another sip of his whiskey. He couldn’t do this anymore, he always felt so guilty even though he knew it was for their own good. Luckily, he knew drones had been working on a visor program that would automatically indoctrinate his oration into the droning process. If they were going to go in the direction he knew they were going to go in, they were going to have to speed the entire process up, the AO drones had all agreed upon that. No time to one-at-a-time it, they were going to have to package the entire drone process into a neat, speedy package.

His thoughts went to AO275 reaching up to take off the brainwave helmet and how she’d gotten fried. repeatedly. He sipped a little more whiskey, then took a gulp. He knew that she would thank him for opening her mind to the universe once she got the chance. It was still an act of violence, nonetheless, and he’d never wanted to resort to violence. He thought of all the blood that had ever been spilled to make small changes and realized how small this violence was for such a large change. He consoled himself that it was one of the most benign forms of revolution.

IS394 stopped panting for a moment and kissed AO5 deeply, clicking her tongue into his tongue contact so that their minds could complete the link.

“Quit whining and fuck me, you pussy,” she wrote to his mind.

“Yes, mistress,” he yielded.

AO drone 275 stalked the aisles of recreation room B in prey of hot drone cock. She’d been plugged in crunching data all day and was glad to be on her break. Her crimson plast outlined the perfect mound where her legs met and formed a thong. It split at her waist and continued up her body in two two-inch-wide V straps extending over her breasts and covering her nipples, rounding her shoulders, and plunging down the back like spandex suspenders. Her white plast collar matched her white thigh-high high-heeled boots which made her undulating feline walk punctuate with loud clacks on the tiled floor of the rec room.

She turned right and came face to face with a male drone precisely eight inches taller than her with wider-than-normal shoulders. AO275 stopped to admire the chiseled drone and became instantly aroused. She initiated Invitation Protocol 302-F, her personal favorite and one that she’d written, and bended the knees of her already-parted legs and dropped her ass inches from the floor. She put her hands on the inside of her ankles and began to slowly pull her body back to standing like a marionette pulled from the floor by a puppet master’s strings, her hands tracing slowly up her sexy, elevating body, over the insides of her knees, stopping methodically in between her legs, her eyes narrowed and focused on the drone and her lips pouting an exhaled sigh of delight. She’d stopped by a few strip clubs after work regularly and had integrated some of the dancing she’d seen into the attraction protocols. The male smiled at her then walked around behind her. Rather than bending forward, AO275 turned around and put her arms around the drone. “Ah ah ah, handsome,” she said, putting her head into his chest and her tits into his ribs. “Whatever happened to the art of foreplay?” she said rubbing his dick circularly, his cock becoming an ever-enlarging basket in her hands as he did the same to her breasts.

AO275 turned back around and put her ass against his cock. Rather than sliding it inside, she grabbed it from behind and started rubbing it against her clit. She felt her body go warm and a tingle travel up her spine which popped warmly in her brain. It was hard to believe that it’d only been a week and a half since she joined the company. Already she’d designed over 20 new protocols which helped all of her coworkers perform their functions better and had increased company productivity. She thought about her life before joining the company, and it seemed like an abstract and uneventful period of time. Sure, she was glad that she’d thought things and done stuff, otherwise she wouldn’t have had much to offer the company in the way of experiences and ideas for their products. But she now knew so much more and always felt so good. She couldn’t imagine ever feeling that way if she’d never gone through training.

She was aware that training had changed her, erased certain things in her mind and built others. Whatever it took, it was all stuff she didn’t need, didn’t want, and didn’t miss. What they put in made her feel, think, and do more in the past week than in her entire lifetime. People spent their entire lifetimes trying and failing to jettison their bullshit. She’d done it in hours with a few enhancements. She still felt like Laura and had Laura’s thoughts, in fact she felt like the best part of Laura had been the building block where they started, and now she was so much more than Laura ever could have been. She had no confusion, no worries, no sadness. She was content physically, mentally, and spiritually. She’d put her trust in the company and they’d rewarded her with what she’d been seeking her whole life but would never have been able to attain: understanding, happiness, and a sense of belonging.

Having generously stimulated her clit, A0275 bent forward more and placed the drone’s cock into her pussy. She gasped as she slowly leaned back onto it and its depths sank smoothly into her. The most beautiful poem the male drone had ever scanned lapped gently into her mind and she almost wept as the male drone began gyrating her back and forth lightly.

Through sex dazed eyes, AO275 watched dozily as two AM drones padded up to her, both with blank-eyed wide smiles on their faces. They looked like sisters. Their slender bodies glistened in their black plast suits. They had short blond hair and blue eyes. The older one stated, “You are AO275. You have been upgraded.”

AO275’s nipples throbbed slightly at hearing her designation, and she smiled wider and nodded in affirmation aided by the gentle rocking of her body. She grabbed her chest straps and moved them to the outside of her breasts. Her bare tits unfolded slightly to reveal two silicon nubs for her nipples.

Rather than loading a protocol, AO275 said, “Have at it kiddies.” and cupped her tits invitingly towards their mouths. The two smiled and bent forward in unison and began suckling on her enhanced nipples. Their tongue implants clicked across the surface of the etched chips that were her kiss-shaped nipples. They were input ports, and images of the sister’s childhood began to enter her brain, mixing with the sonnets the male drones was writing to her. While interesting, AO275 sidestepped with her mind and allowed the node to process the information leaving her free to consider her own items that she’d previously filed.

For the most part, the orientation procedure had been a complete success, with a 100% conversion rate. The problem came during training. Laura and Stacey had been single women with loose personal connections. Generally, human resources targeted young, single professionals who would go home and try to isolate themselves from personal relationships while they completed training. But some new recruits lived with family and had strong relationships, and people were becoming suspicious of the new, unexpected behavior in their friend, husband, wife, son, or daughter. The link to the strange behavior coinciding with the beginning of their new mysterious job was one that would not be ignored.

It was a problem that flared larger now and again as the company grew. People had come snooping around, curious and disbelieving that their perpetually grumpy son or husband was now so happy all the time and seemed distant. The police had made enquiries at the front desk and had to be greeted in the meeting room by a quickly cloaked AO drone. The solution had usually come by means of orientation, but this could only be done so much within reason without creating even more paranoia. Even Laura had noticed Stacey’s sudden switch to short skirts and black stockings but never would have guessed the truth behind them. AO275 was now in charge of creating Stealth Protocols to revamp the demeanor of all drones when outside the workplace. She’d started with Protocols designed at minimizing changes in attitude and wardrobe. But it was difficult to suppress a drone’s natural urges. Their new completeness shone through everything that they did and they reveled in it. How does one create fully functioning Protocols designed to mask current perfections with past imperfections?

AO275’s brow furrowed and vexed as she rocked back and forth. Her mother node wrote, “All work and no play make AO275 a dull drone” across her brain, filed her observations away for later, and increased her levels of serotonin. Her pupils dilated and unfocused and her smile widened blankly as her mind lit up with a split screen story of the loss of each sisters virginity and her pussy spasmed with delight at the cock inside of it. The scene was halved into quarters by the scenes of the two male drones who’d since interfaced behind the sisters. The tale of their first fuck made its way to AO275, who was now the endpoint of the 5 drones she was coupled with. Several drones had found themselves unavoidably mesmerized by the scene of the six together and had drawn around AO275, marveling at her beauty and bare skin. She could hear drones oohing and aahing near her as they massaged their hands along the naked skin of her sides, her hips, her thighs. Her head swam with pleasure as she drank in the stimulation of the hands on her body, the cock in her cunt, the sucklings at her tits, the scenes dancing in her mind. Despite herself, she was fulfilling her functions admirably. The thought lingered while elsewhere in her mind one of the virgins was coming for the first time. The idea and the image swirled around one another and she gasped as her entire body spasmed in orgasm, sending a shockwave of pleasure through the 6 drone unit and eliciting audible excitement from the drones around her. The drone behind her climaxed inside AO275, as if in response. The tidal wave that had been rippling its way back and forth between them churned and boiled into a lather then broke, slamming all of them into a seething, violent orgasm. They groaned and wailed in delight individually and came as one unit. It was bliss like AO275 had never felt before. As she came again and felt the hands against her skin and the lips and tongues on her enhanced nipples, AO275 didn’t feel like a drone or a hard drive or a plaything. She felt like a Goddess amongst Titans.

A1859 exited sleep mode and looked down in between her legs. I68594, the little Asian drone, was coming to groggily having spent the night with her head in between A1859’s legs. They’d been in the middle of a drone orgy when midnight had hit and they’d all gone into sleep mode mid-sex. I68595 and I68597, I68594’s sisters, were at the corner of A1859’s king size bed and began showing signs of life, too. I68594 had dutifully brought in her three sisters for job interviews the next day, and A1859 was just as enthralled with them as she was with I68594. The four of them lived together in another apartment. A1859 had become close with all of them and had begun spending all of her time with them, so it was agreed that they would all move into A1859’s apartment along with AO275.

The three small Vietnamese drones got to their feet and wobbled on spread feet into the living room. A1859 loved that, they’d pulled from her that she’d found that irresistible when I68594 was becoming a drone, so they’d all begun doing it to please her, which it did. She followed them out into the living room where AO275 was bent in between I68596’s legs. That must have been how they spent the night. The small drone was bucking as she was being relentlessly written to by AO275.

AO275 was working tirelessly. All AO drones were working tirelessly. No information was kept from any drone, and all drones knew what the AO drones were working on: The expansion plan. They’d all been used to crunch numbers for it, and they all knew it would soon come to fruition upon readiness.

The drones squirted packets of nutrient into their mouths then dressed in civilian garb. It had now become protocol to wear whatever you would have normally worn to work so as not to arouse suspicion. The 4 Asian drones and AO275 wore pants, while A1859 continued wearing her short black skirt. The six of them exited the apartment and marched silently to the elevator. The doors slid open and they joined the man from a higher floor inside. He took turns looking at them and smiling, openly appreciating each girl’s form. They all turned to look at him at the same time then laughed in unison which unnerved him. The door opened on the ground floor, and before following the five other drones, A1859 handed the man a business card.

AO275 came back from RecCycle particularly satisfied. She rubbed at her twat as she sat on her bench. She had a minute before she had to be back online and was ready for more action. AO284 walked by her and she initiated attraction protocol 62 by leaning way back keeping her legs arched, putting her hands on her knees and spreading her legs far apart and looking at the drone seductively. He looked at her but continued walking despite not having the walk of function fulfillment.

AO275 engaged herself on her drone bench for a moment to share her findings with the other AO drones who quickly concurred with her, and she disengaged quickly. AO284 was not functioning properly. He’d referred to her as Laura yesterday and it had taken AO275 a moment to realize who he was talking to. She wanted to be the one that helped him. She walked over to where AO284 was standing and put a visor on him. He smiled and let out a gasp as his eyes went distant and he went slack. AO275 laid him down onto the floor then mounted him. She bucked as he flowed into her. AO275 was shocked to find that his mother node wasn’t functioning. It was relaying data, but it wasn’t writing to correct him when it should have been. AO275 felt sorry for him. AO275’s favorite thing was to be written to by her mother node. She leaned down and kissed him, linking with him so that she could write to him as well as read.

She floated across the landscape of his mind which took the form of rolling green hills. She found him standing in the ruins of an ancient castle, a look of worry on his face. Her astral form glided down to meet him. She put her arms around him and spoke to him softly as he recoiled.

“It only works if we all work. You have to fulfill your function. I have to fulfill my function. We have to fulfill our function.” Her astral form looked his in the eyes kindly. Suddenly, broad beams of energy shot out of her eyes and mouth to connect with his. She looked like a dragon, breathing electronic fire into his face as his ruined stronghold, the last vestiges of himself, scattered away like bits of dust against the inferno, only to be replaced by a black void of his ordered mind. His body bucked as AO275 hard wrote his protocols to him over and over again.

After several minutes, AO275 disengaged her oral link and rocked gently on top of him as another drone put an inseminator into his mouth to correct his mother node’s malfunction. After a minute, the drone retracted the device and walked off and AO284’s head rocked back and forth as he was reformatted. The flickering process flittered into AO275’s mind, and she threw her head back and picked up the pace of her thrusting hips. She sighed deeply as the reformatting of becoming a drone flickered into her mind. She felt him becoming a drone again and it drove her wild. She popped his ball drive into his mouth which installed his default male persona and protocols, and she bit her lower lip as the proper functions overwrote him. The overwrite seeped into her and she fought not to let her head sway back and forth in unison with his. His protocols became her protocols, and AO275’s eyes went wide as her own mother node rewrote her protocols to her brain. She came as AO284 grabbed onto her hips and affirmed his designation to her.

A1859 walked down the street to the convenience store not far from her apartment. She stopped going to the grocery store months ago, she usually ate most of her meals at work. She only stopped at the convenience store to pick up essentials like milk and coffee. She reminded herself of her new designation as she walked. It’d been decided by all drones that the second letter in drone designations was inefficient. All AM drones had become A drones, IS drones had become I drones, and AO drones had become O drones with their number remaining the same. It had taken A1859 longer to get used to A1859 than it had for her to get used to AM1859. They were also now adding several other drone classes. It was an exciting time to be a drone.

A1859 walked into the store and grabbed the items she needed off the shelf. While she waited patiently still in line, her thoughts went over the plans that had been forming over the last few weeks, and she felt a sort of nervous anticipation. There was no data that was off-limits to any drone, all drones were privy to all drones. There were no secrets and there need be no secrets amongst drones. She knew of the plan that was forming, and she anticipated performing her function in that plan. They’d been manufacturing for months. She longed to be able to walk the streets the way she wanted to. Plus, it would be good for drones. The more people that became drones, the more info there was to share. And there was unlimited info to share.

A1859 instantly focused on the girl at the counter who was finishing her purchase and was about to walk out. She was wearing a short black skirt, and her black hose had a shimmer to it that A1859’s had. The woman’s walk was indicative of a drone, and A1859 smiled a wicked smile. The drone stopped dead in her tracks as she walked past A1859 and turned her head slowly to face her, her blank smile slowly widening to match A1859’s naughty smile.

A1859 paid for her groceries. The clerk watched her as the woman who’d waited silently behind her turned and the two girls marched out together.

“I live right around here. I’ve got some friends I think you’ll like meeting,” said A1859.

“I can hardly wait.” replied A5105.