The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Donna’s Trance Trigger

Chapter 1

Billy couldn’t believe his luck. He’d actually been paired up to work with Diana, the hottest girl in his film class. Possibly the hottest girl on campus. She was certainly popular enough, although Billy’s interest in her was mainly, shameful as it was to admit, because she was a dead ringer for his favorite cartoon crush. And he knew it was ridiculous to like a girl because she had a superficial resemblance to a cartoon character, but this wasn’t just any cartoon girl. This was Donna Lake from Coocoo-Kachew’s Crime Catcher Crew. That’s right, the seventies cartoon about a groovy trio of teens and their pet toucan solving crimes.

It was the way Diana had her golden blonde hair tied up into a blown out ponytail, with cute curly bangs shading her eyes. Her bangs were even parted just left of center like it was on Donna. And she was wearing a purple long sleeve shirt! Donna always wore purple as her signature look.

Billy groaned inwardly. So maybe he was being ridiculous and reaching, but he’d been crushing on Donna’s mystery solving escapades since he was a kid watching reruns of the classic show. Donna and the admittedly less interesting cast had been the reason he was studying to become an animation student and one day make his own cartoons. Being paired up with a real life version of Donna was a scenario he’d whacked off to countless times but had never actually prepared for.

“My dorms just a little up ahead,” he said, realizing he’d been dead silent for who knows how long. Not that Diana cared at all, as she barely looked up from her phone to grumble a response. Of course she wasn’t interested in him. He was, pretty obviously, a total dork. He’d overheard Diana telling her friends that she didn’t even care about the film class, that she was just here as an easy A. Odds were she’d sit on her ass and stare at her phone, making Billy do all the work himself.

Which he didn’t actually mind too much, if he got the chance to keep stealing glances at her. Sure, it might sound pathetic, but Billy could look back at her following him down the hallway and perfectly imagine a colorful toucan landing on her shoulder, as she broke into a Donna grin and set off to solve a mystery.

And damn if that wasn’t hot to imagine.

Which is about where Diana fell short of his impossible standards. Hot as she was, Diana was certainly not the peppy, cheerleader type eager to put some ridiculous criminals behind bars. Instead she did the normal, real-life girl thing where she ignored Billy completely and just stared dead eyed at her phone. Odds were she’d stay like this the whole time they worked together too. Muttering replies, blank stare, not a hint of emotion. Almost like she was hypnotized.

Oh fuck.

Billy gulped, quickly staring ahead as uncomfortable heat flushed through his entire body. He tried to clamp down on his libido but it was too late. The fantasy was already forming. In his head he saw Diana hypnotized, completely entranced, and his pants became way too tight for him. He snuck another peek back, and Diana was still keeping pace, her thumbs tapping away but her expression entirely unchanged.

Just like how Donna looked in his favorite episode: the Clown Caper Conspiracy. Where a woman dressed in red and white checkered tights and clown makeup— who was also way too well endowed for a kids show— used a magic mirror to put the always energetic Donna into a deep, hypnotic trance.

After countless rewatches the scene was practically seared into Billy’s memory. He could perfectly recreate the basement of the castle down to the animation error that made a torch in the background disappear and reappear between shots. He saw it so clearly: the busty clown lady laughing wickedly as Donna promised her friends would stop her foul schemes. Right up until the villainess pulled out a gold encased mirror and held it up before Donna, her husky voice reciting the hypnotic words that still rang through Billy’s heart.

“Stop, my pretty, and listen to me. From your thoughts, I set you free. A beautiful girl with a happy smile, now find yourself completely beguiled.”

The shot changing to show Donna staring into her own reflection, her struggles fading as magical sparkles dance around her. Slowly Donna’s eyes opened, revealing that she was now blank. Entranced. Obedient. The happy smile spreading on her face just as the villainess promised.

Then Donna would speak in a hypnotized, emotionless tone to confirm her defeat. “Against the mirror, I can’t resist. I must obey my hypnotist.”

Billy had masturbated more times than he could count hearing Donna say that line, always dreaming that she would be saying it just for him.

That scene had cemented his love for the goofy show and it’s ponytail sporting lead for life. It had also given him a pretty substantial fetish for hypnosis and mind control, which he’d gradually come to accept once he got into college. That was the other major influence that led him to learn how to draw and animate; the criminal lack of lewd artwork of Donna, specifically with her hypnotized.

Donna staring absently, drool running down her chin. Donna tied up by some villain, absently reciting mantras of devotion after being brainwashed into submission. Donna being fucked, lovingly moaning her Master’s name as she came over and over while riding him. Moaning Billy’s name as he came inside of her. Donna smiling, eyes empty of all thought, only filled with devotion as she clung to him and said-

“We passed your room.”

Billy spun around, suddenly coming back to himself. He felt naked as if he’d actually been yanked right out of the sexy fantasy and left totally exposed. Diana had finally looked up from her phone to regard him, giving him a disinterested, bored glare that only made him more self-conscious about the dirty thoughts he’d let run wild in his head.

“What was that?”

She jerked a thumb back over her shoulder. “You said you were in room 213, right? We passed it.”

Like a complete idiot he’d walked right past his own door, lost in thoughts of fucking Diana. Donna, he reminded himself quick, although the distinction between them was nearly non-existent. “Right, sorry,” he muttered.

Diana rolled her eyes and went back to staring down at her phone. She spun crisply around and marched a few feet away, stopping right in front of his door without once looking up from her screen. And here Billy thought she’d been blindly walking along behind him. Diana had better situational awareness than him, at any rate.

Wait, did that mean that she noticed him constantly glancing back to check her out?

Almost certainly, Billy thought grimly, trudging after Diana to unlock his door. He tried giving her a smile as he let her in, but Diana just kept tapping unknown things on her phone as she walked in, turned, and dropped herself neatly into a chair. Yup, she definitely would have caught him peeking.

Resisting the urge to panic, Billy cracked a nervous smile. “So anyway, what do you want to do for the project?”

Diana shrugged.

Billy sat down on his bed and twiddled his thumbs, anxiety so high that he could almost hear the alarm sirens blaring in his head. He finally had a hot girl in his dorm room and he was completely blowing it.

“Well, we only need a three minute video for the project. So we could try to do like a montage thing with stock footage?” Billy paused for her to give her input. Diana just sat and texted.

“Or we could shoot something ourselves. If you want to act?”

More silent texting.

“Yeah, I’m not great at acting either,” Billy chuckled, and was greeted with complete silence.

Billy hung his head. This project was going about as well as he expected it too, like the Titanic post a run in with an iceberg. At least it probably couldn’t get any worse. Which is when he noticed that Diana was finally looking away from her phone, her head tilted up to look above him with eyes narrowed.

“You’ve got a Donna poster?”

It’s hard to realize what a complete idiot you are except in hindsight. Billy turned in slow motion, trapped in his own horror movie as he remembered the blown up poster he had of Donna hanging lovingly over his bed, taken right from production notes for the original show. Which was right next to a shelf stuffed with old toys and action figures of the entire Crime Catcher Crew.

“Oh! Um, that’s, it’s not—”

Diana stood up and put her phone in her pocket. At least she wasn’t taking pictures to show everyone how embarrassing his room was with old kid toys, but her aghast stare said it all. If there had ever been a slim chance of getting laid (Billy knew there wasn’t but he was a dreamer) then it was surely gone now. He tensed up, waiting for whatever snide remarks the pretty, perfect Diana was gonna give him for being a total nerd.

“Is this from the production notes for the show?”

Billy’s jaw dropped.

Diana was smiling, reaching out to run a finger along the poster. She was admiring it? “This is totally awesome. I didn’t know they sold these.”

“They, um, they don’t. I cropped that myself from concept art and had it printed out.”

Diana turned that dazzling smile on him. “That’s so cool. I loved this show as a kid.”

“You did?”

“Who didn’t?” Diana scoffed, but not in a way that was meant to be mean. Instead it was an inclusionary scoff, with him on the inside with Diana as she scoffed at others. Billy was hardly an outcast, but this was still a strangely nice new feeling. Then Diana turned to see his collection of toys on the shelf, and before he could defend himself he saw her pick up a colorful action figure of Coocoo-Kachew the toucan, her smile only growing wider. “Oh wow, I had a bunch of these as a kid. My parents threw most of them out, though.”

In that moment Billy would have happily handed over every last collectible figure to her just to keep that wonderful smile on her face. Except for the 1998 printed Donna figure in the purple sports car outfit, of course. Still, Billy resisted the urge to give the pretty girl whatever she wanted and decided to play it cool.

“That’s just a few of the figures I decided to bring to college with me. I’ve got a whole cabinet of them back home.”

Diana glanced over her shoulder, giving him a shrewd, curious look. “And you’re just gonna admit to having a whole toy chest?”

Billy shrugged. “Why not? I love the show and I love collecting them. Besides you’ve already seen enough to know I’m a total nerd.”

Her mouth screwed up, as if she was deciding whether to laugh at him. Instead Diana broke into that wide grin again as she shook her head. “Damn, I wish I had that kind of courage. I was too afraid to even bring my Coocoo plushie in case someone saw and laughed at me.”

Billy didn’t know what was more outrageous. That popular girl Diana had a kids cartoon plush doll, or that she’d just said he had courage. He certainly didn’t feel courageous. Right then Billy felt so spineless it was a miracle he didn’t melt into a puddle on his bed. His mouth was way too dry, his hands way too sweaty, and he couldn’t figure out what to say to her.

Lucky for him Diana decided to go first. She spun around, chewing on her lower lip and looking absolutely adorable. “Okay, so it’s kind of embarrassing to say, but I figure you won’t judge me since…” She gestured vaguely at his shelf of kid’s toys. “But I actually wear my hair like this because it’s how Donna wore it.”

“I knew it!” Billy shouted, unable to contain his excitement.

Diana blushed deeply. “You knew?”

“I mean, I knew your hair was a dead ringer for Donna. And you’re always wearing cute purple clothes. It’s like you were always low-key cosplaying her in class.”

Diana’s blush deepened, but she started smiling again. “You’re the first person to ever catch it. I actually bought a Donna costume for Halloween last year, but I was too embarrassed to wear it. I went as a slutty cat instead.”

“Aw, that’s a shame.”

She crossed her arms and smirked. “Most guys would be happy to see me dressed as a slutty cat.”

“I’m sure it was great, but I’d much rather see you in a Donna costume.”

Diana tilted her head and smiled at him. “Very smooth.”

Billy blinked in surprise. “I said something smooth? How?”

She barked out a laugh and quickly clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her giggling. “Sorry, sorry. I just didn’t think you’d be funny.”

Diana’s laugh left a warm, golden glow in his chest, and Billy couldn’t hold back a grin. “I didn’t expect you to be a fan of Coocoo-Kachew’s Crime Catcher Crew.”

“Well it’s the best show ever. Did you think I had terrible taste or something?”

At her accusing look Billy went pale. “Oh no. I didn’t—” Then he saw her grinning and rolled his eyes. “Listen, embarrassing me is not a great feat. I do it about five times a day all on my own.”

“Like walking past your room cause you were too busy checking me out?”

Billy gulped and wanted to make an excuse. Instead he let his shoulders slump and said, “Yup. Just like that.”

“At least you’re honest about it. You wouldn’t believe how many guys stare at me every day.”

“All of them?”

“Good guess,” Diana laughed.

“In my defense, I was kind of blown away at how much you looked like Donna from the show. Which you admitted was intentional.”

“So there weren’t any dirty thoughts going through your head at all?” asked Diana, with a playful gleam in her eyes.

“I never said that,” Billy admitted, which made Diana break into another peal of laughter. Holy crap, they were actually getting along!

Diana turned towards his desk, reaching out to check out a stack of pages with illustrations of Donna, Coocoo and all the other characters. “Did you draw these yourself?”

“Yup. Had to practice so I could animate them.”

Diana’s face lit up with shock, awe, and what Billy could have sworn was respect. “You’re making your own cartoon?”

“I’m nowhere close to getting all that done. I’m just trying to work on getting characters moving right for more than five seconds.”

Billy was used to talking down on his work, and yet that awe in Diana’s eyes didn’t dim a bit. “Can I see?”

Hardly about to say no to a cute girl, Billy hurried over and booted up his computer. The screen came to life, showing a rough sketch of Coocoo the toucan, complete with his ridiculous hat and short tie around his bird neck.

“So it’s still rough, and obviously trying to make a bird fly is hard and—”

A soft hand rested on his shoulder. “You can play it,” Diana said, with a reassuring smile.

“Um, sure.” Without any more excuses, he brought up the animation. Coocoo flapped his wings and flew up in the air, doing his signature twirl. It was rough, with some frames off center, and still needed a lot of polishing. And yet Diana’s eyes were huge. She was positively beaming.

“That’s so awesome!”

“Thanks,” Billy muttered, blushing.

“Ooh, is that an animation of Donna?”

Billy glanced up, and saw Diana pointing at a thumbnail for another file. He went pale. While it was definitely Donna, what the tiny thumbnail didn’t show was the fact that Donna was topless, stroking her tits and staring with mesmerized eyes, mouthing the words, “Yes, Master.”

That animation was obviously far more detailed. Much too detailed, Billy realized as he saw Diana reaching for the mouse to click on it.

“That one’s not done yet!” Billy said as he snatched the mouse away from her. She pouted, and Billy was ready to instantly cave and let her watch if it wouldn’t absolutely ruin whatever was happening between them. As much as Diana was being surprisingly nice, he doubted she’d react as pleasantly to finding out he drew mind control fetish porn as a hobby. “Sorry, I’m just touchy about works in progress.”

With a sigh, Diana relented. “Fine, but promise to show me when it’s done? She’s my favorite character.”

Without a second thought, Billy grinned and said, “Absolutely.” Then, before he put his foot in his mouth any more than he already had, Billy shut off the screen and said, “So what should we do for the project.”

Diana’s face lit up. “Why don’t we just use that?”

For just a split second, Billy was about to shout, “You want to use Donna porn?” Thankfully he was too shocked to actually say it.

“You’ve got that awesome animation for Coocoo. Can’t we do something with that?”

“I suppose we could green screen it into something. But it’s just a few seconds, so that’s not enough for the project.”

“Well how long would it take you to draw a three minute short film?”

“At my level? About two years.”

Diana blanched. “So maybe we do something else,” she chuckled.

“We could always pad the short out with something else, and just throw Coocoo in there. If we’re going for a fan film you could probably play Donna.”

Billy had just thrown that out there, partially in the hopes of seeing Diana in a full costume. The last thing he expected was for Diana to suddenly grip his shoulder and shout, “Oh my god, yes!”

“Wait, you want to do it?”

“Of course! That’s, like, a dream come true for me!” Billy watched spellbound as Diana jumped to her feet and started pacing the room. “We can make up some cheesy plot I’m investigating. Sneaking around a warehouse, or breaking into the villain’s evil lair.”

Billy wanted to remind her that they had a limited budget, but he just couldn’t bring himself to stop the blonde when she was this excited. She was pacing his room quickly, obviously lost in her own thoughts as she blurted out didn’t setups and action bits from the cartoon. None of it anything they could do, of course, but Billy was happy to sit there simply watching someone else brimming with passion for the cartoon he held so dear. At one point Diana even pretended to karate chop a goofy villain, chopping her hand at the air and hitting an action pose.

He burned the moment into his mind, wishing he could get her to pose for him to draw her fully as Donna. But then again, if they did create a fan film with Diana dressed up as Donna then he’d have a three minute video he could pause and reference whenever he wanted.

Forget the fact that Billy didn’t know anything about actually working with a camera and had never filmed a video in his life. If he kept his mouth shut this could be a dream come true. And despite all those selfish reasons, Billy also couldn’t help but want to feed Diana’s excitement and help her make this project she clearly cared about too.

“So I’m trying to take down the villains, but obviously I get captured. Donna always getting captured,” Diana chuckled. “Then I get all tied up and struggling to escape. And I—”

Suddenly Diana stopped, precisely as he was awestruck at the prospect of having Diana tied up. It was like she’d sensed his instant interest in the idea. When she turned around Diana had an odd look on her face and was unable to meet his eyes. “Do you think that’s good?”

“I- well that’s—”

Like a predator emerging from the underbrush, Diana slowly broke into a knowing grin. Trapped with a guilty expression, Billy wanted to make like a frightened rabbit and dive in a hole, only there was nowhere for him to escape from Diana.

“Oh my god, you’re totally turned on thinking of me tied up.”

Completely caught, Billy had nothing to say in his defense except some wordless sputtering.

“I should have guessed you were a perv,” she said, shaking her head and grinning playfully. “Those cartoons always give guys weird fetishes.”

At that, he had to defend himself. “You’re a fan of Coocoo-Kachew too. So what weird fetish did it give you?”

Diana scoffed. She turned her head away indignantly. Opened her mouth to protest and-

Then she paused. And gave Billy a long, uncomfortable look that made him squirm. Finally she blushed and said, “Okay, fine. But I’m only saying this because you’re so adorably transparent about being a perv. But yeah, I kind of get turned on at the thought of being tied up and captured like Donna. So maybe I suggested it hoping we’d get to do it.”

“Wait, wait, wait. You want me to tie you up cause it turns you on?”

Diana flushed and laughed nervously. “Buy a girl a drink first.”

“I- I can totally do that. Yeah. Let’s do that.”

“Buying me a drink or tying me up?”

“Tying you up. I mean, both, but I can tie you up.”

“For the project,” Diana reminded him, with a small smile planted on her lips.

“Or whatever. Yeah.”

“You are such a dork,” she teased. It was the first time Billy had ever been called a dork in a way that sounded like a compliment. “And you totally can’t tell anybody.”

“I’d never. Promise.”

Diana considered it, then nodded. “Alright, so if we’re going to have fun with this, we should film something like our favorite episodes. I’d love to do ‘Panic at the Planetarium,’ where Donna got abducted by aliens.”

Billy grinned. Imagining Diana held down on a metal slab, wearing that slinky silver dress and ready for alien examination was fun, but-

“It might be hard to do without alien costumes. And we’d have to get like a medical examination table.”

There was disappointment clear on Diana’s face as she said, “Fine. So not that one. How about ‘High Sea Smugglers?’ We could probably get a cheap ghost pirate Halloween costume. You can make me walk the plank,” she said with a wink.

“Isn’t she dangling upside down from a mast in that episode.”

“Yeah,” Diana sighed, sighing and squirming in place. Billy gulped, realizing that Diana really was getting off on this. Then Diana pouted. “Though I guess a pirate ship would be pretty hard to fake. And I doubt you have enough bondage know-how to tie me up upside down.”

“I don’t know anything about bondage,” he admitted. Before brightly adding, “But I can totally start learning!”

Diana laughed sweetly. “Down, boy. I like the enthusiasm.” She crinkled her brow in thought. “So what episode would you want to do?”

He never even thought of taking a second to consider his answer as he instantly answered, “Clown Caper Conspiracy.”

Diana tilted her head, ponytail rustling behind her. “Donna doesn’t get tied up in that one, though.”

“Oh, right. I just—”

Billy glanced up, and saw Diana giving him a cat-like grin, as if he were a tasty looking mouse. “So you’re into that, huh?”

It was the first time he’d ever been forced to admit it out loud. A moment he’d dreaded, made much worse by it being Diana that he had to confess too.

“I can’t help it,” he admitted lamely. “It’s just… really hot to imagine it.”

“Weird,” Diana said, shaking her head. “It’s not my thing, but I guess I can’t really judge you.”

Billy sighed. “Yeah, I guess it’d be too perfect if you weren’t into that too.”

“I gotta know, though. What do you find sexy about clowns?”

Billy scrunched up his nose. “Clowns?”

“Yeah. Why does a clown lady get you going?” Diana asked.

“I’m not into clowns!” Billy shouted, a bit too loud.

Diana threw her hands up, laughing. “No judgment here.”

“No, I mean it! I’m into the hypnosis part.”

Now Diana looked confused. “Wait, you find that hot?”


Diana suddenly got quiet. She pursed her lips into a thin line and narrowed her eyes. “Bullshit. You’re just embarrassed you’re hot for slutty clown girls.”

Maybe a saner person would have done something smarter. But in that moment Billy had just revealed his most private fetish, and Diana had dismissed it like it was a joke. And considering the hours and hours he’d spent fantasizing about Donna hypnotized, plus all the artwork he’d drawn himself from his own passion for it, it felt as if she was dismissing him too.

So, filled with righteous passion, Billy spun around and turned his computer screen back on.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just—”

Billy ignored her, and clicked on the Donna thumbnail she’d noticed before. Diana had walked over, reaching out to apologize, but stopped as the screen filled with an image of Donna. The cartoon girl was topless, eyes wide and vacant, and she was drawn in gorgeous detail that Billy was still proud of. With Diana staring in shock, he hit play.

Donna came to life, groping her tits softly as small sparkles flashed around her face, just like when she was mesmerized in the show by the clown lady’s magic mirror. Her lips moved, rendered in loving detail as the animation perfectly mouthed out the words Donna was saying. Billy could almost hear the words now…

“Against the mirror, I can’t resist.”

Billy gasped in shock. Those words hadn’t come from his imagination. He turned and saw Diana watching the animation, her eyes wide, but her own lips moving as she finished the line. In a faint voice she said, “I must obey my hypnotist.”

Billy just stared in awe, his cock instantly hard. It was a vulgar thought, but he’d just heard a real life girl say the line he’d fantasized about a thousand times over. On screen, the animation looped as Donna began the mantra again, the response she gave every time she was triggered into trance. But Diana turned to look at him, surprise all over her face.

They stayed there, staring at each other without a word, while the black and white Donna animation continued to grope her tits, totally entranced.

Diana’s eyes darted down to his crotch, and Billy realized he was visibly hard. He quickly shifted and crossed his legs, but when he looked back up Diana was smiling. She looked back at the mind controlled Donna porn he’d drawn and said, “It’s amazing.”

“What is?” Billy asked dumbly.

Diana chewed on her lip, then admitted, “All of this. That you drew this. And it’s gorgeous.” Then, in a quiet voice, added, “And that you’re into this stuff too.”

Billy’s jaw dropped. What could he say back to that?

“So you want to see me like this?” Diana asked, eyes shining.

He wanted to say yes a thousand times. Instead he just nodded stiffly, his mouth still hanging open.

Diana took a deep breath. Then stood up straight. Her face relaxed, cheeks flushed. Diana looked right into his eyes and said, “Against the mirror, I can’t resist. I must obey my hypnotist.”

Billy sat up straight, watching as Diana broke into a wide grin. Then gulped and said, “Your cadence is a little off. And you definitely don’t look like you’re hypnotized.”

Diana reacted like she’d been slapped. “Are you kidding me? I do something embarrassing like that for you and you give me notes!? What the fuck is wrong with—”

He couldn’t last another second as he burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”

“Wait, you were messing with me?” Diana looked shocked, but the anger was gone from her voice at least.

“Look, you’ve been teasing me this whole time, and I just saw the chance to mess with you a little.”

Diana crossed her arms indignantly. “Fine, you got me. So I suck at acting.” Then she bit her lower lip and rocked her hips back and forth. “But did you like it?”

“I loved it,” Billy said as he rested back in his chair.


“To be perfectly honest, if it wouldn’t be awful manners I probably would have started jacking off right in front of you.”

A devilish grin crossed her face. “So you’re saying if I hit you with it again, you’ll start masturbating helplessly?”

She leaned in close, grinning at him, and Billy felt unbearably turned on. The fact that Diana was acting like she wanted to see that was hot, but he wasn’t supposed to be the one teased and manipulated here. He wanted to be in charge of this fantasy, with Donna- Diana, at his beck and call.

Diana held her arms up stiff in front of her and started putting that fake-blank look back on her face. Already Billy felt his cock throbbing, begging him to enjoy the show, but Billy knew he had to act now.

“Hold up.”

With a frown, Diana stopped and put her hands on her hips. “What?”

“This isn’t how this is supposed to go.”

“And what’s wrong with it?”

Billy took a deep breath. He got to his feet and stared Diana down. “I need to be in control here. You’re my hypnotized plaything, and you do what I say.”

For a moment Diana bristled, and Billy thought she would shout at him. And then all the tension in Diana melted away. She shuddered, a smile forming despite her best efforts. “So… you’re in charge now?”

“I am,” Billy said, putting as much confidence into his voice as he could.

“Then what are you going to do to me?”

She was daring him. And there was so much he wanted to do. Billy looked at Diana and saw the excitement in her eyes. She was into this too. Someone else who shared his love of the fantasy. His love of Donna. He could do anything to her.

Should he tell her to kiss him? Should he tell her to fuck him? The whole situation was so strange and magical that Billy wasn’t sure what would be too far.

Then, with surprising certainty, Billy knew what he should do first. He had to start this fantasy off right.

“Stop, my pretty, and listen to me,” Billy said, beginning the speech from the cartoon, the magic induction that let the gimmicky mirror hypnotize Donna. Diana started to smile, clearly amused, and then a strange look came over her face. “From your thoughts, I set you free.” Her expression went slack. Empty. Not like when she was pretending before. This time it was like someone had unplugged Diana and she simply shut off.

Billy stared in disbelief. As far as Billy could tell, it looked like Diana was falling into a real, hypnotic trance. He never would have guessed she was such a good actress.

After a moment Diana let out a soft groan, and Billy quickly set about saying the rest of the mantra. Didn’t want to keep Diana waiting. “A beautiful girl with a happy smile.” At that, Diana’s open mouth closed, and she put a happy smile on her lips. The smile never reached her eyes, however, which stared vacantly ahead past Billy. She looked just like Donna did when the magic mirror entranced her in the show. Grinning so wide his cheeks already hurt, Billy triumphantly finished the speech by chanting, “Now find yourself completely beguiled!”

Diana didn’t react at all. She remained perfectly frozen. Standing at attention with eyes unfocused and a her lips curled up in a fake happy smile. She never broke character at all as said, in an emotionless voice, Donna’s rhyming reply to being put into trance.

“Against the mirror, I can’t resist. I must obey my hypnotist.”