The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Book of Zion

By D.T and Mr Stepford

2 Darlene 5

Darlene didn’t remember her hair getting mussed but when she put her hand up to check it felt like a bird’s nest. “All right.” She followed meekly as Annabelle led her to a hassock and sat her down. As the teeth of the comb touched her scalp she felt a return of that warmth, the sense of belonging she’d felt last month. Annabelle hummed “Sisters in Zion” as she worked.

“I must say I sometimes I wish Heavenly Father had blessed me with hair like yours,” Annabelle said. “It’s so soft and healthy. It would look really pretty in a French braid.” Darlene looked up at their reflections in a mirror across the room and blinked. For a moment she could have sworn Annabelle had been plaiting her hair into a French braid.My eyes are playing tricks on me, she told herself. But it was no trick that her hair, which had hung to her chin before was now long enough to brush the tops of her shoulders.

As Annabelle braided Darlene remember when she braided Theresa hair and those lyrics begin to replayed

We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us,
Right section over the middle section
We trust in his words and our purpose is clear.
Left section over the middle section
We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us,
Right section over the middle section
We trust in his words and our purpose is clear.
Left section over the middle section
We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us,
Right section over the middle section
We trust in his words and our purpose is clear.

Annabelle hummed to the lyrics in Darlene head. By the time she was through Darlene was so entranced she didn’t object when Annabelle told her to “ Lift up your arms dear so we can get you out of this sweaty thing” Darlene did as she was told and Annabelle replaced with a White chiffon high neck crochet top with short sleeves Somewhere a door shut and Darlene blinked and stepped away from Annabelle. “Um, thanks, but I’m fine, as I am.” She wasn’t about to surrender her slacks.

When Darlene return to the living room Elizabeth and Robert were there. “Blessed sister” Elizabeth said as she embraced Darlene “it so wonderful to have you return to the loving confide of Covenant” As Darlene endured this ever lasting hug she looked down the hall to study where Kate was, Margaret came out and whisper something in Kelsey ear they then nodded their heads and smiled at each other and Kelsey went into the study

“Oh, I’m only here until my car is fixed,” Darlene said, “but, um, I’m glad to see that you’re doing well.” She found herself wondering where Judy had gotten to. “My beloved sister well could not possibly describe how I feel” Elizabeth said as grab hold of Darlene hands “for when you live in darkness as long as I did you no longer believe there was ever light” Darlene stared into her eyes as if she could look into her soul and see if lizy was still in there somewhere or if Covenant had washed her completely away “but when the light comes dear sister " Elizabeth continues . Darlene continue to look but no sign of Lizy so she began to look deeper “it showed me way” and deeper “I layed down my weapons of rebellion” and deeper " and no longer fought against god " and deeper “I became a righteous woman of God” and deeper

She was standing before the altar in the church with the prophet beside her holding her left hand in his and raising it high. The entire congregation was applauding. Looking up at their joined hands, hers so slender and safely enfolded in his larger, stronger one, she noticed a glimmer of gold on her ring finger. “I’m sorry, what?” she said when somebody touched her shoulder and said her name.

“I was wondering if you could give us a hand sitting the table sweety” Kelsey ask. Darlene realized that she was now sitting on the couch and was unsure of how much time had passed . “Where is Elizabeth” Darlene asked “She talking to Kaitlyn in the study giving her the perspective of a new convert. I must say it was real joy talking to Sister Kaitlyn I would say we have given her a lot to think about” Kelsey said as she helped Darlene up from the couch. As they walked to the dining room Darlene noticed that she was walking differently “wait” she thinks to herself “When did I put this skirt?”

“What happened to my clothes?” she asked Kelsey, “and my shoes?” she continued when she realized the off-white pumps she had on weren’t the flat sandals she’d worn on the trip here.“Oh sweetie you don’t remember wanting to put on something appropriate for dinner” Kelsey said as she took Darlene hand and gently rub it " Well the mind will play tricks on in your condition” as Darlene stared into her eye she could swear she didn’t see her lips move but she could clearly hear inside her head Kelsey say “there is great joy when your live by God’s standards of modesty and femininity”All of a sudden it all came back to her she remember sitting with Elizabeth talking about the importance of chastity when Kelsey came in and took Elizabeth to see Kate. It was then that she remembers turning to Annabelle and saying " you know on second thought I would like to put on something a little more appropriate for dinner”

“Wow,” Darlene said blinking, “I must be more tired than I realized. Did you have this problem when you were carrying Julia?” “Heavens no the curse of Eve was lifted praise God. But when I first learning about the church I was on all sorts hormonal drug to boost my testosterone and it did all sort of crazy things to my head. I thank God everyday for the restoration of my femininity” Kelsey said as she straighten Darlene top At that moment Darlene felt a slight twinge in her back making her stand up a little straighter. Kelsey took her by the arm and led her to the dining room.