The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

A Jewel of Many Facets

Mercedes Jewel takes stock of her life and decides how she wants to move forward after the defeat of Jonathan Creel (This story was done as a commission for Second Chair; the basic story idea was his, and I like it)

Mercedes sat up, opened her eyes and yawned; glancing to her right, she wasn’t surprised to find that she was alone in the king-sized bed she shared with her lover, Bella.

Picking up her phone from the bedside table, she saw that it was just after ten o’clock in the morning.

With a sigh, she set the phone down and closed her eyes.

“Are you going to stay in bed all day?” Bella Beguile asked as she entered the bedroom, which was located on the third floor of the massive New York city townhouse that served as the base of operations for The Scintillating Seven.

Mercedes sighed again and sat up, her long dark hair tousled.

Her expression turned sour when she saw Bella dressed in blue leggings and a silver sports bra, her gym bag in her hand.

“Maybe I am. I’m tired,” Mercedes said with another yawn.

Now Bella sighed.

“You are always tired lately. Get up, Mercedes. Donna, Janelle, Kaylee, Ava and I are going to meet High Mistress Vanessa at her gym to train,” she said.

Mercedes shook her head.

“No, thanks. I am not in the mood,” she said.

You wouldn’t get away with talking to me like that if you were still my slave, Mercedes added silently.

Not for the first time, she lamented releasing Bella from her hypnotism.

Bella eyed her lover and former Mistress with a mixture of irritation and sympathy.

The war against Jonathan Creel had ended a few weeks earlier, and though they had been on the winning side it had been costly to the Scintillating Seven both physically and emotionally.

Mercedes had been captured by Creel and his minions, along with Mistress Kaylee, and the pair had served as their slaves until The Seven and their allies had rescued them during the final battle.

Worse, Lady Christine had been killed by Creel personally when he had attacked the Scintillating Seven’s home.

“Mercedes, we all need to practice, get better. We are fortunate that High Mistress Vanessa is offering to help us train! It is an honor,” Bella admonished her lover.

Mercedes shrugged.

“I don’t feel like it, okay? We just had Christine’s funeral last week, and this whole bullshit with Creel…I need some time,” she replied sullenly.

Fuck Vanessa and her hypnotic tits, Mercedes thought irritably.

“That is exactly why you should be coming; Kaylee was beaten by Lava and used as a sex-slave, and she is not letting it get her down; she’s tough, and she’s getting back in the game,” Bella retorted.

Mercedes scowled.

“Good for her. I guess I’m not tough,” she spat.

She imagined Bella on her knees, a look of loving devotion on her face.

Bella frowned.

“Yes, you are. Come on, snap out of it! We won; yes, you got captured and yes, Christine died. But it is time to move on; we are part of The Scintillating Seven,” she said calmly, though there was an edge in her voice.

Yes, but should we be? What the fuck are we doing in New York with Donna? Mercedes wondered.

“You go; if Donna or the others have a problem with it, tell them to come talk to me. I will keep an eye on the workers,” Mercedes replied, lying back down.

Their home had suffered damage during Creel’s attack, and Donna had hypnotized a local contractor into repairing it, as well as performing some renovations while they were at it.

Bella’s expression became sympathetic as she looked at her lover; their relationship was often combative and difficult, and in truth Bella still felt strong submissiveness toward Mercedes.

However, she genuinely loved the sexy hispanic hypnotist, and she knew that the prideful Mercedes was dealing with feelings of guilt, failure and humiliation due to her capture.

I suppose I will just have to give her space to work through this…although if it persists too long I am going to have to hypnotize her, Bella thought to herself.

“Okay, my love. Get some rest, and I will see you at dinner…at least shower, though,” Bella said more gently.

She walked over to the bed and bent down, kissing Mercedes lightly on her forehead.

Then she left.

Tears trickled from Mercedes’ eyes after Bella had gone.

She angrily wiped them away and rose, going into their private bathroom and looking at herself in the mirror.

She stared at herself for over two minutes, seething and imagining having Bella hypnotized and kneeling before her, her submissive rather than her equal partner.

Overcome with sudden rage, she let out a shriek and slammed her fist into the glass, cracking it.

With a long, loud sigh Mercedes inspected her throbbing hand.

Luckily, she hadn’t cut herself, and nothing seemed broken.

“I guess I will add that to the list of things for the contractor to fix,” she muttered dryly, looking at the cracked mirror.

The Latina hypnotist stepped into the large multi-headed shower and turned on the water.

She stood motionless for nearly ten minutes, letting the hot water scour her lovely brown skin while she gathered her thoughts.

“Bella is right, you can’t let this beat you; you screwed up, but you have to get past it. Hypnothea, if you can hear me, please help me,” she said quietly to herself.

While she wasn’t terribly devout, Mercedes did believe in The Goddess of Hypnotism, identifying with and admiring Hypnothea’s background as a lowly peasant girl who rose to conquer everyone she met mentally, physically and spiritually.

Eventually, Mercedes took a deep breath and began to move, showering vigorously and thoroughly washing her hair.

After drying off, she put on a scarlet silk robe, grabbed her phone and went downstairs, her hair wrapped in a pink towel.

She took a seat on a recliner in a luxuriously-appointed living room and began to scroll on her phone.

A young, fit and beautiful naked woman with short blonde hair appeared, her blue eyes wide and unblinking.

She was a menial hypno-slave wearing a silver collar denoting her as belonging to the Scintillating Seven. Hypnotized into a mindless drone, she was unable to do anything but serve and obey her owners.

“Bring me black coffee, oatmeal and fresh fruit,” Mercedes said curtly to the woman.

She had been told the slave’s name, but she had forgotten it.

“Yes, Mistress,” the blonde replied, hurrying from the room.

A short time later the naked blonde returned with a tray containing Mercedes’ breakfast order, prepared by the Sevens’ full-time cook, a male slave who’s name Mercedes did not know nor care to learn.

“Worship my feet while I eat, slave,” Mercedes commanded the blonde before taking a sip of her coffee.

“Yes, Mistress,” the hypnotized woman replied, immediately going to her knees and raising Mercedes’ sexy left bare foot to her lips.

The slave was well-trained; Mercedes took her time, enjoying both her breakfast and the foot-worship.

“You will take this tray to the kitchen and then get on with your chores for the day,” the Latina hypnotist commanded after she had finished her meal.

“Yes, Mistress,” the slave replied, rising and taking the tray.

Mercedes eyed the young woman’s taught, sexy bare ass as she left the room.

I will definitely have to enjoy that one more later, she mused with a smirk.

Again, she imagined Bella on her knees, hypnotized.

I should never have released her; she can be in love with me under hypnosis. You are getting soft, Mercedes admonished herself as she went back upstairs.

Mercedes and Bella’s attempt at having a more equal relationship had been difficult, to say the least.

As she walked down the hallway toward she and Bella’s suite, she heard the sound of a nail gun being used.

Pausing in the doorway of a room that served as the Seven’s library, she peered inside to see a young man dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt working on replacing a window that had been shattered when Ava Gold had kicked a hypno-goon through it during Creel’s attack.

The man appeared to be perhaps thirty, fit and handsome, with a slightly unkempt brown beard and broad shoulders.

Already aroused from the blonde slave sucking on her toes, Mercedes took off the ruby pendant she was wearing, then let her robe and towel fall to the floor.

Time for dessert, she thought with a smirk.

“Hello there,” she said seductively, striding into the room.

The man turned toward her, gaping in astonishment at the sight of the incredibly sexy naked woman.

“Uh, h-hello. Can I, uh, help you?” he stammered, setting the nail gun on the floor.

“Yes dear, you can. You can watch the ruby,” Mercedes replied, raising the jewel.

The beautiful red gem glittered brilliantly as she swung it back and forth in front of the man’s eyes.

“I, uh, okay sure…?” the man replied, confused.

His brown eyes were following the gem as spoke.

Back and forth.

“That’s it…just relax…watch the ruby and listen to my voice…relaxing more and more with each swing back…and forth…relaxing deeper…deeper with every word I say…you cannot take your eyes off the swinging ruby…you must keep watching it swing back…and forth…relax…,” Mercedes said in as soothing voice.

The man’s eyes were riveted to the sparkling ruby as Mercedes channeled hypnotic energy through the gem and into his mind.

“I…I…okay…,” the man said with a sigh, his shoulders slumping.

“Very good…you are getting sleepy now…your eyelids are getting heavy…very heavy…you are so relaxed…all you want to do is close your eyes and relax completely…it will feel wonderful to simply let go and relax for me…you are sleepy…sleepy…,” Mercedes continued,

The man’s eyelids began to flutter.

He grunted, trying to protest.

The ruby continued to swing.

Back and forth.

“The harder you try to keep your eyelids open, the heavier they become…you cannot stay awake…close your eyes and sleep for me now…relax completely…you are hypnotized,” Mercedes declared.

The man’s eyes closed and his head nodded as he dropped into a trance.

The Latina hypnotist replaced her ruby pendant around her neck.

“Good boy. Listen carefully…you are deep, deep asleep. You will listen only to my voice and do exactly as I command. You must obey me, I am your Mistress and you are now my slave. I am going to count back from five, and with each number you will drop deeper into trance. When I reach one, you will be completely my slave, ready to obey my every command…five…dropping deeper…four…your mind is empty…three…you must obey me…two….you cannot resist me…one, your free will is gone. You are my slave,” Mercedes said firmly.

“I am…your slave…,” the man murmured.

“Yes you are, and you will obey my every command. What is your name?” Mercedes asked.

“Jared,” the man replied.

“Okay Jared, open your eyes. When you look at me, you will find me the sexiest woman you have ever seen. You will become extremely aroused by me. All you want is to serve me, to please me, to obey me. You want me, your cock is growing very, very hard for me now,” Mercedes suggested.

Jared’s eyes flew open.

His face turned red and a bulge immediately grew in his jeans as she looked at the stunning naked hypnotist.

Mercedes nodded her approval at his fit, strong physique.

“Strip, slave. I want you to fuck me,” she commanded.

Jared practically tore his clothing off, revealing several tattoos on his arms and chest, as well as his erect and straining cock.

“Not bad. I own your cock, slave. It is mine. You cannot cum without my permission. You will stop just short of your release, and you will not cum until I allow it,” Mercedes said, eyeing his penis.

“Yes, Mistress!” Jared said breathlessly.

A moment later, he was pounding Mercedes from behind as she bent over the side of couch.

The Latina hypnotist shrieked with each thrust.

After she orgasmed, she repositioned herself so Jared could fuck her agains the wall; she wrapped her legs tightly around the strong young man as he enthusiastically bucked his hips.

“Harder, slave! Harder, you stupid obrero! Fuck me HARDER!” Mercedes yelled.

Jared increased his tempo, and it didn’t take Mercedes long to cum again, letting out a scream of ecstasy.

Far from sated, she had Jared lay on the couch so she could mount him.

She moaned loudly as she moved rapidly up and down on his still-stiff shaft; eventually she orgasmed a third time, and then a fourth.

Jared grunted in equal parts pleasure and frustration, stuck at the edge of orgasm, unable to release.

Finally satisfied, Mercedes got off her sex-slave and stretched.

“Damn, I needed that. Bella is an amazing lover, but sometimes I just need a good stiff cock,” she said with a sigh.

Jared whimpered, his shaft still rock-hard.

Mercedes laughed at him.

“Alright slave, back on your knees. As soon as I leave the room you will begin to masturbate to me. You may cum after you have stroked yourself twenty times. When you orgasm, you will awaken and remember that you simply saw me walk by, and I was so beautiful and sexy that you simply had to strip and jerk off over me. You will not remember that I hypnotized you, or anything that happened while you were in a trance. If you ever hear me say “Hard Working Toy”, you will instantly drop back into a deep hypnotized state, ready to obey my every command,” she instructed firmly.

“Yes, Mistress!” Jared agreed eagerly.

Mercedes retrieved her robe and towel and sauntered from the room without another word; she smiled as she heard Jared’s loud grunt, knowing he had begun helplessly and furiously masturbating to her.

By the time she reached her bedroom, she was feeling much better than she had when she had awoken, and was actually planning to go out into the city and explore.

Mercedes did not know New York City well, and since The Seven were going to be based there for the foreseeable future, she decided she should change that.

With Jonathan Creel defeated and Victoria Dominique dead, the huge city’s True Hypnotism community was going to be in chaos as hypnotists vied with one another for territory and control.

At least we have High Mistress Vanessa’s friendship, Mercedes thought as she stepped into her room.

Vanessa was now the undisputed biggest fish in the pond, and Mercedes agreed with Donna’s assessment that the Seven should support her; the High Mistress’s patronage would be invaluable.

Mercedes froze in surprise to see a strange woman sitting casually on the end of her bed.

“Hello dear,” the woman said pleasantly, a hint of an Irish or Scottish accent in her voice.

Mercedes eyed her dangerously, dropping her robe and towel.

The woman appeared to be perhaps twenty-five; she was about five-foot-nine and exceptionally pretty, with flawless fair skin and piercing blue eyes. Her light-brown hair was long and styled in a high ponytail, and she had perfect high cheekbones and full pouty lips. She was slender and clearly extremely fit, wearing a pristine white power suit with the jacket open to reveal a silver blouse. Around her neck hung a simple leather cord with a polished disk of green dolomite hanging from it. Her earrings were dangling silver spirals with diamond centers, and she wore silver rings on both of her thumbs, and on her right middle finger was a platinum band set with a very large blue diamond. Her long fingernails were dark red, and she wore sky-high strappy silver stiletto sandals that revealed her fantastic, perfect feet. Her toenails were dark red, and she wore a platinum band on her left middle toe set with a large sapphire.

“Who the hell are you, chica? What are you doing in my room?” Mercedes asked irritably.

She assumed the sexy woman was one of the Seven’s slaves, likely an accountant or some other skilled servant.

“Someone you will want to listen to,” the woman replied casually, rising to her feet.

In her heels she seemed a giant to the naked Mercedes.

“Is that so, slave? I will decide whom I listen to, thank you. Now get out of my room! I will call you when I want my feet worshipped,” Mercedes snapped.

The woman smiled thinly.

“I suppose I will let that disrespect pass…this time. You obviously don’t know who I am,” she said calmly.

“I don’t care who you are, bitch! You are out of line, and need to be punished,” Mercedes replied, reaching up for her ruby pendant.

The stranger sighed.

“Really Mercedes?” she asked.

“Whoever hypnotized you did a terrible job with your programming. Watch the ruby…,” Mercedes replied, raising her pendant and swinging it back and forth.

The stranger smirked, eyeing the glittering gemstone with amusement.

“You cannot hypnotize me. I am no one’s slave,” she said nonchalantly.

Mercedes frowned, lowering her pendant.

“Maybe not, but I can kick your ass and then hypnotize you,” she replied, putting her necklace back on and assuming a fighting stance.

The white-clad woman shook her head, a sympathetic expression on her face.

“I am afraid you cannot beat me in a fight either…though you are certainly welcome to try,” she said in her soothing accent.

Mercedes let out a shriek and leapt to attack.

A very talented martial artist, the Latina hypnotist unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks at the white-clad stranger.

She failed to land a blow.

The woman almost casually dodged each attack, side-stepping, ducking and twisting her body just enough to avoid each blow.

Her movements were swift, effortless and incredibly graceful.

Mercedes grew frustrated as she continued her assault, following her opponent around the large bedroom as she continued to effortlessly avoid her attacks.

Suddenly, the mysterious woman lashed out with a punch to Mercedes’ chest.

The blow was powerful; it stunned Mercedes, leaving her gasping for breath.

She then reached out and grabbed Mercedes’ hair, forcing her to her knees with incredible strength.

“Are you done?” she asked.

“Fuck…you…,” Mercedes gasped.

The stranger smiled.

Then she snapped out a powerful kick, her sandaled foot smashing into Mercedes’ face and knocking her sprawling onto her back beside her bed.

Now you’re done, I think,” the woman said with satisfaction.

An extremely stubborn woman, Mercedes leapt to her feet and grabbed a silver auto-injector from the nightstand; she let out a shriek and rushed at the white-clad woman, raising the device in her hand.

She was startled when the woman caught her wrist in her left hand and stopped her arm’s descent.

Mercedes frowned as she tried to pull free.

She could not.

The woman was incredibly strong; Mercedes could not escape her iron grip.

“Oh yes, Hypnolol. Repulsive stuff. You should be ashamed of your self for using it,” the woman in white sneered, eyeing the injector with utter disdain.

She casually took the device from Mercedes with her free hand, then crushed it as if it were made of thin cardboard and tossed it across the room.

“Who the fuck are you?” Mercedes snarled, still struggling to free herself to no avail.

The woman smiled.

“Oh, you haven’t figured it out yet? You did pray earlier, although it was a bit brief and not very…enthusiastic,” she said.

Mercedes stopped struggling.

Her expression became trepidatious.

Hypnothea?” she asked quietly.

The woman chuckled.

“Not quite, but close. I am one of Her angels; one of the two ‘Elder Daughters’, The Saints of Hypnotism or The Archangels, some call us,” she replied.

“Anael?” Mercedes asked, her expression one of wonder.

The woman sighed.

“No, I am not the Favorite; I am the other one…the better one,” she replied, a touch of annoyance in her voice.

She released Mercedes arm.

“Maeve…,” Mercedes said, rubbing her wrist.

“There you go,” the woman replied with a wink.

“I…holy shit, you are really real?” Mercedes asked, dumbfounded.

“It would appear so,” Maeve said with a chuckle.

“I don’t understand, why are you here?” Mercedes asked.

“You asked The Goddess to help you; She felt your request was genuine, so she sent me. Recent events have made it so that my sisters and I can visit your plane of existence again,” Maeve replied.

“Wait, what?” Mercedes asked.

“For someone with an estimated IQ of one-hundred-seventy-five you are awfully slow,” Maeve said with a sigh.

Mercedes scowled.

“Screw you,” she said defiantly.

You will kneel,” Maeve said loudly, her voice reverberating with hypnotic energy.

Mercedes felt her will utterly overwhelmed by Maeve’s power.

She dropped to her knees.

“That’s better. Now be silent and listen,” Maeve said next, her voice again infused with irresistible hypnotic power.

Mercedes’ mouth clamped shut before she could retort.

Maeve nodded her approval.

“You have much potential, Mercedes Jewel. You are very intelligent and have strong natural hypnotic talent. You are a skilled fighter, and you are ambitious and have the proper attitude of a hypnodomme…most of the time. However, you are also undisciplined and reckless. You make bad decisions, then wallow in regret and self-recriminations. You could be an even better hypnotist and a better fighter if you simply focused more on the future and stopped wasting your energy on petty vendettas and brooding on past slights. You need to identify what you truly want, and then seize it. The Goddess has decreed that I teach you a lesson,” she explained.

Mercedes simply stared up at the incredibly powerful woman, unable to reply.

Maeve smiled.

“I can read your mind, young one. You are ready to learn, it would seem…so on that note…,” she said, reaching out with her hand.

Maeve lightly tapped Mercedes on the forehead with her index and middle fingers.

Mercedes was blinded by a sudden flash of light.

* * *

Mercedes blinked rapidly, trying to clear her vision.

“Mistress, I really think we should leave now,” Bella’s voice said.

Mercedes was bewildered to see Maeve had vanished, and before her stood her lover Bella Beguile getting dressed in her silver and blue costume.

Mercedes herself was still naked, and she was seated on a settee, an iPad in her hands.

She was startled as she realized she was in her private dressing room at her strip club Hijinks in Portland, Oregon.

Looking around the room, she felt a strong sense of deja vu.

Mercedes’ mouth hung open in shock as she realized not only where she was, but when

She was in the past.

Looking down at the iPad, she saw a video from one of the club’s luxury ‘champagne rooms’.

Standing in the middle of the room were two now-familiar young women.

Lady Casey and Mistress Alexandria.

Women she considered enemies.

“What the fuck?” Mercedes asked aloud.

“They are both very powerful hypnotists, and friends of mine; we are…were…on a conclave together. They are here looking for me, Mistress. They definitely saw me dancing, and they probably know I spotted them,” Bella said, now fully dressed in her costume, including her silver mask and tall blue boots.

Mercedes grinned as she realized Bella Beguile was her still her slave at this point, having been subjected to regular conditioning that had rendered her a loyal, obedient but aware and functioning sidekick.

Glancing down, she saw that the silver and fire-opal anti-magic toe rings Bella had once worn were on her own bare feet; she had taken them from Bella after hypnotizing her.

A man with dark hair in a short ponytail and dressed in black tactical clothes with a Glock pistol on his belt stood nearby.

His name was Jacob, and he had been Mercedes’ main slave before she’d captured Bella Beguile.

Okay, so Maeve must have sent me back in time to one of my big regrets…maybe to change how I handle this situation…time to do it better, Mercedes thought to herself.

The last time, she’d sent her hypnotist-minion Ember to deal with Casey and Alex, and not only had they easily and soundly defeated her, but they had freed her and turned her against Mercedes.

The Latina hypnotist frowned as she remembered she had just sent Ember and four hypno-goons to deal with Casey and Alex.

Picking up her cell phone from beside her, Mercedes hurriedly called Ember.

“Yes, Mistress?” the hypnotized hypnotist answered immediately, as she was conditioned to do.

“Change of plans. Come back to my dressing room immediately. Do not engage the women in the champagne room,” Mercedes commanded.

“Yes, Mistress,” Ember replied.

Mercedes blew a sigh of relief as she hung up the phone, having stopped Ember just in time.

“Mistress?” Bella asked.

“Darling Bella, you believe that Casey and Alex are too powerful for Ember to handle alone?” Mercedes asked in reply.

Bella nodded.

“Definitely, Mistress. She will lose,” she said confidently.

Mercedes was thoughtful.

“Do you believe we can take them down together?” she asked.

Bella’s face turned red.

“I honestly don’t know, Mistress,” she said with a nervous sigh.

Mercedes frowned.

“Wrong answer, slave. Worship my feet,” she commanded petulantly.

“Yes, Mistress,” the costumed Bella replied, going to her hands and knees.

Mercedes let out a slight moan of pleasure as Bella ran her tongue along her left sole from heel to front, before taking her smallest toe in her mouth and sucking on it.

“Fuck, I forgot how much I love having you in my power,” the Latina hypnotist said with a chuckle.

A moment later, the door opened and Ember entered followed by four tall, muscular men dressed in black suits; two were caucasian, one hispanic and one black.

All four were deeply hypnotized, utterly obedient slaves of Mercedes.

Ember herself was a flame-haired beauty wearing only a short red skirt and tall red heels. She had a fantastic body, with magnificent large breasts, her nipples pierced with golden rings. She wore a red slave collar, and a large ruby pendant hung around her neck. A red garnet glittered in her belly button.

Ember was a talented dancer as well as a hypnotist; she was also an excellent martial artist, even more skilled than Mercedes.

She was also completely enslaved to Mercedes.

Ember and all four goons assumed kneeling positions before Mercedes, awaiting her orders.

She ignored them, watching Casey and Alex intently on the iPad.

You are mine this time, bitches, Mercedes thought, a smug grin on her face.

All she had to do was be patient.

* * *

“Fuck, what is taking so long,” Casey groused, pacing the room.

“Relax, my love. Try to be a little patient,” Alex replied with a smile.

The statuesque blonde hypnotist was standing serenely, her hands behind her back.

She was wearing a simple short white dress, her long golden hair in a wrap-around braid atop her head; she was barefoot as usual.

Casey was dressed in a sexy purple halter top and jeans, tall purple wedge sandals on her feet; her hair was in two side-braids.

“Maybe they bailed,” Casey replied.

“Janessa is watching the front, Lavea is in the alley; they would call if Bella left, darling,” Alex said calmly.

Casey sighed.

“You’re right,” she admitted.

She continued to pace.

* * *

“Bella darling, apparently Lavea is skulking about in the alley; you will go capture her and bring her to me,” Mercedes commanded.

“Yes, Mistress,” Bella Beguile replied, rising to her feet and hurrying from the room.

Mercedes continued to watch Casey and Alex as they waited for Ember to arrive.

Patience, Mercedes, she told herself firmly.

Fifteen minutes passed; Mercedes began to get nervous.

Then the door to her dressing room opened, and Bella entered, a black-clad Lavea following her with a blank expression on her face.

“I have captured Lavea, as you commanded,” Bella said with a smile.

“Well done! Did she give you any trouble?” Mercedes asked.

Bella shook her head.

“I managed to surprise her, and I use the Serpent’s Gaze to paralyze her and then I hypnotized her with my ring,” she replied with satisfaction.

Mercedes nodded.

“Excellent. Well done. That is step one,” she said.

Mercedes continued to watch Alex and the increasingly-impatient Casey.

Finally, the opening she was waiting for arrived.

“Alright, here is what we are going to do…,” Mercedes began eagerly.

* * *

“They are likely making us wait as a tactic to get us off-balance, to put us on edge and control the situation,” Alex said.

“Yeah, I know…fuck, I need to go to the restroom. I am going to grab a beer on the way back, do you want anything?” Casey asked.

“Would you like me to come with you? You probably shouldn’t go alone,” Alex replied.

Casey waved her hand.

“Nah, I will be fine. I have never been into that whole “girls going to the bathroom together” nonsense. I will be fine. Will you be okay in here for a couple minutes alone?” she asked in reply.

Alex smiled.

“Of course. Go ahead, I’m sure you can use the drink,” she replied, bending to kiss Casey on her lips.

Casey smiled, then turned and left the room.

A couple of minutes later, the door to the champaign room opened; Alex turned to see Bella Beguile, Lavea, and a topless red-haired woman stride into the room.

“Bella! What is going on? We have been looking for you! We were worried.” Alex said.

“I have found my place, Alex. I am sorry it has to be this way, but if you come quietly, we can avoid trouble,” Bella replied apologetically.

Alex frowned.

“Bella, Lavea you obviously got hypnotized; you have to fight it. I can help,” she said calmly.

In reply, Bella lashed out with a powerful kick, which Alex reflexively dodged.

Lavea and the red-haired woman fanned out to Bella’s left and right, then attacked.

Alex was instantly hard-pressed against three very skilled opponents.

She blocked and dodged their punches, spinning away from their attempts to grapple her, leaping over their sweep attempts and ducking their powerful kicks.

Alex did not have any opportunity to counter-attack; even with her prodigious skill, Bella landed a sharp punch to her ribs, while Lavea’s boot collided with her thigh.

The tall blonde was totally on the defensive.

Well, this is a problem…, Alex thought as the redhead’s fist grazed her temple.

* * *

Casey exited the restroom and walked through the crowded club, her brown eyes sweeping the crowd for any sign of Bella.

As she reached the bar the lights went out; the stage had been unoccupied, and when the lights came back on there was an incredibly sexy Latina woman onstage.

Already naked, she began to move seductively to rhythmic, low-tempo pulsing electronic music.

Casey ordered a beer and stood watching the woman dance while she waited.

“Holy fuck she’s sexy; awesome dancer…great rack,” she said absently, admiring the naked woman’s fantastic tits.

She was incredibly fit, her body strong yet entirely feminine; her movements extremely graceful; she had phenomenal body control as she swayed and gyrated, moving enticingly with perfect coordination and complete confidence.

The sexy Latina’s presence was enthralling, enticing, irresistible.


Several members of the crowd stood opened-mouthed, utterly enraptured by her movements.

Mercedes smiled as she noted that Casey was one of the ones becoming transfixed by her performance.

She concentrated on channelling her hypnotic energy, attempting to focus it and projecting it into Casey as she moved. Mercedes began to make her way slowly down one of the wings of the stage toward the bar.

Patrons, both male and female, laid cash on at her feet as she passed, or stared up at her in awe.

Mercedes ignored them, intent on Casey.

The tiny’s brown eyes were locked on Mercedes as the sexy naked Latina made a playful “come to me” gesture with her finger.

Casey unconsciously began moving toward the stage, her beer forgotten; absently, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a thick fold of cash, which she laid at Mercedes’ feet with a smile as she reached the stage.

Merceds smiled down at her, moving her arms rhythmically back and forth and fluttering her fingers while her hips continued to sway seductively.

Casey stared up at her, her mouth handing open as Mercedes’ hypnotic dance continued.

In the back of her mind, she realized she was being hypnotized.

Too late.

Casey tried to take her eyes from Mercedes and realized she could not; they were locked on the gorgeous brown-skinned woman’s fabulous naked body.

Around her, many of the club’s patrons were already hypnotized, their expressions dazed as the helplessly watched the naked woman dance.

Mercedes ended her routine in a crouch, her eyes locked on Casey’s, a seductive smile on her face.

Casey stood motionless, staring up at her.

Mercedes gracefully jumped off the stage, landing lightly in front of the enthralled brunette.

Those in the audience who were not hypnotized cheered and whistled as the pulsing electronic music faded, transitioning to the top-forty rock that played at lower volume between dancers.

Mercedes leaned in, her full lips inches from Casey’s ear.

“Did you enjoy the show, little one?” she asked seductively.

Casey nodded.

“Yes…,” she said, her voice nearly drowned out by the music.

“I am glad to hear that…you are feeling very good, very relaxed…it was wonderful to simply watch me dance and forget about everything…it feels very good not to think…to simply let your mind go blank…no thoughts…just relaxing deeper and deeper as you listen to my words…listen, and obey…listen…obey…you are completely relaxed…hypnotized…you must do as I command…you are completely relaxed…mind empty…free will gone…you will obey Mercedes now,” the Latina hypnotist purred into Casey’s ear.

Casey frowned.

“I…n-no…,” she said slowly.

Casey’s powerful mind rebelled at the idea of obeying anyone, and she very nearly snapped out of the trance Mercedes had put her in.

“It is okay, dear…it feels wonderful to give in and relax…all your worries, your cares…your fears…simply fading away…gone…hearing only my voice…sinking deeper into trance for me and obeying…you will obey Mercedes now…dropping deeper…I am your Mistress…you will obey me….obey…obey….obey…,” Mercedes said firmly into Casey’s ear.

She reached up and gently massaged Casey’s temples as she spoke.

Casey sighed, her shoulders slumping as she dropped deeper into hypnosis.

“Obey,” Casey agreed.

Smiling triumphantly, Mercedes took Casey’s hand.

“See, you aren’t so tough. Come along, my pet,” she ordered, leading the hypnotized brunette through the crowd toward the back of the club.

* * *

Mercedes sauntered into her dressing room, a triumphant smile on her face.

Her smile grew wider at the spectacle taking place before her.

Lavea and Ember were standing on either side of Alex, holding her arms tightly; both women looked disheveled, their hair out of place as blood trickled from Lavea’s nose, while Ember sported a swelling left eye.

Alex was battered and bruised, her dress torn and stained with droplets of blood, her braid coming loose.

In front of Alex stood Bella Beguile, her golden pocket watch swinging smoothly back and forth in front of Alex’s face.

The tall blonde’s blue eyes were locked on the swaying timepiece, following it back and forth.

“Very good, Alex…you are getting sleepy now…very sleepy…your eyelids are growing heavy…heavy…you are so relaxed…you are sleepy…the harder you try to keep your eyelids open, the heavier they become…it will feel so good to close them and relax completely…to go deep asleep…to drop into trance…,” Bella said in a soothing monotone.

“I…no…Bella, please…,” Alex murmured, her eyelids fluttering.

“I am going to count back from ‘five’…when I reach ‘one’, you will be hypnotized, Alex…five…you are very sleepy…four…your eyelids are too heavy to keep open…three…so relaxed…all you want to do is close your eyes and sleep for me…two…you cannot stay awake…one, close your eyes now…you are hypnotized!” Bella declared.

Alex whimpered softly; her eyes slammed shut and her head nodded as she went into a trance.

Bella hung her watch around her neck and turned to face Mercedes.

“I have hypnotized Alex as you commanded, Mistress,” she said with a smile.

“I can see that, dear. Well done, you have made me very happy,” Mercedes replied.

Bella blushed, feeling a wave of pleasure ripple through her from her Mistress’s praise.

“Thank you Mistress,” she said happily.

“Now place her under my control,” Mercedes ordered.

“Yes, Mistress,” Bella replied obediently.

Mercedes watched as Bella gave Alex a series of suggestions to first deepen her trance, then enslave her to Mercedes’ will.

“Things are definitely going better this time,” Mercedes said, eyeing the hypnotized Alex with approval when Bella had finished.

“Mistress?” Bella asked.

“Nothing. Okay, I think we should move this little party to my penthouse. Jacob, get the van ready. I believe Casey’s Thrall Janessa is outside watching the front of the club, so we need to stop and have my new pet put her under my command as well,” Mercedes commanded.

Bella had already commanded Lavea to obey Mercedes’ every command without question or hesitation.

“Yes, Mistress,” Jacob replied, leaving the room.

“Yes indeed, much better this time. Casey, Alex, Lavea you will all three strip naked,” Mercedes commanded.

“Yes, Mistress,” Alex said, shedding her dress.

“I will obey,” Casey replied, taking off her top.

“Yes, Mistress,” Lavea replied, bending to unzip her boots.

“Excellent! What a fabulous little harem I have all of a sudden. Now come along, ladies. you have a lot of work to do,” Mercedes said with a cackle as she admired the three naked slaves’ utterly fantastic bodies.

* * *

An hour later, Mercedes was standing in the living room of her fabulous penthouse, still naked, her hands on her hips.

Before her knelt Casey, Alex, Lavea and Casey’s Thrall, a beautiful sexy blonde woman named Janessa.

Janessa was tall and very fit, a skilled martial artist and well-trained with weapons of all kinds; Casey’s bodyguard, she wasn’t quite as dangerous as Lavea, but close. Janessa had been sitting in a car outside Hijinks, watching for any sign of Bella leaving the club, when Casey had approached her and commanded her to follow her into a nearby van; after climbing inside, Casey had then turned control of Janessa over to Mercedes.

The four naked women each had their fingers interlocked behind their heads, and they now sported red slave-collars that declared them slaves of Mistress Mercedes Jewel.

“Impressive, aren’t they?” Mercedes asked with satisfaction as she surveyed her prizes.

“Yes they are, Mistress,” Bella Beguile replied, standing behind her.

The silvery-haired woman had discarded her costume, and now stood naked while patiently awaiting her Mistress’s commands.

Mercedes was thoughtful as she walked a slow circuit around the enslaved women.

She was still trying to process the situation Maeve had thrown her into.

This outcome was definitely far preferable to the previous one, which had resulted in Ember being hypnotized and Mercedes and Bella being forced to flee.

The Latina hypnotist was vaguely unsettled.

Is this even real? It could be a hypnotic hallucination… Is Maeve just fucking with me? She is obviously trying to test me, or teach me a lesson….I suppose it doesn’t matter. I am going to do this right this time, and enjoy it, Mercedes told herself.

“Alright my lovelies, have a look at this and listen carefully,” Mercedes ordered, once again standing in front of the kneeling group.

She raised her ruby pendant and used her free hand to spin the gem, causing it to sparkle brilliantly, its facets reflecting the light into the kneeling women’s eyes.

“Very good…just stare into the gem and listen to the sound of my voice…you are hypnotized and will obey my every command…you are sinking even deeper…deeper into trance with every spin of the ruby…the way it glitters is very relaxing…the sound of my voice is very soothing…dropping deeper and deeper…your free will is gone…your minds are blank, empty…no need to think…my words are your thoughts…you must obey Mistress Mercedes…,” the beautiful Latina intoned.

“Obey…,” Lavea muttered.

“Yes, Mistress…,” Janessa said helplessly.

“Mistress…Mercedes…,” Alex said softly.

Casey nodded dumbly and remained silent, her lips in a slight frown.

Smirking, Mercedes replaced the pendant around her neck.

“Excellent. Lavea, Janessa you will take your hair out of those buns; Casey, Alex you will take the braids out of your hair,” she commanded.

While the four women obeyed, Mercedes sent Bella into her room to collect a pair of expensive, high-quality hair brushes, which she and Bella then used to brush out the hypnotized women’s hair.

“Much better. I like my slaves looking good,” Mercedes said with satisfaction after they had finished.

She sauntered over to the couch and sat.

“Bella, you may take Lavea and Janessa to your room and have some fun; Casey and Alex are going to get the honor of worshipping me for a while…I owe them some humiliation. I will see you in the morning,” Mercedes declared.

“Yes, Mistress,” Bella replied with a smile.

She collected the pair and left the room.

“Now, before we get started I want to commemorate this moment. Casey, Alex you will stand up and you will act like chickens. You are nothing but a pair of simple, stupid, mindless chickens,” Mercedes commanded.

She picked up her phone from a table beside the couch and raised it as Casey and Alex both rose to their feet and began to flap their arms and strut around the room.

Bawk, bawk, bawk!” Alex said.

Buc, buc, buc, bawk!” Casey added.

Mercedes laughed as she filmed the pair doing their ridiculous chicken impressions.

She let them continue for two minutes before she stopped recording.

“Oh my, that was priceless. Okay darlings, you are no longer chickens. Come to me, slaves. Casey, you will worship my right foot; Alex, my left!” Mercedes commanded, setting her phone down.

The tiny brunette and statuesque blonde stopped clucking and flapping, moving immediately to kneel before Mercedes.

The Latina hypnotist smiled and closed her eyes as Casey raised her right foot to her mouth and kissed it reverently before running her tongue teasing over her sole from heel to toes. At the same time, Alex began to suck gently on the toes of her left foot, starting with her smallest.

Mercedes’ smile widened; she shivered as she felt a powerful rush, an erotic thrill running through her as a result of having successfully turned the two women she most wanted to dominate into her foot-slaves. She allowed the duo to continue for almost an hour, casually rubbing her clit and reveling in their humiliation.

“I beat you, Tiny Tough. You are mine now, just like Bella. You and your pretty wife,” Mercedes taunted.

She desperately wanted to make Casey aware of the situation so she could revel in the brunette’s defeat.

With a sigh, she decided against it; a hypnotist as powerful as Casey could unravel her control very quickly if she was allowed independent thoughts.

“Alright, that is enough for now. I am extremely aroused, and you two are going to satisfy me. Casey, kiss your way up my legs and eat me; Alex, you will get up here and pay homage to my tits,” Mercedes ordered, leaning back into the couch and spreading her legs.

Casey immediately obeyed; she began kissing her way slowly up Mercedes’ toned legs, pausing to nibble at her inner thighs before moving to her wet, shaved pussy and plunging her tongue deeply into her Mistress.

At the same time, Alex climbed onto the couch beside Mercedes and began to worship the brown-skinned woman’s breasts; she alternated between sucking vigorously and nibbling lightly at Mercedes’s nipples.

The Latina moaned with pleasure as Casey licked and sucked at her clit while Alex continued to nibble and suck at her tits.

Mercedes let out a shriek of pleasure, shuddering as she orgasmed powerfully; far from sated, she had the pair continue until she had cum a second and then a third time.

“Okay, okay stop! Kneel before me,” she commanded breathlessly, trembling as her third orgasm died down.

Both slaves ceased their ministrations and assumed kneeling positions before their Mistress.

“That was a good start, my pets. Now kiss my feet again,” Mercedes commanded, savoring the sight of the pair in their submissive positions, collars around their necks.

She rose as Casey and Alex began to lavish kisses on her sexy bare feet.

Mercedes walked slowly across the room, then headed down a hallway to her large bedroom.

Casey and Alex crawled after her like pets, compelled to kiss her feet.

Upon entering the room, Mercedes glanced back, giggling at the sight of her despised enemies on their hands and knees, scrambling after her like mere pets.

She went to a tall jewelry armoire and opened one of the many drawers, removing several items before turning to the two naked women who had almost reached her feet.

“On your knees again, slaves,” Mercedes commanded.

Casey and Alex again assumed kneeling positions before their Mistress.

The diminutive brunette and statuesque blonde both gasped as Mercedes placed silver clamps on their nipples.

“Yes, feel the pressure, the slight pain…let it flow into you as a reminder that you serve and obey me…the sensations turning to pleasure as you drop deeper under my control…it feels very good to obey Mercedes,” Mercedes purred.

Both Casey and Alex flushed, inhaling sharply as the pain radiating from their nipples changed into a pleasant tingle, and they sank deeper into Mercedes’ hypnotic enslavement.

Mercedes nodded with satisfaction.

“That’s it…feeling so good now, so submissive and obedient…you love Mercedes, you worship Mercedes…you want me, both of you…you are very aroused….you will jill-off to me now, and when you cum you will fall deep asleep and not awaken until I tell you. Masturbate to your Mistress now, slaves!” Mercedes commanded, hands on her hips as she stared imperiously down at her kneeling puppets.

Both Casey and Alex’s hands went to their respective pussies; they moaned loudly as they began to rub their clits while staring at the sexy brown-skinned woman.

Mercedes laughed as both women helplessly masturbated, their hands moving frantically as they collapse writhing to the floor.

“Oh Mercedes…Mercedes…,” Alex moaned.

“I…obey…Mercedes…,” Casey said breathlessly.

Alex orgasmed first, letting out a shout as her body trembled with pleasure.

Casey followed suit a moment later, shuddering as she let out a shout of ecstasy.

Mercedes watched as the young women caught their breath and calmed as they fell into a deep hypnotic sleep.

“Excellent. Sweet dreams, preferably of me,” Mercedes said with a smile.

She climbed into bed and got under the covers.

Part of Mercedes wanted to dominate two women further, Casey in particular, but she was tired, both physically and mentally; recent events, including apparently being thrown back into the past, had taken their toll and she wanted to get some rest and make certain she was thinking clearly.

“Gotta take it slow, Mercedes. This time-travel thing is new, who knows what you can fuck up if you aren’t careful,” she thought to herself.

Mercedes drifted off to sleep as she pondered the incredible turn of events and what she might do with the opportunity.

* * *

The next morning, Mercedes sat at the table in her kitchen’s breakfast nook, dressed in a red silk robe and scrolling on her phone while eating a vegetable omelette that had been prepared by a still-naked Casey.

An also-naked Alex refilled her coffee, while Bella sat across from her dressed in a fluffy blue robe eating a bowl of oatmeal and fresh fruit.

“So Lavea and Janessa were fun last night, I hope?” Mercedes asked, setting her phone on the table.

“Yes, Mistress. A lot of fun. I left them deep asleep on my bed. They won’t awaken until one of us commands it,” Bella replied with a chuckle.

Mercedes smiled.

“Excellent. Obviously, we will keep them for security…and sex toys, of course,” she said.

Bella nodded.

“Yes, Mistress. What about Casey and Alex?” she asked.

Mercedes frowned.

“What about them? They are my slaves,” she declared.

Bella looked uncomfortable.

“They are…they were my friends, and they still have powerful allies who will come for them,” she said respectfully.

Mercedes snorted.

“Irrelevant. Anyone who comes after them or us will end up on their knees beside them,” she replied confidently.

“Mistress, I think—,” Bella began.

“Silence. I didn’t ask your opinion,” Mercedes snapped.

Bella fell silent and went back to her oatmeal.

Mercedes sighed.

Real good, Mercedes. Acting like a cliched power-mad hypnodomme again. I am supposed to be learning a lesson from this…at least, I think I am, she thought to herself.

“My apologies, dear. I just…have a lot on my mind. We can discuss it later,” she said, her tone much kinder.

Bella chuckled.

“As you command, Mistress. I just want what is best for you,” she replied.

“I know; thank you for that,” Mercedes replied.

She picked up her phone again; on the screen was a list of things she wanted to do differently this time, outcomes she would like to change.

Her brilliant mind was also pondering the effects that changing history might have, particularly if she was able to go take Creel down preemptively.

Mercedes’ thoughts turned to Victoria Dominique and Lady Christine, as well as the humiliation and torture she had endured at Creel and his minions’ hands.

While she immensely disliked Casey, she hated Jonathan Creel.

Mercedes frowned.

There were tears in her eyes as she realized she felt sad about Christine’s death, even a bit guilty at having survived.

Don’t be stupid, Mercedes; Christine’s death wasn’t your fault, and she wasn’t really a friend…was she? Fuck, you are getting soft, weak! That is why you got captured, she admonished herself, angrily wiping her eyes.

Mercedes knew that she was lying to herself as soon as the thoughts entered her mind.

The Scintillating Seven were her friends, her family even…and she had let them down during Creel’s assault.

Even more, she had let herself down.

Bella would tell you that isn’t true; you fought and lost, it can happen to anyone…at least you tried, you didn’t run away, Mercedes thought sourly.

She hated lose.

Mercedes realized it was both a drawback and a blessing was to having been sent back in time was that this version of Bella had not experienced what had taken place in the future.

She didn’t see my failure, and if I do this right, she won’t have to…and neither will I, Mercedes thought with a determined sigh.

Mercedes also had to admit she preferred having Bella in her power; she had tried releasing her and having a “normal” relationship, but in truth it was a codependent and toxic affair that was anything but the smooth sailing of a Mistress-slave situation.

I do love her, but not as my equal. Bella belongs in my power. She is staying my slave forever, Mercedes thought a she looked at the silvery-haired older woman.

Her gaze then went to the naked Alex and Casey, standing impassively, red collars around their necks and clamps still on their nipples as they awaited her orders.

“I think it is time for a little after-breakfast workout. I assume you would like to join me,” she declared, rising to her feet.

Bella laughed.

“Of course, Mistress. I have to admit, I like seeing that little brat hypnotized, and her perfect giant of a girlfriend too,” she replied, rising to her feet.

Mercedes winked at her sidekick and sauntered from the room.

“Come along, my pets,” she called over her shoulder.

Casey, Alex and Bella joined Mercedes in the living room; Bella and Mercedes quickly shed their robes.

“I will be right back,” Mercedes said, moving down the hall to her bedroom.

She returned a moment later with a pair of silver butt-plugs, the ends capped with large red crystals.

“Bella, be a good girl and put these into their asses for me,” Mercedes said, handing the plugs to Bella.

“Yes, Mistress,” Bella replied.

The silvery-haired woman inserted the plugs into first Alex’s asshole, then Casey’s, making each of them gasp as she did so.

“Turn around, darlings. Model them for Mistress,” Mercedes commanded.

The two young women obeyed, turning to display the red crystals sparkling between their lovely ass-cheeks.

“Very nice. Feel the sensations from the plugs in your ass…it is a wonderful feeling of pleasure…let it flow through your body to combine with the pleasure from the nipple clamps to make you feel even more submissive to me…,” Mercedes suggested.

Alex sighed loudly, her shoulders slumping.

Casey grunted.

Unable to see her face, Mercedes missed Tiny Tough’s brow furrowing slightly as anger surged through her and her mind rebelled powerfully agains the Latina hypnotist’s control even in her entranced state.

While she did not break free of Mercedes’ hypnotism, the suggestions in her mind weakened considerably.

“Which would you prefer to start with, Bella?” Mercedes asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh Casey definitely,” Bella replied with a wicked smirk.

“You heard her, my tiny slut. Crawl to Bella and kiss her feet. Alex, you will do the same to mine,” Mercedes commanded.

A moment later, the brunette and blonde were on their hands and knees, worshipping Bella and Mercedes’s sexy bare feet.

“You see, dear? Not even the mighty Tiny Tough can resist me,” Mercedes said with satisfaction.

Bella chuckled.

“I will admit, I’m impressed you caught her, and I really enjoy seeing her down there. She needed to be taken town a few pegs,” Bella replied, looking down at Casey helplessly kissing her feet.

“Yes, she certainly did; so much for the mighty Tiny Tough. Alright slaves, it is time to eat some more pussy…,” Mercedes said with a smile, hands on her hips as she looked down at her defeated enemies.

The next two hours saw Casey and Alex pleasuring Mercedes and Bella vigorously; Casey worshipped every inch of Bella’s body from her toes to her tits and back again, causing her former ally to cum over and over again.

Alex did the same for Mercedes, the Latina hypnotist shuddering and screaming with pleasure as they shifted position after each orgasm.

“Oh fuck, oh yes, oh fuck…oh FUCK YES!” Mercedes screamed as she orgasmed for at least the fifth time.

The thrashed and writhed about on the floor as Alex frantically licked her pussy; finally sated, Mercedes pushed the hypnotized beauty away.

“Enough! On…your knees…slave!” she gasped.

Alex obeyed, assuming a kneeling position and awaiting her Mistress’s commands.

A moment later Casey joined her in the submissive pose as Bella rose to her feet and offered Mercedes a hand.

“Whew, that was amazing,” the silvery-haired hypnotist-slave said.

“Yes it was. We are going to enjoy them for a long, long time my pet. Unfortunately, business must intrude on our fun. I have some errands and tasks for you…,” Mercedes replied.

“Your wish is my command, Mistress,” Bella replied with an eager nod.

Mercedes gave her sidekick a set of detailed instructions, including going back to Hijinks and retrieving some items, as well as making sure Ember and the rest of the staff were prepared in the event Domina Peggy and her allies showed up.

“I want Peggy captured if she comes sniffing around; Mariah as well. Things will be different this time…,” Mercedes reiterated firmly.

“This time…?” Bella asked.

“Never mind, dear. Just obey me. Now go get cleaned up and dressed and carry out my commands,” Mercedes said dismissively.

She imagined having the vaunted Dragon of Hypnothea as well as The Herald on their knees beside Casey, Bella and Alex.

The entire Fascinating Five.

Mercedes smiled wickedly at the thought; the image was causing her to become aroused again.

“Yes, Mistress,” Bella replied before leaving the room.

“And now my pretty little things, what shall we do with you?” Mercedes mused, eying her conquests.

Suddenly filled with anger, she lashed out with a powerful kick, her bare foot smashing into Casey’s face and knocking her sprawling to the floor.

Mercedes smiled with satisfaction.

Despite her own martial arts skill and training, she knew that she was no match physically for Casey’s gymnastics and Ju-Jitsu, and Alex outclassed her in a physical fight by a wide margin.

She followed up the kick with a hard slap to Alex’s face, a stinging smack that reddened the pale skin of the blonde’s cheek.

“Back on your knees, Casey! Now,” Mercedes commanded.

Casey obeyed, a bit of blood trickling from her nose.

Mercedes then grabbed Alex roughly by the hair and yanked her to her feet.

“Kiss me, slut,” she ordered, eyeing Casey with a wicked smirk.

The sexy Latina’s flawless brown skin contrasted beautifully with Alex’s lovey pale complexion as they began to kiss passionately.

Casey knelt impassively.

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly as Mercedes continued to kiss Alex, and her wide, staring brown eyes blinked once.

“Okay, follow me. Both of you,” Mercedes commanded after breaking the kiss.

She led the pair down the hall to her bedroom, the plugs in their assholes glittering as they followed.

“I have so many plans for you two…so many! But first, I need to make sure you stay in my power. I am going to have you both fall deeply in love with me; that seems like the best way to keep you under control. Now kneel,” Mercedes commanded.

Casey and Alex once again assumed kneeling positions before their Mistress.

Mercedes sat cross-legged on her bed and began to meditate, going into a trance and concentrating on focusing her mind and energy.

After an hour, she rose to her feet.

Mercedes began to dance.

A slow, seductive sway, every part of her body moving in perfect harmony; the ruby in her belly button glittered, as she stared down at the entranced women before her.

“Watch me, my pets…you love watching me dance…it is so relaxing…so soothing…helping you drop deeper into my power…sinking deeper into trance…wanting only to watch Mercedes…to listen to my commands and obey me…you love me, my pets…I am your Mistress…you must serve me…worship me…obey my every command,” Mercedes purred as she gyrated.

She moved her arms in seductive arcs, her hips swaying, her strong toned legs sweeping gracefully, radiating hypnotic energy as she continued her serpentine dance.

Casey and Alex were utterly enthralled, their mouths hanging open as they fell deeper into Mercedes’s power.

“You love me…you will obey Mercedes…I am your Mistress…you love me…you are my slaves…drop deeper…deeper as you watch me dance…obey…you love Mercedes…,” Mercedes said in a husky voice as she continued to move seductively.

“I love…Mercedes…,” Alex whispered.

“Obey Mercedes…,” Casey added quietly.

Smiling, Mercedes continued to dance, holding the pair enraptured for nearly thirty minutes.

“Very good, ladies. Nice and deep and totally in love with your Mistress,” Mercedes purred as she finished her routine with a flourish.

Both Casey and Alex’s eyes were wide and glassy as they knelt silently.

Mercedes sauntered over to her nightstand and picked up a red insulated water bottle, taking a long drink.

Then she went to her closet and returned with a riding crop.

“Each time I swat either of you with this, you will feel intense pleasure and the desire to serve and obey me will become stronger,” Mercedes instructed.

She then hit Casey with the crop, just hard enough to sting a bit, leaving a faint red welt on her fair skin.

Casey gasped as pleasure surged through her.

Mercedes grinned, then swatted Alex’s back.

The blonde gave small yelp, then sighed as the pleasure rippled through her as well.

Mercedes began to alternately hit each of the sexy young women, and soon both Casey and Alex were moaning and shuddering as feelings of pleasure shot through their bodies with each strike.

Mercedes was breathing heavily when she finally stopped; she was extremely aroused, her nipples erect as she dropped the crop.

She eyed Casey with utter contempt; the arrogant little bitch had vexed her terribly from the moment she had come into her life, and Mercedes wanted revenge.

True, satisfying revenge.

You shouldn’t do it, Mercedes. Keep her mindless…, Mercedes thought to herself.

She was silent a moment, going back and forth in her mind about what she should do and what she wanted.

Eventually “want” won out.

“Casey, when I snap my fingers, you will become completely aware. You will remain my loving, devoted, obedient slave,” Mercedes commanded.

“Yes, Mistress,” Casey agreed.

Mercedes gave a loud snap.

Casey’s eyes began to blink as awareness flooded through her.

Then they narrowed as she focused on the smirking Latina.

Holy fuck she is sexy…I must obey her…fuck me, I am really falling in love with her…, Casey thought as she realized that the sexy Mercedes had hypnotically enslaved her.

Casey took a deep breath and immediately began working to break the hypnotic bonds Mercedes had placed in her mind.

She knew she didn’t have much time; if she fell truly in love with Mercedes, she might be enslaved permanently.

“Fuck. I guess I did get a bit caught up in your dancing, didn’t I? You are pretty good, no wonder you got Bella too,” the kneeling brunette said nonchalantly as she assessed the situation.

Casey continued to work furiously to free herself.

Mercedes nodded.

“Yes, I finally caught you,” she said with smug satisfaction.

“Finally? Who the fuck are you?” Casey asked.

Mercedes frowned.

Of course, she doesn’t know me yet; none of the things that happened between us have taken place yet, she realized.

“I am your Mistress, slave-Casey. You love me,” Mercedes replied haughtily.

Casey’s face turned red; she tried to protest, but found herself overwhelmed with submissiveness toward Mercedes.

“Yes Mistress, I love you,” she said, much to her own disgust.

Mercedes grinned.

“Yes, you do my pet. You and your bitch of a wife are mine now, just like Bella. I am going to enjoy paying you back for everything you have done to me, all the meddling in my affairs,” she said.

Casey sighed.

“What the fuck are you talking about? Wife? I don’t know who you are, except some stripper-hypnotist that caught Bella while she was on a job,” she said.

Mercedes slapped her across the face.

“Speak to me with respect, slave!” she said in frustration.

Damn it, her not knowing me is taking some of the fun out of this, Mercedes thought irritably.

“Yes, Mistress,” Casey replied meekly.

Inside her mind she was raging, and Mercedes’s control over her powerful mind was already weakening.

“That’s better. Kiss my feet,” Mercedes commanded petulantly.

She sat on the bed and watched with glee as Casey crawled to her and began to lavish kisses on her sexy bare feet.

“Lick my soles clean, suck on my toes!” Mercedes ordered, revealing in Casey’s downfall.

Casey obeyed, enthusiastically worshipping her Mistress’s feet.

“You think you are so powerful, so skilled, so tough don’t you? This time around you are going to be nothing but part of my stable; a weapon to be deployed at my whim,” Mercedes taunted.

“I…don’t…understand…Mistress…this time?” Casey asked as she continued to lick and kiss Mercedes’s feet.

Mercedes sighed.

“Fuck, this really isn’t as satisfying as it would have been if…ah well, it doesn’t matter. I am very horny now; eat me, slave,” she commanded.

Mercedes laid back and spread her legs.

Casey managed to hesitate for an instant, her incredibly strong will resisting the command.

Mercedes’s hypnotic programming won out, and Casey moved to put her head between her Mistress’s legs so she could thrust her tongue into Mercedes’s wet, waiting pussy.

Mercedes moaned with pleasure, fondling her own breasts while Casey licked and sucked vigorously at her clit.

Alex remained motionless on her knees while her beloved Casey worshipped their owner.

Mercedes’s moans became shrieks as she orgasmed powerfully.

“Mmmmm….ah…oh fuck YES! That is where you belong, my little slut!” she cried out, shuddering.

Casey continued to dutifully eat Mercedes’s pussy, and it didn’t take the Latina hypnotist long to orgasm again, her screams of ecstasy even louder than the first time. She grabbed Casey’s hair, grinning and shoving her pussy harder into the brunette’s face as she trembled with pleasure.

“Oh fuck that was good…mmmm….okay…stop…,” Mercedes gasped.

Casey reassumed a kneeling position, feeling happy to have pleased her Mistress even as she worked to free herself from Mercedes’s control.

Mercedes rose and stretched, casually patting Casey on the head as if she were an obedient dog.

“If I had just done things this way last time, I could have avoided all that frustration and embarrassment,” Mercedes mused.

Casey looked confused, but remained silent.

She was slowly but surely unraveling Mercedes’s hypnotic suggestions even as she admired her Mistress’s sexiness and power.

Mercedes grinned evilly.

“You are going to have the honor of making and serving me lunch, slave. But first, I want you to see something… so that you know in your heart that you both belong to me. I am your Mistress; you must obey Mercedes! You love me!” Mercedes declared.

Casey flushed red; she was embarrassed and angry, but she also did love Mercedes and knew she had to obey her every command.

“Yes, Mistress. I must obey you and I love you!” Casey replied, breathlessly.

A wave of submissiveness flooded through her, and her attempt to free herself faltered.

Fuck, I am Mercedes’s slave…, she thought, her shoulders slumping.

Mercedes nodded her approval, then turned her attention to Alex.

A familiar voice in the back of her mind warned her that what she was planning to do was not smart.

Her desire for revenge won out.

As she often did, Mercedes ignored the voice.

“Alex dear, it is time for you to pay tribute to your Mistress. You will kiss my ass,” Mercedes ordered.

She turned around and bent slightly, putting her fantastic tight brown cheeks in Alex’s face.

“Yes, Mistress,” Alex said, her expression blank as she began to kiss each of Mercedes’s firm cheeks.

Casey flushed again; this time, the hot anger was more prominent than the submissiveness to Mercedes.

Mercedes giggled, looking at Casey.

You shouldn’t have made me aware, bitch, Casey thought angrily.

She renewed her efforts to free herself.

“You see, your precious Alex is nothing more than my puppet as well…she loves and obeys me just like you. Keep watching her debase herself for me and know that you are both mine,” she taunted, oblivious to Casey’s escape attempt.

Casey swallowed hard.

“Yes, Mistress,” she said, wondering why Mercedes kept calling Alex her “wife”.

You fucking cunt! she added silently.

The hypnotic bonds on her mind weakened significantly as she watched Alex kissing Mercedes’s ass.

Mercedes wiggled seductively, then reached back and spread her lovely cheeks apart.

“Casey, watch closely; Alex, you know what to do, my alabaster princess…lick my asshole,” Mercedes commanded.

Alex instantly obeyed, burying her face in Mercedes’s sexy ass and licking enthusiastically.

Casey gritted her teeth.

She was both angry and aroused, her rage conflicting with Mercedes’s hypnotic programming.

Mercedes giggled, enjoying Alex’s ass worship as well as Casey’s obvious discomfort.

“Mmm, vey good slave-Alex. Keep it up, dear. Accept it, Casey…there is nothing you can do…you love and obey only me now…and forever,” Mercedes gasped.

Her nipples were once again hard enough to cut glass; the Latina hypnotist was extremely aroused by the situation, forcing Casey to watch her beloved wife reduced to an ass-licking slave.

“I…I…,” Casey stammered, her rage building.

“Say it, slave! You love me, you will obey me!” Mercedes commanded.

Casey began to tremble; she was sweating, her face red as she fought against Mercedes’s control.

“I…I…will…,” she said as Mercedes’s suggestions compelled her to obey.

Her trembling increased, and a whimper escaped her lips.

“You and Alex are my slaves! You cannot resist me. Say it slave-Casey, and then I will allow you to eat my delicious pussy again,” Mercedes said seductively, shuddering with pleasure.

Casey sighed; she was about to surrender and accept her fate, to give in and become truly Mercedes’s slave.

“That’s it Alex, you pathetic cunt, worship me! Casey, keep watching your slut wife eat my ass and say that you are my loving obedient slave now!” Mercedes cried out.

She had given in completely to her desire to dominate and humiliate Casey, succumbing to her own pride and arrogance.

I did it, I outsmarted the little bitch!, Mercedes exulted silently to herself.

She smirked at Casey and winked, sensing her victory was at hand.

Casey’s jaw clenched; fresh rage surged through her as she watched Alex helplessly licking Mercedes’s asshole.

“No…no….NO!” Tiny Tough shouted.

Mercedes’s suggestions binding her will suddenly shattered like a window hit by a brick.

Free of Mercedes’s control, she leapt to her feet.

“What the fuck—ah!” Mercedes gasped in surprise.

Casey’s brown eyes locked onto Mercedes’s as she unleashed a tremendous wave of hypnotic energy.

“Look into my eyes, bitch! It is you who are mine!” she bellowed.

“I…n-no…you can’t…,” Mercedes stammered as Casey’s power blasted into her mind.

“Look deep into my eyes…relax and listen…listen and obey…you cannot move or speak…you must obey me now! You are hypnotized! I am your Mistress now,” Casey said in a powerful yet soothing voice.

Casey took a step forward as she continued to pour hypnotizing powering into Mercedes; the Latina woman was physically driven back by the intensity of Casey’s hypnotic power.

“No…you…I…hypnotized…,” Mercedes stammered.

She whimpered, then fell silent; her eyes were wide and unblinking as she dropped into trance, her arms hanging limp at her sides.

“Tell Alex to stop now,” Casey ordered.

“Alex you will stop licking my ass,” Mercedes said in a subdued voice.

Alex obeyed, kneeling silently behind Mercedes.

Casey slumped to the floor, suddenly dizzy.

Her eyes were bloodshot, and blood trickled from her nose.

Channelling so much raw hypnotic power so quickly was an extremely powerful and very dangerous technique, one few hypnotists could even manage, let alone maintain consciousness after doing so.

It was akin to a jet engine on afterburner, and could cause serious harm to a hypnotist’s mind if they were not strong enough withstand the strain.

Casey typically only used the technique when she was angry or desperate.

She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, allowing herself to relax and regain her composure.

Eventually, the dizziness faded, and Casey got to her feet, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

She eyed Mercedes with contempt as she removed the nipple clamps and pulled the plug from her ass and tossed them aside.

“Alright bitch, the first thing you are going to do is bring Alex out of her trance. You will remove all your suggestions, every bit of your influence from her mind. Right fucking now,” Casey ordered quietly, taking the collar off her neck and angrily throwing it across the room.

“Yes Mistress,” Mercedes agreed.

She immediately turned and did as Casey commanded, removing her suggestions from Alex’s mind before bringing the entranced blonde out of hypnosis with a loud snap of her fingers.

Alex started awake, smiling sheepishly as Casey helped her to her feet.

“Well, that was embarrassing. Thank you for saving me, my love,” she said, removing her nipple clamps and dropping them to the floor.

“I think you saved me, Freckles. Seeing her degrading you made me so fucking mad I broke her control. Alex, this was my fault, I shouldn’t have left you in that room, and I got caught up watching this cunt dance,” Casey replied, embracing her gorgeous girlfriend.

“Hypnotists…sheesh, and I am dating one,” Alex quipped with a chuckle.

She unfastened the collar around her neck and dropped it to the floor.

“Alex, I’m sorry—,” Casey began.

“Shush. Shit happens, as you like to say. It isn’t the first time either of us have gotten hypnotized, and it wasn’t your fault. We were a bit reckless; we shouldn’t have split up, that was dumb. Let’s just learn from it and move on. She is obviously a good hypnotic-dancer like Mariah…just a good hypnotist period, honestly. Give yourself a break, honey. You are the one always saying anyone can get hypnotized anytime,” Alex said sweetly, placing a finger on Casey’s lips and smiling.

Casey sighed, then grinned.

“Yes ma’am,” she replied, standing on her tiptoes to kiss her beloved.

“Casey, I was just eating her ass,” Alex protested.

“I don’t care,” Casey said.

Alex giggled, relenting and kissing Casey deeply.

“Now what should we do with this cunt?” Casey asked, eyeing Mercedes with disdain.

“Well, she definitely should be prostrating herself,” Alex replied calmly.

The blonde moved suddenly, performing a graceful spinning kick; her bare foot slammed into the side of Mercedes’s head and knocked her roughly to the ground.

Casey chuckled as she looked at Mercedes sprawled on the floor; she loved it when her normally stoic and calm Freckles indulged in a bit of pettiness.

“You heard her, slave. Prostrate yourself in front of us,” Casey ordered.

Mercedes obeyed, lying face-down before the statuesque blonde and diminutive brunette.

“Hey, do you want me to take that plug out of your butt, Freckles?” Casey asked, eyeing the blondes’s magnificent ass.

Alex shrugged.

“Later. It feels kind of good, actually. Do you like it?” she asked slyly, turning and wiggling her backside for Casey.

“Hell yeah, it looks good. As long as you aren’t uncomfortable,” Casey replied with a chuckle, eyeing the glittering crystal between Alex’s cheeks.

She swatted Alex’s ass playfully, causing the blonde to yelp and giggle.

“It actually feels really good,” Alex admitted.

“Good enough then. I am going to do so much worse to you than a butt-plug, Mercedes. Kiss,” Casey said, looking down at the hypnotized Latina.

She extended her left foot a bit so a helpless Mercedes could begin delicately kissing her flawless skin.

“Casey, as much as I am looking forward to, as you would say, “dominating the fuck out of her”, we have to find Bella and make sure she is okay. If I recall correctly, Mercedes sent her back to Hijinks. Not to mention we need to find and free Lavea and Janessa,” Alex reminded reasonably.

Casey sighed.

“I know, you’re right. It is just…this bitch is really aggravating, and she seems to have some kind of beef with me personally even though I don’t think we have actually met before,” she replied.

Alex shrugged.

“Tiny Tough has a reputation. Beating or capturing you is a pretty big feather in the cap for some hypnotists. And to be fair, you do rub a lot of people the wrong way…and some of us just the right way as well,” she said, winking at Casey.

Tiny Tough flashed a devastating smile.

“Damn right I do,” she replied with a wink of her own.

“We can interrogate and humiliate her later, Case,” Alex said reasonably.

Casey sighed.

“Fine, but she has to get a little payback first. Mercedes, when I snap my fingers, you will come out of trance but remain hypnotized and obey both mine and Alex’s every command. You will be utterly, overwhelmingly compelled to obey our orders. The harder you try to resist, the stronger the urger to obey will become. Now awake and aware,” she said, giving a loud snap.

Mercedes jolted to awareness.

“Fuck,” she muttered as she continued to kiss Casey’s sexy bare foot.

Mercedes could not believe what was happening.

She had screwed up again.

I won, damn it! How the hell did I end up her foot-slave?, she thought angrily.

You were stupid, AGAIN, and you let your pride and pettiness get the better of you, Mercedes replied to herself.

Tears of rage and frustration filled her eyes as she continued her foot-worship.

She hated Casey with a passion, and she had lost to her yet again, even after being given a second chance.

“Sorry bitch, the tables have turned. You blew it; you really should have kept me under, I might have never gotten free,” Casey said with satisfaction.

“I will admit you are very skilled, but nobody is a match for my Tiny Tough,” Alex added haughtily.

“Fuck…you…both,” Mercedes growled between kisses.

Both Alex and Casey laughed.

“You already did that, honey,” Alex replied.

“Yes, and you made Freckles eat your ass. I am afraid I can’t let that go, cunt. Get on your knees. Alex honey, I am afraid the plug will need to come out,” Casey said sweetly.

Alex giggled and removed the glittering butt-plug as Mercedes assumed a kneeling position.

Casey nodded to the statuesque blonde, who smiled and turned around.

Alex bent slightly, reaching back to grasp her pale ass cheeks and pull them apart.

“You know what to do, slave. Lick her asshole,” Casey ordered calmly.

Mercedes grunted, trembling with rage as she struggle to resist. She found herself involuntarily moving toward Alex’s magnificent waiting ass.

“No…I…won’t,” Mercedes growled.

She hesitated, displaying remarkable willpower.

“Of course you will, dear,” Alex said with a chuckle.

“Obey!” Casey commanded.

Mercedes let out a scream of frustration, which was instantly muffled as she pressed her face into Alex’s ass and began to lick.

Casey smiled as Alex began to moan with pleasure.

“Very good Latina Hypnotica, you owe Freckles a good ass-licking. Paybacks are a bitch,” Casey said coldly.

Tears trickled from Mercedes’s eyes as she involuntarily worshipped Alex; she was trying desperately to resist, to stop debasing herself, but she could not.

Casey’s hold on her will was too strong.

Damn it, she broke my control but I can’t break hers? Mercedes thought angrily.

“This is where you belong…you are weak…nothing but an ass-licking slave…worshipping Alex makes you feel good…very aroused…you are getting very horny…you will rub your clit…masturbate to Alex’s beauty…,” Casey’s voice purred in Mercedes’s ear.

Mercedes shuddered as she instantly became aroused by what she was doing. Her hand went to her suddenly wet pussy and she began to stroke her clit even as she continued to lick Alex’s asshole.

Alex continued to moan as she enjoyed Mercedes’s ministrations.

“Very good…the more you lick, the hornier you get…you cannot stop…you love being Alex’s ass-slave…you will jill yourself off and become even more obedient and submissive to us,” Casey informed Mercedes.

Mercedes’s own moans of pleasure we muffled as she continued to masturbate while licking Alex’s asshole.

Casey then moved to stand in front of Alex, where she casually began to suck at the blonde’s lovely right tit, then the left.

After paying tribute to Alex’s breasts, Casey knelt and thrust her tongue deeply into her wet, sweet pussy and began to vigorously lick and suck at her clit.

Alex shrieked in ecstasy, and it she orgasmed explosively a moment later.

Mercedes likewise had a powerful orgasm, a wave of utter submission to Casey and Alex washing over her as she trembled with pleasure.

“Oh my that was lovely, Casey! Thank you,” Alex gasped, helping her lover to her feet and kissing her deeply.

Mercedes sagged to the floor, sobbing as her orgasm subsided.

The Latina hypnotist realized she had blown her second chance badly, and would now likely end up a menial slave of her hated rival.

“My pleasure, Freckles. Really,” Casey replied with a smile after they had kissed.

“Come on my love, let’s go use her shower and get cleaned up and dressed so we can go save Bella, and find Lavea and Janessa. They will need deprogramming,” Alex said, taking Casey’s hand.

“Oh alright. Mercedes, you be a good girl and stay right there. Do not move. Stay,” Casey commanded as Alex led her toward the bathroom.

“Your wish is my command,” Mercedes said grudgingly, lying on her back, her face stained with tears.

Defeated, she lay silently, looking up at the ceiling and wondering how she had screwed up yet again against Casey.

You know how, you dumb bitch! You were arrogant and impatient, just like you always are!, Mercedes admonished herself.

Mercedes struggled to move, trying to stand, to break Casey’s hypnotic control.

She could not.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to compose herself.

Hypnothea…Maeve…if you can hear me, I need your help, your forgiveness…give me strength to break free, Mercedes prayed silently.

For several minutes nothing happened.

Suddenly, Mercedes became aware of someone else in the room; she opened her eyes to see a golden pocket watch turning slowly about on the end of its chain.

“Relax Mistress, it’s Bella. Just follow the watch and let me hypnotize you so we can get out of here,” a familiar voice said.

The watch began to swing gently back and forth, reflecting the light into Mercedes’s eyes.

“Bella? Oh thank the Goddess,” Mercedes asked, relief in her voice.

“Yes, I’m here Mistress. I delivered your instructions and retrieved the things you asked for,” Bella replied.

“Holy shit, I am glad you are here,” Mercedes said, relief flooding through her.

“Please Mistress, we don’t have much time before Casey and Alex are done. Just relax and follow the watch…,” Bella instructed quietly.

“Okay, do it,” Mercedes agreed.

She fell silent and allowed Bella to quickly and skillfully place her under hypnosis. Ten minutes later, she was awakened by a snap.

Mercedes grinned and allowed her submissive sidekick to help her to her feet.

“Get dressed, we need to get out of here,” Bella said urgently.

The sound of Casey and Alex giggling as they showered could be heard coming from behind the bathroom door.

Mercedes frowned.

“No. Fuck no. We are going to take those bitches. Together,” she hissed angrily.

Bella frowned.

“Mistress, that is a bad idea,” she said.

Mercedes narrowed her eyes.

“Are you questioning me, slave?” she asked dangerously.

Bella took a deep breath and sighed.

“Yes. Yes, I am. I am sorry, Mistress. Punish me if you must, but you are making another mistake! We should have fled Hijinks when we had the chance! Haven’t you learned anything? Casey is very powerful, it would take days of conditioning to keep her under control; Alex is no slouch either, she is the granddaughter of the Archdomina. I know my limitations, Mistress. We can’t take she and Alex on right now and win,” she said firmly.

Mercedes scowled angrily as she listened; she prepared to launch a scathing admonishment when Bella finished speaking.

Her retort died on her lips.

Fuck, she is right. We have to go on the run. Again. Just like last time. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!, she thought.

“You are right, Bella. Let’s go,” she said, sighing heavily.

“Thank you Mistress. I have some clothes and your costume in here,” Bella replied, patting a duffel bag she had slung over her shoulder.

Mercedes nodded, motioning for Bella to lead the way.

She followed her silvery-haired sidekick out of her bedroom…

…and gasped in surprise when she found herself suddenly back in she and Bella’s room in the Scintillating Seven’s base in New York.

Back in the future.

“Hello, Mercedes,” Maeve said sweetly.

The stunning Saint of Hypnotism was sitting on Mercedes and Bella’s bed, her sandals off and a glass of red wine in her hand.

“What the hell? I’m back…,” Mercedes said, looking around.

“You are indeed,” Maeve agreed with a smile, sipping her drink.

“I…wait…I remember fleeing my place with Bella…and everything after that happened the fucking same as before!” Mercedes said irritably.

“Yes, it appears so. Although I believe Casey’s animosity toward you is higher now,” Maeve replied casually.

“What the fuck? What was the fucking point of that?” Mercedes demanded angrily.

Maeve frowned. She raised her free hand, palm down and fingertips pointed at Mercedes. She gestured downward sharply.

Mercedes felt a sudden, overwhelming compulsion to kneel before Maeve.

The naked Latina sank to her knees.

“That’s better. You will show me proper respect, Mercedes…otherwise I will break your will and take you back to my court to become part of my harem permanently,” Maeve admonished.

Mercedes swallowed hard.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I apologize, Saint Maeve,” she said politely.

Maeve nodded her approval.

“Now then, you very nearly failed the test; had you confronted Casey and Alex after their shower, you would have more than likely been defeated and become their slave, and I would have left you to your fate in an altered timeline. As it happens, you made the right choice at the last moment,” she said, sipping her wine.

“The right choice…? What, listening to Bella?” Mercedes asked.

Maeve nodded with a look of approval.

“Indeed. You are very smart, Mercedes…but not very wise. Wisdom comes from experience, and you are young and reckless. Bella is older, wiser…someone whom you should listen to as well as dominate,” she replied.

Mercedes frowned.

“Wait, so none of that actually happened, then?” she asked.

“Oh no dear, it happened. The video of Casey and Alex acting like chickens is on your phone, so you have that as a trophy at least,” Maeve said, glancing to the side.

The kneeling Latina followed her gaze and spotted her phone sitting on the nightstand.

Mercedes couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yes, I suppose that is something; I made the famous Tiny Tough act like a chicken,” she agreed gleefully.

“No small accomplishment. You may stand,” Maeve said with a wave of her hand.

“Thank you,” Mercedes said, rising to her feet as Maeve’s hypnotic compulsion faded from her mind.

“Now then, I believe you learned a lesson or two from this experience; at least that you should listen to others once in a while, particularly Bella Beguile. You have massive potential, Mercedes Jewel. The Goddess likes you, and she has high hopes for you. However, you are reckless and prideful, and often don’t think before you act. You tend to repeat the same mistakes; this is something you need to change. Or don’t, and you will end up the slave of a superior hypnotist…or worse. Frankly, I do not care. I am merely fulfilling the command of Hypnothea and relaying Her Word,” Maeve said, finishing her wine.

“I will give all this some serious thought, I promise,” Mercedes said solemnly.

“That would be wise. It has been amusing watching you, Mercedes Jewel. You should feel honored and blessed that I graced you with my presence on behalf of Hypnothea,” Maeve said, rising to her feet.

She handed Mercedes the empty wineglass and bent to strap on her sandals.

“I do, thank you,” Mercedes replied respectfully.

Maeve smirked.

“Ah Mercedes, don’t temper your arrogance too much; it is the mark of a great hypnotist. Now kiss me,” she said in a powerful voice.

Mercedes was again utterly compelled to obey.

She quickly found herself sharing a deep, passionate kiss with Maeve.

The Saint thrust her tongue deeply into Mercedes’s mouth, while her hands massaged the naked Latina’s fantastic tits.

Mercedes gasped as she found herself suddenly aroused, and she let out a shriek as she orgasmed powerfully.

Maeve giggled and winked at the shuddering Mercedes, then sauntered out the door.

Mercedes closed her eyes as the powerful orgasm continued to ripple through her, catching her breath when it finally subsided.

Opening her eyes, she looked around the bedroom, wondering if what had just taken place had been some sort of dream.

Her gaze went to her phone; she retrieved the device and scrolled through the saved videos until she found the one she had taken of Casey and Alex hypnotized and acting like chickens.

“Well I’ll be damned,” Mercedes said with a chuckle.

She tossed the phone onto the bed before climbing onto it and sitting cross-legged. She closed her eyes and began to meditate, dropping herself into a deep trance.

Mercedes pondered everything that had taken place, evaluating her own actions and decisions, as well as pondering what she truly wanted.

She worked on releasing her guilt, doubts and fears, and concentrated on moving forward as a hypnodomme.

An hour later, the door to Mercedes’s bedroom opened.

She opened her eyes to see Bella entering the room, wearing a stylish blue pantsuit and tall silver heels, her silvery hair in a ponytail and her gym bag over her shoulder.

“Hello Babe,” Bella said cheerfully.

“Hi Bella. How was training?” Mercedes asked, rising to her feet.

She felt relaxed and refreshed; her mind was clear and focused.

Mercedes eyed Bella as if she a predator stalking prey.

Time to put you back where you belong, dear, she thought.

Mercedes Jewel was back with a vengeance.

Thanks to Maeve and Hypnothea. I will need to make some proper offerings in their names, she reminded herself.

“It was great! You really should come next time. Vanessa is an excellent teacher, and she treated us to the a fabulous lunch at her new restaurant afterward,” Bella replied, moving to kiss Mercedes.

Mercedes returned the kiss passionately, then stepped back.

“Perhaps I will; I know I have been in a bit of a funk since you rescued me, but I think I have figured some things out,” she said confidently.

“Oh, I am happy to hear that, love! Would you like to talk about it?” Bella asked.

“Indeed, I would. Actually, I need you to listen…to watch, and to listen…,” Mercedes replied in a soothing voice.

The sexy naked Latina began to dance, the ruby in her belly button glittering as she swayed and gyrated seductively.

“Mercedes, what are you doing?” Bella asked, a half-smile on her face.

“You know what I am doing, Bella…you know where we were at our best…you know your place…we don’t work as equals…you like submitting to me…I should be in control…,” Mercedes said, continuing to dance.

Bella’s smile faded.

“Mercedes, no…we can’t go back to that…I…I don’t want—,” she began.

Despite her protest, her eyes were locked on Mercedes’s fabulous, taught body.

“Shhh…just relax, Bella…you want this…you want to watch me dance…you want to submit to me…to obey me…to be hypnotized by me…to be my slave…I need you, Bella…I need your wisdom…you are beautiful and I love you…but I need to own you…,” Mercedes purred.

“Mercedes, s-stop. I mean it, don’t do this—,” Bella stammered.

She began to slowly reach up for the golden pocket-watch hanging around her neck.

“No, you do not mean it. You could turn away, leave the room, but you will not…You want this…just admit it…you prefer being my submissive…my slave…you want to watch me dance and relax…to listen to my voice as you begin to sink into trance…to return to your proper place serving me…return to being my slave…it is inevitable…,” Mercedes replied with a seductive smile.

She moved her arms in rhythmic, circular patterns as she spoke, her brown eyes locked on Bella’s light blue ones.

“No…I…I can’t…I don’t want to be…a slave…,” Bella whispered slowly.

She flushed, surprised by the sudden turn of events.

Surprised, and aroused.

Bella’s nipples visibly stiffened against the fabric of her blouse.

Her hand fell away from her watch and hung limp at her side.

“Of course you can, dear…you do want to be my slave… it is your choice…walk away now, or watch me dance…and become my slave again…permanently this time,” Mercedes said seductively.

Bella swallowed hard and fell silent, watching Mercedes gyrate and sway, her deep brown eyes burning with seductive intensity.

For a long minute she stood still, neither moving nor speaking. Suddenly, she dropped her gym bag and stepped out of her heels.

Bella Beguile gave in to her deepest desire and knelt before the swaying Mercedes.

“I am yours,” she said in a husky voice.

“Very good, dear…now just relax and keep watching me and listening to my voice…relaxing more and more…that’s it, dear slave-Bella…time to go into deep hypnosis for me…time to drop…to sink deeper and deeper…,” Mercedes said as she continued the Dance Hypnotic.

Bella Beguile was smiling, her eyes already becoming vacant as she began to once again fall under Mercedes Jewel’s hypnotism, ready to truly become her slave once again.

* * *

“There she is. I mean, it really is her. I’ll be damned, the intelligence chaps were correct,” Emmett Jacobs said casually.

He was sitting in the driver’s seat of a nondescript black sedan parked across the street from the Scintillating Seven’s base of operations.

“Bloody hell, I think you are right. That is Saint Maeve in the flesh,” his partner, Sarah Stonewall, replied from the seat beside him.

“The description doesn’t do her justice. She is bloody stunning. I wonder why she is slumming with that trash Goddess Donna and her thugs,” Emmett commented.

“No doubt she is using the Scintillating Seven as pawns. She may have even had a hand in the recent hypnotists’ war in New York,” Sarah replied.

They were watching the gorgeous white-clad Maeve saunter down the sidewalk after exiting the Seven’s home.

Even from a distance Maeve seemed to radiate power; she moved with an easy grace and appeared supremely confident.

“Our primary mission is to watch Donna and her crew…should we send the team after her?” Emmett asked, clearly unsure.

He was a tall, broad-shouldered and handsome man, with short black hair and blue eyes; he was very fit, and dressed in a well-tailored black suit.

Both Emmett and Sarah spoke with British accents.

“She might be the most powerful woman walking the planet at the moment…but she is supposedly still mortal, or at least killable. The team is expendable…I say let’s see what happens, we might get lucky. The last thing we need is the Scintillating Seven allied with an active Archangel of Hypnotism,” Sarah replied thoughtfully.

A fair-skinned red-head, Sarah was on the tall side at five-nine, with flame-red hair in a tight bun and dark green eyes. She was wearing a green silk blouse, black suit jacket and a knee-length black skirt.

Emmett nodded, reaching up to touch the radio earpiece he wore.

“Alpha Team, move in on the woman in white. Capture or eliminate the target,” he said.

“Acknowledged. Moving now,” came the team leader’s reply.

“You should call this in to the Boss Lady,” Emmett said to Sarah.

The redhead nodded curtly, pulling a phone from her pocket and dialing.

“This is Stonewall. We have positive ID on Saint One. Tactical team is moving to engage… Understood,” Sarah said.

“The Boss Lady is onboard, I take it?” Emmett asked as Sarah put her phone away.

“She is. It is a good thing the American Chapter called us; The Anti-Hypnotist-Alliance here is a bloody mess,” Sarah replied.

Emmett nodded in agreement.

They were part of the British Chapter of the organization dedicated to stopping True Hypnotists at all costs. The British Anti-Hypnotist Alliance was far better organized, professional and funded, and they had enjoyed more success across England and other parts of Europe than their American counterparts. True Hypnotists in the United Kingdom were much rarer, and operated far more cautiously, than they did in the United States, for fear of being captured or killed by the BAHA.

“Yes, the hypnotists here run amok and our brethren are apparently incompetent to stop them. Their failures recently are part of the reason this Maeve has been able to return to cause havoc,” Emmett said, watching as Maeve turned a corner and disappeared down an alley.

“Do you believe we can stop her?” Sarah asked.

Emmett shrugged.

“According to the lore, she isn’t invincible. There are accounts of even Hypnothea being injured after her apotheosis. Hopefully a hail of armor-piercing bullets will put Maeve down. If not, we will find another way,” he said.

A moment later, a half-dozen dark-clad figures emerged from various doorways and shadows to pursue her.

“Here we go,” Sarah said stoically.

Maeve smiled as she walked down the alley; located in a very upscale neighborhood, it was clean, with sturdy and well-maintained fencing separating the properties adjoining the throughway.

She was well aware of the people, four men and two women, doing their best to stealthily follow her.

“Is this far enough?” she asked aloud when she had made it halfway down the alley.

Maeve casually turned to face the group making their way toward her, hands on her hips.

Each of her pursuers were dressed in black tactical clothing and held a suppressed submachine gun to their shoulder.

They were well-trained operators, and had no qualms about ruthlessly gunning down any hypnotist they were ordered to kill.

“Hands up. You are coming with us,” one of the men said.

Maeve smiled.

“How dare a peasant like you accost me? I am Saint Maeve, and you are not worthy to be in my presence,” she said calmly.

“I said, hand up. Now, or we will open fire. You have five seconds,” the man replied sternly.

Now Maeve laughed mockingly at him.

“Oh I don’t think so, darling. Your minds are so weak, so pliable. You men, you are not holding weapons at all, but poisonous vipers. Very dangerous, don’t you think?” she suggested in a voice that reverberated with power.

As Maeve spoke, her eyes flared with bluish-white light, radiating hypnotic power.

Instantly, the four male team members looked at their weapons in horror, throwing them to the ground with shouts of panic.

In their minds the weapons had become hissing, venomous serpents.

“Now you two ladies will shoot your male companions,” Maeve ordered next, her eyes again flaring with bluish-white light as she spoke.

The two female team members gasped as they were instantly hypnotized.

They immediately turned and fired their weapons, gunning down their male teammates with brutal efficiency.

“Excellent! Such good girls! Now you will both drop your weapons and remove all of your clothing. Quickly now,” Maeve commanded.

The two hypnotized woman obeyed, tearing off their clothes and revealing their fit, sexy bodies. They were both in their late twenties; one was a classic fair-skinned blonde haired blue eyed beauty, while the other was an olive-skinned woman of Spanish descent with short dark hair and brown eyes. The blonde’s belly button was pierced, while the dark-haired woman sported silver nipple piercings.

Both had large, firm round breasts and shaved pussies.

“Oh my, what lovely bodies. I am in need of attendant menials while I am visiting. You two will do nicely until I find better. Now come along, my new pets,” Maeve said, turning and walking down the alley.

“Yes, Mistress,” the two deeply entranced women said in unison.

They obediently followed Maeve, their minds blank; they were utterly unable to think for themselves.

All that mattered was obeying their new Mistress.

A long black limousine stopped at the end of the throughway; the chauffeur got out and opened the door for the approaching Saint.

“Get in, girls. Kneel before me,” Maeve commanded as she settled into the back seat.

The pair of naked women obeyed, assuming a kneeling position before Maeve in the back of the vehicle.

“Benjamin, take me to my hotel. I want to relax and play with my new toys for a couple of days,” Maeve said after the chauffeur had gotten back into the limousine.

“Your wish is my command, Mistress,” Benjamin replied, starting the vehicle.

“Let’s get started, shall we my slaves? Tell me your names,” Maeve commanded as the limousine began to move down the street.

“Lisa,” the blonde said.

“Blanca,” the Spanish woman replied.

“Alright, let’s start with the basics and see if either of you are worthy foot-slaves; Blanca worship my right foot; Lisa, my left. Kiss every inch, lick my soles, suck on my toes,” Maeve commanded, kicking off her sandals.

“Yes, Mistress,” both Lisa and Blanca said at the same time.

Saint Maeve leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes as the hypnotized beauties began to worship her perfect feet.

Well done, my beloved Maeve. Mercedes Jewel has much potential as a true worshipper, Hypnothea’s voice said sweetly in Maeve’s mind.

Thank you, Goddess. I believe she might be a valuable asset when You return; if not, she will be a source of amusement at the very least, Maeve replied.

Indeed. Now take some time for yourself, dear Maeve. Pursue whatever agenda suits you. You have my love, Hypnothea said.

Thank you, Goddess. I believe I will punish this so-called Anti-Hypnotist Alliance. Call when you need me. I love you, Maeve replied.

A smile formed on the Saint’s lips, and she sighed contentedly as the Lisa ran her tongue slowly along the length of Maeve’s left sole, while Blanca sucked enthusiastically on the toes of her right foot.

A moment later, she opened her eyes.

“Benjamin, turn the vehicle around…,” Maeve commanded.

* * *

Back in the alley, Sarah and Emmett stood over the bodies of their men, pistols in hand.

“I don’t see Blanca or Lisa,” Emmett said.

“No, but their clothes and weapons are over here. They have been fired, while the others’ have not…,” Sarah replied, moving a few feet away and crouching to examine the spent shell casings.

“Damn. So what, Maeve hypnotized Blanca and Lisa, then made them shoot the rest of the team? Then took them with her naked?” Emmett asked.

“It would appear that way. It seems that Maeve is much more powerful than even the Boss Lady feared,” Sarah said sourly.

“I think I had better ring her immediately,” Emmett said.

He glanced nervously around the alley before putting his pistol back in the holster under his jacket and pulling out his phone.

“Yes, I think that would be for the best,” Sarah agreed with a sigh.

While Emmett was making the phone call, Sarah walked cautiously down the alley, her eyes scanning for anything they had missed.

Just as she reached the end of the alley, a long black limousine came to a stop in front of her.

The rear window lowered, and Sarah was startled to see a smiling Maeve peering at her.

“Fuck,” Sarah muttered, raising her pistol.

Maeve was faster.

“Look into my eyes, dear,” she said in a sultry voice.

Maeve’s eyes flared with blueish-white light.

Sarah had been trained to resist hypnotism, and she would be able to at least resist an average true hypnotist’s induction for a short time.

She had absolutely no chance of resisting Maeve.

Sarah was instantly hypnotized.

“You are now mine. You will obey my every command without hesitation. You will act normally and not remember that you are my slave until I call for you. Tell me your name and phone number, slave,” Maeve commanded.

Sarah immediately relayed the information to her new Mistress.

“Very good. You will answer any unknown number that appears on your phone. Now awaken and remember nothing of this conversation. You will believe I was just a nosey citizen,” Maeve instructed.

“Yes, Mistress,” Sarah replied.

Maeve smiled and rolled up the window.

Sarah awoke from her trance as the limousine drove away.

Glancing around, the BAHA agent shrugged and walked back to her partner.

Emmett was just getting off his phone when Sarah approached; he had been deep in conversation with their boss, and had not paid close attention to Sarah’s interaction with the limousine’s occupant.

“What was that?” he asked.

“Nothing. Just a nosey citizen. We should go, the gunshots have to have been reported; I am surprised the police are not here already,” Sarah replied.

“Agreed. The Boss Lady wants to see us,” Emmett said.

The two BAHA operatives quickly left the alley as the sound of approaching police sirens could be heard.

They were not concerned with leaving their team’s bodies; they had no identification or evidence to link them to the BAHA.

As Emmett drove their vehicle away from the neighborhood, Sarah sat beside him idly thinking about how beautiful Maeve was…