The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Jay’s Accidental Hypno-Harem

(mc, md, mf, ds)

By Luke3799

Part 1: A Funny Thing

So, a funny thing happened to me. It is a bit difficult to explain, but I will do my best. Some context is required first, though.

Around a year before this funny thing I graduated from South Halifax High School, Magna Cum Laude, with a class of around 500 students. Back before graduation, I was something of a micro-celebrity as one of the consistent members of the South Halifax Players theatre troupe and improv team. Rumors did what rumors do, and so most of the school thought I was in the closest. But the girls I acted alongside of generally believed otherwise (the correct assumption), although none of them ever let me define the relationship with any of them. In fairness to them, back then I was mostly clueless and would’ve made a terrible boyfriend. Unlike most of my peers after graducation, I took a gap year to work and get experience. My grandparents were at an age where a nursing home was looking more and more necessary. My uncle helped me move them and get them situated and then helped me get the deed to the house and do some estate management, etc. End result of it being, my grandparents were put in an excellent facility where my uncle and I would visit frequently, and I now possessed a fully paid for home in my name. So, with my housing secure, I started working as a waiter at Harrington s Tavern & Grill and I lived alone. I did meet up with some old classmates and friends from time to time, but I mostly kept to myself.

Now, one week prior to the funny thing the student council of my graduating class announced a reunion party, and to my surprise nearly 300 of us responded with resounding yeses and RSVPed (including all of the class’s members of the South Halifax Players). According to the email, it was going to be a week-long fest, ending the day after July 4th. That was the last week of April, days after my 20th birthday (I got held back and started late). At around 3:57am on May 3rd, I woke up with a horrific headache. Like an invisible Icepick driven though my left eye straight into my brain. Desperate for relief, I shot out of bed and attempted to get to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen downstairs. But I passed out from the pain at the bottom of the steps. It was still dark out when I woke up again, but I could tell dawn was near. I stepped into the nearest bathroom and looked myself over in the mirror. Everything seemed to be normal and in order, except for the shock of white hair above my left eye.

I screamed.

Once I managed to collect myself, I went to get ready for work. I was getting put in charge of the new trainees as Harrington’s. Upper management preferred no customer contact until after one completed training day for new, inexperienced hires. A luxury I had not been afforded, but I survived and that whole debacle somehow did earn me some brownie points with them. These two I would be training though were getting the prescibed treatment. They were high school seniors set to graduate in a month or so, trying for their first job. I had met them both briefly when they came in for their interview together. Marsha and Rachel, they were inseparable best friends evidently.

I pulled into my favorite parking space at Harrington’s at 8:40am, 35 minutes before Marsha and Rachel were due to report for training. Unfortunately, Vera was already there. Another South Hali alum, Vera had graduated the year before me and had been working at Harrington’s since the summer before that. The entire near-year I’d been working there, whenever she and I were scheduled to work the same shifts it would devolve into some kind of explosive diasaster. She was a complete and total bitch, but I had to begrudgingly admit that she was good at her job. Apparently, when Amy (our primary assistant manager) told Mark and Gavin (our general and regional managers, respectively) that the pair of us could not be put on the same schedule, at least one of them took it as a challenge. So they put us both down as trainers for poor Marsha and Rachel. Oblivious to all of this for the moment, I jauntily walked through the front door of Harrington’s only to immediately deflate as I heard a familiar voice.

“Well fuck. It’s you.”

I turned to my right to retort, “Could you please reduce the amount of venom in your bite, please? We need to retain these trainees,” I took a beat to stop gritting my teeth and continued more professionally, “Have they set aside the day one training materials?”

She looked me in the eyes and shrugged. I rolled my eyes and made my way past her to the back. What I failed to see was Vera rapidly blink after having looked into my eyes and then staring blankly before coming back to her senses. In Mark’s office I found the training binder and the personal materials provided for the trainees (uniform dress shirt, uniform t-shirt and matching hat (for Fridays only), server apron, notepad, and two pens). Vera was walking towards the kitchen dressed in her uniform as I came out of the office, just short of crashing into me.

“Watch it, dumbass!” She growled as she continued into the kitchen.

I scoffed and made my way back to the front of house to wait for Marsha and Rachel and try to make a good impression of myself before Vera could make it for me. Through the window I caught a glimpse of a green sedan in the parking lot and a minute later watched as two very pretty young women walked into Harrington’s. I had met them briefly before, but not in this lighting and I had to make sure I didn’t drool on myself. They smiled brightly at me was they came closer. I checked my watched quickly.

“Right on time,” my watch read 9:15am, “I know we met last week, but I’ll reintroduce myself officially. My name’s Jayson, but you can call me Jay. Vera and I will be your trainers for this morning. She’s in the back prepping a few last things so we’ll make our way her, but first...” I took two drawstring bags that contained their materials and handed them over, “These are for you.”

They were labelled so I did recheck to make sure I hadn’t given them the other’s bag and I look each other them in the eyes as they took their bags.

“Here is yours, Marsha,” I turned, “And yours, Rachel.”

They both blinked at me for a moment before I motioned for them to follow me.

“Let’s go see what Vera’s up to.” I said, my back to them.

“Okay!” They relied brightly in unison.

For the next two and a half hours Vera and I trained Marsha and Rachel on the basics and some of the specific ins and outs of Harrington’s. Vera made a few jabs at me, but mostly stayed on the level, which was a very nice change of pace. At noon we dismissed the pair and began the real prep for the Monday dinner shift. I was making my way to the locker room to change into my uniform when Vera decided to launch into me over something that Amy and I had resolved two weeks prior. I felt my temper rising as she laid into me, but I weathered it calmly.

When she finally paused her tirade to take a breath I looked her dead in the eyes and said, “Vera. Blow me.”

I turned around immediately and proceeded into the locker room. From the apparent silnce, I assumed I had shocked her enough that she had to collect herself before she could launch into a fiery new retort. I took off my clothes to quickly use the employee shower before changing into my uniform and turned the water on. When I turned around Vera was naked, kneeling front of me and reaching for my dick.

“Whoa!” I shouted.

But she didn’t even flinch as she licked it from base to tip and took it into her mouth. It took me a minute to fully register what was happening, and her bobbing head didn’t make it any easier to concentrate.

“Hey... uh,” I grunted, “Um, Vera?”

I patted her head as I said her name. Her eyebrows rose as she made an inquistive noise that I felt as much as I heard.

“W-what are you d-doing?” I felt her slide my cock out of her mouth with a pop.

“Blowing you,” she replied succinctly before returning her mouth to my cock.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because you told me to.” The response gave me some pause, time which Vera took to jam my cock down her throat before coming back up for air. No gag reflex.

“When have you ever done something because I told you to before?”

“Never,” she mumbled around my cock.

“Then, why are you now?”

“It feels like I have to.”

I paused a moment, “Do you want to?”

Vera took my cock out of her mouth and held it in front of her face she seemed to consider the question, before she looked up into me eyes.

“All I want is to please you, Jay,” she smiled and then continued sucking.

I took a minute or two to rationalize with myself and consider my next response or question. Vera never called me “Jay”, instead always calling me “Jayson” or “Samford”. She’d also never to something like this to try and get my fired and charged. There were far easier ways to do that. I looked down to the woman on her knees before me and finally had my next question.

“Are you able to stop, Vera?” I asked firmly.

She shook her head, “Not until you finish or tell me so.”

I furrowed my brow at that, “What do you mean by finish?”

“When you cum in my mouth, Jay. Are you close?” She began sucking with even greater fervor and eagerness now.

“Probably,” I replied with a grunt.

I thought back to some old cartoon scenarios, like Daphne Blake with the Ghost Clown in Scooby-Doo, or some of the mind control episodes of the Power Rangers. I had been reading up on hypnosis casually since the last semester of senior year after the student council failed to book the stage hypnotist they had wanted for the after-prom. They went with a normal magician much to the treasurer’s disappointment. She was also my class’s salutatorian. My grandfather had been a psychiatrist before he retired and so he had an extensive library, which was now mine, and it contained more than a few books on hypnosis.

My rumminating was interrupted when I felt the climax approaching. Vera noticed the tightening and locked down her suction, massaging my cock with her tongue, milking me as I came down her throat. She let my cock out of her mouth with another satisfying pop and swallowed before opening her mouth wide to show me, smiling. Then her expression suddenly went blank as her arms feel limp to her sides, her mouth still agape, her eyes glazed over. I waved my hand in front of her face, but there was no response, no stirring, not even a blink. I thought to myself for a moment before...

“Vera. Stand up,” I said firmly.

She stood up in front of me, blank expression unchanged.

“In a moment I am going to wake up from this trance, but before that I have some instructions for you. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Good,” my nerves calmed some, “Once you are awake you will act as if we both are still dressed, not noticing as you dress yourself or as I finish my shower and put my uniform on. You will have no memory of giving me a blowjob either. You will proceed to work normally and clock out at 7:00, same as me. Once you are clocked out, however, you will follow me home and re-enter this trance state as soon as my front door is closed behind you. I have some questions about what just happened that I need your help answering. If you understand all of that, simply answer ‘Yes, Jay.’”

“Yes, Jay,” her voice certainly matched the monotonous mindlessness of the mind control porn I watched on occasion.

“Good girl, Vera. On the count of three you will wake up and not notice our nakedness or recalled blowing me.” I prepared myself, just in case.

“One. Two. Three. Wide awake, Vera.” I watched her carefully as she came to.

She blinked at me, “What?”

“Nothing,” I chuckled lightly, “Just thinking about something else.”

“Whatever,” She rolled her eyes and proceeded to wordlessly get dressed.

I rinsed myself off, paying appropriate attention to any lingering saliva, and got dress for the early dinner shift from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. The rest of our scheduled cowokers started showing up between 2:00 and 2:45. The cooks all arrived first and the lead for the night came out a few minutes later to thank Vera for doing some extra prep and making sure the closers’ duties were taken care of. Mark and Amy arrived in the parking lot within second of each other and a tense conversation was already underway as they made their way to the office. Naturally, Alexei was the last to arrive, taking over shining the last few glasses from McKenna, who lightly chastised him with a smile before donning her server apron and checking her section on the whiteboard. The hostess, Julie, paced nervously before settling herself as the first party of the night walked through the doors. The first two hours were fairly scant, but around 5:30pm a steady stream of customers came in to Harrington’s Tavern & Grill. Amy, for her part, did ensure that Vera and I were on opposites side of the dining room. As far as I could tell, she was her normal self and had no recollection of what she had done just hours earlier. I helped the busboy bus my last table and clocked out at 7:24pm. Vera was already in the parking lot approaching her car. I decided against calling out to her and just got in my car to drive home. When I checked my rearview mirror at the first traffic light, she was pulling up behind me. Feeling assured, I drove the rest of the short way home and pulled into my garage. Vera pulled far enough into driveway to be off the street and not blocking sidewalk foot-traffic and walked up to my front door. I opened it as she came up the front porch steps. She took a few steps in before pausing and turning around as I closed the door behind me. Whatever thought she was about to voice died as her mind emptied and she stared past me with her blank eyes.

“Can you hear me, Vera?” I asked.

“Yes, Jay.” That same monotone voice replied.

I fistpumped in the air in celebration before reeling myself back in. Now it was time for experimentation and discovery. And it was going to be a long night.