The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Intern-Journalist Part 5

(MC, MF, MD, GR)

The following is a work of fiction. Due to sexual situations and foul language, no one under 18 should read this Go away!

Brenda Vincent was so excited as she was led by one of the many butlers to the Grand Dining Room at the Johnson U.—Japan campus. She was finally getting a private meeting with its Chancellor, the famous Dr. Stephanie Schmidt. And she liked that acting provost Jessica Ravenstal, a former model turned now transformed into Schmidt’s right-hand woman, would also attend.

Vincent had been on campus for two weeks, getting there ahead of her film crew (all women, per Schmidt’s request) but this was the first time she would be able to sit down with the head of the college in a 1-on-1 setting.

Almost all of their communications had been through videos, which, to be honest, Brenda had found really boring, she fell asleep watching them most of the time.

Vincent was wearing a proper serious TV newswoman outfit, skirt, vest, high heeled shoes; …. except the skirt barely covered her ass, and was slit thigh-high, Her vest was proper but did not include a shirt underneath, so her solid C cup breasts were pushed up and almost entirely visible. A bra was certainly out of the question.

Her high-heeled shoes were really high, almost like a go-go dancer. She appeared like a caricature of a serious journalist that might be portrayed in a porno, But, when she had gone shopping at the student store with Jessie, oops, Dr. Ravenstal, it had just seemed the right thing to do, and Jess had encouraged her, saying it fit the go-getter girl model of the Johnson-Japan student.

“I must admit, I have not seen a lot of bras on the girls here, and most of them have really big hooters,” thought Brenda as she was led inside. “I guess out of the home for the first time, want to show their independence.”

Chancellor Schmidt and Juicy J, (‘Have to remember to call her Dr. Ravenstal in this situation,” remembered Brenda.), were already seated at a long table that looked like it had been taken directly from King Henry VIII’s court.

“Sit down Ms. Vincent, enjoy the Vichyssoise,” said Schmidt with a wave of her hand. Brenda sat in a seat obviously reserved for her, right between the two academics.

“Otherwise known as cold-potato soup,” said Jessica to Brenda with a laugh. Sweet Cheeks was so funny, thought Brenda.

“We’ll do the official interview in front of the cameras shortly,” said Brenda. “I just want to talk to you privately first for some background.”

The thought that it was not exactly private, as her Butter pussy Jess was also there, did not even cross Brenda’s mind. She and Jessica were one.

“Sure, shoot,” said Schmidt. “No subject is off-limits.”

“Well,” said Brenda. “First, when you were an activist, you constantly were in the news but, since you took over here, you kind of dropped off the map. I mean, this is the first interview you have done in two years.”

“College presidents should not be publicity hounds, the college should speak for itself,” said Schmidt with a chuckle. “But I saw your feature on my former intern Steven, and thought it was quite fair, so after talking with the acting provost, we decided to break my media silence with you.”

“People should know since I arrived, Johnson in Japan has increased enrollment 80-percent, applications are running 120-percent ahead of last year, and our alumnae are doing spectacular. We have three female vice presidents at top 500 companies and a 100-percent job placement among women and 80-percent among men as well. Not ignoring the guys.”

(Of course, Schmidt’s philosophy of great amounts of sex allowed her graduates, properly in their mind, to sleep their way to the top.)

“I did notice your student body is 50-percent male, a little surprising since you are known for being so pro-women.”

“Can’t be pro-women unless you have men”, said Schmidt with a smile. “Don’t you think Dr. Ravenstahl?”

“Heck, the all-male social services positions are the highest-paying work study jobs on campus,” said Jessica. “Are you not enjoying them?”

Brenda gave a little grunt as she then came, her pussy juice pouring over the outstretched tongue of the boy who had been under the table, eating her out.

Stephanie and Jessica shortly let out their own sounds of sexual satisfaction. The three young men under the table, who had been servicing them, grinned at each other. They knew getting the chancellor and No. 2 off would mean a nice little bonus.

“No …. Jeez … they are excellent at their job,” said a panting Brenda. “One last quick question. The student guide says every Johnson student must go through a mandatory hypnosis class in their first semester. That is kind of odd.”

“Teach what you know,” smile Schmidt. “I am a world-renowned expert on hypnosis so, if coming to my college, expect some hypnosis.”

“The students love it, many take hypnosis courses all four of their years here,” commented Jessica, looking Brenda squarely in the eye. “It’s really not a big deal and I think your TV audience would find it boring. Don’t you Brenda?”

“Oh absolutely,” Brenda quickly. “I wouldn’t bother putting it in my story.

“Anyhow, thanks for your time chancellor, see you in a few hours for the formal interview.”

Brenda got up, pulled her dress down, sighed, and gave a long look to Ravenstahl. She then half-stumbled out of the room.

“Geez Jess—oh shit—you really did a number on her,” said Schmidt, as she came again, pouring juice on her assigned service member, who greedily lapped it up. “I mean, she can barely complete a sentence. Your little fuck/slave has to look presentable for TV, like she has a brain in her head, instead of mindlessly parroting what you told her to say.”

“I’ll work on her,” said Jessica. “And then I’ll do the usual mindwipe after I supervise her editing of the piece on you. But, on another subject, she told me some really big news, and I need to consult with you on what to do.”

Jessica was such a go-getter and Schmidt had so much confidence in her, she rarely asked Schmidt’s opinion on anything except the most important issues, so Stephanie put down her skirt and leaned forward. She shooed away the boys licking her and Jessica, much to their disappointment, as the pussy juice of the chancellor and acting provost was like the nectar of the gods to them.

“As you know, Steven is training as an intern at Brenda’s company, Women’s World News & Fashion LLC,” said Jessica. “Well, it seems Steven and some girl named Ellie, the daughter of their biggest stockholder, are actually being completely brainwashed to be editor Anna Summer’s human robots. Dr. Elizabeth Schuyler, the top women’s hypnosis expert in the country, now that you are not there, is a contributing editor to the magazine, and she is helping.

“When they complete training, they will be brought to Summer’s office. The sight of her will trigger them and, from what Brenda says, any independent brain functions will melt away. Steven will become her mindless drone.”

Schmidt put her hand on her chin and was silent for a while.

“Well, I know Liz will do a thorough job, they won’t even remember their names once she’s done with them. But is this any different than us ‘claiming’ Steven,” asked Schmidt. “He kind of became our sex drone too.”

“Maybe, but that was voluntary, Steven wanted it, he is not being given a choice here,” said Jessica. “And he still was, when he was under our control, basically, himself, except for the implanted desire to constantly have sex with us. The way B-dog described it, Steven will no longer be Steven, his cognitive functions will be turned to dust.

“He will just be Manservant X.”

Schmidt gave a sideways nod and got up, as she put her micro-mini skirt on. Jessica did the same, as both had been naked from the waist down, in anticipation of the licking.

“Now, my first instinct is to say ‘Great, a woman achieving complete domination over a man,” Schmidt said. “But she is also enthralling a female, and one who will eventually have some authority in the male-dominant world, I do not like that.

“Present day, we have 1,000 men who will fuck me, or you, with one word. But Steven was my first. I had not even published the ‘claim a man’ idea. He just said, ‘Completely control me, erase my guilt, make me yours,’ and we fucked so, SO much until I left for Japan. He kind of started me on this wonderful lifestyle.”

“So, what should I do Boss Lady?”, said Jessica.

“OK, this is the plan,” Schmidt said, wiping off the wet spots her lickers had missed. “Knowing Steven as well as I do, he’d probably like to become Anna Summer’s mindless robot, but, since this is happening without him knowing it, and a woman is involved, we will have one of our contacts inform him of Anna and Liz’s plans. He then can make his own decision, and he can tell the Ellie woman.”

“Wonderful idea, as always Chancellor,” said Jessica with a smile. “Dr. Dolores Dial, after our little surprise role reversal, is still completely under my thumb. She can drive from Johnson-main to tell Steven.

“Excellent,” said Stephanie. “Always enjoy using the esteemed Doctor Dial for our purposes.”

Jessica then looked down at her phone. “Gotta go, B-dog is at my place for a quickie. Should not have made her insatiable.”

“Go ahead, … Sweet Cheeks,” said Schmidt with a laugh.

* * *

Jennifer settled into her seat in the first-class section of the Air Azerbaijan plane. She was a bit disappointed her new very good friends Brigit and Marta had to stay behind to close up the WWL mobile studio, so she was flying solo.

The first-class crowd could not help but notice that Jennifer’s size FF breasts bounced when she sat down, but, by this time, she barely noticed. Everyone was jealous of her massive breasts, as she now remembered Steven telling her.

And she could not wait to get back to New York and see her boyfriend. They had a lot to talk about.

“That cunt Stephanie Schmidt poured all kinds of shit in his head,” thought Jennifer. “Steven is gentle, so innocent and trusting; I do not blame him in the least. It’s Schmidt and triple cunts Tracee and Tanya. They got a hold of my wonderful Steven and forced him to think their crazy crap.”

The extreme trauma of Matt’s attempted mind control, plus the getting hit in the head, had opened Jennifer to memories that Steven had programmed her to never consciously remember.

But not all.

Some orders had been placed while Jennifer had been heavily drugged and deeply hypnotized, as Steven instructed her subconscious psyche how to think as her new base personality.

Plus, there was the ‘echo affect’ , a medical term for Jennifer being exposed to a way of living and thinking for so long, even if it no longer had direct control of her mind, the echoes of a year-and-a-half of under Steven’s spell still banged around in her head.

To Jennifer’s partially reawaked brain, Steven was still a great-looking, super-duper person and the thought of not being with him anymore never even crossed her mind. And now, the Steven’s restrictions about using the term ‘love’ and thinking of marriage had been removed.

Now, she knew she was deeply, passionately in love with him, and could not wait to marry him, even if he had not completed his internship training yet.

“I’ll show them,” thought Jennifer, as some gross businessman across the aisle stared at her humongous chest. “They won’t win Steven’s heart and mind. I will marry him the second I get to Linda’s apartment. Grab him and go to City Hall.”

Jennifer then grimaced, as even a direct flight from Baku to New York was 14 hours, so she was going to be bored to tears. She went in her knapsack for something to read, and found a book that been in there, but unread, since her Syracuse days:

The Sex Led Life by Dr. Stephanie Schmidt.”

Although she teased Steven about having read it, she never did, she simply had seen some reviews that included the most salacious details of the world-wide best seller.

“Kind of opposition research now,” said Jennifer to herself, as she then glared at the grubby guy to look elsewhere.

The stewardess heard some weird noises coming out of the first-class bathroom.

“Are you OK? “Anyone in there?”, she said after knocking on the door, as the sign said ‘Occupied’.

“Fuck! Do it now asshole,” hissed Jennifer as she hiked up her skirt (one of the echoes was that she still did not wear panties) and drove her pussy into his erect dick.

“Ugh-h-h-h-h-h,” he went,” pouring his jizm into Jennifer’s sopping wet pussy. She leaned her head back in exultation. She had random sex on a plane, joining the ‘Mile High Club’, just like it said in the book should be one of her goals.

Jennifer wiped herself off, smoothed her skirt down, splashed some water on her face and left the tiny rest room, the stewardess getting a peek of a fat old guy with his pants down around his ankles playing with himself.

She sat back down in her seat, sighed, her face flushed from the exaltation, and went on her phone.

She texted Tracee and Tanya (who were listed in her directory under the title ‘Super Bitch 1’ and ‘Super Bitch 2’).

I need to apologize. I just read The Sex Led Life and it has opened my eyes, I assure you I am fully converted and am now a massive Stephanie Schmidt fan. Her advice makes total sense, and I will follow her examples as much as I can.

So sorry, Jennifer

It is actually not too surprising that Jennifer agreed with Schmidt in the book. Steffi had the same exact mindset when she wrote the book that Jennifer had now: slavish devotion to Steven, constant craving for sex from Steven or someone he would designate.

Jennifer had never read Schmidt’s earlier work, which were extreme pro-women calls involving hypnosis. Her earlier radical writings had first attracted Tanya and Tracee to her cause. Jennifer would probably hate those ideas, but she was too horny to care at the moment.

“My standard is now: What would Stephanie Schmidt do?,” Jennifer thought to herself.

She then grinned. Her new idol had delivered a solution to the ‘Steven problem.”

She took out a notepad, as some air marshals went past her to the forward bathroom. A stewardess had reported a man being caught committing lewd behavior.

She began scribbling:

Plan for Steven:

  1. As soon as see him, ‘claim’ Steven.
  2. Have lots and lots of sex with him.
  3. Have him quit stupid internship. His dick must be available 24/7 to me.
  4. Call parents, tell them to get here quick, we’re getting married.

Jennifer looked at it, and thought the plan was perfect. Oops, she then remembered one more thing:

  1. Ask Linda to be my maid of honor, and Tracee and Tanya to be bridesmaids.

Jennifer then cackled. “Tracee and Tanya will fall off their chair when they get that invitation.”

Now that she had the whole row to herself, Jennifer relaxed and put her seat back. Time to rest, her work here was done. Everything in her life was good.

(To be continued)