The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive



Aria discovers that her voice has become very convincing.

Chapter One

A Rude Awakening

Another rainy Saturday morning finds Aria Kincaid still in bed, her cordless headphones somehow still fit snugly over her ears. A dark blue, cotton sheet and her favorite king-size, dark purple comforter covers her perfectly tanned five foot, three inch body. The same body and mind that were currently lost in yet another twisted and perverted fantasy starring, as usual, her older sister, Andrea. When she wasn’t dreaming of Andrea, it was their mom, Dana Kincaid that starred in her very wet dreams. She also enjoyed very vivid and frequent dream threesomes with both of them.

It really is a big relief when you can tell your mother and older sister that you’re a lesbian when you’re still in high school and you know they won’t freak out or disown you. Even though she was almost certain they would both love and support her completely, Aria was still very apprehensive when she “came out” to her family. Now one year later, eighteen years old and having finally graduated high school and claimed her freedom a month ago, what she still hadn’t told them..., could NEVER tell them, was that she was also very sexually attracted to both of... them! Hell, she seemed to be attracted only to her mother and sister. She knew that that was the one deep, dark secret she would keep to herself for the rest of her life. And if that wasn’t bad enough, not only did Aria constantly dream of having hot, body-numbing, lesbian sex with her mother and older sister, she also very much wanted and dreamed almost nightly of them being her loving, deeply devoted and absolutely obedient, personal sex slaves. She literally wanted them completely under her control and either on their knees kneeling before her or bowed down at her feet. She wanted them to literally worship her.

You’re a lesbian? Fine. We love you! Having incestuous dreams of literally owning, controlling and dominating your mother and older sister as your loving and devoted, little slave girls? Sorry, hon. We love you, but that’s NOT happening! And turning us into your mindless, obedient fuck puppets? That’s definitely NOT happening!!

She had had sex with a few girls in high school, of course. Starting the summer before her junior year right up until the night before her graduation. Although she had kept it from her family, she’d even had a girlfriend in high school. They were both VERY careful to keep their relationship secret, even from close friends and family. She and Marie had had sex several times, but she never really felt... satisfied after. She knew she didn’t love Marie. Not truly. When Marie moved to the east coast to spend the summer with her dad before she started the first semester of her first choice college, and a thousand texts and phone calls quickly dwindled down to dozens, which became a few more calls and even fewer half-hearted texts over the next couple of weeks, which became less than a dozen, almost “generic” e-mails which became a few final text messages, they both knew “they” were over. After their “official” breakup and a few, quiet, go-nowhere dates with a few other girls, Aria KNEW that the only women she wanted were her mother and sister. She also knew her admittedly dark and very twisted fantasies were as close as she would ever get to having them, much less literally owning and controlling them as her loving, devoted and obedient slave girls. So she learned to settle for and enjoy her dreams. And she was doing just that at the moment. She was on her stomach, covered in sweat, one hand gripping the edge of her mattress so tight her knuckles were white. Her other hand buried three fingers deep in her overworked, very sore and swollen pussy, lost in another very vivid fantasy. She had already cum twice and was on the crest of a third.

This time they were in Andrea’s bedroom, Aria was naked and lying back on Andrea’s bed with her legs spread wide while Andrea was doing her very best to satisfy her beautiful Mistress. The fantasy Andrea was as maddeningly straight as the real Andrea, but Aria had patiently trained both of her slaves how to eat her out to a very satisfying orgasm by this time. So fantasy Andrea was doing a much better job now and had Aria hanging on the cusp of that third satisfying orgasm. She reached down and took Andrea by the head, grabbing handfullls of her sister’s long hair as she pushed her face even tighter against her hot, slick slit. She was ssooo close now. She took a deep breath as she worked her fingers ever faster and deeper, she could feel it building. Any minute now and... she would...

‘Oh God! Ffuuuck yeah!! Here it cuuu...!!’

“...ammit, Ari! Where is it? Where’s my damn blouse?!”

Suddenly, Aria is ripped out of her fantasy. Her orgasm stolen from her. Startled, confused, painfully aroused, wet as rain and totally denied, Aria opens her eyes to see her very real, very pissed off and obviously very NOT her sex slave, older sister staring down at her and using the family nickname for Aria. Normally, Aria liked it when Andrea and her mom used her nickname. She thought it was hot when they dropped the “a” at the end and called her “Ari”, but, not in the tone Andrea was using at the moment and certainly not in her current... condition!!

“...Hhuuh...?? Wh-what? What... did you s-say...? I... wha..?”

“My maroon blouse that I KNOW you borrowed without asking..., again! My favorite maroon blouse? Where the... HELL... is it, Ari? Don’t you DARE tell me you fucking lost it!!“

Now fully awake and aware of herself and what’s happening, Aria angrily pulls herself out of bed and, ignoring the fact that she is totally nude and dripping wet, gets up and, hands on hips, stands tall right in her big sisters’s face! She may have a serious “hard on” for Andrea almost ALL of the time AND she may be VERY aroused right now, but she is not about to let Andrea jump all over her or accuse her of... anything! Especially in HER room AND when she’s fucking innocent!!

“I don’t have your damn blouse, sis! As a matter of fact, I bought some new blouses AND skirts of my own yesterday when mom and I went shopp...”

“Bullshit, Ari! Don’t tell me you didn’t take it. I specifically remember putting it on the corner of my dresser when I went downstairs for dinner last night while I was re-arranging my closet and now it’s gone. So, where... is... it?!”

Her arms crossed over her large chest, Andrea looks at Aria with that arrogant, irritating but damned sexy, “I KNOW YOU”RE FUCKING GUILTY SO DON”T EVEN TRY TO DENY IT!” look on her face that really pisses Aria off AND makes her so fucking wet at the same time! Aria takes a deep breath as she tries to get the mixed feelings of being genuinely insulted and highly fucking aroused at the same time under control.

‘God damn it! Why couldn’t you have waited till after my orgasm, sis? God, I could fucking explode right now! And you standing here looking so fucking hot and smelling so good isn’t helping things!’

A little more in control of herself, Aria continues to stand her ground!

“I said I didn’t take your damn blouse, Andrea! And if you don’t believe me, you can just get down on your knees and kiss my ass. And I mean BOTH fucking cheeks!!”

“...HHEEEYY!! EEE... NNUUUFF...!!! What the hell’s going on up there? It’s only nine o’clock in the morning, what can even you two possibly be arguing about so fiercely already?!”

Dana Kincaid, the girls’ happily divorced and very single mom yells up at them from the bottom of the stairs. Aria deliberately makes a point of staring right into her big sister’s eyes for another long moment before she walks out into the hallway, leans against the waist high wall that faces the front of the house and looks down into the foyer and the living room from the open, upstairs hallway and finds her mom standing at the bottom of the stairs looking as damned sexy as she always does. Dana Kincaid stands five feet, eight inches tall. She has shoulder length, raven black hair, bright blue eyes, incredible 34E breasts and a well-earned, deep bronze tan. She’s simply the hottest and most beautiful woman Aria has ever known. Looking almost like their mother’s clone, Andrea stands five feet, seven inches tall and has the same shiny, raven black hair that she also keeps cut to her shoulders. The only and very minor differences in their appearance aside from Dana being forty five years old and Andrea being twenty two, are Andrea’s hazel eyes and her 34DD breasts. Andrea even has the same deep tan their mother has. Andrea is number two on Aria’s very short, two name “wish list” of hot women she wants.

“Hey mom. Sorry. Andrea thinks I took her precious maroon blouse and I was teell... ling... her th-that... I didn’t... uhh, t-take... it?!“

Suddenly feeling two cold hands grab her by the hips and someone kissing both cheeks of her naked ass, Aria turns her head and looks down to find Andrea on her knees behind her and hidden from their mom’s view by the half wall Aria was leaning against with her hands now on her knees and looking up at her with a look of absolute... shock and confusion on her face. Caught completely by surprise, they stare at each other. Stunned, Aria simply has no idea how to react.

“A blouse? Is that what this is about? Hey, Andrea, are you there? Can you hear me?“

Staring at Aria as she slides back a few feet and then stands up, Andrea answers her mom.

“I... uhh... y-yeah mom. Wh-what’s... up?”

Aria continues to stare at her sister as if she just popped out of a giant seed pod or something.

‘What the... hell? You literally get down on your knees and kiss my ass and now you’re standing next to me and talking to mom like nothing happened? What... the happy... fuck?!’

Aria is so startled and lost in her thoughts that she almost misses the rest of the conversation.

“...illed coffee on your blouse yesterday when I was putting a few of your other shirts away, Andrea. Sorry. I wanted to see if I could get the stain out before I told you about it. Sorry. It was me, not Ari.”

Andrea turns to face Aria, an expression set firmly somewhere between total confusion, utter humiliation and being trapped on her face.

“Uhh, shit, Ari. I’m, uhh... s-sorry?”

Aria stands there, her mind and body still and silent, as if someone pushed her pause button. It takes her some time while her mind tries to process her sister’s very odd behavior.

“Hey Aria, hello? Andrea is actually apologizing to you. This is the part where you say “I forgive you and I’m sorry too, sis. Thank you.”

Aria looks down at their mom and smiles, then she turns back to her sister. As if on auto pilot, Aria simply repeats her mother’s words.

“Uhh, yeah. I... I forgive you and I’m... sorry too... sis. Th-thank... you.”

“That’s better. Now, I just got off the phone. They’re having some problems with a client video conferene call and I have to go to the office. I should be home in a few hours or so. Do you two... adults think you can manage without me?“

Ignoring their mother entirely, Andrea looks at Aria, then suddenly bolts for her bedroom, slamming the door closed behind her as she dives for her bed and pulls the covers over her head.

‘Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! What the... fuck did I just do? I... I got down on my hands and knees and I... I literally... crawled over and kissed my little sister’s naked ass. I actually kissed her ass on both fucking cheeks! Just like she... she... told me too? Oh my God!! What the... hell was that?!’

Andrea lifts her head and checks to make certain her bedroom door is closed AND locked then buries herself back under her covers.

‘Oh God! I-I actually kissed Aria’s ass. Fuck! I WANTED to kiss her ass! I... she... yeah, fine, okay, she told me too, but, she didn’t actually mean it as a command. And even if she did, I would NEVER literally kiss her ass for ANY reason, much less because she told me too! It was like a... a compulsion. I couldn’t resist! I HAD to kiss her ass! I HAD to!! Oh Fuck me, what the fuck is happening to me?!’

Aria manages to keep her own shock and confusion hidden as she talks to her mom. For the moment, at least.

“Uhh, y-yeah. We... we’ll be... fine, mom. Go to the office. I promise Andrea, the house and I will... we’ll, uh... we’ll be here wh-when... you get... back.”

“Ha haa, funny, Ari. I’ll see you two later. Bye, Andrea.”

Only Aria answers back.

“Bye, mom.”

Deliberately taking the time to wait and watch their mom grab her purse, her laptop bag and walk out the door, get in her car and watch her drive out of sight, Aria takes the time for a few deep breaths as she counts to thirty. Deciding that her mom isn’t coming back for some reason and ignoring the fact that she’s STILL totally nude, Aria walks straight to her sister’s bedroom door. She tries the knob and isn’t surprised to find it locked.

“Andrea, I don’t know what the hell is going on or why you did... that, but we need to talk. Now!”

She gets no response.

“Andrea? Answer me!”

“GO AWAY, Ari!! Just... just go away! Leave me alone.”

Aria takes a slow, deep breath and tries to NOT think about how fucking horny she is as she leans her head and her right hand against Andrea’s door. Releasing that slow, deep breath, she slides her left hand between her legs and rubs two fingers against her needy pussy. Even as the pulses of bliss shoot up from her tender slit to her orgasm-deprived brain, she tries very hard to not think about the pure pleasure she is feeling as she openly stands nude in front of her sister’s bedroom door and jills herself off. Making her current circumstances all the worse is the fact that the pleasure she’s feeling right now is only reminding her of how worked up she was before Andrea tore her out of her fantasy, stole her orgasm, and then literally kissed her ass. She tries even harder to not see the image of her hot, sexy sister on her knees and looking up at her when she turned around to see what the hell had just happened.

“Andrea, will you please open the door? I think we really need to talk about this.”


Between her highly aroused condition, the way she was so rudely woken up and everything that has happened since, it’s just too much to fucking take at this point.

“Damn it, Andrea! Open the damn door right fucking now!”

Quicker than she would have thought possible, the door opens and she sees Andrea standing there, a confused mix of shock, shame and... fear on her face. Andrea looks right into Aria’s eyes as she quickly reaches out, grabs her by the shoulders, pulls her into her room and closes the door. Before Aria can react, Andrea then takes her by her right shoulder with her left hand and puts her right hand over her mouth as she holds her against the door.

“Aria, whatever you do, don’t... say... anything! I’m serious. I don’t understand what the fuck is going on here! I feel like I’m going fucking crazy and I need to figure it out. So keep... your mouth... SHUT!!”

Aria pulls away from Andrea’s grip, freeing her mouth so she can talk.

“Andrea... mmhhmmpphh!!”

Now in full panic mode, Andrea accidentally slams Aria hard against her bedroom door when she puts her hand over her mouth again.

“Damn it, Ari! I’m serious, don’t fucking talk!!”

Aria was already pissed off at her sister for accusing her of taking her blouse and especially for interrupting her little morning fantasy session before she could... finish. But being slammed back against the door and having Andrea holding her by the shoulder with one hand and covering her mouth till she can barely breathe, much less talk with the other AND telling her to shut up is really pissing her off! Now she’s frustrated, irritated, horny as fuck AND pissed off. And having her sexy as fuck and deliciously sweet-smelling sister only inches away, wearing the tight, white denim, short shorts that hug her ass so damn perfectly and a thin, matching, white tank top with her erect, braless nipples poking out teasingly at her is just more than the sexually frustrated girl can take. She finally manages to twist her head and pull her sister’s hand off of her mouth.

“Damn it Andrea, fucking let go of me and back up!”

Andrea looks at her with a look somewhere between utter helplessness and sheer terror on her face as she lets go and takes a few steps back from Aria.

“Damn, what’s your problem, Andrea? What the hell’s going on with you? First, you accuse me of taking your blouse when I didn’t, then you... you... kiss my ass? What the fuck was that anyway, some kind of damn joke or something? What is going on with you? Answer me!”

Andrea feels that same sudden, powerful and irresistable compulsion to obey that already had her freaked out. And she knows that if she doesn’t say something very convincing very fast that she will say everything she absolutely doesn’t want to. Aria will know that, for some unknown and very bizarre reason, Andrea suddenly HAS to obey her! Andrea knows she’s screwed the second her little sister realizes that Andrea is somehow hers to command. What she can’t know is just how... screwed she is.

“Uuhh.., yeah, Ari. I-I’m sorry. It was a... a joke. Just a joke, that’s all. I shouldn’t have... uhh, jumped to conclusions so fast, shouldn’t have accused you like that, it’s just that you always take my... Just... just give me a... minute here? And please don’t talk, okay? Just... don’t say... anything.”

Aria can sense it. She knows something is very... off with her big sister. Andrea never apologizes. Not to her. And she never backs down either. Not when she thinks Aria took something of hers. Especially her precious clothes, jewelry or make-up. And she never lets Aria into her room. Aria has never been allowed into her sister’s precious, private sanctum sanctorum. Never. Aria is barely paying attention to what Andrea is saying as she plays back the entire morning in her mind and tries to sort out everything that’s happened.

‘Okay. Wait a minute, here. First, you accuse me of taking your favorite blouse and a minute later you’re on your knees literally kissing my bare ass. Very strange! Then you apologize to me and run away to your room and lock your door! Very!! Then, you open the door and literally pull me into your bedroom... only to slam me into the door and practically gag me to keep me quiet. And now, you’re almost... begging me not to talk?’ What the... happy hell’s going on here?!’

Enough is enough!

“Why are you acting so... weird? Stop telling me not to talk and tell me why you kissed my ass. Tell me why you’re acting so strange. Tell me right now!”

With absolutely every ounce of strength in her body, Andrea tries desperately to resist the powerful compulsion to obey. She can’t even hesitate.

“Ikissedyourassbecauseyoutoldmetoo!Icouldn’t resistandIdidn’twantyoutofigureitout!”

A look of near terror on her face, Andrea claps both hands over her mouth and backs away from her little sister to stand in the middle of her bedroom. Aria stands there against her sister’s door as her mind tries to rewind, pause, break down and translate what her sister just said into actual sentences including the spaces that go between the words.

“You... kissed my ass... because I... told you... too? You... couldn’t... resist? Resist what?! You... didn’t want... me too... figure it out? Figure WHAT out?! What the hell are you talking about, sis? You do understand that I didn’t actually expect you to literally get down on your knees and kiss my ass, right? I was just pissed at you. That’s just something you say to someone when you get mad, you know that.”

Andrea slowly steps back until she feels the foot of her bed against her legs and sits down. She takes a deep breath and with an almost pleading expression on her face, she looks at her little sister.

“Sis, PLEASE!! Will you just... give me a minute and NOT say... anything else? Please?!”

Aria takes another long moment to mentally replay everything that has happened and everything her big sister has said and done this morning looking for whatever it is that she so obviously isn’t seeing. She knows there is something BIG... happening right in front... of her... if she could just see... what it...

Finally, recognition and delicious... understanding flash in her eyes. Aria straightens up, and as a very predatory, lust-filled smile crosses her face, she looks into her big sister’s eyes.

“Andrea, come here.”

To Be Continued...