The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Whirled Seriously

Robert Cahill was dead.

That was hardly a surprise. After all, the man was eighty-nine years old and even eighty-nine year old billionaires can’t hold off death indefinitely.

So it was that in the wake of his passing, his lawyer, Gilbert Travers, gathered the various heirs to his office. He looked at the assembled people in his office. Most of them were family members but there was one that was not.

“According to the terms of Mr. Cahill’s will, this is not an official reading of the will. That will come in six months time.”

“Why such a long interval?” asked the man’s son, James Cahill.

“That will become evident in a moment,” the man. “For the moment, let’s just say that that was the way Mr. Cahill wanted it.”

“When do we get our money?” asked the man’s daughter, Megan Hollis.

“Nothing will be dispersed until after the six-month cooling off period.”

“Cooling off period. Who the hell needs a cooling off period?” That was James Cahill again.

“It was Mr. Cahill’s desire that his heirs be given a cooling off period.”


“Money changes people. So does the prospect of getting money. Mr. Cahill wanted his heirs to learn what it would be like when they were on the verge of getting it.”

“That’s dumb,” said Miles Cahill. His father had been Robert Jr., but his father and mother had died in a car wreck two years before.

“Be that as it may, that is the way the will is written.”

“What’s she doing here?” asked Miles’s brother Cameron.

“Ms. Carmichael stands to inherit a significant amount of money if the terms of the will remain unchanged.”

“Her? Why?”

Chelsea Carmichael shifted nervously in her seat. All of this was making her very uncomfortable. She’d been a companion to the old man. She was there when his children weren’t, but she’d never really thought of herself as an heir. Maybe he might leave her something. Maybe he wouldn’t, but that wasn’t why she’d done what she’d done. She’d actually done it simply because she liked him.

“Mr. Cahill didn’t share his reasons with me for including Ms. Carmichael in the will.”

The family members were glaring at her and Chelsea knew what they probably thought. They probably thought she’d slept with the old man but really, she hadn’t.

“All right, if there aren’t any other questions?”

Apparently, there were none.

“As I said, this is not an official reading. Mr. Cahill merely wanted to let you know what you were going to get if things remain unchanged. In the next six months, any or all of you may opt out of your inheritance. If this happens, your share of the inheritance will be split in proportion to the relative amounts that the remaining heirs would get. To receive one’s inheritance, an heir must show up for the official reading of the will in six month’s time. Is that understood?”

Megan’s daughter Tiffany Hollis looked to be about to say something but she held her tongue at the last moment.

“All right then. The will is simple. Each family member receives two million dollars. The rest of the estate goes to Ms. Carmichael.”


That was James Cahill but the other family members were clearly just as irate as he was.

“This is outrageous,” James Cahill said. We’ll fight this in court.”

“If you do, you run the risk of forfeiting your inheritance.”


“It’s a clause in the will. Any heir that challenges the terms of this will immediately renounces their share of the inheritance.”

“This isn’t fair,” said Megan Hollis.

“I understand your position,” the attorney said, “but the will is iron clad.”

“We’ll see about that,” said James.

But for all of his bluster, James wasn’t about to run the risk of getting himself disinherited because it had occurred to him that there was another way. He stopped Miles on the way out of the office. “Get your brother and Phillip,” he told the young man, “and let’s have the four of us meet back at my house in an hour.”

Miles nodded and then he was on his way to grab hold of Cameron and Megan’s son, Phillip.

It wasn’t long before the four of them were assembled in James’s study. “Do you know why I called you all here?” James asked.

The three young men shook their heads. “I assumed it was about the will,” Miles said.

“It is but it’s more than that.”

“What else is there?”

“No offense to your father,” James said with a nod to Phillip, “but we four are the men of this family. We four are all Cahills, and it’s up to the men in this family to see to it that something is done about this travesty.”

None of the boys said anything.

“As it so happens, I happen to have a plan.”

“What is it?” Miles asked.

James Cahill looked at his nephews. “Before I go into that, I think we need to come to an understanding.”

“What sort of understanding?” asked Phillip.

“If we’re going to act, we have to agree in what we’re going to do. We can’t have one of us going behind the rest of our backs.”

“I say we fuck the bitch,” Miles said.

“An admirable sentiment but in the end, pointless.”


“Because, as you so aptly named her, the bitch would still be here. You heard the attorney. The trick is to make sure she doesn’t even show up.”

“How do we do that?” Cameron asked.

“She’s got over a billion reasons to show up. What would keep you away?”

“Me? Nothing.”

“What if you were going to be arrested if you showed up.”

Cameron didn’t speak up right away. “I’d still have the billion dollars, right?”


“That would buy me a lot of defense lawyers.”

“Good point.”

“What do you have in mind, Uncle Jim,” asked Miles.

“You have to make her want to run away. You have to make her too embarrassed to even show her face.”

“How do you do that?” Miles asked.


“You mean like find some dirt on her or something?” Miles asked.

“That might work,” James said, “if we had the time and if we could find something salacious enough to make her stay away, but as far as I know, we don’t have that.”

“So what do we do?” Cameron asked. “Do we make something up?”

“Oh no, we can’t make something up. Whatever we do has to be real.”

“What then?”

“We have to manufacture something. We have to make something real.”


James Cahill looked at the boys. “What about it?” he asked. “Are we agreed on what we need to do?”

“I don’t care what we do,” Miles said. “Just so long as we do something.”

Cameron looked back from his brother to his uncle. “If you think it’ll work, I’m all for it.”

“That’s two,” said James Cahill and then he looked over at Phillip. “What about you?” he asked. “Are you in?”

All eyes now looked at Phillip. “Why do you need me?” he asked.

“It doesn’t work if we’re not all in. Are you in?”

“I guess.”

James Cahill shook his head. “You can’t guess here. You’re either in or you’re not.”

Phillip looked back at the three pairs of eyes all looking at him and then he shrugged. “Okay,” he said. “I’m in.”

“Excellent. Then here’s what we’re going to do.”

* * *

Chelsea Carmichael had been cleaning up around her apartment when she heard the knock on her door. Her apartment didn’t really need cleaning up but it was just something to do. After all, with what the lawyer had said and everything that had happened, it seemed as if she needed something to keep her mind from flying off in a hundred different directions all at once.

Chelsea shut off her vacuum cleaner but when she went to the door and looked through the peep hole, she was surprised to find Miles Cahill standing on her doorstep. What was he doing here?

She opened the door just a little. “Yes?”

“Hey, Chelsea. I was wondering if I could talk with you.”

“Is this about the will?”

“You know, I suppose in a way it is.”

“I probably shouldn’t talk to you then.”

“No, no. You got me wrong. It’s not like that.”

“It’s not like what?”

“You’re thinking I’m here to try to talk you out of taking the money, aren’t you?”

“Well yeah.”

“I’ll admit it,” Miles said. “When I heard the terms of the will, I was ticked off and I’ll admit it. I wanted to do some not so nice things to you.”


“But then I started thinking. I mean, I’m getting a couple mill, and Cam’s getting a couple mil, and everyone else is getting a couple mil, and you know, two million bucks, that’s not chump change.”


“So we’re cool then, right.”

“I’d like to be,” Chelsea said although she wasn’t sure she could really believe what she was hearing.

“Good. I’m glad that’s over, but there is something I’d like to show you.”

“What?” Chelsea asked warily.

“It’s this,” and for the first time, Chelsea noticed that Miles was carrying a laptop.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“It’s a little something I was going to show granddad before he ... you know, before he died.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a project I was working on. It’s something I wanted to show granddad. I wanted to get his opinion on it.”

“Oh. But why would you want to show me.”

“I’m just trying to be friendly. Are you saying you don’t want to look at my project?”

“No, I didn’t say that. I just don’t know what I can say.”

“Geez. I don’t believe it. Here I was. I thought maybe we could be friends, but I guess we can’t. I don’t even know why I tried.”

“No, wait. I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

“Yeah right.”

“I want to look at your project. Can you show it to me, please?”

“It’s too late now.”

“Come on.”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on. I said I was sorry.”

“All right.” Miles slid the laptop from under his arm and he handed it to the girl. “Go ahead and open it up and I’ll talk you through it.”

It was odd, Chelsea thought, the way Miles had worded his request, but really, she was just so happy that some member of the family wasn’t treating her like a pariah that she didn’t bother to give it another thought. She took the laptop and she sat down and she opened it up.

“Hey, there seems to be something running here,” she said.

“Yeah? What’s it doing?”

“It’s ... um ... it’s creating patterns.”

“What kinds of patterns?”

It took a second before Chelsea realized he was talking to her. It was weird, she thought, but she felt really relaxed. “Oh, um, swirling patterns.”

“Can you follow the patterns? Can you follow them all the way to the center?”

Chelsea stared at the swirling patterns. She wasn’t sure why but suddenly, it seemed important that she should follow those patterns all the way to the centers.

But the centers kept changing and her eyes kept shifting and somewhere in the background, she knew Miles was speaking.

It was just that she was having trouble concentrating on anything else other than the patterns that were spinning around in front of her on the laptop.

The laptop was being closed and it was being taken away from her but it didn’t really matter. The patterns still swirled around inside her mind.

And all the while, there was someone speaking.

* * *

The video went viral almost from the time it went up on the Internet. It featured a young woman sitting on her couch and looking very earnest as she looked into the camera. “Hi,” the girl said. “You don’t know me but my name is Chelsea Carmichael and I’m a little fucking whore.”

The girl paused for a moment before she went on with her narrative.

“I’m a little fucking whore,” she said again, “and that means I’ll do anything for money. I fucked a billionaire and now I’m getting paid big time for that.”

The camera shifted again and this time, it was in the girl’s bedroom. She was lying on her stomach and she was looking into the camera which must have been perched right there at the edge of the bed and even as she did, part of the body of a man could be seen as he drove his cock between her legs.

“I love to get fucked,” she said, “and you don’t have to worry about me charging too much. I’ll always sell myself short.”

The girl moaned for the camera.

“Remember,” the girl on-screen said. “My name is Chelsea Carmichael and I’m a cheap fucking whore. I’ll fuck anyone for money, and now if you’ll excuse me ...”

It wasn’t so much that she looked away from the camera as it was that she just wasn’t looking at the camera anymore. Her eyes closed and then they reopened again and she moaned.

“Oh God yes,” the girl moaned. “Oh God yes. Fuck me. Fuck your little whore.”

In the background, even though his face was out the shot, the man could be seen moving himself even harder in and out of her pussy.

“Oh God. I know you’re going to do it. I know you’re going to cum in me and I want you to do it. Come on, Baby. Fuck me. Fuck me and fill me up, just like the little whore I am.”

The man groaned and there was no doubt that he was doing exactly that and across the bottom of the screen were the words, “Fuck your little whore. Fuck me. Call Chelsea Carmichael at 555-3255.”

* * *

“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” James Cahill said after he and his three nephews finished viewing the video. “You have any problems with that?”

Miles Cahill shook his head. “It went just the way you said it would, Uncle Jim. All I had to do was get her to look at the laptop and after that, I could do whatever I wanted.”

“Obviously,” the older man said. “And she didn’t know about the video?”

Miles shook his head. “I did just like you told me to do. I made her forget everything before I left. The way I hear it, the first she knew that something was up was when guys started calling her.”

The older man chuckled. “From what I hear, she finally had to have her phone number changed because she was getting so many calls.”

Miles was smiling, too. “That’s what I heard, too, Uncle Jim.”

James Cahill looked at his other nephews. “I hope you boys were taking notes on this because this went off just about as well as it could go. You think you boys can do any better?”

“I can,” Cameron said.

“You think so?”

The younger man nodded. “I know so.”

James Cahill handed the young man the laptop. “Well all right then. You’re up. Let’s see what you can do.”

* * *

Chelsea Carmichael was alone in her apartment. It was nice to finally have some peace and quiet, if only for a little time.

She still had no idea how that repulsive video had come to be but however it had, it had certainly changed her life.

The girl had certainly looked like her, Chelsea thought. Of course, it wasn’t her. She was sure of that, because she was sure she’d never make a video like that, but the girl had certainly looked like her and someone had gone to a lot of trouble to make it look just like her. Even the clothes she wore looked like her and even the bedroom she was in looked like hers.

But it wasn’t her because she wouldn’t do something like that.

She didn’t know about the video, of course, because it wasn’t hers. But then the calls had started to come.

At first, it was just guys who wanted to fuck but then the guys started to get pissed when she didn’t want to put out.

Finally, one of them told her that if she didn’t want to fuck, why did she put up that stupid video.

What video, she’d asked.

The man had just hung up on her but at least that had given her a clue of where to look. It had taken some looking around but she’d finally found it and she was screaming in horror at what she saw. She looked like a fucking slut.

Well, not her. The girl in the video, but obviously, it was supposed to be her. Hell, they’d even used her real name.

She’d had to take the receiver off the hook just to get any sleep and she’d eventually had to call the phone company to have her phone number changed but really, that hadn’t fixed anything. They’d used her real name in the video and while it might have slowed the guys down, there were still enough of them who could figure out where she lived.

She was so embarrassed.

There was a knock at her door and the girl buried her face in her hands. Not again, she told herself. Of course, it wasn’t like she was going to answer it. She’d had enough of these low lifes coming around.

But the knocking continued and when she didn’t answer the door, it continued some more.

“Chelsea,” a man’s voice called out from the other side of the door. “You in there, Chelsea?”

Wait a minute. She knew that voice.

The knocking came again. “Chelsea? You in there?”

She ran to the door and she pulled it open. It was Cameron on her doorstep. She grabbed the boy and she pulled him inside. “What are you doing here?”

“Have you seen the video?” Cameron asked worriedly.

Chelsea’s face clouded over. “I’ve seen it,” she said. “I’ve been trying to fend off perverts for the past couple of weeks now.”

Cameron shook his head. “No, not that one. The other one.”

“What other one?”

“There’s a new video out there. Haven’t you seen it?”

Chelsea shook her head. Really, she hadn’t been on the web all that recently. It was one way to ignore what was being said about her. It was almost like if she didn’t actually see it, it hadn’t actually happened, but this was different. “Can you tell me what it says?” she asked.

“I can do better than that. I can show you.”

It was only then that Chelsea noticed the laptop under the man’s arm. Did she really want to see this. she asked herself. On the other hand, could she afford not to see it. “Show me.”

“Have a seat,” Cameron told her.

Chelsea took a seat on the couch and Cameron put the laptop in front of her. “Take a look at this.”

Chelsea opened the laptop but instead of a video clip being ready to play, there was something else. Things seemed to swirl on the screen and for some reason, Chelsea found herself unable to look away. “W-what’s this?” she stammered.

“What’s what?”

“The screen,” Chelsea asked.

“What about it?”

“It’s swirling.”

“Swirling? That’s odd. I suppose you ought to watch it then. Can you follow the swirls all the way to the center?”

“I ... I’m trying.”

“That’s a good girl,” the man said. “You should keep it up. Keep trying. Keep following the patterns all the way to the center.”


“You’re feeling more relaxed now, aren’t you?”


“You don’t have to worry about anything. You just have to do what you’re told to do.”

“Do what I’m told to do,” the girl repeated. “I understand.”

* * *

The newest video started out with Chelsea alone in her bedroom. “Hi there,” she said. “It’s me again. Do you know what I just did?”

She paused as if waiting for her off-screen audience to try and answer that for themselves before she went on.

“I just got fucked by a dog.”

Again, she waited.

“I know. I know. I know what you’re thinking. Some of you are thinking that’s gross. Others of you are thinking that’s hot, and some of you, some of you are hoping I’ve got video to show you.

“See. I do know what you’re thinking.”

Again there was a pause and then Chelsea laughed.

“Seriously though, I didn’t really get fucked by a dog, but I really am a bitch. I probably should be treated like a dog. Just a little bitch for you guys to order around. How about it? Would you like that?

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. I told you. I know what you like but how about I make it simple for you.” She held up a dog collar so that the camera could see it and what was plainly clear was the name inscribed on the tag attached to the collar. “Bitch,” the name said. She took the collar and she put it around her neck.

“There. Now you know what I am but then I’ll bet you knew anyway.

“But I’ll bet you know what I really need. I need someone to come and own me. Will you be my owner?”

For a moment, nothing seemed to happen, but then a man walked into the room. The camera didn’t pick up the man’s face but it certainly showed that the man was naked.

Chelsea looked back at the camera. “Oh look,” she said. “Here comes an owner now. Do you want to tell me what to do?”

Whatever the man said, his answer was muffled, but that didn’t matter because the girl on screen was more than willing to make sure everyone knew what was expected of her.

“You do,” she gushed. “What do you want me to do? Do you want me on my hands and knees?”

Again, the man’s answer was unheard and again, it didn’t matter because once again, Chelsea made sure the camera knew exactly what it was that was desired of her.

“Oh goody. You want me on my hands and knees,” she gushed even as she rushed to assume the position. “That’s just what I want too.”

The viewers could see the girl with her face almost on top of the camera and the viewers could see the man coming up behind her. The viewers could see her gasp as she felt the man’s cock enter her and then they could see her moan as she begged for more.

The girl was getting closer and closer to cumming even as the camera rolled. It wasn’t a matter of if anymore. It was only a matter of when.

The girl looked into the camera and she moaned. “This is what I need,” she moaned. “I need to cum.”

If the man heard her, he gave no indication of it.

“Oh fuck,” the girl moaned. “Oh fuck. I need to be owned.”

She was almost there and the camera captured every moment of it.

She gasped and for a moment, her face was frozen as her pussy finally came and then she sobbed. “Oh God,” she moaned. “Oh God, that’s it. I need to be fucked so very bad.”

Even as the camera continued to roll to the end, words were displayed across the bottom of the screen. Chelsea Carmichael is a bitch. She needs you to tell her what to do. Her new phone number is 555-9242.

* * *


“What’s wrong with it?” asked Cameron.

“You kind of mixed your messages.”

“Whatdya mean?”

“Are you saying she’s a dog or a bitch?”

“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“It’s got everything to do with everything,” the older man said. “We don’t want to be sending out mixed messages.”

“I thought the point was to humiliate her.”

James Cahill smiled. “You’re right, of course. The point is to humiliate her and you did a fine job at that. I did like your giving out the new phone number. That was a nice touch.”


All right, James thought. That was two down. There was one more to go.

James Cahill looked at the last of his nephews. Phillip Hollis was his sister’s son and James smiled to himself. Megan would have been so pissed if she’d known that James had recruited her son into this. Of course, it wasn’t that she had any sort of loyalty to the girl. She despised the bitch who was about to do her out of her inheritance. It was just that she wouldn’t have wanted her son involved in something like this.

“Are you ready?” James asked.

“I’m ready,” the young man said solemnly.

James Cahill nodded even as he wondered if the young man really was ready. He’d had doubts about Phillip. That’s why he’d saved him for last, but there was also a thought that there was something there seething underneath.

What was there underneath still remained to be seen though. He handed the man the laptop. “You know what to do,” he said and Phillip nodded. “All right then. Let’s see what you got.”

“Do you think he’s really going to do it, Uncle Jim,” asked Cameron after Phillip had gone.

So he wasn’t the only one who’d had misgivings about the boy, James thought. That was good to know.

All the way over to Chelsea’s apartment, Phillip had been thinking about what it was he was going to do. He couldn’t help but wonder if his uncle thought he was going to botch it. Heck, even he had doubts about himself. Would he really have the fortitude to carry it through when the time finally came?

He might not. If he’d been asked to go first, he might have told Chelsea exactly what it was that his uncle and his cousin’s were planning.

But that was then and this was now. After seeing what his cousins had done, Phillip had decided he could do better. It had taken some time and research but he finally had a plan.

He walked right up to Chelsea’s apartment and he knocked on her door.

There wasn’t an answer and Phillip couldn’t help but wonder if the girl was home. Considering everything he had to tell her, it would suck if she wasn’t.

He was about to knock again when the door finally opened.

She’d been crying. That much was obvious. Her face darkened when she saw Phillip. “What do you want?” she said sourly.

“We have to talk,” the man said.

“We don’t have to talk about nothing,” Chelsea sniffled.

“We have to talk,” Phillip said again.

Chelsea shook her head. “I don’t feel like talking.”

“I know what was done to you,” Phillip blurted out.

That kept Chelsea from closing the door. “What’d you say?”

“I said I knew what was done to you, and I know how you can get back at them, too.”

“Get back at who?”

“At my uncle and my cousins. I know what they did to you.”

Chelsea was looking at the boy as if she were suddenly seeing him in a whole new light. “You mean something was done to me.”


“Perhaps maybe you should come in then.”

Chelsea led the man to the sofa. “You know what was done to me?” she asked.

“I expect by now you’ve seen yourself on the Internet.”

The girl nodded. “All over it actually. It’s ... it’s kind of hard to miss.”

Phillip nodded. “That was my uncle’s idea but it was my cousin’s doings.”

“What was?”

“The idea was to embarrass you, to make you so embarrassed that you wouldn’t dare show your face at the reading of the will and then by the terms of the will, you would forfeit your share.”

“I see, but you’re ... you’re not in on it.”

Phillip ducked his head in shame. “I was,” he said, “but I can’t do it now.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know. I just can’t.”

“You said they did something to me?” Chelsea asked.

Phillip nodded.

“Can you tell me what they did?”

Phillip nodded. “It’s all here,” he said as he handed over the laptop.

“What’s this?”

“It’s all the proof you’ll need to put them away.”

“And why are you giving it to me?”

“I told you. I can’t do it anymore.”

Phillip looked at the cross around the girl’s neck. “Your forgiveness maybe.”

“But you haven’t done anything.”

“But I didn’t stop anything either.”

“Yeah ... well, so what’s in here?”

“If you open it up, I’ll walk you through it.”

Chelsea opened the laptop. “Hey,” she said. “There’s a program running.”

“Is there?”

Chelsea nodded.

“What’s it doing?”

Chelsea’s voice took on a dreamy quality. “It’s running spirals.”

“They’re pretty, aren’t they?”


“Can you follow them to the center.”

“I’m trying.”

“I know you are but keep trying. It’s important.”

“’ts ‘portant.”

“That’s right. It’s important. Just let yourself be what the program wants you to be.”

“Wants me to be.”

“That’s right. What the program wants you to be.”

Phillip sat back and watched as the program took an even greater hold over the girl’s mind. “Just watch the spirals,” he told her. “Watch them and relax.”

Was she really as stupid as she made herself out to be? Did she really think he’d turn away the possibility of getting millions of dollars just so he could help her? God. How stupid could a person be?

“Now, Chelsea,” the man said. “You are completely under my control now. Do you understand?”


“That’s good, Chelsea. It’s good to be under my control.”

“Good to be under your control.”

“You want to do what I tell you to do.”

“Want to do what you tell me to.”

That should be it, Phillip thought. He should really make sure he thought, so he continued putting his commands into Chelsea’s mind.

Finally though, he was satisfied but there was one other thing to do first before they began. “That conversation we had when I first arrived,” he said, “the one where I said my uncle and cousins were using you, do you remember that?”


“That conversation never happened,” Phillip said. “We did none of that. Do you understand?”


“We simply exchanged pleasantries and that’s all.”

“Yes. Just pleasantries.”

“That’s all,” the man said again and now it was time to get down to business. “I bet you consider yourself a good Christian girl, don’t you,” the man said. “That’s why you wear that cross.”

“I try,” the girl said.

“But you know the Ten Commandments.”


“And one of those is that you shouldn’t covet your neighbor’s wife.”


“And yet that’s exactly what is going to happen.”

“What is?”

“You’re going to covet your neighbor’s wife and then you’re going to make a video showing everyone just exactly what you did. Do you understand?”


* * *

The newest video featured a naked Chelsea sitting on her couch with another naked woman. “Hi, guys,” she said into the camera. “It’s Chelsea again.

“I’ll bet lots of you guys have been wondering where I’ve been but as you can see, I’ve been kind of busy.

“This is Katie. Say hello, Katie.”


“Katie’s my next door neighbor and she’s married to Tim. As you can see, Tim’s not here right now. Why is that, Katie?”

“Tim’s at work.”

“That’s right. Tim’s at work, and do you know what that means? It means I get to spend some time with my favorite next door neighbor. Isn’t that right, Katie?”

Katie nodded her head. “That’s right.”

“Actually, what I really like to do is I like to seduce Katie. Isn’t that right, Katie?”


“Usually, when I come over, Katie’s minding her own business. She’s trying to mind her own business. What were you doing today when I came over?”

“I was watching TV.”

“That’s right. Katie was watching TV. And what did I tell you I wanted to do?”

“You said you wanted to lick my pussy.”

“But that’s not all I said, is it?”


“What else did I say?”

“You said we should get a cock to fuck.”

“And did we do that?”

“Not yet.”

Chelsea looked back in the camera. “Can you see why I like her? She’s so hot and ready, and do you know what I’m going to do?

“I’m going to lick her pussy and you guys are going to get to watch. How’s that sound?”

The video, of course, didn’t wait for a response. Instead, it just shifted to the bedroom where Katie was on her back with Chelsea between her legs and even as Chelsea licked the other woman’s pussy, there was an unseen man fucking Chelsea from behind.

“Do you like that?” Chelsea asked as she pulled her mouth away. “Do you like it when I lick your pussy?”


“Do you want me to keep on doing it?”


“Do you think I’m a slut?”

“I think you’re a total slut.”

“Mmm. I love it when you call me that,” and with that, Chelsea’s mouth once more dropped between the other girl’s legs.

“Oh geez,” the other girl moaned as Chelsea ate her. “Oh geez. That’s so good.”

“Are you going to cum?” Chelsea asked.

“I’m going to cum so hard,” Katie moaned.

“That makes two of us.”

The camera changed once again and this time, Chelsea was straddling her friend’s body. “You’re going to like this,” she said.

“Is it going to hurt?” Katie asked in an almost childlike voice.

“You know it isn’t. You’re going to like it. I promise. Are you ready?”

“You know I am,” Katie purred.

Chelsea looked back at the man between Katie’s legs. “I think she’s ready,” she said.

Moments later, Katie moaned and there wasn’t any question to the viewing audience just where the man’s cock was, especially when Katie moaned again.

Words flashed across the bottom of the screen “Chelsea Carmichael is a little fucking slut. She takes advantage of her friends and family. The only thing she’s good for is fucking. Call her now!”

* * *

“Well, boys, I think we’ve done it. I think we’ve driven the harlot off.”

“How do you know, Uncle Jim?”

“Because I’ve had my people watching her and my people report that she packed up her car and drove off, and upon further investigation, they found she’d quit her lease with the apartment complex. I have to say, I think Phillip’s installment finally did the trick. Excellent work, by the way.”

“Thanks, Uncle Jim.”

“And I loved bringing the neighbor in on it. That was inspired by the way.”

“Thanks, Uncle Jim.”

“Was it hard to do?”

“Actually, it was quite easy. It turned out I hardly had to do anything to her. All I really had to tell her was that she’d never really loved her husband and that she’d always really lusted after her neighbor and after that, she was more than willing.”

“Well, as I said before. It was inspired. One of the last things the slut said before she left town was that she didn’t want anyone else to get hurt.”

“I was just trying to do my best, Uncle Jim.”

“I know you were. To tell the truth, I wasn’t sure you had it in you.”

“My last name may not be the same as yours,” the young man said, “but I’m still a Cahill.”

“I know you are,” the older man said, “and I assure you, I’ll never underestimate you again.”

* * *

The appointed time had nearly come and the entire family had gathered in the law offices of Gilbert Travers. The only one who was missing from the last time they’d been here was one Chelsea Carmichael.

“What are we waiting for?” James Cahill asked. “Let’s get on with it.”

“We are still waiting on Ms. Carmichael.”

“I have it on good authority that she’s not coming.”

The attorney raised his eyebrows. “Really? I was not informed of this. How do you know this?”

“Let’s just say that certain facts about her personal life became public and she chose to leave town rather than stick around.”

In the audience, Miles Cahill coughed, almost as if he were trying to hide something and Cameron Cahill seemed to grin for no reason at all.

“Well, that is most unfortunate for her,” the attorney said. “I suppose we could begin the reading of the will if Ms. Carmichael is not coming, but the terms of the will were quite specific. I am afraid we must wait.”

“Fine,” James Cahill grumbled. It had been worth a try, the man thought, but he could certainly wait a few more minutes.

The minutes advanced and the second hand ticked its way to the top of the hour, and still, there was one person missing ... until at the last moment, the doors opened and there stood Chelsea Carmichael. She’d changed since they’d seen her last. Her hair was darker and it was shorter but the most profound change was that she was pregnant.

“Surprised to see me?” she asked. “I suppose some of you are more surprised than the others.”

“W-w-what’s that supposed to mean,” James Cahill stammered.

“Don’t act so surprised. I think you know exactly what it’s supposed to mean,” Chelsea said.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I think you do. Of course, you were very careful to keep your fingerprints off of it just in case everything went south, but I think you do know and actually, I don’t think it’ll be all that hard to prove.”

“What’s she talking about?” asked Megan Hollis.

“For your sake, I hope you don’t know.”

“Know what?”

“It took me forever and it took some real professional help to get underneath the programming that these three, Miles, Cameron and Phillip, put inside my mind, but I finally did it. I figured out what they did to me. They turned me into a slut. They made me do ... despicable things, but I survived what they did to me.”

“Accusations without proof—”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. But I have the proof, and I’ll be turning that over to the police and with the money that I’ll have at my disposal, I’m sure I’ll be able to get the DA to prosecute, and after that, we’ll just have to see which one of the boys will spill the beans first because you know the first one to talk is going to get the plea deal. The rest ... aren’t going to be so lucky.”

“Mr. Travers, please,” said James Cahill. “Do we have to listen to the rantings of this obviously deranged woman.”

“You can leave if you want,” the attorney said, “but if you do, you give up your rights to your inheritance. Is that what you want to do?”


“I’ve said just about all I need to say,” Chelsea said. “Just one thing. This baby belongs to one of those three and DNA testing should be able to tell us just which one it is. Now won’t that be an interesting test.”

If the looks of the three young men were any indication, it was a test they hoped would never be done.

Chelsea looked at the attorney. “I’m done now,” she said. “We can read the will any time you want now.”

* * *

“So how’d it go?”

“How’d what go?”

“You know I hate it when you do that.”

“I know,” Chelsea said, “but you’re so cute when you’re mad.”

“Well you better tell me what I want to know,” Katie said, “because if you don’t, you’re going to see me get even madder.”

Chelsea grinned at her friend. Katie was showing her own pregnancy just as much as her friend was which was to be expected since the two of them had gotten pregnant on the very same day. “Well, if you must know, it went about as we expected.”

“Which means what?”

“Which means the family is pretty much at each other’s throats and I am a very rich woman.”

“Good,” Katie purred. “That’s just what I wanted to hear.”

“I take it you’re not so mad anymore.”


“Hmm. I think I know how to get you riled up.”

“I’ll bet you do,” Katie countered as she darted off in the direction of the bedroom, “but to do it, you’re going to have to catch me first.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be much of a problem.”

Katie squealed gleefully as her friend tickled her mercilessly and in a short amount of time, both Katie and Chelsea had lost all of their clothes. “No fair,” Katie gasped. “No fair.”

“Why? Are you saying you wouldn’t do the same to me?”

Katie shoved her friend onto the bed and then she climbed on top of her and suddenly, it was one pregnant belly pressed up against the other. “Do you think they know?” she asked.

“Know what?”

“That we were lovers even before they tried putting us together.”

“How the hell should I know?”

“I was just asking.”

“I know but I don’t want to talk about it.”

“No. What do you want to talk about.”

“Who says I wanted to talk,” Chelsea said.

Katie grinned as kissed her friend. “Now that you mention it,” she said, “I don’t think I’m in a very talkative mood either,” and as Katie kissed her belly, Chelsea had to agree that talking was way overrated.