The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

What If

Africa — From a Ruse to Arouse and Back Again

“Major Hakim, I wish I could say this was a surprise.”

“You expected me then.”

“Yes, of course. The Israelis shoot down a Libyan airliner in the Sinai. You think I’m an Israeli agent so of course you come here to question me about what I know. It’s happened before.”

“So you admit you are a member of the Mossad.”

“I said no such thing. I said you think I am. I’m a German national. My passport says I’m a German national. I grew up in Germany and yet you persist in this fantasy that I am somehow connected to the Israelis. It’s ludicrous.”

“It’s only ludicrous if one is wrong,” the major said and even that wasn’t true. As a member of Libya’s secret police, it was his job to be suspicious of everyone. Even people who were above suspicion were worthy of his attention because sometimes they could be the worst threat of all.

Helga Mannheim sighed. “I suppose you’re going to want to take me to your headquarters.”

“You know our ways so well,” the investigating officer said wryly. “One might say you know them almost too well.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I think we’ll just let that statement stand as it is. Now if you please, it’s time for you to go.”

With her golden blond hair and her ample bust, Helga Mannheim would have stood out just about anywhere but this was one place where she stood out even more than usual. At least in Kaddafi’s Libya, she wasn’t required to wear the types of clothes that women had to wear in other Muslim countries. With the heat in Libya, she’d always regarded the confining clothing as overly oppressive.

Of course maybe that was the point, Helga thought. Some Muslims seemed to take an almost perverse joy in putting women down.

It would have been nice if she could have called her employer to let them know what was happening but as she’d said before to the major, this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. When she didn’t show up for work, they’d probably send someone around and they’d probably make inquiries but in the end, even if they didn’t know what happened, they would probably have a good idea. “Can I at least get dressed first?”

“Of course.”

Helga went into her bedroom but there was never any thought of getting away. Most likely, there was someone watching her window at that very moment and even if she did somehow manage to get away, in the secret police’s mind, an attempt to flee would be as much an admission of guilt as if she’d made an outright confession.

So it wasn’t long before Helga was back again wearing a tight sweater and a tight skirt. She’d learned early on that the men of the secret police were still just that ... men, and it didn’t hurt to remind men who you were, too.

It was a short drive to the police headquarters and it was a drive that Helga had taken before. She tried to amuse herself by looking out the window but when that failed, she resigned herself to settling back in her seat and waiting. She had nothing to worry about, she tried to tell herself. It wasn’t her fault.

Of course that only mattered if the other side was trying to be fair in what they were doing. If they weren’t trying to be fair, they could lock her up and throw away the key.

But why should they. She hadn’t done anything wrong.

As if that meant anything. It wasn’t what you’d done that mattered. It was what they’d thought you’d done that really mattered.

The first interview was conducted in the major’s office. He sat behind his desk and he asked questions. He didn’t exactly grill her but his manner was one of a predator, ready to pounce at the slightest misstep but Helga did not make a misstep.

“You seem distracted, Major,” Helga said finally.

“Me, distracted,” the astonished major said. “How so?”

“I saw you looking at my legs a few times,” she said as she uncrossed them and then recrossed them. “I couldn’t help noticing.”

“Are you trying to seduce me, woman?”

Now it was Helga’s turn to be surprised. “Me? No. Why would I do that? I was just saying what I noticed.”

The major grunted but he found his eyes looking down. He hadn’t really been looking at her legs but now that she’d put the thought in his mind, he couldn’t resist the look. She actually did have nice legs. Long and shapely. He shook his head as if to clear his mind. Stop it, he told himself. He had work to do.

At the end of the interview, Helga was informed that she was still under investigation and that she wouldn’t be going home to her apartment. No surprise there. She’d pretty much expected as much.

There was nothing for Helga to do but wait in her cell for the time when the major wanted to see her again. It would have been nice if she’d had something to do to while away the time. As it was though, having nothing to do left Helga little option but to think about where she was and how she was going to get out of there.

One of the things they’d done before they put her in her cell was to take away her watch. The cell was windowless so without a watch, she had no idea his long she’d been there. Was it twenty minutes or twenty hours? She just didn’t know.

Finally though, she heard the sound of a key turning in the lock on her cell door and there was the major looking refreshed which was better than she felt. “Come with me,” the man told her.

Helga followed because she had no choice in the matter.

They entered his office and he motioned for her to take a seat but this time instead of sitting behind the desk, he pulled a chair up so he could face her directly. “I will be direct with you, Ms. Mannheim. We know you are Mossad.”

“I’m not,” Helga said.

The major just waved his hand as if to wave that statement away. “Don’t lie to us,” he said. “Your case won’t go at all well for you if you lie to us.”

“But I’m not lying.”

“I’m trying to help you but I need you to help yourself.”

“Okay but I’m not Mossad.”

“Why did the Israelis shoot down our aircraft,” the man suddenly said quickly.

“I don’t know.”

“Why did the Israelis shoot down our aircraft,” the man quickly asked again.

“I don’t know.”

“Why did you shoot down that plane.”

“I already told you. I didn’t shoot down that plane.”

“But your people did.”

Helga just stared at the man. “I already told you. I don’t have any people.”

It went back and forth that way with the major probing and trying to catch Helga in a slip up and with Helga continuing to steadfastly maintain her innocence.

Finally when there was a break in the questioning, Helga decided it was time to turn the tables just a bit. She looked at the major. “Are you looking at my legs again?”

“N-no,” the major stammered. “No. Why would I?” and yet even as he said it, he looked down at her legs again.

Helga uncrossed her legs and then she recrossed them again. “It’s okay,” she said. “I don’t mind.”

It was wrong, the Major knew but in spite of himself, he found himself looking at Helga’s legs.

“My legs are very pretty, don’t you think so, Major?”

The major couldn’t help but nod in agreement. Very pretty, he thought. Yes. No wait. No. He wasn’t supposed to be thinking about her legs. But they were pretty. So nice and shapely. They were very pretty.

The major shook his head. This was wrong, he told himself. “This interview is over,” he growled. “I’ll have a guard take you back to your cell.”

“As you wish, Major.”

Once again, Helga was back in her cell and once more, she fretted about her condition. She still hadn’t done anything wrong but the major still held all the cards. She was still completely under his control.

She slept.

She wasn’t sure if that was because it meant she’d been here for a day and it was time to sleep or if she was so wound up that she just needed to sleep but she slept.

She was still asleep when the door to her cell opened.

“Come with me,” the Major told told her.

She was still groggy when he led her into his office. “Sit down,” he told her.

She sat and just as before, the major grilled her trying to catch her in a lie. It seemed important to him that he catch her in a lie. For some reason, he seemed to want to make Helga admit she was an Israeli spy but Helga wasn’t about to say any such thing.

The Major seemed to soften up a bit.

“Would you like a shower, Ms. Mannheim?”


“I asked if you’d like a shower. I imagine you must be feeling rather uncomfortable by now. That can be arranged, you know.”

“I’m fine,” Helga said.

“Nonsense. No need to be stoic, Ms. Mannheim. That’s for men to do. You are the fairer sex. I think you need a shower.”

Once again, Helga demurred.

Once again, the major was having none of that. “Come with me,” he said.

Helga had no choice but to follow and she had no choice to take off her clothes even as the major watched her do it.

The shower was the barest of facilities. Just an overhead nozzle with a chain to pull and when she pulled it, the water was cold.

The major handed her a bar of soap. “I suppose you’ll be wanting this,” he said and it was suddenly clear to Helga that the man wasn’t going to be going anywhere. He was going to stay right where he was and he was going to watch her take her shower, it was all very demeaning.

But then of course it was, Helga thought. It was supposed to be. It was all just another attempt to break her but she wasn’t going to let them break her. So the major wanted to watch, did he? Well, she’d show him that he wasn’t getting the best of her. She made sure she took her time doing what she was doing. She made sure she saw him soaping up her body. She especially made sure he saw her soaping up her ass and even though she pretended she didn’t notice it, she knew he was watching as she soaped up her long, shapely legs.

When she was done with her shower, she found her clothes were nowhere to be found. Instead, she was given a prison gown and she was taken back to her cell.

This was bad, Helga told herself. This meant they still had plans for her and it meant they planned on holding her for a lot longer.

Once more, she slept. She wasn’t sure she really needed to sleep but there was nothing else to do. It would have been nice if they’d turned the lights out in her cell but she had the feeling that doing what was nice for her was probably the last thing on their mind.

She was in an interrogation room now and not the Major’s office but once again, the routine was the same. It probably would have helped her interrogator’s cause more if the routine was varied but now at least she kind of knew what to expect. There was Major Hakim again, trying to trick her into saying she was an Israeli agent and there she was steadfastly maintaining her innocence.

At some point, the Major pulled back. “I’ll be honest with you, Ms. Mannheim. I’ve been rather patient with you so far, but my superiors, they will not be so patient. They want results and if they feel as if I cannot get the results they want, they will bring in someone who can.”

“I understand.”

“I hope you do because if you do understand, you must know I need the truth.”

Helga nodded. “Did you like my panties, Major?”


“You kept my clothes when you let me take the shower. You kept ALL of my clothes including my panties. I suppose you could have given them to someone else but I rather think you didn’t. I rather think you kept them for yourself and considering the interest that you seemed to have had in my legs, I think maybe you wouldn’t be able to refrain from giving my panties a closer examination.”

“No, I would never,” the major stammered.

“No? Pity. You strike me as the sort of man who knows what he wants. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’d want to go get them right now, to hold them up to your nose, and to breathe in my scent.”

“No, I wouldn’t,” the man said and yet now that she’d said it, he had to admit that he was thinking about that.

“Too bad. It’s a pity thinking that they’re going to waste like that.”

Yes, the major fretted silently.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re looking for a way to end this interview early so you could go get my panties and give them another sniff.”

“That’s enough of that, Ms. Mannheim. Obviously, you aren’t taking this situation seriously so I’m going to have you returned to your cell where you can get your head together and when you remember the gravity of the situation, then we will talk again.”

“As you wish, Major.”

No sooner had Helga been led away than the Major went to his office and opened his desk drawer and he was once more holding her panties up to his nose. Mmm, he liked that. He liked it a lot.

As much as she might have wanted to do something, Helga was enough of a realist to know that here and now, her ability to do anything was very, very limited. She knew the best thing she could do, maybe the only thing she could do was to sit and wait.

She had no idea how long she’d waited before the door to her cell was once more opened and before she was led to the interrogation room.

“Ms. Mannheim, what a pleasure to see you again.”

Helga just nodded. It was hardly a pleasure for her but the last thing she wanted to do was to antagonize the major.

“Are you enjoying your stay here?”

“It could be better.”

“Yes? How so?”

“You could accept what I’m saying is the truth and let me go.”

“Or you could stop lying to me and we could go from there.”

This was getting nowhere. At least it was getting nowhere Helga wanted to go and besides, there was something she wanted to know. “Did you sniff my panties again, Major?”

“Yes. Yes, I did.”

“I thought you would. I’ll bet you liked them. I’ll bet you liked my scent.”

The major nodded numbly.

“I’ll bet you’d like to see where they’ve been but then you’ve already seen that before back when you were watching me in the shower.” Helga uncrossed her legs and she recrossed them again.

The major again nodded.

“You could you know. You could order me to take another shower or—”


Helga uncrossed her legs but she didn’t recross them again. She tugged the hem of the prison gown ever so slightly higher. “Or you could come in here, Major. You could come in here and get a real up close personal view of what you really want to see. Is that what you want, Major?”

Again, the man nodded. He knew he was losing control of the interview and he knew he just didn’t care.

“Or maybe not,” Helga said and her legs closed.

“Why you little bitch,” he snarled. “Back to your cell with you.”

Helga stood. “If that’s what you want, Major, but I think that soon enough, you’ll be wanting something different.”

The next time that Helga was brought before the major for an interview, there was another person in the room. There was a woman sitting beside the major. He didn’t introduce the woman and the woman never said a word but she watched everything and Helga couldn’t help but smile. Had they really come this far, she wondered. Did they really need a chaperone?

“We will begin again,” the Major said. “We know you are Mossad.”

“I’ve already told you before. I am not Mossad. I am a German national. I am a geologist. I work with an oil company here.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not lying. We’ve been over this before.”

“Don’t lie to me. Why did your people shoot down our plane.”

“I don’t have any people unless of course you’re talking about my family back home in Bavaria but my people as you put it didn’t shoot down anything.”

“This will not go well if you keep lying to us.”

“I told you before. I’m not lying.”


“I’m telling you the truth. I’m not lying.”

“Why did you shoot down that plane.”

“I didn’t shoot down that plane.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

The next time that Helga was brought before the major, she found he was once more alone. “Have a seat,” he told her.

Helga looked back at the closed door and then before she sat, she slipped out of her prison gown and she let it fall to the floor before she took her seat.

“W-what are you doing?”

“You told me to have a seat.” She opened her legs. “Isn’t this the way you wanted to see me?”

The major looked and then he numbly nodded. “Yes,” he said. “Yes, it is.”

“I bet you’d just to love to crawl up here between my thighs. You can you know. All you have to do is get down on your hands and knees and crawl.”

He wasn’t going to crawl the man told himself and yet there he was getting down on his hand and his knees.

“That’s it,” Helga told him as she patted her fingers over her pussy. “Come on up here and give it a lick.”

As the major crawled forward, Helga intertwined her fingers in his hair and she stopped him just moments before he could give her pussy a lick. “Look at it, Major. Look at my pussy. Isn’t my pussy the prettiest pussy you ever did see?”

The Major looked at Helga’s pussy. It most definitely was the prettiest pussy that he’d ever seen.

She pulled him forward so that his nose was pressed up against her pussy. “I know you like this, Major. You’ve got to admit that this is a whole lot better than sniffing my panties.”

The Major didn’t say anything but then that meant that he wasn’t disagreeing either.

“Go ahead, Major. Lick my pussy like we both know you want to.”

Major Hakim did exactly that.

“Oh, Major. You do that so good but when you’re done there, Major, I’ve got something else you can do for me.”

* * *

A few days later and a thousand miles away, a report was being made. “Did you hear what happened?” the first man said.

“I hear lots of things,” the other man said. “You need to be more specific.”

“Someone took a shot at Kaddafi. A major named Hakim.”

“Really? Were they successful?”

“Regrettably, the answer to that is no but Kadaffi might never walk again.”

“That is regrettable,” said the senior Mossad officer. “And the shooter?”

“He was caught.”

“With nothing to tie him back to us?”

“No, sir.”



“It was a worthy shot to take but there was no guarantee of success.”

“But Kadaffi—”

“Has always been a paranoid man and always will be only now we’ve given him something else to be worried about. It’s good to take the attention off of us. Our asset in Tripoli?”

“She’s still in play.”

“Good. Then we act as if we don’t know anything and we’ll see how it all plays out.”