The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Codes: mc, ff

Disclaimers (if you scroll past, you’ve still read ‘em-don’t blame me):

  • Not the AOL Trilby.
  • This work is copyright trilby else (), ©2005. Do not repost or otherwise use.
  • Adult fiction with nonconsensual sex, etc. In real life, very bad. All characters, events, and places are fictional, any resemblance coincidental, all characters of legal age in all jurisdictions.
  • If you’re underage, it’s illegal where you are, or this offends you, leave.
  • It’s more about mind control than sex. I’m a fetishist: point isn’t using MC to get sex, it’s sex being something interesting to do with MC. Also, it’s literature, i.e. with redeeming artistic content, i.e. not “obscene” in the legal definition.
  • I disparage no lifestyle. If characters are forced into one, it’s the force that degrades, not the lifestyle.
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From the “Watering Hole” universe.

Inspirations: A lot of Tabico, including “Community,” “Hot Oil,” and “Yellow.” There’s also some electromagnetic theory that owes something to EyeofSerpent’s “Belle Cell” and also “Ecstasy and Vengeance,” and a metaphor borrowed from a very degrading induction in Eye’s “Belle Hell” and “Mad Max.”

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For a second, April thought she was hallucinating the woman in the road. She almost didn’t stop in time.

While the engine hummed into the stillness afterward, they stared at each other through the windshield. Then, swallowing her rabbiting heartbeat, April saw the woman in front of her car wasn’t seeing her at all.

She stood at attention in the middle of the lane. Hands flat by her sides, she gazed over the Acura’s roof without even blinking.

A glance at the rearview showed no one coming. No one on this stretch of suburban road under the widely-spaced streetlights but April, and the crazy woman on the asphalt. April started noticing how the crazy woman was dressed.

Black high-cut leotard, gleaming black calf boots primly together. Thighs curved pale between them. Pale cleavage above, and more gleam—a collar on her neck, with a medallion.

The car idled as April tried to think.

Weird. Sexy. Vulnerable. Oblivious to being stared at, to almost being run down.


April had heard enough rumors, seen enough of the new media advisories about mind control predators. This woman could have stepped right out of one of them—glassy-eyed, pretty, posed for obedience.

April touched the horn, but opted against noise. The woman looked so helpless. And if she hadn’t reacted to glaring headlights, screeching brakes, the onrushing car . . .

Something kept April from putting the Acura in Park and getting out.

Maybe the woman had just escaped from her captor. He’d dressed her up as this fetish toy and somehow she’d snapped out of the trance long enough to make it out of his . . .

April looked around. She knew this place as a shortcut, with no idea what was behind the screen of trees. There was an unfinished subdivision nearby, but the developers wouldn’t yet have demolished older, abandoned buildings.

She had a nasty Blair Witch image of a crumbling farmhouse far back in the woods. A lab in an intact room, with drugs and machines and restraints. Naked women in rusty lockers or chained to the walls, hypnotized out of escaping or calling for help, slowly forgetting to try.

Hurting for this woman, April still didn’t pop the locks. The mind-controller creep might be close behind. And why had the woman stopped running? She wasn’t signaling for help—

Unless standing in the road was all her violated mind could come up with.

April swallowed, and shifted into Park. She admitted she was scared shitless. Of whatever had made the woman like that. Of getting out of a locked car to help, to risk being taken by the one who’d done it to her.

Of becoming his next mindless slave.

She put her finger on the lock button. The risk terrified her.

But what horrified her was how that woman would feel, brainwashed but maybe still aware. Seeing another woman stop on front of her, see her, know what had happened to her—and drive away and leave her. That was worse. It hurt more to think about leaving this woman to a monster.

April was astonished at herself.

She made a fist over the lock. She should call 911 and just stay in the car. Even if the monster appeared, she could just drive away—maybe even hit him with it, but—

But by the time the police got here monster and victim could both be long gone. If there was no farmhouse or lab, if the woman had gotten out of a car . . . if the monster just killed the woman and left her back in the trees.

April would be safe and gone. And every night afterward, she’d dream about leaving this woman to her fate.

She looked up. I’ll get you away. The woman kept still. A breeze lifted her hair.

What if she couldn’t snap the woman out of trance? She glanced in the rearview. Was there a traffic blinker or something back there, that could have lulled the woman back under the spell?

Never mind. She’d drag the woman over and drape her across the backseat if she had to.

Something caught her eye on the left.

April hit the lock button before she even looked. She heard herself whimper when it just clicked, and then almost cried with relief: already locked, it was OK, no one could get in, she was safe. She turned, keeping the brake on, to see what was coming.

Three women stepped from the trees across the empty road. They all looked like the first, leotards and collars and impassive faces in the distant streetlight’s glow. Except they were moving, and even though April couldn’t see their eyes she knew they were looking at her.

One of them cradled a long flashlight as if it were a raygun, and another wore some sort of headset. April half-seriously thought of looking up for the UFO.

“I’m sorry!” she moaned, not looking at the first, frozen woman. She knew she had to run now, no chance of getting out, and she was guilty at the relief.

Be a witness—then run away. Her hand tensed on the shift as she tried to memorize them for the police before her nerve slipped.

The women came slowly, in lockstep, like robots. The one in the middle swiveled her head toward the woman standing in the road, as if commanding her. April glanced around, but the first woman didn’t respond, locked in a deeper trance.

When April looked back, the one with the raygun was pointing it at her.


April relaxed completely. Her eyes felt warm. Her body was suddenly heavy but her mind was weightless. She started to be afraid and to wonder what they’d done to her. But trying to do both was too much.

April stopped trying and sat still, relaxed. She tingled all over, but especially in her head.

The flashlight and headset women stopped in the road. The third kept walking. April could hear her boots click on the asphalt over the Acura’s smooth idle.

Her window wasn’t all the way up after all. That should concern her.

It didn’t.

That light did something to me. Hypnotized me. It didn’t make sense. April tried to hang on to it.

Her effort melted as the woman stalked nearer. The woman was beautiful, lithe and purposeful in the leotard, seducing her with every sinuous step. April’s will was paralyzed. She ached for the graceful woman to tell her what to do.

The woman leaned down a little, close to the window’s narrow opening. Her face was calm and certain, her eyes shining and empty.

“You will obey me.”

Her voice flowed into April’s head and owned it. For a moment April forgot everything else she’d ever known. “I will obey you,” she whispered, too softly even to hear herself over the sound of the car. The woman saw her lips and her wide eyes, and nodded anyway.

“You want only to obey me. i am the Controller.”

April nodded slowly, feeling the desire bloom inside. She heard the lowercase, and in her stilled mind she saw this woman really was just an i, not an I anymore.

It didn’t seem disturbing.

“Obedience is pleasure.”

April smiled up at her.

“Unlock the car.”

April cringed a little inside. She wondered vaguely why. Something made her obey more slowly.

The Controller looked into her eyes, and April felt herself open. The Controller could see into her mind and know what made her hesitate.

“Obey.” Sweep it aside.

April shivered as she pressed the button. She shivered again when the lock opened and the Controller nodded. There was something horribly exciting about exposing herself to them. The Controller let her soak in it awhile.

Then: “Come to me.”

April left her safe car and stood before the other woman. Like a little cloud in a sunlit sky, a thought crossed her mind: the Controller had been brainwashed, too. She was obeying someone, just as April was obeying her.

Obeying her. April must obey her. The cloud disappeared from her mind.

“Do not think about trying to escape. Think only of obedience.”

April nodded slowly, feeling thoughts fade that she didn’t even remember having.

“slave sonya.” The Controller didn’t look away from April as she spoke.

Boots clicked on the road. The pretty woman who’d stopped April’s car now stood beside them, still glassy-eyed. “How may i obey, Controller?”

“Dispose of the captive’s car now, slave. As you were programmed.”

“i obey.” The woman—the slave—pivoted and stepped away. April listened to her car door shut. Then the Acura shifted gears and pulled away. Something seemed important about that. She wondered if she should turn her head and look. But that would mean breaking the Controller’s gaze, and . . .

“Come with me.” The Controller took April’s arm, and the new thought vanished in the pleasure of obeying.

By the time she could more or less think again, April was across the road, behind the trees. A sound rose in her consciousness, but the headlights were flickering among the treetrunks before she realized another car was coming.

She felt no need to step out and attract its attention. She knew she really should, but that felt so wrong in an alien but completely convincing way.

No one had told April not to think of being rescued, though. Inside, she cringed as the car didn’t even slow down. But there was nothing there to slow down for. Her car was gone, with the woman she’d stopped for.

April didn’t know she was crying until the tears tapped her lips.

The Controller looked at her, and what seemed to be gentleness in her eyes soothed April. Obeying her might make April feel better.

“slave carol. Prepare to reinduce the captive.”

The woman with the flashlight-raygun stepped in front of April and pointed it at her again.

“Look into the inducer. Open your mind.”

The flare dazzled her, but then it was easy to watch. April relaxed, feeling the Controller’s voice as it seeped into her mind again, following the dancing lights across the folds of her mind . . .

April stood still, not needing to blink. She’d been in trance, mesmerized by the inducer, and now she had her orders. She was very drowsy, but she could not go to sleep before she had finished obeying.

The Controller led the other slaves away, but April didn’t see where they went. She couldn’t care. All that mattered was the van she saw parked at a turnoff, back the way she’d come before stopping the car. She walked to it. Other cars passed but none slowed. April ignored them. They had nothing to do with her commands.

The van’s rear door opened. Another slave helped April in. There was little inside: dim light, thick carpeting, two nude women in slings, hanging by the knees and shoulders. Each seemed awake but passive, staring at something dangling in her face.

April lost interest in them as she obeyed the next command in her head. She stripped. The slave took her clothing and bagged it. April relaxed and let the woman strap her into another sling and bind her hands and ankles. She hung there, wondering if she could look over and see the other captives.

Then the slave attached something over her head and brought it down just above April’s eyes. April knew she must look.

A shiny ball glittered in the dimness as the slave spun it. It riveted April instantly. She forgot the other captives, forgot everything but the pretty flicker and the need to stare at it. By the time it stopped spinning, her eyes were still open.

But April had obeyed. Now she was asleep.


April woke up.

She was nude, on a sheeted pallet, one of three at the back of a bare room. There was another woman, a willowy blonde, curled up on the middle one. She was nude, too. April looked toward the front of the room.

It was a cell.

“Are you all right?”

She jumped. A buxom redhead stood in the far corner. For a second April was afraid, seeing the white collar that was all the tall woman wore.

The woman smiled faintly. The fact that she had an expression told April she wasn’t a robot like the collared women who’d abducted her—abducted all of them, apparently.

“Yes. You have one too.” She waited as April’s hands flew up to feel it, then pointed at the sleeping blonde. “So does she.

“I’m Katy, by the way.”

“Hi. I’m April.”

The blonde suddenly sat up. “Sorry to just lie there,” she said. She put an arm across her pert, champagne-glass breasts, and then lowered it. “I was hoping it was all just a bad dream.”

She blinked at them. “My name’s Juliet.”

Katy waved from where she stood by the barred door. Juliet’s moment of shyness had reminded her they were naked, and she turned self-consciously to look back out.

“What can you see?” April asked, to be helpful.

“Other cells,” Katy said. “I think I heard people in them, but I can’t be sure. Everything’s quiet.”

“Maybe we’re the only ones awake.” Juliet said it quietly, unsure whether she liked the idea.

“I thought of calling out.” Katy put a hand on the crossbar. “But I’m afraid of not hearing an answer. If Juliet’s right.”

April heard what she wasn’t saying. Other captives might not be asleep, but already enslaved.

“What are they going to do with us?” Juliet asked.

“Keep us,” April said without thinking. They both looked at her.

“What are you thinking?” Katy frowned.

“How long do you think we’ve been out?” April asked.

“No way to tell,” Katy said, walking to them, away from the door. “At least as long as it took them to get us—wherever we are. And I’m guessing they kept us asleep for a while after they put us in here.”

April looked at them. “I think they took all three of us together. We were in a van. You two were already . . . in slings.”

Katy shook her head but Juliet was nodding. “I think I remember that. There was this . . . shiny . . .” She screwed her eyes shut and shook her head, her blonde hair flowing around her face. “Damn. I got dizzy just thinking about it.”

“I know.” April tried not to do the same. “I was already pretty hypnotized when I saw you.”

“I remember,” Katy said, bitterly. “I remember taking my clothes off and feeling really nice. Easier for them if we got ourselves ready to be shipped.”

April looked at her. “How did they get you?”

The redhead sat up straight, considering it. “I remember going to my car in the commuter lot. I saw these women dressed—oddly.” She shook her head.

“I looked back around to see if anyone else saw them. They looked like an advertising thing. You know, sex sells. Prance up to guys with promotional flyers, while the guys just drool at their cleavage and legs. But no one . . .

“Anyway, when I looked back there was this flash, and I just felt—nice. Like really really good pain meds, except my mind was clear.”

Katy narrowed her eyes. “And I wanted to do whatever I was told. Just thinking that felt even better. They told me to be quiet and obey them, and I forgot ever wanting to do anything else. I answered some questions and got in the van and took my clothes off.

“I remember the sling and the pretty shiny thing making me sleepy.” She inclined her head toward Juliet. “Then I woke up here.” She looked sharply at April. “You were saying something about their keeping us.”

April swallowed. “Some mind controllers do catch-and-release. They capture you when you go on a trip or before a weekend, so they have time to program you and no one knows you were gone. Then they let you go, and you go back to them later.” The other two looked at her.

“I’m not an expert, but I’ve done some surfing,” she said. “Anyway, there’s no way to do that with us. We’ve been missing for hours, maybe a day or two if they kept us in a trance or asleep.”

Juliet gasped. “Oh god. Maybe longer.” She looked at them. “They might already be brainwashing us. We’d never know until . . .”

She stopped, but April shivered and she saw Katy look nervous, too. It was impossible to imagine lying there helpless for a while, without their captors using the time to start conditioning them.

“No.” Katy flexed her left hand and smiled. “No. I strained my wrist before I left work, and it’s still sore. We haven’t been out too long.”

Juliet reached over to touch it and commiserate.

What if someone told you to think you remembered that, while you were looking into the pretty lights? April smiled, and didn’t dare speak.

Emboldened, Juliet sat up too. “I was in my office. We were finishing up and I thought it was my assistant coming in to ask me something.” She hugged herself.

“They just stood there at first. I saw their costumes and . . . I don’t know what I thought, but then I saw the collars. Then their eyes.

“Then they shot me with that—inducer?” She glanced at April. “Then it’s like Katy said. I just wanted to obey them. They told me what I would do, and then we left.”

She frowned, and Katy leaned toward her. “What?”

“Oh. No. Marina.” She looked at them. “My assistant, in the outer office. She screens clients and . . . I didn’t even think how they got past her. There wasn’t time to think before I—stopped thinking.”

“Did they take her, too?” April asked, not sure she wanted to know.

Juliet’s eyes widened. “No. I mean I don’t think so. I don’t remember them doing it. Did you see her in the van with us?” When April shook her head, she went on. “I remember thinking about her as they were taking me out.

“I wondered how to explain where I was going.” She closed her eyes. “They already had me so obedient I wasn’t even thinking of getting her to help me. I just wanted to be a good little captive and help them.”

“They made me feel like that too,” April told her, and took her hand. “That inducer controlled us.”

Squeezing back, Juliet nodded and opened her eyes. “Thanks. It didn’t matter. I didn’t have enough willpower to speak up anyway.” Her face clouded.

“But they’d hypnotized Marina, too.

“That must be how they got in, why she hadn’t warned me. And as they were taking me out, she was standing there at her desk, staring into an inducer one of the women was pointing at her. Her face was so . . . I guess that’s how I looked, too. Dopey and compliant.” Juliet swallowed.

“Another of them was talking to her, telling her what to remember when she woke up. That we’d been alone and I’d gone out to do—something. We left while they were still programming her, so I didn’t hear anything more. Then it was the van, undressing, sleep.” The blonde looked at Katy. “I don’t even think I remember seeing you there. Maybe I was first.”

Katy rubbed her shoulder, and looked thoughtful. “April? Did you find anything like those inducers when you were websurfing? Anything about what they do to people?”

“Nothing specific.” April tried to remember. “There’s talk about mind controllers being able to zap victims”—the word caught in her throat. Now that meant her, and them. “Um, people into obedience, but it usually just amounts to rumors, or ‘someday if they can.’ Why?”

Leaving her hand on Juliet’s shoulder, Katy looked away toward the door. “Well, I’m trying to think about how bad off we are. I feel—like myself. I’m pissed off and I’m very frightened.” Juliet looked at her suddenly, and covered Katy’s hand with her own.

Katy breathed for a second, and April realized she’d been about to cry. “Right. Anyway, what I don’t feel are any weird urges to obey or go to sleep. The idea of becoming like those robots that took us—”

“—sucks,” April said. They both nodded at her vigorously.

“Point is,” Katy went on, “it doesn’t seem like they implanted any lasting commands in us while we were hypnotized. Maybe the inducer doesn’t do that. It just tranquilizes you for a while, makes you docile so you’ll obey and not make trouble.

“But Juliet saw them using it to implant some pretty complex posthypnotic suggestions in her assistant. I mean ‘come with me and obey’ for a few hours is one thing, but making—Marina?—Marina forget that a dance troupe from hell just hypnotized and kidnapped her boss . . .”

April looked down. Even if Katy was right and they hadn’t already been mindbent, they weren’t safe. Whoever had abducted them had obviously been able to brainwash quite a few women into very obedient slaves already. Maybe somewhere just down the hallway from these cells. They could still be turned into three more leotard-wearing drones, now that they were here.

Still, it was nice to think her mind was still her own, if only for now.

Then she gazed at the redhead, wondering if that was all Katy was after. Giving them something to hope for.

“I hate to think this,” Juliet said, still covering Katy’s hand. “But maybe they could do that because they already . . . controlled Marina. She let them in, to get me. Because they’d already done something to her to make her obey them and forget about it afterward.”

“I’m sorry.” Katy hugged her. Juliet sobbed once but kept herself from crying.

April spoke into the silence. “Why do you think they chose us?”

It worked. The other two looked at her with new interest.

“I mean, I don’t know either of you, and you don’t—” They looked at each other and shook their heads. “Right. I don’t know what we have in common, but I don’t think it was random. They could have grabbed other women at the commuter lot, or taken Marina when they took Juliet, and—”

“How did they take you, April?” Juliet asked.

She told them about the woman in the road, and they sat for a while without speaking.

“Could have been to get anyone coming along,” Katy said.

“No.” Juliet looked at her. “What if it was a guy? Or a family? No. They knew it was April driving down that road, just like they knew it was you at the train, and where to find me. They chose us, for something.”

She breathed. “The really scary thing is that girl April saw. She could have been killed, but someone just told her to stand there. And she did.”

April was suddenly lightheaded. She’d thought that, too, yet kept it away from the front of her mind. But they were in the hands of people who could make them that obedient.

“Maybe,” she whispered, “she didn’t know where she was. They hypnotized her to think she was standing guard, or something.”

“slave sonya knew exactly where she was.”

They all jerked around. The Controller stood outside the bars.

“Each slave knows what she must do to obey our Mistress. It reinforces our obedience.

“You will all learn this, when you obey Her.”


Katy stood and the other two followed suit, but they all stayed by Juliet’s pallet at the back of the cell. The cell suddenly seemed smaller.

The Controller was still in her leotard and boots. She looked just as brainwashed, and just as menacing, under the brighter fluorescent lights of the corridor.

April hugged herself, realizing she’d only seen the woman through the fog of her trance. She wondered if those too-focused eyes were still casting a spell over her. Recalling Katy’s mental inventory, she searched herself for any new need to submit. She found nothing but fear.

The Controller let her three prisoners get a good look at her, and at the other women who stood behind her. A couple were dressed in the same uniform, and April shivered when she saw one of them holding an inducer. But there were at least six women as naked as she was—they had collars, but the collars were black, like the one the Controller and guards wore. And all of them had those dark-metal medallions under them.

The nude women all seemed like athletes, taut-muscled and shapely, as if someone had enslaved a swim team and kept them in training. They gazed coldly into the cell, as if they’d been hypnotized out of any emotion except obedience.

Strong backs, weak minds. It didn’t seem funny at all.

April wondered how quickly they’d react if she and the others tried to make a break for it. Imagining herself making a break for it didn’t seem weird in the least.

But she was suddenly aware of the corridor as part of something much bigger. Not just a physical complex to get lost in if she ran, but the organization that built it to hold and control women like her. That would already know how to recapture a runaway and make her behave again.

She looked at Katy, and the redhead looked back evenly. Maybe Katy had an idea—or maybe she just had a better poker face.

“You will now come with us,” the Controller told them. “When the door opens, you will step out and put your hands behind you. You will let the slaves bind your wrists.” She gestured at three of the nude women at attention, and now April noticed they were holding manacles.

“Where are you taking us?” Katy said without a quaver. Even without a stitch on, she managed to convey authority. April stood straighter beside her and felt Juliet do the same.

“You will not question,” the Controller explained. “You will obey.”

“And if not?”

The Controller seemed unperturbed. “You will obey.”

April leaned against Katy. “They’ll probably just flash us,” she murmured.

Not taking her eyes off the Controller, Katy leaned back, almost kissing April’s ear. “Yeah. We need to stay awake. Just wanted to see what she’d do.”

The Controller just watched. She didn’t seem to mind them whispering.

“Do we run?”

Katy nodded, maybe to mislead the watching slave, even as she whispered back, “Not yet. We have no idea what’s out there.”

April nodded too. If there were just locked doors and more slaves with inducers at the ends of the corridor, the three of them would end up trapped and then hypnotized, and they might be kept asleep until it was too late. They did need to stay awake while they could.

Aloud, Katy said, “All right.” She reached and April and Juliet gripped her hands. “Let’s go.” They stepped to the door and it slid quietly to the side. The Controller moved back but the other slaves held position. Taking a deep breath, the captives walked out of the cell together and looked around.

The corridor was long, and past the cells there seemed to be landings and passages in both directions.

Katy grabbed her arm. “Run! Go! Try!”

April ignored everything in her mind and put her head down, leaping away. She sensed Juliet sprinting, too, and hoped it was Katy behind them who—

Someone warm and firm and very strong tackled her from the side and threw her off balance, and they slammed into a smooth hard wall between cells. It knocked the wind out of her and she saw stars, too stunned to feel afraid.

Then she realized there really had been flashes, and there was no sound in the corridor but heavy breathing. No one was running. And inducers—

“Juliet. Katy. You will obey me. i am the Controller.”

April was still trying to breathe again. She couldn’t sob as she heard the others respond softly, “I will obey you,” in sleepy harmony. And she was calling them by name . . .

“Yes.” The Controller’s voice was soft, too, soothing even April despite herself. “Both of you are very drowsy and obedient now. You no longer want to escape.”

“We no longer want to escape,” they repeated. Their dazed, contented voices tempted April to join them, but that also scared her.

The nude slave who’d stopped her was now helping her up, her gentle strength tempting and scary too.


She shivered, and looked at the floor.

“April.” The Controller was patient. “You must submit to the inducer now. Join your friends in their trance.”

“No.” It was silly. The strong, mindless woman who still held her lightly could drag her over to the one with the magic flashlight and then—

“I can’t.” It was too much like sticking her hand in a fire. She couldn’t make herself do it. Not after hearing how docile and . . . controlled . . . her friends sounded. “I can’t.”

It was hard to see with her gaze caged to the floor by her bare feet, but nothing seemed to move.

“You don’t have to,” she said. “I’ll let you bind me. I’ll behave. Just please, don’t—”

“Juliet. Katy. You will obey me. i am the Controller.”

“We will obey you, Controller.” They sounded calm—and frighteningly willing. Despite herself she looked up.

Katy and Juliet faced away from each other, bodies slack, hands by their sides. Each one stared unseeingly through the slave who’d induced her, and the two slaves seemed almost as blank as they lowered their weapons.

April gasped, realizing they could just turn and flash her. But whoever brainwashed them had turned off the part of them that could think of that. She looked at the Controller, waiting for her to command them to.

“Go to April now. Control her.”

Slowly pivoting to face her, Katy and Juliet looked at her, then came toward her, slow as sleepwalkers.

“No,” she said, pulling against the slave holding her. The slave held on. “Please,” she said, staring into her friends’ eyes.

Robotically, they kept walking, staring back at her. Their gazes were flat, tamed.

“You must be induced, April,” the Controller said. “With the others. All in trance together.”

She couldn’t look away from the blankness in their faces. “Please. Please don’t make them do this.”

“They will obey, April. Then, you will obey.”

They had her then, and she went weak in their hold. All the fight was out of her, and she was ashamed to give in like this while Katy, resolute Katy, was looking at her.

Except Katy was hypnotized now, and wanted her to give in.

April did cry, now. She started to mouth an apology to Katy, but Katy looked so bovine and submissive that it died on her lips. She looked away at Juliet.

The blonde was blinking, and then April saw tears on her cheeks. Juliet’s grip didn’t soften, but she was fighting the trance command inside her. She was losing, but she was trying.

I know, April said to her, unable to make a sound. Something quirked Juliet’s mouth—she’d seen, she knew.

“Obey me,” the Controller said.

Instantly Juliet’s eyes widened and glazed over. Her face went blank. Both women tightened their hold on April.

“We obey,” they intoned. They looked at April, seeing her but knowing her only as the woman their Controller had told them to restrain. April felt their bodies warm against hers, their breath on her skin, and trembled with horror.

She looked between them at the Controller, graceful in her black leotard and boots. She still couldn’t speak. You didn’t have to do this.

She closed her eyes, even as the Controller spoke to another slave and booted feet clicked nearer.

“April. Submit to it.”

She opened her eyes. Suddenly she was desperate to stop thinking about her two friends mindfucked into holding her down for this.

Before she could regret it she saw the flash, and then the drifting dream of sparkling lights.

“You will obey me.” The voice was already in her mind. April remembered it there, and how it belonged there, telling her what to think.

“I will obey you,” she heard how deeply submissive she sounded. It felt right.

“You are happy that Katy and Juliet obey me too.”

“Yes, Controller.” She moved gently against the warm, smooth bodies. The other captives still held her firmly, until someone told them to do something else.

“You are grateful that they helped us put you into trance.”

“Yes, Controller. Thank you.” She knew she had the Controller to thank. Her two hypnotized friends were just obeying a command.

“Katy and Juliet, release April now. She will obey, as you do.”

“Yes, Controller.” The women stepped away from her. The air was cool on April’s skin where they’d been warm.

“All of you relax now and face me.” April saw her friends rotate again from the corners of her eyes, but of course her attention focused on the Controller.

She spoke to them in a low, persuasive voice. “Your minds are almost asleep now.”

April enjoyed her thoughts slowing down. Obeying with her, Katy and Juliet sighed blissfully.

“There are very few thoughts in them. You can hear me and obey commands, but otherwise you are asleep. You will be able to do everything I tell you to, but there will be no room for any other thoughts.

“Soon, you will come with me to Conversion Chamber 5 to serve your purpose. You will not resist going there. You will not think about escaping. You will not remember any directions or features that we pass.”

The commands poured smoothly across April’s mind, lacquering her stunned thoughts under each new layer of obedient blankness.

“The only thought you will be capable of is recognizing any idea that relates to escape. Once you think of it, you will forget it. Forgetting will make you feel very nice.

“Relax now.”

April waited. She heard the Controller dismiss the other slaves, hearing bare feet pad away and then the bootheels of the guards. They were alone with the Controller, who had no inducer.

April felt very nice. She and Katy and Juliet were so obedient now that they could be controlled by one slave. They wouldn’t make any trouble.

She tried to follow the pleasure of that idea, but her mind was almost asleep. She didn’t need to think about the other slaves in order to obey the Controller. She just needed to wait and listen and stay blank.

“Follow me.”

The Controller stalked regally past them and all three of them fell into her wake. April marched through hallways and past cells and onto staircases without paying any attention to anything but the other slave’s erotically-swaying ass, tanned and taut below the high-cut leotard. She brought up the rear, and she could see willowy Juliet and voluptuous Katy on either side. They’d all fallen into step with the Controller, and that made it easy to follow her without thinking.

April enjoyed not thinking.


She didn’t know how long she’d been in the tiny holding cage before coming to her senses.

For a while she knew it, but she was staring into some sort of eye-exam device and couldn’t think of any reason to look away. Even after it started to bother her, she couldn’t seem to summon up enough willpower to do anything else.

Finally she felt so weird about it that she could look away. The cage hemmed her in, barely wider than she was in any direction, and the room seemed closer. Within these bars there was nowhere to retreat to. Anyone could reach through. She swallowed and looked out.

The rest of the room was mirrored, brighter than the hooded eyepiece. The device was about at eye-level on the front of the shallow cage she stood in. She avoided looking at it, in case it held some hypnotic compulsion that would snare her again.

She jumped a little when she focused on a nude, very dark-skinned slave standing by the far wall, in profile. Unlike the musclegirls they’d seen so far, she was fawn-petite, watching a set of displays with total absorption. Touching the panel without shifting her trapped gaze, she moved a control.

“slave keisha in Conversion Chamber 5,” she reported tonelessly. “All subjects have awakened from inducer trance.” She didn’t look away from the screens.

April jumped again when her eyepiece whirred and swung away from the cage. Bars slid to cover the gap. She gripped them, suddenly realizing all the bars were padded, with something flexible but very strong at their cores.

She looked around. The room was fair-sized, full of equipment she didn’t recognize, but the dominant feature was an inclined medical table in the center, padded in some matte-black material.

She saw the restraints on it, and looked away.

Katy and Juliet were pent up in identically narrow cages on either side of her. Now she remembered coming in here, the three of them waiting mildly until the Controller told them which cage to get into, and how to lock themselves in. She could still remember the very nice feeling as the latch had snapped shut. Then the new orders to look into the eyepiece, and then . . .

“We only came out of trance a little while ago,” Juliet told her quietly, on her left. “Katy said that must mean the inducer effect ends suddenly. Last time they told us to sleep, but . . .”

April nodded. “And I was induced—later.

“It’s all right.” She smiled, and Juliet tried to smile back. She clearly remembered being used to subdue April.

April wanted to say thanks for trying, but not in front of Katy—who might have tried, too. So weird that shy Juliet had resisted the flashtrance, but seeing someone as strong as Katy succumb to it so completely bothered her.

And Katy probably felt horrible about it.

“I wanted to wake you,” Juliet said. “I thought I could snap you out of it. But I think the Con—that woman ordered us to let each other wake on our own. I remember having to keep looking into this.” She pointed to the eyepiece now outside her cell. “This thing probably sees eye movement or pupil dilation or something—Katy thinks they measured how hard the inducer hit each of us.”

April hadn’t even heard them talking across her as she’d stood there, spellbound by the lenses.

She turned to Katy. Katy was looking away, pretending to study the scary medical table.


The redhead turned, ready to face her. “I’m sorry, April.”

“It’s OK, Katy. You—”

“I saw the open corridor. I thought about waiting too long—we might not get another chance. Not while we could still think. I—”

“Katy. You were right to try.” April locked gazes with her, almost crying again to see the real Katy back behind those eyes. “Those were good reasons and you knew them in seconds. It was a good call.

“You’re a good leader. Say the word and I’ll follow you again.”

Katy squeezed the padded bars and breathed hard, and her curvy body flushed a lovely pink, but she didn’t cry, and neither did April.

“Anytime, Katy.” Juliet sounded certain, too. “Thanks.”

Footsteps. Two booted myrmidons in leotards took up guard positions by the door. Both had inducers.

April peered closely—one was the Controller herself!

But the senior slave had none of her strange charisma now. Her eyes were as glassy as any other slave’s. Had she been demoted, because they’d tried to escape?

Well, tough shit.

April couldn’t hate her, though. She’d always been this brainsmoothed slave. She just put on her authority when told to, like the sleek black leotard. She was her owner’s property—as much as the authority, and the leotard. She’d captured April and the others for whoever owned her, and they didn’t need her to direct other slaves anymore. They just dropped her back into the mindless trance of the rest.

Next, the six nude athletes paced in silently past the guards and came to attention. They didn’t even glance at the cages. These women literally wouldn’t think about her until they were told to.

Their function would probably be to force her and the others out of the cages and—onto that table. She pictured their placid faces as their victim struggled, screamed, begged. Ignoring it until they secured her, as their controller wished. Then still and blank again.

Another woman strode in. Unlike anyone else April had seen so far, she was smiling, and her status was hard to fathom.

Her shining, heeled boots looked like the guards’, but instead of a bodysuit she wore a black vinyl bikini, so shiny and tight that April could see the shapes of the aureoles around her bulleted nipples, and the camel toe between her thighs. Her hair was pulled back tightly. She was collared like the others, and now April could see the medallion was cut-out metal, more like a branding iron.

She walked like a dancer. She’d been oiled, gleaming like a polished sculpture. Like her eyes, behind an incongruous pair of wide round-lensed glasses.

She posed there erotically and looked at them, smiling almost in welcome.

“Oh my god,” Katy said.

The woman looked at her with interest, and it startled April to see anyone react in this place of somnambulists. None of the other women even twitched.

“Dr Joplin?” Katy sounded half-hopeful.

“You know her?” Juliet blurted what April wondered.

“I know who she is. Dr Valerie Joplin.” Katy stared at her. “She founded the Oasis Center. She’s one of the foremost advocates for victims of . . . mind control.”

“i was, Katy,” valerie said.

Someone had lowercased her, like the others. And made her love it, to the tips of her eyelashes.

“But one mind-controller decided i would be useful to Her, if i used my group to attract more vulnerable slave material. Women already susceptible to control.

“Wounded does.” she smiled.

“i did resist. But not for long. Once Mistress brainwashed me, of course, She corrected my thoughts and loyalties.”

valerie had the bright-eyed joy of a cult follower, but she seemed more self-aware. It made her harder for April to watch. “i awakened to the truth that obeying Her every whim is my life, and enslaving more women for Her is my purpose in it.”

“So now—” Katy hitched a breath. “—now you do this?”

“Not routinely, Katy. She trained me in control methods, but She has many slaves well-programmed for that. my primary function is research. Finding new ways to make women obedient.” she gestured down at herself. “i also dance for Her pleasure, and whore in Her bed, but i am glad She can use me for this, too.

“You three will help.”

she watched them flinch.

“Under Her guidance, i developed a field projector that directly affects the brain. It isolates and controls impulses that direct thought processes, specifically critical thinking and self-assertion. It can duplicate—and impose—the brain electrochemistry of someone believing something deeply, without question. It can create total suggestibility.

“Someone hypnotized while under its effects can be converted to think and do anything their hypnotist says, and they will not resist her. In effect they have no will, until the field releases them. After that, their will is whatever the hypnotist left them with. And anything she tells them to do or believe shall be their will, until she tells them otherwise.”

April’s knees almost gave way, and now she looked at the table as if it were already radiating the mindbending field.

“You do not need to fear any sort of brain damage, April. i initially tested it on slaves here, and no one was harmed.”

April looked at the numbly-staring musclegirls. Any of them, on command, would put herself into a machine not even asking what it would do to her. They’d stare blankly as something went wrong and the first subject screamed. After valerie adjusted the device, the next would get into it without a pause. The others would watch, or carry away the prior victim, or anything else they were told.

The slavewomen’s dull eyes, staring into parallel voids, transfixed her. God, maybe valerie’s “field projector” had been what brainfried them. Left them too mindless for anything but heavy lifting, and manhandling prisoners.

What had valerie’s Mistress programmed her to think harm meant?

She looked sharply back at valerie, realizing the enslaved scientist had paused. she had let Katy and Juliet follow April’s gaze to the nude slaves, and share her thoughts. Maybe that was why she bothered April more than the other slaves—she seemed closer to normal, more willingly a part of this.

That just made it more hideously clear. Someone had mindfucked her into not just a robot, but a conscious worshipper.

“i must test the projector on fresh material. Free women who had never been mind-controlled.

“Virgins.” she smiled. “Surveillance determined that each of you not only has a very independent personality, but also has never been the victim of another mind controller. Mistress will learn much from how long you can try to resist, and how you respond to command after you surrender.

“You are the first women we captured for this. we will take others, to give Her an adequate database.”

valerie smiled again. “Perhaps you will be conditioned to capture them.”

“You won’t make us.” Even in this room full of programmed women, Katy still made it sound true. “You can’t just hypnotize us into doing something that evil.”

“Believe what you wish, Katy,” valerie said soothingly. “Soon, you will believe what you are told.

“Right now you are as free as any woman She takes will ever be. You are no longer under inducer control, and your handlers were mindlocked against implanting you with any long-lasting posthypnotic suggestions.”

April believed her. There was no way to tell what they’d put into her thoughts after flash-hypnotizing her, but valerie’s logic worked. There was no other good reason they were still awake, instead of drones.

Unless valerie or her Mistress liked making them watch . . .

“If we could have brought you here fully conscious, i could already be altering your minds. Of course, cooperative women who let us bind them might not be useful subjects after all.

“But in any case the delay was not serious.”

she looked at April. “You could have been brought here awake, but the Control slave sent for you was programmed to ensure uniformity. she induced you so your trance and recovery would conform to your friends’.”

she looked past slave keisha at the display that still seemed to hold keisha enthralled. “The sensors in your training collars confirm the optical readings. Your brainwaves have returned to normal.

“You are now fully suitable test material.”

she looked back at them. “Katy will be first.”


“No!” Juliet screamed, clutching the bars, and April screamed with her.

Katy said nothing, but her face went white. She turned to them, helpless, and it stabbed April to see her so openly afraid. She screamed again because there was nothing she could do for Katy now.

“Prepare the first subject,” valerie said calmly into a pause.

The nude musclegirls stiffened. “we obey, Controller.” Even their voices were pitched together.

They pivoted as one, their gazes swinging together to focus on Katy’s cage. Smoothly they separated, taking positions around it. They looked at her as if only now given the power to see her, but April sensed that to them her friend wasn’t a person—just the flesh target they were primed for.

Katy thrashed against the bars and now April knew why they were padded. For a moment there was no sound but her grunts. The brainwashed women on either side moved in, much faster than their robotic movement up to now had hinted they could.

In a blur they’d reached in and pinioned Katy’s arms. She squirmed, grimacing but not crying out.

“Hold on, Katy!” April shouted. “That’s it!” She told herself the redhead managed to pull one of the slaves further in.

“Right! Go!” Juliet was shouting behind her.

Others crouched and captured Katy’s legs. When another unlatched the door and swung it open, Katy was immobilized.

She didn’t scream until they reached through the open door and grasped her.

April tried to keep calling, but she and Juliet could only stare now as their friend was overcome. Katy stopped screaming, and the only sound was her harsh panting as she struggled, louder than the slaves’ easy breathing.

valerie said nothing, letting the musclegirls carry out their programming.

They moved like synchronized machines, almost dancing but with inhuman steadiness. None of them hit Katy, and that scared April even more than any of the other subtly frightful things here. They just worked her, keeping her still, shifting and alternating their grips, always fully controlling her body. Katy couldn’t even move, just tense and shudder in their relentless, viselike hands. April wondered if the cage were built for this—or if valerie had rewired the women into automatons to suit the cage.

Her mouth was dry, as it hit her again how thoroughly their enemy had designed this place.

Then the musclegirls held Katy from the front, not through the bars, and pulled her out, still squirming. They carried her to the table, without a pause or a single wasted motion.

“Nnn—nnn—no!” There was nothing defiant in the cry. Katy was pleading. She screamed again as the slavewomen set her down, holding her as each arm and leg was gripped, held tight, bound down. When they’d secured her head she was silent, but April could see her full breasts heaving in her panic.

Like a single entity, the musclegirls stopped, straightened, and moved away from the table. They faced valerie across it.

“Subject is prepared, Controller.” The chorus was calm. They were docile again, ready to obey valerie’s next command.

she just nodded, and they went placidly back to their original places in a line. They about-faced in unison and stared blankly across the room again.

“Monitor,” valerie said.

“i obey, Controller.” slave keisha reached and made an adjustment. Her hands floated back to her sides. she was another tool, like the musclegirls. “Input confirmed. Brain mapping enabled, Controller. At your command.”

valerie gazed at Katy, who could do nothing in the restraints but flex and pant. she turned back to her tool. “Initiate mapping, slave,” she purred.

“i obey, Controller.”

valerie stepped toward the table, one booted foot before the other, as if starting an enticing dance for Katy. Katy just moaned. Then she seemed to rally. April saw her hands clench on the grips they’d been strapped to.

“valerie, no. This isn’t you.” The redhead fought to speak, to slow her breathing. “You hate mind control. You hate slavers. You’re not like this.”

valerie looked down at her, smiling a little sadly. But it was just the mild sadness of a mother over a fretful child.

“valerie . . . valerie, don’t, please, don’t . . .”

“Just relax, Katy.” she leaned down to slide a helmet-like device onto Katy’s head. Katy stopped talking and squirmed, but the table’s headrest had been designed to hold her still while offering no obstruction to the helmet.

valerie slid metal circles down to cover Katy’s ears, and April belatedly opened her mouth. Glancing guiltily at Juliet, she saw the other captive was ashamed, too. They’d both let everything stun them into silence.

It was too late to cheer Katy on. From now on, she would hear only what valerie wanted her to.

I let you down, Katy. I’m so sorry . . .

Deftly, valerie worked the chin strap to tighten the device onto Katy’s head. There was a snap. As valerie moved aside, April realized Katy had just tried to bite her—and missed—and tears ran down Katy’s face. valerie stopped, sat one taut, shining hip on the table beside her captive, and very tenderly put her hands on Katy’s cheeks.

“Mapping completed,” slave keisha intoned, still riveted by the displays.

valerie smiled encouragingly. “Shh, Katy, shh. Almost done! we found that little candle inside you. Now we can snuff it out.

“In just a few moments, all your fear will be gone. All your pain. You will feel wonderful. You will be glad this happened.” She wiped the teartracks with her thumbs.

“i will make you want to offer your will to Mistress,” valerie promised, and there was real feeling in her voice now. “And She will take it from you forever.”

Katy stared into her eyes and seemed to wilt. April wondered if this was actually hypnotizing her. But then Katy just closed her eyes and wept.

Sighing, valerie rose from the table and turned back to the control panels. she looked genuinely sad, but within two steps, April watched it drain from her face. Stalking to the control panel, valerie’s expression was empty of anything but alert, thrilled obedience to her Mistress.

slave keisha stepped back from the controls and turned, facing April’s cage. She was looking directly at April, but her doll-wide eyes were so empty that it didn’t bother April the way a thinking person’s stare would.

Without looking at her, valerie said, “Headset.”

At once the girl pivoted and lifted something. valerie stood still as the other slave settled it on her head like a maid putting a tiara on a princess, and moved the mike spar toward her mouth. Then they parted, keisha resuming her dream-sentinel post by the panel, as valerie put her hand to the controls.

she looked from them to Katy, bound to the table, looking like a lovely but terrified gladiatrix in the straps, and the bright helmet that covered her head and ears so tightly.

“Can you hear me, Katy?”

Katy twitched and moaned, then held still.

“Good. Now we can begin.”

Katy’s lips began moving silently.

valerie saw it, glanced back at the screens, and nodded. “Are you trying to think, Katy?”

At first Katy stopped, then grimaced and started again. Now April could hear what she was whispering to herself. “I’m free, I can think, I’m free, fuck you I can think, I’m free, I can think, I can fucking think . . .”

April looked over at Juliet again. Juliet looked worried and said softly, “She’d better watch out or she’ll put herself under.”

Katy opened and closed her eyes as she spoke, tried to roll them around to see whatever she could. Her hands flexed again on the grips.

“No, listen. She’s breaking it up. She isn’t just repeating.”

Juliet tried to smile, but then just looked back at Katy. April understood. Either way, Katy couldn’t hold out. A simple chant would play into valerie’s hands, lulling her into a rhythm valerie could snare her with. But staying irregular took focus, and Katy would tire or get confused.

April watched as Katy tried anyway.

valerie watched too, and smiled. “You are smart, Katy, and very brave.” her voice was warm and sympathetic, as if she were already trying to soothe Katy into a trance. “Even this frightened, i suspect a woman like you is trying to ready yourself to fight the hypnosis.

“That is helpful.”

“Fuck you, fuck you, I’m free, not a slave, I can think, I have free will, I can think, fuck you, not some zombie . . .” Katy’s chest heaved as she tried to control her breathing.

valerie reached for the controls, then paused. “slave keisha.”

“How may i obey, Controller?” Without orders, the girl kept staring through April, but her lithe body tensed, eager to serve.

“Watch the screen. Total recall.”

“i obey, Controller.” keisha turned to the displays once again, instantly rapt. Then valerie turned away to the table, one hand on the panel. Her oiled thighs slid together.

April shivered: valerie was using her tool so she could watch Katy, not readouts, while she turned Katy’s mind off. And it was turning her on hard.

What had valerie’s Mistress done to her?

She clutched the padded bars. The same things she’s going to do to us!

“. . . free, free, I’m free, not a slave, just free . . . I can think, I do, my mind’s my own, nobody’s fucking slave . . .”

Katy was breathing faster, losing her train of thought. She could sense it was about to happen.

April started praying.

valerie stared at Katy’s face, pushed the button, and mewed.

Katy twitched again—but her lips kept moving. She seemed to relax, and her hands grew still.

April kept praying, her heart rising up.

“. . . I’m free . . . I’m free . . . I’m free . . . I’m free . . .”

Something had affected Katy, but she could still speak.

“You fucked up,” Juliet whispered, too quietly for valerie to hear even if she’d been paying attention. “That’s programming her. She’s free. Go Katy!”

April let herself hope.

“keisha,” valerie said.

“Effect positive,” the slave droned. “Volition fully suspended. Subject is under field influence.”

valerie nodded. she breathed deeply, and then walked over to look down at Katy.

“You are a slave,” she whispered into the mike at her lips.

There may have been a pause. Then Katy said, “I am a slave . . . I am a slave . . . I am a slave . . .”

Juliet screamed.

valerie said, “You will listen. You will believe.”

“I will listen,” Katy repeated. “I will believe.” She didn’t keep saying it. The new phrasing had erased her rhythm.

Her mind was open to valerie now.

Juliet inhaled deeply, then screamed again, making April wince. This time there were words.

“Katy! Katy! No! You’re free! You’re free! You’re freeeeee!”

April breathed and joined her. The mirrored walls rang with “You’re free!” in shrill discord. April wouldn’t think about the ex-Controller or her twin stepping forward and flashing them both into sleepy silence. She tried to keep up with Juliet and yell as loudly as she could, to push the words over and into valerie’s little microphone. Back into Katy’s mind. You’re free!

But valerie didn’t even look at them. Without her command, none of the slaves even blinked. Both guards were statues in lycra, inducers at port arms.

Juliet sagged in her cage, out of breath, and looked desperately at Katy’s still body under the restraints. Katy stared up out of the helmet, breathing evenly.

Her lips were still.

In the quiet, valerie finally looked over at their cages. She bowed to them slightly. Then she looked down at Katy.

“What are you?”

“I am a slave,” Katy said calmly.


April shrank to the bottom of her cage. Pain finally told her she was biting her hand, and she shut her eyes as if it would keep her from hearing Juliet sob.

Or hearing valerie start turning Katy into a slave.

God, it had been so quick. She hadn’t even had a chance to fight it.

“You will be hypnotized now.”

“I will be hypnotized now.” Katy said it as firmly as she’d once said they all had to stay awake.

“You will not resist.”

“I will not resist,” Katy promised.

“You will listen to my voice.” valerie still watched avidly as her victim submitted to her. “You will believe and obey.”

“I will listen to your voice. I will believe and obey.” Katy waited patiently for whatever she would be told was true.

valerie stepped back, muting her mike. “slave keisha.”

“How may i obey, Controller?”

“Bring the hypnodisk.”

“i obey, Controller.” The nude slave strode to the wall behind the line of staring musclegirls, and wheeled out what looked like a tray table for a hospital bed. The tray was translucent. She slid it over to the table and swung the tray—now April could see it was some kind of flatpanel screen—over Katy’s head, filling her sight. Katy stared through it, too tranquilized even to care about it until the voice in her head, valerie’s voice, told her to.

valerie closed her eyes for a moment and breathed deeply, then opened them. “Activate the hypnodisk.”

“i obey, Controller.” keisha pressed the side of the screen, and a ghostly spiral spun into view, turning and pulsing. keisha came to attention beside it, staring over Katy, mind blank until the next command.

Tapping the mike again, valerie spoke. “You will look into the fascinating spiral now, Katy. You cannot think of anything else. You know how irresistible spirals are, how they can hypnotize anyone who looks into them. How this one is starting to hypnotize you, as you look into it. There is nothing you can do but fall into it and into a deep, deep hypnotic trance.

“You want to be hypnotized, Katy.”

“I want to be hypnotized.” April saw Katy’s face through the swirl as she said it. Her voice was soft with real desire, and her eyes widened a little. Her mouth was starting a vague smile. Seeing her head cased in the gleaming helmet, wired to the table, and awash in the spinning shape, the brainwashing seemed almost to be something physical as it overcame Katy.

April groaned. It wasn’t just an effect. valerie’s machine was working, and with the way she’d subverted Katy’s mind, she had Katy imprinting herself with these new lessons. As the hypnodisk spun Katy deeper into trance, she’d talk herself into total belief in valerie’s new truth of her submission.

“You enjoy the feeling of being hypnotized, Katy. Do you remember the best sex you ever had?”

“Yes,” Katy whispered, smiling shyly through the swirl.

“This is good enough to make you forget how it felt, Katy.”

Katy suddenly writhed in the restraints and made a lowing sound. She never took her eyes from the spiral.

“Yes, Katy. When i, or any other slave of my Mistress, hypnotize you, it will feel like this. You will dream about how good it feels when we fuck your mind like this. When you are hypnotized, your mind will be a hot, wet cunt, and asleep or awake you will be a slut who needs us to fuck it.

“You want to be hypnotized.”

“I want to be hypnotized!” Katy almost screamed it.

In horror, April looked down at Katy’s thighs. Her coppery muff was dark and slick now, and beaded with more of her dew. No one had touched her there. Nothing had, except the power of valerie’s suggestion. In the thrall of valerie’s device, Katy had been trained in less than a minute to respond this way. April listened to her friend’s ragged breathing, and knew it had just been etched into her mind.

Even if someone woke Katy now, she would crawl to valerie and beg to be hypnotized.

“Obedience is pleasure,” valerie said, and Katy repeated it fervently.

“Very good, Katy. You are a very obedient girl.”

Katy’s grin was ecstatic.

“You deserve to be hypnotized a lot.”


valerie looked away almost reluctantly to watch the displays. What they told her about Katy’s mind pleased her, though, and she licked her glossy lips as she turned back to her subject.

“Deeply, Katy, and often. Until you are a complete slave. A zombie. Willing to think and do anything you are told, by anyone you are programmed to obey.

“Blissfully mindless when no one has told you to think.”

Katy stared forward, believing.

“Sometimes, you will be implanted for a time with the compulsion to submit to another slave and obey her as you obey a hypnotist, or our Mistress. That slave will be your Controller.

“i am your first Controller, Katy. You will remember this and obey me even after you awaken.”

“I will remember this,” Katy murmured.

April worried for a second that she’d let herself be hypnotized by watching the spiral that held Katy spellbound. She looked away, partly to see if she still could. She looked over at Juliet, who sensed it and looked back at her.

The slim blonde opened her mouth and then closed it. Her eyes weren’t glassy, and she’d stared at the hypnodisk just as April had, equally unaffected. Watching the strong-willed redhead fall into valerie’s power scared them both too much to relax and succumb to the spiral’s lure.

For now, anyway. Neither of them would last any longer than their friend when it was their turn under the helmet.

April turned back to Katy, slumping against the padded bars that warmed to her body. valerie had been quiet, letting Katy keep staring into the translucent hypnodisk. April realized she was letting her programming work itself into Katy’s helplessly open mind. After what she’d told Katy, there was nothing in Katy’s head but those new, seductive truths—nothing to resist them with and no desire anymore to resist at all.

Maybe even now, if someone could stop the process and take Katy through deprogramming, they might bring back the assertive woman who’d been taken from that commuter lot. April doubted Katy’s spark would ever be quiet as bright, and she’d be . . . blunted, a touch more submissive.

But if Katy had been right, one of the best people even to try that was—or had been—the oiled woman in bikini and boots who was brainwashing her.

It didn’t matter. No one was going to stop this, or rescue them. It had been too late for each of them even before the flash had made them docile. Someone had chosen them as test material.

Now Juliet glanced at her, and they traded another silent look. Which of us will be next?

And will that be worse—or being left for last, alone?



“I . . . if they let us choose, do you—?”

“Don’t.” Juliet shut her eyes and put her head against the bars. “I thought about it too and it’s all bad.” She opened her eyes. “I wish I’d met you guys somewhere else. We might not even like each other, but . . .”

April nodded, clenching her jaw until the tears stayed inside. “You’re right.”

“Yeah . . . but so were you, April.”

They couldn’t look at each other anymore, and it was less painful to look at Katy, instead.

“The hypnospiral is in your mind now, Katy. It belongs there. It will be in the center of your mind forever, now.

“You no longer need to see it with your eyes. Close them now, and sleep until I bid you wake.”

Another command unfroze slave keisha. She solemnly turned off the hypnodisk and wheeled it back to its place behind the musclegirls, who seemed more than ever like so many smooth, warm machines waiting their turn to be reactivated.

April rode out a moment of panic. When valerie reactivated them, it would be to drag her or Juliet to the table.

keisha lifted the helmet gently from Katy’s head, and methodically undid the restraints. Katy slept on as the girl unbound her. Then keisha stepped away and resumed attention.

valerie kept the headset on, but swung the mike back and in, as she paced back to the table. she sat on it again, stroking the redhead’s lush body with eyes and hands.

“Awaken,” she said softly, caressing Katy’s belly in slow circles. Katy focused quickly, and smiled up at her.

“Who am i?” valerie reached up to touch her hair, sweaty and tousled from the helmet.

“My first Controller,” Katy said in awe. “The one I must obey.”

“What are you, Katy?”

“A—slave!” Katy brightened, as if she’d thought it was just a dream, and now found it real.

valerie smiled sweetly in approval, winning a delighted grin from Katy. she leaned down and kissed Katy delicately on the lips, lingering over them, just touching. Katy arched her back and leaned up to kiss her urgently, thirstily. Her hands stayed passively at her sides, and all her need flowed through her lips. valerie reached around her neck and returned the kiss passionately. Then she broke it and stood up, drawing Katy to rise and stand beside her, like a magician’s assistant after the final trick.

They gazed at each other like lovers. Then valerie put a fingertip to Katy’s chin and turned her head until she was looking at April and Juliet in their cages.

“Katy?” Juliet didn’t entirely succeed in keeping the desperation from her voice.

Katy said nothing.

“Do you know them?” valerie asked quietly.

“Yes, Controller.”

“Who are they?”

“Juliet and April. The women who were kidnapped with me. To be . . . hypnotized.” Her thighs tightened a little, but she behaved. Her attention didn’t shift.

valerie guided Katy’s gaze back, smiling at her pliancy. “Katy? Do you want to be hypnotized?”

Katy’s legs twitched and she nearly mooed again, but then she held still. “Yes, Controller,” she said in a tiny voice. Her lips shaped please! but she was too obedient to beg.

valerie smiled reassuringly. “Do you remember not wanting to be hypnotized, Katy? Trying to fight it?”

Katy looked at her without emotion. “Yes, Controller. I remember.”

“How do you feel about having thought that way?”

For a second, Katy’s face clouded with confusion. Then it smoothed into bovine contentment as she remembered what she was.

“I don’t know, Controller. How should I feel?” Glowing, she waited serenely to be told.

valerie stroked her ear. “You do not feel anything, Katy. It means nothing to you.”

Katy’s gaze flattened. “It means nothing to me.”

valerie nodded slowly, holding Katy’s eyes, levering it even deeper into her mind. “What someone thinks she wants also means nothing, Katy. Unless Mistress programmed her to want it.”

This time valerie just gestured before the redhead’s gaze, then slowly pointed toward the cages. As if on a string, Katy turned slowly to look at her friends again.

“Do you want to share it with them, Katy? How wonderful it feels to be hypnotized?”

“Yes, Controller.”

“But Katy.” valerie sounded concerned. “Your friends do not want to be hypnotized.”

Katy stared at them, expression fading. “It means nothing to me.”

“You will help me make them obey. i need to destroy their wills, as i destroyed yours, so i can do that.” valerie flicked a glance at them, then back at her subject. “You must obey. April and Juliet are to be hypnotized.”

“Yes, Controller,” Katy said tonelessly. “I must obey.

“April and Juliet are to be hypnotized.”


Standing glassy-eyed and taut, like a soft imitation of a musclegirl drone, Katy scared April badly.

Partly, it was seeing what that short time under valerie’s brain-helmet had done to her. The defiant woman who’d given heart to April and Juliet had been scrubbed away. Before she’d been strapped down, Katy had carried herself like a leader April was glad to follow, even naked and collared like someone’s bitch.

But valerie had charmed the fight out of her. Now Katy’s tall body seemed softer, a lush busty fungirl. It was worse than seeing the guards hypnotize Katy and Juliet with inducers outside the cell. Even before she’d seen Juliet trying to break that trance, the other women had seemed controlled but still—there. But valerie’s machine had thrust her hypnotic hooks deep into Katy, and the redhead seemed ready to give up her soul for the asking.

What frightened April even more, of course, was being next. Katy wasn’t just a self-proclaimed slave: she was going to help turn April and Juliet into wide-eyed robots like her.

Life as a free woman was over. The only thing that would buy her more time would be if they took Juliet first, and April would spend it watching Juliet fight enslavement and then lose.

Whatever happened, they’d all be brainwashed drones. Pumped up in a gym, fitted into bodysuits and trained to flash other women into trance, being valerie’s little lab sluts.

Anything they were told.

valerie stopped savoring her docile subject and looked back at the cages. “The experiment will continue.”

she looked at April. “Prepare the second subject.”

April jumped in shock and tried to stand up straight.

“we obey, Controller,” the musclegirls chorused as they swiveled toward her. Their unblinking eyes fixed on her, numbing her with pitiless cold.

“April,” Juliet said, reaching out from her cage. Her tone steadied April almost as if the slim blonde had been able to reach her cage and take her hand.

“Just do your best, April. As long as you can.”

“Juliet, I . . .” The other woman was going to be alone. April’s head rang with it. If they ever spoke again, April would be a puppet.

“I know you’re not giving up, Juliet. I won’t, either.”

The blonde gave her a thumb’s-up and held her bars, keeping her face calm but swallowing over and over. She just looked at April, ignoring the sleek athletes as they stalked over to surround the middle cage. April looked at them and remembered losing chess games, edging her king away from checkmate at the side of an empty board. Putting it off, one square at a time, waiting.

More by instinct than thought, she moved to the center of the narrow holding cage, then sank down, bent her knees and hugged them tightly, pressing in her breasts. It wedged her painfully against the padded bars in front and back, but it made her small and harder to grasp.

“Nice,” she heard Juliet whisper to herself.

“Hell no, I won’t go,” she tried to say, but her mouth was spitless. Then she waited, heart pounding. She hadn’t thought how much scarier the musclegirls would look seen from below, staring emptily down at her. Of course, they didn’t react to her little maneuver.

She dropped her eyes from theirs, and found herself watching flat tight bellies. Strong thighs and calves flexed as they approached. Smooth pussies, baby-bald and—


April wanted to close her eyes, but if she didn’t see the first hand when it grabbed her she’d scream. She owed it to Juliet not to scream.

“Go to her.” valerie’s voice slid through the skin-sound of the musclegirls as they came closer.

“Yes, Controller.” Katy padded forward. She faced April’s cage but her gaze floated over April’s head. Then she looked down.

“Katy?” April’s level tone surprised her. “Will you help me, please?”

Still impassive under valerie’s spell, Katy said nothing.

“Tell April how it will feel, Katy.”

A smile blossomed under Katy’s eyes. “It’s wonderful, April. Like an orgasm that doesn’t release you, ever.

“Don’t try to fight, April. That only puts it off. Just submit to it.” Her blank eyes belied the honey in her voice.

“Obey, April. Let them strap you down. Relax. You will be . . .” Her breasts heaved. “. . . ohhh . . . hypnotized.

“Then you can lis—”

“Be quiet, Katy.” Switched off by her Controller, Katy froze in mid-word.

April looked away, and actually saw the slave who reached in first. They swarmed in and she felt them, strong fingers sliding between her limbs, squeezing her. Crouching for balance, they grasped and held, and soon they were pulling her out of her fetal position. Their skin was smooth and she smelled them, a pretty scent of shampoo and lotion. There was something darkly erotic about being overpowered, and she tried to fight the weird masochistic vibe before it . . .

Before it what? She was going to lose to them anyway.

No no no no. . .

But they had her arms now and were pulling her upright. She tried to keep her legs together and hook her feet into the bars, hearing herself snarl with exertion.

Fingers found the gap above her ankles, feeling like the bars had come to life—soft and metal-cored. She tensed her thighs but the slaves had won leverage, and now the air was cool inside her knees as they parted.

Like a gangrape, she thought, and it gave her a second’s worth of fear-boost to close her legs again. But the slaves waited and pulled, and she was being opened. Soon she’d stand spread-eagled.

April tried to resist the memory of a crazy night an eternity ago, and a boyfriend who’d sweet-talked her into a bondage game. Now it was these mindless, smooth women making her their playtoy.

A hand slid up inside her leg, grasping her inner thigh. Suddenly loosening, into a caress . . .

She bit her lip and tried to remember Juliet was watching her.

The hand slid up and then turned, knuckles barely skimming her pussylips. April yelped and bucked, and that just thrust her cunt onto the hand again. She grunted.

Then the hand was gone. Arousal drained away quickly, and it vanished when April remembered the world beyond her skin, and looked out at Katy.

Katy’s witness didn’t embarrass her. That was the awful part. The woman she’d met was asleep inside, and past caring about what turned April on at the worst time.

“Keep it up, April.” Juliet hadn’t seen it, or known what she saw. Maybe April had sounded injured.

But now they held April like a doll, and the door was open, and she was being passed out of it. The cage had made her feel safer, and squirming helplessly in those powerful hands and entwining limbs was no longer sexy. The table loomed ahead of her.

Now she remembered nightmares where she’d floated, unable to flee danger. It was reality, now, as she seemed to float over the floor toward the place where her freedom would end.

She cried out.

“April.” It was Juliet, still clinging to calm. “You did great. One against six, April, and it still took that long. You rock.”

April could barely breathe, but now she could speak. “You rock, Juliet!” She waited for a hand over her mouth, but no one had told the musclegirls to silence her.

No one here cared what slaves said on their way to be hypnotized, but April had to think it mattered.

“You helped me, Juliet!” she shouted. “Thanks! Thank you!” It was even true, sort of, but it was something she could give.

“Hang on, April,” she heard the blonde call. She wasn’t shouting. Neither of them wanted to sound desperate. “That’s what I’ll remember. W-when it’s my turn. You h . . . hanging on.”

The room spun as they turned April easily and set her on her back onto the cushioned table with that hideous gentleness.

God—the ceiling was a mirror, too. All it showed her when she could glimpse it was a knot of buff women doing something around a table.

April forced her head over to try to see Juliet, but she just found herself staring into a musclegirl’s rippled belly. As the slave held her, April thought she could see the tiny scar of an old piercing in the woman’s navel. She didn’t even know if that happened with piercing. But it hit her that this slave had been someone else too, before valerie brainwashed her. Someone who’d decided to decorate herself, who’d had someone she wanted to please, or attract—or who didn’t give a damn for what anyone else thought.

Wiped away, to make her into another robot girl to control captives before they were mindwiped too.


“Yes, Controller.” She was closer. valerie hadn’t made her help them wrestle April into submission—she wasn’t part of their flesh machine and would have gotten in the way—but she’d followed them back from the cage to the table.

“Strap April down so we can begin processing her.”

“Yes, Controller.”

The musclegirls posed and swung to keep out of Katy’s way while keeping April pinned down, guided by feeling her against them. April couldn’t move, and felt colder with each strap her friend slid around a limb and then tightened. She couldn’t even look away from Katy’s drugged gaze as the redhead went about her task.

“Katy,” she said, once, when their eyes met.

Katy looked back at her. Then she turned and tightened the restraint holding April’s left hand to the grip.

Above April, the athletic slaves stopped, and then stood, opening like a flower. One of them looked back and briskly inspected the bindings, but Katy’s first task as lab-slave had been flawless.

“Subject is prepared, Controller.” It sounded even more terrifying from here, tight under the straps. Then they paced away, as valerie and keisha discussed brain mapping again.

April could see herself reflected on the ceiling. Supine and straight, limbs and body tied down like Gulliver, straps stark on her nudity. She couldn’t make out the expression on her face, and the woman staring down at her might have been someone else.

valerie’s boots sounded, and she saw the oiled hypnotist from above in the mirror before valerie herself looked down at her. she was even prettier close up, and April wondered, with dread, about the Mistress who controlled her. For whom she oiled herself and danced, when she wasn’t finding better ways to enslave other women.

But it was going to happen to April now.

There was no more time.

valerie could see her try to face it. “You saw how painless it was for Katy, April. How easy to submit.” She put a warm, fragrant hand on April’s shoulder, smiling almost apologetically as April flinched.

“Relax. Soon you will be as obedient as Katy.” Her smile grew playful. “Then I shall just tell you to feel nice, and you will.”

April just looked up at her. Whatever she said would be her last words, and that blanked her mind more than any inducer.

valerie reached for the helmet.


“I’m here, April! I hear you.”

“Juliet.” The helmet was snug over her hair, and she waited for it to hum or move. It didn’t.

“I love you.”


It meant nothing and everything, and somehow it made April feel a little better. Until she thought she heard Juliet crying. Then Juliet cleared her throat.

“I love you too!”

valerie was looking at her, and April realized she’d allowed that. Their eyes locked as valerie put the headphones over her ears. April couldn’t bring herself to thank her but it still seemed . . .

She breathed. She didn’t speak aloud. It had killed her to hear Katy trying, and then falter and go still when the helmet stopped her mind. She wouldn’t leave Juliet alone with that.

I love you. She did. The blonde was tough, and April hoped, wished, knew that she’d fight best of all. They’d have to work for it to make Juliet their slave.

April waited, but valerie said nothing to her. she wasn’t playing mind games as she had with Katy. April tried to remember the next steps, morbidly curious how much time she had. valerie was probably almost ready anyway.

she was just going to throw the switch and then . . . then April would have no will. valerie or her lab-slut would see it die on their displays, and then they’d start to reshape her thoughts.

There was nothing to see but the mirror-ceiling, and the bound woman about to become a slave. It startled her: the helmet made her think of images she’d run across online, pictures of damsels in distress in the hands of mad scientists. Brainwashing them into obedient dolls with high-tech headgear. Those images had always frightened her, because the idea of trying to resist such a machine . . .

She closed her eyes on the woman on the ceiling.

Inside, lips closed, she began: I am free. I am not a slave. I am free. I am—

“Can you hear me, April?”

She jerked, and knew valerie’d seen it. The voice had already been deep in her head.

I am—Juliet? Katy? I love you, and you’re free. We’re free. I love you both. We’re all free, all . . . all . . .

April stopped. It had just seemed really important, but she didn’t remember why. It was hard even to recall what importance was.

She was still, not even waiting.

“You must obey.”

She must obey. Something seemed very wrong with that idea, but it didn’t matter. Only the truth mattered, and now the only truth she could think of was—

“I must obey.”

She did. Whatever April was commanded, she would do. She had to. That was important.

“You are a slave.”

Something in April tried to resist that. But it was reflex, habit. She wasn’t sure why it seemed bad.

And she must obey. That made her a slave.

“I am a slave.” Saying it made her know she was. The doubts vanished.

“You will listen. You will believe.”

The this-is-wrong feeling was still there. But it was easier—and made more sense—for April to focus on how good she felt to be given things to obey.

“I will listen,” she said. “I will believe.”

“You will not resist anything that i do to your mind. You want me to change how you think.”

It went against everything she could remember feeling or wanting. But it was just . . . true. It would feel nice to have someone reach in and control her thoughts. Make her choices.

She must obey. It all made sense.

April repeated the instruction, sensing it become part of her now.

“You will be hypnotized now.”

“I will be hypnotized now.” April knew she hadn’t wanted that. Once. Before now. Stories about mind controllers and their brainwashed slaves, and then everything that happened to her and Katy and Juliet, were still in her thoughts.

They just didn’t matter.

They were like other conversations in a café, background noise while she sat absorbed by the person who’d brought her. Who held her in thrall with their conversation, the only one she wanted to hear.

“You will not resist.”

“I will not resist.” April was a slave, and slaves did not resist.

Something moved at the edge of April’s vision. She remembered again she was strapped naked to a table. It had been easy to forget. She was focused on what she’d been told to. Obeying. Not resisting.

Being hypnotized.

A smoky rectangle swung into view. She could see through it. A blank-faced woman in a shining helmet looked down at her from the mirror.

Then a hologram overlaid her face. It seemed scientific, the formation of a galaxy, until the spiral simplified, drawing April into its relentless spin.

“Look into the fascinating spiral now, April. You cannot think of anything else.” She couldn’t. The pulse of its core tempted her with colors twisting infinitely inward.

“You know how irresistible spirals are, how they can hypnotize anyone who looks into them.”

Yes. It was hypnotizing her now. So relaxing just to stare into it. To keep staring.

“You want to be hypnotized, April.”

“I want to be hypnotized.” The colors and brightness pulsed, too, and that stronger rhythm called to her, to something beating inside her. She responded, feeling herself become one with it.

Then she was remembering a night in her bed, riding someone. The dark joy between her legs melted away everything but how fantastic it had felt to be fucked. No details mattered, just that divine ride, and she obediently stopped thinking about who she’d been with, or how she’d felt about them.

There was only the orgasm to worship.

There was something better. Her mind would be what juiced and spread. Hypnosis would be what fucked her, and it would own her. She’d be a slut for it. Like everything else, someone else would control it, and her. She was a slave.

My mind will be a hot, wet cunt.

April whimpered in ecstasy and fell deeper into the spiral.

Her eyes were focused on it, but part of her could still see past it, to the reflection of the nude woman in the brain-helmet. Her lips were parted as she stared into the spiral from the other side. For a moment April enjoyed seeing herself fall under hypnosis. But the hypnosis itself made her lose track of everything but the spiral and the voice in her mind.

And the orgasmic tide she was drowning in, that would never, ever go out.

“You want to be hypnotized.”

“I want to be hypnotized.” April was so aroused she could barely say it. But she did, because she did want it, very very badly. Even as it happened to her she wanted more of it. Just like being fucked.

But better.

Now the voice told her what an obedient girl she was, and promised her endless hypnosis. It told her how her leash might be given to others, and April dampened to learn she would obey other slaves, submit to them in trance.

She already a very good slave, and she was going to be trained to be a perfect one.

Now the voice named itself. April knew it was valerie, the beautiful doctor in the vinyl bikini, but that became more background noise. The woman was her Controller, the first of the many slaves who would tell slave April what to think. April would obey her, and she would hypnotize April a lot.

The Controller stopped speaking. April relaxed into the spiral, feeling the thick hard truth of her obedience thrust and throb deeper inside her slick, spasming mind.

“The hypnospiral is in your mind now, April. It belongs there. It will be in the center of your mind forever, now.

“You no longer need to see it with your eyes. Close them now, and sleep until I bid you wake.”

April obeyed.

The next thing she knew, her Controller was drawing her to her feet. April had fallen in love with her, and she felt her bones turning to jelly as the woman inspected her, pleased with her body and already knowing how obedient April was. She quivered like a petted dog as the Controller reached out a finger and traced a circle on her forehead.

she smiled as April’s eyelids dropped to half-mast, then pressed lightly. April responded by turning her head, and then she was looking at the tall redhead with the vague stare who stood at attention on the other side of the table.

“Who is this, April?”

“Katy is a slave, Controller. She has been hypnotized.” April licked the word as she said it.

Another touch from the Controller, on the nape of her neck, turned April’s head to the woman in the last cage.

“Is that a slave too, April?”

“No, Controller,” she said, feeling Juliet’s eyes on her. “Not yet.” The blonde took it calmly. April wondered why that seemed better.

“Slaves.” The Controller pointed. “Here.”

Katy pivoted, still blank, and she and April paced over to stand before the six motionless musclegirls. The Controller came beside them, holding a remote, and pressed it twice. Two musical tones chimed.

The second and fifth of the nude servitors stepped forward, one in front of April and the other staring into Katy’s glazed eyes. They didn’t react otherwise.

“i have selected these slaves for special reward,” the Controller said. “Each of you will kneel and please the one before you.


“Yes, Controller,” April and Katy said together.

April was lightheaded as she sank to her knees and inhaled the slave’s scent. Her memories were blown away. She’d never been with a woman, but she couldn’t remember if the idea turned her on now because she’d dreamed of it before.

It didn’t matter. The well-conditioned girl she looked up at was beautiful, and part of that was the collar on her neck and the blankness in her eyes. April’s defenses had been destroyed and the dark eros of this place had its way with her.

She leaned forward, running her cheeks on the girl’s steel thighs before leaning up and following the sharp smell inward. Reaching to steady herself, she cupped the girl’s ass and kissed, losing herself in silken pussy.

Gently, the slave loosened her thighs, as April’s licking softened her, and over her head April heard soft pleased sounds. The girl’s discipline kept her balance, and even as she spasmed she stayed under control and didn’t snap April’s neck.

April was too far gone to worry. She just knew this slave had dragged her over to be hypnotized. This body had overcome hers and held her down for the straps.

April wanted to make her come hard.

The musclegirl did, fucking her face, never voicing more than a soft “uh-uh-uh.” April stopped and knelt back, staring at the girl’s crotch and still tasting it. When told to rise, she saw both musclegirls were flushed but impassive. Even climax on a tongue couldn’t bring them out of that trance.

They walked to Juliet’s cage. It turned April on for the free woman to see her this way, enslaved like Katy. Drunk on musclegirl pussy, she enjoyed Juliet’s pretty breasts, so different from Katy’s.

But it was hotter to think of Juliet being forcibly entranced.

The Controller’s hand was on her neck again.

“How do you feel about her?”

April met Juliet’s eyes. April remembered telling her something. She remembered what it was.

That had been before she obeyed.

“I don’t know, Controller,” April said, still looking at Juliet. “How should I feel?”

The blonde didn’t flinch. “It’s OK, April,” she said. “I know. And I still love you.”

Something in April flinched, once. She didn’t think about it; the Controller would hypnotize her and tell her what to think.

Right now, the Controller said, “The experiment will conclude. Juliet is to be hypnotized.”

“Yes, Controller,” April and Katy intoned, and April forgot the pain of a moment before. “We must obey.

“Juliet is to be hypnotized.”

The blonde just stared at them and waited.


slave katy’s welcoming smile was as wide as her eyes were empty. she crawled across the Refreshment Area carpet toward slave april, glowing and eager as if april were her true love back again. It made the redhead even prettier, but april had just seen her lavish the same beaming devotion on slave lyssa, who’d never seen katy before, even to use her for sex.

april sat still and spread her thighs to let katy in. she smiled down despite herself as slave katy nuzzled her knees, closing her eyes in bliss, and then kissed her way slowly up april’s inner thighs. katy retained the preferences of every slave who cared to have the trainers implant them. Sometimes april wondered if that was what made katy smile so happily when seeing a certain slave sextriggered her to respond.

But as katy blew on april’s cunt and began to feast, april’s mood darkened, and she reached down to tap the pale forehead. For a moment the redheaded slave kept lapping mindlessly, and her tongue almost seduced april into relenting. But katy’s training controlled her. she leaned back, still smiling blissfully, eager to obey even a dismissal. she licked april’s honey from her lips like a cat.

Looking deep into katy’s doe eyes, april put her toes between the fucktoy’s pillowy breasts and pushed. The other slave fell back, then presented her bottom for spanking if april wished. When april did nothing, the redhead’s need impelled her to crawl off, swaying her bottom enticingly, to offer someone else her tongue and her smile.

Snap. “And fully awake now.”

slave april opened her eyes and smiled up at slave valerie. her chair close to april’s, valerie held april’s hand where it had floated above her head. Free of trance, april let it fall, and valerie moved hers to stroke april’s thigh, up at the high-cut opening of her black leotard.

“Thank you,” april breathed to her. “i always love undergoing hypnotherapy with you.” valerie had been her very first Controller, and brainwashed her into service to their Mistress, and april had always felt something special for the other slavewoman. she hadn’t been set under valerie’s Control since then, but she still felt very submissive to her.

valerie studied her face. “you’re one of my favorite subjects, april. So suggestible and responsive.”

april shifted her thigh under valerie’s touch. “Will i still think about . . . her?”

The therapist kept stroking. “What do you know about this slave katy?”

“she’s a bonbon. i’ve used her a few times after duty. she’s a really good fuck, and eager to please—well, of course.”

valerie smiled. Most of her work for Mistress here was mind control research, but Mistress let her perform actual brainwashing to bend selected women into the helplessly submissive whores who served the rest of Her slavegirls and never rotated to other tasks. valerie herself had coined the term “bonbon” for them.

“But i think about katy at the weirdest times, and not even about having sex with her.” april blushed. “she’s a bonbon—it’s not like there’s anything else to do with her. But . . . when i think of her, it feels like there’s something . . . wrong. With her being nothing but a fucktoy.” she looked up nervously, but valerie smiled. she didn’t take offense. “As if katy’s good for anything else.”

april’s revelation went on. “Sometimes it’s as if i knew katy from somewhere. As if we worked for Mistress together before, or even—” she swallowed “—even before She enslaved us.

she spoke rapidly, shamefaced. “i know that’s forbidden thought, valerie, and i don’t want to think anything She doesn’t—”

valerie stilled her with a raised hand. “Mistress knows how very obedient and loyal you are to Her, april. That’s why She lets me administer your therapy myself, instead of giving you to one of the others to be reprogrammed.”

It soothed april, and she was conditioned to believe valerie without question. No doubts lingered. “i understand.”

“Good girl. That’s why you felt compelled to come to me. To cleanse your thoughts of any memory that might make you less obedient or useful to Her. And you fear slave katy might be a problem that way.”

slave april nodded, almost as relaxed again as she’d been after the hypnoregression.

“april.” When she looked, valerie stared into her eyes and passed her hand across them . . .

While april blinked and sank back in the therapy chair, valerie asked, “Do you remember now what you came to me about?”

april stared into the hypnotist’s beautiful eyes. “No, valerie. my mind’s a blank.” they smiled at each other.

“Then you’re cured, april. But you may always make an appointment to be tranced again.”

april put her hand on valerie’s. Like all of Mistress’ slaves, she was hypnotized and more deeply conditioned often, and every day sated her craving for control as much as anyone could hope. But there was something tender in succumbing to valerie’s dominance, like a first love she’d never lost.

“Will i need to come back? About . . . whatever brought me here?”

“you’re programmed to return if you even dream about it.” valerie ran a finger along the leotard’s hem and then down to the top of april’s knee-high boot. “But you have an assignment to prepare for.” she pinched april’s knee and april squealed.

april stood, letting valerie admire how the boots made her legs look, and then left. she’d been programmed during her sleeptime; when she woke this shift in her tube, she already knew she must draw a uniform, and the time to report for mission implantation was in her head. It would have awakened her from valerie’s trance if valerie hadn’t, and compelled her to come.

she had no idea what she would be programmed to do for Mistress, or if she’d do it alone or with others. she knew it was an expedition, anyway. If she were just to be used as a guard here in Her hive, the commands would already control her thoughts. Whatever she was to do, it was complex enough for separate indoctrination.

It didn’t matter. A few minutes from now when she’d been brainwashed, her mind would have everything it needed for her to obey.

she met slave juliet just outside the obedience chamber. juliet was dressed for outside tasks, too, and her leotard showed off her delightful little breasts as always. she remembered meeting juliet when they were being trained as control room staff, and they’d had sex a lot back then. they were sometimes assigned together for tasks, though one or both of them might spend most of her time as an automaton.

slave juliet grinned at her. “Are you still obsessing over that bonbon?”

april blinked at her. “What? Who obsesses over a bonbon?”

juliet smirked. “The redhead. With the chest.” she held up cupped hands, and swayed them back and forth.

Frowning, april really tried to understand. she tried to think of the last time she’d been in the playroom, and if she’d seen juliet there. But she couldn’t think of a bonbon she’d even played with who looked like that. Much less sought one out.

“Oh.” slave juliet peered at her eyes. “Did you just come from hypnotherapy?”

april nodded.

juliet spread her arms. “i understand.”

Changing the subject, april said, “So . . . i wonder who’ll be selected to Control this assignment.”

juliet’s face lost expression and her hands fell to her sides. “The most suitable slave will have been chosen and we will be subordinated to her.”

Hearing it, april’s mind slowed down and she stared back at the other slave. “Yes. i understand. Speculation does not serve Her will.”

After a few moments they started to rouse themselves. “Sorry,” april murmured, but juliet smiled as if she’d just been licked.

“No, slave april. It always feels nice to submit like that.”

april watched the blonde’s eyes stay more or less focused, and thought of staring back into them until she was just as tranquilized. Instead she took slave juliet’s hand, and they walked into the obedience chamber’s anteroom. This would be a good mindset in which to be implanted with mission commands.

With a half-dozen other slaves in boots and bodysuits, they walked into the glass-sided theater. It was built to seat nearly a hundred, though none of them remembered Mistress ever needing to mass-indoctrinate that many slaves at once.

april and juliet sat down together but like every other woman there, they were empty of any desire to talk. The slaves sat quietly, gazing at the dark screen, slowly feeling their minds become as blank.

Then the anteroom darkened, and the screen glowed green. The spiral enthralled april as it formed, and she stiffened in her seat, more receptive with each spin. When the strobing began she was too deep to know it, but her mind was wide open.

Everyone was still even after the lights came back up, eyes locked on the screen that was empty once more. Minds infused with the new compulsions, the slaves rose with one motion, and when they left they were in lockstep.

slave april stood rigidly with the others in the anteroom, staring forward. slave juliet, who had awakened as their Controller, inspected the women who were now mindlocked into obeying her every command during the mission. slave juliet paused in front of slave april, who shivered with subservience.

“How may i obey, Controller?” she wanted to do something, anything, under orders.

“you will be instructed, slave.”

slave april understood. she might have more instructions implanted she could neither know nor obey until triggered. But the function she could remember was just to be an additional body for the Controller’s use.

They marched to the vans. In some, task groups were shown DVDs to reinforce or detail their programming. The one slave april boarded had only a dome light. Before they even drove off it flashed slowly, triggering her and the others to sleep.

she awoke at attention beside the van, somewhere among trees where there were few traffic noises. Other slaves were walking out to take up positions in the trees, but slave april stood placidly with another supernumerary. They might well stare into space for hours and then be put back in the van to sleep their way back, if the Controller didn’t need them. It still felt wonderful to be a body she could use.

“slave april.”

she marched briskly over to where slave juliet stood. “How may i obey, Controller?”

“Look into my eyes, slave.” she relaxed as slave juliet smoothly hypnotized her.

“i obey,” she said dreamily when she could think again. she felt wonderful: the Controller had left her in trance. she would obey while fully hypnotized.

she didn’t return to the van for an inducer. Instead, she walked confidently to the trees at the point the Controller had implanted in her mind, and found herself on a dimly lit two-lane country road.

With a pleasant flutter in her pussy, slave april walked halfway into the near lane and faced left, coming to attention. she stared at the blurred green of the woods where the road curved, in the cone of an older-style streetlight.

she didn’t know whom they were intercepting, or what the Controller was programmed to do with them. she didn’t need to.

The next car around the curve might see her in time to brake, or swerve and crash, where the other slaves could act. But with an even stronger pussyflutter, slave april knew it didn’t matter if she were hit or not. Either way the car would probably stop. slave april would serve Mistress whether she lived or died.

And if she died, she would die hypnotized.

When she saw headlights, slave april tightened her thighs and waited to serve her purpose.