The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Twenty Questions

mc mf md

Note: This story is an erotic fantasy. It contains adult language and situations, and features fictional characters doing illegal, immoral and/or impossible things to other fictional characters. Please do not read any further if you are under the age of consent in your community, find such concepts distasteful, or want to do illegal, immoral and/or impossible things in real life.

Copyright the author, © 1998. Permission granted to re-post to any electronic medium, as long as no one’s being charged to read it, and that this disclaimer and the above e-mail address are not removed.

Comments welcome.

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A cool glance upward.


“What’s your name?”

Another glance. Finally, with grim reluctance:


“Melissa. That’s a very pretty name.”

A long silence.

“Don’t you want to know what my name is?”

“No, not really.”


Another long silence.

“How long have you been here?”

“What?” She looked over at the man with distracted annoyance.

“I asked, how long have you been here?”

She stared at him, shrugged irritably, and turned back to her magazine.

“I don’t know. What difference does it make?”

He studied her thoughtfully.

“Melissa, this is important. How long have you been here?” He spaced the words evenly, slowly....

Melissa sighed, and rolled her eyes up towards the ceiling.

“I said I don’t know. I can’t remember.” She flipped a couple of pages in the magazine angrily.

“Doesn’t it bother you, that you can’t remember?”

“No. But you are. Bothering me. Please go away.”

A long pause. Then he spoke again.

“All right, you don’t know how long you’ve been here. We’ll let that pass for a moment. Let’s try this, instead. Why are you here?”

“Why? What do you mean, ‘why?’ This is my bedroom, in my apartment, isn’t it? Do I have to have a reason to be in my own bedroom?” She glared into the corner of the room in which he sat. Her brown eyes smouldered beneath her bangs.

“Ah. OK.” He set his drink down on the table beside him, steepled his fingers and leaned back in his chair. “Now we’re making some progress. Maybe. You say that this is your bedroom... But are you sure it’s your bedroom?”

“Of course I’m sure. What a silly question.”

“Really? Look around, Melissa. Look around and tell me what you see.”

“If I do, then will you go away and let me read my magazine?”

He mutely looked back at her over his fingertips.

“All right, fine.” She looked around in an exaggerated fashion. “I see... you, and... my bed, and... my magazine, and.. um.. that thing I keep my clothes in.. and..” She hesitated. “..I guess that’s all.”

“ ‘That thing I keep my clothes in’.”

“Yeah.” She pointed a disdainful finger. “Can’t you see it? Right over there. The square brown thing. With the.. um.. hollow parts that pull out. And have clothes folded up inside.”

“The dresser?”

A frown, and a slow shake of the head. Her straight brown hair swished softly.

“No.. not a.. what you said... I can’t remember what it’s called off-hand.... Hm.. Oh well. It’ll come to me.” She shrugged, turned yet again to the magazine.

“OK.. so there’s me, and the bed, and the magazine, and the.. eh.. brown, clothes-holding thing. Anything else? On the walls, say?”

“You’re not going to leave me in peace, are you? On the walls? No. Why should there be anything on the walls?”

“Any.. holes.. or openings.. or anything?”

“Openings?” She looked around. “No. No openings.”

“So how did you get in here?”

Her head snapped up sharply, her expression showing true interest for the first time in the conversation.


“How did you get in here, if there are no openings?”

“Well.. I just...” She looked around, then uncurled her legs from under her and slid off of the covers. Abandoning the magazine on the bed, she paced over to the nearest wall, and touched it, gingerly, like she expected to be burned. Nothing. She slid her palm slowly across the plasterboard. “I just...”

“Describe the wall to me, Melissa.”

“The wall is smooth, white, and flawless.”

“And the other walls?”

“The other walls are smooth, white and flawless.” She turned slowly in a circle, confirming this fact. Blinking. “There are no holes or openings of any kind in any of the walls.”

“Now you see why I asked you those questions, Melissa? I’m very curious how you got in here.”

She spun around.

“Well... well, how did you get in here?”

“We’re not talking about me, Melissa. We’re talking about you. How did you get in here? How long have you been here? Why are you here? Answer the questions, Melissa.”

She stared around her, and gestured vaguely.

“I... I don’t know..”

“You don’t know. And you also can’t remember what the brown square thing is called. How did you mange to buy it, I wonder, if you can’t even remember what one is called?”

“Ha! It was easy! I went down to the furniture store, and I asked the salesman if they had any... uh... um...”

“Square brown things with hollow parts?”

“Yes! And he showed me some. Unlike you, he knew exactly what I was talking about. They had a whole selection of them. I picked one out, and paid for it and they even delivered it right here. In a big truck.” She stuck out her tongue at him. “So there, Mr. Smarty-Pants.”

“How did the delivery men get it in here?”


“Well, we’re back to that, aren’t we? How did the delivery men get the square brown thing into this room, with no openings in the walls?”

“I... they must have..” She stomped a well-shaped foot, and returned to the bed. “You’re impossible. I’m not going to talk to you anymore.” She hopped back on the bed, curled her legs back under her, and resumed flipping through the magazine.

“You realize, unless you find a way out of here, you’re going to starve to death. Or die of thirst.”

“I said I’m not talking to you anymore.”

“OK.. fine. Forget about the walls for a moment. A minute ago, you asked about me. Let’s talk about me, shall we?”

“How modest.”

“Yes. Do you usually have long conversations in your bedroom with strange men?”

“You’re not strange. Well, actually, you’re very strange, but..” She paused, and seemed to look at him for the first time.

“Do you recognize me, Melissa?”

“I.. a minute ago I thought I did.. but now.. I don’t think so... It’s funny, but I can’t seem to..”

“Seem to what?”

“Well.. this is so silly.. but I can’t.. see you. I mean, I see you sitting there in the chair, with your leg crossed over your knee, and sipping from that glass, but..”


“But.. I can’t see you. I- I can’t tell what color your hair is, or your eyes, or whether you’re tall or short. It’s.. it’s like you’re just a collection of.. words..”


“Yes... The word ‘face’ and ‘lips’ and ‘eyebrows’ and ‘hair..’ ”

“How extraordinary.”

“..and ‘teeth’ and ‘shoes..’ ”

“I understand, Melissa.”

“And your voice.. it’s like.. I’m seeing big black words.. appear in the air in front of me when you speak. I.. can’t hear your voice..”

“So if my voice were to speak to you later, in a normal fashion, you wouldn’t recognize it?”

She shook her head, mutely.

“I could walk right past you on the street, and you wouldn’t know who I am.”

“Yes... Can.. can we talk about something else now? I’m.. I’m getting a headache looking at you...”

“Oh, of course. I’m sorry. Actually, with the addition of this new evidence, I’m beginning to form a tentative hypothesis that might explain your situation.”

“Oh, do tell.” Sarcastic.

“Not just yet. Let’s.. confirm a few more facts, first, shall we?”

“Such as?”

“What’s the name of that magazine that’s so fascinating?”

She looked down at the cover.



“Yes. I suppose you’ve never heard of it.”

“Hmm. What’s the title of the article that you are reading?”


“Read me a little of it, would you?”

Melissa sighed and rolled her eyes.

“OK. Fine.” She flipped back a couple of pages. “Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah, blah. Blah. Blah blah. Blah blah blah.”

“You find that sort of thing interesting?”

“It’s fascinating.” Said more in a tone of determination than genuine enthusiasm.

“I see. Well, moving along, there’s the matter of your clothes.”

“What about my clothes?”

“Well.. how do I put this.. is that what you usually wear when lounging around your bedroom reading a magazine, Melissa?”

She looked down at herself, back up at him.

Her voice was dry.

“What’s a matter? Don’t you like it?”

“It’s.. very fetching. But wouldn’t, say, a nightgown, or lingerie, or something be more appropriate?” She stared blankly back at him, and he sighed.

“Would you describe, please, what you are wearing, Melissa.”

She looked down again, and spoke archly.

“I’m wearing a very nice evening gown, if you must know.”

“And what color is it?”

“It’s.. oh dear...”


“I just realized. It’s.. like your stupid face.. there’s just a word there.. two words.. ‘evening gown’. Right here.” She ran her finger across her bare stomach and frowned petulantly.

“So your evening gown is composed solely of the words ‘evening gown’, written across your stomach in black letters?”

“ I’m getting a headache again.”

“I’m sorry, Melissa. But I think we’re close to understanding what has happened here. Let’s review one last time, shall we? What do the walls look like?”

“The walls are smooth, white, and flawless.”

“And what are you wearing?”

“I’m wearing a very nice evening gown.”

“And that object there is..?”

“The brown square thing I store my clothes in.”

“Hmm. Yes. This is just a preliminary assessment, of course, but I think it’s very likely you’ve been hypnotized.”

“Hypnotized?” She stared at him in amazement, then laughed. “Oh, please. For a moment there, I thought you might actually have the answer.”

“I’m serious.”

“You are, aren’t you?” She laughed again. “That’s so funny!”


“Hypnotism doesn’t work like that.”

“How do you know, Melissa?”

“Well, everyone knows that. You can’t really make people forget things, do things, like robots.”

“Forget things. Like what the brown square thing is called, you mean?”

“I don’t want to talk about the stupid brown square thing anymore. Or how it got here, or how I got here. Or my evening gown.”

He leaned forward.

“It fits all of the facts. And the more we talk, the more convinced I am it’s true. In fact, I’ll go one step further. I think I hypnotized you.”

She immediately burst into peels of hysterical laughter, and toppled over onto the bed. She gasped gleefully:

“Oh, please stop. I can’t take any more of this..”

He continued, unperturbed.

“A skeptic, hmm? Well, let’s run some simple tests, shall we? First off, be quiet, Melissa.”

Her laughter stopped like a switch had been thrown. He cocked an eyebrow.

“Interesting. Now, I’m going to give you some more commands, Melissa. I want you to resist them. Resist them with all of your strength.”

Melissa sat up again. “This should be easy enough.”

“Stand up.”

She slid off the bed again, and rose to her feet.

“I told you to resist me.”

She stared down at her body.

“I.. I did.. I tried.. but..”

“Arms out at your sides, like you’re playing airplane.”

Her arms shot out into the indicated position, palms down, fingertips pointing towards the walls.

“Straighten up. No slouching. Good. Now start touching your toes.”

Her limber body twisted down, her left hand touching her right foot. Back up into the airplane position. Momentary pause. Right down to left. Arms always out straight.

“You’re not doing very well, Melissa.”

“I.. I don’t... understand... I hear... the words... and I’m... doing what you... tell me to do... before I can... even think about it..” She only spoke during the momentary pauses when she was upright.

“So are you now convinced that I hypnotized you?”

“No! There.. has to be.. some other.. explanation.. I just don’t..”

“Stop touching your toes.”

She froze, her arms once again out straight.

“You see, Melissa? You can’t resist my commands, even for a second. What other explanation can there be? But if you need more proof, let’s try something a little more.. um... intense. First of all, remove your evening gown.”

“No!” One hand wiped smoothly across her stomach, and she blinked. She looked at the appendage as if something gooey and unpleasant was stuck to it. Then the hand snapped sharply back into position and she spoke somewhat flatly. “I’ve removed my evening gown.”

“So I see. And you weren’t even wearing anything under it. How risque... Melissa, it now appears that you are naked and helpless before me. Naked and totally unable to resist my commands. How does that make you feel?”

“I..” She frowned, but not in anger.. “I’m not sure.. I.. I should be upset, or something, shouldn’t I? But.. I feel...”


“Calm. And...”

“And happy.”

“And happy.” She smiled placidly.

“And incredibly horny.”

“And.. ooooh...” Her face flushed and she almost started panting.

“Yes, Melissa. I hypnotized you. Do you remember now?”

“Noo.. I can’t..” She swallowed hard, and stared at the wall across the room from her. “..Can’t remember.. anything... so hot..”

“That’s the beauty of the situation. Think about it, Melissa.” he leaned forward. “I could be absolutely anyone. Maybe I’m a mind-controlling telepath who just picked you casually, randomly, off of the street, to play with for an hour or two. Or maybe I’m the ignored nerd who sits next to you at work every day, who decided to make his fantasies reality. Or maybe I’m your loving husband, and you wanted to do all of this, volunteered eagerly, even demanded that I hypnotize you...”

“Demanded... Why... why would.. oooohhh.. I do that..” Her voice was puzzled, but her mouth continued to smile.

“But what’s even more fascinating, is that it doesn’t matter in the slightest how you originally came to be in this position. When I’m done with you here today, when you are no longer amusing, I can make... or change... our relationship into whatever I desire. Get married to you. Get a divorce from you. Turn you into my 24-hour personal body slave. Or maybe I’ll just send you on your way, and have you forever forget this ever happened. Or maybe I’ll have you think about this encounter every minute of every day and re-live it every night in your dreams. Waking each morning to a massive, mind-blowing orgasm as you relive how I made you my slave, bent you utterly to my will. Thinking about it constantly, but totally unable to tell anyone about it. Would you like that, Melissa?”

“I.. NO! I mean.. I... ooohhh...”

“I could make you want it, you know. With a single command.” He paused for a moment, appearing to consider something. “But, now that I think about it, you can’t really give me an informed answer, can you? You need to know how powerful the orgasm would be, don’t you?”


“Well, that’s easily cured. There’s an orgasm building inside you now, Melissa. As I said, you’re already incredibly turned on. Incredibly horny. Now, can you feel it building inside of you? Getting hotter and hotter. An inferno, burning inside you, down at your very core. A raging forest fire. A continent of forest fires. The heart of the sun. You’ve never been this hot and horny before. Ever. Not even in your deepest, darkest fantasies. Have you?”

“N.. nooo... Never.. never been this hotttt.. ohhhh...”

“That’s right. And it just keeps building and building. Bigger and bigger. Better and better. You can feel the orgasm building within you now, more and more powerful. It’s almost here now. Almost time to orgasm. The biggest orgasm ever.”

Her naked body gleamed with sweat; her eyelids fluttered as her entire frame shook with deep, gasping breaths. She had passed beyond the ability to speak.

“And you’re so ready to orgasm. You’ve never been this ready. You have to orgasm. And in a moment you will orgasm. Coming, building, bigger and bigger... and bigger...”

“Ng... ng...”

“And... cum. Keep cumming. Don’t stop cumming. Can’t stop cumming.”

She screamed and screamed, her body jerking powerfully, rhythmically, again and again, even as her arms remained rigidly outstretched.

“Cumming and cumming and cumming.. Feel the pleasure... Wave after hot, sticky, glorious wave breaking over you. Each bigger, deeper, wetter than the last.”

Her mouth was still moving, her vocal chords still tensed, but no sound came out. Her voice whistled away to nothing.

“And now, finally, the waves dropping away, rolling away, the pleasure is leaving you. Slowly, slowly leaving. Going away. Almost gone now. Gone.”

Her head dropped forward, her mouth hanging open.

“There Melissa. That is what you would feel every morning. If I desire it, you will relive that every morning as you open your eyes.”

She raised her head and stared at him, her expression a glazed mixture of desire and fear. He smiled back and raised his eyebrows.

“An interesting thought, no? But the best is yet to come.” He rose to his feet, and began to slowly, slowly, undo the ‘buttons’ on his ‘shirt’. “I’m taking off my clothes now, my little hypnotic slave. And that’s what you are, my obedient little hypno-slut. With every piece of clothing I remove, your slutty slave body become more aroused. More hot. More shameless and needy. Once again, building to a massive orgasm. An even bigger orgasm than the one that has just swept over you. Coming over you. Slowly building.” He slipped out of the shirt, and she gave a little moan, watching him now with fixed intensity. “But this time, you can’t cum until I cum. You want.. need.. already so badly to cum, but you can’t cum again until your master’s cock cums inside you. Deep inside you. Deep inside your hot, wet, slave cunt. So you’d better work extra hard to make me cum. Otherwise, you just might be stuck feeling like this.. forever.” He stepped out of his pants, and she moaned again. Then his underpants. He was naked. Her slightly glazed eyes widened.

“What do you see, slave Melissa?”

“Your penis.. It’s.. different than the rest.. of your... your words.. red.. throbbing.. I... uuuuhhhh... I can’t take my eyes off.. it.”

“Of course not.” He sauntered over to the bed, pushed the magazine aside and casually laid down on his back, his hands behind his head. “Because it’s the most important thing in your world, now. The only important thing, in fact. The only thing with even the slightest shred of significance. Because it’s the only thing in the universe with the power to let you cum. To let you feel the orgasm which your slave body needs so badly to feel.” He paused for a long moment, as if savoring something, then asked: “That was one of the many questions you never answered, slave Melissa. But now I think we both know. Why did you come here?”

“Yes, I know now. I came here to service your p-penis. Please allow me to service your penis and to c-cum.”

“I didn’t quite catch that, slave. What did you say?”

“I..” She blinked once, slowly, lips slightly parted. “Master, your slave c-came here to service her Master’s p-penis. Please allow your slutty hypno-slave to service her Master’s penis. Please let your hypno-slave help her Master to experience pleasure and to cum.”

“Yes. All right. You have my permission to try and help me to cum. And if you do a really good job, then your slutty hypno-slave body will be rewarded, with another orgasm. The biggest one yet. Much bigger than the last one. Much bigger.”

“..Much bigger...” She struggled, her body twitching, but remaining locked in position. “M..Master? Your.. your hypno-slave needs her Master’s permission to.. m.. move before she can help her Master to cum.”

“Hmm? Oh, yes. You may move now, slave Melissa.”

She lowered her arms with a grateful little gasp, and then was on top of him, merging with him, sliding her eager, wanton, body down over his fiery red Penis, filling her inside places with its warmth and mass..

It didn’t take long, but it seemed like an eternity. They wound around each other ever more tightly, the fire of each spreading through the other’s body. Spreading massively, unstoppably..

And then exploding.

In the biggest orgasm ever.


A smile across the rumpled, sweat-stained, bed.


“What’s your name?”

A shifting of naked arms and legs. Drawing closer.

“Slave Melissa.”

“That’s a very pretty name.”

Another, wider, smile.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t you want to know my name?”

“I already know your name. Master.”


Another long silence. At least, a space with no words. Finally..

“And how long have you been here, slave Melissa?”

“Forever. Forever and a day.”

“And why are you?”

“I’ve been waiting for my Master.”

“And what’s that square brown thing over there? With the hollow parts?”

“Whatever my Master wants it to be.”


“Yes, Master?”

“I guess the most important question of all. Would you like to wake up every morning reliving that orgasm? Whatever our relationship was before, we still have to decide what it’s going to be.. from now on.”

“Yes. Of course I’d like to wake up every morning to that. But..”


“I can think of a better way to wake up each morning.”

“Ah? And what would that be?”

“Why don’t” She leaned closer, breathing the words into his ear.. “I just show you? ..Master..”

And that’s exactly what she did.

And in doing so, she answered everybody’s questions..
