The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: The Training

Tagline: During World War II, an RAF girl discovers a new meaning of the phrase “commanding officer”.

“Annie, can I borrow a pair of stockings? I have to go see Major Garnier this afternoon.”

Elizabeth Montgomery spoke to her friend Ann Palliser. They two WAAFs were sitting in the Comms Room at Sandheath Estate, which had been converted to a RAF base at the start of the War. Elizabeth and Ann had joined up the previous year, when they finished school. Their job was to staff the radio communications with the RAF pilots during missions, and afterwards to log the maintenance reports on the returned aircraft.

“Will you promise to be careful with them, Liz? They cost me a arm and a leg.”

Elizabeth turned and considered her friend. Ann Palliser was small and bubbly, with curling blonde hair. Elizabeth, shy and unaware of her own dark good looks, thought that Ann was the prettiest girl she knew. “An arm and a leg? I thought that American you were dating gave them to you.”

“Well, he did, but... I still had to give him an arm and a leg, and another arm and leg, and a lot more besides!” she laughed.

Elizabeth laughed too. “Well, I’ll be ever so careful with them. I wouldn’t want you to go through all that again. If you really don’t want to.”

Annie grinned. “I wouldn’t mind, but he’s not on my radar any more. He got posted to Africa. And none of the men here ring my bell. You go ahead. That Major is quite dishy. They may come in handy. Just don’t snag them on his belt buckle.”

Elizabeth blushed at this sally. She wasn’t quite a virgin—she had had a brief affair with an airman until he was lost over Germany—but Annie’s frankness was alien to Elizabeth’s modest upbringing. Elizabeth liked Annie, but she was a little shocked at Annie’s morals. Elizabeth would never sleep with a man in order to get favours or gifts. She thought it was next door to whoring.

* * *

Major Garnier’s office was in the manor house of the estate, which he had requisitioned as his HQ. It was a huge, high-ceilinged room with tall bay windows and leather furniture. In front of the blazing fire was a tigerskin rug.

The Major was about 30, fit and dapper in a razor-pressed uniform. He had blue eyes and a thin pencil moustache. “Good afternoon, Private Montgomery. I’ve asked you here because the boffins at Bletchley Park have invented some new equipment for pilot training. They say it will enable our airmen to memorise detailed maps of Germany in jig time, before they go on missions. They won’t remember it for long, but long enough to fly to Berlin and back. I’d like to try it out on you first. You’ll memorise some new maintenance log procedures.” He invited Liz to sit in a large armchair in one corner of the room. He took a seat just out of her vision, at a desk littered with electronic equipment.

“Private Montgomery, please put those headphones on. This training recording will tell you everything you need to know.” He put a spool of silvery wire into a wire recorder. Liz removed her uniform cap to put the heavy black headset on. There was a hiss as Major Garner switched the recorder to ‘Play’, and then a brief run of musical tones. “Just relax and listen to the recording. It describes some new procedures for you to become familiar with.”

Liz sat back in the comfy armchair and listened. A male voice began describing some new types of reports, similar to the reports she already filed, on aircraft missions and maintenance. While she listened, the Major pressed a switch under his desk and glanced at the rack of equipment on the wall behind the girl. A light went from green to red. A tiny aerial hidden inside her headphones swiched on. Liz noticed only that the dry narration suddenly became far more interesting. Without any change in the subject matter, she found herself focussing with perfect attention to the description of new forms and reports. How fascinating! What an excellent set of procedures! She drank in the bureaucratic rigamarole, effortlessly memorizing form IDs and repair categories.

After a long while, the voice stopped reciting aircraft part numbers. There was a pause, a click, and then a different male voice spoke. Liz recognised it as Major Garnier. “Private, listen very carefully. You enjoy this training. You like receiving this new information. You like being taught. You will not want to take off the headphones until you are ordered to. If you hear anything surprising or even disturbing, you will accept it as part of the training.” A pause. “You feel very relaxed and comfortable. While you’re here, you can be casual about your uniform. You want to unfasten your hairclip and shake down your hair.” A pause. “Good. That makes you more attractive. You like looking attractive to me. You feel very attractive in your uniform. Now stand up. Don’t worry, the cord is long enough. Good. You like receiving orders this way. When you receive orders this way, from my voice, you want to obey them at once. It makes you happy. You don’t feel this way about everyone’s orders, only about the orders I give you. If you understand, nod your head. Good. You like this training. You want to do this training again. You know that the training wears off in a few days, so you will want to return here to take the training again and again. If you take the training enough times it will become permanent. You want the training to be permanent. If you find that the training is wearing off, you will not tell anyone about what happens in this building. You will look forward to taking the training again, so that it will not wear off any more. You will return here as often as I command you to, to take the training again, and to obey my orders. Do you understand? Good.”

There was a pause. Liz knew that something unusual was occurring. She thought that maybe the Major was using the training for his own personal purposes. That was OK. Liz wanted the Major to train her. She enjoyed being trained. If she obeyed him, maybe he would train her again.

“You feel very happy. Being with me makes you happy, doesn’t it. You know that I am the finest, most attractive man you ever met. You know that whenever you are with me, you feel happy. Your happiness depends on mine. You want to do whatever you can to please me, because then you will be pleased too. If you can give me what I really want, you will feel content, and relaxed, and fulfilled. There’s no need for you to remember these things I’m telling you. But they will become true anyway. If you do think about them, you’ll remember that they are your own ideas.” There was a click and the recording ceased.

Major Garnier walked around to stand in front of her. “Liz, you can take off the headphones now.” She felt a slight dizziness as she removed the headphones, but then it passed, and she focussed all her attention on Major Garnier. She couldn’t keep her eyes off him. He was so handsome and manly. She wondered if she was falling in love. With part of her mind she knew that it wasn’t really love, that she had been conditioned by the training, but that seemed unimportant; as soon as she thought about it, she forgot it.

“Liz, how do you feel?” he said, watching her carefully.

“I feel fine, Sir. I enjoyed that training. I’m sure I learned a lot. And... I’d be happy to do anything else you want, sir. Anything.”

“Excellent. There’s more to this experiment. Remove your jacket, please.” Liz shucked off her jacket and dropped it to the chair. She knew, somehow, that casual uniform was allowed here. And it was very pleasant to obey his order.

“And now remove your blouse.” Without thinking, Liz unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. Her fingers had dropped to the second button, when it occurred to her that something was strange here. She froze. Could a superior officer ask her to remove her blouse? She wanted to obey him, and she knew it was her duty to follow orders, but...

“I... I don’t think that’s right, sir. Is it?”

“Of course it’s all right. You’re a soldier. You do as you’re commanded.”

Liz had heard stories about officers who had taken liberties with WAAFs. Girls would rarely report a superior officer. But it was important to maintain her own integrity.

“I’m sorry sir, but I just can’t do that. I’m sure your intentions are quite correct, but someone might misinterpret them. And what if someone came in?”

“No-one will come in. And nothing bad will happen. I’ll tell you what, just undo another button.”

She wanted to obey. He was being very considerate. Just another button would still be quite decent. She relented. She unbuttoned the second button, and had a sudden sensation of warmth and relaxation. How nice it was to follow his orders!

“Very good. You’ve absorbed the training very well, Private.” Liz basked in his praise. She wanted to please him more.

“And now another button.” She was surprised at this, and knew she shouldn’t do it, but it had felt so nice to undo the previous button. Just one more couldn’t hurt. She’d definitely stop after this one. She was sure he’d be a gentleman and not press her to go further. Her fingers worked, and when the button came free she felt a rush of almost physical pleasure, stronger than before. She couldn’t help smiling.

“And another.”

This time she didn’t hesitate. She was rewarded with another spike of happiness. “What’s happening to me?” she said, smiling.

“It’s just a consequence of the training. You’re being conditioned to obey me. That makes you happy. And now the rest of the buttons, please.”

With each button she felt a burst of pleasure. She knew the conditioning was deepening its hold on her. It was becoming impossible to disobey him. That was all right. She knew that she loved him. She would do whatever he wanted. In a moment the blouse fell to the chair.

Major Garnier smiled as he saw her full breasts, cupped by her lacy pink brassiere. She felt at ease, and very feminine, and full of an excited anticipation.

“And now, Private, please remove your other clothing. Slowly.”

* * *

In a few minutes Liz lay on the soft tigerskin hearthrug. The fire warmed her smooth limbs. She wore only her pale blue garter belt and the sheer silk stockings that Annie had lent her. Standing above her, Major Garner was removing his clothes. She arched her back, and smiled at his intent gaze. Her breasts stood firm and peaky. Swiftly he lay down beside her and ran his strong hands over her body. “You feel obedient and submissive. You want to become docile, and submissive, and appreciative. But only to me. When I touch you, you feel pleasure greater than any touch has ever given you. You want to please me so I will touch you again and again.”

“Oh yes darling” she gasped, “Yes I do oh I do oh yes yes...”

He kissed her mouth as she pressed against him. She stroked his back and legs with her long fingers. He put a hand between her knees, and by reflex, she held them closed, trapping his hand. Fears of what happened to “loose girls” rose up in her mind. She whimpered, uncertain what to do.

He smiled and whispered to her. “In a moment I will count to 10, and you will open your knees. At first you won’t want to open them, and you will try to resist, but by the time I reach 5 you will find that you are beginning to want to. When I reach 10 you will find that you cannot resist and you will give in to the desire. 1, 2, 3...”

“No, I mustn’t...” She tried to keep his hand immobile between her knees, but her will was weak, wavering.

“4, 5...”

“Oh god darling please don’t ... oh... I can’t stop...” She felt desire well up within her. She knew in a moment she would not be able to resist. It would feel so good to give in...

“6, 7, 8, 9, 10.” A wave of release swept over her as she parted her knees. His hand slowly slid down her inner thigh. Slower and slower, pausing, moving another inch, pausing. She began to toss her head back and forth on the rug. “Oh god darling... don’t tease... I know I shouldn’t but I want you to touch me... oh...” Without thinking, she put her hand over his and moved it down to the warm core of her sex. He began to stroke her there, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out with joy. His other hand caressed her breast, tugging at the swollen nipple. When he slipped a finger inside her, she wrapped one silk-clad leg around his waist and cried, “Oh yes! Darling! Now! Please!”

He rolled on top of her, as she lifted her silken thighs high against his ribs. Deliriously she reached down to guide him, but there was no need: he pressed forward and his rigid cock sank deep into the purse of fire. She screamed, then arched her body up to meet his. She knew that her duty was to please him, but it was her delight as well. He slid deep inside her again and again, his hard pelvis pounding against her soft upturned bottom. She had never felt anything so pleasurable. A red mist filled her mind. He slid a hand under the base of her spine, to lift her higher up against him. She felt like she was floating, flying, hurtling down into a bottomless canyon of brilliant sensation. He was speaking to her, and every word etched itself into the fabric of her mind. “You belong to me now. You will do anything to make me happy.” She thrilled to realise that he was conditioning her, that her pleasure was reinforcing his words, imbedding them in her mind. “This time you came here because I ordered you to. But next time you’ll come because you want to. And after that you will come, again and again, because you need to.”

“Yes darling I will, oh god I will, I love you, oh god, yes, oh god...”

He went on with inescapable authority, “If you have a friend, another girl who you think is pretty, you will persuade her to come for the training. Don’t tell her what the training is about. It will be a surprise. You won’t be jealous. You will be happy for her.”

Liz was beyond words. In her mind’s eye she saw a tall beautiful vase being slowly filled with molten silver. The hot silver rose closer and closer to the brim, rippling and gleaming with the reflected red and yellow of the fire. It filled the vase, brimming, swirling, threatening to spill over. For a moment it hung suspended there; she felt a thrilling pulsation begin, deep within her, trapping him, squeezing him; and then suddenly the silver was overflowing, splashing her, burning her, destroying her.

* * *

Liz lay contentedly, facing the fire. Major Garnier lay behind her, silently smoking a cigarette. Outside the high bay windows darkness had fallen, and the room was dim except for the dancing firelight. She liked the fire’s warmth on her moist limbs. He had fucked her and fucked her until she could scarcely remember her own name. “He fucked me.” She enjoyed saying that phrase to herself, which a few hours earlier would have shamed and embarrassed her. “He fucked me.” She felt content, and relaxed, and fulfilled. She couldn’t wait to tell Annie... No, that wasn’t right, the Major had ordered her not to tell anyone what happened here. Never mind, Annie would find out for herself. Liz would bring Annie here, and the Major would train Annie as well. Liz hoped he would let her watch.

Thinking of Annie, Liz glanced down at her silky legs. Both stockings had runs. Perhaps in her ecstasy she had kicked something. Oh well, she would have to find a new pair of stockings for Annie. Maybe the Major would get her some.