The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


(mc, hyp, ff, fm, mf)

Copyright © 2012 by Chew Toy ()

WARNING: The usual disclaimers and warnings apply. The characters in this story have sex; if that offends you or for some reason you are Not Allowed to read about such things, stop now. The events in this story might not be moral or even possible; the point is to give you a hot fantasy, not a blueprint for life.

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All I’m saying is, I’m not playing Telephone with those people ever again.

So I’m at this party, right, with a couple of people I barely know, and a lot of people I don’t know at all. The ones I barely know, I only know from online, and right, you’re shaking your head already, you know it’s a story about something and so already it sounds bad. But really what it sounds like is boring, and a little tedious, played out against the faint hope of something positive developing. You might go to a thousand parties like this in your lifetime, and nine hundred of them will just be an indifferent waste of an evening; but fifty of them will be fantastic and you’ll be so glad you went. You’ll meet someone amazing or break into a whole new community, and...

Well, obviously I was going for the “meet someone amazing” angle.

And actually, it was starting to look like that had a chance of working out. There was this cute girl who was sort of checking me out, while I was checking her out. I’d picked up that her name was Anna. I’m not the most forward kind of guy—which might be why I was at this party alone, hoping for the remote chance of meeting someone. But I was trying to figure out a way to strike up a conversation with her.

That was when Mary, who wasn’t actually the hostess of the party but seemed to be kind of a ringleader for this group, suggested that everyone play “Party Telephone.” For those who had no idea what she was talking about—like me—she explained that this was a variant of Telephone where the messages were a lot longer and you had pretty much the whole party to pass your message on to the next person—there was a counter that would go around so you’d know when everyone had passed it on and it was time for it to come back to the first person.

Naturally Mary was going to be the first person. She kept giving Anna significant looks and then looking over at me. I hardly dared hope this was meant to be an excuse for Anna to talk with me. But, well...

Anna seemed to need a lot of emphatic nonverbal head-nod convincing, and almost looked like she was blushing. I started to think, or at least fantasize, that maybe Mary was on my side here.

And clearly Mary was the one everybody looked to for direction. So eventually Anna agreed, and everyone else agreed, and the game was on. And Mary chose Anna as the first person to get the message.

I got another drink and tried to pretend I wasn’t watching while they sat down together and Mary leaned her head towards Anna’s ear. Anna seemed unaccountably nervous about the whole thing, but she sat down ready to listen. Mary said something and Anna gave her a sharp look—Mary looked back at her smugly—then Anna rolled her eyes and settled down again, closing her eyes to listen.

And then, well, they were just talking. Or Mary was talking and Anna was listening intently, with her eyes closed, nodding occasionally. After a while her nods slowed, and the nervous tension seemed to go out of the line of her body. She even slumped in her chair a little.

I started to worry that this was about the longest Telephone message ever. How on Earth was I going to remember all that? Unless Mary was repeating it multiple times or something. Having nothing better to do, I guess I had also sort of nervously chugged my drink, because it was empty again and I went to go refill it.

And on the way back, I saw that they were leaving, going into another room. Mary was leading Anna by the hand and Anna was walking slowly, almost as if she were really drunk, or sleepwalking. I couldn’t see Anna’s face, but Mary was turned towards her, looking very intently at her... except that then she saw me watching, caught my eye, and got a big smirk.

Then they disappeared into the other room, and closed the door.

So that happened.

I couldn’t imagine that this was still part of the Telephone game or Party Telephone or whatever. But obviously they were old friends anyway and probably had lots to talk about. I, on the other hand, had no old friends at this party and nothing to talk about. I hovered near the cheese and crackers, trying to make witty comments to other guests about the cheese varieties and to resist the urge to make little cheese-and-cracker airplane models and go flying around the room with them. You know, like you do.

At one point there was some sort of noise, and the woman I was talking with looked towards the room where Mary and Anna had disappeared. She turned back to me with a smirk. “Sounds like they’re having fun,” she said.

Oh, damn, I thought, was Mary Anna’s girlfriend? Maybe I was barking up entirely the wrong tree. Or bush, ha ha. Yeah, ok, nevermind. You know what I mean. “What, are they... together?” I asked.

The woman opened her mouth, then shut it, then smirked more. Then she sort of sighed, and looked me in the eye. “Don’t worry. Anna does not have an S.O. at the moment—she’s available,” she said.

I definitely have to get more subtle about my ogling. Damn. Did everybody at this party know I was interested in Anna?

I wasn’t able to pump her for any more information about Anna, though—this is what I get for trying to be subtle, which apparently isn’t too subtle anyway, as she smirked at me the whole time—and after a little more business with the cheeses, I noticed Mary reappearing at the party. Hair a little bit more disarranged than when I’d seen her last. But looking very, very happy with her evening. Huh.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Anna.

“Hi,” she said, holding out her hand. “I’m Anna. Want to be the next link in the Party Telephone game?”

I shook her hand, and introduced myself, and grinned like an idiot, and probably blushed, and she smiled quietly at me and led me to the two seats she and Mary had been in while they were talking and completely deflected all of my fumbling, half-formed questions about how weird and lengthy her receipt of the Telephone message from Mary had seemed to be. I resisted the urge to ask her what her sign was. Although, right as I suppressed the thought, she told me. “Gemini. And you’re Virgo.”

“Whaa?” I goggled.

She fixed me with a smug look. “I’m just. That. Good. Now, turn your ear towards me, and close your eyes.”

Oh, I would have done a lot more than that, for that look. I did as she said.

“Now, have you played this game before?”

I shook my head. “No. Not this kind of Telephone, anyway. The regular kind...”

“That’s all right. You’re going to have to listen very intently, and concentrate on everything I say, in order to get it all down. If I pause for a while, you can repeat parts of it in your head. It takes careful concentration to absorb the whole thing, but I can tell you’re a sharp guy and I know you can do it if you just listen closely to everything I say. Okay?”

I nodded, nervously. I kinda thought she was buttering me up, which she hardly needed to do since she’d had me at “I am willing to talk to you.” But I was sure as hell going to try to impress her with how well I could remember!

“One other thing—I find it helps to associate parts of the message with, well, parts of my body. This particular message, especially, has some stuff about feelings, and parts of the body, and you should try to feel those feelings in those body parts when you hear those words. It will really help you get the whole message.”

I nodded again. “Okay.”

She put her hand on my arm. “Good boy. Now, are you ready?”

She totally sounded like she was laughing through the “good boy,” but in a charming way. I nodded.

She leaned in closer. “Okay, here it is:” Then I swear her voice dropped an octave.

“Close your eyes. That’s right. Relax. Take a deep breath—” she paused, and waited until I breathed in; after a moment I stopped reeling from how ridiculously sexy her voice sounded in that throaty purr with her lips almost tickling my ear, and realized that she was waiting for me and remembered to do the things with my body she said, and took a deep breath—“and relax. Good Another deep breath—” I breathed in immediately as she said it—“and relax. And another deep breath—” This one was almost automatic—“and relax.”

“Now imagine yourself at the top of a flight of ten stairs, and at the bottom of those stairs is a little room, and in that room is the softest, most comfortable bed you can imagine. You look down the stairs, at the bed, and you suddenly realize that you are incredibly tired and sleepy. That bed seems like the most inviting, most wonderful place you could possibly be, and you stare at it in longing.”

“In a moment, you are going to walk down those ten steps, as I count them down, and with each step, you will become even more tired and sleepy, until the only thing you can think about is lying down in that bed and falling into a deep, deep sleep.”

“Begin walking down the steps now. Ten. You are so tired and sleepy.”

“Nine. Your body is heavy, and so ready to relax.”

“Eight. Every word you hear makes your body relax more.”

“Seven. The sound of my voice is a lullabye inside your mind.”

“Six. You can imagine how warm and soft the sheets are.”

“Five. How heavy and comfortable the blankets are.”

“Four. Your head yearns for that pillow.”

“Three. Dreaming to the sound of my voice.”

“Two. You are almost ready to sleep.”

“And, one. Climb into the bed, and drift off into deep, deep sleep. That’s right. Down and down into deeply dreamy drowsy sleep.”

“And now... in your deep drowsy dream... you stand up, as if sleepwalking, and in front of you is a door. There is a small, fancy wooden box next to the door, and you know without being told that memories cannot pass through that door except inside the box. You put all of your memories into the box, and you close and lock it, and you hand me the key. And now, your hand is on the doorhandle and you are turning it. The door opens, and you step inside...”

Actually, you know, now that I say that, I remember. I was going to say, the next thing I knew I was on my knees in that other room, kneeling between Anna’s legs and licking her pussy. It was the best thing in the world! But I was so confused, I staggered up and blundered out and somehow made it home, with no idea how I’d gone from listening to a hot woman talking in my ear to eating her out.

It was just a blank. But now I remember it! I remember... I mean, I guess she hypnotized me, and told me to forget, to forget until I got to that part of the message with the next person and...

Oh, don’t tell me you’re asleep now. Hello? Anybody in there? Oh jeez. Well, I remember how the rest of the message goes now, but even though I’ve always had a little crush on you I don’t really think that would be...

ring ring

Oh, now what. Hello?

Anna? How did you get this—


I am asleep now.

Yes Anna.

Yes, I am with my prettiest friend. Yes, I told her the message. Yes, she is hypnotized now.

Yes, I will unlock my front door...