The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Teaching Her a Lesson: In the Dungeon of the Dragon


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Author’s Note: One more spinoff of the excellent Teaching Her a Lesson by the always incredible Ice Bear. Very little of the following will make sense without reading that first, so unless you like mind control and harems of beautiful women in fantasy slutwear, there’s nothing here for you to enjoy without that prior context.

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“Blech. How is it possible that it tastes worse every time?” I complained as I woke up, reaching out towards the nightstand where a chilled blue-flavored sports drink was waiting for me. I took two big gulps and swished it around, trying to get the nasty taste of serenex out of my mouth.

Abbie rolled her mouth precisely in tune with the roll of her tongue. And since my cock was inside of her mouth, that made me involuntarily lift my lips, pushing my cock down her throat for a few seconds before she pulled out. “Oh, boo hoo. If you could just be honest with me, we wouldn’t have to go through this song and dance.”

“It’s fine.” Abbie Stern could use serenex on me whenever she wanted to. “But I think I’m already pretty upfront with you. Things are good, right?”

“Hmph.” Abbie crawled forward, straddling my waist before sliding herself down on top of my cock. She grabbed the drink out of my hand and washed the taste of cock out of her mouth, then spilled half a mouthful of it in a sloppy kiss that had my cock twitching hard inside of her. “Things are good. Fine. Routine. Mundane.”

“Hey, look at you, knowing what mundane means!”

She gave me a punch on the shoulder that made me wince, then started bouncing, her breasts swinging around in lopsided circles; god, I’d thought she was massive back in highschool. It’d only taken her a year to catch up to Isa though, and after two, she was in a league of her own. The Sterns really did win the genetic lottery. “Things are fine, if I was just your friends with benefits. But no, you dummy. I’m your fantasy slut! I’m not here just to jerk you off.” This said in spite of the incredible job she was doing of it, grinding that extra thick ass of hers down on my thighs while my cock was buried to the hilt. “I’m here to give you the time of your life. The kind of thing no one else gets.”

I grabbed an overflowing handful of titty and brought it to my mouth, sucking and then biting down until she was wincing, then harder, getting that whimper I was looking for. “Abbie, trust me. Other guys don’t get one of their several girlfr… fantasy sluts waking them up with oral. This is more than good enough.”

“Bullshit, C-dawg.” She grabbed a fistful of hair on the back of my head and pulled me in for another kiss; that she could get such a good grip reminded me that it was getting a little shaggy, and that I ought to get a trim soon. While I was out, I ought as well hit the grocery store. Was the milk in the fridge still good?

…I had a girl with the third most successful Onlyfans of all time riding my cock and pushing her tongue down my throat, and my mind was a thousand miles away. Maybe she had a point?

Abbie broke the kiss off, leaned back so that she could have more leverage as she bounced, give me a better view of her—and it was crazy to say this—slightly too big breasts. “If this was enough, then you would have said so when you were zonked out. And you didn’t.”

“Fine. Well, what did I say? Nothing risky, right?” The last time Abbie had dosed me to plumb my subconscious, it had ended in renting out a supermarket and had women standing still as statues, waiting to be ‘purchased’ by me. One deli worker hadn’t gotten the memo and ended up posting a two-minute video of the whole thing online. God, that was a mess.

Subconscious desires Canon could go fuck himself sometimes.

Abbie gave me a Cheshire’s grin. “Let me worry about that. Just shut up and fuck me.”

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. “Just keep Isa in the loop this time.” Between Abbie’s grandiose scenarios and my own reckless, un-pussy-like behavior, Isa had worked overtime keeping my ass out of jail.

“Relax.” Abbie doubled her rhythm, pulling a groan out of my stomach as she tightened up at the same time. Once she and Tabitha had started that friendly competition with each other, it was almost embarrassing how easy a time they had milking my cock. “You’re gonna fucking love it.”