The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Talked Me Into It

(mc, md, mf, ff, nc?)

This story may be reposted in any on-line medium, so long as no one is charged any amount for access to the story, and the above e-mail address and this disclaimer are retained verbatim.

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Dr. Nancy Erickson looked across the desk at the couple sitting politely on the couch in her office, and looked back down at the papers. After nearly a decade in marriage and family work, she could almost always tell the dynamic between a couple within the first few minutes of their sitting down, but this one was a puzzler, and she didn’t like puzzles. They disconcerted her, and having to keep from staring at Rebecca Carver was not making her any more composed.

Not staring was difficult. Mrs. Carver was an extremely beautiful woman. Nancy wasn’t used to making assessments like that, especially not of clients, but there was no denying it. Although forms she and her husband had filled out while waiting for the appointment said she was 32, she probably got carded regularly. Petite, with long, black hair, cascades of perfect curls, and huge dark eyes in a triangular, pale, exotic face. In the plain white summer dress she was wearing, she looked ... angelic. Her makeup, although a bit overdone, emphasized her full mouth and perfect cheekbones.

Nancy turned back to the forms. Focus on the facts, she chided herself. Every marriage is different, especially unhappy ones. She looked the paperwork over: She’s a manager at a bank; Daniel Carver, the husband, 34, a marketing vice-president for a company whose name could mean anything from insurance to laundry soap. Tons of money, from the look of them; expensive clothes, pricey but not gaudy jewelry on both. Married 7 years. Seven year itch, she thought wryly; it’s true, from six to eight years is the roughest period for most couples.

She glanced up again. One last try: what is going on here, just from looking? Rebecca was sitting demurely, politely, hands in her lap, perfect posture. She looks like she’s been called into the principal’s office, Nancy thought, but also like the student who never, ever does anything wrong. Daniel sat back on the couch next to Rebecca’s chair, relaxed, a perfect mixture of concern and composure on his face. No arrogance, no reserve, an open book. Friendly, but not too friendly. Light blue eyes in a handsome, almost pretty face, clean-shaven, light brown hair, immaculately trimmed. He might as well wear a pin that reads, “Daniel, a Nice Young Man,” thought Nancy. Perfectly safe. Well, the strangest people appear perfectly safe.

OK, thought Nancy, time to break the spell.

“So, Rebecca, since you made the appointment, I’ll ask you some questions first. Is that OK, Rebecca? Daniel?”

Rebecca blinked, obviously have been lost in thought while waiting for the conversation to begin. “Oh, yes, certainly, Dr. Erickson.”

Nancy smiled. “Nancy, please.”

Rebecca relaxed, just a bit. “OK, uh, Nancy.”

“How did you and Daniel meet?” Nancy asked, sitting back in her chair.

Rebecca glanced over at Daniel. “Uh, well, we went to college together. We only sort of knew each other then, you know, nodding acquaintance in the halls. Well, we went our separate ways out of college, I started working at the bank, and we lost track of each other.”

“Really didn’t try to keep track of each other,” said Daniel, in a nice, mellow, clear voice, smiling just enough. Charisma to burn, Nancy noted. He’s very, very good as a marketer, I’m sure.

Rebecca nodded, smiling back. “Well, um, we ran into each other at a party. You know, friends from college, wanted to see the old crowd. We spent most of the party talking with each other, and then we started dating. And, uh, it sort of went the usual way. Moved in together. Got married.”

Nancy smiled encouragingly. “And how long had you been dating before you got married?”

Rebecca stopped, and thought about it. “Well, that party was, when, March? And we moved in together in April, and I guess the wedding was... November.”

Nancy raised an eyebrow, even though she knew she shouldn’t. “Moved in together after a month?”

Rebecca blushed; against her porcelain-doll complexion, even her blush was perfect. This woman makes most models look like sacks of potatos, thought Nancy. Rebecca said, “Well, it... it seemed like the thing to do.”

Marry at haste, regret at leisure, Nancy thought; all of those aphorisms are much more true than people want to believe. Of course, at the ripe old age of 36, she still hadn’t been married; picking through the wreckage of other people’s relationships can make the whole idea seem a bit absurd.

Daniel smiled, again. Perfect teeth, too, both of them. Are these two pod people? Nancy thought sourly. “I sort of talked her into it.”

Rebecca straighted up, as if Daniel had triggered something by that innocuous statement. “That’s it! Exactly! He talked me into it!”

Nancy blinked. OK, now we’re getting somewhere. “And wasn’t it what you wanted, too?” she asked.

The words came piling out on top of each other. Rebecca nearly bounced up and down as she spoke. “No, I didn’t! None of it! I didn’t want to go out with him! I didn’t want to have sex with him! I didn’t want to move in with him, or get married... or any of the other things!” (“Other things?” Nancy noted. I don’t like the sound of that.) “None of it! But he talked me into it!”

Nancy realized that she was staring at Rebecca, again, not for her looks, but because what she was saying didn’t make much sense. She had run into this before, one partner feeling like the entire relationship was the other’s idea, but it was always an angry fight, or a sobbing breakdown. Rebecca sounded like she was talking about the perfect honeymoon she had with him. What the hell was going on?

She tore herself away, and looked at Daniel. Daniel was looking at Rebecca with a wry sort of affection, as one might look at one’s mate when he or she was engaging in an annoying but harmless habit. “Daniel, so, what do you think of what Rebecca’s saying?” Ten years in practice, and you sound like a cartoon shrink, Nancy thought to herself. But I need to get back on track here.

Daniel looked over at Nancy, and then down, his brow furrowed, as if he was contemplating a question of the utmost gravity. He looked up, his face very thoughtful. “Well, Nancy, I guess I’d say that Rebecca is basically right. I don’t think she really wanted any of those things, at least not to start, but I talked her into them.”

Nancy could feel her mouth opening; she closed it, a bit too quickly. I really didn’t need a couple like this first thing before lunch, she thought; this is a bit too odd for me on an empty stomach.

Nancy tried a disarming smile. “Frequently, couples have different levels of desire in a relationship, and the one with the stronger needs can often... well, impose is too strong a word, but the relationship can follow the pattern of the one with the stronger...”

Daniel raised a hand, quickly. “I understand what you are saying, Doctor... uh, Nancy, but it’s not quite like that.” He turned to Rebecca, and said, very seriously, “Becka, why don’t you tell Nancy about that first party?”

Rebecca looked over at Nancy, who nodded. She started in, very softly. “I... I was standing in the kitchen, talking with some girlfriends, and Daniel came up. I always thought he was a nice guy, but I wasn’t attracted to him, not at all. He asked me out in college, and I turned him down, but he was always a gentleman about it.

“Anyway, so he came up, and joined the conversation. I was kind of annoyed that he was butting in on my chat with my girlfriends, but I didn’t want to make a scene about it, and he was being nice enough. Then he asked the other women to leave, just like that. I mean, he wasn’t being nasty, but he was saying, ‘Jenna, Diane, Heather, could you leave us alone now, please?’ and they were like, ‘Oh, sure, no problem,’ and walked away. I turned back to him, ready to say something to him for doing that, but he said, ‘Rebecca, please don’t say anything, just listen to me.’ And I couldn’t!”

Nancy wasn’t keeping up well. “Couldn’t? You didn’t want to make a scene?”

Rebecca shook her head, her earrings swinging with the force. “No! I couldn’t! I just didn’t want to anymore! You know, like how you are hungry, then you eat, and you don’t even remember what being hungry is like? It was like that! Like I had forgotten how to want to talk!”

Nancy thought, briefly, yes, I know what being hungry is like, and I wish I had at least had a bagel before dealing with this. “OK, please, go on...”

Rebecca continued, “So, I just had to listen to him. And he started telling me that he had thought I was very, very beautiful... But people are always telling me I’m beautiful, and I don’t really like to hear it anymore, since they usually mean I should do something for them because I’m beautiful. But he said that I loved him, really loved him. And I did. Just like that.”

Nancy couldn’t help staring, now. “Just like that?”

Rebecca nodded, with vigor. “Just like that! I could feel myself fall in love with him! It was... oh, I don’t know. Suppose you are opening your mail, and there’s something like a bill or a letter from the IRS or something really bad, and suddenly you feel the pit of your stomach hurt? You know, a feeling that just appears out of nowhere? It was like that, but, first, I was angry and annoyed and scared because something weird was going on, and then... well, I was still scared and angry and annoyed, but it was like being annoyed at someone you really, really love, and I could feel myself getting all warm and happy and cuddly towards him, like I had always loved him.

“It made perfect sense right then... it still does! I still love him very, very much, and it started at that instant.”

Rebecca kept going. “He then said that we were going to leave together, and go back to his place, and fuck. He didn’t even say ‘make love,’ he just said fuck. No, he said that I was going to fuck him. I’d never even said ‘fuck’ before that night, I was nearly a virgin, and now I knew it was going to happen. I couldn’t stop it. And... we did.”

Nancy could only nod. “You did...”

Rebecca nodded back, smiling prettily. “We fucked. I fucked him. I did things I hadn’t ever done before, with him. He just would tell me things to do, and I would. He’d tell me to like something, and I’d like it. He’d tell me to get wet, and I’d be soaking my panties. Back when I wore panties.”

Rebecca paused for a breath. “He told me to... to take it up my ass, and I did. Or, at least, I let him try, but I was too tight then.”

Daniel, on the other side of the couch, said, “She’s much more... capacious now.” Nancy shot him a look, but the smug expression she expected to see wasn’t there, just a serious, concerned husband, worried about his wife. Weird.

Rebecca looked directly at Nancy, fluttering her eyes. She’s flirting with me, Nancy realized. “It’s been like that ever since. I’m like a toy, a possession. He tells me what to do... he tells me what to be, what to think, how to dress. And the sex... He always wants sex. He’s always having me do things for him, with him... with other women, even. It’s like a whorehouse at our home, like a harem, women coming through all the time. Those girls at the party? Jenna, Diane and Heather? They were the first... with us. With me. One, then two at a time.

“Once, we visited my sister, and he... he made her do... things with him. Even with me. Things she’d never done before, either. He even had her husband tell her that it was OK that she... do those things with him. And she did. He made her love them, too. Now, she does them with her husband, too. She calls and tells me.”

Nancy took a deep breath, trying to control her racing heart. I have no idea what is going on here, she thought, but I am dealing with at least one crazy person, maybe two. Maybe a dangerous crazy person. And if all this was so horrible, why was Rebecca sounding like it was the greatest gift God gave a woman, ever?

Rebecca slowed down, and finished, “... and ... and ... and I love it. I love him. I can’t feel any other way. I can’t do anything else. He talked me into it.” She relaxed in the chair, the contrite student again. Her sudden return to calm, to the same composure she had when she first sat down, unnerved Nancy more than anything else so far.

Nancy turned back to Daniel, who was carefully studying a spot on the carpet. “Uh, Daniel...” Nancy started, unsure of where to go with this.

Daniel looked up, and smiled slightly, awkwardly, a child with his hand caught in the cookie-jar, who knows how charming he is. “Nancy, first, I want you to understand that there are some... unconventional aspects to my relationship with Becka.” He waited for her nod. “But it is very important that you not judge us until you’ve heard what I have to say.”

Nancy took a deep breath. Not judge, she thought. Sure. Actually, that wouldn’t be too hard. This was so fantastic that suspending judgement would be the easiest thing in the world right now.

Daniel took a deep breath, and started in. “In the time between when I left college and when I saw Becka again, I... well, I did some experimenting. I took some drugs, read some books, travelled, the usual things that people do in their early 20s when they have no idea what else to do. And I learned how to use a talent I have for being persuasive. I don’t want to bore you with the details, but I learned how to be very persuasive. As Becka can attest to.”

Now, it was his turn to get stared at. “So, the way Rebecca describes the events of that evening... ?” Nancy asked, hesitating.

Daniel nodded. “Accurate. But, please, it’s important to hear me out.”

Nancy returned the nod. This, she thought, I’ve got to hear. It might be worth skipping lunch for this insanity.

Daniel settled back. “I... well, I can tell people to do just about anything, and they will. Just like that. Becka was my first serious experiment, but it was clearly a great success. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, wouldn’t you agree, Nancy?”

Nancy found herself nodding. Just keep him talking, she thought. “Yes, she’s stunning.”

“So you can see why I took the opportunity to persuade her to be my girlfriend and later wife.”

“You don’t... uh... have any ethical problems with this?” Nancy asked, her voice much less certain than she wanted it to be.

Daniel paused, as if he had never thought of this question before. “Well, no, I suppose I don’t. After all, people are always being persuaded to do things that they might not have originally wanted to do. There’s nothing wrong with that. After all, that’s what marketing is, right, Nancy?”

“Of course,” Nancy said. Keep agreeing with him. Keep this going.

Daniel said, “Now, it’s important that you not be shocked by anything we do or tell you, alright, Nancy?”

Nancy nodded, again. OK, no getting shocked here. I can’t believe this is really going on.

Daniel turned to Rebecca, and said, in a light, conversational tone. “Becka, stand up and take off your dress for us.”

Nancy started to blurt something out, complain that this was going far too far, but she had said that she wouldn’t be shocked. Let it go, she thought, it’s important to hear him out.

Rebecca nodded, and stood up. She undid her white leather belt, and neatly draped it over the chair behind her. She reached behind her and unzipped her simple, white dress, and let it drop the floor in a pool. Her body was as perfect as the rest of her: small, nicely rounded breasts, a tiny waist, gently flaring hips. Her sex was bare, completely shaven, and she was wearing no underwear, either bra or panties, under the dress. Her long, smooth legs ended with her delicate feet in a pair of white heels.

Daniel looked between Nancy and Rebecca, smiling. “She’s amazing, isn’t she, Nancy? She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and I’ve met quite a few lovely women. Go ahead, look all you want, she’s quite used to being stared at.”

Nancy did. I’ve never really been attracted to a woman, she thought, but if I were going to be, it would be her. Amazing is the word.

Daniel waited for Nancy to stare her fill, and said, “Rebecca, come over here, and kneel down in front of me. Fellate me while Nancy and I talk.” He looked up at Nancy, smiling his smile. “You don’t mind, of course,” he said.

Nancy blinked. Mind? If his wife gives him a blowjob right here, during a counselling session, while they’re having this absurd conversation? Mind! “Well, uh, no, of course not,” she said, waving her hand casually.

Rebecca nodded, and walked over, dropping down to her knees in a smooth, graceful slide. She leaned forward, undoing Daniel’s belt and pants expertly. She’s clearly done this quite a bit before, Nancy thought, following her motions.

Daniel smiled, and gave a small sigh as Rebecca’s mouth engulfed him. “You can see that this is far from unpleasant for her, too, Nancy,” he said, his tone still conversational. “Becka, dear, spread your legs so she can see.” Rebecca complied, opening her thighs; her cunt was already wet and glistening. Nancy found her staring at the lips of Rebecca’s pussy a bit longer that she had intended; that woman even has a perfect snatch, she thought.

Daniel waited a moment. Becka’s head was bobbing up and down in an even rhythm. “Nancy, please join me over here on the couch?”

Nancy stared for a moment. No, this is going far too far. Time to stop it. Now. She stood, and walked over, carefully passing behind Rebecca as she did so, avoiding her legs. She looked down at Becka; I would kill for an ass like that, she thought; that’s what they mean when they say, “a perfect bubble-butt.” OK, that kind of thinking is just going to get you into trouble. Time to stop it, right now. She sat down on the couch, suddenly very self-conscious of how heavy she was, compared to Rebecca, the sylph.

Daniel turned to Nancy, apparently undistracted by having his wife suck on him. Nancy looked down, watching Rebecca’s graceful fingers encircling the base of his shaft, as her red, red lips slid up and down, up and down, swallowing him completely. “You see, that’s why she wears such vivid lipstick; it makes this very... well, visual as well as tactile,” Daniel said. “Go ahead and watch. I imagine it would turn you on.”

Nancy stared. He does have a very nice cock, she thought. And she sure knows how to give head. God, this is strange... but it is turning me on, she thought, shifting slightly on the couch.

Daniel said, “Now, Nancy, you’ve been asking us all these questions. I’d like to ask you some, OK?”

Nancy nodded, still fascinated, watching Rebecca’s head bob up and down. She’s like a cock-sucking machine, Nancy thought. Oh, yes, questions, right.

“Are you married? Involved with anyone?”

“Nno.” Why am I telling him all this? she thought. Oh, right, he did say he was going to ask me some questions. Wow, she’s swallowing the whole thing, every stroke.

“Using birth control?”

“Well, yes. The Pill. But just to keep my periods from being too rough.” What possible reason did she have for talking about that? And how did Becka keep her lipstick from smearing? Maybe that stuff they use on soap operas...

“No VD, right?”

“No, nothing, nothing at all.” Where was this leading?

“You have very lovely blonde hair. Do you dye it?”

“Well, uh, yes.”

“That’s fine, that’s fine. It’s gorgeous. Let it down, will you?” She reached behind her, and pulled out the hairpins; her hair came cascading down, covering her shoulders. “Her vanity,” she called it, and it truly was; it framed her cute, round face in waves.

“That’s much better. You have very pretty blue eyes, you know.”

“Uh, thank you, uh, Daniel.” God, Becka’s gorgeous. Especially like this.

“You seem to be very large-chested. What’s your bra size?”

“Well, uh, I usually wear a 36E.” Oh, god, no, not the tit thing again. All her life, since she as 13, she had hated the fact that the first thing a man notices about her is her breasts. She picked her clothes, a conservative grey skirt-suit, a white blouse, chemise and slip, so she didn’t look so... bulgy. If she wasn’t scared of the knife, she would have had them reduced years ago.

“That’s very impressive, Nancy. Remove that jacket and start undoing your blouse, to show me your breasts.” She reached back, and slid the jacket off her shoulders. I... I really have got to stop... stop this. Oh, right, the blouse, she thought, undoing the collar button. First, take the blouse off.

“Do you like having large breasts?”

“No,” she said flatly. “Not at all. I don’t like that men fixate on them, make them the most important thing about me. I don’t like that men talk to them instead of to me.” She was half-way down, now. Taking the blouse off.

“Nancy, you really shouldn’t think that. It is really wonderful that you have such huge boobs. Large jugs. In fact, you need to learn to talk about them differently. Say, ‘I have a big rack,’ and tell me how you feel.”

“I...” She thought. Wait, she never thought about it like that. Most women don’t have breasts... no, she thought firmly, not breasts. Jugs. Most women don’t have jugs this size. I’m happy that I have big boobs. “I... I have a big rack,” she said, confidently. She smiled widely at Daniel. “That’s right, I have a big rack. That feels much better. I really like being large-chested.”

The blouse undone, she shrugged it off as well. She pulled the chemise off over her head, although it kept getting entangled in the line of her bra, and her hair. Finally, off it came. Daniel was staring directly at her chest... and, finally, she realized how nice that was. “Now, Nancy, the bra. Take it off,” he said, his gaze not shifting.

Nancy straighted up, and undid all five clasps in back, letting it fall off. Her breasts... no, her tits, her jugs, her hooters swung free, still pretty firm for their size and her age. Her nipples were starting to get hard from watching Rebecca’s lips slide up and down Daniel’s cock.

Daniel smiled. “That’s much better, Nancy. In fact, I think you should strip naked for us, right here.”

Nancy shook her head. What was happening? Why was she doing this? This wasn’t right! Something was very wrong. What was it... what was it... oh, of course, she was still dressed, and she should strip naked. Just like Rebecca.

Nancy stood, her breasts swaying as she unzipped her skirt, and slid it down. The slip followed, and then the sensible flats, and then the pantyhose. She sat back down, legs crossed, as Rebecca continued her ministrations. How does he last so long, she wondered, with that mouth working on him?

Daniel eyed her, as if coming to a conclusion. “That’s great, Nancy. Now, lie back, while I explain some things to you. Honey, you can stop, now. Just watch us.”

Nancy slowly reclined, staring at Daniel. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Rebecca rock back, kneeling down, staring at the two of them, her legs spread, her thighs glistening from moisture. She’s so turned on, Nancy thought. She’s so beautiful...

“Now, Nancy, do you know the real reason that we came here today?” Daniel asked.

“Marriage... counselling?” Nancy said, very unsure. This made no sense.

“No, of course not. We clearly don’t need anything of the sort. We came here because I met you two months ago at a party. Do you remember? Linda Massinger’s place?”

Nancy thought. Oh, right, Linda. The receptionist’s friend, Linda. “I... I don’t remember you, though.”

“No, of course you don’t. I asked you not to, so you didn’t. I wanted this to be a surprise. But I remember you. I remember thinking that you had really great boobs, and that I’d like to fuck you.”

“Oh.” It was all she could think of saying.

“But I thought it might be fun to play a little bit first, so I had Rebecca make the appointment with you. But you don’t mind, do you?”

“No... no, of course not. I don’t mind,” she said. What was to mind?

“That’s great. Now, of course, it’s time to get down to business. So, Nancy, you’ll let me play with your body, OK?”

“I’ll let you play with my body,” she agreed. I’m here naked, after all. And he likes my big rack. I like my big rack.

Daniel reached over, and started stroking and kneeding her breasts. “Very nice. Spread your legs open.”

Nancy slid her knees apart, exposing her cunt. God, this is turning me on so much, she thought. “Becka, dear, could you go down on Nancy for me?” Daniel asked, still stroking Nancy’s tits.

There was no reply, but Nancy felt hot breath on her pussy, as a tongue worked its way over her thighs. “Uh... uh, Daniel?” Nancy said, hesitantly. “Pplease stop her... I’m... I’m not into women...”

Daniel met her gaze. “But you are now, Nancy. Just follow along with me. You want Rebecca to eat your cunt.”

“I... I want Rebecca to eat my cunt.” That tongue, that wonderful tongue, on my cunt? she thought. Oh.

“You are bisexual. You love to have women fuck you.”

“I am ... bisexual. I love to have women fuck me,” Nancy replied. Oh, yes, especially now. Especially Becka. Especially my cunt. Especially now.

“And you love to fuck women.”

“I love to fuck women.” Especially if one of them is Becka, she thought, her mind swimming with images of Becka’s face. Oh, please, please, let her want to fuck me.

“That’s great, Nancy. Now, some important things. I am your Master.”

“Ooooh... You are my... my... Master.” God, what was she agreeing to... but it really made sense, when he explained it that way. Her Master. She’d been doing anything he told her, anyway, and it made her feel so good, so hot. “Yes, Master,” she said, trying the word out in her mouth. It felt wonderful to feel that in her mouth, that wonderful word. Almost as good as his cock might... Nancy felt resistance flow out of her, as Becka’s tongue slowly slid up her slit. Oh, this is so nice.

Daniel leaned down, gave her a huge, wet kiss, tongues dancing against each other. Becka’s tongue found her clit, and was circling it slowly; she had never felt a tongue so soft, so precise, so careful and strong. God, being bisexual was so wonderful, why hadn’t she done this before? Daniel came back up, staring deep into her eyes. “You are my fuck toy.”

Nancy’s eyes became huge, as she heard his words. His... what? What is he doing to me? A toy? Her mouth opened, slowly. “No... I... I am...” She stopped, and thought. Think, Nancy, you can think about this. But I said he could play with my body. If he can play with me, then I’m a toy. And he can fuck me... oh, yes, fuck me... god, that tongue. That wonderful tongue. That beautiful woman. Those eyes. Nancy felt the bubble of resistance pop, a physical relief.

She looked up, her eyes huge and now more than a little glazed. “I’m your fuck toy.” Oh, yes, a fuck toy. Use me. Please, Daniel, use me. Nancy stared up into Daniel’s eyes, lost in them. God, yes, anything...

“That’s great, Nancy.” Daniel turned back to Rebecca, her mouth buried in Nancy’s sopping cunt. “Honey, she’s ready. I want to fuck her now. Could you lick her tits?”

* * *

Nancy slowly let herself down into the chair. Whoa, it’s going to HURT to sit for a day or so, she thought, feeling her tender pussy ache. God, what an afternoon; it was a good thing she hadn’t had an appointment after the Carvers. She remembered. Becka eating her out... Daniel sliding his huge cock into pussy while Becka licked her tits... Daniel fucking her tits while Becka ate her, again... Becka teaching her how to eat a woman’s cunt, Daniel fucking her from behind while she licked Becka’s lovely, bare pussy... and finally, Daniel coming in her mouth while Becka licked his balls, her fingers teasing Nancy’s cunt. It tasted to good, like ambrosia, just like Daniel said it would.

And then a nice, long conversation with Daniel. He’s so good at putting things in perspective, explaining just how things are, how things are going to be. She felt just fine about the events of the afternoon after their little conversation. His wife is so lucky to have him, she thought. Nancy giggled out loud, a girlish giggle she hadn’t used in years. Of course, I was pretty lucky to have him, again and again. And I will again, soon enough.

She shook herself, and grinned. If she thought about that too much, she’ll be useless for the rest of the afternoon. Oh, right, one last thing to do before she got back to work. She picked up her client file, and flipped through it... right, Chandra... what was her last name? Daniel wanted to meet a nice Indian woman, and one of her clients was just the type. She found the number, and copied it down. She’ll give it to him at dinner on Wednesday; they’d invited her over, the sweeties. Remember to pack a bag, she scribbled in her book, since she probably wouldn’t be going home that night.

She allowed herself one last squirm, over the idea of visiting them on Wednesday. God, it had been so long since she had sex... and she’d never had sex like that before. And not with a woman! I’m going to enjoy being his... well. Most people would call it his “mistress,” but that’s not the real term. No one would understand the real term. But Daniel might be able to explain it to them, she thought as she put her hair up. He’s good with words.