The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Switching Sides

I’m not a nice person.

I know. Strange way to start a story but it’s the truth, and I don’t much care who knows it.

I’m not a nice person.

I’m a witch, and I don’t mean one of those fucking, little Wiccan pussy witches. I eat fucking Wiccan’s for lunch. In fact, come to think of it, I ate a fucking Wiccan for lunch just the other day. Nice, little, fresh pussy. I liked that ... right up until the time she where she said she was a witch, just like me.

I turned the slut into a dog and kicked her ass out of the house. Let the bitch roam the streets looking to get her little, bitch cunt fucked. That’s what I say. Maybe some day, I’ll even take the spell off of her her but for now, she’s learning what it means to be a real witch.

Like I said, I’m not a nice person.

I like Halloween. It’s the kind of time when a witch like me can go out like she usually is and not have some little snot-nosed branch point a finger at you and yell out, “Look, a witch.” Well, sometimes they still do that, but instead of people wanting to kill you, everyone wants to know where you got your costume from and I have to fight the urge to turn the whole lot of them into sniveling, little weasels and I mean real weasels, not the mealy-mouthed weasels that they already are.

Did I tell you I’m not a nice person?

Halloween is also one of the few times when I get to get what I need.

Being a witch isn’t an easy life. First of all, you got that whole “Salem” thing going against us. People don’t like us. People find out they got a witch in the neighborhood and suddenly, you’re an outcast. Just the suggestion you might be a witch is enough to get you cast out, or worse.

So most witches choose to move away from the cities and away from people. Some of us choose to shack up with other witches, but let’s face it, we often times can’t stand each other, so most of us, we end up off by ourselves. Bottom line is it’s not a great life to live if you like being around people.

And then there’s the whole how do you survive thing. Some witches do potions, love potions and the like. Others work charms. Still others are living off in some cottage in the forest and don’t specialize in any one form of magic but do all sorts of things, and while we’re at it, let’s face it, if you find a cottage in the forest, nine times out of ten, it’s probably got a witch living there, but the thing is, even if people do need your services, you don’t necessarily get a whole lot of visitors.

Halloween though, is one of those times when we get to be out among the people. Some of us still choose not to do it, but me, I need it. I need the contact.

As you might expect, I’ve got a black cat. Her name is Kitty, and before any of you gets any ideas about snickering at her name, let me remind you I have a magic wand, and I’m not afraid to use it.

Now, as I said, I’ve got a black cat. Her name is Kitty, and every Halloween, I call Kitty to me. I take her head in my hands and I stare in her eyes even as she looks back in mine.

I’ve never seen the transformation happen but I’ve seen the effects of it. Kitty’s slender and silky body becomes a different kind of slender and silky body. In her human form, her skin is black and her tits are small and her claws aren’t immediately visible, but they are there. Make no doubt about it though. While she may look human, she is still a predatory creature.

My instructions to Kitty every Halloween are always the same. “Go out, my huntress,” I tell her. “Go out and find me a mouse to enjoy.”

In case you’re wondering, Kitty is a very good hunter and she’s never failed to bring me back a mouse. Every Halloween, I find the mouse there on the doorstep. Kitty never stays around to see if I appreciate what she’s brought me. She just leaves it for me to use and she leaves. I don’t know what she does with the rest of her time as a human and she’s never bothered to tell me.

This Halloween was no different. When I opened my door, I saw that Kitty had done her job for there on my doorstep was a little mouse.

Her name was Debbie and she had long, dark hair and she had a small, little face. Small mouth, small nose. About the only thing on her face that was big were her eyes but that was hardly unexpected. After all, when viewed for the first time, I can be a rather imposing figure.

I don’t know if Debbie’s intentions would have been to scream but it didn’t really matter. After all, I did tell you, didn’t I, that most witches lived in the woods? I was no different so it wouldn’t have mattered if she’d chosen to scream because there was no one around to hear her, but the real reason it didn’t matter was with a wave of my mind, I took away her ability to move except at my command.

I looked the girl up and down. “I see my Kitty has done her job to perfection again,” I told the helpless woman.

Debbie, of course, said nothing.

“You will follow me,” I told Debbie and of course, Debbie did just what I asked of her.

I used another of my spells and in moments, I knew all there was to know about the erstwhile Debbie. She was an art student in college. She was studying design. She had a roommate who was somewhat flamboyant, but Debbie hardly ever went out. She’d dated a few boys, had sex a few times, and hadn’t found it overly enjoying. She still believed in happily ever afters but apparently did little to encourage her prince charming to actually reach out and find her.

As I said, Kitty had once more done her job very well. She was perfect, and in a very short amount of time, Debbie was going to think that rather than looking for a prince charming, maybe what she really wanted was a princess charming.

With a wave of my wand, I made her undress for me. I knew this embarrassed her but I didn’t care. In fact, I actually fed upon her embarrassment. I could feel it and the more embarrassed she became, the stronger I got.

I made her unbutton her blouse first. She didn’t want to take it off right away and I didn’t push the issue. I knew the time would come sooner or later.

It slid off her shoulders and then it was down around her elbows. I could see her toying with it, trying to slide it back up her arms. She’d fail at this, of course, and then she’d sigh, before trying once more to pull the blouse back into place and with each successive failure, her attempts to redress herself would become more and more feeble.

She finally let the blouse fall away and then by comparison, the bra was almost easy. It was as if she’d invested so much energy in trying to keep the shirt on that she had nothing left for what really mattered. She took the bra off and she exposed her pretty, little tits before covering them with her hands.

Covering them with her hands, that wasn’t going to work, but she didn’t know that.

She needed her hands to take off her jeans. At first, she seemed to not know that that was what she was going to do, but as time went on, the urge to take off her jeans became more and more pronounced. I could see her fight it. Her hands would leave her tits and then she’d realize what it was that she’d been about to do and once more, her hands would be back in place, but the urge to remove her jeans never lessened.

I knew what she was feeling. It was despair because she knew she was losing. She wasn’t sure why she was doing what she was doing. All she knew was she couldn’t help herself.

Her hands left her tits. They hadn’t quite made it to the jeans but they were almost there. She was fighting the urge that she knew was there.

All it would take was a little more time and she knew it, too, a little more time, that was all ...

Her hands reached her pants and then she had the first button undone and as was always the case, the first button was always the hardest. The ones that came after were always easier. She was still trying to fight it but she was definitely losing.

It wasn’t long before the buttons were opened and the jeans were gone and that left only the panties as her last line of defense.

Debbie knew that just like I did. She was trying everything she could think of to keep herself from taking those panties off but since she had no idea how to combat a spell of compulsion, it was a futile attempt that was doomed to failure.

Still, it was fun to watch her try. She’d come to the conclusion that her best bet was to try to keep covering her tits, that if her hands were busy doing that, they couldn’t be used for other purposes. It showed a complete lack of understanding of spells though. A first year apprentice would have been able to tell you that if you left a spell unhandled, the power and intensity of the spell would just grow over time. It makes you wonder what they’re teaching kids in the schools these days. Hell, if she kept that course of action up, she could get herself to a place where she’d never be able to wear panties ever again.

Fortunately for her, I wasn’t going to let her wait that long, and besides, I had a spell that was even better for that. All I had to do was mutter the incantation and then ...

Her nipples were suddenly supersensitive, reacting to almost any stimulant and they were pretty much hard wired right into her pussy. I have to admit that that spell’s a favorite of mine and I’ve used it on quite a few women and even a few witches. It’s just so hard for a woman to keep her mind on whatever she’s doing when almost anything might lead to a burst of pleasure between her legs.

Debbie’s reactions did not disappoint. Her hands which had been covering her breasts were suddenly now her own worst enemy. Her nipples, of course, responded to her hands and that, of course, was enough to get her pussy to respond and poor Debbie didn’t know which to do first, to keep playing with her obviously, needy nipples and let herself cum in her panties or take her panties off while she still had the chance.

She decided she could have it both ways. She thought she’d stand and turn away, take off her panties, then cover herself before she turned back to face me. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen a mouse try something like that and I was ready for her. Every time she tried to turn away, she just spun all the way back round again so ended up coming face to face with me.

Some women are smarter than others. It took Debbie three tries to realize she wasn’t going to be able to do what she had planned which honestly, is better than most. I could see it in her eyes. Resignation. She’d already resigned herself to taking off her panties. Now, she was telling herself she was going to have to let me watch.

To her credit, once she knew what the score was, she didn’t try to duck away from it. She just stood there and she hesitated for a moment longer before she finally pushed her panties down.

She tried to cover herself but she was mine even if she didn’t know it. I walked up to her and I saw her cringe. “Now, deary,” I told her. “Why don’t you tell me about your favorite woman.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said uncertainly.

“Of course, you don’t,” I cackled. I don’t always cackle. In fact, if you ask my friends, they’d probably tell you that I speak very well, but I like to cackle every now and then just for the effect it creates. People always get scared when they see a witch cackle, and in my case, at least, there’s good reason to be worried. “You don’t know what I’m talking about because I haven’t told you what we’re talking about.”

“I ... I don’t understand.”

“I want to know whose face you see when you want a woman to eat your pussy.”

“I ... I don’t do that.”

That wasn’t exactly true. She hadn’t done it yet would be the better way to say it.

“Nonsense, deary,” I told her. “You know exactly what I’m talking about,” and even as I said it, I wove in the power symbols that would make my words more true to her.

I could sense her confusion. I knew she was sure she didn’t know what I was talking about but I was also sure she wasn’t as sure as she thought she should be.

“Now, now, deary, you don’t have to try and fool an old woman like me. We women know what a woman wants.”

She could agree with that. A woman should know what a woman wants.

“So tell me, deary, whose face do you see between your legs?”

She was fighting me but that didn’t mean she was winning. Even though I couldn’t see it yet, I could see an image forming in her mind.

“That’s it, deary. Think about your friend. Think about the one you’d like to have between your legs.”

The girl was a blond. I didn’t really pay attention to her features. I didn’t really have to even see her for the spell to work. I merely locked myself to the image that was forming in Debbie’s mind.

I hate transformation spells. Anyone who tells you they’re easy is either lying or they’re a fucking masochist but turning your body into something it’s not is never an easy thing and it hurts like fuck but sometimes they’re useful, and this was one of those times. Debbie was going to give me what I needed, but it wasn’t going to be me she was giving it to. It was going to be the person she was thinking about in her dreams.

“Jennalae?” she asked.

I nodded. Anyone who’s done a transformation spell knows the voice is the last thing to change. She’d just seen me change but that could be overcome with a spell of confusion, but the last thing she needed was to hear an old hag’s voice coming out of the body of her friend although if anyone else other than me calls me an old hag, I’ll turn that person into ... into ... hell, I don’t know what I’ll turn them into, but whatever it is, it’ll be bad.

The odd thing was that Jennalae was not a real common name and yet I knew someone with that name, but it was hardly someone that Debbie would be likely to know.

The transformation was almost complete.

Debbie moaned. “I can’t,” she moaned. “I can’t.”

Oh, that was such a wrong thing to say, and besides, she had no idea what she was really capable of doing.

If spells of transformation are some of the hardest to do, spells of seduction are some of the easiest. It’s really just about establishing a connection and since I looked like Debbie’s friend, she was already well on the way to where I wanted her to go.

I put a hand on her arm and I looked the girl in the eyes. “I really like you,” I told her.


“I said I really like you,” I told her. “I think you’re kind of cute.”

“I ... I don’t understand.”

“What’s to understand,” I told her. “You’re kind of cute. I know you like me and I like you, too.”


I’ll admit it. I was a bit surprised. I didn’t expect that kind of resistance from Debbie but I wasn’t about to let her say no. I increased the intensity of my spell.

“You can’t tell me you don’t like me.”

“No,” Debbie hesitantly admitted.

“So you do like me.”


“Do you trust me?”


Now that was a bit of a surprise. “No?” I asked.

“You’re bad,” she said.

I increased the intensity of my spell yet again. “But you like it when I’m bad.”

“Ooooh, yeah,” Debbie moaned.

That was more like it. It was good to have Debbie agreeing with me. “You’re going to trust me, aren’t you?”


That was more like it. I wasn’t used to having little girls tell me no, and especially not on Halloween. That was my night, the one night a year when I got, well, you probably figured out what I got, and there was no way I expected anything to go any way other than the way I expected them to go. “You’re going to trust me,” I said again.

“Okay,” she agreed.

Now that was more like it. I liked it when people agreed with me. “You need to have your pussy taken care of, don’t you?”

Debbie nodded.

“You’ve taken off your panties. We both know what that means, don’t we. It means you want to get your pussy licked. It means you want me to lick your pussy, doesn’t it?”

Debbie nodded again.

That was definitely more like it. I liked it when she agreed with me, but there was still one more thing that was left to do. “We’ve got to get you ready, don’t we?”

“Yeah,” she said. I don’t think she even knew what she was agreeing to but the truth was she didn’t need to know. It was enough to know that I knew.

I’ve never liked licking a hairy pussy. You’d have thought I would have gotten over that by now, especially considering that I only get to eat a pussy once every October 31st, but maybe that’s why I stick to my guns as much as I do. I like teasing the little pussies that come into my clutches and I like giving them something to remember me by.

It’s an old spell. I’m not even sure where I found it, but it’s one I know by heart and it’s one I use every year at this time.

The spell has two parts. The first parts removes a woman’s hair between her legs, permanently and irrevocably. That was the part I liked most. Long after I was done with her, Debbie was going to learn what it was like to go through life with a little, hairless pussy. The second part of the spell she’d learn soon enough.

I watched Debbie’s hairs fall away as the spell took affect. “Look at you,” I told her. “Look at your pussy.”

She was looking down at her pussy.

“Do you want me to lick it?”

She wanted me to lick it and she told me so.

She really wanted it. In fact, she wanted it bad, but if you think I gave her what she wanted, then you just haven’t been listening to this narrative closely enough. I’ve already told you more than once that I’m not a nice person. I was going to lick her pussy but not because she wanted me to do it. I was going to lick her when I wanted to and I was going to do it on my time table. “If you want me to lick you,” I told her, “then you’re going to have to lick me first.”

The curious reader, unpracticed in the ways of magic, might reasonably ask if I had shaved myself for her. Of course, if one were to recall, I’ve said it before that I am not a nice person and to be totally honest, I didn’t care whether she liked it or not, because she was going to lick my pussy no matter what.

But if one were truly practiced in the ways of spells and their uses, one would realize that such a question was meaningless. I’d used a transformation spell which meant I could have shaved myself clean and once the transformation spell transformed me into someone else, I could end up with a pussy that was as hairy as it had ever been, and the converse was true as well. I could choose not to shave my pussy and I could find that I had no hair at all between my legs. It hardly mattered what I might have done before. It only mattered what I had turned myself into.

The bottom line then, is that when I exposed myself, I had no idea what kind of pussy I was going to find.

In case one is wondering, it was a rather nice pussy, if I do say so myself.

“Do you want me to lick you?” Debbie asked.

That was a rather pleasant surprise. It’s not like I can’t tell people what to do. In fact, I’m rather good at it, but it’s nice every once in a while when someone anticipates my need and does what I want them to do without my having to tell them to do it. “Yeah,” I told her even as I spread my legs. “I want you to lick my pussy.”

She looked at me, or at least at the person I’d become, and then she looked between my legs and then before I knew it, she was sliding in between my legs.

For someone who said she’d never done it before and for someone who said she’d never even thought of doing it, Debbie seemed to get the hang of things rather quickly or at least her tongue did. It seemed like she’d barely gotten herself between my legs and already, she had me moaning.

Oh yeah, she knew right where to put that tongue and again, I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d done this before. She certainly seemed to know what she was doing.

But then I decided not to bother myself with the inanities of thoughts like those. After all, did it really matter why she was good, or did it just matter that she WAS good, and let me tell you, she was good.

You know how it is when you got a girl whose got a tongue that just can’t help to get you off? That’s how it was with her. I mean, that tongue. I mean ... wow!

And the best part about it was once you got her going, she just wouldn’t stop. She’d already made me cum three times and there she was going for a fourth.

I could have let her do it, you know. I mean, I did tell you I wasn’t a nice person, didn’t I? I could have just decided to say fuck her and have her eat my pussy all night long.

I could have done that, only I like teasing the pussies. All those girls out there who think they couldn’t ever do it with a girl. Hah! I like showing them just how easy it would be before I finally turn them loose.

So there I was with Debbie between my legs, her tongue eating me out and my pussy on the verge of cumming for a fourth straight time and I couldn’t help but think that maybe I should return the favor.

Maybe, I should, I told myself. After the bitch made me cum, of course. And that would be soon, I told myself, and then I gasped as her tongue and my pussy proved me right.

Okay, I told myself. Enough of this. I had to show the bitch who was the boss in my own cottage.

And that’s when I pushed her back.

She looked hurt as she looked back at me. God, I loved it when they looked like that. Give them a little pussy, and suddenly the little pussy lickers were all hurt when you didn’t let them have as much as they wanted.

“Lay back,” I told her. “Lay back and let me lick your pussy.”

Let’s face it. That was really all I had to say and suddenly, little miss why are you doing this to me couldn’t hurry up fast enough to obey my request.

“Why don’t you play with your tits,” I told her, and again, Debbie couldn’t hurry up fast enough to do what I told her to do.

I’ll take this opportunity to remind the reader, that’s you, by the way, about the spell I’d used earlier. You know the one. The one that made her nipples supersensitive? The one that pretty much made any pleasure she felt in her nipples go straight to her pussy? Yeah, that one. As soon as she started playing with her tits, well, you get the picture. She started moaning like crazy and I hadn’t even gotten my tongue between her legs.

“What do you want,” I taunted her.

The girl moaned. “I want you to lick me.”

There was no objection any more. She knew what she wanted. Actually, to tell the truth, it was more what she needed. “Say it again.”

The girl moaned as her fingers continued to play with her hypersensitive nipples and as that very action made her pussy even wetter. “I want you to lick me,” she said again.

“Say it again.”

“I want you to lick me.”

I think I’ve told you before that I am not a nice person, but I am not above giving a person what they want, especially if in doing so, it serves my own needs as well. I let my tongue slide down between her legs.

“Oh ... fuck!” she gasped. I didn’t have to see her eyes to know that they were open wide. I knew what she was feeling. She couldn’t believe that another woman had done this to her.

My tongue worked her clit and the girl continued to moan. “Oh my God,” she moaned. “Oh my God.”

She was going to cum. I knew that. It’s one of the problems of the supersensitive nipple spell. I suppose I could have made her stop playing with her tits but the truth was I didn’t want to stop licking her pussy long enough to form the words of the spell.

“Oh geez,” she cried out. “Oh geez. You’re going to make me cum. Oh geez, you’re going to make me cum-m-m-m-m-m.”

I wasn’t going to make her cum. I was actually doing it, and that’s when it happened.

I’ve never felt anything like it. It was like I was suddenly on fire, but it wasn’t me really. The heat was coming from the pussy in front of me but my teeth and my tongue especially, they felt like they were burning up in my mouth.

But almost as quickly as the heat had come, it was gone.

“That’s it,” I heard a voice say. “Just keep licking my pussy,” only it wasn’t Debbie’s voice. Well, it was, I realized but that voice had lost all of the temerity that she’d shown before.

I would have looked up but I found I couldn’t. I knew what I had to do. I had to keep licking that pussy.

I don’t know how I knew it but I knew Debbie was still playing with her nipples but I knew it wasn’t because of anything I’d done. She was doing that on her own and her pussy and her nipples were still tied together.

“Oh yeah,” she moaned and I knew what was happening. “Oh yeah. Here it comes. Here it comes. Oh yeah. Here it fucking comes.”

I already knew that. Her pussy was squeezing my tongue as she moaned and came again.

“Should we try for another one?” she asked.

I knew the question wasn’t for me. I knew I didn’t have any say in the matter. Not anymore. I had no idea how everything had changed but I knew I was no longer in control.

“Let’s do it,” she said and once more, I felt my tongue being drawn between her legs.

My tongue easily found her little button and I couldn’t help but going after it hard. I could tell she wasn’t as much on edge as she had been before because she wasn’t quite so much on the verge right from getting my tongue between her legs.

“That’s it,” she moaned. “That’s it. Lick my pussy.”

Yeah right, I thought. As if I actually had a choice in the matter.

I didn’t and she was close and I couldn’t help but get her closer.

“Oh yeah,” she moaned. “Oh yeah. Make me cum.”

There was hardly any need for her to tell me that and I think she knew it. After all, she was already on the verge of cumming, and almost as if she meant to prove it to me, she came again in my mouth.

Even now, I’m not sure if she was taking pity on me or if she’d just decided that enough was enough but whatever the case, she finally let me up.

It was only then that I really got my first good look at Debbie, or at the woman that had once been Debbie. Oh sure, superficially, there were some of the same features, but not only was this woman not the mousy little Debbie that Kitty had brought home, but what was more, this woman was someone I knew.

Her name was Karamina and she was the Queen of the Good Witches, and yeah, as much as my kind hates to admit it, there are a few good witches out there.

Karamina smiled at me. “Surprised?” she asked.

“You,” I sputtered.

“Me,” she said with a smile.

“How did you get here?”

“You mean how did I get in your house?”

I nodded.

“You have your friend Jennalae to thank for that.”

Jennalae? I knew a Jennalae. She was a particularly nasty witch but what did she have to do with Karamina being in my house?

“I take it you haven’t looked at yourself lately.”

I shook my head.

“Go ahead and take a look at yourself in the mirror. Go ahead. I’ll wait.”

I went and looked. I hadn’t bothered to wait and see what I was transforming into before but when I looked now, I found I looked just like Jennalae. This was bad. This was very, very bad. If Jennalae saw me like this ...

I came back to Karamina. “What happened?” I asked.

“You transformed obviously.”

“I know but—”

“But you want to know why.”

I nodded.

“Short story? Your friend Jennalae’s not a nice person. She asked if we could meet under a truce, but it was all a trap. She knew I liked her. She knew I liked her a lot, so she set out to seduce me, and when she ate me out, when she made me cum, in that moment, she trapped me inside the body you’ve just seen and she clouded my memory to make me forget who I really was and to make me forget how much I really liked girls.”


“Because, and you should know this, since I’d been trapped by my own pussy licking desires, the only way to set myself free was to get a woman to eat me out, and if I thought I wasn’t into girls, well, if you hadn’t come along, if you hadn’t forced the issue, I might have been trapped in that body forever.

This was getting worse and worse. If Jennalae discovered I’d messed up her trap, she’d be really pissed at me.

“I suppose you’re thinking this isn’t really fair to you, but seeing as how I’m probably going to need your help in taking Jennalae down—”

She struck suddenly and I found myself being locked into my transformed body. This body I wore was now my new body. I knew I wasn’t ever going to change back to what I’d once been. “What’d you do that for?”

“To remind you of who did this to you, and to give you a little incentive. You wouldn’t want to have Jennalae catch you wearing her skin, would you?”

No, I definitely didn’t want that.

“So you’re going to help me, aren’t you?”

What could I say? Karamina had me dead to rights. If Jennalae ever figured out what I’d done, well let’s just say she’d have some rather especially unpleasant things that she’d like to do to me.

“You’re going to help me, aren’t you?”

I nodded my assent. What choice did I have. I wasn’t a nice person, but it turns out there were others that were meaner than me. I knew I was going to help her. Me, working with one of the good witches. That sucked, and the worst part about the whole thing, the thing that worried me most, I was worried that in the end, if I was given enough pussies to lick, the thing that worried me most was I might end up liking it.

That sucked!