The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

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The Sweetest Revenge


Maybe the way that I dealt with the entire situation isn’t exactly the healthiest of ways to solve your problems. But I don’t make any excuses for my actions because it sure made me feel a hell of a lot better. I look back at what I did to Suzan now and I can’t help but smile and feel better but let me bring you up to the present so that you understand better.

I started working for Suzan in November of 2000 and I have to admit that she was the main reason that I started working there. She owned a gift shop in the town that I lived in and I was looking for a second job. Since I wasn’t in school that semester I figured that I should find a second job to make more money since I had free time on my hands.

I walked into her gift shop and the first person that I saw was Suzan. An absolutely beautiful woman and to this day I don’t deny her that. She was without a doubt gorgeous. Long legs, beautiful brown eyes, long dark hair and the high aristocratic cheekbones of a high paid model in all honesty she could have been a model. This image along with her C-cup tits and perky ass had my cock starting to harden in my pants immediately and I was quite aware of it.

I had never seen Suzan before that day and I was a bit surprised by that considering how at the time I lived in a small town and I thought that I knew everyone in it. But I knew after seeing her for the first time I definitely wanted to see more of her. She hired me that day for a part time position and I was happy, I mean really happy. I am the kind of guy who never gets the girls but I thought at least I can be around one of the most beautiful that I have ever seen and for me that was more than enough.

I started to work for her and I learned a lot about her. How she had been married to a doctor but he divorced her due to an extra marital affair that she had with a French guy. I learned that she was currently dating a much older lawyer who in her words, “she needed to pick up her bills since she was no longer married to a doctor.” Seems that owning a gift shop in a small town isn’t quite as lucrative a business venture as she had hoped, in fact she had explained to me that she was actually barely breaking even with her gift shop and that is the only reason that she was dating this lawyer.

I found all of these things out because Suzan and I had actually started to become friends. She had asked me after a couple days of working at the shop if I would be willing to work late nights with her to open incoming boxes and stock the store. Of course I was more than willing to do that because it would give me a reason to be one on one with her and actually get to know her with no one else around.

Now until this point me being a 22 yr. old who was more than a little naïve I had actually never stopped to think about how women date or marry just for money. But my time working in that uppity store that catered to only the high class I certainly got a taste of it. I saw more beautiful women married to more out of shape doctors and lawyers and politicians that I could have ever imagined. I slowly started to accept that there were women out there who needed the stability that money brought and I was seeing that Suzan was definitely one of those women. But I wanted to believe that deep down she was a good person who just needed some good people around her, not just people who wanted to be around her for her beauty.

Almost from the first day of working there I started to think that maybe Suzan was interested in me as something more than just an employer/employee relationship. I sometimes felt that her eyes were on me and I would swear that sometimes she was flirting with me but I convinced myself that I was wrong and that a woman that hot couldn’t be interested in a 22yr. old. After all she herself was 34. Maybe I wanted her to be interested but I knew deep down she couldn’t be.

Well I was wrong! She was interested in me but it wasn’t as a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship it was as a young piece of ass. She started to become more aggressive towards me. She started letting me driver her beamer, taking me to dinner when we worked together and even took me to dinner with her family once but the whole time I was just assuming that we were just friends and nothing more. After all she had a boyfriend who had money, charm and power. What could she possibly want from me?

One night after we finished working Suzan invited me over to her place for a drink and to just “hangout.” I didn’t have plans and it sounded like fun so I agreed. Suzan was still very attractive to me but I had honestly started to lose interest in her since I had started to learn more about her. I still liked being around her though since we always laughed together and she was fun.

We had too much to drink that night. Apparently when Suzan drinks she gets horny or maybe she was already horny and the drinking just made it worse but whatever the case may be the night ended with me explaining to her that we should just be friends and nothing more. I gave her the patented line, “I wouldn’t want to risk losing you as a friend just to have sex with you.” She actually took it well I thought. She didn’t seem bitter or angry in fact she gave me a ride back to my jeep and told me she would see me tomorrow.

The next day was hell! Suzan was on me about every little thing that I did. She told me I wasn’t doing this right or that right and it seemed like she had turned into a slave driver. She picked on me about things and I was starting to understand that she didn’t like being rejected. I don’t think, “No” was a word that she was used to hearing especially not from men. I started to get a real sense of what a bitch this woman could really be. To be honest with you I didn’t know how to handle it.

One night she was offering to take me on a trip with her and the next day she was on me about everything. She was one day my friend and the next day she seemed to hate me and I didn’t know what to do about it. I was hoping that we could still be friends and hangout, but she was making it evident to me that that would not be possible. I don’t think she had any more use for me.

Eventually she cut off all contact between her and me at work and she later fired me with a phone call at home. I was devastated. I couldn’t believe that my friend had done that to me. But it later became clear that she was not my friend and I don’t think she ever really was. She wanted to use me for sex and that is ironic because I at onetime would have done it. But the truth is the more I got to know her the less I wanted to be sexually involved with her.

Firing me was bad enough but I looked at it as her right. After all she was the boss and it was her business and she can do what she wants with it. If that is how she wanted to be that was fine and I can live with it? I thought I was better off without her anyway and that it is better to know the real her than to be mislead by her.

Little did I know that firing me was hardly the end of it? It got back to me that she was claiming that the reason that she fired me was because I sexually harassed her and because I had a terrible attitude at work. In a little town news like that spreads fast. I knew a lot of people there and what was worse is that a lot of people knew my parents. I was incensed. I wanted to destroy that bitch! I wanted her to die a slow agonizing painful death. Besides that I didn’t know what to do.

My family had been embarrassed and humiliated by a situation that I had put myself in to. My parents bosses found out about it even the place where I get my haircut had heard about it and worse than that everyone believed it to be true. I was a 22yr. old who was not known to have many girlfriends and she was a drop dead gorgeous older successful business woman who was known to have men fighting over her all the time. I could barely believe me. But I knew the truth.

I mean sure I had flirted with her from time to time just as she had with me but I thought it was harmless. It wasn’t.

I had thought about taking her to court but what could I take her to court for? Maybe defamation of character or for not having the right reasons for firing me? How could I prove that? I had worked my ass off everyday for her and I knew it. I wanted to make her proud of me and I wanted to help her get her business and her life straightened out and that had driven me to work hard but she still had the right to fire me whenever she liked. That’s how I thought of it anyway.

But saying that I sexually harassed her was out of line. She hurt me but worse than that she hurt my family. I decided not to do anything about it and in fact I left that town altogether. I left my family and my friends and I decided to just move to where no one knew me and I could be by myself.

Slowly my outlook on women started to change I started to trust women and people less than I had at one time.

It was a year later and I had decided to just forget Suzan as much as I could and try to move on. But something happened it revenge became just too easy for me to ignore.

I was walking down one of the streets of my new town when I came across an old rundown looking bookstore. The town I moved to was huge compared to where I had moved from and I stayed so busy with school and work that I had still hadn’t explored the entire city. This bookstore looked kind of interesting and although I don’t read a whole lot I decided to go in and check it out.

When I went into the store the first person that I saw was the only person in the entire store. A little old lady who I immediately recognized as a gypsy and I estimated to be about 5 feet tall was perched on a stool behind a counter reading. She looked up from her book and asked me if she could help me. I still don’t know why I said this but I did and it turned out to be a good move.

“Do you have any spell books?” “Spell books for casting what kinds of spells boy?” “I want revenge for something that happened to me”, I said looking her in her one eye. She had a patch over the other one with a purple bandanna wrapped tightly around her head. When she asked me what kinds of spells I wanted to cast an image of Suzan popped into my mind and my fury returned.

But now I realized that this woman was staring at me looking me over from head to toe and silently she got off of her stool and went through a beaded curtain to a back room. That’s weird I though. I was expecting her to get up and show me some cheesy spell book, not just silently turn her back on me and leave me in the front of her store. I actually turned to leave when I heard her voice. “Take this book boy, read it and learn from it and when you are done bring it back to me or else you have one week to learn as much from the book as you can.” “If your heart is pure and your soul is true then you shall get what you want.” She had handed me an old thick book with a leather cover on it and buckle that fastened around it to keep it closed. It was covered in dust. I was shocked to say the least but I agreed to bring her book back to her. She seemed nice enough I guess. She didn’t even bother to take down my name or my personal info when I offered it. She just let me have kindness and trust put her in my good graces even if I didn’t get anything out of the book. It had been a while since I had really felt good about anyone else.

My week was long with studying and working but I managed to keep my eyes open late at night and I finished the thick book that the lady had given in a week. I had found the perfect spell. If it worked it would have the effect of rendering the person the spell was cast upon as a total slave. The only bad thing was that the spell stated that it would only work once and also only on one person. Suzan was to be my victim.

When I returned to the store to give back the book I found that it was closed. I wasn’t sure what to make of that exactly. I didn’t know if it was closed forever or if it were closed just for the day but at any rate I dropped the book into the mail slot in the door and left.

Of course I wasn’t totally convinced that the spell would work but for some reason there was also a part of me that thought that it just might. The way the woman looked at me and the serious way that she gave me the book just made me want to believe.

The way that the spell worked was simple. All I had to do was say a paragraph full of words and carve the name of the victim into my left arm with something sharp. After that I was supposed to go to sleep thinking off that person until I fell asleep. Now, I wasn’t real happy about carving anything into my arm I mean I don’t like tattoos and I don’t particularly like blood either but if it would help me get what I want I was willing to try it.

I took a small razor blade and started to chant the words slowly while I was very careful with the razor. I was careful not to cut too deep so as to hopefully not scar myself very badly. Altogether it took me about ten to fifteen minutes and then it was time for me to sleep.

I went to bed with my arm bandaged thinking about Suzan and our past and praying that this spell would work. I wanted to have her helpless and at my mercy.

I woke not feeling any different and in fact the pain that my arm had felt the night before from cutting into it was gone as well. I took of the bandage and was amazed to see the Suzan’s name was gone and there was no evidence of it ever being there. This amazed me! I was starting to wonder if there was some chance that it might have actually worked.

This was on a Friday so I decided to take the day off from work and head to my parent’s house for the weekend. If nothing had happened at least I would get to see my parents and some old friends. But if the spell had worked then I would get to have Suzan and my revenge.

I drove the three hours back to the small town and I intentionally went my Suzan’s gift shop to make sure that she was still there. She was and I knew that she wouldn’t be leaving until after6PM I had plenty of time to plan things out for her. The store was a remodeled house that looked welcoming and accommodating to both shop in and live in. Her black beamer was parked in the driveway.

As I said earlier I wanted to destroy her and make her pay. I decided that in order to do that there were certain parts of her life that I would have to destroy and I wanted to humiliate her before I finished her off. To me the perfect revenge was in stages:

I drove back to her store when I knew that she would be alone. Suzan sometimes worked late to get things straightened up for the next business day and I knew that. I went up to the back door and knocked on it.

I was wondering if she would let me in or if I would have to test the spell right away. If she let me in I would use small talk and apologize and that sort of thing until I got the nerve up to test the spell out on her. My heart was pounding and I was scared that I might just pass out right there on her back steps.

But she came to the door just as I hoped that she would. She looked at me with a look of shock and amazement. I don’t think that she could believe that I was even standing there. It looked like it was just too much for her to comprehend.

“What are you doing here?” she asked accusingly through the glass of the door. Again I was stung. Even though I was expecting it she was still treating me like an intruder and I didn’t like it at all. “Don’t you think you owe me something?” I asked. Secretly I wanted her to be a bitch and make me madder so that I wouldn’t feel guilty in the least about her future. She said nothing immediately though. She simply stared at me while she formed her words. I don’t owe you anything Cass just go away.

No we need to talk and I am not leaving until we do. “Yes you will because I am not talking to you” she replied. I am going to walk away from this door and when I come back in five minutes your car had better be gone or else I am calling the police. She turned to walk away from the door and now I knew it was time to take control of her if I really could. I closed my eyes and imagined her returning to the door and unlocking it. My eyes were still closed when I heard the deadlock on the door pop open, I opened my eyes to see her swing the door open for me.

I smiled exuberantly. “Jesus” I said out loud, “my god it works.” Suzanne looked at me even more strangely. “What the hell are you talking about?” “Shut up bitch.” Her face quickly changed to a look of an extreme panic as she realized that she could no longer talk. “Yes!” I exulted. She turned to run not knowing what else to do but I wasn’t having that. I stopped her and walked through the door into the storage room that she had let me into. She was frozen in the middle of the room half in stride so I had her move and sit in her chair at her desk where she kept track of store inventory.

I refroze her in her chair in the position that I wanted her in. Back straight, shoulders back so that her breasts stood out proudly like they should. For the hell of it I made her smile that beautiful toothy winning smile for me. I thought it was funny and sexy to see her smiling even though she didn’t have anything to smile about nor be happy about.

I remembered nights of working late with her and joking with her while she sat in her chair but now I was not in a joking mood. I looked at her and I couldn’t stop smiling.

I had imagined a million things that I wanted to do to her but now with the spell really working I couldn’t think of a single thing. Everything was all jumbled up in my head and I needed to slow down and think clearly. I didn’t want to screw up my fantasy.

Suzanne was no longer a person. She was now nothing more than an actor in the play that was about to become Cass’s revenge. I looked harder at her now, studying her. She was still just as beautiful as I remembered her. Her beautiful dark hair and gorgeous body was still just as I imagined it.

My heart was beating a million times faster than normal but I realized that everything that I had dreamed of was now coming true. It was time for the sweetest revenge!