The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

If you are not considered a legal adult in your society, country, community, or state, CLOSE THIS DOCUMENT NOW.

2. This text is a FICTIONAL account dominated by explicit sexuality and sexual acts. It contains Non-Consentual Sex, Rape, Violence, Human Genetic Engineering, Chauvinistic attitudes, and other IMMORAL content. If you don’t want to read this sort of thing, then now would be a good time to close this document.

3. The Author does not condone the sort of behavior depicted in this story. The reader is reminded that there is a BIG difference between FICTION and REALITY. If you find yourself easily influenced by fiction, or have difficulty discerning the difference between fiction and reality, you really shouldn’t be reading this sort of thing.

If I ever encountered someone in reality who wanted to do anything like what is described herein, I’d turn him into the cops.

4. The Author can not be held responsible for any damages that this document might cause to the reader, his property, friends, computer, soul, or body.



(If you want to skip all of the annoying back-story and plot and just get to the sex, proceed to Part 3. :—D )

Part 1. Why

I know a lot of people will hate me. Mostly, that will come after I’m dead. That’s not to say that I don’t care what will happen after I’m dead, quite the opposite actually. That’s how I came to do it, if you understand me. Many people would have done something like this because of some twisted fetish, because their parents spanked them too much, or not enough, but I’m doing this for the benefit of mankind, well mostly. It started nine years ago.

Nine years ago, I was an up and coming researcher working for a lab run by the FDA. Our lab had a research mandate in addition to doing analysis work upon various food products being marketed in the US. Even so, I only stumbled upon it by accident.

Our lab had been sent a whole series of new genetically engineered strains of wheat and corn from a company called Agroneering Lmt. Strictly routine and boring work. Despite what you may have read, genetically engineered food is perfectly safe.... that is, as long as its engineered that way. Our job, in a nutshell, was to compare the biochemical composition of the engineered wheat with that of various natural strains. Being the newest member of the lab, I was the one given this tedious job, pure joy. Being funded by the US tax payer, our lab had all the newest equipment. Some of it being so new that no one new how to use it. It was one of these devices that I used, partially just for an excuse to find out what it was capable of.

A less sensitive machine would surely have missed it. The engineered grains, in addition to being more nutritious and pest resistant, had a hidden function. They each produced a protein, that when ingested, would act as a weak menstrual inhibitor. In lay-mans terms, these grains would make the women who ate them less fertile... less likely to conceive.

It took a while for me to be sure, and several experiments to gather sufficient evidence to convince someone else, but I eventually felt confident in my results. I presented my findings to my boss, Dr. Mazenfeld, recommending that the engineered strains of grain not be approved for use in the US.

I was floored by his response: “This is impressive work Allan, too bad we’ll never be able to share it with anyone.”

“What? Why? What are you talking about? I’ve gone over the data a dozen times! It’s absolutely accurate!” I stammered.

Dr. Mazenfeld, had a pained look on his face, he got up and closed the door and said: “Allan sit back down, I know you do good work. That’s not the issue. Consider what your findings MEEN.”

“They mean that Agroneering Lmt. is trying to market products that have detrimental side effects!” I blustered.

“Allan. Stop. Your a Scientist! Think! Could something as complicated as this digestive degradation leading to contraceptive activity have occurred in their strains by chance?”

“What? Well, I must admit it does seem rather unlikely, but what of it?”

“Allan! For crying out loud use your brain! It was engineered in to these grains INTENTIONALLY!” I normally would have been annoyed by his tone, but I could see that he wasn’t angry, rather scared. Terrified and near panic to be precise. “Allan, after I read you findings last night, I did some digging. I called in a few favors, and I found out that Agroneering Lmt. is wholly owned by a series of shell corporations. According to my sources, the trail goes back to NeoEstate inc.”

“NeoEstate Inc.? Who are they?”

“I’m not surprised you haven’t hear of them, Allan, but when you’ve been working for the FDA as long as I have, you start to pick up on certain unofficial truths. NeoEstate is a cover for DARPA, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration.”

“Uh, if you say so, but where are you going with this?”

“Allan, back in the 1600’s a man named Malthos came up with a theory about the cause of wars. His theory said that people breed until they suffer from over-population. That over-population leads to famines, and disease, causing social unrest, in turn causing wars. Those wars and famines then cause the number of people to diminish, removing the over population and opening up the field for another breeding explosion. He believed that this was the cause of the cyclic nature of history... the same things happening over and over again. Most of the conclusions that Malthos drew were false, but the principle that Population Pressure is what drives the disasters and wars in history is true.”


“Imagine, if you could change that Allan. I bet, that’s what the people at DARPA were thinking when they commissioned these contraceptive grains. By reducing the fertility of the average American woman they hope to keep birth rates in check. This will, in their minds, lead to our culture becoming more stable... no population pressure to destabilize it.”

“But that’s silly Dr. Mazenfeld! Even if we buy the conspiracy theory on the origin of the grain, and we assume that it could have the effect you describe, it would be a bad thing! Those upheavals... wars, famines, the occasional plague are necessary to the growth of a society. Every theory of history agrees on that! They’d be buying tranquility in the present, at the expense of the vitality of the future.”

“These people don’t see it that way. Right now, they are the true power in the world Allan. They control the government of the only super-power left. They have everything to lose in that vital future you envision, and everything to gain by protecting the status quo.”

“Then all the more reason to expose the effects of these strains!”

“Allan do you thing these people have gotten to where they are by letting other people get away with derailing their plans? The only thing we achieve by trying to expose Them is force Them to discredit us. No, it is better to just remain silent. I’ve seen what happens to people who try to get in Their way.”

“Then, what are you going to do?”

“Why, Nothing of course. I’m getting near retirement, and have a pension to protect. I suggest you look to safe-guarding your own career. Your not the first scientist to be forced to suppress his own findings.”

I didn’t take Dr. Mazenfeld’s advice. I had to try and blow the lid off of the whole thing. Few legitimate reporters would listen to me, and Dr. Mazenfeld refused to verify my work. He was afraid of his imaginary conspiracy.

I don’t blame him, he was right to be afraid. It was amazing how little They had to do in order to ruin my life and totally discredit me in the eyes of the few journalists I’d gotten to listen to me. I was awakened by men coming in the door one night, they put a bag over my head and put me in the trunk of a car. After a short drive, I was injected with something that the police blood-work later said was Mezmodine, a new designer drug, and dropped in the middle of the road. I was pretty high on the drug, and in a very public place, so it’s not surprising that I was picked up by a couple of cops, who had received an ‘anonymous’ call concerning a disorderly individual. The cops found several grams of coke They had planted on me. ‘Coincidentally’, all of my samples and lab work were “destroyed in a lab accident”, at the same time I was coming down from the Mezmodine in police custody.

Repudiated by my boss, without any of my lab work as evidence, and with a drug conviction, I wasn’t about to expose anybody.

This is how I came to be sharing a 6x8 cell with Billy. Billy was a short wiry black man in his late twenties doing a 3 year stretch for car robbery. There isn’t much to do in prison, so I ended up telling Billy all about Agroneering Lmt, the contraceptive grain, the whole thing. I have to give him credit, he believed me on the very first telling.

Billy’s response was “So its simple enough... you got fucked by The Man. Join the club.”

That one response gave me a lot to think about, I had assumed that, with my education and upbringing, I understood the way of the world better than people like Billy (Who hadn’t even finished High School). But what good is understanding if it doesn’t correctly model the world you live in? My world view had been wrong, and that had caused me to ignore a real threat, even when people like Dr. Mazenfeld pointed it out to me. Billy on the other hand was the only person who actually believed my story, other than Dr. Mazenfeld, who was doing everything he could to distance himself from me and my findings.

With that in mind, I asked Billy, what he would do if he was “fucked by someone”.

Billies response: “Fuck ‘em back. Hard! It’s that, or live in fear, man.”

Part2. How

Sitting in that cell, I had a lot of time to think about Billy’s advice, and about how I should go about it. These people, whose faces I’d never even seen, had taken my future and ruined it. I’d never be able to get the kind of job that I wanted with that drug conviction on my record. What really angered me though was that their plan was going to succeed. In the endless wait that is prison life, I had taken the opportunity to really start studying history. Dr. Mazenfeld had been right when he said that Population Pressure was the engine that drove all the upheavals in history. If that were all there were to it, then the Agroneering grains wouldn’t be such bad things.

Unfortunately, I was also right. It took major upheavals for mankind to advance: Columbus wouldn’t have discovered the new world if wars over access to the spice trade routes hadn’t driven Spain to look for an alternate path. Nuclear power would not have been discovered if WWII hadn’t driven the world powers to try for it. Famines lead to the invention of steam engines to move food faster and from farther a field. The list of all the example is called “History.”

“Fuck ‘em back. Hard! It’s that, or live in fear, man.” Billy had been transfered to a higher security prison, for brawling. Now I only had the memory of his advice... but how do I strike at them without even knowing who they really are? Thinking of Billy got me thinking like he would... I could almost see him laying on his old bunk. He surely would have said: “Hit ‘em where it hurts. Hit ‘em so they don’t ever get to hit you back.”

What people like the Agroneering conspiracy prised above all was security. As Dr. Mazenfeld had pointed out, they’re at the top of the world and have everything to lose from sudden change. But which change should I cause? I glanced in the direction of Billy’s bunk... a man protects that which he perceives as weakest... They were protecting themselves from sudden social upheaval by preventing the population from rising. To attack them, I didn’t have to stop their plan, all I had to do was stop their plan from working.

How does one cause a lot of babies to be born and thus Population Pressure to rise? Looking at the porn on the walls of the cell facing mine, I smiled... there was one way... with certain fringe benefits. Grinning, I discarded the silly idea, no one man could possibly impregnate that many women... Or could he?

I got out of jail 5 years ago, changed and determined. I perfected my plan. I got a job at a small community college campus as a maintenance man... before my name had been dragged through the dirt in order to discredit me, I might have gotten a job teaching at a better school than this one. Nevertheless, I had chosen this job carefully because it afforded me access to the laboratories late at night. I used to be a genetic engineer until the Agroneering conspiracy had turned me into a criminal... lets see if they liked the new Allan Tate!

It took me far less time than you might think to develop and build the genes that I wanted to introduce into my genetic code. Only 2 years. Such things take decades for reputable scientists, like I used to be, because they have to abide by safety procedures. I wasn’t an official scientist any more, so I didn’t feel a need to play by the official rules.

At the end of my work, I was left staring at a syringe full of genetically modified viruses. These viruses were dead themselves... they couldn’t make more viruses, but they could insert a strand of genetic material into a human cell which would in turn become part of that cells DNA. I had no idea if it would work, or if it was safe... I would be my own test subject... I brought it home before a long holiday and injected my self. The genetic material, that these viruses would introduce into my DNA, contained two genes.

The first gene was deigned to release an enzyme into my semen. This enzyme would be ejected into a woman’s womb along with my sperm... and just like my sperm it would travel through her cervix, into her fallopian tubes, which lead to the ovaries. Normally, if the ovaries haven’t released an egg, a pregnancy can’t occur, the ovaries are protected by a membrane from the sperm entering them... all my enzyme does is degrade that membrane. A lot of people don’t know it but a woman is born with all her eggs already in her ovaries... their just released only once a month. With my enzyme I will be able to fertilize ALL of the eggs in a womans ovaries. It won’t matter if a woman is fertile at the moment of intercourse... her body will eventually release that egg, and it will already be fertilized and ready to divide. I called this “Superimpregnation”, and it would be passed on to my male progeny. A superimpregnated woman would be doomed to an endless string of pregnancies, one after another, it wouldn’t matter if she swore off men, and never had sex again, she’d keep having my kids. What’s more, she couldn’t have anyone else’s kids as she would have no unfertilized eggs left in her ovaries.

This would get around The Pill and the Agroneering grain... even The pill has a failure rate... its very low because most women aren’t having sex every single day... so the chances that an egg will accidentally be released on the same day that she has sex are very small. Now that won’t matter.

The second gene was designed so that it would not be active in me but in the developing fetus I had fathered. It released a chemical into the mother’s blood that would bind to a very primitive region of the brain, associated with maternal instincts, and hyper stimulated it. I had to be sure that a woman wouldn’t just abort the child, or abandon it. This way she would be motivated to keep her children, and raise them well. There is also some evidence that that region of the brain is responsible for docile behavior in women, and aggressive behavior in men. This behavior modification gene would also be active in my female children (who would be much more numerous).

The last trick in my arsenal was a chemical that I had designed back on the prison computer system. This chemical was similar to the structure of the male pheromone, but it had attached to it a carbon ring structure like that on steroids. This structure allows steroids to enter the cells of the body and change how they operate. It was my hope that, this chemical would act as a powerful aphrodisiac on women. I had already tested it upon myself and felt no effect, but that only proved that it wasn’t lethal... theoretically, women would be affected very differently. I could mix it with DMSO and load it into a squirt gun. The DMSO opens the pores on the skin allowing any chemical to pass through, into the blood stream. One squirt from the gun would be like injecting a woman.

I sat and waited in my apartment, looking at the empty syringe. Nothing seemed to be happening. Right now, millions of viruses were cruising my blood, occasionally latching on to a cell. When they did, their genetic cargo would be inserted, changing the DNA of that cell. After cruising the channels on the TV, I took a short nap. At least I had intended for it to be short.

Part3. Action

I woke up feeling stiff and weak, everything was a blur... a reelling spinning blur. As the world settled down I found that I could not move. There was intense pain in my chest and head... the world began to spin again and I lost consciousness once more. When I next woke up it was to the sounds of a hospital. I still felt stiff but not as weak as I had when I briefly woke up before. I was laying on one of those roll-away hospital beds. When I got a chance to talk to a doctor I was informed that my land lord, having not received any rent, had found no response when he knocked on the door. Knowing that I was in, because my car was out front, he opened the apartment and found me unconscious and feverish, I had apparently been so for several days and was near death from dehydration. I had been unconscious in the hospital for 12 days. They had put an IV in me and tried to wake me with stimulants, that’s apparently what I remembered. But they didn’t know what was wrong and thus were merely able to keep me stable in hopes that I would recuperate on my own. The fever broke two days before I woke.

It took about a week of observation from the doctors before they were willing to release me, I endured it silently only giving minimal and misleading answers when they asked me about my “attack”. The last thing I wanted was for them to understand what had happened to me.

Now I had to check if my various tricks would work. The first thing I checked was the aphrodisiac. This was easy since I just had to find a target, squirt her, and watch for results. I had the squirt gun in my pocket and was leaving the apartment building, planning to go to a park and test it, when I saw Jeff. Jeff was a computer repairman, nice guy, balding and a bit over weight. He had a crush on Cheryl, the Ice-Queen secretary for the apartment manager. I smiled at Jeff as I passed and noticed that he had his rent check in his hand, and thought to myself... ‘Jeff, it may be your lucky day.’

I walked into the apartment office, about a minute ahead of Jeff (He had stopped to recover his mail before dropping off his rent check.) Cheryl gave me the bitchy-I’m-too-good-for-you-to-look-at glare number 17, and said “I see you didn’t manage to die from your mysterious illness Mr. Tate.”

With a mirthless smile, I replied “The thought of putting a stake through your heart sustained me, Cheryl.”

Cheryl did not rise to a second venom laden comment as she was busy writing my receipt. At that moment, a renter came in requesting a UPS package that had been dropped off in the office. As she was finding the package, I leaned over and squirted two shots of my aphrodisiac into Cheryl’s coffee. (The coffee wouldn’t hurt it, and it could be absorbed through the mouth and esophagus as easily as the skin). I left with my receipt as Jeff was walking in. I then snuck around, outside, until I could look into the office from the back window.

Jeff was, as usual, trying to make conversation with Cheryl. I couldn’t blame him, for all her bitchy attitude Cheryl was a knock-out: 5′7″, black hair in waves down to her shoulders, almond shaped eyes and arching eyebrows. Her breasts were firm without being massive, her slim waist was complemented by flaring hips and long muscular legs.

Cheryl was studiously ignoring Jeff, not looking at him, replying in monosyllables. In an excuse to not reply to him, she took a long drink of her coffee.

At first nothing seemed to happen, then she put her hand to her head as if dizzy or tired. Jeff, being a conscientious sort, asked her if something was wrong. Cheryl looked up as if shocked. Her head reeled as if she were drunk and she was looking at Jeff as if he were a stranger. Cheryl shook herself, and then took another drink of coffee, obviously hoping that would help her clear her head. Jeff meanwhile was still asking her what was wrong.

Cheryl put down the cup, and then her breasts started heaving, as she practically started panting at the confused and somewhat alarmed Jeff. She got up clenching and unclenching her fists with an almost crazed look on her face. From the way she was looking at Jeff, it was clear that she was ready to fuck him to death right there. That part of her was at war with the part of her that saw Jeff as a life form somewhat less advanced than a slug. Jeff meanwhile was fighting his own internal battle... Being a healthy red blooded American Male, the sight of those wonderful breasts heaving up and down as she gasped for air was deactivating all of his higher thought processes. At the same time, Jeff really was a nice guy, and didn’t want to take advantage of Cheryl.

Fortunately, even as Jeff’s better side was winning in him, the drug was winning in Cheryl. As if coming to a decision, Cheryl stormed past Jeff to the door and locked it. She flipped the “open” sign to “closed” and pulled the blinds down over the door’s window. (Fortunately, she forgot about the back window that I was looking through.) Then turning to Jeff, she shoved him into the wall and cornered him as he tried to reason with her. Jeff’s rational mind was not really running on all cylinders just then, and Cheryl’s was out to lunch, so that didn’t work. Before he knew it, Jeff found himself kissing Cheryl as she ground her hips and her breasts into him. Even the Pope would succumb under such stimulation. Very soon, Jeff and Cheryl were wearing a lot less clothes and were copulating on her desk. I was pleased to see that Cheryl’s body was every bit as firm as I had imagined. Jeff didn’t last long, but Cheryl was not going to just let him quit. The moment he finished cumming, she was grinding herself into him, and locking her legs around his back so that he couldn’t pull out.

Jeff is not exactly a candidate for a Bowflex commercial. So his stamina was nothing special. Eventually, however, he rose to the occasion and was back in business. This time Cheryl came first, but was immediately urging Jeff on again. Once again, the moment Jeff came Cheryl was working on stimulating him back into action. This happened over and over again, eventually they passed out on her desk, coated in sweat, each other’s secretions, and still wrapped in each other’s arms.

Looking at the lucky Jeff, I thought to myself ‘Well, I guess this represents a successful test of the aphrodisiac.’

Now that I knew that the drug worked, I felt more secure testing my modified genetics. (I had already run a PCR of my own DNA, showing that the new genes that I had designed had been introduced into my genetic code.) But would they do what I had intended?

I wouldn’t know if the superimpregnation gene worked until a woman I had knocked up started getting repeat pregnancies. But I could know if the behavior modification gene was working within a few months of knocking her up.

I had chosen my target carefully. In order to see if the behavior modification gene would be strong enough to overcome ingrained habits, I had chosen a lesbian abortion rights activist. You may have seen her on TV chanting and carrying a sign counter demonstrating against pro-lifers. Yep, I knew you’d remember her, if you’d seen her. Cassy Reinhart. If you haven’t seen her on TV, Cassy is the living definition of “Blond Bomb Shell.” When she walks by, men groan as if they are in pain. When those men find out that she is a lesbian, they are in pain. I don’t mean to be crass when I say this, but when a man looks at Cassy, they come to know the obviousness of the truth: A body like that is simply built to be fucked.

I had managed to find Cassy’s address... pretty tricky as she’s something of a public figure. So, I knew that she lived in a plush condo down on the waterfront of a nearby city with a small soft-spoken Japanese woman named Miko. Observing Miko and Cassy together for 1 minute was enough to put all doubt as to who the dominant member of the relationship was out of my mind. Cassy had a down-right masculine air about how she hovered over Miko.

Targeting Cassy had the side benefit that she lived in a different state from me. Police rarely look far afield for criminals like rapists. Normally I don’t go in for this kind of thing... I don’t hate women, and I don’t like hurting people, but in order to test the behavior modification gene, I had to be sure that impregnated woman’s unmodified attitude would have been to abort or adopt-out the child. That was the reason for choosing an abortion rights activist... well, Cassy’s figure had something to do with it to.

Miko was very conscientious when it came to their security precautions... they had an alarm system, and kept mace. All the precautions two smart sexy women might reasonably take. There phone line however, was not secured.

(It’s amazing what you can learn in prison by mail-order courses. You’ve heard the ads: “...Choose from careers like telecommunications specialist, lock picking, gun repair... you can even major in Business Management, or Accounting.")

For a few weeks I had thrown pebbles at their patio window at night, this set off the window vibration detector, which in turn set off the alarm. Eventually, they called their security service asking for someone to come out and repair the obviously defective system. Since I had monitored the call, I knew when the repair man was going to show up. I tazered him, sedated him, and took his uniform, tool kit, and clipboard.

Because I’d been keeping an eye on them, I knew that Cassy was home, while Miko was out shopping. I knocked on the door, and was met by Cassy. She was all business, looked me over and then lead me into the condo. I explained that I had to put the security system into diagnostic mode, and asked her to show me where the keypad was. She turned to lead me to kitchen; the moment her back was turned, I tazered, and then sedated her.

When Cassy woke up, she was naked, gagged, and spread-eagle on her bed, having been tied down. I also had squirted her with my aphrodisiac, so I imagine that she was pretty confused: aroused from the drug, (She was wet, and her nipples were erect.) and furious from having been attacked. Then she saw me, sitting there with the tazer gun, smiling at her.

“I’m afraid the real security tech will be unconscious for hours. I checked his log sheet. Your the only call he has today, and they won’t miss him until 5:00 PM.”

“WmmRnnrrr Nn Tttsht.”

“Why am I doing this?”


“Well, it’s complicated, lets just say your a means to an end. Through you, I’ll disrupt the plans certain slippery characters, and in the end, that will be a good thing. I’ll understand if that comes as small consolation.”

I heard movement at the door of the condo. “That’ll be Miko returning. I’ll be back.”

Cassy slammed her body up and down on the bed and tried to scream through her gag, no doubt to warn Miko, I had expected that and tazered her again.

Miko was putting her groceries into the fridge when I snuck into the kitchen. She must have heard me, because she turned around, as if expecting to see Cassy. The moment she did, I pounced on her. She tried to squirm away, but when she saw that I had a knife she went limp. Miko was not the sort to offer resistance to any kind of force, that’s probably why she got along so well with such a forceful partner as Cassy.

I marched Miko back into the bed room, where Cassy was just getting control of her nervous system again. I held the knife to Cassy’s throat and ordered Miko to strip. Miko gave a sort of submissive shudder and began to take of her clothing. Cassy tried to offer some sort of verbal protest through the gag, but even if we could have understood her, it wouldn’t have changed the situation.

Finally, Miko stood before me, naked. Her nipples were erect, as I had suspected, she enjoyed being dominated. Seeing my attention, she hung her head in shame. I then squirted her with my aphrodisiac, never hurts to be sure, and ordered her to kneel at the foot of the bed facing her bound lover.

From behind, I approached her and pushed her torso down onto the bed so that her head was between Cassy’s legs and her behind was pointing up at me. By now I was more than ready for action. (Miko may not have Cassy’s body, but she was slender with sensuous flared hips and little round breasts.) Dropping my pants, I positioned the tip of my tool at her entrance and moved it up and down the crack of her cunt. She was quite wet, whether from the situation or my drug, I wasn’t sure. When my pole was sufficiently coated with her secretions, I started pushing it into her.

She gave out a mewing sound and started gasping “No me pussy. No me pussy!” Even now, being raped in front of her bound lesbian lover, Miko was incapable of actually raising her voice.

That was just as well, since Cassy looking down her spread-eagle body at us was once again trying to scream through her gag. She was also putting a good effort into braking her bonds. Fortunately, I had bound her with 1000 pound test climbing rope, and her bed frame was one of these brushed steal numbers that are so fashionable these days.

Miko wasn’t very tight, I suspect that Cassy’s fist had been up this road more than a few times, but the drug had really turned her on, and her vaginal muscles were milking my cock as it was lodged in her. I started a pretty heavy in-out motion that took me almost all the way out of her and then slammed my cock back in. Miko was such a small woman that her pussy wasn’t quite deep enough for my member. So every time I slammed into her she would let out a sharp, but still quiet, squeak as my cock bumped into the very back of her pussy.

“Don’t sex me. Don’t EEE! Ohhh. sexme. Do... EEEEE! sexme! Sexme! SexmEEEEEE!” She would babble in broken English. Towards the end, I’m not sure she wasn’t encouraging me.

I could feel her becoming more and more excited as I quickened the pace. This was good, as I didn’t think that I could hold out very long. I reached around her torso to cup those two small firm little breasts, and pulled back so that her knees gave way and her back arched. This had the effect of slamming her but backward very hard onto my cock. At that moment I pinched her blood-engorged nipples. All of this was too much for Miko, and she started the quake and quiver in orgasm on her rapist’s cock. “Ohhhh, I cum! I cummmm!” Miko moaned.

Pulling her up so that she was once again kneeling upright in front of the bound Cassy, I slammed into her one last time and emptied a bucket load of cum into her womb.

Cassy had a look of revulsion, but at the same time her chest was rising and falling as she breathed heavily. Perhaps it was the drug, but there was something about this scene that fascinated as well as infuriated her. I pulled out of Miko and rooted around through my gear.

Miko was still babbling incoherently “Oh, you cum in me! You put sperm in me cunt. Oh. Ohhh! Owww! OhhWWWW!”

I was confused, and turned to look at her. I wasn’t even touching her any more! Nevertheless, she was gripping her lovers spread legs and moaning.

“Ohh. No. No. Ohhhhh. It Burns! It burns me! Ohhh!” moaned Miko.

I started to get a little worried. What was going on? Then I began to understand. The membrane that my superimpregnation enzyme degraded must have nerves in it. Miko must actually be feeling it break apart.

Then just as I was beginning to understand, Miko let out a shout “Oh Yes!” This is the first loud noise I’d heard her utter. She was still grasping Cassy’s legs; she arched her back and straightened her legs and was quivering as if 50 watts of current was running down her spine. I almost thought she was in an epileptic fit, but that didn’t explain the look of pure pleasure on her face. Her body was quaking in waves as she occasionally let out another shout. I stood transfixed... Miko seemed to be in some sort of continuous chain of orgasms. At several points she would briefly regain the use of her voice: “Ugggg, not again! Oh Again! Yes! yesyeysyesyes!” She also would babble in Japanese. This went on for about 20 minutes... her quivering and spasming in one long multi-orgasm, and me just standing there watching it, unable even to move from to shear amazement.

The really amazing thing was that it seamed to be intensifying. Finally, in a sort of crescendo, Miko let out a loud low throbbing moan and collapsed.

I stood there in the sudden silence. Looking down, I saw that I had a syringe of sedative in my hand. I had intended to dope her up and then turn to Cassy. I decided that sedative wouldn’t be such a good idea after that ordeal, and just tied the unconscious Miko up instead, once I made sure that she had a strong pulse. Even in her exhausted sleep, Miko’s pussy, thighs, and hips were still twitching.

Cassy’s eyes were round and scared when I finally turned to her. I have to admit that Miko’s performance has kind of freaked me out too, and I knew what was going on, more or less.

The once defiant Cassy tried to shrink away from me, as I mounted her bound form, but her bonds would offer her no escape. Through her gag she tried to say something shaking her head violently as she felt my weight settle upon her. I might have stopped, but her shaking head flung her precisely styled hair around, and I remembered that this was a woman who had lived all her life by being a tease. She wasn’t even attracted to men, but she led them on with her charms to further her own ends.

So after gripping those two huge breasts of hers, I moved my hands around to that perfectly shaped firm ass and slowly pushed my way into her. The drug had made her very wet, but she was unbelievably tight. She tried to clench her legs to keep me out, but that just intensified the wonderful feeling of her tight cunt. And so hot! Her box seemed to be on fire, and I was only an inch into her! Slowly, very slowly, I nudged forward through her silken dept s.

Then, a resistance. This couldn’t be... no, unbelievable! Cassy was a virgin! I’ve always assumed that lesbians were women who’d had bad experiences with men. “Well Cassy, it looks like this is an even bigger day for you than I had expected!”


Taking a deep breath, I heaved forward, and was nearly thrown off her as she bucked and let out a sharp yelp. Cassy’s blood mixed with her juices as I finally sank into the core of her womanhood. She was a perfect fit. I stopped and luxuriated in the feel of her. Carefully at first, I started to pull back and thrust into her, each thrust was accompanied by a quivering in her huge symmetrical breasts, as she exhaled with a shudder.

The look in her eyes was one of panic. Her body was responding to me, thrusting against me, and against her intentions. She clearly was troubled by her instinctive response as she lost all control of her body and started wantonly arching her back into each of my quickening thrusts. She was thrashing her head back and forth, with eyes alternately roving, or closed tight. Like I said before, her body was just simply built to fuck. Her body knew it, even if she didn’t.

I kept this up for a while, after Miko, I had some staying power. Cassy on the other hand was wound up pretty tight, and orgasmed after only a minute of real screwing. Her entire body went tense as she arched her back even more than she previously had. She quaked and moaned as her pussy throbbed around me. If I hadn’t just cum, I would have unloaded just from watching her cum. Fortunately, I was able to hold back, and then start slamming into her the moment she stopped. Since she had never really come down from her first orgasm, it only took a minute to bring her back to the brink. Then I slowed down. She started slamming her pussy onto my impaling cock, and then caught her self, but not soon enough to prevent herself from cumming all over again.

I finally felt myself getting ready, and started renewing my thrusts. As I’ve said, Cassy is a natural fuck, on some instinctive level her body recognized that I was getting ready to cum and responded with a frenzy of energy. I could see that her reactions terrified her rational mind, but the rational man-hating Cassy wasn’t in control right now. When I finally could hold back no longer, I let out a bellow and drove myself into her with all my strength. Cassy’s love tunnel pulsed and massaged my dick, milking squirt after squirt of my semen into her waiting womb.

I was prepared for it when it happened this time. Perhaps ten seconds had passed since I finished cumming; I was still inside her. Cassy was trying to breath deeply through her gag, when suddenly her brow furrowed. She she made a questioning grunt/whimper, and then she started becoming increasingly agitated. Her eyes traveled to the unconscious form of Miko, on the floor beside the bed as she made the connection. She tried twisting in her bonds, but I was still on top/inside her and held her down. At the same time her pussy was clamping down on my penis like a vice. She was clearly in pain now, as she let out a high piercing squeal. Then, as before, very suddenly she stopped, and her eyes, which had been tightly shut, flew open. Around the gag, her mouth formed an “O” shape and and a low moan started from her. Also her pussy, let up it’s vice grip, and began a throbbing contraction that soon spread to all the muscles in her lower body.

The massage from these rhythmic contractions, started to have an effect upon me. I found myself becoming hard again, and was soon thrusting into her again. Cassy was only distantly aware of this through her chain-orgasm. This is easily the most incredible sensation I’ve ever experienced. Cassy’s whole body was given over to a continuous sexual bonanza. It was like having sex with a roller-coaster, a bon fire, and a panther all at the same time. Sensing the crescendo to her chain-orgasm approaching, as it had in Miko, I managed to delay my own orgasm until it hit. Pulling her close to me I once again released my sperm deep into her even as she finally succumbed to the intense chain-orgasm. My cock was pulsing into her below, as my eyes looked into hers, I watched as those eyes widened, and then, growing blank, rolled back into her head. The sensations were finally too much for her.

After recovering, I untied Cassy and Miko, both still unconscious, and put them into each other’s arms on the bed. Then I changed back into my own clothes and stopped by the security guy’s van, dropping off his uniform. In a few hours, this entire area would be swarming with cops, and I was determined to be long gone by then.

I watched the papers. The story was suppressed for a few days, but then the Post ran a collum on a “Mystery Assault”:

“Two abortion activists, including nationally renowned Cassy Reinhart, were assaulted in their home on Thursday. Evidence at the scene suggests that the women were overcome via force by an armed intruder. Both women had been restrained and sexually assaulted, but were discovered in a coma like state. Upon regaining consciousness, they both reported no memory of their attack or of any of the events that lead up too it. When asked to comment on these bizarre events, Chief of Police Robert Horton said: ‘Memory loss is not unheard of in cases of rape, physicians term the condition Hysterical Amnesia, and it is rarely long term. We are currently investigating all leads, and are treating this as a politically motivated crime.’”

Amnesia.... I hadn’t expected this. It was possible that it was nothing more than Hysterical Amnesia, as the article had suggested, but I suspected there was more to it than that. First, that Miko AND Cassy would have identical Hysterical Amnesia cases is statistically impossible.

Second, the human brain was never designed to withstand the chain-orgasm phenomenon that I had observed in Miko and Cassy. That had also been an unintended side effect of my altered genetics. Wasn’t it more likely that instead of two unexpected developments, there was only one with two effects? I suspected that the chain-orgasm had been caused by direct stimulation of the subjects ovaries by my sperm... something that would not have been possible except for my enzyme. This direct stimulation in turn seemed to cause a sort of feed-back loop that overloaded the conscious mind of the subject, simultaneously wiping out all recent memories.

If this is the case, I reasoned, then it can be tested. I devised a plan... If I had sex with an unconscious woman, and the chain orgasm was, as I suspected a physiological response leading to memory loss, then it would induce a wipe of her recent memories. Any amnesia would not be due to shutting out the traumatic experience, as she would never have actually experienced it to begin with. And I had just the subject for this little experiment...

Shondra Tyding had been one of the people who worked for Agroneering. She was a corporate media handler, who had been called upon to denounce me a a wacko when I started sounding off about the dangers of Agroneering’s contraceptive grains. I would have disliked her even if she wasn’t smearing my name through the mud. You know the type... a regular never do anything for anyone unless it will get you somewhere snob.

It took no effort to find her. In the years I had been rotting in jail, Shondra had managed to ascend to the rank of vice president of the marketing division of Agroneering. You can see her picture smiling back at you from their web site.

I did a little digging, and found that Shondra was engaged to the president of Agroneering... her recent promotion was just a “coincidence” you understand I’m sure. She was currently living with him, so going after her at her home would be difficult. I’d have to get her at work. Fortunately, Agroneering’s corporate offices were all the way off in Chicago... I was being very careful to set up a geographic pattern to the locations of my activities that would mislead any official investigation.

I took an extended vacation from my repairman job, and drove to Chicago. There, I observed the Agroneering facility. It was one of these designer buildings with multiple tiers and a strange shape... apparently being a willing stooge for a vast government conspiracy pays quite well. The place had excellent security, both because they don’t want want intruders getting in and because they don’t want genetically modified bacteria getting out.

Fortunately, like so many of these places, they treated their unskilled labor like dirt. When you’ve been a janitor or a repairman for a few years, you get to recognizing things that the upper crust doesn’t. For instance, many of the poor smoke. Agroneering like so much of corporate America has a strict No Smoking policy. Knowing this was all I needed to defeat all their careful security measures.

Thus, around lunch time, I found myself standing at one of the locked emergency doors of the Agroneering building... the one that had a drainage grate. I was dressed as a janitor, and had a toolkit. Sure enough, the door eventually opened from the inside without setting off the alarm. Out came a wiry man named Steve whom I promptly offered a light, explaining that I was new here. There is a certain bond between smokers... especially with todays oppressive attitude towards them. By sharing a smoke with Steve, and giving a convincing explanation, Steve, a complete stranger, was more than willing to trust me. When we were finished smoking, Steve pointed out that I had to dispose of my cigarette butt in the grate, otherwise management would know that somebody was braking the smoking policy. Then he let me in. Simple as that; the trick to defeating any security system is to get the people on the inside to invite you in. I excused myself from Steve and found a maintenance closet. There, I acquired a trash bin on rollers and took the bulk elevator up to the top floor. The rich snobs who worked up here never even looked me in the eye... after all I was just a janitor. I came to Shondra’s office. Out side was her secretary... a blond intern in her twenties. She was just beginning to make her territorial challenge to my presence when I tazered and sedated her. Then I locked the frosted glass door to Shondra’s reception area with a note taped to the outside saying that she had been called away on an emergency. The secretary, Kimberly from the name plate on the desk, was pretty hot... well every experiment should be replicatable!

Finally I listened at the door to Shondra’s office, I didn’t hear anything, but then I’d had no way of knowing if she was even going to be in today... I just taken a a chance. Finally, convinced that she was either not their or alone, I got out a thin rubber hose and a gas mask from my tool kit. The hose ran to a chloroform tank. I slipped the hose under the door to Shondra’s office and began to release the gas. About a minute later, the intercom on the secretaries desk beeped and a groggy voice said, “Kimberly, could you bring me some coffee, I’m feeling very tired.”

Naturally, Kimberly, the secretary, was unable to answer. After a few increasingly groggy and annoyed inquiries, I heard Shondra get up and try to approach the door, but collapse mid way across the office. I kept the gas going a few more minutes and then went in to recover her. I didn’t have a lot of time, they’d be waking up in about half an hour, so I carried both women into Shondra’s office and lay them face down on her desk with their rear ends pointing back at me. Then I dropped their skirts and got to “work”. With them unconscious, this wasn’t as much fun, but Kimberly was very tight. Shondra on the other hand was pretty loose, I suspected that she had banged her way all the way up the corporate ladder. Both women appeared to go into the multi-orgasm even in their sleep supporting my hypothesis that it was a physiological not mental phenomenon. It would be interesting to see if the amnesia would also result.

When I was done, I placed both women at their respective desks, after re-arranging their clothing of course. Leaving their still twitching and convulsing forms leaning over their desks, I beat a hasty exit. I left the building immediately, just in case the amnesia didn’t occur. I was stopped by one of corporate security rent-a-cops, but only because I had used the front door instead of the maintenance entrance. Talk about nearly causing a coronary!

Then I waited and watched the news and the papers... no report of an assault at the Agroneering headquarters. No police cars had shown up. Kimberly would have remembered being tazered by a maintenance worker... surely they would call security who in turn would call the cops... unless she didn’t remember. Amnesia, the experiment was a success. Those two women must have woken at their desks confused but unaware of what had happened. Over the next few months they would start missing their periods and not understand what was happening. Finally, approaching a doctor, they would find that they were pregnant, and not even remember their encounter with the father.

After my ‘vacation’, I got to keeping track of my first two victims, Cassy and Miko. I used a parabolic microphone, which amazingly you can buy over the Internet, to listen in on their conversations at home. About three months after I had fucked them, I over heard the following conversation:


I know, I’ve missed my period too.


Do you think its because of him?


Nonsense, we both took the day-after pill. There’s no chance we could be pregnant!


But, the morning sickness?


Don’t call it that! It’s just a touch of the flu!

A few days later they had the same argument, and Cassy agreed to buy a home pregnancy kit just to quiet down Miko. I smiled as I listened to that...


This is impossible!


I knew it. I felt different. I’m a mother now.


Well we could...


I couldn’t bear it. I don’t understand, but I can’t have an abortion... it’s my child. I’ll keep it. I need to keep it.


I’m confused. I want an abortion, but I also want to keep it. I don’t even remember being raped, even if the police say I was! I feel like I should accepted this.


Do! Do! We can have our children together!

It was clear that my behavior modification gene was having its desired effect. The only remaining question was whether the superimpregnation would work. I had some evidence that it had already... the day-after pills that both Miko and Cassy took, had not had an effect, but that could be explained in other ways. I was impatient, wanting to go out and spread a few Wild Oats, if you know what I mean. But, if I did so, there was a high risk that I’d eventually get caught. If I was going to take such a risk, I had to know that my plan was going to work. So, I waited nine long months as the belly’s of my various subjects swelled. Cassy was my favorite. I had a telephoto image of her trying to walk with that enormous tummy on that toned and still sexy body. She was having triplets! Eventually, my subjects gave birth. Shondra had married her boss and convinced him that the child was his. Kimberly had pulled a similar deception with her boy friend. Then I waited as my subjects recovered; the typical mother is ready to conceive again about two to three months after giving birth.

Cassy had quit her job at the national abortion rights office and taken a job running a florist franchise. She had just gotten home when I recorded the following conversation:


I felt like some fried tomatoes tonight would you like some Miko? Miko? What’s the matter?


Cas, I don’t understand, I tried it three times, but it came up positive each time.


Miko what are you talking about?


I’m pregnant again! Cassy, how can this be? The only time I’ve been with a man was last year... we both got pregnant, but now its over right?


It must be a problem with the test.


Three tests?


We’ll talk to a doctor.


Cas, there’s more, you were sick this morning remember?


Well yes, but... Surely you don’t think?

Later they confirmed it at their doctor, and once again they found themselves unable to even consider an abortion. I knew that the behavior modification hormone built up in their systems, the effect would only become more pronounced until their whole purpose for living became the birthing and raising of my babies. They were already well on their way. Within a month I had confirmation that all four of my subjects was once again pregnant, and once again keeping the children.

I’ve gotten into a pretty relaxed routine now. Every weekend I drive to another city, intentionally creating a pattern that will eventually mislead the police. I find some bar, usually upscale, and using my super aphrodisiac I woo a woman into taking me home... once I got my technique down it was amazingly easy, especially with a drug that makes them practically jump out of their skins to get at me. We’ll have a nice chat, and then retire to bed. It’s sort of strange looking at their panicked faces as the pain of my enzyme strikes them and then watch the agony melt away into pleasure so intense that they can’t even remember it, or me when they wake up. Their bodys remember though, my women tend to become very devoted to the men in their life after I’ve had them, I think that the multi-orgasm might be somehow addictive even though the woman doesn’t remember it, she subconsciously craves it.

Eventually the Agroneering conspiracy will find out what’s happening, but it’s already too late to stop it. I’ve knocked up hundreds of women. Each of whom will have a dozen or more babies, and their male children will be just like me, able to impregnate a woman for life with a single fucking. By the time the Agroneering conspiracy works out what has happened, it will be impossible to get ahead of the spread of my new genes. Amazingly, I don’t think anyone has caught on about what is happening yet. Of course, none of the women in question remember our time together, and by the time they start experiencing repeat pregnancies their out look on life has changed rather dramatically, and they see it as a blessing... no need to report it to the police. I suspect that doctors will be the first to put all this together.

The human race will eventually be transformed such that the population increases 10 to 100 times each generation instead of 10%—100%! It will be impossible for Them to maintain power through out the chaos that will ensue.

And now, my dear, I’m afraid your about to forget all of this, but don’t w orry you’ll really enjoy it.

The End.