The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Sorceress and the Kitsune

Chapter 7:

The new year came and went. The little town was snowed in for the winter. In a dilapidated barn on the edge of the little town, Hanako, burrowed under an old pile of hay, shivered.

She was staying in the barn without the knowledge of its owner, but those were the least of her worries. In the past two months, she lost more then twenty pounds and was approaching the point of being skeletally thin. The only way she could reliably get food was to trek into the forest and hunt down a sleeping squirrel or the occasional raccoon, or their food stores. Trekking through the deep snow, she expended almost as much energy as she got from these tiny creatures and their small stores of food.

Occasionally she’d find food to steal, but the snow left tracks, so stealing was difficult. The forest offered little, even for this time of year. It wasn’t an old growth forest like the one she had spent a year living in, and she hadn’t had time to gather food to sustain her throughout the Winter. Most days, she made due with one of the half rotten potatoes that she had to dig up from the frozen ground close to the barn.

Every night, the ball of sexual heat inside her began to form. She found that if she didn’t pleasure herself, it would continue to grow and grow until she could no longer stand it. It was a waste of what little energy she had left, but the release felt so good!

It didn’t feel as good as it had with the needles though...

She hated to even think about it, but now she missed being at the castle. She missed the warm bed that she woke up in every morning. She missed the super-orgasms that she’d receive every night. She missed the daily meals, and she even missed the porridge that made her fall asleep! Thinking about that porridge made her stomach growl loudly. She ate the last of the potatoes earlier in the day, and she could smell no more buried in the ground. Another trek into the forest to look for hidden squirrel stores was in order, but she was so, just... tired. She just wanted to sleep.

There was a whooshing noise and white light. Hanako poked her head out of the hay and deeply regretted it. Vanessa stood in the barn, looking right at her.

“No... Nooooo...”

Hanako got up, intending to run.

“Easy Hanako. You won. You beat me at my own game and broke my spell over you. Congratulations.”

“Then why are you here?”

“I just wanted to see how you’re enjoying your hard earned freedom.”

“I’m enjoying it just fine!”

“Really? You look pretty hungry.”

“It’s... It’s all your fault! You cursed me somehow! You cursed me to have miserable luck, to entice me to return! That’s why you’re here!”

“Really? That old magic book you found, very clever by the way, had a couple spells in it to conjure up food. You knew Winter was close at hand when you escaped. You did not think to learn those spells. You did not think to bring the book with you. You did not think to travel to a larger town. Your sole thought was to escape from the big bad sorceress. Well, you succeeded. I won’t force you to return with me.”

“Then why are you here?”

“To give you something.”

She produced a gold collar with familiar looking jewels embedded in it. The collar was hinged and opened in the back. The name “Hanako” was engraved on the front of it.

Anger flashed across Hanako’s face, and her rage began to build... but she couldn’t sustain it. She was too weak to waste energy on anger.

“I’ll just leave this here with you. If you decide to put it on, you will be transported back to my castle, where you’ll be warm and safe, and you’ll have plenty to eat.”

She set the collar on a small pile of hay, then disappeared in a flash of light.

Hanako checked around the barn to make sure she was gone, then burrowed back under the hay. She’d sleep for an hour or two. That should give her enough energy for another trek into the forest. The squirrel caches were getting harder to find, but there were still a few good spots left.

She poked her head out of the hay and looked at the collar. There were at least three months of Winter left to endure.

She retreated back into the hay. She did it before, she could do it again!

She had food stored up to sustain her before, and a fertile river with fish under the ice. Here the river was devoid of life this time of year.

She had fought so hard to regain her freedom! She couldn’t throw it all away now!

What was so bad about being a pet? She’d be cared for, she’d have food, better shelter, warmth... love...

Another growl from her stomach ended the mental tug of war. She picked up the collar, let out a defeated sigh, and placed it around her neck. It clicked into place. She knew this time, it would never come off.

A faint whoosh, white lught, and Hanako found herself lying in a warm bed. She was back in the castle, in one of the master bedrooms. A fire was roaring in the fireplace, and filled the room with a pleasant warmth, and the pleasing scent of burning wood. Vanessa was there with a bowl of porridge. She picked up a spoon and dipped it into the bowl.

Some small part of Hanako found being hand fed by this woman to be humiliating, but she was so hungry that this part was easily silenced. Every time she ate a bite, Vanessa would pet her head.

“Good girl Hanako.”

Hanako felt happiness at receiving the touching and compliment, and eagerly awaited the next bite. That small part of her knew she shouldn’t be feeling this way, but the rest of her was so tired, hungry, and lonely that a few more bites of food, a few more pets on the head, and a few more words from Vanessa, and that last ember of defiance was smothered.

Contented, with a full belly for the first time in months, Hanako docily watched as Lady Vanessa conjured up a familiar looking stone table, with a familiar looking abacus on it. A familiar looking tablet with its thirteen needles was conjured up as well.

There was no resistance from Hanako as Lady Vanessa began inserting the needles. Her thoughts became slow and soupy as the first two went in. Then the ones in her breasts... and in her now full stomach, and in her vagina, and finally the thirteenth one, right into her clitoris.

The ball of sexual heat began to build, but a few adjustments to the abacus, and it was released as a small orgasm.


Hanako slipped into a warm, contented bliss as the next ball of heat began to build, and was soon released. With each climax, and was buried deeper and deeper in bliss.

“You’re going to make a very good pet...”

Not even the word “pet” was enough to stop her from sinking into the bliss, not this time, for that was what she now was, a pet.

A pet Kitsune.