The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Skanky Town

Chapter 1 — Nice Place to Visit But You Don’t Want To Live There

The car conked out almost as soon as it reached the bottom of the grade, almost as if it had decided that without the added assist of gravity to urge it on, it just wasn’t going to go.

Jake rolled the car to the side of the road and he looked at his girlfriend. He turned the key and nothing happened. No turning over of the engine. No hisses, pops or clicks. There was nothing.

“That’s not good,” he said.

Susan pulled out her phone. “I’ve got no signal,” she said.

Jake pulled his out, too. “Same here,” he said. “Nothing.”

“So what are we going to do?”

“If I recall correctly, there’s a town up ahead of us. I think we should go there.”

“Hike in,” Susan asked. “Come on, Jake. How far away is this town?”

“I don’t know,” Jake said. “I just recall seeing it on the map, but what are our choices? We can either stay here and wait or we can walk it.”

“Or we could just wait here,” Susan said, “and we could just flag down the next passing car.”

“Come on, Susan. Be honest. Have you seen any other cars on this road?”

“No, but—”

“But what?”

“I don’t want to do it.”

“It won’t be bad,” Jake said.

“Yeah right.”

“We don’t have any other choice.”

Susan growled. “I hope you’re right about this. That town had better not be that far away or I’m never going to talk to you again.”

There could be worse things that that, Jake thought to himself.

An hour passed and just as Jake had said, they hadn’t seen even one car pass them when the two hikers came around a curve in the road and suddenly, there it was.

It was a small town and it wasn’t long before Jake and Susan were standing in the lobby of Pete’s Garage. The proprietor was a big man with a round face and an even rounder belly and he wiped his hands with a rag that Susan thought did little to clean his hands. “Can I help you, folks,” the man asked.

“Yeah,” said Jake. “Our car broke down just up the road thataways. We need to get it fixed up so we can get back on the road.

Pete nodded. “I can do that,” he said. “Won’t take no time at all to get Old Bessie out there and hook your car up and bring her in.”

“Great. How long’s that going to take?”

“Well now, I got a couple of people ahead of you so I probably ain’t going to be able to get out there until late in the afternoon. As to fixing it, I ain’t going to be able to give you an estimate until I see it.”

“Great. Just great. So what’s that mean?”

“It means if I was you, I’d start booking myself a hotel room.”

“What do you say,” Jake asked his girlfriend.

“I’d say it sounds like we don’t have much of a choice,” Susan said.

“I was pretty much thinking the very same thing. You got a hotel here in town?”

“Yup. Two blocks up on Main and it’ll be coming up on your right. Ask for Charlie and tell him I sent you and he’ll take care of you.”

“Thanks,” said Jake.

The hotel was right where Pete said it was and in no time at all, Jake and Susan were checking in. “Do you have any bags,” Charlie asked.

Jake shook his head. “Our car broke down up the road and we walked in but Pete at the garage said he’d go out and pick it up later in the afternoon.”

“I see. How about I send a boy over to Pete’s later on then and he’ll pick up your bags so that you’ll have them later tonight.”

“That sounds great,” Jake said.

“Wait here while I get your keys,” the hotelier said.

The two of them stood at the desk waiting for the manager to return when Susan felt someone tug on her sleeve. Susan turned to find a woman standing behind her. The woman had an earnest face that looked about somewhat furtively. “You’ve got to get out of here,” the woman said. “You’ve got to get out of here before it’s too late.”

“I’m sorry,” Susan said. “Say that again.”

“You’ve got to leave now.”

At that moment, the hotel manager reappeared. “Jackie,” the man said, “what are you doing here?”

The woman cowered just a little as she looked at the man behind the counter. “Nothing,” she said finally. “I wasn’t doing nothing.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” the man said. “It looks as if you were bothering my customers ... again.”

The woman looked at Jake and Susan. “I’m sorry,” she said pitifully. “I hope I wasn’t bothering you.”

Jake waved it off. “Not at all,” he said. “How about you, Susan?”

“No,” Susan said thoughtfully. She was still looking at the woman and there was something about her that Susan just couldn’t place. “No, she wasn’t bothering me.”

“Excellent. I’m glad to hear it,” the man said. “Now, Jackie, don’t you have someplace else to go.”

The woman looked at the couple and then back to Susan. “I’m sorry to have bothered you,” she said. “I have to go,” and with that, she walked away.

“You’ll have to forgive Jackie,” the hotel man said. “She’s a local girl who can get a little ‘off’ sometimes, if you know what I mean but she’s harmless. Now, here are your keys. You’re going to be in room 212. If you take the elevator here, you get off and hang a right and it’s going to be right there but don’t worry. It’s not so close to the elevator that you’ll be down here minutes later to complain about elevator noise. Now, is there anything else I can do for you folks?”

“I did have a question.”

“Yes, sir?”

“The name of your town. Is it really, you know, Skankytown.”

“Yes, sir. Founded by John C. Skank.”

“But don’t you, you know, doesn’t anyone ever say anything about it—”

“About what, sir?”

“You know. About the name.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand, sir.”

Jake shook his head. “You know what? It doesn’t matter. Never mind.”

“Very well, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Jake looked at Susan and then he looked back at the hotel man. “No,” he said. “I think that’s about it.”

“All right then. We’re here 24/7 so if you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to give us a holler.”

“We’ll do that,” Jake said.

“You know, Jake,” Susan said as soon as she and her boyfriend were out of earshot of the manager, “there’s something I don’t like about this place.”

“What? You mean the hotel?”

Susan shook her head. “Not just the hotel,” she said. “It’s the whole town.”

“What don’t you like about the town?”

“I don’t know. It’s just a feeling. Call it women’s intuition if you like, but I just think there’s something wrong here.”

Jake snorted. “I don’t know nothing about women’s intuition, but if it makes you feel any better, this Pete guy will get the car in the shop and hopefully, it’s not totally fucked up, and if it’s not, we can be out of here tomorrow. Is that good enough for you?”

“I guess,” Susan said. “I guess it’ll have to be.”

The young couple soon found their room and Jake put the key in the lock and pushed the door open. “Not bad,” Jake said. “So what do you want to do now that we’re here?”

“Honestly,” Susan said as she flopped herself down on the bed, “after that hike into town, all I really want to do is get some rest.”

Jake grinned. “You do that,” he said, “but I guess that means I got first dibs on the shower.”

Susan waved feebly from the bed.

He wasn’t in the shower all that long, Jake thought, but by the time he came out, his girlfriend was fast asleep. She hadn’t even bothered to loosen her clothes. She’d just fallen asleep right there on the bed. Too bad, Jake thought, because he was feeling kind of horny, and sometimes, the two of them didn’t get enough time to just be alone together.

But he wasn’t going to wake her up. If she needed the sleep, he’d let her rest, so he picked up the room key and he let himself out into the hallway.

Too bad they hadn’t brought the suitcases, Jake thought. He could have used a dip in the pool but his swim trunks were still in the car. Maybe at the gift shop, if this hotel had a gift shop, maybe he could get something there, only it seemed like a lot to buy something for just one day.

There was a maid’s cart out in the hallway. Hardly unusual for a hotel, Jake thought, and he had every intention of just stepping on by it and moving on by but even as he did, he couldn’t help but glancing inside the room and seeing what was inside and what he saw made him stop.

There was a maid inside the room. That, in and of itself was hardly surprising, and neither was the fact that she was vacuuming the room’s floor. That was to be expected, too.

What wasn’t expected was the maid herself.

She was a young, blond girl. At first glance, she hardly appeared to be out of her teens if that. Probably fresh out of high school, the man thought. Maybe her first job ever.

She was dressed in a maid’s uniform or more to the point, she was dressed in a parody of what a maid’s uniform should be. The body of the uniform was black satin. It was tight and short, seeming almost to glue itself to the girl’s body at the same time that it seemed to almost just barely cover her ass. Starting where the uniform led off were a pair of black fishnets that led all the way down to some incredibly high heels. She probably wasn’t all that tall, the man mused, but with those heels, she was almost as tall as him.

The girl saw him looking at her and she shut off the vacuum cleaner. “Can I help you,” she asked.

Jake could feel his cock getting harder but he knew the answer. He shook his head. “No,” he told her. “No,” he said again.

“No?” All thoughts of vacuuming seemed to have disappeared as she started to come towards him. “Are you sure?”

Damn. She looked even better up close than she looked a ways away, but no, not the way he wanted to be helped, and definitely not with Susan just a few feet away. Maybe in a different time and place, he thought, but he shook his head. “No,” he said again. “I’m good.”

She was standing right in front of him now. She bit her lip as she looked at the man. “Oh, I’ll bet you’re better than good.”

Wait a minute, Jake thought. Was she coming on to him.

“Are you sure there’s not something I can do for you,” the girl asked. “I can do whatever you need me to do.”

Okay, that couldn’t just be an innocent turn of the phrase, the man thought. The girl was coming on to him. It was totally inappropriate ... and it was totally hot, too. He shook his head. “Sorry,” he said, “but no.”

“I’m sorry, too,” the girl said. “But maybe later. I get off work at five. Maybe you could look for me then. My name’s Angela.”

“Jake,” the man said.

“And you’re in which room?”

For a moment, Jake hesitated. What was he thinking, he chastised himself. It wasn’t like the girl was going to come around his room and offer herself up to him. At least he hoped it wasn’t going to be like that. Susan most definitely wouldn’t understand a girl doing that.

What a dirty mind, he had he thought. She worked here at the hotel. She had every right to ask him that. “My room’s 212.”

“I’ll remember that.”

And this, Jake thought, this was the time to set the record straight. “My girlfriend’s asleep there,” he said.

“I’ll remember that, too.”

Jake was looking to see if there’d be any response to the news that there was a girlfriend around but as far as he could tell, there was none. See, the man told himself guiltily, it was all just his imagination. “I’m going out for some fresh air,” he said.

“Very good, sir. Maybe I’ll be here you when you return.”

“Maybe you will,” the man said noncommittally. “Maybe you will.”

Jake stopped by the front desk but there was no one there to see him. He thought about ringing the bell but considering that he had no idea what it was he wanted to see, he couldn’t see the point in that. He wasn’t even sure why he wanted to walk around considering the fact that he and Susan had hiked all the way in, but he figured he’d just take a little stroll and it wasn’t like he planned on going all that far.

The first thing he noticed was that for a town that wasn’t all that big, there were a lot of clubs and restaurants. They seemed to be closed now but he thought that only fitting. After all, it was the middle of the afternoon and the way he had it figured, they’d probably be opening up for dinner and for later. Maybe if Susan wasn’t too tired, he thought, maybe the two of them could find a club to go to.

The next thing he noticed was the rental car agency up the street. Probably there wasn’t a need, the man thought, but just in case the repairs took longer than expected, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to find out what it would take to get a car.

There were two of them in the office as Jake entered. There was a man sitting at a desk in the back and there was a woman standing there at the counter. The woman looked up as Jake entered the office. “Good afternoon,” she said. “How can I help you, sir?”

“My car broke down,” Jake said. “They’ve got it in the shop now, but I was just wondering what it would take to rent a car.”

“Well, you know, all the standard stuff. License and registration and all that stuff.”

“And you got cars available?”

“Of course, sir. We’ve got anything you want.”

Jake was about to say something but there was something in the woman’s tone that stopped him. “Okay,” he said hesitantly.

“Where are you staying,” the salesgirl asked.

“At the hotel down the street,” Jake said hesitantly.

“Maybe I could bring your car over to you,” the girl said, “and then maybe you could show me how you like to drive.”

The man stood up and he came forward. “Sandy,” the man said. “Leave the nice man alone.”

The girl looked at Jake. “Sorry, sir.”

“Um, sure,” Jake said.

“So, you’re new in town,” the man said.

“Well, yeah, but I’m not here for long.”

“I see. Just passing through then.”

“Yeah. My car broke down.”

“I see. What’s wrong with it.”

“I dunno. We got it down at Pete’s garage.”

“Pete’s a good man,” the man said with a nod. “He’ll take good care of you, but I couldn’t help but notice that you said we.”

“That’s right. Me and my girlfriend.”

“Oh. You have a girlfriend?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Nothing,” the man said. “Just to let you know. We’ll have a car ready for you whenever you want to leave.”

Jake nodded. He wasn’t sure why, but he had an uneasy feeling talking with the man, as if the man knew something that he didn’t know.

Maybe it was the walk, he told himself. After all, it had been a long walk in. Maybe, he was just tired. Maybe he should go back to the hotel and rest.

He was almost back to the hotel when he saw her. It was the woman, the one who’d come up to them in the hotel. The hotel manager had called her Jackie. She was walking on the opposite sidewalk. “Hey,” Jake called out. “Hey, wait up.”

If the woman heard him, she gave no signs of it.

Jake darted across the street and then he was dashing to catch up with her. “Hey,” he called out again. “Hey, wait up.”

The woman turned at almost the last second. “Are you wanting to talk with me?”

“You came up to me and my girlfriend in the hotel,” Jake said. “I think you were trying to warn her or something.”

“Did I?”

What was wrong with her, Jake wondered. She had to know what she had done. “Yeah,” he said. “You did.”


It was weird, Jake thought. Her tone was hesitant, almost as if she had no idea what it was she’d been trying to say, and yet she’d tried to talk to him and Susan not more than an hour before. “I wanted to know what you were talking about.”

The woman looked at him. “You do, huh?”

“Yeah,” Jake said. What was wrong with her?

“Well, if you come with me, maybe we can talk about it.”

What the hell.

“Come on,” the woman encouraged him. “If you come with me, I’ll give you what you want.”

Jake shook his head. He had the feeling something was wrong but since he had no idea what that something was ...

“Come on,” the woman coaxed him. “Follow me.”

Jake followed. Wherever the woman was taking him, he told himself, it had better be good.

They left the main street through town and they wound their way deeper and deeper into the town. Jake was pretty sure he could find his way back if he had to but he was getting more and more impatient. He wanted to know where the woman was taking him.

She seemed to sense his discomfort. “It’s just a little farther,” she kept saying. “It’s just a little farther.”

“What’s a little farther?”

The woman scurried across the street and then she was approaching a bungalow. Jake wondered if they were finally where whatever it was that they were going to go see was when Jackie pushed the door open. “Come on in,” she said.

Jake stepped inside. “Where are we,” he asked.

“This is my place,” the woman said.

“Your place.”

The woman nodded. “You know what? You’re kind of cute.”

“You brought me back here to tell me that!”

“No, of course not. I brought you back for this,” and with that, Jackie ran a hand over the front of the man’s pants.

Jake jumped back. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m trying to fuck you.”

“What the hell? You’re crazy, lady.”

“Please,” the woman begged. “Please. I know I can give you whatever you want.”

“You’re crazy,” the man said.

“I can give you whatever you want.”

Jake shook his head impassively.

“I can suck your cock for you. Have you ever had anyone suck your cock before?”

Jake said nothing so the woman pressed onwards.

“I can suck your cock for you,” she said. “I can take you nice and deep and I love it when guys cum in my mouth. I want you to do that to me. I want you to cum in my mouth.”

Jake still said nothing.

Jackie seemed to sense that she wasn’t getting anywhere with the man. “I can do whatever you want,” she said. “If you don’t want me to suck your cock, we don’t have to do it, but I can do any position. I can let you fuck me any way you want to fuck me.”

Still, Jake said nothing.

“All you have to do is tell me what you want. I can give it to you. I can give you it all. I want to give it to you.”

Jake said nothing.

“Tell me what you want. Tell me how you want to do me. Do you want to do me like a dog? I can do that. Maybe me up on top, you know me, riding your cock. I can do that, too. Or if you want, I can kneel in front of you and let you fuck my tits. I promise you. I can do it whatever way you want.”

Jake just shook his head.

“Come on. Have you ever fucked a girl in her ass? I’ll bet you haven’t but would you like to? I can make that happen.”

Jake stirred nervously and Jackie sensed his response.

“I know you’re interested,” she said. “I can tell. I know you want it and I want to let you have it.”

Jake shook his head. That was something that he was sure Susan would never let him do, and it wasn’t his fault that he wanted to do it. After all, Susan had a great ass.

Jackie was already loosening her skirt. “How about I just show you my butt and then you can make up your mind.”

Again, Jake said nothing.

The skirt dropped by the wayside and then Jackie was pushing down her panties. “I know you want to see this.”

The woman was turning around and she was showing the man her butt. He watched her slide a finger between her cheeks and then he watched her pull her cheeks apart. “Come on,” she said. “I know you want this. I know your cock has to be so hard just looking at my ass.”

It was hard but Jake wasn’t about to tell her that.

“Come on. No one, most of all that girlfriend of yours, no one’s going to know. Why don’t you get that cock out for me.”

It was tempting, very tempting, but Jake shook his head.

“Look at my butt. You could take your cock out and slip it in my pussy, just to see how wet I am for you, and then you could pull it out and slide it up between my cheeks and then you could shove it home. Wouldn’t that feel good?”

Oh geez, Jake thought. It would feel good.

“I want you to do it. I want you to fuck my ass.”

It would feel good, Jake thought, but he couldn’t. “I can’t,” he said.

“Because of her. Because of her girlfriend.”

Jake nodded.

“You realize she’s not your girlfriend anymore, don’t you? You realize she’ll fuck anybody and everybody, right?”

“You’re crazy,” the man said finally. “You know that, don’t you. You’re crazy.”

“I’m not crazy,” the woman cried. “I’m not crazy.”

Jake shook his head.

“You think your girlfriend’s so much better than me, but she’s not. I tried to warn you. I tried to warn the both of you, but it’s too late now.”

As crazy as Jake thought the woman was, there was something in her tone that made him think that there was a nugget of truth in what she said. “You tried to warn us about what,” he asked.

Jackie just laughed at him. “Oh right. Now, you’re interested. Like I’m going to tell you now.”

“If you know something, you need to tell me,” Jake said.

“I don’t have to tell you anything,” Jackie said, “and as it so happens, this is my house, and since you don’t want anything I have to offer, I want you to leave.”

Jake just stared at her.

“Leave,” she said again.

Jake just shook his head and then without saying another word, he headed for the door. He wasn’t sure what was going on but he was sure he needed to get back to the hotel to make sure Susan was okay.

Jackie watched the man go. You’ll learn, she thought to herself as she watched the man go. It’ll be too late, but you’ll learn.