The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Story: A Siren’s Song

Janet Smith walked into the new music store, Siren Sounds, glancing around at the numerous shelves of CDs, tapes, and DVDs. Her friends had all raved about the new store, saying it was so new and trendy, that the values were great, and that they had such an extensive collection of music that she could probably find any song she wanted within its walls. Which was just as well; Janet had very obscure tastes when it came to music. Unlike most of her generation, heavily into Brittany, Christina, ‘N Synch, and the like, Janet was a big fan of the older school of music. Her collection of CD’s ranged from early Motown hits by Aretha Franklin and little Richard, to the heart pumping Rock ‘N’ Roll style of Elvis Presley. She had been searching all over town, and on the internet, for a certain copy of Marvin Gaye, but thus far had been unable to find it. As she glanced around the well stocked shelves of Siren Sounds, she felt hopeful she would find what she needed here.

“Hi, welcome to Siren Sounds,” a perky young redhead spoke, coming from behind the register. “My name is Lisa. Anything I can help you with today?”

Janet took the time to appraise the girl briefly. The redhead was young, about twenty-two or so, her own age, and similarly slim figured. She was dressed in the store’s colors, a small, snug-fitting blouse and skirt combo with yellow and blue stripes. Her thin shapely legs sported navy blue stockings, the tops of which were barely hidden beneath the short above-the-knee length skirt. Her feet were hidden in sporty, black leather boots, stylish, and well shined—very much like the pair that she herself had bought several weeks ago on a whim but never dared to wear out in public. On Lisa, however, they seemed to work.

“Um, yes, thank you,” Janet replied after a moment. “Several friends of mine recommended this store as a place to get older music, stuff that’s not exactly the biggest fad these days. And I have to admit, you guys have a pretty large selection.” Janet sighed deeply. It was time for the moment of truth. “I don’t suppose you have anything by Marvin Gaye, do you?”

Lisa smiled cheerfully. “I’ll assume you mean something back in his era, in the early seventies by Motown and Tamla, and not the updated re-released albums by Capitol records or by Columbia/Legacy?” Janet blinked, then blinked again, her jaw dropping. Lisa giggled lightly. “Okay, I guess that’s a yes. Let’s see. Hmmm...I can’t say for sure, but I think we still have a few copies of his 1969 Tamla release, ‘Easy’ as well as his ‘68 copy of ‘In the Groove’ and ‘You’re all I Need’. Would you be interested in getting them separately, or would you rather get ‘The Marvin Gaye Collection’? It was done in 1990 by Motown and Tamla working together. It has most of his more famous songs from the 1961 to 1983.” Lisa stopped talking, glancing at the stunned customer. “Um, like, hello? Is there something wrong, ma’am?”

“Uh, um, nothing, nothing really,” Janet sputtered, blushing, slightly embarrassed. “It’s, you didn’t exactly strike me at first glance as someone into Marvin Gaye music. If you don’t mind me saying so.”

The shop clerk giggled again, a sweet girlish sound. “Nah. No offense taken. Actually, I am a big fan of the Backstreet Boys myself. But this job requires that you, like, learn a lot about ALL different kinds of music. That’s what makes this store so, like, cool, yanno? If we don’t have the music you want, we know enough about it to find it for you. That’s the Siren Sounds motto: we get you what you really need!”

“Yeah, right,” Janet responded, wondering if she should back away from the girl or risk getting infected with a terminal case of ‘PERKY’ from the store clerk. “Well, I guess that’ll do it for this trip. How much will that come to?”

“Hold on let me check.” Lisa glanced at the manifest under her desk, and smiled. “Well, the collection, three separate CDs, with sales tax and all that, comes to about $49.87.” Janet’s heart sank. “Now, now, don’t get upset,” Lisa chimed in cheerfully. “That’s before the discounts! You see, you’re, like, a new customer, so you get a ten percent discount, simply to encourage you to come back again. Plus, for the rest of the month we are running a storewide fifteen percent off discount on any music you buy. That’s a cool twenty-five percent off total!” Lisa paused a moment, glancing at Janet. Her smile deepened a bit, making Janet feel uncomfortable for some reason. “Um, tell me, do you do a lot of music shopping as gifts...say for your family and friends...boyfriends?”

“No, I don’t even HAVE a boyfriend,” Janet said before thinking. “Hey. That’s a rather personal quest—”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m just nosy I guess,” Lisa said sweetly. “Tell you what. To make up for prying into your personal life, how about I use my employee discount and knock another twenty-five percent off your total? What do ya say?”

“Half price?” Janet exclaimed. “Are you kidding? That...that’d be great! But, um, won’t you get in trouble with your boss for doing this?”

“Nah,” Lisa said dismissively. “The store owner—her name is Serena Fountaine, she is SUCH a nice woman!—she lets us use our discount on any music we want for any purpose we want! Its like she says: ‘Music is for the enjoyment for all. If it wasn’t bad business, I’d simply give it away!’ Believe me, she’ll be happy that I am spreading the good word about our little store.”

“Well, if you’re sure,” Janet said, handing over twenty-five bucks. “Thanks a lot, Lisa. I will DEFINITELY be back here.”

The clerk handed her the bag with her purchases inside. “Thanks, and have a nice day. Hurry back real soon.” As Janet walked out the door, Lisa’s expression changed slightly, to a more feral, hungry look. Yes, DO hurry back soon, my dear. We’ll be waiting for you.

* * *

Janet almost squealed with glee when she arrived back in her dorm room, the collection of CDs in her hot little hand. She had fallen in love with Marvin Gaye after hearing his music as a child. Now, twenty years later, she would finally be able to sit back, relax, and listen again to the soulful sounds that had first enchanted her at her leisure. Emptying her shopping bag onto her bed, she went through the collector’s case cover, wondering which song she should play first. Glancing down, she was surprised to find an extra CD in her collection, a blank covered, unmarked music CD. Weird Janet thought to herself. I wonder if Lisa put this in her by mistake. It’s DEFINITELY not part of the collection. I wonder what is on it?

Curious to find out what was on the disc, Janet moved over to her roommate’s side of the room and purloined her CD player. Amber was away for the weekend, off visiting her folks, so she wouldn’t be a problem. Slipping the disc inside, Janet settled down onto her bed and pressed ‘Play.’

A strange sound came from the CD, a high pitched, windful sound, almost like the tinkling of wind chimes, or the ringing of a small bell. Listening closer, Janet could finally discern its true nature. It was a voice. A HUMAN voice, singing. But a voice unlike any she had ever heard before. The, the WOMAN singing had a deep rich tonal quality that rang free with every note. No words were being sung for the moment, the singer was content merely to sign note after note, of ‘ah ah ah’. Normally Janet would have tired of the endless repetition of tones, again and again, but somehow the music being sung to her here was different. The wonderful music seemed to capture her attention, buoying her, sending her aloft on a cloud of pure enchantment. The hand that had reached for the stop button a moment ago, shook slightly, then moved unerringly to the volume dial, turning it up.

Janet settled back into her bed, closing her eyes, and listened to the joyous music. If she concentrated, she could make out an instrument playing softly in the background, a counter-melody to the one being sung., so soft and low as not to distract from the singing. With an effort, she picked out that it was a harp playing. Rather unusual to hear harp music playing in this day and age, she thought giddily, relaxing even more to the wonderful sounds. I don’t know who the artist is, but she is very good. VERY good. I will have to ask Lisa about it..(YAWN)...when I go back to... (YAWN)...the store next week.

Several hours later, Janet awoke with a start. Her friend’s CD play had slipped from her grasp and fallen off the bed. Eyes wide, she glanced over the side. Oh shit, I am dead meat for sure if that thing’s busted! Picking it up gingerly, she examined the device, shaking it lightly to see if anything had fallen out. Well at least its all in one piece. Better see if the thing still plays. Placing the CD player onto her night stand, she pushed the ‘Play’ button again. The soft wonderful sounds of the mysterious CD again filled the air, and Janet smiled. Whew! It still works. For a minute there I thought...I thought...hmmm? What was it again I was thinking? Janet settled back into the bed again, her eyes fluttering closed as the beautiful Voice lulled her once again into a deep relaxing stupor. Soon a contented smile grew across her lips, and she a small sigh escaped them. Warm fuzzy feelings of pleasure coursed up and down her body, and as she dozed, her hands moved down to stroke and caress her body.

She awoke a second time to a loud knocking on her door. Wha...DAMMIT, I am never going to get a chance to snooze if this keeps up she thought angrily as she roused herself from bed. Opening the door, she yelled out a loud, “What?” before registering the appearance of her friend Debbie.

“What, indeed!” the young black woman exclaimed, hands on her hips. “Girl, I’ve been banging on your door for the past ten minutes trying to get your sleepy ass up! I was starting to worry about you for a minute there.”

“Oh, sorry, Deb,” Janet said with a yawn. “I fell asleep listening to some new music I got from Siren Sounds a while ago. I guess I dozed off before I got the chance to call you.”

“Dozed? Try Rip Van Winkle, Janet. We were supposed to go see that showing of ‘Sugar and Spice’ together last night. I called and let the phone ring and ring, but you never answered. I figured you weren’t at home, so I went alone.” Janet blinked, coming fully awake then.

“You already went to the movie? But its still daylight outside!”

Debbie shook her head. “Yes, that’s because its mid-afternoon on SUNDAY, not Saturday. You slept a whole day, girlfriend.”

Janet was stunned. A whole day? That couldn’t be right. Hadn’t she just sat down on the bed and popped in the CD just a few moments ago? “Deb, tell me you’re kidding. I couldn’t have slept a whole day! I never sleep more than four or five hours, even on the weekend. It’’s just impossible.” Wasn’t it?

“Sorry, Janet. It’s really Sunday.” Her friend sat down on Amber’s bed, shaking her head. “You know, Janney, its your own fault. I keep telling you to slow down a bit, and get some rest. Pre-med is a hard course study for even the brightest students, and you work way too hard. I guess all those late nights studying just finally caught up with you, that’s all.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Janet replied doubtfully. “Its just hard to believe I actually slept for a whole day. It feels like I just lay down a few minutes ago, listening to that CD...”

“Oh, some more of your weird music? It figures.” Debbie laughed. “No wonder you fell asleep. Girl, I’m telling you, I like music as much as the next person, but some of the music you listen to is way beyond me. I mean, Yanni? You actually bought a CD of Yanni?!?”

“I was just in the mood at the time,” Janet said defensively. “Besides, even you had to admit to liking that one song.”

“Yeah yeah. Well, we the day is partially over now anyway. What’s say we go to the mall and do some shopping, maybe catch a late matinee?”

“Sounds great. Let me get my purse.”

* * *

The following week of classes was tough for Janet. For some reason or another, she found it hard to concentrate on much of anything, as if her mind kept wandering away from the material. Every little noise distracted her, pulled her very short attention span away from her study materials. Her distraction did not go unnoticed, however. Her advisor, Mrs. Richards, called her into her office on Friday after her last class. Sitting down in the comfortable leather chair, Janet steeled herself for a lecture she knew was coming. Rebecca Richards was well known about the colleges for her high standards of excellence.

“Well, Ms. Smith,” she began, looking over her files, “I see you have been doing quite well the past few weeks. I have heard nothing but high praise from all of your teachers on how good your work has been. And that is not a small thing, considering your heavy work load. Most students are restricted to less than twelve hours of graduate studies a semester, as the courses are much harder than the undergrad classes. But, well, you have shown your mettle and your determination to get your Masters in as short a time as possible.” Rebecca closed the file, and adjusted her glasses. “That is what I have called you in here to talk to you about today, Ms. Smith. I’m worried that you may be overtaxing yourself. A few of your teachers have mentioned in passing that the scores from this weeks series of exams were a bit lower than your usual norm. When a student as driven and as dedicated as you goes from straight-line A’s to C’s in a matter of a week, it send out a warning signal to me.”

Janet groaned inwardly. She knew now where this was all headed. “Janet, dear,” Rebecca said softly, but firmly, “you are overstressing yourself. You are a bright, intelligent young woman, but the task you have set yourself is beyond human. You need to drop a course or two, and lighten your work load a bit. I’d hate to see you burn out from overwork and end up ruining your perfect academic year.”

“Mrs. Richards, please!” Janet exclaimed. “I’m okay, really. I’m not overworked, I was just tired. Too many late nights, too little sleep. That’s all. It caught up with me this past weekend and I haven’t quite got myself settled yet. I’ll be fine again once midterms are past. I’ve been spending a lot of extra time in preparation, and once the midterms are over and done, I can go back to my normal pace. Please, Mrs. Richards, I can handle this. Trust me!”

The academic advisor frowned. True, the girl was one of the brightest and most promising students that had ever graced their small university, but even she could see that the girl couldn’t keep up such a pace indefinitely. She was so driven to succeed, to be the best, that she was killing herself in the process. Yet...she was determined to give it her all. Should she try and hold the girl back, when Janet was so sure she could do it? Finally, the older woman let out a sigh.

“Very well. You can keep your schedule. But keep in mind that after midterms, any classes you drop will count as a failing grade, not an incomplete. Think long and hard about continuing with all these courses before you make your final decision.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Janet said, getting to her feet. “Thank you ma’am. I’ll be just fine, you’ll see.”

Leaving the office, Janet found Debbie standing outside waiting for her. “What did the ‘Iron Maiden’ want with you in there, Janney? Everything okay?”

Janet sighed deeply, closing her eyes for a moment. “Yeah, just fine,” she said after a moment. “Come on, Deb. Let’s go get something to eat. The day is finally over, and I for one, could use the break. On the way back, we can stop by the music store. I wanna talk to the clerk about that CD I picked up.”

An hour later the two girls entered Siren Sounds, making their way through the large crowd of patrons. “Man, this place got popular real quick,” Debbie commented, seeing the long line at the check-out counter. “Everyone at school has been raving about how great this place is, and how good the discounts are. I wonder if they have anything new in by Brandi?”

“Most likely,” Janet said, distractedly, searching the store for Lisa. Seeing the perky young redhead heading for the back rooms, Janet turned to Debbie. “Why don’t you browse around a bit. I’ll be back in a minute.” Without waiting for a reply, Janet made her way through the crowd towards the back of the store.

She caught up with her quarry just as the clerk was about to disappear. “Lisa! Wait a minute,” she cried, getting the girl’s attention. Lisa turned, and smiled grandly.

“Oh, its you, Janet! Nice to see you again. What can I do for you today? Need some help finding anything?”

“No, nothing like that. I wanted to ask you about this.” Reaching into her purse, Janet took out the blank CD. She had been carrying with her all day, in preparation for a visit to the store today. Of course, she had listened to the music all week long. She had felt compelled to listen to it every night, to help her sleep, as if only the soothing sounds contained within it could calm her enough to sleep. There was something strange about the mysterious music, strange and wonderful. Something that reached deep inside her and stroked her innermost feelings. But she knew absolutely nothing about the music or the artist performing, so she had returned her for some answers.

“Oh, I see you found it,” Lisa said with a smile. “I was wondering where I had left that. It must have fallen off the counter into your shopping bag when you were here last. Thanks for returning it,” she said, taking the disc away. Janet felt a sharp stab of loss as the CD left her hand.

“Wait a minute,” Janet said excitedly. “Who is on that CD? Who was singing that...that lovely music. I’ve never heard anything like it in my whole life!”

Lisa’s smile grew even wider. “Really? You really liked it? Oh that’s like so cool! She’d be so happy that another person enjoyed her singing.”

“WHO would be happy?” Janet asked, growing slightly frustrated. “Who was doing that singing, Lisa?”

The store clerk grinned wickedly. “Why, the owner of this store, of course. Ms. Fountaine is a absolute wonder. Her mother was a musician in some orchestra in Europe, and her dad was a semi-professional opera singer. Growing up in a family like that, its not so surprising that the daughter grew up with a love of music. Her voice...oh, Janet, her voice!” Lisa’s eyes had a faraway glazed look to them as she spoke. “if you think that CD was so wonderful wait till you hear her sing in person! Ms. Fountaine could sing professionally, and make a living at it, if she wanted to, but she would rather sing for fun. Her parents were wealthy, so she doesn’t have to work for a living, but she is the most down-to-earth woman I’ve ever known. I heard her singing to herself one day while I was doing inventory, and I was just blown away. When I told her how her music affected me, she smiled and made this CD recording for me.”

Janet’s heart begin to stir with strange unknown feelings. The woman that sang such heartfelt and moving music was a friend of Lisa’s, a woman she admired and respected, a woman she called, ‘down-to-earth’ despite having wealth. Janet felt a sudden longing to meet this woman, to hear her remarkable voice with her own ears. The words were spoken almost before Janet realized she had spoken them. “ you think I her?”

“I’m sure she’d be happy to meet someone that enjoys her singing as much as I do,” Lisa said, reaching into her purse. “She invited me and a few other girls that work here at the store to a little party at five. She said we could all bring a friend if we wanted to. Here’s the address. Be there around 8 o’ clock and tell the guard at the gate that you’re a friend of mine.” Lisa gave her hand a slight squeeze as she handed over the address, and again, Janet was overcome with strange feeling, inexplicable feelings that made her uncomfortable. Blushing slightly, she took the slip of paper and moved her hand away.

“Umm, thanks, Lisa,” Janet replied. “Guess...I’ll see you there.”

“A party?” Deb exclaimed as they walked out of the store. “Are you serious? You, Janet Smith, the studyaholic, the girl I usually have to drag our of her dorm room just to go to the movies once in a while, are going to a party?” The young black woman shook her head in amazement. “Must be the last and final days after all. The world’s about to end.”

“Shut up!” Janet said laughing. “Its not like I am a monk or something, that spends all my time locked away in my room. I go out...sometimes. Just because I happen to spend more of my time in the library instead of out with the ladies, getting wasted, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to have fun.”

“Yeah yeah,” Debbie said with a smirk. “But I do worry about you sometimes, girl. You are always so intense, so focused on being the best. You are gonna burn out if you don’t learn to relax soon.” Geez, Janet thought. She’s getting as bad as Mrs. Richards! “Janet,” Debbie continued, “you’re a bright, healthy, attractive young girl. Yet you spend all your time studying instead of living! When’s the last time you got some?”

“WHAT?” her friend asked, doing a double-take.

“You know, had a guy bring you off. Did the wild thing. Girl, when was the last time you got laid?” Janet sputtered in indignation at the frank questions, which only answered them for her. “I see. Girl, no wonder you are stressed out! You need a man! There’s nothing like a good cum to release all that stress in your life.”

“I...I’m not looking for that right now,” Janet said after recovering from the shock. “Its not like I’m a virgin or anything. I have had sex before. Plenty of times.”

“Three times in your life is not plenty, Janney,” Deb countered.

“Okay, so I’m not a slut! Give me a break,” Janet responded. “Anyway, I’m not going to this party to get laid, I’m going to meet the woman that made that beautiful music on that CD I was telling you about. Her name is Serena Fountaine. The store clerk said she was this rich philanthropist type, that sang as a hobby for her friends and such. But believe me, listening to her voice on that disc, I think she could be professional.”

“Yeah. You’ll have to let me listen to it sometime. Anyone that impresses you must be pretty good.”

“Oh,” Janet said, stopping. Debra turned back and looked at her friend. “I’m sorry, Deb. I gave the disc back to Lisa at the store. I didn’t think you would want to listen to it, or I would have held on to it.”

“Nah, that’s okay. At least I’ll get to hear her sing in person when we go to this little party she’s throwing.” Janet fidgeted again, looking away.

“Ummm...Debbie. I’m sorry...but I don’t think you can come with me.” Her best friend looked back at her incredulously. “I’m sorry Debbie, but this is a real high class place, in the fancy side of town, and Lisa gave me a personal invite. You know, the whole, friend-of-a-friend thing. I don’t think she’d like it if I brought an uninvited guest with me. I’m not altogether sure I can get in, let along get you in as well. I’m really sorry Deb.”

The young girl just sighed and shook her head, not letting her hurt show. “Hey, its no big thing, anyway. Probably just a bunch of stiff upper class people sitting around listening to Barry Manalowe records anyway. Not my thing. Just...well just have a good time and tell me all about it when you get back, okay?”

Debbie turned to walk away, back towards her own dorm room, and Janet, knowing she had hurt her friend, reached out after her. “Deb, I’ll make it up to you, somehow. I’ll see if I can get Ms. Fountaine to make another music CD for you.” Debbie waved dismissively, not even bothering to turn around. With a deep sigh, Janet headed towards the city bus stop, for her trip uptown.

* * *


Janet shifted a bit as the well dressed guard looked her over, clipboard in hand. The guy is wearing a tuxedo, for crying out loud, and he is just the gate guard! Man I really feel underdressed.

“I said, NAME,” the guard repeated.

“Smith. Janet Smith.”

The guard looked down at the modestly dressed girl, and at his clipboard again. “Nope. No Smiths listed, Janet or otherwise. Move along please.”

“Wait! I’m a friend of Lisa’s! We met at the music store, and she told me to—”

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” the guard said rudely. “But you are not on the list. Now, move along. Please,” he added as an afterthought. Janet was about to turn around and leave when a voice from behind the gate called out to her.

“Janet?” Lisa said, stepping into view. “Hey, Janet! Where are you going? Don’t tell me you changed your mind about coming in already?”

“I didn’t, he did,” she replied, pointing to the guard. “He wouldn’t let me in.”

“Gerald,” Lisa said in a low threatening voice. “This is my friend, Janet. Let her in. NOW!”

“I’m sorry Miss Goodwell, but the Mistress is VERY particular about who she allows on the premises—”

“GERALD,” Lisa spat harshly, “the MISTRESS left an open invitation for us to allow a friend of ours to attend this special little party we are having. Janet is my friend, and she is COMING INSIDE! Now, open the gate now!” Mumbling softly, the well dressed guard flipped the switch in his booth, and the heavy iron gate swung open. Janet walked inside, a bit perturbed at the sudden change in the normally sweet and perky Lisa. But once Janet was inside, Lisa was all smiles again. “Cool. Now, let’s go, Janet. I can’t wait to introduce you to Madame.”

Madame, huh? Janet glanced around at the large house as she and Lisa approached the front entrance. Oh hell, this isn’t a house, it’s a MANSION! There must be at least fifty rooms in this place! Now I am REALLY nervous. What the hell am I even doing here? This isn’t like me...I’m not into fancy parties and such, my idea of a good time is watching old movies, reading in the library, or listening to good That’s why I am here. To hear that wonderful music meet the one that created it. Janet’s nervousness slowly faded away as she recalled the haunting melodies from the CD, spinning lazily around in her mind. Somehow she knew everything would be fine.

They entered the house, moving through the large foyer and up the stairs into a huge ballroom where several other ladies were talking and mingling. A stunningly beautiful young blonde was standing alone at the front of the room, in a blue silk dress, a shimmering thing that cascaded down her body all the way to her feet, which were hidden underneath the blue. For the briefest of moments Janet wondered idly if the young woman even HAD legs, or whether the dress ended in a little fishtail, like a mermaid. Grinning, Janet shook the image from her mind, it was just too ridiculous.

“Here,” Lisa said, handing Janet a glass of champagne. Janet hesitated slightly. She was not a heavy social drinker. In fact, the last time she had been convinced to attend a frat party at the school she had passed out after one drink. She had no tolerance for alcohol whatsoever. “Come on, lighten up,” Lisa exclaimed, drinking from her own glass. “It’s a party after all. You can afford to let your hair down a bit while you’re here.”

Oh well, Janet thought to herself. When in Rome... She sipped lightly from the champagne glass, delighting in the taste. She had never had expensive champagne before, it the bubbles tickled going down.

“Lisa,” a warm voice spoke above the crowd, capturing both girl’s attention. Turning, Janet saw the lovely woman in the blue dress signaling to them.

“Oh wow, that’s her,” Lisa said with a smile. “Ms. Fountaine. I mentioned that I’d be bringing you here, and that you had enjoyed her singing as much as I did. She is very anxious to meet you.”

“Hello,” the woman said reaching their position. She held out a hand, which Janet grasped immediately. “You must be Janet. Lisa has told me much about you, but I wanted to meet you in person.” Janet felt her hearty skip a beat. Just being in this woman’s presence was affecting her. Her mind felt fuzzy with pleasure hearing her speak, her Voice tickling and tantalizing her ears. The feel of her hands in against her own caused butterflies in her stomach, and for an instant, Janet felt as if she should kneel in this woman’s presence, kiss her feet, and beg to serve her. The image faded quickly, and embarrassed, Janet lowered her eyes.

“Thank you, Ms. Fountaine, for having me here. It’s a true pleasure to meet you. I..I really enjoyed your music very much.”

The woman smiled, a deep friendly smile that melted Janet’s heart. “I’m ever so pleased that you liked what you heard. What I gave to Lisa was only a little sample of my warming up, merely humming various notes, to strengthen my voice. I did, however, make another CD disc for you, one where I am actually singing, after hearing how much you enjoyed the first one.” Reaching inside her matching blue sequined purse, she pulled out a small unmarked CD. “Here, I want you to have this. Give it a listen and tell me what you thought of it when you return to next week’s party.”

Janet was awash in joy. Not only had she been give the wonderful gift of the music, but she was invited back again next week. “Oh, THANK YOU, Ms. Fountaine! I’m sure I’ll love it!” Clutching the CD to her, she remembered her promise to Deb. “Oh. Um, Miss Fountaine. I’m, uhh, I was wondering. I don’t mean to impose or anything, but I have a friend—her name is Debra—and she is as big a fan of music as I am. She badly wanted to attend this party as well...but I didn’t want to impose. Do you think—”

“Certainly, Janet dear,” Serena said with a smile. “Bring her along. The more the merrier. It would be a pleasure to meet your friend. Now, if you must excuse me, I have others to meet with. Please enjoy the hospitality of the house. Make yourself comfortable. I will be singing again in a few minutes, once my musicians have rested.” With that, the gorgeous woman slipped back into the crowd of patrons. Janet let out a small sigh as she left, feeling an inexplicable emptiness at their hostess leaving.

For the next hour or so, Janet mingled and talked with the other women. She noted, in the back of her mind, that they were ALL women; no men had been invited. So much for Debbie’s plan to set me up with a hot lover at the party, Janet thought idly as she downed her third glass of champagne. Just then, three well dressed people entered the room, a bearded man, and two women, carrying instruments. They were impeccably dressed, even more so than the rest of the patrons. They all appeared young, in their early thirties. But the thing that stood out the most was the fact that they were all wearing large black ear cups over their ears, the heavy plastic kind worn by pilots to protect their hearing from the roar of the engines. What the hell is THAT all about? Then Serena Fountaine entered the stage, and opened her mouth, and Janet thought nothing at all...

* * *

“That was the absolute BEST party I have ever been at,” Janet exclaimed to Debbie the next day. “Oh Deb, it was wonderful! They had champagne, and little finger sandwiches, they had caviar, and scones...any type of fancy party food you could think of! And I got to meet Ms. Fountaine in person. Oh! She was just the nicest sweetest most down-to-earth person you could ever meet! So rich, with a big house and servants and all, and not the least bit snooty! And then, she put on a concert! She had these three privately owned musicians performing, a man with a cello, a woman with a violin and another on the harp. It was wonderful.” Janet let out a deep sigh of contentment. “I only wish you could have been there.”

“Yeah, uh huh,” Debbie said, filing her fingernails, as she watched TV on Amber’s bed. Janet’s roommate had once again gone home for the weekend. “Well, I wasn’t invited, remember?”

“Oh, Debbie,” Janet said shaking her head, “don’t be bitter like that. I thought about you the whole time I was there. And when I got to meet the Madame, I asked if I could bring you along with me next week. She said, ‘Of course, the more the merrier!’ So you might want to go shopping for something fancy for the party next week.”

Debbie smiled at her friend. “Thanks, Janney. You are a true friend after all.” She leaned back in the bed, kicking off her shoes, relaxing. “To tell you the truth, it DID sound kind of fun. And I would like to meet this woman you are so enamored with.”

Janet looked up, sliding the headphones of her CD Discman down. “Huh? What was that again?”

“I said, I would like to meet this woman that has you so captivated. She must be a really good singer.” Janet smiled softly, taking off the earphones, and handing them to Debbie.

“Oh, she is. Here, listen for yourself. She gave me another CD at the party.”

Alright then, Deb thought, slipping the headphones on. Let’s see what all the fuss is about. She clicked the ‘Play’ button and took a deep breath. A breath which momentarily stuck in her throat as a sound assaulted her ears. It was a soft high pitched note, as clear as crystal, a high ‘C’ above ‘C’. That one note held her captive for what seemed like forever, piercing her, shattering her mind, her very essence. For half a second, Debbie shuddered in pain, the next shuddering in absolute pleasure. The note ended, and words and music began to flow, and Debbie, her eyes wide and glazed, released her held breath, luxuriating as her mind surrendered totally to the gentle assault, turning her will to nothing.

Janet watched happily with partially slitted eyes, glazed with pleasure, as her best friend likewise succumbed to the entrancing melody. She knew that the songs on the CD would not be enough to fully bring Debra into the fold, that the technology alone didn’t exist to fully capture the complete and wondrous beauty of that magical voice. It would hypnotize, beguile, and seduce her friend, as she had been. It would make her wish for more, with a steadily growing desire to meet the one whose voice so entranced her mind and plucked the strings of her heart. At the next party, in the following week, all would become clear to Debra, as it had become clear to Janet. She closed her eyes and let the experience wash over her again...

Sounds...Music...Words, not spoken. Words being sung. A captivating Voice dancing in her ears, slowly, seductively tickling her mind as it embedded itself into her very being...Images sprang into her mind...Janet, kneeling naked at the feet of her most beautiful, Mistress. NO!! No mere mistress, but a GODDESS! Yes...her Goddess...A sweet Siren, whose song she could not resist, whose commands she would obey. Tears of complete joy flowed from her eyes as understanding became hers, and she knew her true purpose in life...

Goddess Serena laughed softly as she sang, seeing the abundance of mind-fucked, glassy-eyed faces looking up adoringly at her. So easy to turn them all into slaves, eager to serve her merest whim. She left the stage, walking up to her newest addition, and stroked Janet’s long dark hair, her mouth inches from her ear. Singing even now, she spoke directly to Janet...

“Janet, My lovely dear,” Her Voice sang, “you are to be My slave, My most devoted servant. You will do My will, and spread My word to all, enslaving others as you have been enslaved.” As she sang, her hands moved up to her shoulders, sliding off the small blue straps, sliding the shimmering sequined dress down into a pool at her feet. “And if you will serve Me well, I shall allow you to serve My pleasure, to sit at the feet of your Goddess, and sip on the nectar of passion.”

Wondrous images floated through Janet’s mazed mind, as she glanced glassy-eyed at the naked perfection that was her Goddess...Janet, likewise naked, groveling on her knees, kissing the sweet bare toes of her Goddess...her wondrous Goddess’s hands stroking her face...her All, crooning in pleasure as She guided her unworthy servant to Her treasure...Janet’s face, covered in Goddess Serena’s sweet juices, as she continued to lick and suck and nibble lightly on Her most Holy Clit...and finally hearing Her words of Praise for Janet’s humble service...words of praise that excite and titillate her, as her Mighty Mistress allows her to cum for her pleasure...

“Ahhhhh!” Janet cried out, as she came, Serena smiling as She slid Her hands along Her new slave’s pussy. The sensation was just enough to slightly clear her mind a little, and with an effort, she glanced down at herself, and her surroundings. She gasped as she found herself alone with Serena...GODDESS Serena. Janet also found that she was totally naked, and that her loving wonderful Reason For Living was caressing her tender sex, coaxing every last drop of cum from her. “What’s... ha-a-a-appening?” Janet managed to say through her own deep breathing and moans of pleasure.

“Silly girl,” Goddess Serena said with a smile. “You are being taught how to service your Goddess. This is a simple reminder for you, of the pleasure that cums with serving Me. I want you to remember (remember...remember...remember...) this feeling, this time, when you are apart from me, when you are out spreading My song to others. Like your lovely friend, Debra, for instance.”

Debra. The name was a beacon, a shining light in the thick fog of her mind. With an effort, Janet pulled away. “N-n-no!” she stammered, backing away. “I won’t let You have Deb! She’s...she’s my best...friend! I won’t let You trap her, I won’t!”

“Now, now, my pet,” Serena said with a smirk. “I will not allow you to defy My wishes. Remember what My Song of Pleasure feels like.” She opened Her mouth and sang a single note, and once again Janet’s surroundings faded away in a cloud of pure bliss. It filled her entire being. Janet nearly swooned on pleasure. “But, to those that defy My will,” Serena continued, “I can take away My Music. Thus.” The Goddess touched a finger to Janet’s forehead, and Janet nearly screamed with horror. The music inside her head, the lovely Voice of her Goddess was...GONE! Removed from her mind entirely. The loss rocked Janet to her very foundation, and she sank to her knees, then facedown to the floor, weeping. The emptiness replacing the Voice was a black hole, dissolving her away, rendering her empty, lifeless, a dried up husk to be crushed and blown away in the wind.

“Janet,” the Voice cried out, and Janet lifted her tear-soaked eyes. Her Goddess still stood there, watching her. Like a magnet, Janet found herself moving forward, crawling naked on her hands and knees, stopping at her Goddess’s bare feet, which she kissed and licked and sucked fervently, until her Divine Love cried out, giggling, for her to stop. “Hehehe, that will do, My slave,” She said softly. “Now tell Me, what would you do to once again have My Song?”

Janet babbled earnestly, pledging words of servitude and fealty to her Goddess. To once again hold that magic Song in her heart and head, she would do Her will. She would subvert and entrance her best friend. She would rob, steal, even KILL if her Beloved asked her to. Janet begged to lay down her life for her Goddess...for after all, without Her, there was no life! Smiling, Serena guided Her slave to Her dripping pussy, where the girl eagerly dove in, pleasuring Goddess Serena with a fervor She had not felt in ages. Opening Her mouth once more, her Goddess began to sing...

* * *

...and Janet came with a quiet whimper as she opened her eyes, seeing Debbie so entranced, under the spell of her Goddess. Doing her Mistress’ will was so very rewarding, she only wished she had more time to devote to it. Then, unbidden, the idea came to her. What use was college anyway? To better yourself? To prepare for your life in the real world? Janet almost laughed. Her purpose and role in life had been shown to her very clearly. Sitting back on her bed, slipping a finger deep into the waistband of her biker shorts—panty-less of course, for her Goddess didn’t allow her slaves to wear underwear—Janet sighed deeply. First thing, Monday morning, she would apply for a job at the music store.


“I just can’t believe it,” Rebecca Richards said in dismay. “She was one of the most promising young students attending this school. I can’t believe your friend just suddenly decided to drop out!”

“Yeah, well what can I say,” Debbie said with a shrug. “We all know she was heading for a burn out, with her overloaded work schedule. Still, it’s not a totally BAD thing, her leaving I mean. She’s found a job at that new music store, Siren Sounds.”

“Yes,” Mrs. Richards said dismissively. “She’s a record store clerk, such a big step up from becoming a doctor! It’s almost as big a disappointment as the loss a year ago of another promising student of mine.” Rebecca shook her head sadly. “Miss Lisa Goodwell was a bright and promising law student, as hardworking and as dedicated as Miss Smith was. She, too, suffered a burn-out in her senior year, and suddenly left the university.” Rebecca sighed, leaning back in her chair. “Perhaps it was MY constant pushing, striving for my students to be the best, to focus on studying hard and making the grade. Maybe I pushed them right over the edge.”

“Mrs. Richards,” Debbie replied, “that’s not true. I mean, yes, you push us all to do our best, and you keep on us every time we slack off. But not overly so. I mean, just the other week I heard you telling Janet she needed to have some fun and relax a bit.” She reached out and patted the older woman’s hand gently. “Don’t take it so hard. There’s no way you could have prevented Janet from leaving. And despite it all, I happen to know she is much happier where she is now, doing what she is doing.”

“Well, as long as the child is happy...I guess I can take some small comfort in that fact.”

Debbie stood up to leave, then turned back to the instructor. “Oh, I nearly forgot! Janet wanted me to tell you how sorry she was to have disappointed you, and not to worry about her, that she is doing fine. She said she knew how much you enjoyed classical music, so she sent you a CD of classical music to listen to, as kind of a peace offering.” Deb took out the small unmarked CD case, and handed it to her teacher.

“Oh, well that was kind of her. Give her my thanks next time you see her.” Rebecca deposited the CD in her purse. “Is it by anyone I know? Chopin? Mozart? Beethoven?”

Debbie smiled faintly, her eyes lit with a dreamy sparkle. “No, its by someone a bit more modern.”

Rebecca frowned. “Well, I’m not a big fan of modern music. I like the old composers best. But I suppose I can at least give it a listen on the way home from the office.”

“Yeah, do that,” Debbie replied, walking out of the office. “I’m sure once you listen to it, you’ll change your mind.”

<<< The End >>>