The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

This story is a work of fiction.

Resemblance to real people or places is accidental.

This fictional story is for entertainment purposes only, If you just have to try this, film it, if you succeed your fans will love it, if not, the prosecution will.

Inspired by a drunken game of truth or dare where someone just couldn’t tell the truth and the dare that quite nearly choked her for real. Get your mind out of the gutter, it was a banana in just one bite, A Banana for fruits sake.

Originally written up as practice for a troublesome character in another story, that darn bunnyraven just won’t let the fact that she is currently serving two masters keep her from trying to take her life and her fate back into her own hands. She is by far the most troublesome character to date, having eclipsed her former charge Arie in frustration to me the poor author stuck telling their tale that seems to be going anywhere but where I had in mind.

Amaranth – only for those who get the joke.
* * *


Angela has no second thoughts at all about it. She needs the money her looks bring in because her five five slender build fits perfectly behind the narrow stylish desk of the P.R. firm she where she answers phones, looking like a mud flap chrome outline you see on heavy trucks. Answering phones and greeting ditzy people all day is enough to drive her insane though. Hence the plan, to have her boyfriend maybe fiancee Jonathon divide her personality into distinct pieces. Separating her herself from all the time spent as the secretary herself, leaving her herself with just the fun parts. It had started as a kind of joke a few weeks ago between them, Jonathon used to be stage & party magician who slowly drifted into doing stage hypnosis and away from public parties. Over time his act became mostly centered on the more adult and hence more profitable portions of his show until he finally gave up the magic part completely, becoming Jon Dreamer fantasy illustrator on stage who wove dreams.

They were 3rd hand friends when they met, Friends of each had invited them to a party of a friend those friends had in common. The result was Angela and Jonathon who didn’t know anybody in common ended up meeting in an out of the way party at some rich dudes house that liked be part of the in crowd even if he had to buy his way in. Friends being friends, they tend to brag, that brought Jonathon to Jerry the host’s attention. The inevitable request, far too polite to call a demand, for a show led to a hastily planned one. Given the eye candy and glitzy crowd, a very risque show indeed, even compared to his normal ones. Before beginning Jonathon explained that everything in his show depended on his volunteers and the audience. The volunteers had to be willing to play assigned parts in front of the audience; they had to be willing to perform in front of them even without knowing what part they would play first.

“Ladies,” Jonathon announced, “Don’t volunteer if you care what the audience lets happen for their entertainment. If you don’t feel you can let go completely in front of them then don’t come up on stage because if you do come up here then you will be put into a roll. You will be something or someone I decide is going to make a good impression or at least bring a laugh to everyone else.”

“I won’t hurt you I promise.” Jonathon continued, “That would completely ruin the act and violate any number of rules. On the other hand I don’t promise to behave perfectly with you, you might be fondled some, you might fondle back some, you might just quote Shakespeare in your underwear, you will have a lot of fun though I promise you that as well.”

“Now bear in mind that if you let go far enough, if you let me have enough control then anything that happens on stage is my fault not yours. If I am in control then you are blameless for anything you do, any special requests you haven’t had the courage to do yet for yourself please be sure to mention to me, I will see what I can do. That also means that if you have lots of fun I am responsible for that to. You may not remember everything from your time on stage, but you will be able to ask anyone in the audience what you did. So please feel free to totally let go, allow me to make the most of you, your evening and the party for myself and everyone here.”

Jonathon like all guys had a few dreams of his own; his though were of a somewhat pedestrian variety. He likes some things and some types more than others, His favorite were flashers, girls who would flash their boobs at him giving him a chance to look and decide the ones he wanted to look at closer at or to play with. His attention thus was on not just putting on a good show, the girls knew he would put them to good use, but for ones with a particular profile. Of the five dozen girls at the party only two dozen were dressed correctly for what he wanted. Of them less than half were the right type of exhibitionist, say a dozen. Of that dozen half were private exhibitionist, nice but not what he needed. Of the other half were five public exhibitionists with the odd one out being one of the largest chests he had ever seen in his life. An H if ever there was one, on a five nine Barbie thin cheerleader with the brightest eyes hollowed out by something. He knew he had to get access to that, he had to at least be able to play with those, tonight. A plan formed, the perfect girls to compliment his cheerleader, to bring her to him at least once were highlighted in his minds eye.

The crowd of hip twenty something’s just ate his show up, almost falling over themselves to volunteer even knowing Jon dreamers reputation for almost not quite foreplay in his show. The combination of excitement and alcohol set the stage as they let him take them unhesitatingly into deep trance leaving easy to manipulate and very usable especially when the girls were volunteering on a dare because that let him push the envelope even further. The girls went under knowing he might cop a feel or two or maybe three if they were cute, from at least a few of the them, they all eagerly went under anyway. Some hoped they wouldn’t be the ones felt up, other hoped they would yet none of them had any hesitation letting go all the way since they could blame Jonathon for anything that happened. After all they were just helpless victims hypnotized into doing what they were ordered to, its not their fault if someone besides their boyfriend got to do something and besides even of there was no boyfriend he might be cute enough to be worth a try. The thrill was like racing a car or jumping off a cliff, the danger that something unexpected could happen along with the knowledge that it probably wouldn’t lending a spice to the girls even as they all wondered if they would even know if Jonathon did anything with them. The guys went up on stage knowing he would use them for stage puppets even if they got to play, while the girls knew the male props would fondle them. It was fun though and very relaxing, who cares if the hypnotist cops a feel or three for himself, he’s cute to. His target, Bev, he found her name out during the introduction phase, really was a cheerleader for a local college football team. His desires did not interfere with him being careful to treat her no differently than any other stage victim, er, prop.

He knows he has a winner when during a test phase, he has them gripping their shirt bottoms tightly. She along with a few others are able to raise their arms over their heads on command without losing their grip on their shirts or locking their arms at their shoulders. The pair of hooters outlined by the bulging sports bra drew hoots and hollers from the crowd and cries of more, more, More! Whispering in the bra flashers ears he says they need to volunteer for every act after this if they have no boyfriend here tonight, to let go more and more. That each round they would go deeper and deeper without actually waking between acts, to let go so he can make them his perfect stage bunnies for the evening. When Bev volunteers for the next round as requested he doesn’t wake her or the two others from the previous act up all the way, instead he deepens their trance at the end of the act prepping them for the next. In response to his words they volunteer again and again though still in trance, to the crowds delight he takes them deeper every time until the three of them are somnambulistic on stage, able to look and act normal even though they are in deep trance. The crowd is ecstatic watching him slowly harvest the three oblivious victims for something special he has in mind for later.

Finally ready he settles them to one side before he announces a break in the show while he deals with a few details. No one is surprised when he settles down to talk with the three, there only surprise is that he does it in view of everyone, not in a spare bedroom where he can play in private. The little mini show he puts on draws attention in no small part because all three are well endowed girls, especially Bev, and he has them lifting their shirts over their heads and back down over and over again in response to his verbal commands. Knowing grins abound when he finally leads them off to a bathroom for privacy. Once alone with them he begins testing how well they can be used in order to get some idea of the bounds he has to work with, after being sure he starts the next stage of his plan.

Before that though he stops to look at the three of them, even after all these years in the party scene he marvels at how often the narrow seemingly impossible circumstances that allow him to do this actually occurs. Thinking back he remembers the first time it happened, totally by accident. Anna Lee Simpson, A Los Vegas based Marylyn Monroe look alike had volunteered for his act as part of their on again off again flirtation. The purely joking whisper in her ear during the show resulted in Anna reporting to his dressing room back in trance. He had never hypnotized her before that day so he knew the reason her normally bright eyes were dimmed with the look of the deeply entranced. Stunned he had experimented, using Anna’s extensive knowledge of Marylyn’s life; he gave himself the treat of her during the photo shoot for playboy. His extension to it was accepted as normal, she responded perfectly posing for any shot the magazine wanted, even signing nude shots for the photographer though she wouldn’t let him touch her.

Lost in the fantasy along with her, he became Kennedy for the evening with them on a private date. He took her back to his apartment that way; He dressed in the best he had with him, her as Marylyn right down to the accent. Somewhere in Japan he knew there was still a tourist that had asked for a pose with her, since that night he had researched MM’s signature, Anna had it down just as well as everything else about her. Though he and Anna had not slept together, Marylyn did so eagerly; even finding his desire of deepthroat shots in character though she wouldn’t sign them. His suggestion shortly before dawn that the date last night had been a bit of in character fun she enjoyed and should do again led to Anna dating him for four months. The break up had come not because of him but because by the time she returned from a body double convention in New York the suggestion had worn off. During those months though he had been able to have her decide to do almost anything he wanted, thinking it was her idea. It had been glorious for him, As Anna or Marylyn either one she did anything he wanted her to do eventually even getting her to sign his pictures of her as either Anna or Marylyn depending on who she was at the moment. Those pictures were put up in storage far from here, safe from prying eyes.

The seeming depth and ultimate shallowness of the control had started him on research. A year later he found the key, three months after that he nabbed his first one on purpose. Kelly had been a six foot strawberry blond basketball and Volleyball player in Vegas on vacation with her basketball team, He had been startled when she reported to his dressing room. The key to her had been her strict religious upbringing resulting in a limited self-image; he exploited that to make a picture for her to use. That picture had been of an athlete during the day, his obedient vixen at night, the drive during the day and at games had contrasted with the submissiveness to him at night. The result was that she did anything he wanted at night without thinking, then during the day she tried not to think about what she did at night. When it was time to go home the stress caused a break in her mind, she literally knelt begging for permission to go home, knowing she couldn’t with out it. He made her think at had all been a vacation fling, made her memory of his face all blurry, then took one last night of her as a total slave using her every way he could think of and hid the truth behind those memories she would never disturb. He learned to be more careful after that. Reminiscing over with he resumes.

“Sarah, are you afraid I will use you?”

“No I am not.” She replies.

“Why not?”

“I am not afraid of being your party favor.”

“Do you want to be my party favor?”


“That’s nice, would you please strip for me and go to parade rest.”

“Yes sir” Sarah replies complying.

“Michele are you afraid I will use you?”


“Why not?”

“I volunteered knowing you might.”

“Do you mind if I use you?”


“Can I use you?”


“Strip for me please, then stand at parade rest beside Sarah.”

“Yes sir.” Michele replies stripping.

“Bev are you afraid I will use you?”

“Sort of,”

“Sort of? How so?”

“I am afraid of being just a sex toy.”

“But you are here anyway, Why?”

“I want, I uh.” Bev stammers struggling for an answer.

“Calmly Bev, Calmly,” Jonathon reassures her, “Now I want you to start over and tell me why you came to this party.”

“I came,” Bev begins clearly calming, “trying to fit in, I don’t want to be a cup size forever, I want to be a person and a person does more than stretch her bra for favors from drooling guys.”

“Ok, that makes sense. However tell me why you volunteered for the floor show knowing you would be little more than a sex toy prop for me given your assets.”

“I have to start somewhere, my cleavage buys me a way in, I can hold my own once they start to see beyond it. If not, then I can go elsewhere and try again.”

“Why chance me taking advantage of you tonight?”

“Whatever you do is probably less than I have done before trying to fit in.”

“Are you afraid I will use you tonight?”


“You don’t think I will or you don’t care?”

“I don’t care.”

“Why not?”

“It happens, it won’t be the first time I was just used for my boobs.“

“Is that all?”

“No, You have reputation of always paying real attention to your girls, especially the ones you spend time focusing on in your shows and I knew that you like all guys would focus on me. Everyone will want to know what I remember, what it felt like when you did whenever you will do, we will talk giving me my opening.”

“You seem chatty for someone so deeply under. I take it you thought about this kind of thing before?”

“Yes I have.”

“Then why did you volunteer to be my subject? Why did you let me bring you here?”

“I volunteered because it was expected of someone like me who wants in to the local scene. I am here to be used by you as a beauty prop in your show or whatever else you want of me to pay my social dues so I can fit in more later.”

“Do you care at all what I do with you?”


“I can do anything I want?”



“Because you are expected to use me, I expect you to.”

“Do you want me to?”



“The more I am used, the more they know I was used, the more I have to talk about.”

“Remove your shirt Bev” Jonathon orders leaving her the only one clothed above the waist, Bev silently complies with his order without hesitation.

“Now stand at parade rest beside Sarah and Michele and wait until I get back to you.” Jonathon says turning to Sarah as a distraction from Bev and her drooping even in a bra breasts, he nearly has put back in a shirt to help him concentrate on the other two.

“Sarah, lets begin with you.” He says taking a deep breath as he begins with a good grip on her breasts. He explains that for the duration of the party he is taking advantage of her, that she will when he and only he says a certain phrase do a certain thing without thinking and whether she wants to or not. He finishes twenty fun filled minutes later filled with him fondling, suckling and masturbating her into oblivion. With her standing still on command while he orders and re orders her, Sarah has agreed that he can make her do what he wants. Whenever he says to, for the length of the party whether she wants to or not she will comply. That she will in affect be in trance and hence still under his complete control whether she knows it or not until the party is over. He ends it with a quietly given order that she will make herself available by volunteering anytime she is at a party where he is performing in the future.

“Your turn Michele,” Jonathon says to her next knowing that because of her personality setting up this little visual treat will be trivia. Three minutes later she has responded perfectly and like Sarah before her performs perfectly on command. He is in a way disappointed by the ease which this otherwise normal looking five seven brunette sophomore is given a programmed involuntary response, must be a strict church upbringing for her to respond so easily to a strong authority figure wanting her to react without thought he suspects. Massaging a bare breast on each at the same time he orders them to find some guy in common tonight, to give him free access to both of them at the same time above the waist until he chooses between them or it’s morning which ever comes first. If he chooses between then they both get to realize that they have been ordered to do this by Jonathon as part of the show, otherwise they are to report to Jonathon tomorrow night as a set, returning to this exact trance just like they are now. After snapping a couple of quick nude shots of them Jonathon has Sarah then Michele pose on all fours with him mouthed for a nice face up deepthroat shot doing her best to smile. Having them sign there pictures he orders them to return to trance like they are now anytime they see it obeying without thought whoever has the picture. Now that he has enough of control and blackmail material Jonathon finally has them redress. He sends them back out to the party where they will think they have awakened once they are in the hallway. He leaves them with no clue about what he has done with them, what they will do later or that they are really still in a trance following his orders. He knows the quick bit of conditioning done here will only hold for a few things and only for a few day, however that will be plenty of time since during that time they believe they have no choice.

He looks at Beth in front of him, the only one of the girls still wearing her bra. He is thinking about all the ways he could get her to take it off for him besides just ordering her to which just seems a let down somehow. He also does not reach up to fondle her, does not run his hands over her body even when she says that she expected him to. Or that she would not resist even if she were awake because she is expected to let the magician play with her, its part of the game. Unable to think clearly with her bulging bra showing, Jonathon has her put her shirt back on before kneeling in front of him while he thinks about how to approach this. Though he could just order her and she would clearly obey in this state, her obedience would be because she honestly believes that she has no choice at all in or out of trance, and that once someone is hypnotized they can be ordered to do almost anything anyway. So being ordered to strip would just be part of what she is expected to do hence the response that she would not resist, He wants more, he wants her to, he doesn’t know exactly what.

“Bev,’ Jonathon orders, ”Do I have access to you?” Jonathon asks


“Use of you?”


“Good,” Jonathon says to the slow even tone of her reply, “Now I want you to remove your shirt then resume parade rest just as you are now.”

“Good girl,” He says once she has complied once again treating him to the sight of her removing her shirt on command.

“If I said to remove your bra would you?”


“Would you strip?”


“Would you allow me to touch you, to use you, to take advantage of you allowing me to have you?”


“Why Bev, why would you let me strip you, touch you and then have you? When did you decide?”

“Because I am supposed to let you do whatever you want with me. I decided before I let you hypnotize me the first time tonight. I volunteered because I knew you would choose me to have if you could, almost all males choose to have me to play with if they can as soon as they meet me.”

“Now you have stated that I have access to you, that mean I can touch you? That I can touch your breasts?”


“Good girl,” He repeats smiling, “You will feel my hands touching your breasts in a moment, then you will feel them sliding into your bra massaging your bare breasts, kneading them, rubbing your nipples gently. You can and will do nothing about this unless I say so, do you understand?”

“Yes,” Bev replies her tone giving away the fact that she has begun to feel his hands on her breasts despite him not having lain a hand on her yet.

“You feel that?” Jonathon asks as her face slightly reddens.


“How does that feel? Feels good doesn’t it? Nice and gentle, nice and arousing.”

“Good, it feels good. It feels arousing.” Bev stammers around a dry mouth.

“You like being aroused don’t you? You like me arousing you.”

“Yes I like being aroused,” Bev echoes easily followed several seconds later by, “I like you arousing me.”

“Good girl Bev, now I want you to try to stop me, I want you to reach up and try to move my hands away, you won’t be able to of course but I want you to try so you know you can’t then tell me what happens.”

“I can’t stop your hands, I can’t move them away.” Bev says after half a minute of her hands and arms trying to brush away the phantom touch while her real touch drives a response of rapidly hardening nipples getting progressively more sensitive to the slight brushing abrasion of her bra as her breathing quickens.

“You feel those hands working on your nipples don’t you Bev, Working them in concert with your breathing, making your breathing the rhythm, making your own breath arouse you, making breathing arousing, making you want something despite your best efforts not to. You can’t stop me can you? You can’t even find my hands with yours can you?”

“I feel, I uh,” Bev says, “No, , I can’t find them.”

“You can’t stop my hands from massaging your breasts, you can’t stop me, I can from arouse you at will.”

“I can’t stop your hands, I can’t stop you. You can arouse me.” Bev agrees her face reddening now as her breath quickens still more as her nipples distend even more, driven by her belief in his ministrations matching her breathing, “At will.”

“If you can’t stop me from massaging your breasts then why keep trying? You can let your hands fall to your sides as soon as you are convinced that I have unfettered access to your breasts. Once your hands drop though Bev, they will not move unless I give you or them an order, understood?” Jonathon orders watching closely as she agrees panting then over the next minutes as her eyes begin to dilate before her arms drop to her sides acknowledging his access to her, yielding control of her hands.

“Feels good to breathe when your breath is the rhythm doesn’t it?” Jonathon says pausing as Bev answers in the affirmative, “I can massage your breasts freely, agree with me as soon as you realize it is the truth.”

“You can massage my breasts freely.” Bev echoes after a few seconds.

“I can massage your bare breasts freely and it feels good, it always feel good just like it does now.” Jonathon smiling as Bev echoes faintly at first in agreement, followed by a pant as her body responds to her mind telling it he was still rubbing her nipples driving her harder and harder, then agreeing stronger and stronger as she gets lost in the moment.

“You can not interfere, you can not stop me.”

“I can not interfere, I can not stop you.” Bev echoes the beginning of a list of things she echoes back to Jonathon agreeing every time.

“You can not interfere, you can not stop me. But you don’t want to stop me do you? You want me to do this; you want me to have you. “ Jonathon says slowly changing his tone from comforting to controlling, bringing Bev’s frame of mind along with his tone as she continues to agree.

“I can massage your bare breasts anytime I want.” Jonathon softly orders pausing as she weakly replies agreeing, “I can massage your bare breasts whether you want me to or not.” He orders a little more firmly dragging an affirmative reply from her.

“Since I can massage your bare breasts anytime I want whether you want me to or not I can obviously open or remove your shirt anytime I desire.” Jonathon orders watching her breath catch before she replies.

“Since I can remove your shirt to reach your breasts, I can remove your bra as well.”

“Since I can remove your shirt and your bra and I already have access to your breasts as you can feel, you will always help me to reach your breasts.” Jonathon orders not really expecting it to work the first time, but to his surprise her echo acquiesces to helping him.

“Is my massaging your nipples in time with your breathing keeping you aroused Bev? Do you like it?” He asks delaying for a moment as he thinks quickly trying to be sure before proceeding.

“Yes,” She replies eyes wide slightly gasping,” It is. I like it.”

“Would you like something more to go with that? To make it feel even better.”

“Yes, yes I would,”

“Ok, I can do that, I can give you something to go with it but it is under my control. Does that bother you?”

“No, not really”

“Good girl Bev,” Jonathon says fascinated by the show, “If you want more then the only way to get it is to remove your pants as well, do you want permission.”


“Good Girl Bev, however I want you to be specific, What do you want permission to do?”

“I want permission to remove my pants.”

“Good girl, now ask for it.”

“Can I have permission to remove my pants?”

“You forgot the magic word Bev, start over and try again.”

“Can I have permission to remove my pants please?”

“Good girl, and yes you can.’ Jonathon says pleasantly as Bev removes her pants for him, knowing that light praise during obedience is useful with the deeply entranced if applied lightly and directly as he does while removes her pants on command.

“Now I know this will be embarrassing but you will show me your favorite spot in down front, the one that just drives you crazy when you play with it, the one that get you of every time. Put your finger directly on it now.” Jonathon orders keeping her sluggish mind to occupied with compliance to think about the position she was in.

“Excellent Bev.” Jonathon praises her after her hand slides in panties, “Now you will use your finger to show exactly how you work that spot.”

“Good girl,” Jonathon says when her finger moves just so, bringing a slight twitch to her whole body.

“Again,” He orders watching her twitch again.

“Good girl Bev, Good Girl that feel great doesn’t it.” Jonathon states firmly, “Now that finger will do that every time you breath, in and out brings up and down, over and over again in perfect sync as though your every breath were stroking it gently just like you like it. It helps you feel good, feel free of all your worries, free of everything except my voice as I guide you on your journey. But it won’t bring you that feeling you crave Bev, it can’t quite bring you to climax because I haven’t said it could. It will bring you to climax Bev, it will, but only when I say it can. Go ahead, try it, it won’t work for you, all it will do is reaffirm my control. You already now that though don’t you, you’re a smart girl, you know you will never be able to climax unless I say it happens. Try Bev, try hard and when you fail, when you know you have failed tell me, then tell me hat you want Bev.”

Jonathon watches as Bev’s whole body turns a shade of pink, then as her face turns red as well. No matter how fast or hard she breaths, how hard she works that spot, her body just won’t climax for her. She tries for over a minute, A long time to concentrate without a reminder for someone in deep trance, before she speaks, “I can’t orgasm, I can’t. I want to orgasm but I can’t.”

Finally seeing her eyes losing focus he speaks firmer to her with her next set of orders. “Ok Bev, without stopping, without interruption, you will get on your knees. This is the first step to an orgasm, you will comply.” Jonathon orders watching as she complies awkwardly but without skipping a beat.

“Now how close are you to orgasming even though I haven’t said you can?”

“Very, uhh, , Close” Bev pants in reply.

“Excellent Bev, You can’t orgasm yet though, I haven’t given you permission and since you can’t without my permission you can’t trigger it no matter how hard you try.” Jonathon orders her firmly denying her overloaded mind any chance to think let alone think of resisting.

“Now Bev,” he orders, “open your mouth for me.”

“Good Girl, “ Jonathon praises, “Now this is what is going to happen. Since you expected me to play with you I am going to play with you, you are going along for the ride as I have my way with you. When I open my fly you will go down on me orally, you will take me as deeply as possible. You will take in until you are breathing my pubic hair in your nose. You will use your freehand to brace on me as your other hand keeps you as close as possible to the orgasm you crave but can’t trigger without my permission. You will work your tongue on me in your mouth, move just your head, try to make me ejaculate while the rest of you continues what you are doing. Do you understand.”

“Yes,” Bev pants looking desperate.

“Good girl Bev,” Jonathon praises remaining hands off although the floorshow is beyond distracting now, “Now you will continue this until you understand and accept that you can only Orgasm when I say. Once you understand and accept that, you will have to decide when you want to let go so you can have the orgasm you crave, that you just can’t live without. When you decide you want it, you will stop moving your head and look me straight in the eye. Doing that means that you will let go when you orgasm, that you will ride the orgasm wherever it takes you. Your body will remain behind continuing to obey me as you and it do now, until you return. It will continue to be mine to do with as I please until you return. Understand though that I will make changes to it, that I will make it better for me, easier for me to use. This won’t affect you because I can already use it and use you can’t I. I already control it and you so nothing I do with it matters and you take it in what ever shape I return it to you. Do you understand and accept this.”

“Yes,” she gasps between shivers.

“Once you have surrendered I will ejaculate, you will trigger your orgasm while swallowing as you look me in the eye. Your body will be stuck in that orgasm, looking me in the eye, listening to what I say, doing what I say, swallowing everything until I call you back or you collapse.” Jonathon orders knowing this will leave him tired later but not certain he will ever get a chance like this with her later and unwilling to lose it.

What little of Bev’s mind is working at all is trapped by arousal as her own hand brings closer and closer to a climax that Jonathon has ordered but won’t allow yet. The rest of her eagerly takes him in her mouth till he bottoms out; the baser parts of her still working know guys like that. Her head bobs up and down of its own accord guided by the breathing that drives her masturbation. Tasting his precum brings Bev to a decision before looking up at Frank as she feels her body trembling at the edge of climax. He holds off from force of will until her eyes get desperate, when he ejaculates her orgasm triggers as ordered while she swallows. Every level of her mind associates swallowing him obediently like this with the overwhelming orgasm that just goes on and on. With time virtually stopped from her perspective Jonathon finally has her in the state he wants. Looking down Jonathon sees the dilated eyes and bright red face he had been wanting.

“This feels good, you want to do this again, you have to do this again in the future.” He orders Bev knowing that her conscious mind is temporarily offline in an orgasmic seizure, “You will do this in the future with me anytime I tell you to Bev, anytime what so ever, without any hesitation.” Jonathon says mesmerically looking Bev right in the eyes. With her conscious mind out of the picture he can write underneath it whatever he wants there. Though no words are possible with him filling her mouth he still feels her head nod in acknowledgement.

“I am going to issue orders, you will obey them, you have no decision to make on that. Though your waking mind will never know I have given you these orders, it will follow them anyway, you will follow them anyway.” Jonathon orders firmly now that he has full access to the underside of Bev’s mind and once again he feels the faintest of nods from the hypnotized cheerleader he holds in orgasmic thrall deepthroating him.

“I control this state, this state controls you, therefore I control you. You obey my orders given in this state as your own thoughts after you leave this state. You will never consciously know that this state exists or that I can give you orders while you are in it, but my orders are binding once given, controlling you, changing you at my whim, making you whatever or whoever I want you to be. Once you understand and acknowledge this you can stop, until then you will continue in this loop. It will take you further and further away from yourself, leaving less and less of yourself as you become more and more just my sexbot. You cannot stop this process, you can not slow this process, If you take to long to finish letting go then there will be nothing left of you except that hollow shell of a sexbot that thinks only of pleasing it owner.”

“If your mind is still intact I will eventually let you go, if your mind collapses then I can never let you go. So the faster you quit resisting and let me control that last piece of you the easier you can be let go later.” Jonathon orders her while he comptenplates the fact that the only part of this unbelievably cleavaged girl he will soon control utterly, at least until the hasty conditioning wears off in a month, maybe two without further reinforcement, he has touched is the inside of her mouth where she holds him sucked in as hard as she can. He is concerned though when after roughly twenty seconds her jaw clamps tightly on him as her eyes lose the little focus they had before her jaw releases and her head begins bobbing up and down on him again. There is no mind, no intelligence, no nothing showing on her face when her head stops bobbing after another minute as her body freezes looking him in the eyes once more.

Incredulous at how well and how easily it worked he withdraws from her mouth, amazed he stands looking at her frozen In mid stroke as though paused. The temptation to play with her like this since she can never know anything he does while she is in this state is almost overwhelming but he wants something other than a mindless sexbot from this fine of a specimen. Planning carefully he sets up several controls so he has easy access to her later carefully changing nothing major about her. The only thing he really does is give himself unrestricted use of her and of her body, anything he wants, anytime he wants, she will do or allow without thinking it odd or unusual at all. Using a little trick he picked up from a hypnodom who enjoyed having his bunnies settle in fast, he adds to her reality his access and use of her, that she has over time come to total acceptance of him, of it, of her obedience when ordered. Other than that she is still completely herself, aware of his control, well used to it though, thinking it nothing to talk about, nothing to be mentioned, nothing to be told to anyone at all as he had instructed so long ago when he acquired her. It is to her a private thing between them where she is aware that she may not remember everything he does with her or she does for him, finding that thought oddly comforting knowing that someone is looking out for her. She may date other guys, may sleep with them, may in fact go out with them steadily, but what she has with Jonathon is something that she has never, will never, can never tell anyone and has always been this way to her. Her part in the surprise for the partygoers is setup along with what he wants after she wakes up. Redressed she wakes lying on the floor after he has a chance to recover.

“Hi,” Bev says as her eyes open. She feels great like she hasn’t in a while, “Did I do good out there?”

“Yes Bev,” Jonathon replies looking at her fully dressed although his minds eye still sees the bra and panties.

“Good, Now I want to thank you for choosing me.” She says removing her shirt as she kneels in front of him.

“Bev?” Jonathon asks as though he is unsure of what is happening.

“Relax Jon, “ She says reaching for him thinking she has done this times beyond number, “This won’t hurt a bit.”

Jonathon’s erection is back in full force before his zipper is undone. Eyes glued to the cleavage he still hasn’t seen bare as she moves her bra cups sideways exposing a lot of breast but not the nipples. She buries his erection deep in the supple flesh of her breasts his hands have not even sampled yet. However hard it is to define what he feels when she squeezes her breasts together around him, it is trumped when she begins moving her breasts up and down providing him a tunnel that squeezes in every direction at once. As he approaches climax she takes him in her hand to make sure he is fully stiff before pulling him into her mouth as hard as she can burying her nose in his pubic hair as she works on him vigorously with her tongue. Bev’s orgasm following Jonathon’s confirms in her mind that this was the right thing to do for him quite apart from the positive associations Jonathon has setup for her. She knows about these associations but doesn’t mind them; to her she has been used to them for years. She has also never to her knowledge orgasmed with a guy in her mouth before, still she likes it so much that she decides to keep doing it in the future, just like this only maybe better for Jonathon next time if she can. Jonathon is left with his erection having gotten access to Bev’s bosom that his hands haven’t as she cleans up before leaving the bathroom not even questioning why she was in their.

Back at the party, there was a bet between Jerry the host and a few of his friends about a bubblehead blond tease named Yvette. It led to a cool thousand being offered if Jonathon could and would ensure that she gave Jerry’s geeky little brother Tom a nice satisfying blow job with a smile. After the severe blowoff she gave him earlier an extra five hundred if he could make it public knowledge she had done it. The girls have fun in the scripts Jonathon dreams up for them to act out; the guys enjoy their parts even though they are mostly just props for the girls to play on or with. A lucky few guys do get to freely explore above the waist of the girl they are with on stage as part of the act, some times letting the girl remember, some times not. He wishes them luck making sure no one recorded him on their phone saying flashbot since it could be used to trigger them whenever it is played back until the suggestion wears off.

Half an hour later in the next part of the show Jonathon woke a new batch of girls; he has them kneeling in front of their boyfriends if they have them or one of the entranced volunteer guys. In this fantasy setting they were ladies of negotiable virtue alone with their john, kneeling in front of him they are about to give value for the money they were paid for the whole evening anything goes above the waist. Jonathon stops all of them but Yvette after they open there own shirts, get well fondled and in one case suckled, but before they actually do anything more than massage their johns well and truly erect. The boyfriends enjoy the break, with their girlfriends paused they can play more, suckle nicely or grab a couple of quick blank eyed titty shots on their phones with their girlfriends none the wiser. Meanwhile Jonathon whispers in the girl’s ears one by one. Those in front of their boyfriends he orders to finish this routine as the character they are now, just as they will see Yvette do in a few minutes as a private performance just for their boyfriends later that night when it is time for bed. They are to follow this by going passive and posable though wide awake as themselves, their boyfriend will be allowed to do whatever he wants as she will remain like that as long as he pays attention to her.

He tells them that since he ordered them to do this they have no choice, that they are blameless no matter what happens, that there boyfriends alone get any blame or credit for their behavior. That they will resume the role they are in now, they will remain as the paid for the evening call girl fully cooperative above their waist. They are to accept any order in line with that, making up their own minds on anything at the edges of these instructions, until they swallow their boyfriend’s finish which they will with a smile. The real fun would begin after that, as the guys would be given a chance to show their true colors. All the girls wake redressed though still kneeling, unable to rise. They have very clear memories of opening their shirts, helping their ‘Johns’ to fondle them. How good it had felt while the guy played as they opened his fly and massaged him erect. But nothing about while they were paused waiting as Jonathon talked to them one by one personalizing his instructions. As for the girls with boyfriends, Jonathon carefully leaves them and there boyfriends clueless about the private performance the girls will be giving that night at home. The funniest part though were the guys who had been stand ins for missing boyfriends, they got to fondle and be handled by some real hotties but don’t remember a thing about it. This is despite waking up with those beauties that clearly remember everything stuck kneeling right there in their laps in front of them. The guys only hope to know what happened is for the girl in question give him permission to remember, otherwise he would remember nothing much to the amusement of the girls in general especially a couple of those still kneeling.

The funniest was Ron, the five eleven no longer acne prone but still skinny computer geek with Bev the five ten platinum blond elfin college cheerleader who’s G cups were eagerly sought by all things male. This includes Jonathon who can’t afford to let a hint of his control of her show. Kneeling in front of Ron she is smiling at some joke she gets but he doesn’t. She remembers him being gentle with her in her still somewhat high afterglow of orgasm while he remembers nothing at all despite her still kneeling in front of him. Frustration rages in him because her smile say she remembers his hands on her awesome breasts, bare, her hands in his fly and massaging him erect, yet he remembers nothing despite having had access to her only a few minutes before. Her grin as he trembles leads to a lot of bets about successful access later that evening. Jonathon for his part seeing her happy looking can’t resist interfering a little by saying ‘Flashbot’ since Bev was one of the autoflash girls. Her grin falters as she feels herself pulling her shirt up over her bra before unclasping its front clip exposing her for Ron to see up close since she is still kneeling practically in his lap. The other girls have already covered their breasts by the time she begins to close her bra, Ron has much to do with this as her amusement when he looked away gave her the temptation that lead to making the flash a lot longer than she really had to.

“Do you want an excuse?” Jonathan’s voice startles her whispering in her ear, a public excuse for manipulating her with suggestions later presenting itself.

“I, Um” Bev answers stuttering, inexplicably turned on by that voice in spite of being attracted to Ron.

“I can provide one, I can make you, provide you the excuse you can use to say he was a gentleman if he really does turn out to be one.” Jonathon whispers lowly enough that even Ron can’t hear.

“Will he be able to hurt me?”

“Yes, do you think he will?”

“No, I just um, can you make sure he won’t?” Bev asks.

“Not if you want to get to know him in one move. I know he is way below you on the social ladder, all I am doing is offering a chance to bypass the ladder without paying the price.”

“He’ll be able to, “

“Yes, but like I said I can offer you a chance around the ladder. The more he can have the less price you pay for later letting him.” Jonathon says smiling.

“If I want to pay nothing later?”

“Then hold nothing back now.”

“How?” Bev asks nervous yet intrigued because Ron was the first guy since her seventh grade to see something other than her cleavage or be gentle handling it, even if he was in a trance at the time, he was gentle without explicitly being told to be.

“Flashbot,” Jonathon says out loud with a nasty leer before continuing whispering while she raises her shirt and bra giving Ron a fresh view, “Now act like I just used a trigger to put you back under. Answer like you have heard the others answer and keep your arms up like they are now, it mostly hides your face and distracts everyone including those who can’t really see anything. Accept the second number if you want to go through with this, I will arrange everything later so everyone knows you really have no choice.”

Ron is incredulous when Bev once again raises her shirt and bra exposing her breasts to him. She is so close that he blocks everyone’s good view except his own. A small part of him is terrified at not being able to remember holding those just a few minutes ago, yet thrilled at the chance that had been for unimpeded access. He never even notices the other two girls who pop their tops on command once again he is so focussed on the opportunity literally in his lap so close he could touch.

“Ron,” Jonathon says looking up at him.

“Yeah,” Ron answers tearing his eyes away to look at Jonathon.

“I’m in a generous mood and feel like playing a game so you are getting a chance here, Bev has chosen a number between one and ten. You have three chances to guess that number. Guessing it gives you access to Bev as a puppet, however the longer it takes you to guess it the less access to your puppet you get. Guess it on the first try and you get free access, anything you want on a date that lasts till morning. Get it on the second and you get free access to her above the waist till the end of the date defined as being the end of the party tonight. Get it on the third and you get a really nice blowjob with Bev topless until she swallows your second climax. Do you understand?”

“yes,” Ron blurts before answering more calmly, “ yes I do.”

“Good, what’s your first guess?”

“Is she OK with this? Does she have a choice?”

“Why don’t we let Bev explain,” Jonathon says getting an idea of what Bev sees in Ron, “Bev I am going to have Ron ask you some questions, you will answer them to the best of your ability, do you understand?”

“Yes,” Bev replies with a quiet voice after a moments hesitation.

“Go ahead Ron, ask her.” Jonathon says to Ron who freezes up in something approaching horror for several seconds before finding courage somewhere.

“Bev,” Ron says hesitantly.

“Yes,” She replies with the same hesitation.

“Is this voluntary? Do you have a choice?” Ron asks.

“I, um” Bev stammers unable to find an answer.

“It’s ok Bev,” Jonathon interrupts before she can give the game away with hesitation, “Ron, when someone is under like this you have to keep your questions simple and direct. Now Bev what he wants to know is would you fight this, or more simply would you mind if he won a lottery and you were the door prize for an hour.”

“No,” Bev answers thankful that Jonathon reworded the question so she can give a better answer, “I would not fight it, I would not mind.”

“Would you do it Bev? Would you be the door prize if given a choice?” Jonathon asks smiling.



“It’s part of the game, it’s the thrill knowing the next victim could be you. Most of the time it won’t be, when it is though, it’s still ok since you are never kept just played with which could be fun anyway.”

“Will it bother you tomorrow if Ron wins the door prize tonight?” Jonathon asked leadingly.


“Will it bother you if he makes use of his prize tonight? If he makes use of you tonight, will you blame him?”

“No it will not bother me if he makes use of his prize, of me, that’s how the game is played.” Bev replies with perhaps a little too much clarity.

“Will you faithfully fulfill the terms of the prize if he wins?”


“Excellent. Now Ron remember that Bev has already chosen her number now you must choose yours. Choose wisely since the longer it takes you to guess, the less you will get out of her. Bev will indicate a matching choice by lowering her arms and waking up. She will think that she has just flashed you for the second time having no memory of this little game until later. I will setup what is needed to make it happen when I remove the joke trigger, you don’t need to worry about any of that.”

“I don’t know,” Ron says stammering, his voice barely audible over the shouts of most of the guys and a few of the gals In the audience hollering numbers.

“Choose wisely Ron, but choose now.”

“Seven.” Ron says in a determined voice over the noise of shouted numbers, the noise cuts off instantly when Bev’s arms come down as she turns to Jonathon denying him yet again a good shot of her topless.

“That is not funny,” Bev says sounding annoyed, “Making me flash him twice while I kneel in his lap is just, uh , just well never mind just don’t make me do it again.”

“Flashbot.” Jonathon says and once more all three girls begin raising their shirts and bras, “Bev Flashbot pause” he says while all three have everything all the way up hoping that Bev will know to play along.

“Hey,” she says playing along as the other two are putting down there shirts leaving her arms still held high once more giving Ron a perfect view of her, “this gets cold after while you know. Can I put my arms down please?”

“No, you have a choice. Either let poor Ron have a squeeze or you wait ten minutes stuck that way, you choose.”

A minute passes then two with the crowd making catcalls offering Ron advice before Bev finally speaks, “Ok, he can do it. He can, he can fondle me. Go ahead Ron get it over with please.”

“You sure?” Jonathon and Ron ask almost as one.

“Yes,” Bev replies sounding impatient.

“No,” Ron replies.

“Why not.” Jonathon asks.

“I want to take her upon it later instead or not at all, my choice,” Ron says grinning, “Let her go.”

“Bev, will you let him later,”


“Yes what?”

“Yes I will let him feel my breasts later if you let me go early now.”

“Bare,” Jonathon says grinning evilly.

“Yes,” Bev replies with a defeated sound then continues as though trying to hurry things along, “I will let him feel my BARE breasts later, I’ll even let him bind my hands behind my back until he is done.” She continues implying she would allow the use of handcuffs or other restraints if Ron wanted while he has her.

“Ok, Bev flashbot unpause.” Jonathon says merely smiling now. Bev quickly lowers her arms covering herself, managing to look disgusted and disconcerted and maybe exited all at the same time while trying to cover something else, everyone thinks it’s just her breasts.

“Come see me later, I’ll take of that flash,” He grins as all three of them wince, “Problem with bots.” Relief shows on all three faces easily distracting any lingering curiosity about the bargain with Bev, “Unless of course you want to wait a few days for flashbot to fade on it’s own hoping no one recorded me on their phone saying Flashbot.”, Laughter and snickers ripple across the room as twice more the three of them find themselves flashing the audience. Ron on the other hand is scared witless, he doesn’t know if he is supposed to take advantage of the offered use of Bev or not. Whether it is right to take that advantage even if he is supposed to.

Yvette though he leaves in character kneeling in front of Tom without worrying about whether it is right or not. Most of the other girls are thrilled to know that it could have been them about to do this for real, but that they escaped, thankful its not them but thrilled it could have been. A couple are regretful it won’t be them while everyone of them wonders if they will be doing this with Jonathon later whether they remember it or not, along with inevitable few who hope they will in some way or another. The not so vicarious thrill for the boyfriends though was way later that night at home when the girls with boyfriends resume the show in private, repeating Yvette’s performance almost exactly. They would know nothing about it even after they woke with the smile they would retain while passively giving their guys a chance to do anything they wanted with them until done. About every twenty minutes Jonathon would call out flashbot enjoying the frustration on Bev’s face and the mixed reactions of Sarah and Michele.

For Anita that night was horrific, normally strongly self willed and independent she never let anyone tell her what to do, volunteering for the show had been on a dare that seemed harmless at the time. That night her boyfriend Frank was warned via text message by his friend James what his girlfriend Martha who absolutely refused to do blowjobs at all had done before becoming the organic mannequin he was playing with. Frank quietly setup a camera while Anita was in the bathroom before undressing for bed just as she came into the bedroom, seeing him undressing triggered the hypnotic order in Anita as she started to protest the camera. Resuming her interrupted roll as a call girl for hire Anita is fully back in character as she does her best to please her customer even allowing him a little leeway in boundaries. Frank enjoyed having the normally assertive Anita like this, Unthinkingly giving him use of her above the waist with him wishing for under it as well while he gets his first energetic blowjob from her, her movements absolutely synced to his every desire by his grip on her hair.

Anita wakes kneeling topless in front of Frank with him still in her mouth obviously coming erect again. The taste of his climax still strong in her mouth tells her that Jonathon made her finish her call girl performance from the show. The taste combines with the warmth of him massaging her breasts and stroking her nipples forcing an association she doesn’t like but can’t help as her mind and body agrees this feels great. She is filled with horror because she had obviously copied Yvette’s performance in response to some trigger set during the show. She had also seen the camera Frank setup just before she blacked out so she knows he has a tape of her performance. That she doesn’t remember doing it horrifies her as much as her mind being made to like this.

Total passivity has set in trapping Anita before she realizes that Jonathon also set this up during the show. Still kneeling in front of Frank she is topless with him deepthroated she realizes it feels good. To her absolute horror her lips, sealed around him filling her mouth, provide the grip her tongue needs as it takes on a life of its own working on him as he smiles down at her. His grip on her hair guides her head up and down on him like a pogo stick as her body responds obeying his control of her movements. He sets her pace as she feels herself start obviously repeating Yvette’s performance based on the taste in her mouth, only this time she is trapped inside herself as it happens. Helpless Anita experiences her body doing far more in the blowjob than she than she had ever done or would ever do, yet her body none the less matches his pace as though she were a machine that existed solely for his pleasure. He grabs a breast, after massaging it for a moment he begins stroking her nipples going back and forth rapidly between them, blending the horror of being his suck toy with the completely unexpected and intense arousal his play causes. The warm feeling from his touch radiating outward combines with the taste of his climax leaving her mind disjointed. She feels herself smile warmly at him while swallowing again as her mind again forms associations she hates, yet knows will affect her in the future, making her want to or at least desire to accept doing this again In the future.

Unable to resist or respond to him even if Frank had asked her anything, which to her initial surprise he doesn’t, Anita can do nothing as he stands her up stripping her. Unable to move once posed, she is like a living doll just for Frank, Anita is horrified at the way Frank uses her body, uses her, as though she were just a thing, not a person. After taking several pictures of her standing nude with and without him groping her or her holding his erection, he kneels her on the floor in front of him. Clasping Anita’s hands behind her back Frank photographs her obviously unrestrained although helpless, Smiling lustfully he opens Anita’s mouth to take pictures of her kneeling on the floor looking up at him waiting. He enters her mouth a little, takes another picture, in a little more, then another picture. By the time her nose deformed by his pubic hair, Anita is sick at her heart thinking about how she could have let someone like into her life. She is sick at heart with Frank’s antics; she had no idea he was like this at all. Distracting herself she dreams up a revenge appropriate even as her lips keep closed on him. Automatically forming a tight seal as he takes picture after picture of her kneeling with him fully mouthed looking up at him, exiting to him even with the dead look in her eyes showing nobody home. Her obviously unbound hands are held behind her in the pictures Frank takes, Combined with her quiet demeanor, Anita is demeaned beyond words by implication of the pictures that this is voluntary and she likes it, even as his play forces her mind to keep forming associations that sicken her.

Shame fills her when he puts her on all fours before taking more pictures, then more shame as she feels a dildo inserted in her like a tail before more pictures are taken. Once more he takes her orally, this time for pictures of her as a nice little doggy doing its master. Not sure how she knows but Anita is sure none the less that as long as Frank is paying attention to her she is trapped. Stuck as his toy like this no matter what he does to her until he is finished with her, she girds herself to surviving this encounter by dreaming up more and more revenges. Anita can only partly see around as she feels Frank running his hands all over her as she kneels still on all fours. He enters her with his fingers first behind, then in front before he twigs that nice little spot to masturbate her. Being trapped in her own body, unable to respond by even so much as stretching, the orgasm he forces on her is magnified beyond her belief. Her body takes on a bright pink hue, yet she still kneels on all fours with her tail once more in place as her body expresses its liking of feeling like this. Ears filled with a dull roar and ringing bells she feels him lay her on her back on the bed, her legs hanging off. A moment later she feels him enter her without the protection they had mutually agreed to always use, feels him driving as deeply as possible, over and over he goes in and out of her yet she can do nothing about it or the discomfort. She feels his hands gripping her breasts fiercely, using them as handles to drive himself even harder into her until he climaxes into his mute unresisting Anita doll. Yet again she is sent into an orgasm, his hands kneading her breasts freely prolonging it, trapping her in the moment by making it feel good, forcing associations in her mind that sicken her yet are still part of her now.

His hands absently massage her breasts for a while keeping her trapped while he recovers, once recovered he turns her over face down on the bed, knees on the floor. Horror floods her, dreading what she knows is coming yet unable to even plead with him to be gentle let alone stop. She feels him lubricate with her own juices before spreading her cheeks, feels him enter almost hesitantly at first as he fills her for the first time there. The thought that Frank feels he can do this revulses her, being violated this way revulses her, yet just as Jonathon had instructed everything Frank does tonight feels good. The confusion as each thrust causes a brief something that something feels good is disconcerting. Just like swallowing earlier had, just like him having her normally had, she orgasms as he reaches under her masturbating her, only now it threatens to tear her sanity apart because his violation of her feels good and it’s getting better. Anita can only endure as she is forced to enjoy both the violation and her liking it as pleasure associations are made stronger and stronger as Frank continues to use her body. Demonstrating exactly what kind of person he really was over the next hours until he is finally done with her, Anita passes out determined to have revenge on Frank yet oddly thankful to Jonathon for giving Frank a chance to show his true colors.

Anita like all the girls woke in the morning with no memory of finishing the floorshow at home the night before. With not a hint of letting them have their way, just a tendency to want their guys erect in their mouths to play with for a while, some do it, some don’t. Anita found herself just wanting him mouthed for a while since it was relaxing that morning. They barely notice the sore muscles at all; in fact they have no idea what happened until their boyfriends mention it. Then all the memories, sensations and feelings came flooding back, not of the floor show which they remember nothing about, but of everything their boyfriend did as they just stood or laid there. Almost all of the guys mentioned the floor show right off saying how much it rocked but leaving the rest out, by noon word had gotten around and everyone remembered everything which some saw as a blessing. Several nasty break ups follow because the boyfriend got kinky or rough while taking advantage of the chance to take what their girlfriends would never normally do or allow. Frank got a knee expertly delivered to the crotch, then a second completely incapacitating him while Anita retrieved the tape and pictures he had taken. On her way out she explained that if he breathed a word of last night, she would hunt him down and express her brown belt until he cried for mercy which she would give in the same measure he had shown her by making a steer out of him, slowly. Jonathon’s experiment exposing the boyfriends bore much more fruit than he had really planned on but the real repercussions would be a while showing.

The most egregious case though was Fran and her friend Gina. Both girls are five ten with brown hair and nice D cups there slander figures make look like E’s but even harder not to show off. Their mutual difficulties with bras being a source of shared frustration that had developed into a deep friendship over the years was why Fran and George were spending the night at Adam and Gina’s place. The single bathroom meant that both girls got triggered within moments of each other. George and Adam understand almost instantly that the girls have returned to the call girl role from the floorshow so they knew exactly what was happening and decided to take full advantage of it. George rushes ahead to setup a camera while Adam brings the girls in character to the front room.

“You have been paid in full for tonight right,” Adam asks.

“Yes,” they both reply to their johns puzzled why they are acting all weird.

“So I get what ever I want, right?” George asks this time.

“Yes, you are paid in full for tonight, anything you want above the waist on me, you name it.” They both reply.

“Excellent,” Adam says grinning at his girlfriend while George grins at his, “Here is what you are going to do”. He continues without hesitation ordering his girlfriend Gina in her fantasy role, “You will first allow George to play with you for a while then give him the best blowjob you know how.”

“At the same time You,” George says also ordering his girlfriend Fran without hesitation in her identical role, “Will allow Adam to play with you for a while then give him the best blowjob you know how. Then there will be an intermission while we recover.”

“We will of course both have access to both of you while we recover, then,” Adam says continuing “You will give me the best blowjob you know how. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Both reply puzzled at the odd setup but finding it within parameters they have to work with.

Adam watches fascinated as the body but not the mind of George’s rather shy girlfriend Fran shamelessly removes her shirt and bra leaving her positively huge breasts just hanging out as a temptation to play with before kneeling in front of him. Exactly what he feels can only be defined by George who is watching Adams girlfriend Gina that he had been wanting to sample for a while now remove her shirt and bra for him. Together the girls take their non-boyfriends hands on the orders of their boyfriends, placing them on their breasts to fondle, then smile slyly as the guys inevitably begin suckling them. Adam is a little nervous knowing that Fran normally doesn’t allow anyone to see her topless, yet in this role from the stage tonight she is letting him have her above the waist because her boyfriend who she thinks is her john said to. Hesitation gives way to desire as Fran’s body welcomes him just as his girlfriend Gina’s body welcomes George kneeling in front of him. Nothing what so ever shows of Fran as Trixie removes his shorts while massaging him erect. Knowing that Fran doesn’t do oral he waits with anticipation, her tongue works along his erection before taking him in her mouth for what he knows is almost the first time in her life. Under orders ironically of her boyfriend she only went down on once even, even if she will never know she is doing this now. “On the other hand.” He thinks to himself watching her, “I just ordered my girlfriend who likes oral but not exhibiting herself, to go down on my friend just as he did his.” George on the other hand has wanted to have a go at Gina for a while now; her openness to oral foreplay and her assets have left him all but drooling in spite of having Fran.

Fran kneels topless in front of Adam and Gina in front of George; the guys had been a little nervous about ordering their girlfriends to go down on someone else but quickly forgot that as the girls get started earning their ‘Pay’. Kissing and feeling around they find small differences between the girlfriend they have and the topless not girlfriend about to eagerly blow them. Reveling in being able to set the pace by grabbing their hair neither of the guys are nice at all making the girls match pace obediently. In ten minutes both guys are laying back exhausted watching the girls swallow with a smile as they try not to laugh at their luck. Gina and Fran in their roles as call girls happily allow George and Adam both to explore them both above the waist which they would never do if awake, not objecting even when they switch off or grab one breast on each girl just because they can.

An offer of an extra hundred each brings the guys pictures of both girls topless, topless with the guys standing behind with their hands covering the girls breasts, as well as both girls standing beside them one at a time with a hand of his on one bare breast each. Another extra hundred gets pictures of the girls one at a time holding both of the guy’s erections in their hands. Somewhat reluctantly they also agree to let the guys have pictures of them mouthing them, both girls doing both guys brings many smiles to the guys knowing that Fran would never pose for any of these pictures at all and now here she was smiling in them eager to please. Once they guys have recovered the girls cheerfully kneel in front of them once more, this time in front of their actual boyfriends. Once more they perform, George getting to know what Adam already does about how great Fran is when she really wants to be. The guys can feel the slight difference between the girl’s skills making this feel even better because in their minds they know for a fact that the girls will never remember this. Convinced the girls will never know they once again make no attempt to be nice as they drive the pace the girls use, reveling in the control as they once again have as the girls respond as perfectly trained professionals. Adam and George are watching closely looking for signs of them waking up when Fran and Gina abruptly go passive. They are sure they have hit the jackpot when it turns out the girls are posable.

Quickly standing Fran and Gina up Frank and George both get a good feel of both of them not stopping anywhere. The girls meanwhile have woken up to unresponsive bodies that their boyfriends can pose at will. They know from the taste in their mouths that they have just copied Yvette’s performance from earlier though they remember nothing about it, they have no clue it was more than once, the first time not even on their boyfriend though at his orders. They panic but are unable to do anything as they are stood up nude while both guys feel both girls all over freely entering them with their fingers as crudely compare differences between the girls. Words can’t describe what Gina and Fran feel as pictures are taken of them standing nude and smiling, or the feeling as the guys take pictures of themselves groping both the girls at the same time.

Fran can at least understand when George takes her orally getting a good picture showing her looking up at him before getting one of her kneeling on all fours as well, can tolerate him laying her out on the floor to get a good picture showing him having her. However when he rolls her over while laying her on a footstool she wants to scream. She feels him spread her cheeks lubricating himself with her juices, Unable to move let alone protest she is entered anally for the first time. Completely unable to resist as he pushes in before gripping her hips to pull himself deeply in her before pumping as hard as he can. Her panic is worsened when she notices that Adam is doing Gina the same way. True panic sets in as her body responds to his violation with even stronger arousal than she had been feeling already, making his violation of her feel good at first then better and better as he pumps away at her.

Gina feels terrible for Fran knowing she didn’t like doing oral at all, didn’t do anal period, was being had anyway, yet can do nothing for herself as she is stood by Fran on her footstool. Words can’t describe what she feels when she watches Adam open Fran’s mouth entering her, forcing his way till her nose is against his pubic hair. Her surprise is deepened when he reaches under Fran’s chest to cup a bare breast, she is shocked when his other hand grasps a breast at the same time, then further shocked when she feels George grabbing the other one. Suddenly she feels sick as Adam begins pumping at Fran’s mouth, shock fills her as both her nipples are suckled at the same time. Unable to move Gina just stands as both guys reach back to her but grabbing her firmly as they pump in and out of Fran on the footstool. After perhaps a minute it all stops as Gina sees Fran turned over and things resume with her breasts pointing up one grasped by each guy, Adam orally once more and George taking her normally as they once again suckle both of her nipples.

The horror gives way to something else a minute later when Adam and George switch places, This time George is taking Fran orally as Adam has her normally first. With a sick certainly Gina knew that in a minute they would turn Fran over so Adam can have her anally as well. That certainty of something dark is born out a minute later. Then as Fran is stood up, Gina knows what is coming next. Gina feels herself being knelt then laid face down on the footstool. She doesn’t want to think of what Fran just went through, yet now she feels the familiar feel of Adam getting ready as her mouth is opened then filled by what is obviously George while a hand cups under breast. For the first time in her life Gina is filled in two orifices and nothing she does makes any difference at all, Her lips tighten on George automatically as he pumps her orally while Adam pumps anally her from behind. After a minute she is of course turned over, thus she can see as her breasts are grasped, then her mouth refilled just as she is entered normally. When they begin pumping away at her they are also suckling on Fran and from the look of her face she is also having her body respond favorably to all of this giving a feeling of betrayal in the wake of the wonderful feelings her body reports.

The now expected minute later it stops as Adam and George trade places. Helpless Gina can only endure as Adam fills her mouth meaning she can’t see when George takes her. The massaging of her breasts is the cue just before they begin pumping away on her again. Gina is unable to believe at first that Adam would take advantage of her being helpless, and horror struck that he would share her as he is. A minute later it all happens again as she is turned over facing the floor again, She tries to bite Adam as he fills her mouth and can’t, wants to scream stop at George but nothing comes out while he enters her anally. For the fourth time tonight she is helpless as she is taken in two orifices at the same time. Can do nothing as she feels her lips seal tightly on Adam as he pumps away at her orally as her minds eye supplies the details of him also suckling Fran at the same time. The climaxes and mini climaxes she experiences throughout this ordeal confuse her, they make it feel good to allow this, feel good to accept this, feel good to be filled like this in two places at the same time. Confusion reigns, she feels horrified and thrilled at the same time by what Adam and George are doing. Fran is even worse shape, the feeling are more conflicted because she has even less experience to insulate herself as the climaxes and mini climaxes make coherent thought almost impossible while her subconscious imprints on the good feeling and how she got them. Ultimately both girls are left knowing that they will on some level want to do this again humiliation and all because it feels so damn good, they just have to find someone safe to do it to them. Their last thoughts for the night are that this could be fun if they could trust the guys.

Of all the boyfriends from that night though only Xander, Zan to his friends, didn’t lose his girlfriend. He realized that something was wrong when Carol dropped to her knees beside the bed, she didn’t like oral, always complaining even when she had said she would do it. This time though she said nothing as she worked on him silently in an eerie echo of Yvette earlier that night. Recognizing that this was a post hypnotic compulsion and best not interrupted he settled back to enjoy her performance. When she went passive he got worried and just held her for hours whispering to her hoping for a response unknowingly trapping Carol because he was paying attention, when he finally fell asleep it released her to sleep as well. He asked if she was ok at breakfast, when she asked why all the concern he explained the floorshow and passivity, the pieces fell into place for her rapidly. Zan had woken to Carol oddly enough wanting him erect in her mouth to play with teasing him to the climax she swallowed with a smile. The morning after party sex he got was the best he had ever gotten from her, her reward in response to the previous night. Carol wanting to reward Zan further had reluctantly, but with a courageous smile offered to let him repeat everything from last night if he wanted. Since he had behaved so well the first time, when he could have done anything he wanted, she saw no reason to stint on it this time. Offering to have exactly the same scenario set up again right down to her not remembering a thing about it until he tells her. The memories flooding back had been kind of a thrill to her after all and it probably would be again. She also said that if continued to behave she might just let him have a last night once in a while as long as she didn’t have to remember going down on him which she doesn’t really enjoy and he didn’t hurt her.

Back at the show everyone watched in amusement, laughing almost to tears with a lot of guys wanting to be Tom at the moment. Just over an hour before Yvette had brusquely shrugged off Tom’s casual interest in her pointed aiming for his rich older brother. Now in character she had undone her own shirt and bra to place his hands on her bare breasts to fondle & suckle at will along with the other girls. Unlike the rest of them though, Jonathon left her going. Giggling then moaning in that professional bubble headed way she showed her true colors as a pro opening his fly with obviously great skill before doing a thoroughly professional blowjob for all the world to see. She brings Tom to climax easily; swallowing his finish as she cleans him off with a smile while he leaned back sated. Returning immediately to trance, Yvette’s breasts dangled exposed for easy excess as she waited blank faced and available to Tom, for Jonathon’s next orders letting Tom have some extended playtime with her since Jonathon was in no hurry to end this particular show. Everyone laughed even harder; they all knew her for what she was now and thought it great cum uppins since she had been trawling the party scene for a sugar daddy. Everyone knew Jonathon would likely have some fun with her before the night was through and they all thought she deserved it. Most of the girls were relieved it wasn’t them, though some were disappointed. Mostly though it went with the scene and it had been great seeing her going at Tom like the pro she obviously was taking great pride in her performance. Besides that everyone knew the hypnotist got laid, nobody minds especially when it is a well deserving victim.

Jonathon left Yvette with no memory of going down on Tom but clearly of letting him fondle, of giggling while he did along with the strong impression that finishing this another time would help put her in the rich brothers good graces. He also left her with vivid dreams of going down on Tom over and over again, each time stronger with more realism until she could taste it, then give in and go down on him. Those dreams were to be based strongly on what she had just done in the fantasy role becoming more real feeling every time along with a building desire and eventual need to do it for real in the future, possibly more than once. As a final bit of fun for himself, he gave her post hypnotic orders to meet him later well after the show returning to trance as though she were still in the show. After having her redress he returns her to her chair where she awakens in a few minutes feeling refreshed and horny though frustrated.

Jerry was still laughing an hour later when he asked almost jokingly if he could make sure a girl in one of his shows, Brenda, would really sleep with his little brother as agreed not just spend the night and do a now redundant blowjob if she were paid. Jonathon replied with a smile and a promise of his that Brenda would keep the promise of hers. One a.m. on the dot found Brenda, a good subject who had taken to the fantasy roles with relish responding to a post hypnotic suggestion given quietly during the show. She sat on a bench near the pool having returned to the trance from the show waiting for Jonathon. Half an hour later Jonathon has assured himself that she intended to cheat on the agreement with Jerry, so he proceeds with a clear conscience. Soon after Jerry was closely inspecting the merchandise, it stood at parade rest impassively blinking while he explored her barely bikini clad though highly responsive breasts as Jonathon explains her intentions. They had consisted of making off with whatever little things she could without doing much if anything for the brother.

When Jerry leaves Jonathon does some fondling of his own, absently playing with Brenda while planning how to proceed. An entranced Yvette watched lost in her own deep trance making a list of the things she would be willing to do or be made to do as part of the show to get on Jerry’s good side or at least get his attention. After getting Brenda intensely aroused Jonathon easily gets her to go down on him in deep trance as if she were in the show with Jerry watching, since she wants to impress him with her eagerness to please and the skills to do so there is no hesitation. After swallowing Jonathon’s climax she is held in deep trance while he entices her with arousal and masturbated mini climax’s to agree to a purely financial bargain with Jerry and his brother Tom for services rendered for the summer. Still deeply in trance and finally agreeing Brenda is rewarded with multiple hypnotically amplified orgasm’s as he finalizes exactly how she will thank him for negotiating the deal with jerry for her. When he is done Jonathon leaves her in a fantasy role of a professional being dropped off to an appointment. With arrangements made for her to sleep on the couch when done in her role thinking he is her pimp as he introduces her to Tom telling her that tom likes some bondage so she is to let him do whatever he wants to make him happy. Slightly dazed looking Brenda goes with Tom once more thinking herself to be Trixie, determined to make her john really happy so she gets a bonus from her pimp tomorrow. After reassuring Tom that since Brenda will have no idea this happened tomorrow, he can do whatever he wants to her tonight she will never know it happened. Jonathon leaves with Yvette trails behind him as a zombie like puppet. Brenda as Trixie is offering to do Tom in the pool while she strips provocatively is the last thing Jonathan sees of her that night. Brenda wakes in the morning with no idea she had done Tom at the pool and his bedroom before introducing him to the many wonders she has to offer. Convinced she has found the perfect way make lots money over the summer when jerry offers her a hundred dollar bill if she can convince him she wants it. Knowing that Jonathon arranged everything, not sure how he did it but knowing he did she is determined to thank him several times over for negotiating it, after all stage performers have to stay in practice and good subjects are hard to find.

“Jon,” Bev says interrupting Jonathon packing up his stage props.

“Hi ya Bev,” He replies keeping working.

“Can you please go ahead and remove that silly trigger now?” she asks unaware of the irony of her word choice.

“No problem,” He replies smiling, “But it’s great fun and you look great doing it.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t set it up to give you a more shall we say personal view.”

“I don’t cheat quite that way, I play the players but you aren’t really a player.”

“Hey guys,” Sarah says as she and Michele walk up, “What up? Can we get this flash thing undone right quick please?”

“Sure,” Jonathon replies pointing to a couch, “Step in to my parlor.”

“We aren’t flies,” Michele says moving toward the couch.

“Flashbot, Flashbot, Flashbot.” Jonathon says rapidly, the affect of it being said three times rapidly is comical. All three immediately raise their shirts and bras dropping into trance still holding them selves totally exposed for him to play with, “Yes you are my dears, yes you are. You just don’t know it.”

Unable to resist the opportunity presented by them just standing there mid flash, Jonathon decides he wants to take the time to feel and explore Sarah and Michele’s exposed breasts before suckling them just because he could. Though both girls are well endowed with large C cups neither hold a candle to Bev. He merely enjoys a few minutes of fondling before taking a couple of pictures of the girls still holding their shirts up for him. Not wanting to cause to many problems he stops before taking anything more since that would tire and distract him from his already arranged entertainment later that night. Still he has a little more fun by causing them to have strong dreams of him fondling them. Of him exploring them all over as they just stand or lay where he places them, of allowing him to do whatever he wants for the next few nights always waking at the point where they have him deep throated and it feels good to taste the precum. Redressing them he sends Sarah and Michele on their way with flashbot order removed though with a strong desire feel him in their mouths some time soon ordering them to masturbate themselves to sleep every night they sleep alone for the next few weeks imagining what it would be like.

“Bev,” He says turning to her as Sarah and Michele wander off in light trance waking only once they are out by the pool.

“Yes,” She answers absently lost in the trance.

“Are you sure you want to go ahead with Ron getting access to you?” He asks somewhat puzzled by the interaction of his controls and her normal personality.


“What rules do you want for him to have.”


“If I set that up he will be able to have you anyway he wants. Do you accept that?”


“Ok then, do you realize that will also give the ability to take pictures and you not be able stop him if he does.”


“You’re ok with that?”


“Did you realize that I might play with you tonight as well?” He asks curious about how her personality has integrated the new instructions and reality he made for her.


“Do you mind?”


“Why not?” He quiz’s rather surprised at how thoroughly he is part of her life now.

“Because you might have some fun with me but you won’t make me a mindless sexbot who’s only thought is to please her owner. If you were going to do that then you would have years ago, probably when I was still a child.”

“Anything else?” Jonathon asks finally realizing that to her he has had complete access to her for years so all of this is normal to her hence the fact that she thought it fine for her to play with Ron tonight.

“I knew you would want a chance to play with my breasts again, every male does and you’re no exception to that rule as you have proven over and over again, it’s genetics. I don’t take this personally and besides you know that my permission is always given. Hopefully accepted with the proviso that you not share me without telling me which you aren’t likely to do anyway. You normally just sate you’re own desires without loaning me out whether I knew about it or not, you have always seemed to care about what I thought even though you have never needed to.”

“Ok then, I want you to put your arms down. First I will take care of the door prize for Ron, and then second I will take care of what I want. Do you object to me taking care of what I want?” Jonathon asks.

“No, I never have and as you know I never will.”

Swallowing hard Jonathon proceeds to setup the assignation as outlined while cursing himself for not thinking of this possibility. When she is alone with Ron later everything will be normal until he says ‘Door Prize’. She will then resume her role as the call girl from the show. That role will now be that she was hired to help the client get over his nervousness about having sex, beginning with oral. She will remain in this role restricted to above the waist until she swallows his climax. After that she will place his hands on her bare breasts dropping to a trance like state where her body responds to basic verbal commands. It will obey any order he gives allowing him to freely pose and use her unless he takes pictures, until he either says he is done or sunrise. Though Bev will not be conscious for this second period of time, she will retain a memory of it for later. In addition Jonathon sets an extra condition, Bev is required by morning to have Ron fully erect in her mouth, if that does not happen then Ron gets another night, any night he chooses, until she completes this requirement.

The entranced Bev follows Jonathon with nothing showing on her face even though some part of her knows from implanted experience that Jonathon is about to use her. Deciding that he wants to play Jonathon gives some thought to exactly what to do with Bev while he has her. Feeling a little mean he decides to awaken Bev as her new self with the proviso that she has decided to reintroduce Jonathon to her body as though this were the first time he has seen or had access to it, A fantasy from her perspective, A reality from his.

She wakes as herself, unaware that he has given her a task but used to the idea in her mind. Her task this time unbeknownst to her is to introduce her body to Jonathon, to help him get to know all of it. Bev is aware that Jonathon has control of her and can do anything he wants or have her do anything he wants and has been able to for many years. From what she remembers this is an old arrangement that she is long used to, for now though her chosen job is to make sure the reintroduction of Jonathon to his Bevbot is smooth and enjoyable is ordinary for her. The shirt is the first to go, Jonathon is entranced when she spills her breasts out of her bra displaying them clearly to him for the first time. Jonathon can see all of them at once now; it is amazing him that she can even walk with that rack hung off the front of her. Her hands place his on them encouraging play, Bev responds exactly as conditioned, her body with extreme arousal, her mind with a drive to have Jonathon enjoy use of her. Distended nipples respond to his tongue while he suckles her bringing a moan. Laying back on the couch with her head hanging backwards off the couch she invites him with an open mouth making fish out of water motions as he massages her breasts and she wiggles out of her pants. As always to her, she likes the feel of him entering her mouth, as always it feels good, as always she enjoys him playing with her breasts whose nipples engorge. When he twigs that nice little spot after she sheds her panties the feeling is a shock to her because of how much her body wants more, lots more as he signals her stand once nude.

Resisting or not obeying never even crosses Bev’s mind as Jonathon makes a detailed exploration of her. Taking advantage of her current state he breaks his own rules buy taking pictures of her in the nude, then with him cupping her breasts, then with her kneeling in front of him. That she would have never posed for pictures like this before tonight never crosses this Bev’s mind once, since to her he has taken these kind of pictures of her for years. Recording her and her responses as she developed from her first tiny breast buds or maybe before she is not sure, to her current bumper crop. Jonathon takes good care of what is his after all and since she is of course his, the best thing she can do make sure he enjoys his Bevbot as she has been doing almost as long as she can remember. Unprompted while kneeling, Bev smiles as she opens his fly to massage him erect for the next step, as she knows he likes her to do. Taking him in deeply she enjoys the feeling as he massages both dangling breasts which prompts Bev’s head to bob up and down on him hoping he will pop for her. She wants to swallow while continuing to work on him as the connection in her subconscious mind and physical experience earlier drive her to desire doing for, with or on him without thought. Pushing her gently backwards instead, Jonathon lays her flat backwards so she is facing him normally. He enters her gently without warning before grabbing her breasts as braces to guide himself deep into her over and over. Bev meanwhile just enjoys the to her familiar routine of him thrusting deeply into her she is used to. Jonathon stops himself from turning her and taking her anally for fun by taking some more pictures of her laying there ready for him. The feeling of having this kind of a body so available is mind and body candy to Jonathon driving him onward while he figures out how to arrange for her to be available to him personally in the future no matter what happens in the relationship with Ron.

There is no trouble getting her to sign the pictures, even the ones with him in her mouth or her holding his erection smiling. Once again this is old hat to her, having long become used to his wants and desires, she continues to learn more and more about what makes him happy. Returning Bev to trance Jonathon supplements the old routine with Ron by replacing the old mouthing requirement with a full blown cum in her mouth requirement. That Ron be given the chance to have her all the way in the morning, the only restriction on any of this being that she not allow Ron to take pictures of her unless she is fully clothed. She will also report back to Jonathon in week to have the memories of her time as a door prize released though not the ones of her in the call girl role. Finally unable to resist any longer with Bev so available he turns her over anyway, Raising her hips off the floor up to him where she braces herself automatically, he enters her anally just because he can. Leaning forward he reaches around to grab her breasts as a handle pulling himself into her all the way. Driven onward by his total access to her right now Jonathon turns her over again before entering and grasping her breasts tightly as he reawakens her with him already in her. Though surprised Bev still responds with vigor and desire as he suckles her, she is so large chested that he can completely bury his face in her cleavage as he does tasting her bodies response in her distended nipples. Palms covering her nipples Jonathon moves upward to kiss her looking for the slightest hesitation in her and finding none. Convinced that this is exactly what she is supposed to be doing right now Bev kisses back enjoying him in her as her body does what Jonathon wants and orgasms with him as he looks her in the eyes. Bev realizes that this just reaffirms for in her mind the umpteenth time that Jonathon can do this anytime he wants and it will always feel like this. Afterglow joy is the last thing Bev feels as he drops her back into trance preparing for her to resume her role in the party. Once both sated and rested Jonathon has Bev redress and return to the couch in the study.

Ron is alarmed when he wanders by seeing Bev slumped on the couch. He does not take Jonathan’s offered chance to get early access to her without her knowledge, he seems scared of the idea of touching her at all and horrified slash fascinated by what Jonathon describes as the steps Bev will go through tonight with him. Listening to Bev answer questions about the limits of what he is allowed to do actually makes him even more nervous. Jonathon is careful not to let Ron know that Bev wanted this. That she wanted him to have the chance to have her without rules in order to see what kind of a person he is. Testing him by the simple expedient of seeing how he would treat her when he had no reason to be good at all and was in fact invited to be very bad indeed. A few minutes later Bev, now awake, is making noises about getting this over with as she trudges off with Ron trying hard to look downtrodden in spite of the sparkling eyes that hope Ron will talk to her not just use her a sex toy. Ron is very shocked when Bev keeps to her word about his access once they are alone. Turning her back to him she removes her shirt and bra as she sits in a chair before putting her hands behind her back asking Ron to please restrain them there. Ron has no clue where the handcuffs Bev pointed out came from but is talked into putting them on her in a few minutes at her insistence. Once she is tightly enough restrained to make her happy Ron is invited to come around the front of her where he is met with the site of the breasts he knows he fondled eagerly earlier but still can’t remember a thing about it, waiting for him. His shock at having her huge rack available to him with her hands literally cuffed behind her back is nearly too much for him. Instinct overcoming fear Ron finally begins to enjoy her availability, he has never had a girl handcuffed before, hardly ever fondled a breast before, only once before a bare one, it was hidden in a shirt and nothing like the monsters in front of him. Talked into helping Bev keep her word Ron finally cups her breasts in his hands, his fondling brings instant response from more than just her nipples. A darker part of Ron finally forces itself out as he finds himself enjoying her slight struggles since it tells that dark part of him that he could do as pleased and there was nothing she could do about it. She encourages him to play with her knowing he would eventually want more than her current bound state would allow.

Her thoughts fade though about an hour later, she has already let him fondle her far more after he released her, enjoying his touch as she finds her body unusually desirous of petting tonight. The moment Ron says the code phrase “Door Prize” Bev is gone; she is replaced by the call girl from the show. Ron gets to remember this time, the feeling not only of having free access to those humungous breasts but even more when her hands place his on them. Of the feeling when she lifts his erection to her mouth where she bobs her head in time to his massaging of her breasts and nipples, he lasts only a short while in his first time at this. Though he can’t bring himself to take the offered chance to have Bev in the morning because he feels it would be taking advantage of her, he can’t help but cum in her mouth again when he wakes already half hard in her mouth. Bev follows this by placing a nipple in his mouth and telling him to suck first on one then the other, when he finally does she works him doing a full handjob that brings out a sticky mess before he collapses.

No one pays attention to Yvette leaving with Jonathon, with her attitude nobody would have cared if they had, Jonathon smiled as she followed him home docilely. Still thinking she is in the show Yvette is easily stripped because she expected to be, convinced she is bound firmly and unable to move playing the part of a captive being trained because that’s the kind of scenario she expected. In a couple of hours Jonathon has convinced her that she must obey him on stage since she cannot move without his permission or stop him from climaxing her at will over and over. Since all of life is a stage, he can as her director do what ever he wishes with or to her and have her do what ever he wishes with her part in the play of life. Suppressing her direct memory of the conditioning Yvette is left aware of Jonathon’s control of her though not concerned with how he got it. Yvette is unable to find a reason for letting Jonathon unbutton her shirt, reach into her bra and massage or suckle her bare breasts yet she does. Why she allows him to undress her then lay her down and have her yet she does, why when he says to she immediately kneels doing the best blowjob she knows how even when she doesn’t want to yet she does. Though disliking oral and anal Yvette finds herself massaging him erect and filling her mouth with him anytime he says to, dropping her pants before bending over spreading her cheeks for him to fill her anally on command. She is puzzled why she splays out for him to have her vaginally as much as he wants, why she allows him all three one after the other, why she always finds herself being cooperative or just obedient while he has her. This leaves her cooperative and unresisting while he fondles her, obedient when ordered yet ultimately unsure why she is biddable to him.

Sarah and Michele had of course turned up the next day at his apartment, Still in the trance state from the show both of them are way to available to be just let go without some exploration. Feeling annoyed at Ron for Bev liking him Jonathon lets out some of his frustration by being hard on the two girls standing entranced in font of him. It takes all day and most of the night but soon enough Jonathon has given Sarah and Michele a mission in life. They are both to do anything it takes for Ron to cum in them seven times in each orifice while bound and unbound both. Though they will at first just want to have sex with him however he wants it, they will desire him to have them repeatedly. Once they achieve seven in one place it will leave them with a stronger desire to have the others as well. Wanting Ron’s mind on something, someone besides Bev the girls are instructed that Ron penetrations of them while bound must be real binding, they must be helpless for real, totally unable to stop him even if they changed there minds. Barred from telling Ron their mission even if they had known about it, both Sarah and Michele thought nothing of the game eventually getting competitive with each other about how helpless they have been while Ron has them. A year later with Jonathon renewing his control of them regularly, Sarah and Michele have gotten almost half way to their assigned goal with Ron distracting him from Bev for most of that time.

Jonathon has a lot of fun with Yvette over the next couple of months, He plays with her as she responds to a programmed break from the party scene as his live in maid. She finds humor in the little french maid outfit Jonathon bought her as a joke. He really enjoyed that outfit because when wearing it she was his proverbial little french maid, available to him as her employer whenever or however he desired while wearing at least part of it. During the day while she was in uniform whenever he reached into her shirt she just stopped as though paused while he unbuttoned her shirt, bra or whatever else he wanted as long as he left couple of pieces of the uniform on her. He could then massage her bare buttox, suckle her breasts or do whatever else he felt like doing, then she would do her clothing back up and resume whatever she had been doing as though nothing had happened at all. She never complained or resisted when he played during the day and never remembered that night after taking the outfit off. Even when he masturbated her to an orgasm with her unresisting and unmoving until she literally dripped which forced her to change into another outfit made no impression. It never seemed to get old no matter how many times he basically stripped, fondled or penetrated her since she had unlimited patience for his antics. She also no actual memory of what he did with her during the day anyway even if instructions given during the day affected or controlled what she did that night. Following compulsions he gave her she found herself as a 6 am blow clock, she would strip before getting on all fours, bare breasts dangling to be groped while she caresses him stiff before mouthing him. She would always let his groping of her breasts or grip on her hair set her speed and pattern which she followed exactly then cleaned him in the shower before donning her maid outfit. Preparing breakfast then doing the dishes and setting about her daily household duties. Eventually he had to let her move on so he sent her out aware he could use her, mostly ok with it though resigned to the reality of it yet otherwise happy with life in general. She would as conditioned stop in every to say hi, see if wanted anything from her or needed a maid.

Jonathan’s favorite part of his new scene was far and above Bev, The way her insecurity had blended with his conditioning created an almost perfect balance. Convinced that she had known him for years Bev confided in him whenever she just needed someone to talk to. Even though she and Ron dated on and off for several months she continued to come by to talk or because she felt it was time for Jonathon’s next examination of her. Incredibly she had absolutely no concern with anything he did with her sexual or otherwise, she always considered it normal for him to have access to her, always cooperated cheerfully sometimes commenting how much comfort she has taken from this familiar routine over the years as he tracked her progress. Otherwise she was absolutely normal; having friends, going to parties, having other random dates that occasionally ended in sex. In the end though she reported to him, would undress for him, let him undress her, pose for him, considering it normal to sign and date the pictures he took of her. He rapidly got used to her being around, the complete normalcy of how she treated being Jonathon’s ability to do with her as he pleased. Curious he began hypnotically regressing her, her memories of him examining her went back to when she was nine, the year before her breasts begin to grow and she though she had been signing and dating his pictures of her since then. According to her memory she began trying to go down on him at thirteen, got embarrassed when her mouth was to small to do any good on him despite how much he already enjoyed her breasts that were more than a handful for him. As well as being so embarrassed at how much of him showed out of her mouth on his pictures of her efforts when she signed them. “Obviously a way for her to deal with a traumatic memory from that age.” he thought but unsure how to treat it now.

How odd it had felt the next year to have him guide her into sleep during an exam, but how restful at was and how much easier it made remembering to do her exercises. Not thinking it odd not to remember anything that happened while she was asleep even though she did occasionally have odd dreams and compulsions he always wanted to know about. Examined on her sixteenth birthday she remembers undressing for him, ready to try oral again as he had said she could this year. How odd it tasted to her the first time he ejaculated in her mouth before she remembered to swallow and what it felt like when she did, shuddering with remembered pleasure every time she told the tale. Being allowed as promised to lower herself down onto him on her seventeenth birthday so he would give her permission to do more than oral with the boys. The nervousness at eighteen this, turning over without being told so he could have her from behind for the first time. How once she turned nineteen he had practiced tying her up to check her reflexes as he drove her to climax after climax while bound unable to move or respond. How strong the orgasms were that he induced this way especially after he combined the binding with hypnosis. How odd it sometimes felt to have a compulsion come over her, getting stronger and stronger until she finally gave in, normally this would amount to going down on Jonathon or lowering herself down onto him.

The normalcy with which she approached his position in her life told him that he had seriously underestimated the scale of her lack of self-confidence. For fun he began to surprise her at her room on campus, walking in and simply sticking his hand down her shirt she would smile and as often as not offer to remove her shirt and bra if he would like. On one occasion when she was visiting him at his apartment, he had her in a deep trance doing reinforcement of his controls having decided to keep her around for a while since she fit so nicely into his life right then. Jerry had come over unexpectedly, what he thought when he saw Bev slack jawed on the couch was incredible. He had been trying to get at this one, and so far he had not gotten anywhere. After some serious bargaining Jerry managed to get Jonathon to have her remove her top, then he let Jerry have a go at fondling her. Bev was left with no idea at all she had gone down on Jerry in deep trance, in fact she had no idea jerry had even stopped by. Reluctantly Jonathon had given in and the next day Bev decided to go see Jerry. As instructed Bev first went down on him after letting him play with her topless, then lowered herself down onto him after helping him strip her, letting him play with her as much as he wanted while she bounced up and down riding him as long as he wanted. There was no hesitation rolling her self over when instructed, offering Jerry a chance at her back door he took with eagerness. He played for a while before turning his attention back to playing with her breasts just because she would let him play with her nude all he wanted that day. After that Jonathon didn’t order Bev to do anyone else, it had surprisingly to him felt wrong to use her that way, to assign sexual acts just because someone wanted to play with breasts. Jonathon kept using and playing with Bev himself, enjoying the way she treated the whole thing as normal no matter what he wanted her to do or how often he wanted it.

A deep friendship with Jerry had developed the night of the first party, leading to Jonathon having his current apartment cheap because Brenda had done exactly as desired. She slept with Tom every night as long as she received a one hundred-dollar bill from him that day offering to go down on him immediately as thanks then staying the night with him as well. After a few reinforcing sessions with Jonathon, which he of course enjoyed greatly, Brenda was available to Tom and his brother Jerry both at all times. A willing and active partner to both, she willingly did whatever either of them wanted for the summer as long as she was paid everyday. She had also offered herself to Jonathon as a subject for testing explicit controls and orders which he gleefully took her up on, several occasions leading to a nice video library of her best work she remembered nothing about and would do anything to keep private.

That was just over a year ago, This year the lucky gold digger was named Trina. She had made her move on Jerry offering all sorts of pleasures during one of his parties where Jonathon was performing. Wanting to come to Jerry’s attention she had been an eager volunteer to several acts during which Jonathon had of course planted a sleep trigger. Responding to a post hypnotic suggestion Trina met Jonathon back stage after his last act dropping back into trance and waiting. After verifying that she was just a grifter after easy access to money and prestige and sensing a chance for a lot of fun Jonathon created a fantasy to get her to pose first in her bikini then nude for him believing herself to be posing for a magazine. Using those pictures as blackmail on her in another fantasy he got her to go down on him which he also photographed then used those pictures in yet another fantasy to give himself open access and limited control of her above the waist via simple hypnotically backed and magnified blackmail.

By morning Jonathon had Trina lost in the latest of a string of fantasy’s happily bouncing up and down on his lap driving him as deep into her as she could. She was thanking him for finalizing her agreement to be Jerry and Tom’s to enjoy for the summer at two hundred a day in cash paid daily. The agreement to end only when they stopped paying her even if that time ran over the summer season, in the mean time she would do anything either of them wanted anytime they wanted, cheerfully. Like most such people all it took to enthrall or practically enslave was to make a bargain with them that they are convinced is in their best interest and Trina had been a perfect example of this. After setting her up to serve Jerry and Tom for the summer Jonathon strongly reinforced his blackmail to give himself unrestricted access and control of her above the waist in perpetuity. Using the magnification made possible with hypnosis, he made thinking about why she gave into the blackmail impossible. She could not consider her reasons even while Jonathon is fondling her, having her do a hand job or going down on him at his command, which she would always find herself doing even when she didn’t want to. He also left control phrases to put her back in trance to allow him fuller use of her whenever he felt the need for more than a fondle or blow job his blackmail gave him literally on command or needed to reinforce the agreement with jerry every few weeks.

The anger and patience Trina shows when ever Jonathon would decide to fondle her is a source of great amusement to him since the frustration of finding herself allowing him free access above the waist seldom failed to show clearly. The times she would ask politely or even beg for him to please do this later would lead to her acquiescing to him playing rough if he wanted. Letting herself be tied and helpless while he played or playing the part of a doll or mannequin he could pose. Even a few times in which he was able to bargain her into being a literal slave, wholly obedient and completely available to him while she was wide awake, if he would just play with her later instead of right then. Forced by his conditioning she would abide by these agreements no matter how humiliating it was or became being a mannequin, puppet or even a slave for a while. Slowly over the months Jonathon eased and finally removed entirely any embarrassment she felt from him having his way with her in these bargains as well as reinforcing that she would keep to the terms of the bargain no matter what. He also made it feel good to let him play, feel good that he still wanted to play with her, was still having fun with her, was still using her even when the new toy feeling was long gone. Having learned early on that he likes her to be lively, she quickly adopted the attitude that the happier he was the sooner he would be done with her. She not only accepted him fondling her but would also open her shirt for him, even going so far as to place his hands on her bare breasts to hurry him along.

Rather than concern Angela though, this or at least what of it she knew made her sure that Jonathon could do what she wanted him to. She has no concerns about him because as agreed early on he had not made a single effort to hypnotize her over the last six months. Instead as their somewhat open relationship allowed he had his puppet fun with the occasional party favor he brought home from Jerry’s parties. They never seemed to mind being his obedient thrall for a few days though they rarely even remembered a thing about it later.

Exactly as she had been waiting for, Jonathon says her trigger phrase fading her world away as she slips into trance to be made ready for work.

“Angela,” Jon asks, “Are you ready to play a game?”


“Good girl Angela. Muppet time.” Jonathon watches as the transformation takes place. The look of Angela on Angela’s face goes away replaced by the Muppet character ‘Angie’ he has constructed, a remote controlled voice activated muppet totally responsive and obedient to him. Exactly as he has conditioned her to Angie strips before coming over to where he sits leaning back in a chair and loosens his pants before working them off of him. Once he is pantsless and Shortsless she teases him erect with her hands and mouth before crawling onto his lap lining up and lowering herself down onto him guiding him in. Once he is solidly into her all the way she look him the eyes.

“Remote control interface in place, I am ready to be commanded.” Angie says in her own distinct voice.

“Good girl.” Jonathon says grasping her bare breasts and massaging. In seconds he can feel her body warm distinctly where it envelops him while her nipples harden under his hands indicating he has full verbal control of her.

“I am a good girl” Angie echoes.

“Enter workaday routine.”

“Workaday routine entered.”

“On my order you will awaken and begin the day, Mark” Jonathon orders.

Angie awakens as she always does with Jonathon in her grasping her breasts massaging gently looking her straight in the eye. Automatically she begins pumping up and down on him driving him deep into her bottoming him out before rising again in sync with his hands using her breasts like handles. As is the case normally, it takes just under a minute for Jonathon to climax controlling her like this. The moment he orgasms she does to leaving her with an electric tingle all over reinforcing that she will do this over and over as long as he wants her.

The day passes for Angie as she does her job with the precision Jonathon has given her. At the end of it she returns home undressing as soon as she is home waiting at parade rest for Jonathon to return and command her. Jonathon finally returns, having had a stressful day Jonathon decides to have some fun with Angela tonight, he whispers in her ear while she is still in deep trance telling her what he wants her to decide to do. Once he is done he orders her to redress in her morning clothes then resume her position on the couch.

Angela awakens to the evening sun coming in the window and knowing another day has passed without having to live through the hell of answering the phone and being nice to complete assholes. She smiles at Jonathon sitting in his chair having an idea of how to thank him for what he does for her. She knows that he enjoys his party favors, she doesn’t mind when he has them over as they mean nothing other than practice for his shows, a little entertainment to him and a couple of days of breakfast in bed with someone else doing the cleaning and the dishes. Her he keeps and spends time with without having her in deep trance or completely enthralled and unthinkingly obedient.

Angela knows one of the things he likes though, a symbol of control that he tests with sometimes when one his party favors shows more resistance than normal. Undressing casually she goes to the fluffy recliner laying down sideways over one of it’s arms placing her forehead on the other before reaching back to spread the cheeks of her buttox while verbally offering him an opportunity she doesn’t ever normally offer at all. Jonathon is amused and rises to the occasion without hesitation lubricating himself from her own juices he generates by stroking that little spot on the inside front before taking the proffered opening with enthusiasm.

Angela is unsure what she feels in her head when she feels him enter her. No where can she find a reason she is allowing him to do this to her yet at the same time she is enjoying him doing it. His hands massage her buttox and lower back grasping her hips as a handle to pull himself into her as he lines up entering with just his tip before thrusting hard. He fills her suddenly, forcing a grunt out as she feels him fill her before his hands slide up her from her hips and buttox around her front to grasp her breasts. Even though she does not actually enjoy this, she feels a resonance with his enjoyment as he pumps in and out of her while she lays over the chair accepting his use of her. The grip on her breasts is a little uncomfortable when he pulls though not painful like she had feared and the throb of him moving more than made up for it.

The resonance grows with each thrust and it takes only a minute until he climax’s, his orgasm triggering her to have one unexpectedly. She is taken off guard by it and it carries questioning thoughts away like a piece of paper in a storm leaving the thought that maybe this could be fun again some time. Jonathon continues to pump away at her enjoying his for the moment complete control of the wide-awake puppet under him who has no clue of the control he has. Angela’s world narrows to just the orgasm and the thrusts of Jonathon pumping away at her resonating with the orgasm never quite letting it stop thus keeping her mind blurred. She is unaware that he is talking to her or that she is responding while he has her, in her minds eye the moment lasts an eternal twenty minutes, in reality it is barely two while Jonathon makes some slight adjustments to her. When it is over Angela has decided that since this felt so good she would continue to play the role of party favor for the night and be completely obedient to him for this evening just to see what the rest of it feels like, the not thinking.

A month later Angela has broken up with Jonathon, some fight about some trivial thing she doesn’t even clearly remember anymore. The hardest part had been the few days when she had to go to work as herself, that had been hard. Fortunately Jonathon had been kind enough to resume putting her into work mode without too much of a fuss. Over the Fourth of July weekend at one of Jerry’s parties Angela had hit it off with Tom and his little brother. Tom of course had one of those summer bunnies with him but that was OK, she meant nothing to him and made a great drink server. By the time August rolled around they were going out and getting really friendly.

In the middle of August she asks if Jonathon would be willing to transfer the work mode controls to Tom, she is going out with him steady now and reporting to tom everyday just seemed weird when she had a boyfriend. Though Angela sees some tension between Tom and Jonathon, the transfer is done without too much hassle one weekend. Only when it is done Sunday afternoon does Angela notice two blondes standing at parade rest waiting with blank faces for Jonathon, she recognizes them as the year apart cousins Kelly and Cally she had seen at a party at Jerry’s a few weeks ago. They look happy she notices, not a care in the world since Jonathon is looking after everything for them while they are his party favors.

Though it took all weekend to make it happen, come Monday morning Tom looks at Angela when she sits down on a recliner and says her key word and her world fades away for the day. She is so happy that Jonathon left no surprises, her day went by with hardly a thought at work so she decides to celebrate by rewarding Tom with an evening of whatever he wants. Drifting off into playing a party favor for him just this once letting him decide what she would do for the evening so she can ride the inevitable orgasms to their end.

Jonathon meanwhile is looking at the cousins standing nude at parade rest in what is now his apartment free and clear since Jerry is now paid in full. Though they are nearly identical natural blondes, five eight and with perfectly matching C almost D cups right down to their nipples that wrinkle the same way when aroused which they are right now. Kelly’s eyes are a dark blue while Cally’s are a light blue as indicated by their otherwise identical bathing suits. They represent weeks of daily work, conditioning similar to what he did with Bev but far more focussed on particular traits and certain behaviors since he had to make sure they would be retargetable. Each is bound to do everything the other does, without complaint or thought. Setting them up had been a chore and also a lot of fun. Both girls were conditioned to orgasm when someone ejaculated in them orally or normally, every occurrence would associate allowing this to happen with getting a nice climax just because they were doing as their owner ordered. The hard part had been making it owner not boyfriend or client because he needed a certain mindset for everything to hang together. Hence the girls want to and are forced to comply as opposed to merely wanting to which could leave room for thinking later, that could break the spell. Unable to resist he massages a breast on each before twigging a nipple, watching as both nipples harden almost instantly while their bodies become aroused and ready for what ever he wants them to do. A relaxing though entertaining afternoon ensues as he tests how well they respond first in deep trance, then awake following a script he has set up them to follow this evening.

That evening Jerry is impressed, the girls go from acting as maids to rigid unmoving statues in response to a single spoken command. Once at parade rest they do nothing while he moves their bikinis aside inspecting first their breasts, then buttox and finally every part of them at leisure. As he had wanted they quickly become aroused when he twigs that little place in front but not before. Even their nipples don’t harden in response to his fondling though they do to his suckling. They are perfect and he wants to have them right then and there though he will wait, after all they will soon be delivered to him.

“They are obedient?” Jerry asks.

“Perfectly while in trance, Awake they are more what you would call really cooperative. It’s not that they have to obey you, but that they won’t disobey you though they might obey with their own twist. The distinction is because I have forced a type of bargain with them. They absolutely have to obey but they are allowed to obey with their own twist to keep things fresh for you and them enchanted. As long as you continue to pay them, they will stay with you as a set. Once separated though, the spell will soon be broken and who ever stayed will soon leave no matter if you keep paying her or not. In order to get both of them together you have to keep them together or lose them both.”

“Anything I say? They’ll do it?”

“Yes, be sure though not to favor one over the other to much as this will place strain on the bargain.”

“Excellent. How will you deliver them?”

“Tomorrow they will be my assistants for the opening phase of the show. You will publicly offer them money to get me to do a private performance later, everyone knows that it is a cover to invite them to spend the night. They will accept and you need only pay them in the private session and they will transfer to your control during the performance. At the end of it they will ask if you want them to spend the night, say yes, use them both that night, then sometime during the next day pay them two hundred dollars each in cash. This renews the private show for that night ensuring they stay available to you. Who ever hands them the money during the day can fondle them pretty freely, maybe get a blow job out of it if you ok it, but in the evening they are yours exclusively.”

“What if I want them do bondage?”

“Yes, they will do anything you want, perform any sexual act you desire without complaint, without question and without thought as long as you are at least somewhat gentle. Their enthusiasm at pleasing you and giving their monies worth so you will pay them again will keep them happy and completely obedient to you. ”

“If I tell them to do someone else?”

“Not compelled to obey that, you yourself can have anything you want but the only way a stranger gets them is as I said if you give your permission and they are the one to pay them during the day. Then they will be really nice to that person for an hour or two up to perhaps the remainder of the day depending on circumstances.”

“I have to ask,” Jerry says still looking Cally and Kelly over, “How do you do it? How do you make them like this so often, you make it look so easy during the show and inevitably a couple of them show up at your room after the show giving you a selection of arm candy. The girls keep volunteering for your shows even knowing you will be taking advantage of some of them, will be using them for the show in front of their friends, boyfriends and a few strangers as well. They have to know that you will be telling a few of them to report to your dressing room later and they still go under with a smile even knowing they might be the next puppet you play with.”

“That part is somewhat confusing to most, it is the being out of control yet safe from harm that attracts them. They know that I will be using them, helping someone take a little advantage of them and potentially taking advantage of them myself and in some cases that is exactly what attracts them. That I can make the world go away while I take them over. They enjoy the idea that since I can make them obey me, they are not responsible for what happens, they just go along with the ride cause it feels good knowing that although I will play and use them I will also let them go free. Most of the girls at the kind of parties you throw are exhibitionists anyway, you throw in a chance to let loose with a mad hypnotist they can blame for making them do something they wouldn’t normally have the nerve to do and they let go completely. They don’t care what I do with or to them they just want to enjoy the high that comes with you using them since they also know I won’t let them get hurt.”

“As for how I choose my toys, the secret is in choosing carefully.” Jonathon continues seriously, “You want someone who is upward mobile striving with little or no hope of achieving it or in danger of being downward mobile and willing to fight it. You setup a bargain to give them presence and so prestige or status but you seal it with cash on a daily basis. Greed overrides almost anything in those cases letting you do anything you want with them as long as they have the illusion being controlled to hide behind.”

“Ok, but how do you get them like this?” He asks indicating the blank faced girls waiting patiently.

“Oh that, that’s easy, That’s the persona I used for the show. They are as far as part of them is concerned still performing for the audience so they expect to obey me, expect to be used and most of all expect it to feel great while it happens. The beauty of the setup is that because they expect to be taken advantage of for the show, when I do take advantage of them by conditioning them at sets off no alarm bells because they expected me make them do all sorts of things. I can do as I want with them because they expect me to so they have no reason to resist. They let themselves be prostitutes because they expect to be, they let themselves be a raving nymphomaniac with a particular focus because that’s what kind of stuff they expect me to do with them. They expect to be made into robots or sexbots so they become robots and sexbots, they don’t think because they expected not to be. They expect to be utterly controlled, not really themselves when they wake up so they are controlled and compelled to obey me because they expect to have no choice. This leaves them obedient and unquestioning of anything I do or want until I release them.”

“They aren’t aware the show is over then?”

“On one level sort of, on others no not at all. They know that they are controlled right now but are not worried because they expected me to control them. They knew that I would wake them up playing a part so they are playing it, they mostly think they are still in the show so none of the normal self protections against being made to do things you would not normally do are in affect. Because they don’t expect to have a choice they have to obey any order I give. I am obeyed because they expected to have no choice, so they have no choice, since they believe they are in the show and want the attention and status that being on stage gives them so all their choices belong to me until I wake them released.”

“Cool, And will they be fully animated, not dolls like this?”

“Yes, they will be wide awake and themselves, just doing what you want as a result of a bargain with themselves to obey you for the money they get each day. I have also made it so that almost everything you do will perpetually seem new and exiting to them unless you mention something about the last time they did it. After a few times of reminding them they will remember and try to please you by doing it to the best of their ability. As far as parties go they will fully be themselves with the party goers with the exception that at the end of the party they are yours no matter what.”

“How long will this last?”

“As long as you pay them daily and the occasional reinforcement every few weeks you should be able to keep them for a long time, probably for several years if you really wish. Though anything over one will draw attention and I can always replace them if need be. Just remember they are not servants or dolls, just girls who decided to play at being rich guy’s toy for a while in order to raise tuition money for college or university. When you finally release them the memories will fade over time until they only remember having a lot of fun with you but not having been obedient which right now they are aware of.”

“OK, Great, by the way, excellent work with Angela, she thinks she is going to work everyday then coming home and thanking Tom for helping her through it all. He gets a perfect daytime house cleaner who doesn’t bother him during the day and a steady enthusiastic girlfriend at night that likes to please him. Can’t thank you enough for that.”

“No problem, she was a lot of fun to setup for him, that kind and level of programming takes real time to setup especially since you wanted it to last a long time and have no need to be reinforced later.”

“She’s perfect, if I could afford the time I would have you do these two the same but I can’t have any permanent houseguests so I guess I get to keep variety as the spice of life. What do I do for the imprinting you mentioned?”

“Just drop your drawers and lay back on a bench. Hope you brought some cash with you. Cally, calliope.”

Upon hearing her name Cally stirs slightly then comes to attention briefly before walking to Jonathon as her face takes on some animation and her eyes begin to sparkle with that funny look of the extremely high, really stoned or to drunk for words.

“Calliope this man is the one who Cally will be making the bargain with. I need you to present yourself to him so you can make sure Cally knows who to obey when it is time.”

“I obey,” Calliope says with almost Cally’s voice. She straightens and walks over to where Jonathon had indicated Jerry who was lying on his back on a bench. Impassively she moves over him carefully lining up before lowering herself on to him until he bottoms out in her.

“I will make you a deal.” Calliope says looking him in the eye from her perch on him.

“What’s that?” Jerry asks Incredulous at Jonathon’s control and her casual obedience.

“For one hundred dollars a day I will do this or any thing else you want with you as long as you keep paying me everyday, what do you say, would you like to have me like this or any other way you desire anytime you want day or night?”

“Yes I would, I would like that very much.” Jerry replies shocked at the ease with which Jonathon had gotten Cally to impale herself on him then offer her servitude with him still in her.

“Good I think you will like having me. Where is my first payment?” Calliope replies.

“Here,” Jerry replies holding up a one hundred dollar note. Calliope takes it from his hand then holding it with her teeth grabs both of his hands placing them on her bare breasts before speaking.

“I will honor this bargain. Cally will do what ever you want each night as long as you pay each day before sunset. I promise she will give good value for the pay and will do her best to please you cheerfully no matter what you want. This payment covers the first full nights service which will begin when she is delivered to you.” Cally says her face becoming blank as she finishes speaking becoming a statue still impaled on Jerry who still grips her breasts and is not sure what to think.

“Calliope done Cally, return to parade rest and wait for my next instructions. Calliope mode Kelly”

Jerry watches fascinated as Kelly repeats what Cally had done exactly as she had done it, right down to the same tone of voice and final blank look of the statue still sitting with him in her until Jonathon says to rise.

Unsure what to think Jerry circles them still pantsless and erect though seemingly lost in thought with the possibilities of this pair.

“Excellent work, you’ve outdone yourself this time.”

“I try.” Jonathon says grinning, “Hey, You look lonely, Since I get to keep the wonder twins here for a few more days want a loner?”

“A loner?”

“Yeah, Hold on a minute I’ll get her.” Jerry is stunned when Jonathon returns a minute later with Yvette in tow.

“Jerry you remember Yvette?”

“Yes, of course I do.”

“Good, Yvette go with Jerry, service and obey him until those two are delivered then return here to me.”

“Yes sir, I obey.” She says sullenly while stepping over to Jerry positioning herself behind him and off to one side. Her eyes drop to the floor automatically in resigned submission knowing that she will now obey Jerry, the guy she had tried to get into bed for social standing and shiny baubles, no matter what he wants. She prays that Jerry will not loan her out.

“You kept her?”

“After the way she was? Of course I kept her. No family anywhere near and no real plans beyond finding a sugar daddy, she’s perfect for a fill in.”

“She awake, aware? Herself?”

“Yes, and fully obedient anyway. She has to do as she is told, hates my guts for it but has to obey because that is her part in life until I say otherwise which she knows I probably won’t ever do given her attitude.”

“She still a bitch then.”

“Oh Yes, just an obedient bitch now, ready to please.”

“Oh,” Jerry says quietly.

“You will do what I want then Yvette?” He asks a moment later.

“Yes, I will as you want.” She replies sounding disgusted.

“Can you refuse me? Do you have to obey me?” Jerry asks her.

“No, I cannot refuse you. Yes I have to obey.” Her dislike showing although resignation does as well, “ Because Jonathon said to I now have to do whatever you want me to do until the twins are delivered to you.”

“Oh,” Jerry says again.

“Yeah, Oh. Oh by the way, her I would rather you not subcontract as a reward to someone. She’ll do what ever you say though until she returns here. I recommend you set the six A.M. blow clock and take the full service shower, it rocks.”

“Thank you Jonathon,” Yvette says closing her eyes for a moment as though gathering courage, “I appreciate you asking him not to loan me out.”

“Nice,” Jerry says ignoring Yvette, “enjoy the twins while you still can. I intend to have a lot of fun with them later.”

“I am, enjoy.” Jonathon says escorting Jerry to the door with Yvette following along glaring at him in hatred because she knew she would obey Jerry for a few days now. She would be back though, she knew that for sure, every time she ran away she returned to him, she couldn’t stop herself from it anymore than she used to be able to stop herself from trading sex for money and status.

“Yvette,” Jonathon says just as she is at the door.

“Yes sir?” She says stopping and turning to face Jonathon.

“If he really is happy with you then for every day that you are his you get two days to yourself before being required to return here. The emergency credit card in your purse is available as long as you are reasonable with it. If you want to sleep with someone or do anything else sexual get permission first.”

“Yes sir, Thank you.” Yvette says in what to her shock is real gratitude, “Thank you Jonathon, thank you very much.”

Jonathon watches Jerry and Yvette leave. In a few minutes Cally is kneeling in front of him deepthroating him for all she’s worth while he suckles Kelly’s breasts. Though both girls are wide awake as themselves they are following the outline of a script that Jonathon designed. The girls are completely unaware of the behavior modification he has been doing on them to make afternoons like this so enjoyable to who ever he has them obeying. He picked them up as a set three months ago; it was at a spring celebration party of Jerry’s. They volunteered together which drew his eye leading to him leaving a parting gift in their subconscious ordering them to meet him after performance time in an empty bedroom toward the back of Jerry’s place. Convinced from bad TV dramas that while in trance who ever had hypnotized them could control them if they knew how to use hypnosis, they believed Jonathon as a professional hypnotist could make them do anything he wanted so they saw no reason to resist him at all. Eventually he found that they were in Miami looking for thrills, being used as a sextoy by a hypnotist at a party was just a thrill for them even if he did end up wanting the to him in his dressing room after the show. After setting several triggers to return them to trance, Jonathon woke them with a burning desire to go down on him, a need that bothered them constantly forcing itself into their awareness over and over. The fun for him was that he also woke them aware of what he had done, making them into a private performance just for him. In ten minutes they had both removed their tops trying to entice him even as they said this was cruel. Cally was the first to strip and offer herself, Kelly the first to offer him the other as well if he would just,,. The nude Polaroid pictures they posed for and eventually signed were used to further erode their individuality helping make them a team.

Jerry had walked in on them nude, kneeling and begging Jonathon to please let them go down on him, they just had to do this, they needed to. Cally half tried to cover herself when Jerry arrived; Kelly just tried to ignore him. Jonathon had been joking when he said to Kelly that if she let Jerry have her doggie style from behind she could go down on him while jerry enjoyed her. She had after a few seconds thinking about it gotten down on all fours in front of Jonathon then invited Jerry to have her. There was barely a wince when Jerry spread her legs to make his entrance easier, Once Jerry grabbed a breast she looked up Jonathon saying it was his turn. With Jerry thrusting in her Kelly had indeed gone down on Jonathon, when he climaxed she swallowed then experienced, as Jonathon had indicated she should, an orgasm of her own, it hadn’t been a real strong one but in her state it didn’t take much. The combination left her groggy even with Jonathon in her mouth and Jerry still working her. Seeing the relief on Cally’s face as she collapsed Kelly soon knelt in front of Jonathon offering Jerry the same, her thoughts on the matter are lost when as Jonathon climaxed she swallowed orgasming on her own just as Cally had done. Jerry watched amazed as Jonathon returned the girls to trance still in the afterglow from orgasm, he had them with their defenses completely down giving him a chance play for real now. The order to meet Jonathon in a few days so he can rehypnotize them is accepted easily. The order to double team Jerry for the night ensuring he got all three orifices on both of them before morning is harder to enforce but eventually accepted as within his authority to order, forcing their conscious minds to comply with the desire given to their subconscious minds by Jonathon. The five grand thank you from Jerry helped a perpetually cash strapped Jonathon a lot. An exhausted but smiling Jerry gives Jonathon a thousand dollar tip the next day asking if a particular something could be arranged.

The problem for Jonathon though has nothing to do with sex; he gets plenty of that. It is not fresh girls; Jerry’s parties provide plenty of them. In fact it bothers him a little how often the girls volunteer for his shows even though by now everyone must know that he takes a little personal time with some of them after the party. Jerry’s parties run from one to two hundred people typically, this gives him a pool of fifty to one hundred to choose from, normally only two thirds of them volunteer, of those half have boy friends with most of those having the boyfriend with them. Since Jerry took to spiking the drinks with a few things at Jonathon’s request he has been able to virtually guarantee that any girl on stage will if he orders them, give their boyfriend a great blowjob that night. Slowly the boyfriends acceptance of him hypnotizing their girlfriends, having them perform on stage in sexually suggestive situations along with the wink & nod acceptance that he would get what wanted from them from occasionally, has been increasing. The funniest part to him though was that the girls continued to volunteer at all knowing how he would use them in his routines on stage and must at least suspect he sometimes played after the show. In those induced fantasies the guys on stage got to see, feel and fondle them lots even if the poor guys didn’t remember it unless the girl said he could. The most puzzling part was that they continued to volunteer knowing that would often have them be little oral annies for their boyfriends later that night. Even though he often left them without any clue the next day, but able to remember days later as if it were a movie from the actors perspective. The number of girls who returned sometimes days later from subtle suggestions astonished him, they honestly believed they had no choice in spite of him explaining that the affect only worked on stage because they totally let go for the party.

In the end however it always came back to Bev, He had accidentally set himself up as something close to her master though owner would be closer he thinks. The day she walked in on him conditioning the twins she had thought nothing about it at all, she didn’t care. To her him having such total access to her was normal, so him having such access to other girls seemed only natural, after all she remembered many years of him having her even though he has known for only one. After strong debates with himself beforehand, thrice more Jonathon has conditioned Bev just like he had done that first night, each time easier to achieve than the last, each time lasting longer before the little signs of reemergence began to show. It bothered him that he was such an accepted part of her life, allowing him to fondle, suckle, to have any type of blowjob he wanted anytime. He had verified the last for fun in numerous occasions, to have the ability to have her strip and impale herself on him in front or behind at will. For a while he had gone a little wild playing with his toy but sanity had returned before long, Bev though had just taken it as part of an overall pattern that dated back in her mind to her preteens when his recording of her body and responses had begun. Her acceptance went to the point that one night at about three A.M. he woke her in her own bed. Stripping without hesitation she had without the thought of resistance allowed him to tie her hands with her wrists crossed behind her head, run a rope down to her already crossed ankles so her breathing was tied to keeping her head where he wanted it. Her mouth had opened when he wanted taking him smiling, hands on her breasts as best he could while he pumped in and out of her orally had been met with swallowing when he orgasmed. The thought of the totally pinned and helpless cheerleader under him that had let herself be tied because he had wanted to bind her brought another erection in the first ones wake.

His access to her told him so much about the world she had come from it had frightened him as he realized how bad it must have been to allow herself to be changed like that. That should not have altered her at all, just suppressed her normal personality overlaying it with one amenable to his control for a while. All that should have happened was he got a personal toy for a few weeks before her original personality began reemerging, wiping her memory of everything outside of her normal behavior as she became herself. She would be left with no clue about anything other than going out with him for those few weeks and enjoying it a lot. Jonathon finds himself for the first time in his life thinking beyond the next conquest, the game has become a kind of routine, boring in it’s own way despite the never ending variety of girls he gets to toy with at leisure. Oddly the one that he conquered the most, got the best and most results from, got literally everything he could want from, appears to have altered him in return. Bev has gotten under his skin in a way that Jonathon does not understand until he wakes from an afternoon nap, at 33 they are necessary after pulling two all night parties in a row at jerry’s. Her simple acceptance of him, of him using her, of literally being his property has put some other things into a different perspective. Bev is oddly enough he finds, the only person in the world he is himself in front of, after all she knows her place in his world and accepts readily. She looks to him for security and he finds himself amazingly looking to her for security, not the protect me kind but the protect my sanity kind that is much much harder to find. “Perhaps,” He asks himself, “It is time to retire from this, maybe get a real job or do something more with my life than just, This.”