The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Self Control

Why did he have to be cute? I was already nervous enough about hypnotherapy, why couldn’t the hypnotist have been a fatherly professor or a chubby nerd or something? I instinctively slouched my shoulders and hugged my chest. I know guys like big boobs, but I’m shy, and they make me feel conspicuous. And fat. I know I’m not, it’s one of the reasons I’m here.

Anyway, I’d done a little reading on hypnosis when my therapist recommended it. I knew I was supposed to relax and zone out, but I wasn’t sure how that was going to happen when I was feeling self-conscious and shy and distracted.

Then again I always feel like that. My name is Sarah and I have social anxiety. I’ve been seeing a therapist about it. She’s pretty sure it is a symptom of my low self esteem, but we’ve kind of stalled. She thinks trying a new approach might help, so she recommended a hypnotherapist she works with. And that’s why I was meeting Dr. Jones, the cute hypnotist right now. And I was staring at his shoes and had no idea what he was saying. I quickly moved my eyes back to his face and started listening.

“...I mean, I would certainly understand. So anyway, why don’t you come in and sit down.”

Well, hopefully he’d just started with pleasantrees. He led me into a nice, fairly unremarkable office. There was a large, ornate desk with a high back chair behind it off in the corner, but the main area seemed to be a much less imposing chair next to a coach that looked like the cliche from every TV bit with a psychologist. He must have noticed the way I was looking at it. “I know that’s a bit cliche, but hypnosis is really all about expectations. Fitting into cliches can be useful. It helps create expectations and put you in the correct frame of mind. Anyway, that’s shop talk, you probably don’t care to hear the details of how it works.” He had a warm, friendly voice. I wasn’t really sure what to do, so I just smiled awkwardly.

He gestured over to the couch. “Why don’t you sit down. I’ll describe a bit about what we’ll do, then if you’re comfortable with it we’ll get started.” I walked over to the sitting area with him, I sat stiffly on the edge of the couch, while he took a calm, relaxed looking posture in the chair.

“Okay, I can see you’re nervous.” He started.

“Does it show?” I asked sarcastically. I tried to sound playful, but it came out forced and I cringed at myself. He just smiled warmly.

“A little. No need to worry, that’s perfectly normal. Let’s just start by talking a bit about what we’ll be doing. What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you think about hypnosis?”

I thought for a second. I hate questions like that, because five different ideas always come immediately to mind and I can’t tell which one is the right answer. One did kind of stand out above the others, though, so I went with that. “I guess cheesy 80s shows where a guy swings a watch and says ‘You’re getting sleeeeeepy.’ And then tells them to do something and they act like a zombie and do it.”

He chucked. “That’s a popular one.” He replied. “First, don’t worry about being turned into a zombie. Making people forget what happened when they were hypnotized doesn’t really work, and I can’t just tell you to do something and make you do it. No matter what I tell you, you are ultimately in control. You have to agree to anything I say before you will respond to it. As for the watch, I keep one around just because of those old shows. Using a prop like that isn’t necessary, but it will help put you in the right state of mind.”

Listening to him talk, with his warm voice and friendly manner, I was starting to relax a little. “Why don’t you try leaning back and we’ll give it a shot? Make sure you tell me if you’re uncomfortable so we can fix that.” The nervousness came right back, but I laid on the couch anyway, worked myself into a somewhat comfortable position and tried to loosen up my muscles.

He pulled out a pocket watch on a long chain and held it up in front of me, just above my eyes.

“Now, I want you to keep your head straight and look up at the watch. Follow it as I swing it back and forth. Listen to the sound of my voice, but don’t worry about paying attention. What I’m saying isn’t really important. What is important is watching the watch and listening to the sound of my voice and relaxing.”

He went on like that for a while. Saying similar things over and over. I have no idea when it happened, but at some point I noticed that my body was completely relaxed, except for me eyes, which were kind of strained. He must have noticed too, because that’s when he moved on from just telling me to listen and watch and relax.

“At this point you should be very relaxed, but your eyes are tired. Tired from focusing so long, tired from looking up at the watch. Now I want you to imagine the watch as you see it. Once you have a very clear picture in your mind you will slowly let your eyes close. But you’ll still be watching the watch in your mind. Can you do that?”

I was kind of surprised to hear myself half mumble, half slur out a sleepy “yeeeees.” Partially surprised at how out of it I was, partly surprised that I had responded at all. It had been pure reflex, I hadn’t even thought about it. And while I was still lazily processing that thought, my eyes seemed to close themselves. The mental picture of the still swinging watch was incredibly vivid. He continued on, talking about how relaxed I was, how comfortable, how deeply hypnotized. I heard his voice moving around a bit as he talked now, he must have been walking around the room. I felt completely content and sleepy and kind of high. I had a vague notion that I didn’t need to pay attention to what he was saying as long as I listened, so I kind of tuned out and just drifted on the sound of his voice.

It was a wonderful feeling. Like floating in a pool, everything felt distant and muffled. And I wasn’t thinking about anything, no anxieties or stress or problem solving, just blissful static. I had no sense of time, it felt like hours. Eventually, though, the hypnotist’s voice broke through and I rose out of the fog and remembered where I was. But while I was aware again I still felt dazed.

“Good, you’re very good at this. You might be the best hypnosis subject I’ve ever seen.” Between the sluggishness of my thoughts and the pleasant buzzy feeling of being hypnotized all I really got out of that was that a cute guy was complimenting me. Normally I would have been self-conscious, but it didn’t occur to me. It didn’t even occur to me to think about what he thought of me or to think about how I should act. A dopey grin spread across my face.

“I didn’t think you’d make such quick progress, so I wasn’t really planning on starting your therapy yet today. But you are clearly ready. Would you like to try?” If anything, the dopey grin got bigger. I was good at this, he was impressed with me. “Yeah.” Now instead of sounding half asleep I sounded giggly, silly, maybe drunk.

“Okay, great. Let’s start with a demonstration. You already know how good hypnosis can make you feel, but you also need to know what it can let you do. We’re going to do a few simple exercises to show you how much control hypnosis can give you over your mind and body.“

He went through a few of the standard stage hypnosis tricks. Eyes stuck shut, feeling like my arms were weightless, like they were heavy, being frozen and unable to move. It really was amazing, once he described something it was like it became reality. I knew it was all mental, so I thought I’d be able to think my way out of it, but it didn’t work.

He paced around his chair as he talked. “Okay, now that you really understand what we can do with hypnosis I’m sure you’ll believe me when I say we can use it to help you. But before that can happen, you have to trust me. We’ll have to work together. Let’s start by seeing where we are. What do you think of me.”

“Mmmm. You’re cute… and sexy... and you’re voice is warm and nice… and you make me feel gooooood.” That last part came out sultry and inviting. I never could have said any of those thing to him if I’d been awake. But it was like I didn’t realize he’d hear them. I just thought about what he asked and said the answer the way I thought it. Even after I said it I just kept laying there with that lazy, kind of high grin, thinking about how much I liked him. He looked completely shocked, but it didn’t phase me. I was so far in the trance that it didn’t occur to me to think about what he was thinking or what he thought of me. He just kind of sat there for a few minutes, then he ran over to his desk and pulled out a ledger. Must have been the notes my therapist had sent him on me. He thumbed through it a bit. Meanwhile, I was still just blissfully enjoying the sensation of being totally relaxed and not thinking about anything.

Finally he nodded to himself and walked back over. He walked around behind me and started talking again. “Now, I’m going to help you solve your self image problems. But to do that you’ll need to trust me completely. Can you do that?”

I didn’t really think about it, the right answer was obviously yes. “yeeesss.”

“Okay, but you need to really think about it.” As he said that he put his hands on my shoulders. Even through the hypnosis I tensed up a bit, a little of my reflexive insecurity pushing through the trance. “Waaiiit. Are you supposed…” I trailed off, still groggy and tranced. I had a vague sense that him touching me wasn’t supposed to happen, but it was too hard to figure out why, especially since I liked it.

“Yes, this is part of trusting me. To really help you you’ll have to trust that everything I do or tell you is for the best, is part of helping you.” He started rubbing my shoulders as he talked. It felt good. “Do you think you can do that, trust me that much?”

My mind sputtered. I wanted to say yes, it seemed like the right thing to say. But I wasn’t sure. What would he do? What if I disagreed? I meant to say something like “I don’t know you well enough.” But “Don’t… know…” was all that came out.

“That’s fine. We won’t try to go any further than you want to.” He took his hands off my shoulders. I immediately missed them. “Think about this a bit. Most of our problems are about a lack of self-control. You know what you should do, but you have trouble actually doing it. The wonderful thing about this kind of treatment is that I can tell you to do what you know you should, and you won’t have to worry about slipping up or not feeling like it. Not only will you be able to do what you want, you won’t have to think about it, there won’t be any stress, no worrying about the details or anticipating the choices or wondering how or if you’ll do it.” As he was talking he let his hands rest on my shoulders again. “So together, we can achieve perfect control of your mind and body. All you have to do is give your self control to me, and I’ll fix it, strengthen it, perfect it. I’ll make your self control into perfect control. All without the struggle you’re used to. But we have to start with you completely releasing your self control to me. Do you want to try that?”

It sounded perfect. I knew it wasn’t quite right, but I wanted it to be anyway. And besides, what was the worst that could happen? He would take advantage of me? He wouldn’t give it back, instead he would keep it and be able to make me do anything he wanted? I focused on the sensation of his hands on my shoulders and I couldn’t think of anything I wanted more. There was still a tiny voice that said letting him do that to me would be wrong. But there was another one, one that I had always tried to pretend wasn’t there, that said letting a strong hot sexy guy like him command me would be wonderful. His hands started rubbing, they slid up my neck, and I desperately wanted him to take advantage of the situation, of me, to rub his hands all over me and kiss me and fuck me while I was still hypnotized. I think I startled both of us by how loud and emphatic my “YES!” was.

“Wow. Okay. Great!” He paused, collecting himself for a moment. “Okay. Before this can work, you have to give complete control to me. There has to be no doubt, no way you can change your mind. So we’re going to reinforce the idea a bit. I want you to repeat after me.”

“I will do whatever Dr. Jones says.” He said it in a much deeper, more authoritative voice. It made me focus more on what he was saying, and it made me want to obey. “I will do whatever Dr. Jones says.” I repeated, really feeling and believing it.

“I will think whatever Dr. Jones tells me to think.” Again, in the commanding tone.

“I will think whatever Dr. Jones tells me to think.” I repeated. Despite the demonstrations he’d given me, I wondered if that could really work. But I wanted it to, so I tried to accept it, help it be real.

“Now, repeat those two phrases.” He commanded.

“I will do whatever Dr. Jones says. I will think whatever Dr. Jones tells me to think.” I said.

“Again, and keep repeating them until I tell you to stop.”

“I will do whatever Dr. Jones says. I will think whatever Dr. Jones tells me to think.”

“I will do whatever Dr. Jones says. I will think whatever Dr. Jones tells me to think.”

“I will do whatever Dr. Jones says. I will think whatever Dr. Jones tells me to think.”

“I will do whatever Dr. Jones says. I will think whatever Dr. Jones tells me to think.”

Over and over, until they were my only thoughts.

“Okay. Now, I’m going to bring you up out of hypnosis, awake and yourself, and we’ll see how well you follow those directions.” He said. “I’m going to count from five to one, and each number will bring you more energy, more focus, closer to awake. When I say ‘one’ you will be completely awake, clearly remembering everything that’s happened, knowing that your mind and body will do and think whatever I tell them. Five. Four. Three. Two One.”

As he counted I felt mind sharpening, my body waking up, energy flowing into myself. I felt great. Like I could run a marathon or build a house by myself. That only lasted a moment though before I realized exactly what had just happened. I jumped off the couch and yelled “Oh holy Shit! I told you, that, that, and you…and you know!”

I think I was on the verge of hyperventilating when Dr. Jones said, loudly but gently “Hey, hey, calm down. It’s okay.” And it happened. Instantly. I wasn’t worried anymore. I tried to think about why it was bad, why I should still be freaking out, but it didn’t work. I couldn’t, I knew it was okay. It didn’t make sense, but it was okay.

“Wow. It really works like that? That’s all you had to say and now I’m calm?” I asked. I should have been worried, I knew that, but all I could muster was curiousity.

“Um, I guess so.” He answered. “Honestly, I was just trying to reassure you, I didn’t mean for you to take it so literally. I was planning on starting a lot smaller, seeing if you could respond to much simpler suggestions. That was incredible. You’re the most responsive hypnosis subject I’ve ever heard of, much less worked with. I thought it would take a few sessions to get you to fully accept that kind of suggestion. Even so, I think we should do some tests and see exactly how it feels for you, what your responses are like.”

I’d come this far, and I was embarrassed to admit I was a bit turned on by the thought of him giving me more orders. I tried not to sound too eager “Okay.” I’m pretty sure I sounded too eager.

He proceeded to go through the same exercises he had used to demonstrate hypnosis while I was in a trace. They didn’t quite work the same. I would respond to him, do what he told me, think what he told me, but it didn’t create the same sensations, I didn’t really feel like my hand was floating even if I was moving it like it was. He thought about that for a few minutes, looked through the ledger he had pulled out earlier.

“Right.” He said. “I have something completely new I’d like to try with you. Are you up willing to test it with me?”

“What is it?” I asked. The answer was yes, of course, but I was curious.

“It’ll work better if I don’t explain the details. Is that okay?” “Um, sure. Go for it then.” I shrugged. Now I was really curious, and I was straight up turned on and trying not to show it.

“Lets start with you laying back on the couch. I’m going to start by returning you to a hypnotic trance. I think between your natural susceptibility and your choice to give me control it should only take a moment. Let’s see.” He winked at me as he pulled out his pocket watch again.

“I’m going to count from one to five. Each number you hear will make you relax and sink deeply into a hypnotic trance. Once I reach five you will be more deeply hypnotized than you were earlier.” He started swinging the watch.

“One. Two.” As he counted the world faded away. Already I could feel the relaxation and tipsyness from earlier. “Three. Four.” It was working, I was just as far gone as I had been eariler. “Five.” I was floating again, completely oblivious. But only until I heard his voice again. And this time it was like it came from everywhere, it enveloped me, defined me.

“Can you hear me?”

“yyeeeeesssssss.” It came out a long, breathy whisper.

“Good. From now on you will be my sex slave. Do you understand and accept?”

“yeeeessssss.” I absorbed the command eagerly, desperate to be commanded, to obey, to be fucked.

If I’d been able to see him, I would have seen a combination of relief and elation in Dr. Jones’s face. “Good. That will mean three things. First: whenever I give you a command you will respond ‘yes, master’ and then carry it out to the best of your abilities. Second: you will love being commanded by me and obeying my commands. It will be both fulfilling and exciting. No matter what the command, receiving it will make you happy and carrying it out will make you even happier. Third: whenever I cum, you will have an orgasm so intense that it completely fulfills your sexual desires.” He paused and looked around the room, as if he’d forgotten something.

“From now on, whenever I uncover my dick, hard or soft, you will be overwhelmed by how much you like it. You will want to stare at it. Stroke it. Pump it. Lick it. Kiss it. Suck it. Rub it between your boobs. Fuck it. You will happily do those things for hours, even all day if I let you. Nothing could possibly sound better. But when I cover it back up that desire will return to normal, you’ll only want it as much as you would if I had never hypnotized you.”

“You will love it when I play with your nipples. As I do they will slowly grow more sensitive, until the sensations are as good as your clit and they make you cum.”

“When I tell you ‘be yourself’ you will no longer act like my slave. You will remain my slave, but it will be our secret. You will remain that way until I tell you to ‘be mine,’ then you will be free to act like a slave again.”

“Whenever you hear me counting you will remember the sensation of hypnosis and you will respond by falling into or raising out of a trance. Now, I’m going to bring you out of trance, just like before. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.”

My eyes snapped open, and I was so horny I almost stuffed my hand in my panties. But then I realized what I was now. I stood up, knelt down on my knees and said “How may I serve my master?”

His voice trembled a bit when he answered. “Take off your cloths. Show me your body.”

I started to obey, but the self-consciousness that had always defined me was all the more intense now that I was his. I wanted him so badly I could barely stand it, and I was sure that I was about to disappoint him, that he would hate what he saw and send me away. He saw my body language as I pulled my sweatshirt over my head and tried to hide my boobs.

“Oh, of course, how could I be such a jerk. I completely forgot the most important part. Well, given what we’ve already accomplished, this should be a breeze. Sit back down on the couch. And back down into a deep hypnotic trance.” He didn’t wait for me to settle in carefully this time. “One two three four five.” He counted quickly, and it was like falling down a waterslide.

But it worked just as well as the other times, I was completely under. “When you wake, you will realize that I wouldn’t have taken you as my slave if I didn’t intensely want you. That you must be, not just beautiful, but incredible. You will know, no matter what anyone else thinks, that you are amazing. You are free, encouraged even, to still be attracted to other people, but what they think of you no longer matters. All that matters is that your master loves you. You will know, feel, that I love you. I love everything about you, that I desire you not just when I demand it, but all the time. You will love your sexy body because your master does, and you will love showing it off for me because you know how much I love it when you do. You will know that no matter what, you are sexy and you can act like it whenever you want, and I will always be blown away by it. Your eyes, your face, your neck, your boobs, your hips, your stomach, your ass, your thighs, your legs, everything about you is amazing, and I constantly want to appreciate how incredible it is. And you love letting me, encouraging me, serving me with your body. Now, time to wake. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.”

He was much more gentle waking me, which is a good thing, because I felt like an entirely different person, and it took a moment to get my bearings. For as long as I could remember I had had a mantra running in the back of my mind: “you’re ugly, you’re fat, you’re gross, no one likes you” etcetera. It was gone. Experimentally, I tried it out, I thought: “You’re fat, you’re ugly.” The words meant nothing. It was like telling myself that the Earth was flat. My eyes teared up and my lip quivered. Dr. Jones looked worried, until I managed to choke out “Thank you.” It was barely a whisper, so I tried again. My voice cracked, but I managed to get out “Thank you so much. You have no idea…” and then I was crying. He came over, sat on the couch next to me and hugged me. I leaned into him and sobbed. After a few minutes of that I composed myself, looked him directly in the eyes and say “Thank you. You have no idea. No idea how...” Words failed me. I was in danger of crying again, so instead I got down on my knees again and said “Please master, let me serve you properly now.”

After a moment, when I started calming down, he released me and said “You are something amazing. Now, I want to test my new exhibitionis sex slave. Dance for me, show off your boobs and your ass; drive me so wild I can’t hold off any longer.”

I started eagerly. I shed the rest of my cloths as I danced. I’m not very good at dancing, but I did my best to show off my body, and watched his reactions so I could do more of what he seemed to like best. It was mostly playing with my boobs while my hips swayed.

It didn’t take long before he opened his fly and pulled out his rock hard dick. I have no idea what I would have thought of it before he hypnotized me, but it was the most perfect sight in the world. My eyes locked onto it and I couldn’t have looked away if my life depended on it. My dancing faltered, I was still going, I had to, it was still what my master wanted. But it was secondary to staring at that beautiful thing, imagining what I could do to make it cum. He only waited a few moments.

“Slave, you may stop dancing and do whatever you want.” I was running over to him before he’d even finished saying it. I made sure to bounce a bit extra as I went, since he seemed to like seeing my boobs bounce. I dropped between his legs, wrapped both hand around the base of his dick and shoved my mouth over the head. I let out a scream of ecstasy and my eyes rolled back in my head. It was literally the best feeling ever. I’d had good sex a few times before, and none of them compared to this. It was like I had found the meaning of life and everything was right with the world. After a few moments of bliss I started pumping with my hands and swirled my tongue around the head. I did that a few times, then I began bobbing my head up and down. I heard him moan, and it sent a thrill through my whole body. I took my hands off and shoved the head all the way down my throat, nearly touching his balls with my lips. He moaned, his whole body seemed to tense up, and then my brain exploded. I felt the cum in my throat, and the entire world was nothing but intense pleasure. I might have blacked out for a second. But then I was slowly, gently sucking on his dick. I could have sat there forever, kneeling in front of his chair, sucking him as his dick slowly deflated. I would have happily spent the entire day just trying to get it hard again.

But then he said “Incredible job, slave, now sit back for a moment.”

“Yes, master.” My eyes locked onto it again. I longed to play with it more, but I was also content to just stare as long as I could. He tucked his dick back into his pants and I felt… great. The memory of sucking him was still just as good, but I no longer had that need to do it forever.

“Master, that was the most amazing thing ever.”

“I agree. I can hardly believe this worked. You are unbelievable, you know that? I think you must have wanted this almost as much as I did. What are the chances, eh?”

He laid his head back for a moment. I rested in front of him on my knees. It felt right. But I was his new toy, and I wanted him to play with me. “Master, what else can you do to me?”

“Oh, lots. Sky’s the limit, as far as I can tell. Lets see... Go lean back on the couch.” I did as I was told, making sure I swayed my hips extra in the brief steps there. Once I was settled on the couch he straddled me and attacked my breasts. First he covered them with his hands, roughly squeezing. Then clamped down on the nipples, then he shoved one into his mouth while he continued to tweak and squeeze the other. He kept at it, alternating from one to the other. At first it felt good. Then it felt great. After a few minutes my eyes were rolled back in my head and I was writhing and moaning. I probably would have fallen off the coach if he hand’t been pinning me to it. The pleasure built and built. It was probably ten minutes of this before my moans built up to a scream and I shook and came again. And when he didn’t stop I came again. And again. After the third time he finally let up, and I dropped back onto the seat. I had a vague desire to get back on my knees, to show him I was ready to serve again, but I really wasn’t.

He saw me try unsuccessfully to get up the first time, and put his hand on my shoulder. “No, my pet, rest. In fact, fall asleep now.” I

I said “yes master.” Then I blinked in surprise, once, twice, then I slumped and everything faded away. I was completely out, I didn’t even dream. I have no idea how long I slept.

What seemed like a few moments later I was woken up by a jot of pleasure. My entire body twitched, and I looked around groggily. I was still on the couch, still naked, but now my master was almost naked, wearing only boxers. And he was kneeling between my legs, his tongue buried in my pussy. It felt… good. I was honestly kind of disappointed. His commands and control had enhanced everything else so much that normal sexual pleasure was tame by comparison. This was too normal. But as I collected my thoughts I realized it was better than that. He was my master now, I existed to please him. He had chosen to do this, to wake me this way, to enjoy me this way. He wasn’t just pleasing me, he was enjoying me. That made the experience much soooo better.

I leaned back and ran my fingers through his hair. I wasn’t sure exactly what he liked, so I decided to experiment. I moved my hips, sliding my clit around his tongue. He seemed to like that. So I grabbed his head and ground his face in further. He let out a noise that made me think he really liked that. So did I. We kept up like that for a few minutes, until he lifted his head away. He looked up at me with a mischievous grin.

“I was wondering if this would work. Ready?”

I was confused. “For what, my master?”

“Have an orgasm. Now.”

I meant to tell him that wouldn’t work. That I couldn’t just have an orgasm on command. It was absurd. Instead I said: “Yes masteraaaAAAHH AAAAA!” The world exploded. It wasn’t as intense as earlier, but it was pretty good. He slowly stood up and pulled down his boxers. Without even thinking about it I Leaned forward and stuffed his stiff dick between my boobs, squeezing them tight around it. I stared adoringly at the tip, poking out between my gigantic, wonderful boobs. I quickly stole a glance at his face to make sure I was pleasing him properly before I started sliding that amazing thing up and down between, and went back to staring as the beautiful head slid up and down. Up and down.

“Excellent choice, slave. I love the way that feels. I’m going to put you into a trance, but even though you will be relaxed you will keep doing that.”

“Yes, master.”

“Good. One, two, three, four, five.” He timed the numbers with the strokes as I bounced my boobs around his dick. I felt the now familiar sensation of the world getting fuzzy, of relaxation, but I kept serving my masters dick. “From now on, you will love drinking my cum. You’ll love the taste of it, the texture, everything about it. Also, when I lick you you will go wild, like before but even more. You’ll love it, you’ll be unable to contain how exciting it is, you’ll buck your hips and scream and shove my face in like you did before. Hmm. I think that’s it for now, lets bring you back in time to test that out. Five, four, three two one.” He sped up at the end, and I realized why, just as I was coming back up he started spraying cum in my face. So much happened all at once. I was cumming, and trying to catch as much of his cum as I could in my mouth, and he was right, it was now my favorite flavor ever. I let my boobs drop and used my hands to collect as much as I could find from my face and hair and stuff it into my mouth. Meanwhile, I stared at his still throbbing dick.

He started to turn away and I nearly panicked. I reached out and grasped his dick and scrambled off the coach, following him around so I could hold it while not preventing him from moving. He let out a huge laugh. “Sorry, I hadn’t thought about that. Mmm, but I think I like it. If you’re really going to be my slave making you follow me around by the dick while I’m naked sounds like fun. But for now maybe I’ll let you off the hook.” He winked at me, obviously amused at his pun. I couldn’t figure out if I was annoyed with him for messing with me or thrilled that he was enjoying it. I settled on both. It was confusing.

“Okay, slave, let go of my dick so I can put my shorts back on.” I let go, but kept my eyes locked on it until it was hidden by his clothes. Then I kind of slumped on the floor. “Hmm. Now lets see about the other part. Spread your legs, slave.”

“Yes, master.” I did as I was told, and he got down between my legs and roughly pressed his tongue against my clit. I went wild. I grabbed his head and started bucking my hips into his face and screaming things like “SHIT YES!” and “TONGUE FUCK ME!” It was so intense I was coming in a matter of seconds. It was very different from when I made him cum though. Then it was like my entire body was wracked with the most intense pleasure I could imagine and all I could do was spasm. This time, though, it started small but kept going and the more I moved and screamed the better it got. The other way was much more intense, but this just kept building. I wouldn’t say this was better, but I couldn’t say it was worse either, they were too different. We had only been going for a minute or two when my movements slowed. I was trying just as hard, feeling just as good, but exhaustion was starting to slow me down. Luckily, my master noticed, and let up. He pulled his head back, and I collapsed in a sexy, writhing, panting heap on the floor.

“Yes, that seems to work quite well. But now it’s time we both got dressed and figured out what we do next.”

I said “Yes, master” and we both started getting dressed.

Once we were done he said “I’m afraid I got a bit ahead of myself there, so we’ll have to wait a few hours until I’m ready to fuck for real. And you look like you need a break. If you don’t have any prior obligations, I’d love to go out for dinner and get to know what you’re like when you aren’t obeying my every whim.”

I didn’t have to say it, he was asking rather than commanding. But it still sounded like the perfect answer: “Yes, master.”