The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Synopsis: Cheryl and her friends struggle to find the cause of their strange lesbian urges which seem to spring from nowhere and slowly dominate their lives.

CHAPTER 1: And So It Begins

It’s amazing how simple and innocuous the most devastating changes arrive. You just don’t see them coming. On the other hand, maybe if you did, they wouldn’t be “devastating”.

I think a lot about things like these nowadays as “devastating” change has become a way of life for me. Every day I struggle with myself and my fate. Is that enough? When all is done will that be enough? I guess only time will tell.

Change comes for people in strange places. When change came for me, it found me at the Smithsonian.

That’s right, the Smithsonian Institute, specifically the ancient civilization’s collection. I had just graduated from the University with a dual degree in business and history and was spending the summer in DC working on an internship at the Smithsonian and as a part-time staffer for Representative the right honorable George Roberts up on “The Hill”.

As you can imagine, my two jobs didn’t leave me with much time to “mingle” or hang out with the ever present party animals, not that I was really all that interested. Partying and sex were luxuries that only the rich could afford. For me, Cheryl Grey, they were simply hindrances in the climb out of lower-middle class life to the big leagues.

My job that day was as “gofer” for the “Illegitimate Historical Items” division. Believe it or not the forgery of historically important items was big business. Take that “Hitler’s diary” thing from a few years ago. Some forgeries were easy to spot and some were awfully clever and difficult to detect, but the Institute had some of the best historical detectives in the world and so a lot of “questionable” items ended up here to be evaluated.

The hot project for the day was the evaluation of some artifacts recovered from a dig being conducted from a site on one of the innumerable small islands off the coast ofGreece.

“The casing appears to be authentic, and you say that it was sealed Jason?” said Dr. Samantha Richards, the chief forgery buster in the division. “Yes, mam” said the cute younger man next to her. “According to the chief of the dig, the item was unearthed in a sealed condition. To the best of his knowledge it had not been tampered with either before or after it was unsealed and was shipped to us in the condition that we see here.”

“Your evaluation Jason?”

“A definite forgery ma’m, but an intriguing one” answered Jason. “The design is definitely period, not some modern bastardization, and the workmanship is quite good. Whoever did this was a true artist. The problem is that the work is too good. Nobody from that period had the craftsmanship to make seamless woven silver like this and the silver tests out to be practically pure. The art of smelting silver this pure wouldn’t be around for another couple of thousand years. In addition the silver is totally untarnished and shows no wear from age, exposure or even staining from the materials from the sealing case. Regrettably, I’m going to have to mark this one as newly created forgery and of no historical value.”

“All right.” said Dr. Richards. “How do you think we should dispose of it?”

“Well, it’s really not worth keeping in the vault nor is it valuable or interesting enough to donate to another institution or museum. It also could be mistaken for an item of historical interest by someone so we can’t put it into general circulation. My recommendation is to melt it down and use the salvaged materials for restoration work.”

“Seems a shame though Jason, it really is good work..” frowned Dr. Richards. It was very beautiful and it would be a shame to destroy it but the disposition rules were very clear on this. If it was a forgery, and it had no useful value, it had to be disposed of in a way which neither benefited the investigators nor the Institute, at least not in a monetary manner. Still ..., “You take care of its disposal Jason; I’ll leave the specifics up to you.” And with that the good Doctor moved on to her next item of interest.

Jason watched Dr. Richards move on to the next work area and smiled. Samantha was a decent enough boss even though she was slightly uptight and a bit spacey. She’d probably forget about this entire matter in the next couple of minutes which worked with Jason’s plans just fine. The first thing to find was a likely subject and Jason had just the person in mind.

Now for some reason, I was working at the next workstation and happened to catch Jason’s attention. I probably wasn’t going to grace the cover of Vogue anytime soon, but I wasn’t exactly hard to look at either. With wavy long brown hair, medium height, green eyes, cute nose, athletic build and reasonably well endowed, I could hold my own or better with most women.

Anyway, I’d never given Jason or any of the other guys any encouragement it trying to “get to know me better”. It’s not like I’d ever been impolite or even unfriendly but when the conversations drifted to activities outside of work like a dinner or movie date, I put on my “ice princess” persona which effectively warned most guys off.

Now don’t get me wrong here. It wasn’t that I don’t like guys. I had always been straight as an arrow and the thought of lesbian relationships simply turned my stomach. I mean, I knew women sometimes did that sort of thing but you had to be several fries short of a happy meal to stoop to that sort of behavior. It also didn’t mean that guys weren’t incredibly cute or that I wasn’t attracted to them. I just simply couldn’t afford the distraction and a baby can really put a kink in your career path.

Anyway I guess there was something about my ice princess demeanor that intrigued Jason because he motioned me to come over and, by doing so, change my life irrevocably.

“Pretty cool huh!” he said as I walked up to the table. I had to admit that the collection of silver jewelry was striking. A necklace, ring, bracelet, ankle bracelet, throat collar and ear rings all made of and intricately woven silver thread design. The necklace was particularly intriguing with a tiger’s eye pendant. It all looked brand new but had obviously been made to conform to ancient Greek design patterns. I wasn’t a big jewelry fan but I had to admit that I wouldn’t have minded owning this exquisite matched set.

“Looks about your size doesn’t it.” he said with a knowing smile. “Tell you what, we don’t need it and it’s a real hassle to fill out the disposal paperwork for something like this. Anyway, I’d hate to melt down something that would look so stunning on you. You want it?” he said with a slightly leering smile.

The first answer that popped into my mind was to read him the riot act and report him to Dr. Richards. I also didn’t like his smile and it didn’t take much imagination to figure out what he was looking for in return. Still it was a beautiful collection and the thought of it being melted down was ... was, well ... I just couldn’t allow that to happen. Slightly confused with my reaction, I looked at Jason and said “Sure, who wouldn’t, but how?”

With a grin of triumph Jason whispered “Ok, here’s how it works. I simply don’t tag the item for destruction. No paperwork, no paper trail, nobody will know. Just take the items, put them in a disposal bag and walk out the door. Just one condition, you have to let me see you with it on, say for dinner?”

Red lights started flashing in my mind. This was dangerous, highly unethical and would create a potentially explosive situation with one of my supervisors. I shouldn’t even be thinking about it but ... it was such a beautiful set of jewelry. “Ok, how about next Friday evening at seven?”

I could have almost have fainted from shock. Why in the world had I said that? What in the world was I doing?

“Great,” whispered Jason, “And by the way, wear something sexy to set the mood”.

Dumbfounded all I could do was nod my head in the affirmative and begin placing the jewelry in the disposal bag. I just couldn’t believe this was happening. I made up my mind right then that I would take everything down to disposal right away. No chance of ruining my career and no date with Jason!

Unfortunately, the conversation with Jason had so distracted me that I nearly ran over Dr. Richards on my way out of the door. “Goodness Cheryl, watch where you’re going. Say you look a bit flushed, are you feeling Ok?” said Dr. Richards with concern.

“No mam’, I feel a bit strange.”

“Well then, you’ve obviously been working too hard. Your shift is almost over, why don’t you head home early today and rest.”

“Thank you Dr. Richards” I said with some relief. Maybe she was right. I had been working 12 hour days pretty straight through for the past several weeks. A couple hours off might do me some good.

I went straight to my locker, picked up my things and headed straight to the Metro terminal and hopped on the train that would take me to my apartment. It was only then that I realized that I still had the disposal bag.

What was going on with me?! I definitely was not thinking straight. Maybe I could just go back to the museum and take care of things, but no, checking back in to dispose of the set would just cause suspicion. It would be better just to take care of the whole thing tomorrow.

I arrived at my apartment just before dark. Actually, to call it an apartment was an insult to upstanding apartments Everywhere. Enlarged closet would have been a better description. The facility was actually a converted VA hospital which was used by the government to house individuals interning with federal agencies, or special visitors whom the government felt they didn’t have to overly impress. The only thing good about the facility was that it was clean, in a relatively nice area, and the rent was dirt cheap. For a poor girl fromIdaho, it was just right.

At the moment I had two roommates, Cindy Mathews, an 18 year old bible student from the midwest and Tiffany Klein, an intern with Senator Judith Robbins ofRhode Island.

Cindy was an outgoing girl who was visiting DC to conduct a research project at the National Cathedral. With sun bleached short honey blond hair and fit body she was the typical small town farmer’s daughter. She hadn’t seen much of the world outside of her nativeIowacornfields and appeared to constantly move around DC with a look of amazed wonderment. During the two weeks she had been here, we’d become friends and had spent some of our limited weekend time touring DC. I’d really miss her when she went back home in a week or so. Tiffany was another story, but we’ll get to that later.

When I walked in Cindy was, as usual, at the apartment’s small desk studiously going over her notes for the day and Tiff was out, probably at some party or another.

“Oh hi Cheryl, you’re home early tonight.” said Cindy with a sweet smile. “What’s up?”

“I wasn’t feeling quite right so Dr. Richards sent me home but I’m actually feeling better right now, what are you up to?”

“Well right now we’re covering the book of Kings. It’s just fascinating stuff.”

“I bet it is. So has Tiffany dropped by?”

“Yes.” Cindy said with some disgust “She’ll be at one of her all night parties again. I tell you Cheryl, that woman is on the straight and wide path to the gates of hell. She is such a loose woman that she’s simply going to fall apart. I bet she’s having sex, probably every day or two. What is our society coming to Cheryl? I just don’t understand.”

“I don’t know Cindy, but Tiffany’s a big girl and her daddy has a truckload of money to help her out if she ever does get into any serious trouble. The gates of Hell thing is strictly between her and God but I don’t doubt that St. Peter will have more than a few harsh words for her at the pearly gates.”

“Say, Cheryl, whatya’ have in the bag?” said Cindy. I looked down, and apparently, without thinking about it, I’d taken the disposal bag with the jewelry in it out of my backpack and laid it on the desk.

“Oh, it’s just some old jewelry I picked up, nothing important.”

“Gee, could I see” Cindy almost squealed. “I just love jewelry.”

Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt just this once. “Ok, but I’m just borrowing it from the museum for a bit.” I reached into the bag and pulled out the entire collection. “Pretty cool huh”

Cindy was almost speechless. “It’s beautiful” she whispered. “Where’d you get it?”

“It was a discard from the Institute, it’s a fake actually. My supervisor asked me to take it home and see how it looked.” I picked up the necklace and quickly fastened it around my neck. “What do you think?”

“Wow it looks greatCher. It’s so alluring, and the Tiger’s eye really catches the eye.”

I turned around and looked at my reflection in the full length mirror attached to the back of the apartment’s door. The silver chain really did look nice draped across my white blouse while the tiger’s eye pendant was indeed striking. Yes very striking, almost sexy in a strange way.

I reached upward and began to trace course of the chain across my chest with my fingers. I suddenly felt a little strange and light headed. Maybe I was starting to come down with something.

“So Cindy, any boyfriends back inIowa?”

“No not really, I mean there’s this one guy in the church group and we’ve gone out to a movie or two but most guys are interested only in sex so I don’t date much.”

“Really? Never slept with a boy before?” I asked as my fingers lightly began to touch the nipples of my breasts through the fabric of my blouse.

“NO, of course not Cheryl, that would be a sin and plain wrong outside of marriage!”

“So you don’t like sex then Cindy. Is that it?”

“Well I’ve never had sex before Cheryl so I really don’t know. But my mother told me that having sex is a wifely duty and that pleasure in sex is a sin that can lead you down the path to damnation. I suppose that sex is pleasurable but it’s a pleasure that the good Christian needs to resist.”

This was starting to get a bit disturbing. These questions were really none of my business and not the type of questions that a good girl would normally ask. Not only that, but I couldn’t help but touch myself lightly on my chest. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked more like pin up girl than a sensible research intern and worse, I was becoming visibly aroused. It was easy to see where my hard erect nipples were pressing against my blouse. Thank god I had my back turned to Cindy and was blocking her view of the mirror. What was going on here?!

“So Cindy.” I almost purred. “You’re waiting for the right man to come along and marry you and that’s why you haven’t had sex, right?”

“Of course Cheryl, boy you’re asking a lot of strange questions tonight. I guess you AREN’T quite yourself. So how does the necklace look, come on Cheryl, turn around and let me see.”

With a supreme effort of will, I brought my hands down to my sides and slowly, almost languidly turned around with my hips cocked in a provocative angle and my chest thrust out so that Cindy could have the best possible view of my cleavage.

“So, do you like what you see?” I asked in a sultry voice.

Cindy simply stared in shock at her straight laced and proper roommate. “Cheryl, is everything Ok? You’re acting awfully weird.” said the confused teenager.

“Oh never better Cin. Anyway, I was wondering if there was a different explanation for your virginity.”

“No, of course not Cheryl, what are you talking about!?” said Cindy becoming visibly upset

God, this wasn’t happening. What was going on here and why did Cindy look so delectable all of a sudden. I just couldn’t help myself as I began to slowly cup my breasts and touch my nipples again. “Well, I was thinking that if you haven’t found the right guy, maybe you’re looking for something else?”

Cindy was is obviously in utter shock “WHAT are you talking about Cheryl?!! Dear God what are you DOING?! You CAN’T be serious!!!”

“Oh don’t be so surprised Cindy. If you aren’t looking for the right guy, maybe you’re looking for the right girl? Are you Cindy? Are you a hot little bitch looking for someone to suck your pussy? Come on now, don’t be shy. You can tell me girlfriend.”

God what was going on here? Why was I saying these things to sweet little fuckable Cindy. Why was I suddenly aroused by her pert little titties and fit trim body? Why was I wondering what her soft tongue would feel like deep inside my pussy. God NO, this couldn’t be happening!!

Cindy simply sat there unable to speak for a moment, confusion, rage and maybe just a little fear flashing across her face.

“Cheryl, this isn’t funny anymore.” She finally said getting up out of her chair. “I don’t know what’s come over you but I’m going to leave here right now until you calm down or until you ask me ever so sweetly to kiss your titties and fuck you until you scream.—Oh my lord, what did I just say?!!”

“Well girlfriend, it sounded like you wanted me to beg.” I said as I began to pull down my blouse and unhook my bra to give Cindy direct access to my breasts. " Oh Cindy, please, please come and suck my nipples. Oh look they’re so hard and tender for you. I promise that they’ll be good, Oh PLEASSSSE Cindy.”

Almost involuntarily, Cindy’s shaking hand reached out for my left breast. “Cheryl what’s happened to you, oh what’s happening to me, I’ve never felt this way before! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING TO ME!!!” moaned the young teenager.

“Oh baby” I said as her hand gingerly, hesitantly, cupped my breast. “I don’t know Cindy. I don’t know what’s happening to us. I’ve never done anything like this before. I know its wrong but, OH YES that’s it baby, pinch it just a little, oh yessss. Heaven help me, you’re turning me on you hot little bitch. GOD YESS you’re so hot, oh can’t you feel it Cindy. I’ve NEVER felt like this. We’ve got to stop. Yeah stop stop stop stop. God you’re so fucking GOOOD you’re driving me INSANE!!”

Cindy couldn’t believe what she was doing to her older roommate as her hands glided effortlessly over her friends supple, exposed and ample breasts. Cindy had never so much as felt herself up, but somehow she knew just what to do and was obviously doing it well as the beautiful older girl squirmed under her touch.

Cindy had no idea what was happening, but Cheryl’s erect nipples looked so suckable that she just couldn’t resist. Despite every fiber of her upbringing and despite her considerable resistance, Cindy’s blond head slowly descended to her friend’s chest. “Oh Please Cheryl, make me stop, I can’t do this, I can’t be so fucking hot that I’ve got to have you between my legs eating my cunt and rubbing my clitty. You’re just so hotCher, OH GOD HELP ME!!!!”

Cindy’s tongue began to tenderly lick my nipples as her delicate mouth closed over my left breast. “Oh, JESUS, Cindy, OH OH OH I had no idea, Oh God that’s great. What a sweet piece of ass you are. Yes that’s it, you’re doing GREAT baby, a born tit sucking bitch that’s what you are. Why are you so sooo sexy Cindy. I’m a virgin and I’ve never let anybody touch me like this. God you’re a woman!! Why am I letting you do this to me, Why you, WHY YOU?!!”

Almost of their own volition, my hands began to unbutton Cindy’s dress and soon my hands found the soft pliable flesh of her breasts. They were unbelievably soft and warm and the feeling that swept over me as Cindy gasped and then pressed her breasts more firmly into my hands, was indescribable. The sweet little teenage bible student was responding to my touch, the touch of another female! And I, I was responding to hers.

With a final little nibble on my breast Cindy moved her head upwards and pressed her lips to mine. I couldn’t control myself as my sweet roommate’s tongue penetrated my mouth and we began to kiss with increased passion and heat.

Slowly Cindy withdrew from the kiss and looked me in the eyes with a mixture of wonder, fear and lust. “I don’t know what’s happening Cheryl. I’ve never been like this before. I know this shouldn’t be happening, it’s against everything I’ve ever believed in, but the thought of you licking my pussy and me sucking yours is all I can think of. I’ve tried to fight it but I can’t. Oh please help me Cheryl, please make me cum. I don’t understand but I just can’t stand it any more. Oh make me cum before I lose my mind, you have to!”

This was insane. My nipples were screaming to be sucked and down below I was far wetter than I had ever been in my life. I was so aroused it was hard to think. The only thing that seemed to matter was satisfying those cravings deep down inside of me. And here was a beautiful innocent teenage girl practically begging me to take her and make perverted love to her. ANOTHER WOMAN, my GOD WHAT AM I DOING?!!!! It just didn’t make sense, ... until that is, I looked into her pale blue eyes yearning for me to touch her.

Gently, we removed each others clothes as I laid her upon the bed. Slowly we let our hands explore each other as wonder and lust exploded from our every forbidden touch. Two virgin girls, touching each other, carefully and sensually, locked in a passion beyond our understanding..

Finally we could stand no more as the sweet bible school girl buried her head between my spread legs. “Oh God Cindy, Oh GOD YESS, oh yes you sweet little girl, OH GOD YESS!!! How did you learn how to do THAT!! OH YESS CINDY OH FUCK me with your sweet little tongue, OH YESS MAKE ME CUMM FOR YOU. OH YESSS, OH FUCK YESSSSSSS!!!!!!” And I came, for the first time in my life I came on the tongue and face of my 18 year old friend. Deep down inside I was so ashamed but it was so SO Good!

“Oh God Cindy, that was so unbelievably GOOD.” I said as looked over at her sweet face covered with my cum juices. “I don’t think you’ve ever looked better girlfriend. Now, what do you want to do next?”

“Oh please Cheryl,” Cindy moaned as she squirmed on the bed “Oh please, you have to suck my pussy too, you just have too!”

My head was still reeling in unabated pleasure but her pleading cries could not be ignored as from deep within a dark cloud of lust consumed my mind. This sweet little girl would be fucked, oh yes, but first I needed to make her squirm a bit more.

“Oh is my sweet little cunt getting all hot for me? Come on baby, tell me what you need, tell me what you are little Iowa farm girl. I WANT to HEAR it!”

“Oh God Cheryl, I’m so hot for you, I need you to lick my clitty oh please.”

“Come on Cindy, you’re going to have to do better than that my little lesbo bitch!!”

Cindy looked up at me in shock. “No, I can’t be that, I just can’t, I CAN’T!!!” she yelled as tears started to flow down her face, “Oh what have I DONE!” she wailed. “God I’m making love to a woman and I’m LOVING IT, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!!!!

“Come on baby, you can do it, tell me what you are.”

“OH GOD, I’m a white hot cunt, OH JESUS, I’m a red hot lesbian slut, a sweet innocent little whore just for you Cheryl. GOD I WANT YOU SO BAD, YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT TOO ME PLEEZEEEEE!!!”

“You mean you want to be MINE little girl, mine to suck and fuck, whenever I choose, wherever I choose, however I choose? You want to be my little lesbo minx, my cuntslave, is that what you want?”

Cindy’s eyes grew wide with shock and dismay as she struggled to control the urges that racked her mind and body. But even as she struggled her hands dove into her cunt and she began to furiously fuck herself.

“OH YES CHERYL, I want to fuck you and suck you all day and all night, OH GOD HELP ME I WANT TO BE YOUR WHORE!! GOD YESS, YOUR SWEET LESBIAN WHORE!!!! I’ll be WHATEVER you want; please just FUCK ME NOW!!!”

I had never sucked another girl’s pussy before. In fact I had only bare experience in playing with my own. But somehow, I knew just what to do as I dug my tongue deep into her dripping cunt. I had never tasted anything sweeter in my life as her virgin pussy rocked up and down upon my face.


Cindy arched her back and thrust her cunt into my face as hard as she could, screaming with lust as her pussy juices gushed from her cunt coating my face and soaking the bed. Then fully spent, she collapsed sending out small whimpers of joy. The last thing I remembered from that night was holding the softly sighing teen in my arms as we drifted off to sleep.