The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Princess Wets the Rug

( Sequel to: “Doggie Style” )

Copyright © 2001 W.A.C.

Adult Material Warning: READ FIRST (Unless you have already read & understand the adult material warning). This piece contains adult material & language. If you are under legal age, easily offended, or live in a state or principality, county, or country where such material is restricted or prohibited then do not read further, do not download, do not remove from where you have found it, and go somewhere else on the web immediately. Any such distribution is solely the responsibility of the party distributing this material in prohibited markets. This material is NOT for distribution to persons not of legal age. No ideas, activities, content is intended to be taken as anything but fantasy, beyond any entertainment value it is not an avocation of anything contained in this fully fictional material. However, what imaginative couples may do in their own bedrooms on a willing basis is none of my damned business. <Wink> Oh, and as always; the following is under copyright & reproducible only with permission... yadda yadda... sue infringers... yadda yadda... ask first, rights will be actively protected...

Synopsis: Bill and Sheila’s life as pet owners continues in this “Doggie Style” sequel. And we see a little bit of the business they have started. This story begs the question: Is wetter better?

Authors Notes: After a rather protracted absence (out chasing the literary monsters that escaped from my word lab) I am happy to say that the mad word doctors vocabulary dungeon is now again open, and with any luck stories will again flow from my pen...uh...keyboard with some regularity. THANKS TO ALL who wrote to me during my absence to voice concern or just ask if any more stories were in the works. The last few months were a real life horror story I wont go into here, but thanks one and all. Hopefully this long time coming sequel can live up to or even surpass the original. I have very mixed feelings about posting it as my “return”piece but leave it and myself to your tender literary mercies. Hopefully it will amuse and entertain. (No heavy deep dark themes here, this is a return to my earlier lighter hearted style.)

Princess Wets the Rug

(Sequel to: “Doggie Style” )

by Cait

Bill keyed the front door. Life was good, he thought to himself. The door pushed lazily inward. The sight that met him horrified him. There on the floor on her hands and knee’s was Sheila his wife. She looked furious, fit to be tied (maybe later) as the old cliché goes. Her expression told him life was not necessarily good, and could in fact, be much better.

Without breaking eye contact she resumed her furious scrubbing at a large dark yellow stain in their brand new living room carpet. He knew immediately what had happened and braced himself for the coming storm.

“We’ve got to talk about that damned dog.” Sheila’s tone was soft and calm yet calculated and dangerously venomous. She had clearly thought this whole speech through. Had been thinking about it the whole time she had been on her hands and knee’s scrubbing at the stain. He would have to tread carefully. Yet Bill could hardly suppress the growing impression that the whole scene was silly, even outright humorous. Bill couldn’t suppress the grin forming on his lips and had to turn away, partially to escape her piercing gaze, and partially to keep her from seeing his growing and untimely amusement.

“That dog... that BEAST, has to go!” She was dead serious. “But honey...” Bill managed before she cut him off.

“It’s that damned dog or me!” She meant it. He could see the determination and anger in her eyes. Speech over. Arguments over. No debate. This was clearly an ultimatum.

Bill thought about it for a moment. Weighed all his options. Had the whole world gone into slow motion? It seemed it had from his perspective. He loved his wife, he loved his dog. He didn’t want to have to choose one or the other. Still, the irony was more than Bill could stand. The more he thought about it the more he had trouble suppressing his very deep feelings. Finally Bill did the only thing he possibly could in such a situation. Bill laughed so hard he nearly split a gut. He had to sit down on the couch to keep from falling over. “Well,” he gasped between uncontrollable chuckles, “If that’s the way it has to be...” Bill snapped his fingers and made a sit gesture. “Princess, obey!”

Sheila’s angry determined expression changed instantly to one of surprise. And then her look of surprise slowly faded too to be replaced with a slack jawed rather goofy look as her intelligence abandoned her and was replaced with a doggie dumb look of loyalty. Sheila wagged her tail and panted, happy her master was home. Princess never failed to obey a command.

Maybe life was good after all...

Bill made a mental note that he was going to have to reverse Sheila’s latest hypnotic conditioning. That Sheila NOT know that she was in fact princess. It had been her idea, and had at the time seemed amusing, but clearly it wasn’t working out. The idea had been amusing yes, initially, but had caused more unnecessary friction in their lives over “the dog”, than either had expected. Who could have known that someone who liked being a dog so much wouldn’t like owning a dog? Sheila had always liked to be dominated/ made his personal beast of pleasure. His fur-less bitch. They should stick with what worked, Bill decided. Besides, he couldn’t have her taking herself to the pound to be put down, now could he? Bill laughed again. That really was an interesting image. How exactly would she do it?

Princess continued to pant happily, oblivious to the meaning of all this human speak. She knew the command words and that was enough.

Now Bill’s expression changed. A thought occurred to him. He frowned. Who the hell was going to clean up the stinking yellow stain now? Bill frowned at Princess who sensing his displeasure, cowered in the corner, realizing that master was very displeased with her. “Where the hell did I put that newspaper,” Bill growled.

Before punishing Princess, Bill made sure to reverse the newest hypnosis session and return Sheila to “full awareness” during and after Princess “episodes”. The somebody who cleaned up princess’ mess wasn’t going to be him. He knew Sheila would be disappointed if she missed out on a punishment session and the humiliation of cleaning up her own mess. Bill was amazed at how into this Sheila had become in a very short time. Hardly the hung up socially repressed ice cold “princess” he had married. Now she was another kind of “princess” entirely! Not that she was into any kinky shit like whips and the like, but she did love a good rolled up newspaper, especially when she was sufficiently bad to deserve it. Doggie beat dungeon play any day anyway.

Sometimes Bill even half thought Sheila was coming through in Princess’ subconscious and acting up intentionally so he’d have to do the “Bad dog” thing. He had to admit it entertained him. And she always seemed entertained if humiliated afterwards. Embarrassed or not she always brought home new toys and treats for “Princess” and Bill to play with. The muzzle and the electric doggie fence and accompanying shock collar had been the things that had raised Bill’s eyebrows and make him wonder what kind of monster he had created.

Sheila, feigning concern about the dogs safety and the neighbors, had demanded that Bill immediately install the invisible fence in the yard. Bill wondered what the neighbors must have thought of his digging up the perimeter of his front yard about every twelve feet to install the doggie fence, considering they had no dog. And he had to wonder how they were going to ever use the fence without letting the neighbors in on their pet “activities”. But ultimately curiosity drove Bill to complete the task to see what Sheila had in mind.

When, exhausted and hotter than hell Bill finally reentered the house Sheila sat calmly at the kitchen table already wearing the collar. Bill could only smile, he was too shocked to do anything else.

“We wouldn’t want Princess wandering into the street or straying now would we?” Was all Sheila would say on the subject for the longest time. Bill took his shower (a cold one), had dinner, started watching TV for the evening, even popped a beer and put his feet up when Sheila, in her sexiest innocent little girl come hither voice, called his name. “Oh Bill... I was thinking that maybe we could... play. In the yard.” Bill looked toward the window. It was dark outside except for a streetlight at the corner which barely cast any light into their yard. Sheila was still wearing the collar, and had something in her hand that looked vaguely like a remote for a garage door or something like that. Suddenly Bill realized it was the training control for the collar and fence. It slipped from her hand into his with a giggle. “Ooops...” she tittered and ran from the room.

Bill improved their relationship using the remote. First he broke her of her nasty little habit of nipping. Actually she didn’t nip, on occasion she bit. He would have been happy to have tolerated little puppy love bites. She learned how hard was acceptable, even fun.

Then he taught her the ice cream cone trick. Ever watch a dog slurp and lick a cone? The wild enthusiasm, yet gentleness? The tongue action? He taught her that one. It was rare he actually used a cone. And princess always licked up every delicious drop of whatever flavor he dipped his “cone” in....

When he mounted her she had another nasty habit. She howled like a banshee. It was hard to believe the police had only been called once in all the months since they had started playing doggie games. Still, things could be hard to explain and the neighbors might start being a problem. Bill pushed himself deep into her. Princess pushed her ass higher and backwards to meet his stroke. She was quite the horny bitch. Then she howled like something or someone was being killed. Unacceptable. Bill pushed the little remote lightly. “Quiet,” he commanded. Sheila/Princess yelped and shook her head. A low howl began again and another more assertive and lengthy push of the button. Again. She wisely switched to whimpering and making little puppy sounds mixed with occasional playful little barks. She rubbed her face on the carpet playfully. He scratched the side of her head and petted her... inside. She was most appreciative.

Ding dong. Who the Fu...?

Ding dong, Ding dong, Ding dong...

Bill pulled out. Princess collapsed panting on the floor. “Stay”.

Bill, grumbling, pulled on his pants. He started for the door then thought again about the stay command. “Go, kitchen.” Princess got up and trotted into the kitchen. “Stay”.

Bill grumbled the whole way to the door. This had better be important.

Bill made a mental note to go straight to the pet supply warehouse to get enough doggie “fence” to enclose their entire yard as soon as whoever was at the door went away. The backyard offered more privacy and could be used during the day where the front yard was only useful on dark moon-less nights. No point in completely freaking the neighbors who didn’t have “pets” of their own.

Bill could think ahead and see this idea’s full potential now too. Sheila was incredibly helpful and clever sometimes.

Besides, it wasn’t fair that Princess should only have free run of the front yard. And while he was at the pet supply warehouse he made sure to buy plenty of extra packages of batteries for the handheld training device. He enjoyed this new push button toy very much. It beat the hell out of the thrill he got from the TV remote or the electric garage door opener combined. Which being a guy really said something.

These thoughts carried Bill to the door.

Ding dong, Ding dong...

“Yeah, what do...”

It was Mike and Lisa Coronet from down the street, next block over. A steady “customer” for Bill and Sheila’s “business”. Mike looked desperate. And worse yet he looked like hell. It looked like someone or something had clawed his face and clothes to pieces. What had happened was immediately apparent to Bill. “I told you that a cat was a bad idea,” Bill stated flatly, trying not to have too much of an I told you so tone. Lisa absent -mindedly continued to lick and preen her hands and forearms. “Bring her inside.” Mike was visibly grateful, even relieved. Bill made eye contact. “You do realize this will be extra?” Mike nodded and looked away. He just wanted things fixed. “The best thing we can do is reverse...". Bill began. Mike looked disappointed. “Most of the time it’s pretty good,” Mike pleaded. Clearly he wanted some other way to be found to fix things than undoing all their work on Lisa. “She likes the cat thing... Really!”

“Ya, I can see,” Bill said, looking over Mike’s claw marks. “But your pussy has a mean streak. One that’s well... just plain cat-like. Cat’s play rough. And her personality was cat-like to start.”

“That’s why we, Lisa and I, agreed that a cat was a good idea. We both have a cat thing.”

“But I did warn you,” Bill added. " I’ve owned several cats. Real cats. And another client wanted a cat recently. It didn’t work out either.”

“Yah, but... isn’t there any other way?” Mike looked desperate. More-so than when he’d first come inside.

Bill sighed. “I don’t see any...".

Bill stopped suddenly, looking down at the remote in his hand. “Maybe I have an idea...". Bill smiled. “Put Lisa in the back room. We have to make a run to the pet store.” Mike looked confused and very uncomfortable. “There is another problem, he was obviously hesitant to bring up. He was afraid Bill would change his mind and undo the hypnosis and subsequent animal training he had spent so much money on.

“She, she... she well... she’s been going out to do her uh, you know... and she’s run away a few times. Stayed out all night doing god only knows what.”

“That’s just part of a cats nature,.” Bill stated simply. Mike agreed but very hesitantly. But you could see he didn’t want to admit this to be the case. Maybe they were really happy with the arrangement, Bill thought to himself, feeling sorry for Mike. Other than the little obvious problems. Bill simply smiled understandingly, reassuringly, having thought it all through. It wasn’t going to be a problem.

Mike and Lisa would be another pair of satisfied customers, Bill thought to himself.

Sometimes Sheila had some damned good ideas. One that could make training so much simpler, solve the straying problem too. Maybe even make housebreaking easier on the new carpets!

Bill chuckled and pressed the button just for fun. From the other room Princess let out a short sharp bark. Bill laughed, knowing that somewhere inside Princess, Sheila was really getting off on her new remote as much as he was...

Mike picked out a tacky rhinestone collar with little kitty bells attached to it. Lisa loved tinkling bells. His fence had to be back ordered.